SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#957: Vault of heaven

The Young Master Gu Shisan strength makes Murong Sande quite surprised, can this child actually resist with his chamber? 顾十三少爷的战力让慕容三得颇为惊讶,此子竟然能够跟他分庭抗? Murong Sande does not want to fight with Young Master Gu Shisan this fight madman, on the foot gives birth to two groups of flame, the body soars, flies toward immortal empty Spirit Mountain. 慕容三得不想和顾十三少爷这个战斗狂人交手,脚上生出两团火焰,身体腾飞而起,向着仙虚灵山飞去。 Do not walk, fights with me.” Young Master Gu Shisan a spirit island brandishing, has turned toward Murong Sande to pound directly. “别走,跟我一战。”顾十三少爷将一座灵岛给抡了起来,直接向着慕容三得砸了过去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Murong Sande stops the footsteps once more, in the eye reveals the ominous light, above the palm condenses to fight the glow, shells above the spirit island, Formation on spirit island surging. 慕容三得再次停下脚步,眼中露出凶光,手掌之上凝聚出一道道战芒,轰击在灵岛之上,将灵岛上的阵法给激荡了出来。 Has more member to participate in the numerous wars, wants to hike the Exalted Immortal empty Spirit Mountain, only to give Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian inkstone black ink, but actually nobody can go forward one step, everything arrives at the front person to encounter collaborations of several other sides to attack, finally crashes in cloud Yuan. 有更多的修士参与到纷战之中,都想登上仙虚灵山,只为给九天仙子砚墨,但是却都无人能够前进一步,凡是走到前面的人都会遭遇另外几方的联手攻伐,最终坠落在云渊之中。 Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian static standing above Spirit Mountain jade palace, in the beautiful woman like a picture, has not spoken to prevent. 九天仙子静静的站在灵山玉殿之上,像一位画中丽人,并没有出言阻止。 Feng Feiyun is also slightly looked at one in the direction of immortal empty Spirit Mountain, the heart admired in secret, this female was really fierce, merely was only a few words, caused that these many talent outstanding fought with all might, absolutely was a femme fatale. 风飞云也是微微的向着仙虚灵山的方向看了一眼,心头暗中佩服,这个女子真是厉害,仅仅只是一句话,就引得这么多的天才俊杰为之而拼杀,绝对是一个红颜祸水。 At this time Eighth Young Master Gu above sitting in meditation spirit island had left finally, at the same time Gu Laojiu and yellow Yuchang simultaneously flew, two people collaborated to cope with Eighth Young Master Gu. 这个时候一直静坐灵岛之上的顾八少爷终于动身了,于此同时顾老九和黄羽长同时飞了出去,两人联手对付顾八少爷 Depends on you two!” “就凭你们两个!” Eighth Young Master Gu throws over a bordeaux b long gown, the arm is wielding, blood red great waves curled crazily in the past, in the great waves had a shadow of Qilin faintly. 顾八少爷披着一张枣红长袍,手臂一挥,一片血红色的浪涛狂卷了过去,浪涛之中隐隐有一头麒麟的影子。 „!” “嗷!” The Qilin roared, a huge strength threw to curl toward Gu Laojiu and yellow Yuchang in the past. 麒麟咆哮,一股庞大的力量向着顾老九和黄羽长扑卷了过去。 Very powerful strength. 好强的力量。 Gu Laojiu is Nirvana 5th-layer initial stage cultivation base, but yellow Yuchang has also achieved Nirvana 5th-layer in days before, two people complexion big changes, the respective sacrifice Ascension talisman, has haunched the air/Qi of Ascension, resists this strength. 顾老九乃是涅槃第五重初期修为,而黄羽长也在前几日达到了涅槃第五重,两人的脸色大变,各自祭出了一张羽化符箓,撑起羽化之气,抵挡这一股力量。 Bang!” “轰!” Two Ascension talisman smashing, Gu Laojiu and yellow Yuchang simultaneously was shaken flies, magnificence robe was shattered, whole body burned black, the hair was burnt down, has crashed from the clouds. 