SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#952: Immortal empty

Among flowers dwelling place of Buddhist immortals is not the general brothel prostitute work place can compare, among some flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals even surmounted the Middle Ages aristocratic family in the cultivation world status and influence, only then cultivation base and status topest member was qualified for in the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. “花间洞天”并不是一般的青楼妓坊可以比拟,有的花间洞天甚至超越中古世家在修仙界的地位和势力,只有修为和身份最顶尖的修士才有资格进入洞天之中。 But among immortal empty flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals is among the topest flowers one of the dwelling places of Buddhist immortals. 而仙虚花间洞天就是最顶尖的花间洞天之一。 Tonight arrives among the immortal empty flowers the member in dwelling place of Buddhist immortals to be extremely numerous, naturally is primarily the talents of younger generation, the entire leaf Hongjing major territories have the talent to catch up, the Middle Ages aristocratic family, Immortal City and outstanding person with outstanding ability of Saint mansion naturally was also not infrequent, even also had other the heavenly talent people of boundary to hear the news to catch up outstandingly. 今夜来到仙虚花间洞天的修士极多,当然还是以年轻一代的才俊为主,整个叶红境的各大域都有才俊赶来,中古世家、仙城、圣府的杰出英才自然也不在少数,甚至还有一些别的境的天骄人杰闻讯赶了过来。 Must know leaf Hongjing the altogether more than 8000 territories, even if a territory, only then a member comes, is more than 8000 people. 要知道叶红境一共有8000多个域,哪怕是一个域只有一个修士前来,那么都是8000多人。 The young talent and elders member who more than one person however a territory comes so is absolutely simple, therefore also creates the grand occasion that the present has been fully occupied, almost must among the threshold of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals the immortal empty flowers give to tread broken. 但是一个域前来的年轻才俊和老辈修士绝对不止一人那么简单,所以也就造成了现在人满为患的盛况,几乎都要将仙虚花间洞天的门槛都给踏破。 This moment Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi on outside of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals in the immortal empty flowers, look at the member who passes through continuously, including talents give to recognize Liu Suzi, walked to salute, exchanged greetings two, then entered among the flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 此刻风飞云琉苏紫就等在仙虚花间洞天的外面,看着川流不息走过的修士,其中有的才俊将琉苏紫给认出,走过来行礼,寒暄了两句,然后便进入了花间洞天。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: My very curious matter, the candidates of your boundary main mansion how many boundary main successors?” 风飞云笑道:“我很好奇一件事,你们境主府到底有多少位境主继承人的候选人?” Liu Suzi leans near an old tree of Zalong, the item of show god is abundant, the beautiful appearance and outstanding ability, said with a smile: Our colored glaze family inherited tens of millions years, the clansman proliferates entire leaf Hongjing, even is entire sixth Yang Dynasty. Young talent of each generation of births is innumerable, can emerge the person who also to have from these many talents, but this generation somewhat is funny, the colored glaze family most formidable juniors unexpectedly are the females.” 琉苏紫斜倚在一颗扎龙的古树边,目秀神丰,美貌而又俊逸,笑道:“我们琉璃家族传承了数千万年,族人遍布整个叶红境,甚至是整个第六中央王朝。每一代诞生的年轻才俊都数不胜数,能够从这么多的才俊之中脱颖而出的人也有一些,而这一代却有些好笑,琉璃家族最强大的子弟竟然都是女子。” The Feng Feiyun speechless, said: Is it possible that do this generation of successors want born from the female?” 