SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#951: Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian

Feng Feiyun has not participated in the auction, on outside, after the auction ended receives itself to auction obtained Spirit Stone. 风飞云并没有参与拍卖会,就等在外面,直到拍卖结束之后才去领取自己拍卖所得的灵石 At this auction, altogether six fine gold liquid gold male stones participate in the auction, the rate are much higher than the base price, altogether auctioned 1.586 billion Spirit Stone. 这一次拍卖会上,一共有六块鎏金水牡石参与拍卖,成交价都远远高于底价,一共拍卖出了1586000000枚灵石 Especially the fine gold liquid gold male stone of first auction, altogether has laid out 460 million Spirit Stone, the price that although following several finalized is relatively low, but actually surmounted the fine gold liquid gold male stone real price to be many. 特别是第一块拍卖的鎏金水牡石,一共拍出了460000000枚灵石,后面的几块虽然成交的价格相对较低,但是却都超越了鎏金水牡石的真实价格很多。 From this can see the demand of market to fine gold liquid gold male stone is very big. 由此可以看出市场对鎏金水牡石的需求是很大的。 When this auction ended, the dream day occupies also disclosed that following two days will have the fine gold liquid gold male stone of part to participate in the auction, believe after this news passes on, will attract many refiner Grandmaster to come surely, the value of when the time comes auctioning will be perhaps higher. 在这一场拍卖结束之时,梦天居也透露接下来两天还会有部分的鎏金水牡石参与拍卖,相信这个消息传出去之后,必定会吸引很多炼器宗师前来,到时候拍卖出去的价值说不定会更高。 After the auction market draw off 1% generations have patted the expense, Feng Feiyun also obtained 1.57 billion Spirit Stone as before, is 1570 wormhole Spirit Stone. 拍卖场抽去了1的代拍费用之后,风飞云依旧还得到了1570000000枚灵石,也就是1570枚虫洞灵石 In addition Feng Feiyun formerly remaining 14 wormhole Spirit Stone, Feng Feiyun altogether had 1584 wormhole Spirit Stone, now he is rich. 加上风飞云先前剩下的14枚虫洞灵石,风飞云一共就有了1584枚虫洞灵石,现在他可谓是富甲一方了。 Feng Feiyun planned that purchases Spirit Beast battle soul again, but was actually informed, the dream day occupies not that many quantities Spirit Beast battle soul of Nirvana 4th-layer. 风飞云打算再去购买灵兽战魂,但是却被告知,梦天居并没有那么多数量的涅槃第四重灵兽战魂 How can like this? Will the dream day occupies is not the entire century god city biggest store, how link 1000 Spirit Beast battle soul?” Feng Feiyun said. “怎么会这样?梦天居不是整个千秋神城最大的卖场,怎么会连1000多头灵兽战魂都没有?”风飞云道。 Liu Suzi white his eyes, said: You, when Nirvana 4th-layer Spirit Beast battle soul is the big radish? Also, what you want has Spirit Beast battle soul of antique Saint beast bloodlines, this was scarcer.” 琉苏紫白了他一眼,道:“你当涅槃第四重灵兽战魂是大萝卜吗?再说了,你要的乃是拥有太古圣兽血脉的灵兽战魂,这就更加的稀少了。” Feng Feiyun also nodded, after all Nirvana 4th-layer the member in these big territories is rarely seen, the dream day occupied can put out 400 Nirvana 4th-layer ranks Spirit Beast battle soul already to be quite good one time. 风飞云也是点了点头,毕竟在那些大域之中涅槃第四重的修士都不多见,梦天居能够一次性拿出400头涅槃第四重级别的灵兽战魂已经相当不错了。 You, if needs many Nirvana 4th-layer Spirit Beast battle soul, can move actually to you from other god city.” “不过你若是真的需要很多涅槃第四重灵兽战魂,倒是可以从别的神城之中给你调过来。” Why Liu Suzi not too clear Feng Feiyun wants that many Spirit Beast battle soul, but she has regarded an important ally Feng Feiyun now, as far as possible helped him solve some problems. 琉苏紫也不太明白风飞云为何要那么多灵兽战魂,但是她现在可是将风飞云当成了一位重要的盟友,也就尽量帮他解决了一些问题。 