SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#956: Fairy maiden

Roaring flame extinguishment above spirit island gradually, in the island all landforms were burnt to refine completely, earth burned black, the smog is billowing, in some cracks is also spitting the large flame. 灵岛之上的烈焰渐渐的熄灭,岛上所有地貌都被焚炼殆尽,大地焦黑,烟雾滚滚,有的地缝之中还吐着火舌。 Mo Taiqu already was burnt does not remain dregs, only then a lance also stands in the ground, Monster Qi passes, the miraculous glow burns the item, is bringing fearful air/Qi. 莫太屈已经被烧得连渣都不剩,只有一根长矛还立在地面上,妖气流转,灵光灼目,带着一股慑人之气。 Arm tight pinching of Feng Feiyun above the lance, the lance vibrates, in Grade 10 monster the soul exudes howls, wants to work loose from the hand of Feng Feiyun. 风飞云的手臂紧紧的捏在长矛之上,长矛震动,十品妖器之中的器魂发出一声声啸声,想要从风飞云的手中挣脱出去。 Drinks!” “喝!” In the body of Feng Feiyun erupts a phoenix to cry, at once Grade 10 monster in the soul suppressing, will then fight the lance raising, this fights the lance is the amethyst carves, 100000 cattys in weight, above carves the innumerable irons to be bad, the blood-color essence brave outward. 风飞云的身体之中爆发出一声凤凰啼鸣,旋即将十品妖器之中的器魂给镇压下去,然后将战矛给提了起来,这一根战矛乃是紫晶雕琢,重达100000斤,上面刻着无数铁糟,有一道道血色的精气往外冒。 How only to remain this Half Monster? Mo Taiqu?” Innumerable member surprise. “怎么只剩这个半妖莫太屈呢?”无数修士都诧异了起来。 Mo Taiqu displayed roaring flame to fight territory a moment ago obviously, already occupied absolutely place above, how to disappear suddenly, why did the war lance of Grade 10 monster rank actually also insert on the spirit island? 刚才明明莫太屈施展出“烈焰战域”,都已经占据了绝对上方,怎么突然之间就不见了,为何十品妖器级别的战矛却还插在灵岛上? Feng Feiyun gives to trace the war lance in hand, says with a smile: Mo Taiqu displays the roaring flame to fight territory forcefully, ** however dies.” 风飞云将手中的战矛给摸了摸,笑道:“莫太屈强行施展烈焰战域,**而死。” ** However dies? Mo Taiqu was also too happy, actually by own territory building up, haha!” Young Master Gu Shisan laughs there, but saw that the people have not smiled, he at once close was also quiet. “**而死?莫太屈也太欢乐了,竟然被自己的域给炼死了,哈哈!”顾十三少爷在那里大笑,但是看到众人没有笑,他又旋即闭住了嘴。 yellow Yuchang long has actually smiled, said: No matter what, Brother Feng won finally, really makes the person admire, Mo Taiqu such person outstandingly unexpectedly died in the hand of Brother Feng, Brother Feng worthily was Half Monster Union first heavenly talent.” 黄羽长却长笑了起来,道:“不管怎么说,最终还是风兄胜了,真是让人佩服,就连莫太屈这样的人杰竟然都死在了风兄的手中,风兄不愧是半妖盟的第一天骄。” The double pupil of Liu Suzi is bright, eyelash curved, lip such as vermilion moon/month, although is the men's clothing appearance, actually cannot cover the peerless grace and talent, said with a smile: Brother Feng defeats Mo Taiqu, after believing, will move the world.” 琉苏紫的双眸明亮,睫毛弯弯,嘴唇如朱月,虽是男装打扮,却也掩盖不住绝世风华,笑道:“风兄战败莫太屈,相信不日之后,就会名动天下。” Liu Suzi and the others naturally are high-spirited, cuts Xiao Tianrui and Mo Taiqu imposing manner with the aid of Feng Feiyun suppresses Eighth Young Master Gu and Liu Suhong and the others, this seems like shining the muscle to them, told them, saw not to have, this was our strengths.” 琉苏紫等人自然是意气风发,借助风飞云霄天锐莫太屈的气势来打压顾八少爷琉苏红等人,这就像是在对他们亮肌肉,告诉他们,“看到没有,这就是我们的力量。” First heavenly talent of Huang yellow day, admires first heavenly talent of Rong Murong Sande, suddenly stands up, the body has overwhelming war air/Qi to run out, seemed the strategic place gave to strike to kill Liu Suzi and the others in the past, can put down homocentric the anger. 