两张羽化符箓粉碎,顾老九和黄羽长同时被震飞,身上的华袍破碎,满身焦黑,就连头发都被烧毁,从云端坠落了下去。 Waves merely, the top talents of two Middle Ages aristocratic family defeating. 仅仅一挥手,就将两位中古世家的顶尖才俊给击败。 Does not know so-called, thinks really the inheritance of blood qilin half Saint is cracks a joke?” Eighth Young Master Gu sets up the vault of heaven arrogantly, body long gown flies upwards, actually being near person, the body has an incomparable aggression. “不知所谓,真以为血麒半圣的传承是开玩笑的吗?”顾八少爷傲立苍穹,身上长袍飞扬,其实临人,身上有着一股无匹的霸气。 Liu Suzi pretty complexion slightly sinks, the folding fan in hand receives, stands up suddenly, launches colored glaze urgent telegram to Eighth Young Master Gu fly, but at the same time a red beautiful shade flew, blocked before her body. 琉苏紫俏丽的脸色微微的一沉,手中的折扇一收,豁然站起身来,展开“琉璃飞电”就要向顾八少爷飞去,而与此同时一道红色的丽影飞了过来,拦在了她的身前。 „Can you block me?” In the double pupil of Liu Suzi is having the ice-cold look. “你要拦我?”琉苏紫的双眸之中带着冰冷的神色。 Liu Suhong leisurely however smiles: Younger Sister Qi, Gu eight have drunk the blood of blood Qilin, has the inheritance of blood qilin half Saint, is not you can contend, eldest sister this is saving you!” 琉苏红施施然的一笑:“七妹,顾老八饮了血麒麟的血液,身怀血麒半圣的传承,不是你可以抗衡,大姐这是在救你啊!” Has no need for you managing.” Above the folding fan in Liu Suzi hand the flowing electric light, the folding fan wields, the purple god electricity flew together. “用不着你管。”琉苏紫手中的折扇之上流动电光,折扇一挥,一道紫色的神电飞了出去。 Liu Suhong is with smile on the face, the body disintegrated automatically, changed into the innumerable red flower rain, danced in the air in the air, the purple god electricity could not hit her body. 琉苏红面带微笑,身体自动解体,化为了无数的红色的花雨,在空气之中飞舞,紫色的神电根本击不中她的身体。 The princess of these two boundary main government offices have the peerless magical powers, moreover cultivation base is extremely also profound, but is not harmonious, kills to incur again and again, fights earth-shakingly. 这两位境主府的郡主身怀绝世神通,而且修为也都极其高深,但是却并不和睦,杀招连连,战得天翻地覆。 Under Feng Feiyun will crash clouds Young Master Gu Jiu and yellow Yuchang rescuing, has brought back to above the spirit island. 风飞云将坠落下云端的顾九少爷和黄羽长给救了起来,带回了灵岛之上。 Many thanks Brother Feng gets rid to rescue, will otherwise be fallen a moment ago surely injures on adds the wound.” yellow Yuchang is doing obeisance to Feng Feiyun slightly, then started to heal from a wound. “多谢风兄出手相救,要不然刚才必定会被摔得伤上加伤。”黄羽长对着风飞云微微一拜,然后便开始养伤了起来。 The Young Master Gu Jiu tight nipping tooth, looked at one in the Eighth Young Master Gu direction, has not thought that he has achieved so the boundary unexpectedly......!” 顾九少爷紧紧的咬了咬牙齿,向着顾八少爷的方向看了一眼,“没想到他竟然达到了如此境界……咳咳!” Feng Feiyun does not want to participate in these Middle Ages aristocratic families the battles of young talent truly, others may have the big influence and big background character, but he is actually only Half Monster, can not antagonize people, not antagonize people to well , to promote own strength is the key. 风飞云并不想真正参与到这些中古世家的年轻才俊的争斗之中,别人可都是有大势力、大背景的人物,而他却只是一个半妖,能够不树敌,还是不要树敌为好,提升自己的实力才是关键。 Naturally he is not the person of being afraid of getting into trouble, if some people dare to provoke him on own initiative, he absolutely will not be softhearted. 