SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#953: Fights the prestige to be astonishing

These talent talents are also one startled, including several people stand up suddenly, in the eye full is incredible god color/look. 那些天才才俊也是一惊,其中有几人豁然站起身来,眼中满是不可置信的神sè。 Merely one finger/refers gives to repel Xiao Tianrui, this Half Monster was too rather formidable. 仅仅一指就将霄天锐给击退,这个半妖未免太强大了。 Xiao Tianrui face color/look somewhat cannot hang, oneself solemn Nine Firmaments Immortal City hero, does not beat base and low Half Monster unexpectedly, which if this does pass on his also to have the qualifications to compete the Young City Lord position? 霄天锐的脸sè也有些挂不住,自己堂堂九霄仙城的英杰,竟然不敌一个卑微的半妖,这要是传出去他哪还有资格竞争少城主的位置? Catastrophe swords, spring swords and various Divine Sword, three dying sword.” “浩劫剑、名泉剑、诸神剑,三才绝命剑阵。” Three handle Ancient Sword that Xiao Tianyue carries on the back simultaneously leave the sheath to depart, changes into white color/look, azure color/look and black color/look three Daoist believers light, the sword air/Qi is very swift and fierce, is the spirit swords of Grade 7 Spirit Artifact rank. 霄天悦背上的三柄古剑同时离鞘飞出,化为白sè、青sè、黑sè的三道流光,剑气很是凌厉,都是七品灵器级别的灵剑。 radiance of three swords rises suddenly, cold air is getting more and more abundant. 三剑的光华暴涨,寒气越来越盛。 Sword air/Qi depart, melt myriad sword shades. 一道道剑气飞出,化出万千剑影。 Among immortal empty flowers dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, although has the numerous suppressions, suppressed the bottom the strength of member, but actually as before could not block that Spirit Artifact sword prestige with amazement. 仙虚花间洞天虽然有重重压制,将修士的力量压制到了最低点,但是却依旧挡不住那一股骇然的灵器剑威。 Feng Feiyun also becomes slightly with deep veneration, above the wrist/skill full is, condenses handle gold/metal color/look the blade, on the knife is interweaving Buddha seal. 风飞云也变得微微的肃然了起来,手腕之上满是佛芒,凝聚成一柄金sè的刀刃,刀身上交织着一道道佛印。 A blade has divided, the spring water of sword air/Qi gold/metal color/look threw to curl together in the past. 一刀劈了出去,剑气似一道金sè的泉水扑卷了过去。 Bang, bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭,嘭……” The blade air/Qi one layer upon layer cuts the sword air/Qi broken, finally also gives the volume to fly Ancient Sword of three handle Grade 7 Spirit Artifact ranks. 刀气将剑气给一层层斩碎,最后将三柄七品灵器级别的古剑也给卷飞。 Three handle spirit swords have simultaneously broken away from the control of Xiao Tianrui, flies upside down, inserted above a jade column, the entire sword blade has passed through from the jade column. 三柄灵剑同时脱离了霄天锐的控制,倒飞出去,插进了一根玉柱之上,整个剑身都从玉柱中贯穿了出去。 Three sword territory.” “三才剑域。” Xiao Tianrui gown was broken rags, the anger burns in the heart, rave displays own territory, recalls three handle spirit swords once more, radiance of spirit sword becomes wins, is complicated in the same place, collects together the sword air/Qi mighty current, has attacked. 霄天锐身上的袍子被震碎成一块块碎布,怒火在心中烧,狂吼一声施展出自己的域,将三柄灵剑再次召回,灵剑的光华变得更胜,交缠在一起,汇集成一道剑气洪流,冲击了过来。 Buddhist doctrine is boundless!” “佛法无边!” Feng Feiyun holds their palms together, the body emits myriad Buddha articles, the place of both hands palm sexual intercourse has the gold/metal color/look light beam together to raise. 风飞云双手合十,身上冒出万千佛文,双手手掌交合之处更是有一道金sè的光柱升起。 