SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#958: Saintess arrival

Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian nodded the head gently, complied with the invitation of Eighth Young Master Gu, arrived to Liu Suhong and the others above the spirit islands. 九天仙子轻轻颔首,答应了顾八少爷的邀请,降临到琉苏红等人的灵岛之上。 Arrival of Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian, making that spirit island the fairyism is dense, the laughter was unceasing, changes into among the entire immortal empty flowers Cave Dwelling most to stare at the goal place. 九天仙子的降临,使那一座灵岛变得仙气氤氲,笑声不绝,化为了整个仙虚花间洞府最备受人瞩目的地方。 The innumerable member envy in the heart, wants to ascend a height to get a broad view that spirit island, sees the fairy maiden elegant demeanor, but actually can only look to sigh. 无数修士都在心中羡慕,也想登临那一座灵岛,一睹仙子风采,但是却又只能望而兴叹。 Liu Suzi sits above the alcove, finger is rapping the tabletop, in the bright and attractive eye full is the brilliant ray. 琉苏紫坐在亭子之上,手指敲击着桌面,明亮而漂亮的眼睛之中满是睿智的光芒。 „It is not one fights, even if falls into , what also there is at the worst?” Feng Feiyun in holding appreciatively the lance in hand, is building up Artifact Spirit in lance. “不就是一场争锋,就算落入下方,又有什么大不了?”风飞云在把玩着手中的长矛,炼化长矛之中的器灵 Liu Suzi shook the head, said: „The struggle of successor, once under falling, lost 100 percent.” 琉苏紫摇了摇头,道:“继承人之争一旦落入下方,就满盘皆输了。” Feng Feiyun does not regard as important to the strategy very much, in the face of the absolute strength, any strategy appears collapses at the first blow. 风飞云对谋略不是很看重,在绝对的力量面前,任何谋略都显得不堪一击。 Transmitted on this time noise, in the mist, the white clothing beautiful woman harnessed the crane. 就这时一阵喧嚣传来,云烟之中,有一个白衣丽人驾鹤而来。 She stands remarkably in the crane carries on the back, the long dress is floating, simple and beautiful elegant, the body has immortals to intend to winds around. 她卓然立在鹤背上,长衣飘飘,清丽典雅,身上有一股股仙意在缭绕。 Among the immortal empty flowers these elders member in dwelling place of Buddhist immortals see this white clothing female's arrival, has profound respect, but these young talents actually do not know this female, but can actually feel on her to have an immortal intent to wind around, that floating leaves the dust the makings to let the awe that the life leaves to be from the heart. 仙虚花间洞天之中的那些老辈修士看到这个白衣女子的到来,一个个都肃然起敬,而那些年轻才俊却不认识这个女子,但是却能够感觉到她身上有一股仙意缭绕,那一股飘然出尘的气质让人生出发自内心的敬畏。 The people guessed that the origin of that white clothing female, Eighth Young Master Gu and yellow heaven, Murong Sande and the others also looked at the vision. 众人纷纷猜测那白衣女子的来历,就连顾八少爷、黄天、慕容三得等人也都将目光望了过去。 Old monk has seen Moonwater Saintess!” Not leaks the Zen master to cup one hand in the other across the chest to that white clothing female to do obeisance, on the dignified face is having the valuable alike smiling face. “老僧见过水月圣女!”无漏禅师对着那白衣女子拱手一拜,庄严的脸上带着宝象的笑容。 Moonwater Saintess? 水月圣女 Bang!” “轰!” Among entire immortal empty flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals exploded boils! 整仙虚花间洞天都炸开锅了! Moonwater Saintess obtained Holy Saint Container horizon ruler, this matter already has spread over the world, becomes for dozens years vibrates a biggest matter, but Moonwater Saintess was passed on for the beauty, by the innumerable young talents is thought is the sacred incarnation. 