当然他也不是怕事之人,若是有人敢主动在招惹他,他也绝对不会心慈手软。 Eighth Young Master Gu cultivation base is indeed terrorist, the body blood energy surges, the back has an empty shade of huge blood Qilin, nobody can block his footsteps, each palm lays out, can shaking flies a piece of member. 顾八少爷修为的确恐怖,身上血气翻腾,背后有一头庞大的血麒麟的虚影,无人能够挡住他的脚步,每一掌拍出,就能将一片修士给震飞。 Go away!” “滚开!” A Eighth Young Master Gu palm makes, hitting spits blood Yu Shao, the body flew directly, crashes to the cloud layer under. 顾八少爷一掌打出,将玉少给打得吐血,身体直接飞了出去,坠落到云层之下。 All people on ominous prestige by Eighth Young Master Gu being startled, what strength this is, can actually hold leaf Hongjing the top talent flies to the racket. 所有人都被顾八少爷身上的凶威给怔住,这是一股什么样的力量,竟然能够一掌将叶红境的顶尖才俊给拍飞。 Eighth Young Master Gu rumbles to be in charge once more together, flew to the racket Young Master Gu Shisan, the body has banged into a spirit island, hitting to fly the big piece stone. 顾八少爷再次轰出一道掌印,将顾十三少爷给拍飞了出去,身体撞入了一座灵岛之中,将大片土石给撞飞。 Young Master Gu Shisan departs from the spirit island, the skin splits, blood flowing from every orifice, the bone break above shoulder, half body almost caved, said: „Does myna, you get rid to me unexpectedly?” 顾十三少爷从灵岛之中飞出,皮肤裂开,七孔流血,肩膀之上的骨头断裂,半个身体几乎都塌陷了下去,道:“八哥,你竟然对我出手?” The Eighth Young Master Gu vision looks disdainfully, said: „Do you have me work as myna? In perhaps your eye only has the stinking ninth category?” 顾八少爷的目光睥睨,道:“你有将我当八哥吗?你的眼中恐怕只有老九吧?” But I have not thought must kill you.” Young Master Gu Shisan too cannot understand that is only successor contends, why among the brothers wants undying continuous? “可是我从来都没有想过要杀你。”顾十三少爷不太能理解只是继承人相争,为何兄弟之间非要不死不休? Dies some servants, decides a victory and defeat, did not suffice. 死一些仆人,分出个胜负,不就够了。 The Eighth Young Master Gu slanting item sneers: 13, you were too naive. Wants into Lord of the clan, absolutely cannot in appearance/allow Xuzu have besides him the second sound, do you understand?” 顾八少爷斜目冷笑:“13,你太天真了。想要成为一族之主,就绝对不能容许族中有除了他以外的第二个声音,你明白吗?” Young Master Gu Shisan shook the head, said: „It is not clear.” 顾十三少爷摇了摇头,道:“不明白。” !” “噗!” The palm of Eighth Young Master Gu holds back in the Young Master Gu Shisan top of the head, directly hitting to rupture his head, changed into the dried blood powder. 顾八少爷的手掌按压在顾十三少爷的头顶,直接将他的头颅给打爆裂开,化为了血粉。 The Young Master Gu Shisan corpse has crashed from the clouds. 顾十三少爷的尸体从云端坠落了下去。 Eighth Young Master Gu has patted the blood fog above palm gently, sighed disappointed, said: „It is not clear, only blamed you being too stupid.” 顾八少爷轻轻的拍了拍手掌之上的血雾,怅然一叹,道:“不明白,只怪你太笨了。” All member were startled, Eighth Young Master Gu was also too cruel and merciless, the brothers also photo in clan kills does not harm, does not have a hesitation. 所有修士都被怔住,顾八少爷也太心狠手辣了,就连族中的兄弟也照杀不误,没有一丝犹豫。 The heart of this person was also too ruthless. 这种人的心也太狠了。 On the face of Feng Feiyun is having several points of happy expression, instead quite appreciates Eighth Young Master Gu, has the stratagem bravely, the method is ruthless, this absolutely is a fierce and ambitious. If he is the head of household of looking after the household will also choose Eighth Young Master Gu to be the successor of family. 