SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#959: Three days of making

Xuanyuan Yiyi is serious in speech and manner, the beautiful appearance is simple and beautiful, such as a static and vertical orchid, said: Goes moon reflection in the water boundary day not to have any fault with me to you, perhaps also the big chances, why are you so tenacious?” 轩辕一一不苟言笑,玉颜清丽,如一株静静而立的幽兰,道:“跟我去水月境天对你没有任何坏处,或许还有一场大机缘,你为何就是如此固执?” Sorry, oneself am not interested in big chance. Please remember the website of home station:.” Feng Feiyun changes the original appearance, wears the tattered beggar attire as before, turns around to walk. “对不起,本人对大机缘不感兴趣。请记住本站的网址:。”风飞云变回原来的面貌,依旧穿着破烂的乞丐装,转身就走。 „The order of Holy Spirit is difficult to disobey, can only offend.” 圣神的命令难违,只能得罪了。” Xuanyuan Yiyi by the finger sword air/Qi, directs, the endless sword air/Qi departs, wraps the entire waste dwelling. 轩辕一一以手指化剑气,一指点出,无尽的剑气飞出,包裹整个废宅。 Feng Feiyun calls goes to battle with the lance, turns round a thorn, gives the disintegration ten sword air/Qi, then launches Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, endless Fokuang runs out from his body, erupts the golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), 108,000 Gold Silkworm present different laws. 风飞云唤出战矛,回身一刺,将十多道剑气给崩碎,然后又展开金蚕佛域,无尽的佛光从他身体之中冲出,爆发出金光万丈,108000只金蚕呈现出各种不同的法相。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” The hand of Feng Feiyun like the windmill, wields the war lance of Grade 10 monster rank unceasingly, like changing into curtain of rain, any sword air/Qi that flies was rumbled broken, the surrounding earth protecting extremely strictly. 风飞云的手如风车,将十品妖器级别的战矛不断挥动,就像化为了雨幕,凡是飞过来的剑气都被轰碎,将周围的大地给守护得极其严密。 Outside the waste dwelling, came many member, the old people of many Middle Ages aristocratic families, in staring at fight in waste dwelling. 废宅之外,来了很多修士,其中不乏一些中古世家的老人,都在盯着废宅之中的战斗。 This Half Monster also is really fierce, the younger generation dares with already few individuals who Moonwater Saintess fights.” “这个半妖还真是厉害,年轻一代敢和水月圣女交手的已经没有几个人了。” Among the immortal empty flowers Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals also goes out from void, slender moving, the black hair like the picture, the pupil light is staring at that ancient waste dwelling, in the heart the secretly thought, worthily is the Moonwater Wonderland saintess, already has achieved „the sword heart world unexpectedly boundary. 仙虚花间洞天的九天仙子也从虚空之中走出,窈窕动人,青丝如画,眸光凝视着那一座古老的废宅,心中暗道,不愧是水月天境的圣女,竟然已经达到了“剑心世界”的境界。 The increasing number of people were alarmed, thought that is incredible, never to think base and low Half Monster can fight with status absolute high Moonwater Saintess, two people status differ too in a big way, ground, a space. 越来越多的人被惊动,都觉得不可置信,从未想过一个卑微的半妖会和身份高绝水月圣女交手,两人的身份相差太大,一个地上,一个天上。 Feng Feiyun look cold Chen, wants to launch Saint Domain strength, but he changed mind one to give up the thought of this fight in which both sides perish. 风飞云的眼神冷沉,本想展开“圣域”的力量,但是他转念一想又放弃了这个鱼死网破的念头。 