黄家的第一天骄“黄天”,慕容家的第一天骄慕容三得”,都豁然站起身来,身上有一股浩然战气冲出,仿佛是要冲过去将琉苏紫等人都给击杀,才能平复心中的怒火。 However they actually by Liu Suhong blocking, have not killed. 但是他们却都被琉苏红给拦下,并没有杀出去。 Liu Suhong arrived at two wine glasses to them, red lip clear, the beautiful appearance smiled faintly, said: Is only luck good that's all! If not for the Mo Taiqu merit method had the small problem, how also possibly to defeat in a hand of Half Monster?” 琉苏红将两只酒杯抵给了他们,红唇晶莹,玉颜浅笑,道:“不过只是运气好罢了!若不是莫太屈的功法出了一点小问题,又怎么可能败在一个半妖的手中?” The Gu Laojiu speaker said with a smile: „Does big princess also want an show skill?” 顾老九扬声笑道:“大郡主难道也想要一展身手?” yellow Yuchang and Yu Shao and the others also said with a smile, big princess, if got rid, on the scene feared nobody to wear to be her match, Gu Laojiu, should not be disgraceful.” 黄羽长和玉少等人也都笑道,“大郡主若是出手,在场恐怕没有人佩做她的对手,顾老九,你就不要丢人现眼了。” Two side talents fight relative, is the top characters of younger generation, trillion miles select a character, a word language is gambling, must also crash in the imposing manner general match. 两方才俊争锋相对,都是年轻一代的顶尖人物,亿万里挑一的人物,一言一语都在博弈,要在气势上将对手也压垮。 At this moment, the dreadful war air gets up together, fights in the air/Qi to wrap together the old person's shadow, grasps nine chi (0.33 m) Ancient Sword, points to Feng Feiyun above spirit island, junior, you kills the successor in my lima wood territory, today wants the corpse on the ground surely in this.” 就在这时,一道滔天战气升起,战气之中包裹着一道苍老的人影,手持九尺古剑,直指灵岛之上的风飞云,“小辈,你杀我赤木域的继承人,今日必定要伏尸在此。” This old person is the Mo Taiqu berm person, protects in Mo Taiqu many years. 这一个老人乃是莫太屈的护道人,守护在莫太屈的身边多年。 Mo Taiqu is by the ordered by the emperor personally lima wood territory successor, the status is been much higher than it Xiao Tianrui that heavenly talent, Mo Taiqu died in the immortal empty flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, this will cause the giant storm surely, the territory Lord in lima wood territory will be furious because of this matter. 莫太屈乃是被钦定的赤木域继承人,身份比之霄天锐那种天骄要高得多,莫太屈死在了仙虚花间洞天,这必定会引起巨大的风暴,赤木域的域主都会因为此事而震怒。 Two seven levels of Half Monster Sir Kong Hou and Sir Fu Ying also get rid, makes the magical powers magic arts respectively, the old man this lima wood territory gives the interception. 两位七级半妖孔侯大人和蝠应大人同时出手,各自打出神通道法,将这一位赤木域的老者给拦截。 Sir Kong Hou grasps operates huge axe together, the tall of stature, strength rushing, bellows: Young people fight, is it possible that does the person of older generation also want to meddle?” 孔侯大人手持一块开天大斧,身躯高大,身上的力量滂湃,大吼一声:“年轻人争锋,老一辈的人莫非还想插手?” Carrying on the back of Sir Fu Ying steadily a pair of meat wing, cold snort/hum a sound said: If the old person in your lima wood territory wants under the killer to my Half Monster Union talent, then do not blame entire leaf Hongjing hundred million absolutely Half Monster and your lima wood territories goes all out.” 蝠应大人的背上长着一对肉翼,冷哼一声道:“若是你们赤木域的老人想要对我半妖盟的天才下杀手,那么就别怪整个叶红境亿万万半妖和你们赤木域拼命。” That old person was really also startled, although Half Monster the status is low, but after all huge quantity, moreover sage who also the strengths of some high-level powerhouses sufficiently contend with the Ascension boundary, if has created the popular anger, but also is really a very fearful matter. 