SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#955: Strength

Blocked! Brother Feng unexpectedly bare-handed blocks Mo Taiqu Grade 10 monster, has Brother Feng cultivated the merit law of some antique Saint Buddhism?” Young Master Gu Shisan is somewhat excited, almost jumped from the ground. Please use to visit the home station. “挡住了!风兄竟然徒手挡住莫太屈十品妖器,难道风兄修炼了某一座太古圣佛门的功法?”顾十三少爷有些激动,差一点从地上跳了起来。请使用访问本站。 Young Master Gu Jiu and yellow Yuchang and other talent outstanding also fear, is staring at Feng Feiyun above spirit island, on the face full is the inconceivable look, unexpectedly bare-handed has blocked Grade 10 Spirit Artifact? 顾九少爷和黄羽长等天才俊杰也都惊住,盯着灵岛之上的风飞云,脸上满是不可思议的神色,竟然徒手挡住了十品灵器 Liu Suzi beautiful pupil flow of tears, beautiful woman, wear a look of happy expression, eyelash curved, folding fan shaking gently, said with a smile: Feng Feiyun this fellow most excels is not the strength, but is the speed, if he does not beat, already launched speedily retreated, must going and Mo Taiqu awfully spells hardly.” 琉苏紫美眸涟涟,明眸皓齿,面带笑意,睫毛弯弯,折扇轻轻的摇动,笑道:“风飞云这家伙最擅长的并不是力量,而是速度,他若是真的不敌,早就展开疾速退走了,不可能不要命的去和莫太屈硬拼。” That said that he does have confidence to defeat Mo Taiqu?” yellow Yuchang the voice more said is lower, because he does not believe from the start such matter will happen. “那这么说他有把握能够击败莫太屈?”黄羽长的声音越说越低,因为他压根就不相信这样的事会发生。 Half Monster surmounts the boundary to defeat one to grasp Grade 10 Spirit Artifact heavenly talent, this possibility? This completely is two strength level above confrontation! 一个半妖跨越境界击败一个手持十品灵器天骄,这可能吗?这完全是两个力量级上面的交锋嘛! Liu Suzi has also hesitated, folding fan is rapping jade stone platform gently, has not made the judgment absurdly. 琉苏紫也沉吟了起来,折扇轻轻的敲击着玉石台,并没有妄作判断。 Onamot moo roars!” “咪吗哞哄!” Mouth of Feng Feiyun unceasing was reading the ancient scrip­tures, Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi became was richer, float Gold Silkworm above void probably lived, all was sends out to call. 风飞云的嘴里不断的念着古老的经文,身上的金蚕佛气变得原来越浓郁,一条条悬浮在虚空之上的金蚕都好像活过来了,皆是发出一声声佛鸣。 The war lance in Mo Taiqu horizontal handle, the vision sinks coldly is staring at Feng Feiyun, said: Hands over unsurpassed Buddhist doctrine that you cultivation, keeps your entire corpse.” 莫太屈横提手中的战矛,目光沉冷的盯着风飞云,道:“交出你修炼的无上佛法,留你一个全尸。” Mo Taiqu naturally can see fierce of Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, knows that Feng Feiyun definitely has practiced an unsurpassed Buddhist doctrine, if he can obtain this unsurpassed Buddhist doctrine, the absolute ratio killed the Feng Feiyun benefit to be much bigger. 莫太屈自然看得出金蚕佛域的厉害,知道风飞云肯定是修炼了一种无上佛法,若是他能够得到这一种无上佛法,绝对比杀了风飞云利益要大得多。 A spirit island drifted here, above the spirit island was standing an old monk, wore the golden cassock, each inch skin in braving unusual brightness, an pair of eyeball in eye socket likely was the buddha beads general radiance, said: Young donor, you that Buddhism ancient scripture that if cultivates you gave this place to glance through on the 3rd, this is willing to guarantee you and ensure the territories of Nine Firmaments Immortal City and 12 territories main cannot move you.” 