SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#954: Powerhouse who returns from ten thousand clan battlefields

Xiao Tianrui was really too disappointing, linked Half Monster not to handle unexpectedly. This book is latest the free chapter to visit. // 霄天锐真是太让人失望了,竟然连一个半妖都搞不定。本书最新免费章节请访问。// Renews // high-speed. ” Huang saying of first heavenly talent yellow Tianleng sound. 高速更新//.”黄家的第一天骄黄天冷声的说道。 Indeed is too disgraceful, eight people collaborate, unexpectedly by Half Monster hitting like dog.” “的确是太丢人现眼,八人联手,竟然都被一个半妖给打得像狗一样。” Then Gu Laojiu and yellow Yuchang their arrogance were definitely more rampant.” “这下顾老九和黄羽长他们的气焰肯定更加嚣张了。” A pair of beautiful pupil of Liu Suhong stares at Feng Feiyun above mirror surface, in the jade white clear fragrant appearance is having several points of happy expression, reveals pure white and neat Bei tooth, said with a smile: This Half Monster is quite indeed formidable, stems from us to expect, but this merely is only start that's all. Nine Firmaments Immortal City great person already incites in secret, the Immortal City younger generation who can kill Feng Feiyun, who can become Nine Firmaments Immortal City new Young City Lord, today definitely also many Nine Firmaments Immortal City talents will catch up.” 琉苏红的一双美眸盯着镜面之上的风飞云,玉白色的清馨容颜之中带着几分笑意,露出一口洁白而又整齐的贝齿,笑道:“这个半妖的确颇为强大,出乎我们预料,不过这仅仅只是一个开始罢了九霄仙城的一位大人物已经暗中授意,仙城的年轻一代谁能够杀风飞云,谁就能成为九霄仙城新的少城主,今天肯定还有不少九霄仙城的才俊会赶来。” The Eighth Young Master Gu vision is staring at scarlet rosy cloud of horizon, smiled, said: This character came back from ten thousand clan battlefields unexpectedly, then had the good play to look.” 顾八少爷的目光盯着天边的一道赤霞,笑了笑,道:“这一位人物居然从万族战场之上回来了,这下有好戏看了。” Hears the Eighth Young Master Gu words, the people turned toward the horizon that to be together red the rosy cloud to look. 听到顾八少爷的话,众人都向着天边的那一道赤霞看了过去。 Meanwhile, above not far away spirit island, Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi and the others also felt radiance that a burning hot has shot toward here, simultaneously looked at the vision. 于此同时,不远处的灵岛之上,风飞云琉苏紫等人也都感觉到一股炙热的光华向着这边射了过来,同时将目光望了过去。 A Liu Suzi black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkle, said slightly: Is he!” 琉苏紫的黛眉微微一皱,道:“是他!” Who?” “谁?” Feng Feiyun felt the hostility in that scarlet rosy cloud. 风飞云在那一股赤霞之中感觉到了敌意。 Lima wood territory territory main second son, Mo Taiqu. This is one of the Huan Tianjing younger generation topest talents, year to year leads troops above ten thousand clan battlefields, experiences the experience of life and death, is not Xiao Tianrui can compare.” “赤木域域主的次子,莫太屈。这可是桓天境年轻一代最顶尖的才俊之一,常年都在万族战场之上带兵,经历生与死的历练,远不是霄天锐可以比拟。” Whish!” “哗!” Mo Taiqu rides the war beast that a whole body is braving the flame to come, the body puts on the bloodstained the armor, the malignant influences were threatening, fall above a nearby float spirit island, gave to break the jade above spirit island. 莫太屈骑着一头浑身冒着火焰的战兽而来,身上穿着染血的铠甲,煞气逼人,落到了旁边的一座悬浮灵岛之上,将灵岛之上的玉石都给震碎。 The war beast under his body face upwards the long and loud cry, exudes the deafening cry. 他身下的战兽仰天长啸,发出震耳欲聋的叫声。 