那一位老人还真的被怔住,半妖虽然地位低,但是毕竟数量庞大,而且也有一些高层强者的力量足以抗衡羽化境的贤者,若是真的造成了众怒,还真的是一件很可怕的事。 At this time Liu Suzi has opened the mouth, cold sound said: „The elders member in your Huan Tianjing lima wood territory dares to bully leaf Hongjing young Half Monster unexpectedly, do you have the boundary main Sir pay attention to?” 这个时候琉苏紫开口了,冷声道:“你们桓天境赤木域的老辈修士竟然敢来欺负叶红境的年轻半妖,你们有没有将境主大人放在眼里?” That old man was given to daunt by Liu Suzi a few words, carries on the back the cold sweat to be dripping, said hastily: I want to take back am the Grade 10 monster soldier in lima wood territory, does not want to participate in the confrontation of younger generation.” 那一位老者被琉苏紫的一句话给吓住,背上冷汗淋漓,连忙道:“我只是想要收回属于赤木域的十品妖兵,并不想参与年轻一代的交锋。” Feng Feiyun looked at the war lance in hand, said with a smile: This monster soldier is the great ant Monster Clan war treasure, when became the war soldier in lima wood territory?” 风飞云看了看手中的战矛,笑道:“这一件妖兵乃是巨蚁妖族的战宝,什么时候成为了赤木域的战兵了?” Old man both eyes drum drum, anger steaming say/way: This monster soldier is Young Lord captures above ten thousand clan battlefields, is the Young Lord spoils of war, naturally belongs to the lima wood territory.” 老者双目鼓鼓,怒火腾腾的道:“这一件妖兵乃是少主在万族战场之上夺得,属于少主的战利品,自然归赤木域所有。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: That embarrassed, it now was my spoils of war.” 风飞云笑道:“那不好意思,它现在是我的战利品了。” The old men were mad must the head to belch smoke, nine chi (0.33 m) Ancient Sword in hand is keeping glittering, if not for abstained from that the member on the scene are too many, he must certainly Feng Feiyun tearing to shreds. 老者被气得头上都要冒烟,手中的九尺古剑在不停闪烁,若不是忌讳在场的修士太多,他肯定要将风飞云给碎尸万段。 Junior, you are very hello good, sooner or later some day you will pay the serious price for today's actions.” “小辈,你好,你很好,迟早有一天你会为今天的所作所为付出惨重的代价。” Finally that old man in lima wood territory coldly stared at Feng Feiyun one, in the eye murderous aura is cold, indignant departure angrily. 赤木域的那一位老者最后冷冷的盯了风飞云一眼,眼中杀气凛凛,愤愤然的离去。 Feng Feiyun raises the Grade 10 monster soldier to return, making these talent outstanding very envy, they were the juniors of Middle Ages aristocratic family, but has not actually used the qualifications of Grade 10 Spirit Artifact. 风飞云提着十品妖兵归来,让那些天才俊杰都十分羡慕,他们都是中古世家的子弟,但是却都没有使用十品灵器的资格。 The Nine Firmaments Immortal City outstanding person with outstanding ability has several people of already to enter among the immortal empty flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, after the experience to the Feng Feiyun powerful, then quietly has drawn back, has not gotten rid rashly. 九霄仙城的杰出英才有好几人都已经进入仙虚花间洞天,见识到风飞云的强势之后,便都悄悄的退了下去,没有贸然出手。 „Is the Brother Feng teacher really the great person in antique Saint Buddhist temple?” Young Master Gu Jiu territory Feng Feiyun chitchatted, in the eye was having the color/look of hope. 风兄的师尊真的乃是太古圣佛庙的大人物?”顾九少爷风飞云攀谈,眼中带着希冀之色。 Other God's favored ones and periphery the old people above these spirit islands have also raised up the ear. 其他的天之骄子和周围那些灵岛之上的老人们也都竖起了耳朵。 Feng Feiyun smiled, said: This...... Does not facilitate to disclose.” 