风飞云哑然,道:“莫非这一代的继承人要从女子之中诞生?” Why can't?” Liu Suzi said: „The the say/way Lord of hole Lord and Ganges ancient road in boundary hosts and five sword dwelling places of Buddhist immortals of day mark boundary, is not a female, but overawes entire sixth Yang Dynasty as before, moreover after they become Lord of the side, the disciple becomes powerful. Therefore so long as the ability is formidable, does not divide the men and women, can become the successor.” “为何不可?”琉苏紫道:“天痕境的境主、五剑洞天的洞主、恒河古道的道主,不都是女子,但是依旧威震整个第六中央王朝,而且她们成为一方之主后,门下变得更加的强盛。所以说只要能力强大,并不分男女,都能够成为继承人。” Feng Feiyun knew in the Liu Suzi mouth, the boundary main mansion most outstanding talent has four, is the direct line juniors of colored glaze family, moreover is the females, each one has unusual mental and talent, ruthless spicy method. 风飞云琉苏紫的口中得知,境主府最杰出的才俊有四个,都是琉璃家族的直系子弟,而且都是女子,个个都有超凡的心智、天赋,还有狠辣的手段。 After Feng Feiyun hears these , can only pay silent tribute for these God's favored ones of colored glaze family, the solemn seven chi (0.33 m) son was actually pressed by several females in the head. 风飞云听到这些之后,也只能为琉璃家族的那些天之骄子默哀,堂堂七尺男儿却被几个女子压在头上。 Young Master Gu Jiu and Yu Shao caught up finally, with has more than ten young talents who they accompanied. 顾九少爷玉少终于赶来了,与他们随行的还有十多个年轻才俊。 These young talents cultivation base are all good, the vigor is full, accessories are the Spirit Artifact sacrifice refine, obviously was the successor candidates of some Middle Ages aristocratic families, belonged to stand in younger generation topest existence. 这些年轻才俊个个都修为不俗,精气神饱满,身上的配饰都是灵器祭炼而成,显然都是一些中古世家的继承人候选者,属于站在年轻一代最顶尖的存在。 Has seen Young Master Zi.” These young talents slightly salutes toward Liu Suzi. “见过紫公子。”这些年轻才俊都微微的向着琉苏紫行礼。 And a complexion quite morbid state man, sound low and deep say/way: I eavesdropped on that going and Gu of news yellow day already secret eight and big princess meets, it seems like his already preparation invested in a union of big princess department.” 其中一个脸色颇为病态的男子,声音低沉的道:“我探听到消息黄天已经秘密的去和顾老八和大郡主会晤,看来他已经准备投入大郡主一系的同盟之中了。” yellow heaven, was the Middle Ages aristocratic family Huang the first talent, was on good terms with Liu Suzi. 黄天,乃是中古世家“黄家”的第一才俊,原来乃是与琉苏紫交好。 Liu Suzi is not angry, says with a smile: yellow heaven, since such is ignorant of current affairs, then looks like the successor of Huang feared that must belong to the feather long young master.” 琉苏紫并不怎么生气,笑道:“黄天既然这么不识时务,那么看来黄家的继承人怕是要非羽长公子莫属了。” The man of this morbid state is also an extremely talent of Huang, named yellow Yuchang. 这个病态的男子也是黄家的一位绝顶才俊,名叫黄羽长。 Liu Suzi already already knew in the union that yellow day joins the big princess actually, therefore sends the person to contact with yellow Yuchang, the No. 2 character of this Huang younger generation winning over. 琉苏紫其实早就已经知晓黄天加入大郡主的同盟之中,所以才派遣人去联系黄羽长,将这个黄家年轻一代的第二号人物给拉拢了过来。 yellow Yuchang the vision is mean, absolutely is a ruthless role, said: Forms the union with Young Master Zi, the absolute ratio and big princess form the union more promising, only blame the yellow day he not to have the vision. If I in the future become the head of household of Huang, fully supports Young Master Zi to mount the boundary main imperial throne surely.” 