The god city above profound wonderful mainland also is not only only century god city such one, but also on-board also has in the red leaves the century god city is more palatial than ancient „the boundary Lord God city, is only not in profound wonderful mainland that's all. 玄奇大陆之上的神城也不仅只是“千秋神城”这么一座,而且在红叶星上还有比千秋神城更加巍峨古老的“境主神城”,只是没有在玄奇大陆罢了 Therefore if Feng Feiyun needs massive Spirit Beast battle soul, by the strength of dream day occupying, can help his collection be uneven within very short some time as before. 所以风飞云若是需要大量的灵兽战魂,以梦天居的实力,依旧能够在很短一段时间之内帮他集齐。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Is so good, I first am scheduled 10,000 heads!” 风飞云笑道:“如此就就再好不过了,那我就先预定10000头吧!” flatter ! 阿噗! Young Master Gu Shisan was almost frightened the whole body to twitch, almost plants on the ground. 顾十三少爷差一点被吓得全身抽搐,差一点栽在地上。 The sweat that on scratching forehead Young Master Gu Jiu and Yu Shao also keep, this was also too good, 10,000 Nirvana 4th-layer Spirit Beast battle soul . Moreover the antique Saint beast bloodlines, this absolutely was the super big list, it is estimated that also be only the dream day occupied possibly gives Feng Feiyun to plan to suffice. 顾九少爷玉少也都不停的擦额头上的汗水,这也太牛了,10000头涅槃第四重灵兽战魂,而且还是太古圣兽血脉,这绝对是超级大单了,估计也只有梦天居才可能给风飞云筹够。 Liu Suzi in swinging the folding fan, the fan in hand also almost fell on the ground, what did you want these many Spirit Beast battle soul to make?” 琉苏紫本来在摇折扇,手中的扇子也差点掉在了地上,“你要这么多灵兽战魂来做什么?” Haha! I said that is used to cultivate the merit law you not to believe?” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “哈哈!我说用来修炼功法你们信不?”风飞云笑道。 Young Master Gu Jiu and Yu Shao despised one, obviously does not believe from the start, cultivates the merit law to need 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul? 顾九少爷玉少都是鄙视了一眼,显然是压根就不信,修炼功法需要10000头灵兽战魂 At this time Eighth Young Master Gu and Liu Suhong, one group of talent outstanding walked, immediately made Feng Feiyun several people enforce to be solemn, stopped the conversation. 这个时候顾八少爷琉苏红,还有一群天才俊杰走了过来,顿时让风飞云几人都严肃冷峻起来,停止了交谈。 , Eighth Young Master Gu said with a smile by far: Congratulates to congratulate, Brother Feng this time actually obtained that many treasures in Holy Ghost Tomb, is only tonight auctions ten hundred million Spirit Stone multimillionaires merely, is really enviable!” 远远的,顾八少爷就笑道:“恭喜贺喜,风兄这次在圣灵墓葬之中竟然得到了那么多的宝物,仅仅只是今晚就拍卖出十多亿灵石的巨富,真是让人羡慕啊!” Liu Suhong wears a red clothes, the flesh cream, above the pear white cheeks has the faint hot rosy cloud, the double pupil is clear, the body has one group of hot rosy clouds to cover, like a flame Elf, said with a smile: Younger Sister Qi, has not thought that your this time picked the treasure actually, had this wealth, it is estimated that can flatter the old people in many family. Hehe! Really makes the elder sister admire.” 琉苏红穿着一身红衣,肌肤凝脂,梨白色脸颊之上有着淡淡的火霞,双眸晶莹透彻,身上有一团火霞笼罩,就像一位火焰精灵,笑道:“七妹,没想到你这次倒是捡到了宝,有了这一笔财富,估计就能讨好不少家族之中的老人了。呵呵!真是让姐姐佩服。” The body of Liu Suzi stands straightly, said with a smile: This is the Brother Feng wealth, does not close my any matter.” 琉苏紫的身体站得笔直,笑道:“这是风兄的财富,不关我任何事。” Hehe! In your method, wants to make Spirit Stone from the hand of that Half Monster, isn't the easy as pie matter?” Saying with a smile of Liu Suhong beautiful woman. “呵呵!