水月圣女得到了圣灵器皿“天涯尺”,这一件事已经传遍了天下,成为数十年来震动最大的一件事,而水月圣女更是被传为了天人,被无数年轻才俊认为是神圣的化身。 But this moment Moonwater Saintess arrived among the immortal empty flowers unexpectedly the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, this impact is unable to express in the spoken language simply. 而此刻水月圣女竟然来到了仙虚花间洞天,这种震撼力简直无法用言语来表达。 Is playing Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian of guqin above the spirit island, stops playing, ten jade refer to the string to holding down gently, the star pupil being near smoke, Moonwater Saintess looked at one toward across the sky has flown. 正在灵岛之上弹奏古琴的九天仙子,停止弹奏,十根玉指将琴弦给轻轻的按住,星眸临烟,向着横空飞过的水月圣女看了一眼。 She came unexpectedly.” “她竟然来了。” Then is showing the smiling face in melancholy Liu Suzi at once, a folding fan show, the body auspicious sign overwhelming, the heroic bearing thrives. 原本正在愁思的琉苏紫旋即便露出笑容,折扇一展,身上紫气浩然,英姿勃发。 Whish!” “哗!” Xuanyuan Yiyi fell above the spirit island, body continuously immortal fog restrained into the body, the step was lithe, the physique was gently beautiful, spoke in detail with Liu Suzi really happily, like sisters of pair of reunion, let countless people for it surprise. 轩辕一一落到了灵岛之上,身上一缕缕仙雾收敛入身体,步伐轻盈,体态柔美,与琉苏紫详谈甚乐,就像一对久违重逢的姐妹,让无数人都为之诧异。 Moonwater Saintess unexpectedly and is Young Master Zi so on good terms? 水月圣女竟然和紫公子如此交好? Feng Feiyun sits in alcove at the same time drinks wine, the surprise, he already does not know actually slightly Xuanyuan Yiyi and Liu Suzi are send to be small, two people relate intimately also in the reason, then the Liu Suzi estimate must making a comeback with the aid of the Xuanyuan Yiyi reputation. 风飞云坐在一边的亭子之中饮酒,倒是丝毫都不诧异,他早就知道轩辕一一琉苏紫乃是发小,两人关系亲密也在情理之中,这下琉苏紫估计是要借助轩辕一一的名声来翻盘。 Among the immortal empty flowers the atmosphere in dwelling place of Buddhist immortals once more became strange, formerly these think Eighth Young Master Gu and Liu Suhong occupied absolutely the above member, at this moment then has to reconsider. 仙虚花间洞天之中的气氛再次变得诡异了起来,原本先前那些认为顾八少爷琉苏红占据了绝对上方的修士,此刻便不得不重新思考。 Significance no small matter that Moonwater Saintess represents, during successors of Middle Ages aristocratic family if she participates in leaf Hongjing fought, can say that can immediately change the entire aspect. 水月圣女所代表的意义非同小可,若是她参与到叶红境的中古世家的继承人争锋之中,可以说能够立即改变整个局面。 Naturally many member also know that Moonwater Wonderland always stands aloof from the world, never participates in fighting of earthliness, can Moonwater Saintess come out to interfere this matter is an unknown. 当然很多修士也都知道水月天境从来都与世无争,从来不参与到俗世的争锋之中,水月圣女会不会出来干涉此事还是一个未知数。 At this moment the most tense person, is Liu Suhong and Eighth Young Master Gu, simultaneously is worrying about this matter, once the Moonwater Saintess involvement, her a few words will have the huge influence, even affected major Middle Ages aristocratic families the decision-makings of head of household. 此刻最紧张的人,莫过于琉苏红顾八少爷,也都同时担忧着此事,一旦水月圣女介入,她的一句话都会产生巨大的影响力,甚至影响各大中古世家的家主的决策。 11, you did not return to Moonwater Wonderland, how such quickly to come back?” Liu Suzi said with a smile. “11,你不是回水月天境了,怎么这么快又回来了?”琉苏紫笑道。 The body of Xuanyuan Yiyi does not have that unreasonable aloof from worldly affairs, the bright eyes to flash, white teeth clear, said: These time arrives at leaf Hongjing presents the life of Holy Spirit.” 