黄羽长的目光阴狠,绝对是一个狠角色,道:“与紫公子结成同盟,绝对比和大郡主结成同盟更有前途,只怪黄天他没有眼光。若是我将来成为黄家的家主,必定全力支持紫公子登上境主大位。” The talent who these come also in giving Young Master Zi indicates the manner, then the group then entered among the immortal empty flowers Cave Dwelling. 这些前来的才俊也都在给紫公子表明态度,然后一行人便进入了仙虚花间洞府 Since named Cave Dwelling, naturally is different. 既然名叫洞府,自然是别有洞天。 After entering the palace error front door, after passing through gate that a spiritual energy collected, arrived at one ** the microcosm, a piece of fragrant Xun's flower fragrance then heads on instantaneously, that is takes root the spirit flower above void, flower petals were blown to fly by the wind the piece by piece, dances in the air above void in all directions. 进入宫阙大门之后,穿过了一道灵气汇集成的门之后,就来到了一个**的小世界,一片香薰的花香瞬间便扑面而来,那是一株株扎根在虚空之上的灵花,有一片片花瓣被风吹飞,在虚空之上四处飞舞。 Above the backdrop is hanging a giant pearl, does not know that common moon wants the big several fold, ray that sprinkles with moonlight same gentleness, likely is the silver gauze of a connection day and place. 天幕之上悬着一颗巨大的明珠,不知一般的月亮都要大数倍,洒下的光芒和月光一样的柔和,像是一层连接天与地的银纱。 Some attractive spirit birds fly in the empty elusive flowers, sends out cry that jumps for joy, interweaves a beautiful music movement. 有一些漂亮的灵鸟飞在虚空灵花之间,发出雀跃的叫声,交织成一支美丽的乐章。 This is an intermediate mystical place reconstruction, each after carving, makes every effort tall and pleasing to the eye, builds to look like the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals of immortal palace compared with the immortal palace.” Yu Shao chatted is explaining the strength environment to the people, obviously he arrived at this elegant place frequently. “这是一座中级秘境改建而成,每一处都经过精雕细琢,力求美轮美奂,打造出比仙宫更像仙宫的洞天。”玉少谈笑着给众人讲解着力量的环境,显然他是经常来到这种风雅场所。 Originally the serious and tight atmosphere, was given to dilute by here beautiful scene, everyone talked and laughed merrily. 原本严肃而又紧张的气氛,被这里的美景给冲淡,每个人都谈笑风生了起来。 Among the immortal empty flowers in the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals the spirit fog winds around, among the white fog has the palace error shadows to be partly visible, the beautiful woman who wears the colored ribbon harnesses the crane to fly, leaves behind a beautiful scenery line. 仙虚花间洞天之中灵雾缭绕,白雾间有一座座宫阙的影子若隐若现,还有一些身披彩带的丽人驾鹤飞过,留下一道美丽的风景线。 Yu Shao to here familiar and easy, quick came to an arrangement with a here head, they were arranged one float on the spirit island above void. 玉少对这里轻车熟路,很快就和这里的一位负责人谈妥,他们被安排到了一座悬浮在虚空之上的灵岛上。 This spirit island is an excellent position, can look out immortal empty Spirit Mountain several hundred meters away. 这一座灵岛乃是一处绝佳的位置,可以遥望数百米之外的仙虚灵山。 This spirit island hundred meters, the surroundings have the invisible Formation protection probably, was attacked, these Formation will present. 这一座灵岛大概有百米大小,周围有无形的阵法守护,只有受到了攻击,这些阵法才会呈现出来。 To everybody introduced that a new friend, this is Half Monster Union one fights the king, named Feng Feiyun.” Liu Suzi sits in an antique alcove, in the slender jade white hand holds one bronze liquor, red lip opening slightly, sips gently. “给大家介绍一位新朋友,这乃是半妖盟的一位战王,名叫风飞云。”琉苏紫坐在一座古色古香的亭子之中,纤细玉白的手中捧起一只青铜酒盏,红唇微微的张开,轻轻的抿了一口。 Hears Half Monster Union these characters, the complexions of these young talents become some non- natures. 听到半妖盟这几个字,那些年轻才俊的脸色都变得有些不自然。 