以你的手段,想要从那个半妖的手中将灵石弄过来,还不是易如反掌的事?”琉苏红明眸皓齿的笑道。 It looks like in Liu Suhong Feng Feiyun is only slave general existence, low status, even if had 1 billion Spirit Stone wealth, finally only will also fall into the hand of Liu Suzi. 琉苏红看来风飞云不过只是奴隶一般的存在,地位低下,就算拥有了1000000000枚灵石的财富,最后也都只会落入琉苏紫的手中。 Feng Feiyun is only standing with a smile in one side, pours is not angry, this was their Middle Ages aristocratic family and boundary main mansion fighting of young talent, he was glad to look at the good play. 风飞云只是含笑的站在一旁,倒也并不生气,这是他们中古世家和境主府的年轻才俊的争锋,他乐得看好戏。 Liu Suhong sees Liu Suzi not saying that therefore then also said with a smile: „The elder sister must remind you, should better with Half Monster do not walk too nearly, Half Monster again how startled certainly colorful, how to be again rich, was doomed unable to break through the Ascension boundary, was doomed above this big world the genuine powerhouse, you with this humble biological contact not anything future.” 琉苏红琉苏紫不言,于是便又是笑道:“不过姐姐还是得提醒你,最好还是不要和一个半妖走得太近,半妖就算再怎么惊才绝艳,再怎么富有,也注定突破不了羽化境,也注定成不了这个大世之上真正的强者,你和这种低贱的生物交往没什么前途。” Liu Suhong spoke these words, does not evade Feng Feiyun slightly, obviously has not paid attention to Feng Feiyun completely. 琉苏红说这些话,丝毫都不避讳风飞云,显然是完全没有将风飞云放在眼里。 You must fight then fight, why can father pulling? Although on the face of Feng Feiyun is smiling as before, but actually already turned into sneering. 你们要斗便自己斗,干嘛要将老子给扯进来?风飞云的脸上虽然依旧在笑,但是却已经变成了冷笑。 Eighth Young Master Gu said with a smile: Heard that Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian will arrive among the immortal empty flowers tonight the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, when the time comes leaf Hongjing many talent outstanding must overtake, does not know that you are interested in going tonight?” 顾八少爷笑道:“听说九天仙子今夜将会驾临仙虚花间洞天,到时候叶红境的很多天才俊杰都要赶过去,不知道你们今晚有没有兴趣去啊?” After hearing the Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian name, Young Master Gu Jiu and Yu Shao and the others slightly change countenance, obviously knows this Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian origin. 听到九天仙子的名字之后,顾九少爷玉少等人都是微微动容,显然是知道这位九天仙子的来历。 Liu Suzi said with a smile: Since were Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian your excellency arrived at the red leaves star, how could it not be if I and others didn't join in the fun the unseemly behavior youngster guest?” 琉苏紫笑道:“既然是九天仙子的尊驾来到了红叶星,若是我等不去凑凑热闹岂不妄为少年客?” I go to the immortal empty and other younger brothers and Young Master Zi, naturally also has Brother Feng, haha!” Eighth Young Master Gu is bringing one crowd of talent outstanding departures of directly. “那我就去仙虚等九弟和紫公子,当然还有风兄,哈哈!”顾八少爷带着一群天才俊杰径直的离去。 Until after they walk away, Liu Suzi and Young Master Gu Jiu and the others the complexions were gloomy. 直到他们走远之后,琉苏紫顾九少爷等人的脸色才阴沉了下来。 Old eight already and big princess collaborated, it seems like they are want to borrow the strength mutually, the competitor will give to defeat in the short time, then establishes the position of family successor.” The Gu Laojiu look is very serious. “老八已经和大郡主联手了,看来他们是想要相互借力,在短时间将竞争对手给击败,然后奠定家族继承人的位置。”顾老九的神色十分严肃。 