一座灵岛漂移到了这边,灵岛之上站着一个老僧,穿着金色袈裟,每一寸皮肤都在冒着宝光,眼眶之中的一双眼珠像是佛珠一般的璀璨,道:“小施主,你若是将你修炼的那一种佛门古经交给本座翻阅三日,本座愿意保你,保证九霄仙城和12域的域主也动不了你。” This old monk aura is huge, is a god sets up likely on the spirit island, making the young talents on the scene not dare to move. 这个老僧身上的气息庞大,像是一株神树立在灵岛上,让在场很多年轻才俊都不敢动弹。 This is Xumi ancient temple one of the three Great God monks, the leakproof Zen master, the hearsay he has achieved the Ascension boundary before 5000 on already, including this grade of character to obtain Feng Feiyun cultivation Buddhism ancient scripture unexpectedly, Feng Feiyun cultivation is really ancient scripture that spreads from the antique Saint Buddhist temple?” “这是须弥古庙的三大神僧之一,不漏禅师,传闻他在5000年前就已经达到了羽化境,竟然连他这等人物都想要得到风飞云修炼的佛门古经,难道风飞云修炼的真的乃是从太古圣佛庙中传出的古经?” Any ancient scripture that antique Saint Buddhist temple spreads may be the unsurpassed treasure, robbing that these Middle Ages aristocratic families can go all out.” “太古圣佛庙传出的任何古经可都是无上瑰宝,就连那些中古世家都会拼命的抢夺。” Feng Feiyun knows after having launched Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, definitely will initiate not the small disturbance, but he does not fear these old people to dare to get rid to rob him. 风飞云就知道展开了金蚕佛域之后,必定会引发不小的风波,但是他并不惧这些老人敢出手抢夺他。 First, these old people had abstained from Half Monster Union surely. 首先,这些老人必定对半妖盟有所忌讳。 Next, Feng Feiyun fights the status of king now, was not anybody said that snatched can snatch. 其次,风飞云现在乃是战王的身份,也不是任何人说抢就能抢。 Third, is most important, before these people have not clarified the Feng Feiyun cultivation the origin of Buddhist literature, no one dares to get rid easily, after all who can guarantee that can't annoy a formidable character in antique Saint Buddhist temple? 第三,也是最重要的,在这些人没有弄清楚风飞云修炼的佛经的来历之前,谁都不敢轻易出手,毕竟谁敢保证不会惹出一尊太古圣佛庙的强大人物? Sorry, this treasure after is family/home Master Qinchuan, cannot deliver anybody to steal a glance.” Feng Feiyun neither arrogant nor servile saying. “对不起,这一种宝经乃是家师亲传,不能交与任何人窥看。”风飞云不卑不亢的说道。 His such saying, making these member more definite he back perhaps really to have a kind teacher from antique Saint Buddhist temple, this may be serious, any antique Saint Buddhist temple was not the Middle Ages aristocratic family can incur to stir up, main abstained from as for the territories of these ordinary big territories. 他这么一说,让那些修士更加确定他的背后说不定真的有一尊来自太古圣佛庙的恩师,这可不得了,任何一座太古圣佛庙都不是中古世家可以招惹得起,至于那些普通的大域的域主就更加忌讳了。 Knew after this news, happily is Sir Kong Hou and Sir Fu Ying these two seven levels of Half Monster, next is these young talents of Liu Suzi faction. 得知这个消息之后,最高兴的莫过于孔侯大人和蝠应大人这两位七级半妖,其次就要数琉苏紫派系的那些年轻才俊。 Although Feng Feiyun had not said oneself have a kind teacher in antique Saint Buddhist temple, but he said that words meaning, directs toward this mentality above the people, the old people of many being ready to make trouble were law-abiding, does not dare to get rid easily. 风飞云虽然并没有说自己真的有一位太古圣佛庙的恩师,但是他说那话的意思,就是将众人向着这条思路之上引,很多蠢蠢欲动的老人都安分了下来,不敢轻易出手。 The leakproof Zen master has not retreated, stands above that spirit island as before, distant is looking at this direction, obviously has not lost heart to Buddhism ancient scripture of Feng Feiyun cultivation. 不漏禅师并没有退去,依旧站在那一座灵岛之上,遥遥的望着这个方向,显然对风飞云修炼的佛门古经并没有死心。 