A palm has hit, leads innumerable Buddha Qi. 一掌打了出去,带动无数佛气 Bang!” “轰!” This Buddha was in charge together has broken through three sword territory, hit three handle spirit swords bang bang makes noise, finally shelled above the chest of Xiao Tianrui, must collapse by pressure his chest, splashes the big piece blood splash. 这一道佛掌印冲破了“三才剑域”,将三柄灵剑打得“砰砰”作响,最终轰击在霄天锐的胸膛之上,将他的胸膛都要压塌,溅出大片血花。 The Xiao Tianrui clothing is mixed up, chest covered with blood, generally on the ground rolled out like the bottle gourd that get lost/rolls the place. 霄天锐的衣衫杂碎,胸口血肉模糊,就像一个滚地的葫芦一般在地上滚了出去。 Feng Feiyun smiled, said: Depends on you also to kill me, you and Xiao Tianyue differed were too far, today is the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals in the immortal empty flowers, I did not kill you, oneself went back to cultivate again for several years!” 风飞云笑了笑,道:“就凭你也想杀我,你和霄天悦相差太远了,今天乃是在仙虚花间洞天,我就不杀你了,自己再回去修炼几年吧!” The lung of Xiao Tianyue must explode with rage, was given to defeat by Half Monster unexpectedly . Moreover the opposite party also said such wind discouraging talk, a fresh bloody stool has spat from the mouth. 霄天悦的肺都要气炸了,竟然被一个半妖给击败,而且对方还说出这样的风凉话,一口鲜血便从嘴里吐了出来。 Ascension talisman!” 羽化符箓!” Xiao Tianrui takes out Ascension talisman, pinched in the palm, the arm inflated, gave to break open the sleeves, can clear saw that rays flowed on the arm. 霄天锐取出一枚羽化符箓,捏在手心,手臂膨胀了起来,将衣袖给撑破,可以清晰的看到一道道光芒在手臂上流动。 A palm lays out, air/Qi of turbulent rushing a Ascension bang. 一掌拍出,一股羽化之气汹涌滂湃的轰来。 The Feng Feiyun vision sinks, above arm presents a piece of phoenix feather, condenses a huge phoenix claw. 风飞云的目光一沉,手臂之上呈现出一片凤凰羽,凝聚成一只庞大的凤凰爪。 Phoenix crack day!” “凤凰裂天!” The phoenix god claw rumbled in the past, spelled with Xiao Tianrui hardly has struck. 凤凰神爪轰了过去,与霄天锐硬拼了一击。 Even if Xiao Tianrui has Ascension talisman to add body does not beat Feng Feiyun strikes, the body explodes draws back, the arm almost must by the phoenix god claw patting numbly. 霄天锐即使有羽化符箓加身也不敌风飞云的一击,身体爆退,手臂几乎要被凤凰神爪给拍得麻木。 Bang!” “轰!” Has not waited for him to return comes pantingly, Feng Feiyun second strikes already to shell, Ascension talisman in Xiao Tianrui hand was hit to crack a fissure, the body retroceded suddenly two steps, the five main internal organs (entrails) probably is shaken to must to spit from the mouth. 还没有等他回过气来,风飞云的第二击已经轰击过来,霄天锐手中的羽化符箓被打裂出了一道裂痕,身体猛然后退两步,五脏六腑都好像都被震得要从口中吐出来。 So to be how strong? 怎么会这么强? In the heart of Xiao Tianrui is afraid, opposite party cultivation base is too high, unexpectedly cannot shoulder including Ascension talisman, is really this Half Monster? 霄天锐的心中感到恐惧,对方的修为实在太高,居然连羽化符箓都扛不住,这真是一个半妖吗? Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun lays out a phoenix god claw once more, penetrates the light of Ascension, the Xiao Tianrui body tearing down one. 风飞云再次拍出一记凤凰神爪,穿透羽化之光,将霄天锐的皮肉给撕下了一块。 You have not gotten rid.” “你们还不出手。” In the Xiao Tianrui mouth puts out a blood, shaking the five internal organs must rot by the strength of phoenix god claw, in mouth unceasing welling up blood. 霄天锐的口中吐出一口鲜血,被凤凰神爪的力量给震得五脏都要烂掉,口中不断的涌鲜血。 Comes also to get rid to Feng Feiyun to seven young member this matter of 12 big territories, these seven people are the territory main heir, the cultivation excessively top merit law, has all achieved Nirvana 4th-layer. 