SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#950: Astonishing wealth

Liu Suzi and Young Master Gu Jiu have the good status in the family, naturally can also transfer many Spirit Stone, but wants them to put out 1 billion Spirit Stone ranks the treasures to come out to auction, naturally is unable to achieve. 琉苏紫顾九少爷在家族之中都有不俗的地位,自然也都能够调动不少灵石,但是要他们拿出1000000000枚灵石级别的宝物出来拍卖,自然都无法做到。 Fierce, fierce, worthily is Eighth Young Master Gu, relaxed going Holy Ghost Tomb relays, obtained the value 1 billion Spirit Stone heavy treasures, is really enviable.” Feng Feiyun smiled. “厉害,厉害,不愧是顾八少爷,轻轻松松的去圣灵墓葬之中转一圈,就得到了价值1000000000枚灵石的重宝,真是让人羡慕。”风飞云笑了笑。 Talent outstanding of Eighth Young Master Gu that side has revealed the self-satisfied color/look. 顾八少爷那一方的天才俊杰都露出了得意之色。 Feng Feiyun really obtained some treasures in Holy Ghost Tomb, at this time then together very spacious tile with, fully one foot, about 8000 cattys in weight, the golden light is shining, the spiritual energy is rich, is the immortal jade carves likely. 风飞云圣灵墓葬之中的确是得到了一些宝物,这个时候便将一块十分宽大的瓦片给拿了出来,足有一尺长,重达8000多斤,金光灿灿,灵气浓郁,像是仙玉雕刻成。 Put out a tile...... the Eighth Young Master Gu talent to smile unexpectedly in a low voice. “竟然拿出一块瓦片……”顾八少爷的身后有一位才俊低声的笑了起来。 That old warning treasure Master in auction market stares at the tile in Feng Feiyun hand, both eyes is shining, said: This tile is extraordinary, is the fine gold liquid gold male stone carves.” 拍卖场的那一位年老的鉴宝师盯着风飞云手中的瓦片,双目放光,道:“这瓦片了不得,是鎏金水牡石雕琢而成。” At this time Liu Suzi also slightly changed countenance, says with a smile: Right, indeed is the fine gold liquid gold male stone.” 这个时候琉苏紫也微微动容,笑道:“没错,的确是鎏金水牡石。” Fine gold liquid gold male stone refines the Grade 10 above Spirit Artifact necessary material, price is much more expensive, moreover every so often valuably does not have the city. “鎏金水牡石”乃是炼制十品以上的灵器的必备的材料,价格贵得离谱,而且很多时候都有价无市。 That old warning treasure Master gratified saying with a smile of: Our auction market already is very long has not presented such bulk fine gold liquid gold male stone, few days ago the old people of several Middle Ages aristocratic family were inquiring that has the fine gold liquid gold male stone auction, this time so bulk fine gold liquid gold male stone was delivered to the auction market, can definitely sell not the poor price.” 那一位苍老的鉴宝师欣慰的笑道:“我们拍卖场已经很久没有出现过这么大块的鎏金水牡石,前些日子好几个中古世家的老人都在询问有没有鎏金水牡石拍卖,这次如此大块的鎏金水牡石被送到拍卖场,肯定能够卖出不菲的价格。” The weight of tile this fine gold liquid gold male stone polishes was weighed, altogether 8657 jin (0.5 kg) 22. 这一块鎏金水牡石打磨成的瓦片的重量被秤了出来,一共8657斤22。 Generally speaking, the fine gold liquid gold male stone according to two trades for the unit. 一般来说,鎏金水牡石都是按“两”为单位贩卖。 12 fine gold liquid gold male stones, can buy above 1400 Spirit Stone generally, however most times, even if you have Spirit Stone unable to buy the fine gold liquid gold male stone, the price that therefore sells generally is higher than this number. 12鎏金水牡石,一般都能够买到1400枚灵石以上,但是绝大多数的时候,就算你有灵石都买不到鎏金水牡石,所以一般卖出的价格都高于这个数。 This warning treasure Master acts according to this fine gold liquid gold male stone the weight, estimated a conservative base price, base price located, 120 million Spirit Stone.” 这位鉴宝师根据这一块鎏金水牡石的重量,估出了一个保守的底价,“底价就定位,120000000枚灵石。” „The tile that some here also fine gold liquid gold male stones polish, does not know that can take to auction together?” “我这里还有一些鎏金水牡石打磨成的瓦片,不知道能不能拿出来一起拍卖?” After Feng Feiyun said these words, making Eighth Young Master Gu and Liu Suhong heart slightly thump, but can also put out fine gold liquid gold male stone to come? 风飞云说出这句话之后,让顾八少爷琉苏红的心头都微微的咯噔了一声,还能拿出鎏金水牡石来? If Feng Feiyun puts out several such tiles again, it is estimated that the value can surpass the Eighth Young Master Gu auction the antique crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality. 