轩辕一一的身上没有那一股不近人情的清高,明眸闪动,皓齿晶莹,道:“这一次来到叶红境乃是奉圣神之命。” These set upright member who the ear is listening secretly two characters to be given to daunt by Holy Spirit, mind shake, the eardrum sends to hurt, in the body the spiritual energy scurries about, this listened secretly should not listening secretly the consequence of name, will encounter the scourge! 那些竖着耳朵偷听的修士都被“圣神”两个字给吓住,一个个心神震荡,耳膜发疼,身体之中灵气乱窜,这就是偷听了不该偷听的名字的后果,将会遭遇天谴! The names of some people cannot listen randomly, cannot speak irresponsibly, that is the world taboo, once will listen and speaks irresponsibly randomly could die a violent death. 有些人的名字是不能乱听,也不能乱说,那是天地禁忌,一旦乱听和乱说可能会死于非命。 On Xuanyuan Yiyi has the fairyism to wind around, the vision is spatial, the luster of the skin instant instant, arrives at the Feng Feiyun front, said in a soft voice: Feng Feiyun, Holy Spirit wants to ask you to go to a Moonwater Wonderland to chat.” 轩辕一一身上有仙气在缭绕,目光空明,玉体霎霎,走到风飞云的面前,轻声道:“风飞云,圣神想要请你去水月天境一叙。” Presents all people shocked, Holy Spirit must see Half Monster unexpectedly! 在场所有人都被震惊住,圣神竟然要见一个半妖 This is the Holy Spirit instruction from superior, is more dignified than the imperial decrees of these monarchies, even if Fang Jingzhu hears such instruction from superior, will hurry to Moonwater Wonderland to worship Holy Spirit immediately. 这是圣神的口谕,比那些君主的圣旨更加威严,就算是一方境主听到这样的口谕,也会立即赶去水月天境朝拜圣神 Two seven levels of Half Monster Sir Kong Hou and Sir Fu Ying kneel on the ground hastily. 两位七级半妖孔侯大人和蝠应大人连忙跪在地上。 The surroundings also knelt down a piece of member, nobody dares in front of two characters to stand in Holy Spirit calmly. 周围也都跪倒了一片修士,没有人敢在“圣神”两个字面前从容站立。 Feng Feiyun actually as before sits there, the hand pinches is fighting the lance, the palm has hot glow to beat, in building up fights Artifact Spirit in lance, light shot a look at Xuanyuan Yiyi one, said: Does not want to go.” 风飞云却依旧坐在那里,手捏着战矛,手掌心有一道道火芒跳动,在炼化战矛之中的器灵,轻飘飘的瞥了轩辕一一一眼,道:“不想去。” Although these three characters said very lightly, but actually almost frightens to lie Sir Kong Hou and Sir Fu Ying on the ground. 这三个字虽然说得很轻,但是却将孔侯大人和蝠应大人差点吓趴在地上。 The surrounding these young talents also fear, thought that this Half Monster was too simply bold. 周围的那些年轻才俊也都惊住,觉得这个半妖简直太大胆了。 Does not revere the Holy Spirit person, but must encounter besieging and writing off of world all people. 不尊圣神的人,可是要遭到天下所有人的围攻和抹杀。 Actually does the Feng Feiyun heart shock? 其实风飞云的心头又何尝不震惊? Holy Spirit that they refer to definitely is Shui Yueting, Shui Yueting already has broken through the shackles, has achieved the Holy Saint boundary? 他们所指的圣神肯定是水月婷,难道水月婷已经冲破了桎梏,达到了圣灵的境界? Her cultivation base already formidable to the omniscient degree, already had calculated that I am reincarnated the rebirth, is this must stamp out the source of trouble? 她的修为难道已经强大到了无所不知的程度,已经推算出我转世重生,这是要斩草除根? In any event, Moonwater Wonderland cannot go absolutely, goes to the estimate not to come back. 无论如何,水月天境绝对不能去,去了估计就回不来了。 Xuanyuan Yiyi wrinkled the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly, said: You do not need to be worried, Sir Holy Spirit well-meant.” 轩辕一一微微的皱了皱黛眉,道:“你无须担心,圣神大人没有恶意。” Does not have the evil intention is the strange event! 没有恶意才是怪事! Xuanyuan Yiyi struck to kill Xiao Tianyue and the others the news in Holy Ghost Tomb him to give to pass on, stirred up Nine Firmaments Immortal City and 12 big territories is killing him, was this well-meant? 