风飞云笑了笑,道:“这个……不方便透露。” Many people show disappointed look, they thought that Feng Feiyun is covering anything intentionally, naturally also nobody again closely examines, one group of talent outstanding then started to talk and laugh merrily. 很多人都露出失望的神色,他们觉得风飞云是在故意掩盖什么,当然也没有人再追问,一群天才俊杰便又开始谈笑风生了起来。 Buzz, buzz, buzz......” “嗡,嗡,嗡……” Above immortal empty Spirit Mountain, broadcasts the sounds of nine immortal clocks. 仙虚灵山之上,传来九声仙钟的声音。 Delightful affable sounds surge, let among the entire flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals peaceful. 一道道悦耳舒缓的音波荡开,让整个花间洞天都安静了下来。 Immortal empty Spirit Mountain, the wonder stone stands in great numbers, the jade palace hangs on the cliff, some iron lock tracks are connecting jade palace with Spirit Mountain. 仙虚灵山,奇石林立,玉殿挂在悬崖上,有一些铁锁小道连接着玉殿和灵山。 And above a jade palace, the beautiful woman devotes, the luster of the skin is composed, has the fog flaw to cover her body. 其中一座玉殿之上,有一位佳人献身,玉体婉约,有雾瑕遮挡她的身躯。 She is among immortal empty flowers dwelling place of Buddhist immortals generation of successors, Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian.” “她就是仙虚花间洞天这一代的传人,九天仙子。” „The hearsay Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian talent different reported that has been among the immortal empty flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals since the Middle Ages first day arrogant female, to become famous entire sixth Yang Dynasty, praise is innumerable, has the nobility mansion young master, person the successor in ancestor dwelling place of Buddhist immortals.” “传闻九天仙子天赋异禀,乃是仙虚花间洞天自中古以来的第一天之骄女,扬名整个第六中央王朝,追捧者数不胜数,其中更是有爵府的公子,人祖洞天的传人。” It is said Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian cultivation base unparalleled, once discussed with some Ascension sages.” “据说九天仙子修为无双,曾和一些羽化贤者论道。” ...... …… All people were stimulated, before only had listened to the Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian immortal name, respects her for the beauty, now finally saw the fairy maiden in legend, keeping all young talents from being tranquil. 所有人都亢奋了起来,以前都只听过九天仙子的仙名,敬她为天人,现在终于见到了传说之中的仙子,让所有年轻才俊都无法平静。 In her hand is raising a red ink brush, static, if the virgin, the body has a vast immortal intent, making all talent outstanding suffocate, like Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian crash this world. 她手中提着一只朱笔,静若处子,身上有一股浩渺仙意,让所有天才俊杰都为之窒息,就像九天仙子坠落凡尘。 „To make «Vault of heaven Chart», who can inkstone black ink?” Her voice like the sounds of nature, listens to be very happy in the ear of person, even if that Evil Qi prosperous person hears her sound, understanding rather like Transmit. “欲作《苍穹图》,何人可砚墨?”她声音如天籁,听在人的耳中无比舒畅,就算是那种邪气鼎盛之人听到她的声音,都会心宁如平湖。 To make «Vault of heaven Chart», who can inkstone black ink? 欲作《苍穹图》,何人可砚墨? This is close Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian most good opportunity, is fairy maiden inkstone black ink, this is the how big great honor! The young masters of these nobility government offices estimated that is very difficult to catch this opportunity. 这可是接近九天仙子的最好机会,为仙子砚墨,这是多么大的殊荣啊!就连那些爵府的公子估计都很难争取到这个机会。 I come!” “我来!” Yu Shao responded first, body moved, runs out of the spirit island, the foot stepped on the mist, flew toward immortal empty Spirit Mountain. 