来至12大域的七个年轻修士此事也对风飞云出手,这七人都是域主子嗣,修炼过顶尖功法,皆达到了涅槃第四重 Although they seven people of cultivation base are inferior to Xiao Tianrui, but is very as before formidable, has the character who the qualifications aspire to seize the Ascension boundary. 他们七人的修为虽然不及霄天锐,但是依旧十分强大,乃是有资格问鼎羽化境的人物。 These seven people know that the great strength of Feng Feiyun, took out Ascension talisman to pinch in the hand, the air/Qi of seven Ascension ran out, was seven white rainbows raises likely, passes through the expansive sky. 这七人都知道风飞云的强大,都取出了羽化符箓捏在手中,七股羽化之气冲出,像是七条白虹升起,贯穿长空。 If not for above the spirit island has the Formation in addition to hold, definitely by this strength breaking. 若不是灵岛之上有阵法加持,肯定会被这一股力量给震碎。 This group of people were also too hateful, eight people collaborate to deal with one person, did not fear that passes on to harm the major territory main prestige?” On the Young Master Gu Shisan god fights intent to be steaming, the armored hand like Shenyu, wants to get rid to help Feng Feiyun very much. “这群人也太可恶了,八人联手对付一人,也不怕传出去有损各大域主的威名?”顾十三少爷的神上战意腾腾,铁拳如神玉,很想出手帮风飞云一把。 Waits again, Brother Feng has not used any pointed weapons until now, has not launched the strength of territory, explained that he deals with now very with ease.” Young Master Gu Jiu said with a smile. “再等等,风兄到现在为止都没有使用任何兵刃,也没有展开域的力量,说明他现在应付得很轻松。”顾九少爷笑道。 These talent outstanding also such nods, also quite admire to the Feng Feiyun strength, now will not take lightly Feng Feiyun. 那些天才俊杰也都如此的点了点头,对风飞云的战力也相当佩服,现在再也不会看轻风飞云了。 A person of alone war eight Nirvana 4th-layer powerhouse, this is not the common young talent can achieve. 一人独战八位涅槃第四重的强者,这可不是一般的年轻才俊能够做到。 Sir Kong Hou and Sir Fu Ying these two seven levels of Half Monster also again and again nod, is quite satisfied to the strength that Feng Feiyun displays, on the face is having the inspired smiling face, who said that Half Monster certainly is inferior to the Immortal City young talent? Who said that Half Monster cannot join striving for hegemony of younger generation, hasn't seen Half Monster Union Feng Feiyun one person of strength alone war eight with the boundary member?” 孔侯大人和蝠应大人这两位七级半妖也都连连点头,对风飞云表现出来的力量相当满意,脸上带着振奋的笑容,“谁说半妖就一定不如仙城的年轻才俊?谁说半妖就不能加入年轻一代的争雄,没看到半妖盟风飞云一人之力独战八位同境界修士?” This news passes on, definitely will start the giant mighty waves in Half Monster. 这个消息传出去,肯定又会在半妖之中掀起巨大的波澜。 Phoenix evil fire!” “凤凰孽火!” In the Feng Feiyun mouth spits the fire, changes into piece of scarlet-red color/look the hot cloud, simultaneously turned toward the young talent impact of that eight Nirvana 4th-layer in the past. 风飞云的口中吐火,化为一片赤红sè的火云,同时向着那八位涅槃第四重的年轻才俊冲击过去。 After Feng Feiyun cultivates Phoenix Fire God Domain, phoenix evil fire the destruction strength becomes more formidable, instantaneously two territory main heir firing the severe wound, had the Ascension talisman package to be insufficient to be burnt luckily. 风飞云修炼出凤凰火神域之后,“凤凰孽火”的毁灭力变得更加强大,瞬间就将两位域主子嗣给烧成了重伤,幸好有羽化符箓的包裹才不至于被烧死。 What flame is this, the destructive power so will be how fierce?” Xiao Tianrui has haunched the Ascension talisman strength , can only block the phoenix evil fire reluctantly. “这是什么火焰,破坏力怎么会如此厉害?”