A Mo Taiqu cold snort/hum sound said: Your teacher is really the worthy people of former times Saint monk in antique Saint Buddhist temple, truth that must pay for a murder with one's life clearly, you have killed my Big Brother, I cut in the number of people used for the sacrifice to say today surely.” 莫太屈冷哼一声道:“就算你的师尊真的是太古圣佛庙的先贤圣僧,也要明白杀人偿命的道理,你杀了我大哥,我今日必定斩你的项上人头用来祭道。” The lance in Mo Taiqu hand in makes noise, sends out dazzling monster glow, a huge strength spreads from the lance. 莫太屈手中的长矛“噼里啦”作响,发出一道道炫目的妖芒,一股庞大的力量从长矛之中传出。 This is the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact strength. 这是十品灵器的力量。 Executes king!” “诛王式!” Fights the strength above lance to increase unceasingly, the imposing manner is getting more and more powerful, struck to shell, shook the entire spirit island suddenly to sink dozens zhang (3.33 m). 战矛之上的力量不断攀升,气势越来越强盛,一击轰击了过来,震得整个灵岛都猛然的下沉了数十丈。 Buddha bottle seal.” “佛瓶印。” Above a pair of arm of Feng Feiyun condenses endless Fokuang, changed into two treasured vases, the prestige that Grade 10 Spirit Artifact makes can the disintegration, the strengths of two treasured vases, gave to be killed by shock the war beast under Mo Taiqu body directly, changed into beach blood mud, flowed out the blood plasma from the shatter armor. 风飞云的一双手臂之上凝聚出无尽的佛光,化为了两座宝瓶,将十品灵器打出的威能给崩碎,两座宝瓶的力量,直接将莫太屈身下的战兽给震死,化为了一滩血泥,从破碎的铠甲之中流出血浆。 The body of Mo Taiqu jumps, changes into together the blood red shadow, the cold air/Qi is threatening, rumbles once more a lance, has punctured from the Feng Feiyun napes of the neck. 莫太屈的身体跃起,化为一道血红色的影子,冷气逼人,再次轰出一矛,从风飞云的脖颈之间刺过。 The Feng Feiyun arm gold/metal copper is likely common, with the monster lance of Grade 10 Spirit Artifact rank to striking, lance front striking. 风飞云的手臂像金铜一般,与十品灵器级别的妖矛对击,将矛锋给击开。 Worthily is Grade 10 monster, even if after is damaged , is very as before formidable, shakes the arm of Feng Feiyun to send to hurt. 不愧是十品妖器,即便是受损之后依旧十分强大,震得风飞云的手臂发疼。 But what is more surprised is Mo Taiqu, Grade 10 monster, once were activated, the monster light can break ten thousand miles earth together, a lance punctures the day, even can the meteorite outside territory piercing. 而更加吃惊的乃是莫太屈,十品妖器一旦被激活,一道妖光就能震碎万里大地,一矛刺天,甚至能够将域外的陨石给洞穿。 He can never believe that some people dare to keep off Grade 10 monster with the arm unexpectedly, and blocked. 他从来不敢相信竟然有人敢用手臂挡十品妖器,而且还挡住了。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” Feng Feiyun bare-handed assaults Grade 10 monster, makes huge sounds, shakes periphery unceasing thundering. 风飞云徒手搏击十品妖器,打出一声声巨大的声响,震得周围不断的轰鸣。 All people have been shocked, this Half Monster was too flamboyant, has the intensity of body achieved the what kind of region? 所有人都惊呆了,这个半妖实在太牛逼了,身体的强度到底达到了何等境地? All along looks down upon on Liu Suhong this moment face of Feng Feiyun to take several points of astonishment, the beautiful pupil winks, is hard to believe own eye. 就连一贯看不起风飞云琉苏红此刻脸上都要几分惊异,美眸眨眨,难以相信自己的眼睛。 Roaring flame fights the territory.” “烈焰战域。” Mo Taiqu for a long time cannot capture, launches own territory, fights the territory to launch, in the body runs out of the endless flame, the flame transforms is a hell battlefield picture, the scarlet-red skeleton, breaks the dagger-axe, the remnant wall, spirit and blood stream in this fought in the territory presented. 