Today was too tired, does not fight, does not fight.” “今天太累了,不战了,不战了。” Feng Feiyun receives to fight the lance, innumerable restrains in the body, said: Today I cannot go Moonwater Wonderland with you, you must wait for my three days.” 风飞云收起战矛,无数的佛芒都收敛到身体之中,道:“今天我不能跟你去水月天境,你得等我三天。” Why?” Xuanyuan Yiyi takes back that jade to refer, sound clear beautiful, such as nightingale general of pleasant to hear. “为何?”轩辕一一收回那一根玉指,声音清美,如夜莺一般的好听。 Feng Feiyun said: I have the treasure to auction in the auction market of dream day occupying, time of auction three days later, therefore you now only then two choices, first, now give to kill me \; Second, when three days later, I definitely with your together going moon reflection in the water boundary day.” 风飞云道:“我在梦天居的拍卖场中有宝物要拍卖,拍卖的时间就在三天之后,所以你现在只有两个选择,第一,现在将我给杀了\;第二,等到三天之后,我肯定跟你一起前去水月境天。” Good! I and others your three days.” “好!我等你三天。” Xuanyuan Yiyi round trip looks like cool breeze, quick vanishes in the curtain of night, her sound rumor/wind sound general faintly recognizable, do not presumptuously think to run away likely, you run away to the ends of the earth, I can give to find you.” 轩辕一一来去都像一阵清风,很快就消失在夜幕之中,她的声音像风声一般的飘渺,“千万别妄想逃走,你就算逃到天涯海角,我都能够将你给找到。” Feng Feiyun relaxed finally, looks at own both hands, palm already burst, full is the bloodstain, a little bit blood bubble arrives at the ground, this by the strengths of these sword air/Qi lacerating. 风飞云终于松了一口气,看了看自己的双手,手掌心都已经破裂了,满是血迹,一滴滴血液滴到地上,这都是被刚才的那些剑气的力量给割破。 Her cultivation base has achieved that terrifying boundary unexpectedly!” Above the palm of Feng Feiyun Fokuang flashes, the bloodstain then in abundance vanishes, wound complete such as beginning, the heart starts the countermeasure of how thinking deeply about to withdraw. “她的修为竟然达到了那么恐怖的境界!”风飞云的手掌之上佛光一闪,血迹便纷纷消失,伤口完好如初,心头开始思索如何脱身的对策。 Member also interest that these surround lacks, departs in abundance, all as they expected, this Half Monster has compromised finally, after all the arm cannot twist the thigh. 那些围观的修士也都兴致缺缺,纷纷离去,一切都在他们的预料之中,这个半妖最终还是妥协了,毕竟胳膊拧不过大腿。 Sir Kong Hou and Sir Fu Ying enter in the waste dwelling, the look is serious, said: Sir Qing Zhai hopes that you immediately return to Half Monster Union big camp now.” 孔侯大人和蝠应大人走进废宅之中,神色严肃,道:“青祭大人希望你现在立即回半妖盟大营一趟。” The vision twinkle of Feng Feiyun, nodded finally. 风飞云的目光闪烁,最终还是点了点头。 After Feng Feiyun returns to the Half Monster Union big camp, goes to see Sir Qing Zhai personally, several other of Half Monster Union big camp have not seen seven levels of Half Monster also presents, obviously Holy Spirit summoned his matter, gave to alarm the high level in Half Monster Union big camp. 风飞云回到半妖盟大营之后,亲自前去见青祭大人,半妖盟大营的另外几位没有见过的七级半妖也都在场,显然圣神召见他的事,将半妖盟大营之中的高层都给惊动了。 Each seven levels of Half Monster aura is extremely huge, likely is mountain general palatial, formidable. 每一位七级半妖的气息都极其庞大,像是一座山岳一般的巍峨,让人敬畏。 If other person saw that such battle formation affirmed already was frightened the leg to be soft, but Feng Feiyun actually displays extremely the nature. 若是别的人见到这样的阵势肯定已经被吓得腿软,但是风飞云却表现得极其自然。 Feng Feiyun has seen seven levels of Sir Half Monster.” Feng Feiyun as before appears unflustered, the body stands straightly. 风飞云见过诸位七级半妖大人。”风飞云依旧显得从容不迫,身体站得笔直。 