霄天锐撑起了羽化符箓的力量,也只能勉强的挡住凤凰孽火。 However the Ascension talisman strength in unceasingly was actually given the combustion by the evil fire, they were routed by Feng Feiyun also merely are only the issues of time. 但是羽化符箓的力量却在不断被孽火给燃烧,他们被风飞云击溃也仅仅只是时间的问题。 Eight Nirvana 4th-layer young talents were burnt down the beads of sweat to drop down by the phoenix evil, skin roasted burnt/anxious red, the body as if must burn. 八位涅槃第四重的年轻才俊都被凤凰孽火烧得汗珠直落,皮肤都被烤的焦红,身体仿佛都要燃起来了。 Bang! Bang!” “嘭!嘭!” That two on the territory main heir of injury, could not shoulder the corrosion of phoenix Nirvana again, the body like the lit lantern, has burnt. 那两个本来就受了重伤的域主子嗣,再也扛不住凤凰涅槃的侵蚀,身体就像被点燃的灯笼,燃烧了起来。 They called out pitifully unceasingly, struggled in flame, after long time , the body was fired a place flying ash. 两人不断的惨叫,在火焰之中挣扎,半晌之后身体就被烧成了一地飞灰。 The Xiao Tianrui face color/look great change, thigh has twitched fiercely, tight clenching teeth, said: We walk!” 霄天锐的脸sè巨变,大腿剧烈的抽动了一下,紧紧的咬了咬牙,道:“我们走!” They look now, Feng Feiyun is not very affable, the remaining six people are controlling Ascension talisman, retreating slowly. 他们现在都看出来了,风飞云很不好惹,剩下的六人控制着羽化符箓,缓缓的撤退。 You think that can also get away?” “你们以为还走得了吗?” Feng Feiyun is naturally impossible to leave trouble for the future, body moves, launches the samsara speedily, the speed is fast together just like the flowing light, has crashed in the phoenix evil fire, lightning general getting rid, first even/including lays out six palms. 风飞云自然不可能放虎归山,身体一动,展开轮回疾速,速度快得宛如一道流光,冲进了凤凰孽火之中,闪电一般的出手,一连拍出六掌。 Bang, bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭,嘭……” The member who the palm that any by Feng Feiyun hits, the body immediately is then split up, the flesh and blood and bone separation, fell into the phoenix evil fire. 凡是被风飞云的手掌击中的修士,身体便立即四分五裂,血肉和骨头分离,落入了凤凰孽火之中。 These flesh and blood and bones burn in the phoenix evil fire, then changed into a handful black color/look cigarette ashes quickly. 那些血肉和骨头在凤凰孽火之中燃烧,很快便化为了一小撮黑sè的烟灰。 Including Xiao Tianrui, eight young talents who comes is struck to kill, the skeleton by the phoenix evil fire building up, only remains place ashes. 包括霄天锐在内,前来的八个年轻才俊都被击杀,尸骨被凤凰孽火给炼化,只剩一地灰烬。 Feng Feiyun opened mouth swallowing in the abdomen the phoenix evil fire, then refine to various body places, this was also natural calmly walked toward Liu Suzi and the others. 风飞云张开嘴将凤凰孽火给吞回了腹中,然后又炼化到身体各处,这才又潇洒从容的向着琉苏紫等人走了过去。 This all people looked that the Feng Feiyun vision was different. 这一次所有人看风飞云的目光都不同了。 This child murders decisively, leaves stingy to be spicy, absolutely is ruthless corner/horn color/look, these young talents on the scene so appraise Feng Feiyun. 此子杀伐果断,出手狠辣,绝对是一个狠角sè,在场的那些年轻才俊如此的评价风飞云 Liu Suzi sits above the alcove, a White Jade beautiful is carrying with the hand a bronze flagon, urges somebody to drink spring Lingjiu but in actually, beautiful pupil emit light, said with a smile: Brother Feng can kill the Xiao Tianyue character worthily, the strength is really praiseworthy. Kong Hou fights the king, perhaps in Half Monster Union little has Brother Feng this grade of heavenly talent character born?” 琉苏紫坐在亭子之上,一只白玉美手提着一只青铜酒壶,将一泉灵酒给倒进酒盏之中,美眸生光,笑道:“风兄不愧是能够杀霄天悦的人物,战力真是让人钦佩。