风飞云的脸上却带着几分笑意,反而颇为欣赏顾八少爷,有勇有谋,手段狠辣,这绝对是个一个枭雄。若是他是顾家的家主也会选择顾八少爷来做家族的继承人。 Nobody dares to block the Eighth Young Master Gu step again, looks that he hikes the Exalted Immortal empty Spirit Mountain step by step, is Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian inkstone black ink. 没有人再敢拦顾八少爷的步伐,看着他一步步的登上仙虚灵山,为九天仙子砚墨。 The Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian physique like the jade, fine gauze is graceful, grasps the paint brush, outlined the trace above void, drew «Vault of heaven Chart». 九天仙子的身姿如玉,轻纱曼妙,手持画笔,在虚空之上勾勒纹路,画《苍穹图》。 Only then a Eighth Young Master Gu person has the qualifications to stand side the fairy maiden, inkstone black ink, while exchanges the cultivation attainment with the fairy maiden, that scene is really the harmony happiness and Xian Sha other people. 只有顾八少爷一人有资格站在仙子身边,一边砚墨,一边与仙子交流修炼心得,那情景实在是其乐融融、羡煞旁人。 Liu Suzi returned to above the spirit island, is as before slim and graceful, however complexion ten points cold Chen, is staring above another spirit island the talents with Liu Suhong that talked and laughed merrily, hateful!” 琉苏紫返回了灵岛之上,依旧亭亭玉立,但是脸色的十分冷沉,盯着另一座灵岛之上与众才俊谈笑风生的琉苏红,“可恶!” They naturally should feel proud and elated, this moment Eighth Young Master Gu and Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian altogether draw «Vault of heaven Chart», this surely will be circulated as the charming story of deity family companion, was envied by countless people. 他们自然该扬眉吐气了,此刻顾八少爷九天仙子共绘《苍穹图》,这必定将被传为神仙眷侣的佳话,被无数人羡慕。 Moreover strength that Eighth Young Master Gu shows today, will spread surely rapidly, shocks ten thousand Yu, was almost solid the reputation of leaf Hongjing first talent. 而且顾八少爷今天表现出来的实力,也必定会飞速的传扬出去,震动万域,几乎是坐实了叶红境第一天才的美名。 Double happiness descend on the house, they do not feel proud and elated, who feels proud and elated? 双喜临门,他们不扬眉吐气,谁扬眉吐气? Reviews Liu Suzi this side, actually death death, wound wound, it can be said that defeat. 反观琉苏紫这一方,却死的死,伤的伤,可以说是完败。 In the empty cloud, the member of some older generations were talking. 虚云之中,一些老一辈的修士在交谈着。 Today the immortal empty war, which group of people almost can set in the future the overlord of this stretch of earth is.” “今日仙虚一战,几乎是可以定下将来这一片大地的霸主是哪一批人了。” Big princess side indeed was too strong, especially looked after the household old eight, in the younger generation of southwest 12 boundary estimated that already quick nobody was his match.” “大郡主这一方的确是太强势了,特别是顾家的老八,在西南12境的年轻一代估计已经快没有人是他的对手了。” „These old people of boundary main mansion actually have like seven princess, what a pity the big princess exceeded eight to give to win over Gu, thorough making a comeback, these old people of boundary main mansion feared how must reconsider to choose.” “境主府的那些老人其实有很多都喜欢七郡主,可惜大郡主技高一筹将顾老八给拉拢到了旗下,彻底的翻盘,境主府的那些老人怕是要重新思考如何选择了。” Heard that this matter is the grandfather and Gu of eight grandfathers big princess conspires, according to my estimation estimated that wants to let two people power-and-power unions, assigns the general situation.” “听说此事乃是大郡主的爷爷与顾老八的爷爷密谋,据我猜测估计是想让两人强强联合,将大局给定下来。” Each time successor competed has been full of bloody and plot, the person who can live, was capable of controlling a character of family.” “每一次的继承人争夺都充满了血腥和阴谋,能够活下来的人,才是有能力掌控一个家族的人物。” This relates family several thousand years of prosperity and decline after all, has to be discrete, even if dies outstanding family juniors also to accept.” “这毕竟关系一个家族数千年的兴衰,不得不谨慎,就算死一些优秀的家族子弟也是可以接受。” Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian «Vault of heaven Chart» already draws up, the picture like the fairyland, like the world that has, lifelike, tall and pleasing to the eye. 九天仙子的《苍穹图》已经绘制完毕,画面如仙境,就像一个真实存在的世界,栩栩如生,美轮美奂。 Above the picture scroll, each scenery and each thing probably have the life, making any person see to feel that the innermost feelings shock, likely in a bird's eye view world. 画卷之上,每一景、每一物都好像拥有生命,让任何一个人看见都感觉到内心震撼,像是在俯瞰一个世界。 Although is only a chart, contained her say/way. 虽然只是一幅图,却蕴含了她的道。 The member of these younger generation are unable to comprehend the say/way boundary in chart, only then the characters of these older generations saw the clue, in the heart all shocks, sighed in the heart, this female say/way boundary unexpectedly so profound, in the heart already can contain the world!” 那些年轻一代的修士都无法领悟图中的道境,只有那些老一辈的人物才看出了端倪,心中皆是震撼,都在心中感叹,“此女的道境竟然如此的高深,心中已经能够包容世界!” This «Vault of heaven Chart», if attains in the auction market to auction, perhaps will auction the sky-high price.” “这一幅《苍穹图》若是拿到拍卖场中拍卖,恐怕会拍卖出天价。” This is the priceless treasure, is containing an unsurpassed say/way vigor, let alone stems from the hand of Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian, will be snatched by countless people insanely.” “这是无价之宝,蕴含着一种无上道劲,更何况还是出自九天仙子之手,会被无数人疯抢。” Has beautiful to wait on to assume a white paper, «Vault of heaven Chart» rubbing of from void, that vault of heaven world then carrying/sustaining above picture scroll. 有美侍呈上来一张白纸,将《苍穹图》从虚空之上拓印了下来,那一个“苍穹世界”便承载在了画卷之上。 Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian picture scroll slowly binds, above the picture scroll also has continuously charming fragrant wind. 九天仙子将画卷缓缓的裹起,画卷之上还有一缕缕迷人的香风。 She acts gracefully, the jade posture winds around, both hands are holding the picture scroll, has given Eighth Young Master Gu, leisurely saying with a smile however: Young Master inkstone black ink difficult, one volume of paintings present as a gift!” 她动作优雅,玉姿缭绕,双手捧着画卷,递给了顾八少爷,施施然的笑道:“公子砚墨劳苦,一卷丹青相赠!” Can be the fairy maiden inkstone ink is Gu's being honored, not painstakingly, not painstakingly, not difficult.” Eighth Young Master Gu feels extremely flattered, both hands «Vault of heaven Chart» holding in hand, as if one had found a treasure, said: Invited the to chat of fairy maiden below to the spirit island above with great courage, gave a thought to eight to give the fairy maiden to pour out one glass of liquor personally.” “能够为仙子砚墨乃是顾某人的荣幸,不苦,不苦,一点都不劳苦。”顾八少爷受宠若惊,双手将《苍穹图》给捧在手中,如获至宝,道:“在下斗胆邀请仙子到灵岛之上一叙,顾八想要亲自给仙子斟一杯酒。” Eighth Young Master Gu wants taking advantage of the potential of Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian, Liu Suzi and Gu Laojiu and the others thorough beating. 顾八少爷想要借九天仙子之势,将琉苏紫顾老九等人彻底的击垮。
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