Sir Qing Zhai opens the mouth first, said: Holy Spirit summoned you, was the greatest honor, why didn't you go?” 青祭大人最先开口,道:“圣神召见你,乃是莫大的荣誉,你为何不去?” Feng Feiyun replied calmly: „Did the Holy Spirit honored status, how possibly summon I small Half Monster? I thought that this matter has the mystery in inside.” 风飞云从容回答道:“圣神何等尊贵的地位,怎么可能召见我一个小小的半妖?我觉得此事有玄虚在里面。” You also suspected that Moonwater Saintess does pass on the Holy Spirit instruction from superior false?” Seven levels of Half Monster said. “难道你还怀疑水月圣女假传圣神口谕?”一位七级半妖道。 This...... The disciple status base and low does not dare to guess absurdly.” Feng Feiyun said. “这个……弟子身份卑微不敢妄加揣测。”风飞云道。 Several seven levels of Half Monster frowning of slightly on the scene, that seven levels of Half Monster of making noise also thought that said somewhat harebrainedly, should not question Moonwater Saintess, after this words, cannot say. 在场的几位七级半妖都微微的皱起了眉头,那一个出声的七级半妖也觉得说得有些冒失,不该质疑水月圣女,这种话以后万万不能说出口。 Qing Zhai big humanity: Holy Spirit is one has Great God existence, perhaps she will summon you peeps at some future secrets, this to you were a greatest good deed, possibly was you broke Half Monster Ascension an opportunity of curse, you should grasp.” 青祭大人道:“圣神乃是一位拥有大神通的存在,她召见你说不定是窥视到了一些未来的天机,这对你来说是一件莫大的好事,也可能是你打破‘半妖不过羽化’的诅咒的一次机会,你应该把握住。” Feng Feiyun said: Disciple understood.” 风飞云道:“弟子明白了。” Since understood, gets down!” Qing Zhai big humanity. “既然明白了,就下去吧!”青祭大人道。 After Feng Feiyun draws back, several seven levels of Half Monster started to discuss, thought that this time event was somewhat mysterious. 风飞云退下去之后,几位七级半妖都开始议论了起来,都觉得这一次的事件有些玄乎。 You said that Holy Spirit summoned Feng Feiyun, what thing can be she calculates?” Sir Kong Hou said. “你们说圣神召见风飞云,会不会是她推算到了一些什么东西?”孔侯大人说道。 Also possibly is the Holy Spirit mercy, wants to improve our Half Monster status, selects some talent outstanding to cultivate especially.” “也可能是圣神慈悲,想要提高我们半妖的地位,特地选出一些天才俊杰去栽培。” Feng Feiyun natural talent far ultra general Half Monster, in Half Monster Union historical also extremely little presents this rank the talent, perhaps this is also Holy Spirit summons his reason.” 风飞云的天资远超一般的半妖,就是在半妖盟的历史上也极少出现这种级别的天才,这或许也是圣神召见他的原因。” Sir Qing Zhai frowning slightly, then say/way in a low voice: You have not thought the bloodlines of Feng Feiyun, his blood, we cannot examine, perhaps in his body is really flowing the monster blood of Antique Saint Monster Clan.” 青祭大人微微的皱着眉头,然后又低声的道:“你们难道没有想过风飞云的血脉,他的那一滴血液,就连我们都检测不出来,说不定他身体之中真的流淌着太古圣妖族的妖血。” Several seven levels of Half Monster on the scene have held breath cold air, simultaneously has thought of this matter, thought that has the possibility matter to leave very much on the Feng Feiyun mother, if the Feng Feiyun mother is really Antique Saint Monster Clan some great person, then also really may alarm Holy Spirit. 在场的几位七级半妖都倒吸了一口寒气,同时想到了此事,都觉得很有可能事情出在风飞云的母亲身上,若是风飞云的母亲真的乃是太古圣妖族的某位大人物,那么还真的有可能惊动圣神 Sir Fu Ying say/way with deep veneration: Was we have neglected, this sooner gave to clarify this matter. I bring his blood to go to the total pledge now, which Monster Clan matter must be to give to investigate thoroughly him, before investigates thoroughly his status, you should better give to keep leaf Hongjing him, cannot make the saintess take away the moon reflection in the water boundary day him.” 