若是风飞云再拿出几块这样的瓦片,估计价值就能够超过顾八少爷拍卖的太古丹鼎了。 Haha! Naturally can take the auction, even if there is many a fine gold liquid gold male stone, the affirmation can auction.” Young Master Gu Shisan reveals the self-satisfied color/look, wishing one could makes Feng Feiyun put out the extremely quick tile again, pounds on the face of opposite that group of people. “哈哈!当然可以都拿出来拍卖,就算有再多的鎏金水牡石,都肯定拍卖得出去。”顾十三少爷露出得意之色,恨不得让风飞云再拿出极快瓦片来,都砸到对面那群人的脸上。 Liu Suzi is much more discrete, said with a smile: This is the business secret, do not take too many to know, so as to avoid made some people disclose the rumor/wind sound, affected the auction the price. Feng Feiyun, we arrive at inside warning treasure.” 琉苏紫则要谨慎得多,笑道:“这可是商业机密,还是不要拿出来让太多的人知道,免得让有些人将风声走漏了出去,影响拍卖的价格。风飞云,我们到里面的鉴宝。” Young Master Zi said right, wealth cannot appear externally, is the low key.” Young Master Gu Jiu said with a smile. 紫公子说得对,财不可外露,还是低调一点好。”顾九少爷笑道。 Under the Eighth Young Master Gu gloomy look, Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi and the others entered in a secret room, then started the ban in secret room. 顾八少爷阴沉的眼神之下,风飞云琉苏紫等人走进了一间密室之中,然后开启了密室之中的禁制。 At this time, Feng Feiyun one after another has put out 15 golden tiles, is the fine gold liquid gold male stone polish, radiance brilliant, the golden light was bright, the person eyes that shot cannot open. 这个时候,风飞云又接连拿出了15块金色的瓦片,都是鎏金水牡石打磨而成,光华灼灼,金光灿烂,射的人眼睛都睁不开。 God! in addition has 16 fine gold liquid gold male stones fully, how many Spirit Stone can this sell? If makes the myna they see these many fine gold liquid gold male stones, does not know that what expression they can be? Hehe!” Young Master Gu Shisan smiled. 天呐!加起来足有16块鎏金水牡石,这得卖出多少灵石啊?若是让八哥他们看到这么多鎏金水牡石,不知道他们会是什么表情?嘿嘿!”顾十三少爷笑了笑。 Experienced Gu Laojiu and Yu Shao are also very shocking, this may be only 16 tiles so is not only simple, what represents is several billions Spirit Stone wealth, made these old people of Middle Ages aristocratic family mouth-watering sufficiently. 就连见多识广的顾老九玉少也都十分震惊,这可不仅仅只是16块瓦片那么简单,代表的可是数十亿枚灵石的财富,足以让中古世家的那些老人都流口水。 Feng Feiyun takes the auction these things, actually in the heart has scruples, after all the value is too huge, perhaps will be given to be jealous, gets rid to rob. 风飞云将这些东西都拿出来拍卖,其实心中还是有所顾忌,毕竟价值实在太庞大,说不定会被人给眼红,出手抢夺。 Moreover is Gu Laojiu and Yu Shao these people are not certainly will not have the greedy thoughts, if they the heart movement, is absolutely possible under the killer to Feng Feiyun. 而且就算是顾老九玉少这些人也并不是就一定不会生出贪婪的心思,他们若是心动的话,完全有可能对风飞云下杀手。 If in other place, Feng Feiyun has not dared such to do. 若是在别的地方,风飞云还真不敢这么做。 However, here is the red leaves star, is the entire leaf Hongjing center, only then a such big star, any slightest sign of trouble will alarm many people. 不过,这里乃是红叶星,乃是整个叶红境的中心,也就只有这么大的一颗星球,任何风吹草动都会惊动很多人。 Person who even if there is an older generation wants to kill people to seize the treasure, cannot achieve surely cleanly, once makes Half Monster Union these member know that some people kill striking of Feng Feiyun, and has seized his treasure, by Feng Feiyun the status in Half Monster, definitely will cause the stir now, when the time comes estimated that Half Monster Union some powerhouse also people of total pledge will be alarmed, this is the matter that any Middle Ages aristocratic family does not want to see. 就算有老一辈的人想要杀人夺宝,也必定做不到干干净净,一旦让半妖盟的那些修士知道有人将风飞云的击杀,而且还夺走了他的宝物,以风飞云现在在半妖之中的地位,肯定会激起轩然大波,到时候估计就连半妖盟的总盟的强者也会有人被惊动过来,这是任何中古世家都不想看到的事。 Therefore the older generation will get rid to rob the Feng Feiyun possibility not to be big. 所以说老一辈会出手抢夺风飞云的可能性并不大。 So long as the character of older generation does not get rid, Feng Feiyun does not fear these young talents completely. 只要老一辈的人物不出手,风飞云完全不惧那些年轻才俊。 