In his hand is raising a bloodstained war lance, fights above the lance full is the air/Qi of withering, fearful heart and soul, only then recruits the war soldiers of innumerable blood possibly to have that and other murderous aura. 他手中提着一杆染血的战矛,战矛之上满是肃杀之气,慑人心魄,只有吸收无数血液的战兵才可能有那等杀气 The war lance of his hand swings refers to Feng Feiyun and the others the directions, the sinking sound drinks, said: Who is Feng Feiyun, get lost/rolls to suffer to death to me.” 他手的战矛摇指风飞云等人的方向,沉声一喝,道:“何人乃是风飞云,给我滚出来受死。” Spirit island that he is, is that spirit island that Xiao Tianrui controlled a moment ago, to here, only then dozens zhang (3.33 m) far, the people can the clear feeling on him fearful murderous aura, this potential does not know formidable many times compared with it Xiao Tianrui all at once. 他所在的灵岛,乃是刚才霄天锐所驾驭的那一座灵岛,离这里只有数十丈远,众人能够清晰的感觉到他身上慑人的杀气,这一股气势比之霄天锐不知强大多少倍。 The Mo Taiqu whole body is the blood, like a blood person knight, was just returned from ten thousand clan battlefields obviously, without enough time unloaded including the armor, then immediately turned toward here to kill. 莫太屈浑身都是鲜血,像一尊血人骑士,显然是刚从万族战场之上返回,连铠甲都来不及卸下,便立即向着这边杀了过来。 Now said that arrives among the immortal empty flowers the member in dwelling place of Buddhist immortals to be extremely numerous, mostly knows Mo Taiqu. 今曰来到仙虚花间洞天的修士极多,大多都认识莫太屈 This fellow comes back from ten thousand clan battlefields unexpectedly, definitely is because Feng Feiyun has killed his elder brother's reason.” In the boundless smog, above a spirit island has some talents to gather is talking mutually. “这家伙居然从万族战场之上回来,肯定是因为风飞云杀了他兄长的原因。”茫茫烟雾之中,一座灵岛之上有一些才俊聚集相互在交谈着。 This Half Monster also too can stir up trouble, gave to annoy Mo Taiqu unexpectedly, this was can arrange to enter Huan Tianjing the younger generation first ten characters steadily.” “这个半妖也太能惹事了,竟然将莫太屈都给惹了出来,这可是稳稳能够排进桓天境年轻一代前十的人物。” Both eyes of Mo Taiqu concentrate to sink, in hand fights the lance to refer to the day, said: You , if not come, do not blame me to slaughter the Half Monster Union big camp now.” 莫太屈的双目凝沉,手中战矛指天,道:“你若是再不现身,就别怪我现在去屠戮半妖盟大营。” What called to be? I not here?” “叫什么叫?我不就在这里嘛?” When does not know, Feng Feiyun already appears above that spirit island that in Mo Taiqu is, at this moment sits in star anise ancient pavilion two buildings, lies the parapet, in the hand is raising pot bronze liquor, is drinking, while was smiling to the Mo Taiqu nod of not far away. 不知什么时候,风飞云已经出现在莫太屈所在的那一座灵岛之上,此刻就坐在一座八角古亭的二楼上,趴着栏杆,手中提着一壶青铜酒,一边喝着,一边对着不远处的莫太屈点头笑了笑。 A Mo Taiqu surprise slightly, he suddenly had not discovered when Feng Feiyun reaches this spirit island. 莫太屈微微的一诧异,他竟然没有发现风飞云是何时登上这一座灵岛。 Many years of informed and experienced an experience above ten thousand clan battlefields told him according to him, this Half Monster is very at present dangerous, was not the weak one who can cut to kill at will. 根据他在万族战场之上多年历练的经验告诉他,眼前这个半妖很危险,并不是随意就可以斩杀的弱者。 Although Mo Taiqu feels the surprise, however imposing manner slightly is not weak, the bloodstained lance in hand points at Feng Feiyun, said: „Is my brother too not handsome dies in your hands?” 