蝠应大人肃然的道:“是我们疏忽了,本就该早些将此事给弄清楚。我现在就带着他的血液去总盟,务必要将他属于哪一座妖族的事给查清楚,在将他身份查清楚之前,你们最好将他给留在叶红境,不能让圣女将他带去了水月境天。” Sir Fu Ying also thought that this matter is quite serious, perhaps concerns the prosperity and decline Half Monster Union. 蝠应大人也觉得此事相当严重,说不定关乎半妖盟的兴衰。 Today's matter makes is really big, gives to alarm leaf Hongjing the topest these influences, currently definitely has many member to pay attention to this matter, Half Monster Union big camp also absolutely by some powerhouses monitoring. 今天的事情闹得实在太大,将叶红境最顶尖的那些势力都给惊动,现在肯定有很多修士都在关注此事,半妖盟的大营也绝对被一些强者给监视着。 Now Half Monster Union every action and every movement possible these people alarming. 现在半妖盟的一举一动都可能将这些人给惊动。 Qing Zhai big humanity: Bat is old, on the road will not be peaceful, should better be more careful.” 青祭大人道:“蝠老,路上可能不会太平,最好还是小心一些。” I go with him together.” Sir Kong Hou also thought that this matter relates significantly, left the Half Monster Union big camp with Sir Fu Ying together, is bringing that blood of Feng Feiyun, goes to the Half Monster Union total pledge. “我跟他一起去。”孔侯大人也觉得此事关系重大,与蝠应大人一起离开了半妖盟大营,带着风飞云的那一滴血液,前往半妖盟的总盟。 I must go to report with the boundary hegemon this matter.” “我也要去跟境盟主汇报一下这件事。” Sir Qing Zhai also left the Half Monster Union big camp. 青祭大人也离开了半妖盟的大营。 That night leaf Hongjing many powerhouses were pondering that this matter, thought this matter everywhere thorough strange, the Feng Feiyun name is thorough has spread over leaf Hongjing. 这一夜叶红境的很多强者都在思考这一件事,都觉得此事处处都透彻古怪,风飞云的名字是彻底的传遍了叶红境。 First by the young talent who Holy Spirit summoned, moreover was Half Monster.” “第一个被圣神召见的年轻才俊,而且还是一个半妖。” Is this matter of far-reaching influence, these Great Wiseman is not fully correct what's the matter? 此事影响深远,就连那些大智师都猜不透到底是怎么回事? Any young talent who and Feng Feiyun has the contact, today by summon of own elder, is asked about all matters about Feng Feiyun. 凡是和风飞云有过接触的年轻才俊,今天都被自己的长辈的召见,询问关于风飞云的一切事情。 But Feng Feiyun at this moment actually still cultivates in the Half Monster Union big camp, refining up Spirit Beast battle soul, improves Ten Thousand War Beast Domain. 而此刻的风飞云却还在半妖盟的大营之中修炼,炼化灵兽战魂,完善“万兽战域”。 Matter already to this step, wanted to run away in any case in the red leaves star that the powerhouse converges, is almost the impossible matter, then can only seek other means in addition. 反正事情都已经到了这一步,想要在强者云集的红叶星逃出去,几乎是不可能的事,那么只能另寻别的办法了。 Now naturally can promote a strength then to promote a strength! 现在自然是能够提升一丝力量便提升一丝力量! In body of Feng Feiyun originally 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul, but in this overwhelming majorities are low status Spirit Beast battle soul, if with these Spirit Beast battle soul cultivation, Ten Thousand Beasts Battle Body can achieve highly limited, hinders the Ten Thousand War Beast Domain strength. 风飞云的身体之中本来有10000头灵兽战魂,但是这里面绝大多数都是低等的灵兽战魂,若是用这些灵兽战魂修炼,万兽战体能够达到的高度有限,也阻碍万兽战域的力量。 