莫太屈久攻不下,也展开自己的域,战域展开,身体之中冲出无尽火焰,火焰幻化为一座地狱战场的景象,赤红的尸骨、断戈、残墙、精魂、血流都在这一座战域之中呈现了出来。 Mo Taiqu becomes formidable, the lance in hand likely is Fire Dragon of a shuttle in roaring flame, hits above side golden Buddha plate that in Feng Feiyun condenses, Buddha plate shaking together crack. 莫太屈变得更加的强大,手中的长矛像是一条穿梭在烈焰之中的火龙,撞击在风飞云凝聚成的一面金色的佛盘之上,将佛盘给震出一道裂纹。 The Feng Feiyun vision became cold severe, started release quietly Phoenix Fire God Domain, faint trace flame dissipated from the Feng Feiyun pore. 风飞云的目光变得冷厉了起来,开始悄悄的释放出“凤凰火神域”,一丝丝火苗从风飞云的毛孔之中逸散出来。 Because the Mo Taiqu territory is roaring flame fights territory, but the Feng Feiyun territory is Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, almost the entire spirit island will give the package, few people can see clearly inside fight, nobody knows that Feng Feiyun this moment already gives release Phoenix Fire God Domain silently. 因为莫太屈的域乃是“烈焰战域”,而风飞云的域又是“金蚕佛域”,几乎将整个灵岛都给包裹,很少有人能够看清里面战斗情况,更没有人知道风飞云此刻已经凤凰火神域给悄然无声的释放出来。 Strength of the phoenix fire gods flow above the entire spirit island, the flame almost and Mo Taiqu roaring flame fought the territory to form overlapping. 一道道凤凰火神之力在整个灵岛之上流动,火焰几乎和莫太屈的烈焰战域形成了重叠。 Only the person realized that the place of difference, that person is Mo Taiqu. 唯有一个人察觉到了异样的地方,那个人就是莫太屈 He felt that oneself motion becomes more and more slow, but temperature in the surrounding air also becomes higher and higher . Moreover the high oddness, making his armor probably melt. 他感觉到自己的行动变得越来越迟缓,而周围空气之中的温度也变得越来越高,而且高的离谱,让他身上的铠甲都要融化。 This high-temperature already achieving lets his some degrees of not being able to withstand. 这一股高温已经达到让他都有些承受不住的程度。 How can like this? What I cultivation is the roaring flame fights territory, fought the territory to start to backlash I? It is not right, even if the roaring flame fights territory to backlash I, is from inside to outside, but is not from outside to inside.” “怎么会这样?我修炼的乃是烈焰战域,难道战域开始反噬我了?不对,就算烈焰战域要反噬我,也是从内而外,而不是从外而内。” Although Mo Taiqu realized that was not wonderful, in the range of but actually as in oneself withstanding, fights supernaturally brave, pours into strength to Grade 10 monster in completely, gave to stimulate Artifact Spirit in monster, changed into a shadow of first six foot hot mouse beasts, swallowed the Feng Feiyun Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain strength. 莫太屈虽然察觉到了不妙,但是却依旧在自己承受的范围之内,战得更加神勇,将身上的力量全部都灌注到十品妖器之中,将妖器之中的器灵都给激发了出来,化为了一头六足火鼠兽的影子,吞噬风飞云金蚕佛域的力量。 Mo Taiqu was really too fierce, fought the territory to cultivate so the boundary the roaring flame unexpectedly, in the future the lima wood territory territory main position belongs to him.” full Toubai must Daoist robe old man to praise sighed. 莫太屈真是太厉害了,竟然将烈焰战域修炼到如此境界,将来赤木域域主的位置非他莫属。”一位满头白须的道袍老者赞叹道。 Another wear golden color long gown wears the middle-aged man in crest, nodded, said: „The temperature of that flame almost must burn through Formation of spirit island quickly, he informed and experienced many years above ten thousand clan battlefields, it seems like that the harvest is not small, it is estimated that now incessantly is ranks first ten to be so simple in the younger generation of Huan day boundary, even if ranks first three to have the possibility.” 