轩辕一一将他在圣灵墓葬之中击杀霄天悦等人的消息都给传了出去,惹得九霄仙城和12大域都在杀他,这算是没有恶意? Feng Feiyun now to a Xuanyuan Yiyi not favorable impression, does not believe her words. 风飞云现在对轩辕一一没有一丝好感,也并不相信她的话。 Fu Ying big humanity: Feng Feiyun has not promised the saintess Sir quickly, can see Holy Spirit is greatest being honored, this is the good fortune that you three live to cultivate, other person hopes that cannot arrive at such opportunity for a lifetime.” 蝠应大人道:“风飞云还不快答应圣女大人,能够见到圣神是一件莫大的荣幸,这是你三生修来的福分,别的人盼一辈子都盼不到这样的机会。” Feng Feiyun has pondered for a long time, said: „Below is only small Half Monster, the status is lowly, but Holy Spirit is unsurpassed True God, the villain is terrified, does not dare to see a Holy Spirit face, but also asked the saintess Sir to go back to tell Holy Spirit, when by the date of my cultivation base Greater Stage, paid a visit surely.” 风飞云沉思了许久,道:“在下只是一个小小的半妖,身份卑贱,而圣神却是无上真神,小人惶恐,不敢见圣神尊颜,还请圣女大人回去告诉圣神,待到我修为大乘之日,必定登门拜访。” Feng Feiyun stands up suddenly, the body moves, launches the unsurpassed movement, changed into a flowing light, among the direct impact clouds. 风飞云豁然站起身来,身体一动,展开无上身法,化为了一道流光,直冲云霄之间。 Such walked? 就这么走了? Xuanyuan Yiyi is surprised slightly, has never thought some people dare so not to be serious Holy Spirit unexpectedly, Feng Feiyun, this, since is the Holy Spirit instruction from superior, then cannot allow you not to go to be able not to go.” 轩辕一一微微一诧,从未想过有人竟然敢如此不将圣神当一回事,“风飞云,这既然是圣神的口谕,便容不得你不想去就能不去。” Xuanyuan Yiyi stands above the spirit island, extends slender white hands, toward void one finger/refers, the backdrop falls together, has cut off the Feng Feiyun way like together the transparent god wall. 轩辕一一站在灵岛之上,伸出一只纤纤玉手,向着虚空一指,一道天幕落下,就像一道透明的神墙斩断了风飞云的去路。 Feng Feiyun grasps to fight the lance, revolves the Buddha strength of whole body, fought the strength of lance to rise suddenly the pinnacle, a strength of turbulent rushing flushed on him, gave to blow these member in immortal empty dwelling place of Buddhist immortals leans this way and that. 风飞云手持战矛,运转全身的佛力,战矛的力量暴涨到了极致,一股汹涌滂湃的力量在他身上冲了出来,将仙虚洞天之中的那些修士都给刮得东倒西歪。 In the hearts of many member is panic-stricken, the strength that this Half Monster displays is astounding. 很多修士的心中都为之惊骇,这个半妖表现出来的力量让人惊骇。 This is that Half Monster true strength, I suspected that Mo Taiqu is ** however died!” Say/Way that an old man muttered. “这才是那个半妖的真正实力,我怀疑莫太屈到底是不是**而死了!”一位老者喃喃自语的道。 This Half Monster hid strength, is really the strength is hard to estimate.” “这个半妖隐藏了实力,真是战力难以揣度。” Liu Suzi also somewhat is surprised, thinks very inconceivable, her already overestimated the Feng Feiyun strength very much, but she discovered that now she underestimated him. 就连琉苏紫也有些惊讶,觉得很不可思议,本来她都已经很高估风飞云的力量,但是现在她发现自己还是将他低估了。 The Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian also immortal pupil flow of tears, in a soft voice the gentle speech, no wonder including Saint Divine Capital to summon him, is really not ordinary Half Monster. Is it possible that can Half Monster Union be born really unsurpassed heavenly talent?” 九天仙子也仙眸涟涟,轻声柔语,“难怪连圣神都要召见他,果然不是一个普通的半妖。莫非半妖盟真的要诞生一位无上天骄?” Bang!” “轰!” Fights the strength of lance to be astonishing, that piece of backdrop tearing a slit, the body of Feng Feiyun flew, one step steps forward among the immortal empty flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, flies into the century god city. 