But the Feng Feiyun present goal is, gave to change into battle soul of antique Saint beast bloodlines these low status spirit god battle soul. 风飞云现在的目的就是,将这些低等的灵神战魂都给换成了太古圣兽血脉的战魂 Because his already cultivated Ten Thousand Beasts Battle Body, then changed battle soul appears extremely relaxed. 因为他已经修炼成了万兽战体,那么改换战魂就显得极其轻松了。 Is only one day a night of cultivation, he completely transforms 400 Spirit Beast battle soul. 仅仅只是一天一夜的修炼,他就将400头灵兽战魂给完全转化。 Bang!” “轰!” Ten Thousand War Beast Domain launches, the shapes of various beast souls present in the territory, including 400 Spirit Beast battle soul aura are obviously more formidable than other Spirit Beast battle soul, occupies in the most central position, but other these Spirit Beast battle soul were pushed the both sides. 万兽战域展开,各种兽魂的形态在域中呈现,其中有400多头灵兽战魂的气息明显比别的灵兽战魂强大,占据在最中央的位置,而别的那些灵兽战魂则都被挤到了两侧。 A Feng Feiyun fist has shelled, hit above a stone wall, immediately has left behind big hole of one foot body above stone wall. 风飞云一拳轰击了出去,打在了一面石壁之上,顿时在石壁之上留下了一个一尺身的大坑。 This side stone wall is not the common stone wall, each pyrrosia lingua is arranging Formation, is the Half Monster Union member tests the strength the stone wall. 这一面石壁可不是一般的石壁,每一层的石皮都布置着阵法,乃是半妖盟的修士测试力量的石壁。 Above stone wall also has other traces, or fist seal, axe mark, cutting edge, but these traces are very shallow, deepest also only has one inch depth. 石壁之上也有一些别的痕迹,或是拳印,或是斧痕,或是刀口,但是这些痕迹都很浅,最深的也就只有一寸深。 „The strengths of 442 Nirvana 4th-layer member, even if the young masters of these nobility government offices, the successor in antiquity dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, were also not necessarily able to achieve such strength in Nirvana 4th-layer.” “442位涅槃第四重修士的力量,就算那些爵府的公子,上古洞天的传人,在涅槃第四重也未必能够达到这样的力量。” Feng Feiyun felt own present can a fist destroy Spirit Artifact with boundary member, is very difficult to run into the match with boundary already, even if surmounts a boundary to kill people. 风飞云感觉自己现在能够一拳打碎同境界修士的灵器,同境界已经很难遇到对手,就算跨越一个境界都能杀人。 But compared with the powerhouse of Xuanyuan Yiyi that rank, there is not a small disparity, if can achieve Nirvana 5th-layer to be good, gives the improvement Ten Thousand War Beast Domain again, can make the strengths of 10,000 Nirvana 5th-layer member, when the time comes not necessarily cannot the strength and a Xuanyuan Yiyi war.” “但是和轩辕一一那种级别的强者相比,还是有不小的差距,若是能够达到涅槃第五重就好了,再将万兽战域给完善,就能打出10000名涅槃第五重修士的力量,到时候未必不能够力量和轩辕一一一战。” Nirvana 5th-layer does not break through easily, gives the improvement Ten Thousand War Beast Domain first!” 涅槃第五重并不容易突破,还是先将万兽战域给完善吧!” Feng Feiyun present boundary already has reached the Nirvana 4th-layer peak, the short time is very difficult to make the breakthrough again, closes up for him not big using, he plans to go to the century god city again. 风飞云现在的境界已经达到了涅槃第四重的巅峰,短时间很难再有突破,闭关对他来说并没有多大的用,他打算再去千秋神城。 He just went out of the Half Monster Union big camp not far, felt that after behind air has the unusual fluctuation, at once stops the footsteps, said: Comes out!” 他刚走出半妖盟的大营没多远,就感觉到身后的空气之中有异常的波动,旋即停下脚步,道:“出来吧!”
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