孔侯战王,恐怕半妖盟中很少有风兄这等天骄人物出世吧?” Seven levels of Half Monster Kong Hou big humanity: Since the middle ancient times, like Feng Feiyun this grade of heavenly talent, entire Half Monster Union absolutely has not had ten.” 七级半妖孔侯大人道:“自中古时代以来,像风飞云这等天骄,整个半妖盟绝对没有十个。” Liu Suzi has carried the wine glass, gives Feng Feiyun, said with a smile: This cup is respects a Brother Feng show invincible might to cut eight people of heroic feelings continually, hopes that Brother Feng becomes first breaks Half Monster does not ascend Ascension curse Half Monster.” 琉苏紫端起了酒杯,递给风飞云,笑道:“这一杯乃是敬风兄一展神威连斩八人的豪情,同时也希望风兄成为第一打破‘半妖不登羽化’的诅咒的半妖。” These young talents also raise glass, obviously regarded Feng Feiyun had the character who the qualifications and they treated as an equal. 那些年轻才俊也都举杯,显然是将风飞云当成了有资格和他们平起平坐的人物。 Bellipotent of Brother Feng, if displays the strength of territory, perhaps has with the strength that the Nirvana 5th-layer character puts together.” Saying that some people flattered. 风兄的战力强大,若是施展出域的力量,恐怕有和涅槃第五重的人物一拼的实力。”有人奉承的说道。 Naturally is also words that thinks highly, actually presents nobody to believe that Feng Feiyun has to contend with the strength of Nirvana 5th-layer member. 当然也都是恭维的话,其实在场没有人相信风飞云真的拥有抗衡涅槃第五重修士的力量。 After all differs a boundary in the Nirvana boundary, the strength differs enormously, wants to surmount the boundary fight to be very difficult. 毕竟在涅槃境相差一个境界,力量就相差极大,想要跨越境界战斗十分艰难。 That move of magical powers that Brother Feng displayed a moment ago, endure compared with one giving up study of Phoenix Monster Clan, should be imitates phoenix evil fire the god copper coin technique?” Young Master Gu Jiu said with a smile. 风兄刚才施展的那一招神通,堪比凤凰妖族的一种绝学,应该是仿‘凤凰孽火’的神通宝术吧?”顾九少爷笑道。 They thought that the Feng Feiyun that flame was extremely formidable, flame then with boundary gave to suppress eight member, this valuable technique did not compare the Shangfenghuang evil fire, already was quite fierce. 他们都觉得风飞云刚才的那一种火焰极其强大,火焰一出便将八位同境界的修士都给压制住,这一门宝术就算比不上凤凰孽火,也已经相当厉害了。 Indeed is magical powers of copy phoenix evil fire.” Feng Feiyun such is dealing with. “的确是一门仿造凤凰孽火的神通。”风飞云如此的应付着。 This group of young talents to the reason that he shows good will, is to do to Eighth Young Master Gu and Liu Suhong and the others looked, they want with the aid of the power and influence that Feng Feiyun that fought a moment ago, enhances oneself this side imposing manner. 这群年轻才俊向他示好的原因,是想要做给顾八少爷琉苏红等人看,他们想要借助风飞云刚才那一战的威势,来提高自己这一方的气势。 Feng Feiyun naturally understands that their thoughts, he is also using actually these young talent back influences to resist the pressures of Nine Firmaments Immortal City and 12 big territories. 风飞云自然明白他们的心思,其实他也在利用这些年轻才俊背后的势力来抵挡九霄仙城和12大域的压力。 Why can Feng Feiyun striking to kill eight talent outstanding a moment ago? Is wants to present these talent outstanding to give to drag down, only by doing so, Feng Feiyun will be safer. 风飞云刚才为何要将八位天才俊杰给击杀?就是想要将在场这些天才俊杰都给拉下水,只有这样,风飞云才会更安全。 When Feng Feiyun and the others here sang loudly joke, Eighth Young Master Gu and Liu Suhong a people outstandingly actually yin calm face of above that side spirit island. 风飞云等人这边高歌笑谈之时,顾八少爷琉苏红的那边灵岛之上的一众人杰却都yin沉着脸。
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