Liu Suzi also became with deep veneration, said: Since old eight and eldest sisters appeared in the century god city, then they definitely have made other person.” 琉苏紫也变得肃然了起来,道:“既然老八和大姐都出现在了千秋神城,那么他们肯定还约了别的人。” Young Master Gu Jiu also nodded, then deep air vent, said: Estimated that yellow Tianhe of Huang admires Murong Sande of Rong, tonight also very much appears in the immortal empty.” 顾九少爷也点了点头,然后深深的出了一口气,道:“估计黄家的黄天和慕容家的慕容三得,今晚也都很出现在仙虚。” Tonight the tough battle must hit!” Yu Shao said with a smile. “今晚有一场硬仗要打啊!”玉少笑道。 Looking after the household, jade and Mu Rongjia, Huang Jia were the Middle Ages aristocratic families, the inheritance was extremely remote, the family foundation especially was also solid. 无论是“顾家”,还是玉家、慕容家、黄家都是中古世家,传承极其久远,家族底蕴也格外深厚。 But the talents of younger generation also respectively are on good terms, forms an alliance in secret, jointly copes with the competitor, this is a Rong Jurong, falls entirely Yun the matter, selects the ally also appears especially important. 而年轻一代的才俊相互之间也各自交好,暗中结成联盟,共同对付竞争对手,这是一荣俱荣、一陨俱陨的事,择选盟友也就显得格外重要。 Feng Feiyun traces the tip of the nose, said with a smile: What background am I interested that Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian am? Really the fairy maiden that descends to earth from nine days?” 风飞云摸了摸鼻头,笑道:“我更感兴趣那一位九天仙子到底是什么来头?难道真的是从九天之上下凡的仙子?” This Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian is quite extraordinary, I merely had also listened to her given name before, has never seen her oneself.” Yu Shao said with a smile. “这个九天仙子可是相当了不得,我以前也仅仅只是听过她的名讳,从未见过她的本人。”玉少笑道。 Young Master Gu Jiu also said: Who asked others Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian to be first background leaf Hongjing? Has been called the immortal empty talent maximum the day the arrogant female since middle ancient times, in the status of younger generation, pursues Moonwater Saintess.” 顾九少爷也道:“谁叫人家九天仙子乃是第一次来头叶红境?被称为仙虚从中古时代以来的天赋最高的天之骄女,在年轻一代的地位,直追水月圣女。” Liu Suzi said with a smile: Wind Half Monster, aren't you do not have the interest to the beautiful woman?” 琉苏紫笑道:“风半妖,你不是对美人没有兴趣吗?” Some day you know eventually I am not am not interested in the beautiful woman.” Feng Feiyun said. “终究有一天你会知道我并不是对美人不感兴趣。”风飞云道。 The Liu Suzi complexion became with deep veneration, said: This Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian naturally is not the fairy maiden that above nine days descend to earth. What nine days refer to are her surnames, what fairy maiden refers to is she is the immortal empty this generation of most outstanding days the arrogant female.” 琉苏紫的脸色变得肃然了起来,道:“这位九天仙子自然不是九天之上下凡的仙子。‘九天’指的乃是她的姓氏,‘仙子’指的乃是她是仙虚这一代最杰出的天之骄女。” Young Master Gu Jiu also say/way with deep veneration: Brother Feng this time may probably be careful, the member in very possible Nine Firmaments Immortal City and 12 territories also meet the going immortal tonight empty.” 顾九少爷也肃然的道:“风兄这次可要小心了,很可能九霄仙城和12域的修士今晚也会前去仙虚。” The group went out of dream day to occupy, then Young Master Gu Jiu, Young Master Gu Shisan and Yu Shao on departure directly, they attach great importance to the tonight's immortal empty grand feast obviously, at this moment definitely was relates own ally, does not want to lose to own competitor in this important situation. 