战矛的力量惊人,将那一片天幕给撕裂出一道缝隙,风飞云的身体飞了出去,一步跨出仙虚花间洞天,飞入千秋神城之中。 Xuanyuan Yiyi receives your precious reply to refer, said: Feng Feiyun, do not walk, Holy Spirit really well-meant.” 轩辕一一收回玉指,道:“风飞云,你别走,圣神真的没有恶意。” Xuanyuan Yiyi changes into together the meteor, ran out of the century god city, pursues toward Feng Feiyun. 轩辕一一化为一道流星,冲出了千秋神城,向着风飞云追去。 Afterward, there are innumerable member to depart among the immortal empty flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, how wants to have a look at this matter to develop? 随后,又有无数的修士跟着飞出了仙虚花间洞天,想要看看此事将会如何发展? Sir Kong Hou and Sir Fu Ying have stood from the ground, has looked at each other one, saw in the shock to grid, then among the rapid departure immortal empty flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, has fed in the Half Monster Union big camp this matter immediately. 孔侯大人和蝠应大人从地上站了起来,对视了一眼,都看出了对方眼中的震惊,然后迅速的离开仙虚花间洞天,在第一时间将此事传回了半妖盟大营。 At this time went out of town is the stupidest procedure!” “这个时候出城乃是最愚蠢的做法!” Feng Feiyun changes the personal appearance and appearance unceasingly, goes through above ancient streets and spirit roads, went out of three spirit land merely, his appearance already changed eight times, only then this possibly escapes from tracing of Xuanyuan Yiyi this grade of powerhouse. 风飞云不断改换身形和容貌,穿行在一条条古街和灵路之上,仅仅只是走出了三条灵陆,他的容貌已经改变了八次,只有这样才可能逃出轩辕一一这等强者的追踪。 Feng Feiyun, I know that you have practiced «Gold Silkworm Scripture» may change the appearance.” 风飞云,我知道你修炼了《金蚕经》可改换容貌。” Xuanyuan Yiyi finally in a waste dwelling, Feng Feiyun finding. 轩辕一一最终在一片废宅之中,将风飞云给找到。 Feng Feiyun already turned into clothes to be tattered at this moment, hair was fluffy, on the face full was the old beggar of wrinkle, lay in an abandoning leaf, but as before has not actually hidden the truth from the Xuanyuan Yiyi sword heart mental perception, was given to see through by her. 风飞云此刻都已经变成了一个衣服破烂、头发蓬松,脸上满是皱纹的老乞丐,卧在一片废弃的树叶之中,但是却依旧没有瞒过轩辕一一的剑心慧眼,被她给识破。 Xuanyuan Yiyi stands above the rockery of waste dwelling, the white clothing like the snow, the body like the cool breeze, in the water also has together the slender and slender luster of the skin, integrated in the picture likely. 轩辕一一站在废宅的假山之上,白衣如雪,身如清风,水中还有着一道窈窕而纤细的玉体,像是融入了画中。 Her double pupil does not have the wave limpidly, is staring at Feng Feiyun, does not contain impurity. 她双眸清澈无波,凝视着风飞云,不含一丝杂质。 Feng Feiyun has stood from the ground lazily, the body full is the leaf and dirt, an eye actually becomes more and more sharp, ill-humored say/way: Fathers already has traded 29 status, but also has made into present this appearance, this can be found by you. You are the dog?” 风飞云从地上懒洋洋的站了起来,身上满是树叶和泥污,一双眼睛却变得越来越锐利,没好气的道:“老子都都已经换了29个身份,还弄成了现在这个模样,这都能被你找到。你属狗的吗?” ...... …… Yesterday made everybody help to think that the Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian name, had not to have the small jj fellow, unexpectedly has thought one nine days nine nights name, sweat! I was immediately speechless, talented person! Why did not call for nine days nine day! 昨天让大家帮忙想九天仙子的名字,有个没有小jj的家伙,居然想了一个“九天九夜”的名字,汗!我顿时就无语了,人才啊!为何不叫九天九日啊!
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