莫太屈虽然感觉到诧异,但是身上的气势却丝毫都不弱,手中的染血长矛遥指风飞云,道:“我哥莫太俊可是死在你的手中?” Feng Feiyun thinks, said: I, if did not acknowledge, you do believe?” 风飞云想了想,道:“我若是不承认,你信不信?” Naturally does not believe.” Mo Taiqu said. “自然不信。”莫太屈道。 Feng Feiyun said: I did not acknowledge.” 风飞云道:“那我还是不承认好了。” Dares to play tricks on me unexpectedly, boy, in my ten moves can nail tight you above this spirit island.” “竟然敢戏弄我,小子,我十招之内就能将你钉死在这一座灵岛之上。” The war beast under Mo Taiqu body is throwing over the thick armor, is speedily wild, jade floors stepping on broken, gives to hit the millennium spirit wood, fiercely a hit above star anise ancient pavilion. 莫太屈身下的战兽披着厚厚的铠甲,疾速狂暴,将一块块玉石地板给踩碎,将一株株千年灵木给撞断,猛地一头撞击在八角古亭之上。 Bang!” “轰!” The star anise ancient pavilion disintegration, is split up loudly, the tile, pillar and parapet in all directions flew away, changed into sections of remnant chips tiles. 八角古亭轰然崩碎,四分五裂,瓦片、柱子、栏杆都四处飞开,化为了一截截残木碎瓦。 The body of Feng Feiyun has golden Fokuang to wrap, circles to fly, the direct impact clouds, then flying speedily falls, made a huge golden Buddha to be in charge. 风飞云的身体有金色的佛光包裹,盘旋着飞起,直冲云霄,然后又疾速的飞落下来,打出了一道庞大的金色佛掌印。 Mo Taiqu vision ice-cold, such as a blood wolf of any sentiment, the lance in hand has not been flowing profound wonderful traces, must live likely generally. 莫太屈的目光冰冷,如一头没有任何感情的血狼,手中的长矛流动着一道道玄奇的纹路,像是要活过来了一般。 Fights the lance long jab expansive sky, as if must penetrate the vault of heaven. 战矛直击长空,仿佛是要穿透苍穹。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Feng Feiyun shouted one not to be good secretly, this Mo Taiqu strength was too terrifying, surmounts his estimate. 风飞云暗叫一声不好,这个莫太屈的战力实在太恐怖,超越他的预估。 The lance is in charge Buddha that Feng Feiyun puts out to the penetration, and gives to pierce the body of Feng Feiyun, punctured from the position of head, as if gives the penetration the entire body. 长矛将风飞云拿出的佛掌印给穿透,并且将风飞云的身体给洞穿,从头颅的位置刺了进去,仿佛是将整个身体都给穿透。 Many people jump for it heart, Mo Taiqu so is unexpectedly formidable, merely one lance a moment ago that strong Half Monster nailing tight? 很多人都为之心头一跳,莫太屈竟然如此强大,仅仅一矛就将刚才那个强势的半妖给钉死了? Suddenly, the body of Feng Feiyun becomes more and more pale, afterward complete disappearance. 突然,风飞云的身体变得越来越淡,随后完全的消失。 Originally pierced merely is only that Half Monster empty shade.” “原来洞穿了仅仅只是那个半妖的虚影。” Mo Taiqu that lance is indeed strong somewhat scary, when Feng Feiyun in realizing is not wonderful, then immediately launches the most perfect samsara speedily, the body shifts forcefully. 莫太屈的那一矛的确强得有些吓人,风飞云在意识到不妙之时,便立即展开最极致的轮回疾速,身体强行横移出去。 Because his speed is too fast, therefore gave the people to create a false appearance, was his body is penetrated by the lance likely generally. 因为他速度实在太快,所以才给众人造成了一种假象,像是他的身体被长矛穿透了一般。 Liu Suzi stands up suddenly, the slender and slender body like a weak willow tree, both eyes brilliant emit light, said: In the Mo Taiqu hand is Grade 10 Spirit Artifact.” 琉苏紫豁然站起身来,纤细而窈窕的身体就像一根弱柳,双目灼灼生光,道:“莫太屈手中乃是一件十品灵器。” Such remarks, immediately is startled presents all young talents is the heart jumps, neat stared above the vision the lance in Mo Taiqu hand. 此话一出,顿时惊得在场所有年轻才俊都是心头一跳,齐刷刷的将目光盯到了莫太屈手中的长矛之上。 