Young Master Gu Jiu said with a smile: You may don't, because Brother Feng is Half Monster takes lightly him, Brother Feng may be different from other Half Monster.” 顾九少爷笑道:“你们可千万别因为风兄乃是半妖就看轻他,风兄可与别的半妖不同。” A young talent from fontanel Saint mansion said with a smile: Must know that and other characters died including Xiao Tianyue that in the hand of Brother Feng, where do we dare to look down upon Brother Feng? Flatters Brother Feng also without enough time! Haha!” 一位来自天门圣府的年轻才俊笑道:“要知道连霄天悦那等人物都死在了风兄的手中,我们哪敢看不起风兄?巴结风兄还来不及呢!哈哈!” These young talents because of the Liu Suzi reason, said these words to come obviously very much, actually was really not necessarily serious Feng Feiyun in their hearts of hearts. 很显然这些年轻才俊都是因为琉苏紫的原因,才说出这些话来,其实在他们的内心深处未必就将风飞云真的当一回事。 Void beside, hears the howling sound gently. 虚空之外,传来轻轻的呼啸声。 Float drifted toward here in the spirit island, above the spirit island is also one group of young talents, stands the nearby at the back of three Ancient Sword men in spirit island, cold sound said: Feng Feiyun, has not thought after you have killed my Third Brother, but also dares to arrive among the flowers in the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals to drink, but also is really bold.” 一座悬浮在灵岛向着这边漂移了过来,灵岛之上也是一群年轻才俊,其中一个背着三口古剑的男子站在灵岛的边上,冷声道:“风飞云,没想到你杀了我三哥之后,还敢来到花间洞天之中喝酒,还真是胆大包天。” That spirit island already has depended, with Feng Feiyun and the others spirit island tight by in the same place, several murderous aura steaming young people already surmounts void, landed on this island. 那一座灵岛已经靠了过来,与风飞云等人所处的灵岛紧紧的挨在一起,有几个杀气腾腾的年轻人已经跨越虚空,登到了这一座岛上。 Feng Feiyun sits, in a jade carves on the dragon chair, said: I do not know your Third Brother, how did I drink am also bold?” 风飞云坐在一张玉石雕龙椅子上,道:“我又不认识你三哥,我喝酒又怎么胆大包天了?” Was saying Feng Feiyun slowly has then drunk one, as if has not paid attention to these young people. 说着风飞云便又缓缓的喝了一口,似乎并没有将这几个年轻人放在眼里。 My Third Brother is Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord, Xiao Tianyue.” That at the back of three Ancient Sword male cold sound say/way, the body imposing manner rises suddenly, seven Spirit Beast battle soul empty shades present from his carrying on the back. “我三哥乃是九霄仙城少城主,霄天悦。”那一个背着三口古剑的男子冷声的道,身上气势暴涨,有七头灵兽战魂的虚影从他的背上呈现出来。 What originally you said is Xiao Tianyue, has seen actually two and three times. Right, who are you?” Sitting of Feng Feiyun as before serene there, naturally governing opens the imposing manner of opposite party. “原来你说的是霄天悦,倒是见过两、三次。对了,你又是谁啊?”风飞云依旧风轻云淡的坐在那里,自然而然的将对方的气势给御开。 I am Xiao Tianrui, this time takes in your specially the head/number of people.” “我乃是霄天锐,这次是专程来取你项上人头。” Young Master Gu Jiu and yellow Yuchang and other young talent complexions bad, this spirit island was their domains, Xiao Tianrui and the others said that rushed to rush, too did not give them the face, making these supercilious young talents very disgruntled. 顾九少爷、黄羽长等年轻才俊都脸色不善了起来,这一座灵岛乃是他们的地盘,霄天锐等人却说闯就闯了上来,实在太不给他们面子,让这些心高气傲的年轻才俊都很不悦。 Although Nine Firmaments Immortal City is very strong, but the Middle Ages aristocratic family actually did not fear. 虽然九霄仙城十分强势,但是中古世家却也不惧。 And several young talents want to get rid, Xiao Tianrui and the others driving away, but Liu Suzi is actually slightly shook the head to them, passes on the sound said in secret: This matter Feng Feiyun can be solved.” 