另一个穿着金色长袍头戴羽冠的中年男子,也是点了点头,道:“那一股火焰的温度几乎都要快烧穿灵岛的阵法,他在万族战场之上历练多年,看来收获不小,估计现在在桓天境的年轻一代不止是排名前十那么简单,就算是排名前三都有可能。” That Daoist robe old man nodded, says with a smile: Moullin hold Sheng a good son, enviable envy!” 那一个道袍老者点了点头,笑道:“莫林盛生了一个好儿子,让人羡慕嫉妒啊!” Member who these do not understand the true situation, thinks the high temperature of above the spirit island spreading is Mo Taiqu roaring flame fights territory the strength, does not know that Mo Taiqu armor already at this moment melts, the body was given the package by molten iron, the skin is burnt. 那些不明真相的修士,都以为灵岛之上传出的高温乃是莫太屈的“烈焰战域”的力量,根本不知道此刻的莫太屈身上的铠甲都已经融化,身体被一层铁水给包裹,皮肤都被灼伤了一块块。 „It is not wonderful, is not wonderful, must retreat.” “不妙,不妙,得退走。” Mo Taiqu could not shoulder again, even if there is Grade 10 Spirit Artifact to protect the body, the flesh and blood as before was rotten in the unceasing fever, the blood in body probably must burn. 莫太屈再也扛不住了,就算有十品灵器护体,血肉却依旧在不断的烧烂,身体之中的血液都好像要燃烧起来了。 Feng Feiyun realized that Mo Taiqu wants to retreat, where to this opportunity, will launch the samsara speedily, intercepts his way, the arm changes into the phoenix claw, toward his head tearing in the past. 风飞云察觉到莫太屈想要退走,哪会给他这个机会,展开轮回疾速,拦截他的去路,手臂化为凤凰爪子,向着他的头颅撕裂过去。 Mo Taiqu offers a sacrifice to day clouds divine talisman, hits toward the hand claw of Feng Feiyun. 莫太屈祭出一枚天霄神符,向着风飞云的手爪打过去。 Bang!” “嘭!” The day clouds divine talisman strength endures compared with the Nirvana 5th-layer member strikes fully, gives the disintegration the phoenix god claw that Feng Feiyun makes, that divine talisman impulse, draws back more than ten meters far to the bang Feng Feiyun. 天霄神符的力量堪比涅槃第五重修士的全力一击,将风飞云打出的凤凰神爪给崩碎,那一股神符的冲击力,也将风飞云给轰退十多米远。 Mo Taiqu no longer stays, both legs fierce a tread in the ground, must run out of Phoenix Fire God Domain and Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain range. 莫太屈不再停留,双腿猛的在地面上一蹬,就要冲出凤凰火神域金蚕佛域的范围。 „To run away, which is so easy?” “想逃,哪那么容易?” Feng Feiyun both hands pinch the seal Secret Art, the surroundings innumerable flame condense, change into several meter/rice phoenixes, contains can crack-up the stars the mighty force, dashes in carrying on the back of Mo Taiqu. 风飞云双手捏动印诀,周围无数火焰凝聚,化为一只数米长的凤凰,蕴含着能够撞碎星辰的伟力,冲撞在莫太屈的背上。 Bang!” “轰!” The body of Mo Taiqu was given to break by the strength of phoenix, changes into bunch of flesh and blood, the flesh and blood by the strength of surroundings flame to the combustion completely, changes into continuously black mist and dust. 莫太屈的身体被凤凰的力量给砸碎,化为一团团血肉,血肉又被周围火焰的力量给燃烧殆尽,化为一缕缕黑色的烟尘。 Formation of entire spirit island was inspired in this moment completely, first even/including seven Formation were given to break by that strength, only remains last Formation not shatter, that float spirit island protecting, is insufficient to be split up. 整个灵岛的阵法在这一刻全部被引动,一连有七座阵法被那一股力量给震碎,只剩最后一道阵法没有破碎,将那一座悬浮的灵岛给守护住,不至于四分五裂。
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