Mo Taiqu portable bloodstained lance, above lance front blood energy is steaming, has the monster soul to vibrate, both eyes are watching intently Feng Feiyun of distant place, sneers saying: Right, this indeed is Grade 10 monster, is I obtains from ten thousand clan battlefields. However the monster soul in monster harms, can only display three war prestige of Grade 10 monster.” 莫太屈手提染血长矛,矛锋之上血气腾腾,有妖魂在震动,双目逼视着远处的风飞云,冷笑道:“没错,这的确乃是一件十品妖器,乃是我从万族战场之上得到。不过妖器之中的妖魂有损,只能发挥出十品妖器的三层的战威来。” Grade 10 monster was the same with Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, but the different tribal groups' to fighting soldier's one different name. 十品妖器和十品灵器本质上都是一样的,只是不同的族群对战兵的一种不同的称呼。 Grade 10 Spirit Artifact already can be topest war of some small and weak big territories, even if can only display the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact three strengths, already goes far beyond the Grade 9 Spirit Artifact war treasure, makes the territory hosts in these big territories compete sufficiently. 十品灵器已经能够算是一些弱小的大域的最顶尖战器,即便只能发挥出十品灵器的三层力量,已经远远超过九品灵器的战宝,足以让那些大域的域主都为之争夺。 Although Grade 10 Spirit Artifact Artifact Spirit is damaged, when vacation at said that can offer a sacrifice to refine surely perfectly, shows the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact war prestige. 十品灵器器灵虽然受损,但是假以时曰必定能够祭炼完善,展现出十品灵器的战威来。 Mo Taiqu actually obtained Grade 10 monster of damage, this makes his strength promotion very big sufficiently section.” 莫太屈竟然得到了一件受损的十品妖器,这足以让他的战力提升很大一截。” Mo Taiqu is Nirvana 5th-layer initial stage cultivation base, moreover year to year is also informed and experienced above ten thousand clan battlefields, the fight experiences the far ultra same step member, this is called Feng Feiyun Half Monster to fear that is very difficult the life the opportunity, you guess that Young Master Zi and Gu Laojiu they can lend a hand to assist?” 莫太屈本来就是涅槃第五重初期修为,而且又在万族战场之上常年历练,战斗经验远超同阶修士,这个叫做风飞云半妖怕是很难有活命的机会,你们猜紫公子顾老九他们会不会出手相助?” This was difficult saying that Mo Taiqu carried boundless murderous aura to come, there is Grade 10 monster in the hand, even if were Young Master Zi also not necessarily is his match.” “这个难说,莫太屈携带无边杀气而来,又有十品妖器在手,就算是紫公子也未必就是他的对手。” Eighth Young Master Gu and Liu Suhong and the others have sneered, is waiting to look at the good play, wants to know that Liu Suzi will do now? 顾八少爷琉苏红等人则都冷笑了起来,都在等着看好戏,想要知道琉苏紫现在将会怎么做? They thought at this time the Liu Suzi surely very difficult office, if she lent a hand to help Feng Feiyun, surely will offend Mo Taiqu this archenemy \; If she does not lend a hand to help Feng Feiyun, then Feng Feiyun died in the hand of Mo Taiqu, was equal to that was hitting her face. 他们觉得这个时候琉苏紫必定很难办,若是她出手帮助风飞云,就必定会得罪莫太屈这一尊大敌\;若是她不出手帮助风飞云,那么风飞云死在了莫太屈的手中,也就等于是在打她的脸。 They thought that Liu Suzi at this moment definitely is unable to back down. 他们都觉得此刻的琉苏紫肯定是骑虎难下。 Feng Feiyun stands in the corner of spirit island, stands proudly, on the face does not have the slightest bit scared look, said: Grade 10 monster, although is damaged, if snatches the estimate to sell a good price as before.” 