玉少最先反应过来,身体一动,冲出了灵岛,脚踩云烟,向着仙虚灵山飞去。 For the fairy maiden inkstone ink is the matter of unsurpassed being honored, I come!” “为仙子砚墨乃是无上荣幸之事,还是我来吧!” First heavenly talent of Huang yellow day flew, the speed is faster, in the hand is raising a long halberd, a halberd thorn to the Yu Shao back. 黄家的第一天骄“黄天”飞了出去,速度更快,手中提着一根长戟,一戟刺向玉少的背后。 Yu Shao stopped the footsteps hastily, both hands condensation has fought seal, simultaneously turned toward yellow Tianhong in the past, two people at the fog ultimate good fierce combat, made sharp wars up. 玉少连忙停下了脚步,双手凝聚战印,同时向着黄天轰了过去,两人在云雾至善激战,打出一道道锐利的战光。 I also want to see the fairy maiden elegant demeanor.” “我也想要一睹仙子风采。” At this time the talent of another side flew, is a territory main heir in big territory, the elegant bearing, changed into the anxious light to turn toward immortal empty Spirit Mountain to fly acorss together. 这个时候另一方的一位才俊飞了出去,乃是一座大域的域主子嗣,风度翩翩,化为一道急光向着仙虚灵山飞渡过去。 Depends on you also to give fairy maiden inkstone black ink?” “就凭你也想给仙子砚墨?” Murong Jiazu first heavenly talent Murong Sande long body flies, the palm strikes toward void above, fights the dragon to depart from the palm, hitting spits blood that territory main heir, the body crashes void. 慕容家族的第一天骄慕容三得”长身飞去,手掌向着虚空之上一击,一条战龙从掌心飞出,将那一个域主子嗣给打得吐血,身体坠落虚空。 The Murong Sande powerful, gives to be startled the young talents of many being ready to make trouble, the person who any cultivation base is insufficient has drawn at this moment back, knows that this is a contest between top talents, if the irregular person mixes, may fall from the sky here. 慕容三得的强势,将很多蠢蠢欲动的年轻才俊都给怔住,凡是修为不够的人此刻都退了回去,知道这是顶尖才俊之间的一次较量,不相干的人若是搀和进去,可能会陨落在这里。 Murong Sande is very aggressive, the body puts on the battle soul armor, the flowing light extraordinary splendor, tiger stares, the fear draws back innumerable heavenly talent. 慕容三得十分霸气,身上穿着战魂铠甲,流光异彩,虎目一瞪,慑退无数天骄 He wants to fly immortal empty Spirit Mountain, but behind actually hears broken rumor/wind sound speedily, a giant fist seal has shelled. 他想要飞去仙虚灵山,但是身后却传来疾速的破风声,一个巨大的拳印轰击了过来。 Attends to 13, you also dare to fight with me, your Elder Brother Jiu does not have this big courage.” Murong Sande turned around to putting together a palm with Young Master Gu Shisan, that strength shook periphery the mist to swing. “顾13,你也敢和我交手,你九哥都没这个大的胆子。”慕容三得转身和顾十三少爷对拼了一掌,那一股劲气震得周围云烟都荡开。 The Young Master Gu Shisan inborn supernatural power, the hair stands upside down, above the skin braves the scarlet glow, unexpectedly and Murong Sande spells equally matched. 顾十三少爷天生神力,头发倒立,皮肤之上冒赤芒,竟然和慕容三得拼得不相上下。 The Young Master Gu Shisan talent actually eight and Gu Laojiu must be higher than compared with Gu plans, however his mental is well below Gu eight and Gu Laojiu, therefore has not become the candidate of looking after the household younger generation successor. 顾十三少爷的天赋其实比顾老八和顾老九还要高出一筹,但是他的心智远远不及顾老八和顾老九,所以才没有成为顾家年轻一代继承人的候选人。 Wants with my Elder Brother Jiu war, first defeats me.” Young Master Gu Shisan bellows, exudes the wild animal general howling sound, is the thunder vibrates likely. “想要和我九哥一战,先将我击败。”顾十三少爷大吼一声,发出野兽一般的嚎声,像是雷霆震动。
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