其中有几个年轻才俊想要出手,将霄天锐等人给驱赶出去,但是琉苏紫却是微微的对他们摇了摇头,暗中传音道:“这种事风飞云自己能够解决。” Can Half Monster cope with the talents in Xiao Tianrui and major territories? These young talents' is not quite self-confident to Feng Feiyun strength some. 一个半妖能够对付得了霄天锐和各大域的才俊?这些年轻才俊对风飞云的实力还是有些不太自信。 ...... …… But to here not far another spirit island above, Eighth Young Master Gu and Liu Suhong and the others was assemble, has launched a spirit mirror treasure, interestung is staring at that side. 而在离这边不远的另一座灵岛之上,顾八少爷琉苏红等人齐聚一堂,展开了一件灵镜宝物,正饶有兴趣的盯着那一边。 Haha! This time I must look how but actually Younger Sister Qi deals with, she intersects with that Half Monster, is going looking for trouble.” Liu Suhong smiles. “哈哈!这一次我倒要看七妹如何来应付,她与那一个半妖相交,就是在自找麻烦。”琉苏红嫣然一笑。 Nine Firmaments Immortal City may be only Immortal City so is not only simple, the back greatly has the background.” 九霄仙城可不仅仅只是一座仙城那么简单,背后可是大有来头。” Eighth Young Master Gu stared at Feng Feiyun above ocular surface, is smiles, in the pupil is bringing several points of cold. 顾八少爷盯了盯镜面之上的风飞云,也是笑一笑,瞳孔之中带着几分冷峭。 ...... …… Xiao Tianrui was a Nine Firmaments Immortal City cultivation base talent extremely, cultivation base has also reached the Nirvana 4th-layer peak, was besides Xiao Tianyue, one of the Nine Firmaments Immortal City topest several young characters. 霄天锐也是九霄仙城的一位修为绝顶的才俊,修为达到了涅槃第四重的巅峰,乃是除了霄天悦以外,九霄仙城最顶尖的几个年轻人物之一。 However Feng Feiyun does not fear him, said: Was your Nine Firmaments Immortal City these young talents catches up, who has killed me, who can become Nine Firmaments Immortal City new Young City Lord?” 但是风飞云根本不惧他,道:“是不是你们九霄仙城的那些年轻才俊都赶来了,谁杀了我,谁就能成为九霄仙城新的少城主?” Right. How do you know?” Xiao Tianrui said. “没错。你怎么知道?”霄天锐道。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: I guess!” 风飞云笑道:“我猜的!” You also dare to smile, I thought that you do not want to live.” “你还敢笑,我看你是不想活了。” Xiao Tianrui is also an extremely character, getting rid without hesitation, above the finger the flowing metal common ray, changed into an iron claw, will be void tearing small mouths. 霄天锐也是一位绝顶人物,毫不犹豫的出手,手指之上流动金属一般的光芒,化为了一道铁爪,将虚空给撕裂出一道道小口。 Feng Feiyun sits in as in same place, above finger the golden light is shining, the fingertip has Fokuang to breed, a direction in the center of Xiao Tianyue palm. 风飞云依旧坐在原地,手指之上金光灿灿,指尖有佛光孕育,一指点在了霄天悦手掌的中心。 Bang!” “嘭!” The body of Feng Feiyun is steady and motionless, but Xiao Tianyue actually felt that has a moving mountains strength to come from the palm teachings transmitted from master to pupil over generations, the body was rumbled to fly more than ten zhang (3.33 m) far, the retreat of staggering, has fallen back on side of jade column to stand firm the body. 风飞云的身体稳而不动,但是霄天悦却感觉有一股排山倒海的力量从手掌心传过来,身体被轰飞了十多丈远,踉跄的后退,一直退到了一根玉柱的旁边才稳住身体。 In his vision full is the panic-stricken color/look, only felt that own palm ache wants to crack, the blood threads drips together from the palm. 他的目光之中满是惊骇之色,只感觉自己的手掌疼痛欲裂,一道血丝从掌心淌出。 ...... …… In the recent several days the matter is a much less, the renewal is possibly unstable, is very unfair to everybody! The stinking ninth category gave everybody to bow to apologize here. A day can write many in any case, as far as possible writes many! 最近几天事有点多,更新可能不稳定,十分对不起大家!老九在这里给大家鞠躬赔罪了。反正一天能够写多少,就尽量写多少吧!
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