风飞云站在灵岛的一角,傲然而立,脸上并没有半分惧色,道:“十品妖器虽然受损,不过若是抢过来估计依旧能够卖出一个好价钱。” That looked at you to have this skill.” “那就看你有没有这个本事了。” The Mo Taiqu sinking sound drinks, sound like the thunder, shakes spirit island unceasing rocking of under foot, as if momentarily can the avalanche. 莫太屈沉声一喝,声音如雷霆,震得脚下的灵岛不断的晃动,仿佛随时都会崩塌。 Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain.” 金蚕佛域。” Feng Feiyun holds their palms together, the palm of both hands erupts myriad Fokuang immediately, the back presents a huge Buddha halo, the under foot condenses seven ten Grade 2 Buddha stages, the body becomes endless sacred, the entire world was reciting the singing in praise of the Buddha, as if a Buddha arrived at the society. 风飞云双手合十,双手的手掌心顿时爆发出万千佛光,背后呈现出一个巨大的佛光环,脚下凝聚出一座七十二品佛台,身体变得无尽神圣,整个天地都在吟唱梵音,仿佛一位佛陀降临人世间。 The singing in praise of the Buddha is resonant, is similar to 100,000 Buddha in the sutras. 梵音嘹亮,如同100000佛者在诵经。 Around the body has 108,000 golden Buddha silkworms to dance in the air, covers the entire spirit island. 身体周围有108000只金色的佛蚕在飞舞,笼罩整个灵岛。 Every bit of property above spirit island flowing Buddha magnificent, one watt stone also golden light is shining. 灵岛之上的一草一木都在流动佛华,一瓦一石也都金光灿灿。 This was too sacred, golden Fokuang almost among the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals half immortal empty flowers gives to illuminate, Fokuang makes this dwelling place of Buddhist immortals looks like a Buddha territory. 这一幕实在太神圣了,金色的佛光几乎将半个仙虚花间洞天都给照亮,佛光让这一座洞天变得像一座佛域。 The member of many older generation were also alarmed by Fokuang, thinks that is the successor in antique Saint Buddhist temple arrives, when knew when is Half Monster, all feels the surprise. 很多老一辈的修士也都被佛光惊动,以为是太古圣佛庙的传人降临,当得知是一个半妖之时,皆是感到诧异。 Slaughter monster extinguishes god!” “屠妖灭神式!” Mo Taiqu rides is fighting the beast, carries to fight the impulse that the beast dashes about wildly, a lance punctured, the spirit changes into the essence, the naked eye is visual. 莫太屈骑着战兽,携带战兽狂奔的冲击力,一矛刺了过来,锐气化为实质,肉眼都可看见。 The lance pricks in Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, looks like pricks in deep pool silt, that spirit was worn down by the strength of Buddha territory unceasingly. 长矛刺入金蚕佛域之中,就像是刺入一潭淤泥之中,那一股锐气在不断被佛域的力量消磨。 In the Feng Feiyun mouth was reading the Buddhist literature, making golden Buddha seal slowly, the palm looked like with the gold/metal brass casting refining up together, some innumerable Gold Silkworm danced in the air in the arms, shelled above the lance front of lance, erupted a sonorous sound. 风飞云口中念着佛经,缓缓的打出一道金色的佛印,手掌就像是用金铜铸炼而成,有无数金蚕飞舞在手臂之间,轰击在长矛的矛锋之上,爆发出一声铿锵的声音。 Bang!” “嘭!” The seven ten Grade 2 Buddha lotuses under Feng Feiyun body hike up, such as was swayed by the cool breeze, departs three zhang (3.33 m) far backward. 风飞云身下的七十二品佛莲飘起,如被清风吹拂,向后飞出三丈远。 „!” “嗷!” The speed of because dashing about wildly was prevented, not that under too handsome body fights the beast both legs almost to be shaken, in the armor overflows a little bit blood, fights the beast to send out grating miserable to howl, the entire beast body person has stood. 因为狂奔的速度被阻挡住,莫太俊身下的那一头战兽的双腿差点被震断,铠甲之中溢出一滴滴血液,战兽发出一声刺耳的惨啸,整个兽躯都人立了起来。
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