一行人走出了梦天居,然后顾九少爷顾十三少爷玉少就径直的离开,显然他们都对今晚的仙虚盛宴十分重视,此刻肯定是去联系自己的盟友,不想在这种重要的场合输给自己的竞争对手。 Like the talent confrontation of this Middle Ages aristocratic family, naturally had own method. 像这种中古世家的才俊交锋,自然都有自己的手段。 Therefore then only remained Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi. 于是便又只剩风飞云琉苏紫了。 Goes to city gate to do?” Liu Suzi strolls, elegant bearing, not anxiously not slow following in Feng Feiyun behind. “去城门口干嘛?”琉苏紫闲庭信步,风度翩翩,不急不慢的跟在风飞云的后面。 The appearance that she momentarily is mapping out strategic plans in an army tent, is thinking deeply about anything at this moment. 她随时都是一副运筹帷幄的样子,此刻正在思索着什么。 Meets the person!” Feng Feiyun said. “接人!”风飞云道。 Meets naturally is the powerhouse who Half Monster Union sends, Half Monster does not have the qualifications to enter in the god city, can only be able to enter the god city with the aid of the Liu Suzi status. 接的自然乃是半妖盟派遣过来的强者,半妖是没有资格进入神城之中,只能借助琉苏紫的身份才能进入神城。 Feng Feiyun thinks Half Monster Union can dispatch two six levels of Half Monster to protect itself to be very good on already, when he rushes to outside the city, sees is actually Sir Kong Hou and Sir Fu Ying, this is two seven levels of Half Monster. 风飞云本来以为半妖盟能够派遣两位六级半妖过来保护自己就已经很不错了,但是当他赶到城外的时候,见到的却是孔侯大人和蝠应大人,这可是两位七级半妖 Liu Suzi some looked at Feng Feiyun one suddenly, then shook the head, says with a smile: How you so are careful, with me in the same place, but also was afraid is given to snatch inadequately?” 琉苏紫有些恍然的看了风飞云一眼,然后摇了摇头,笑道:“你这人怎么如此小心谨慎,难道和我在一起,还害怕被人给抢了不成?” Feng Feiyun said: I feared that was given to snatch by you.” 风飞云道:“我就怕被你给抢了。” Liu Suzi showed the whites of the eyes, has squinted his eyes, then turned around to return to the century god city, Feng Feiyun and Half Monster Union two seven levels of Half Monster naturally also entered in the god city. 琉苏紫翻白眼,斜视了他一眼,便转身返回千秋神城,风飞云半妖盟的两位七级半妖自然也跟着进入了神城之中。 In a while, finally the night falls. 没过多久,终于夜幕降临。 After at nightfall, the temperature of red leaves star becomes especially cold, above the sky has snowflakes to descend, but among the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals situated in the flowers of century god city center becomes more and more lively, heavy traffic, the stream of people are restless, often has the powerhouse to control strange Shoufei to fall, enters among the flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 入夜之后,红叶星的温度变得格外的冷,天空之上有一道道雪花降落下来,而位于千秋神城腹地的一座花间洞天则变得越来越热闹,车水马龙,人流不息,不时就有强者驾驭奇兽飞落下来,进入花间洞天。 Among the flowers above the signboard of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals writes immortal empty two characters, sacred and power and influence is threatening. 花间洞天的牌匾之上书写“仙虚”两个字,神圣而又威势逼人。 ...... …… Today altogether the code five chapters, are really are tired are about to spit blood, asking everybody pitiful pitiful stinking ninth category to cast the distinguished guest ticket! This week casts the distinguished guest ticket to return to the author, moreover there is other benefits, was the year's end last wave, strove for powerful, sought the support. 今天一共码了五章,真是累得都快吐血了,求大家可怜可怜老九投点贵宾票吧!这周投贵宾票是全返给作者,而且还有别的福利,算是年终最后一波了,求给力,求支持。
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