The decision that the fine gold liquid gold male stone takes the auction, Feng Feiyun also after strict ponder makes. 将鎏金水牡石拿出来拍卖,风飞云也是经过严密思考之后才做出的决定。 The weights of 16 fine gold liquid gold male stones differ not in a big way, base price of estimate in 100 million Spirit Stone about. 16块鎏金水牡石的重量都相差不大,估算的底价都在100000000枚灵石左右。 Although the values of 16 fine gold liquid gold male stones are very objective, the Spirit Beast battle soul quantity that but Feng Feiyun must purchase are also many, it is estimated that insufficiently purchases Spirit Beast battle soul Spirit Stone as before. 16块鎏金水牡石的价值虽然很客观,但是风飞云要购买的灵兽战魂的数量也不少,估计依旧不够购买灵兽战魂灵石 I have the thing to auction!” “我还有东西要拍卖!” Feng Feiyun root diameter one meter thick scarlet-red pillar with, has been three meters, all over the body is the flame common rays, punctures the person eyes to send to hurt. 风飞云将一根直径一米粗的赤红柱子给拿了出来,长达三米,通体都是火焰一般的光芒,刺得人眼睛都在发疼。 After this pillar took, the temperature in entire secret room became the burning hot, like was given to fill by the flame, moreover in the flame faint trace Monster Qi was also flowing. 这根柱子被拿出来之后,整个密室之中的温度都变得炙热了起来,就像被火焰给充满,而且火焰之中还有一丝丝妖气在流动。 That old warning treasure Master rubbed the eyes, the lip somewhat shivers, this...... This is...... Is this pillar that the hot luan bone carving becomes?” 那一位苍老的鉴宝师揉了揉眼睛,嘴唇有些颤抖,“这……这乃是……这难道是火鸾骨雕成的柱子?” This warning treasure Master has not seen the going too far luan bone, but sees above some books to record the characteristics description about hot luan bone. 这位鉴宝师也从来没有见到过火鸾骨,只是看到一些书籍之上记载过关于火鸾骨的特征描写。 Feng Feiyun had affirmed his guess, nodded, said: This is a hot luan bone.” 风飞云肯定了他的猜测,点了点头,道:“这正是一根火鸾骨。” At this time all people were shocked, that several chin of young talent must fall on the ground. 这个时候所有人都被震惊了,那几个年轻才俊的下巴都要掉在地上。 Fire Bird Monster Clan is three ** one of the Antique Saint Monster Clan, has the extremely honored bloodlines. 火鸾妖族乃是三**太古圣妖族之一,拥有极其尊贵的血脉。 Although Human Race in the recent ten thousand years, becomes stronger and stronger, open up territory pioneer/monarch earth above ten thousand clan battlefields, however cope with some small and weak Monster Clan that the human territory approaches, for example White Spider Monster Clan and oppressor Monster Clan, great ant Monster Clan wait/etc.. 人族虽然近万年来,变得越来越强势,在万族战场之上开疆辟土,但是对付的都是与人类疆土临近的一些弱小的妖族,比如白蛛妖族、虎狼妖族、巨蚁妖族等等。 However in these Antique Saint Monster Clan, actually does not place in human the eye, any Antique Saint Monster Clan compared with human formidable, human is also glorious than in the time of above this mainland being born. 但是在那些太古圣妖族,却并不将人类放在眼中,任何一个太古圣妖族都比人类更加的强大,在这一片大陆之上诞生的时间也远比人类悠久。 But human also never dares to make war with any Antique Saint Monster Clan, this has been all people's since the antiquity to the awe of Antique Saint Monster Clan. 而人类也从来不敢和任何一个太古圣妖族开战,这是所有人从太古以来就对太古圣妖族的敬畏。 Also is for this reason, the Antique Saint Monster Clan monster corpse is very scarce in the human state, the price is extremely also expensive. 也正是因为这个原因,太古圣妖族的妖尸在人类国度十分稀少,价格也极其昂贵。 But the use of hot luan bone is enormous, can be used for the sacrifice to refine some top compounded drugs, even if extremely micro hot luan bone absolutely is these refine the pill of immortality Grandmaster saw treasure that must go crazy. 而火鸾骨的用处就极大,可以用来祭炼一些顶尖的丹药,就算是极其微量的火鸾骨都绝对是那些炼丹宗师们看到都要发狂的宝物。 But the refine the pill of immortality grandmaster is one of the cultivation world richest kind of people, it can be imagined after this section of hot luan bone takes the news of auction let out, surely will cause the huge stir. 而炼丹宗师又是修仙界最富有的一类人之一,可想而知这一截火鸾骨拿出来拍卖的消息被放出去之后,必定会造成巨大的轰动。 This hot luan bone 3000000 cattys in weight, but the hot luan living time cultivation base has achieved the Ascension 7th-layer boundary, already is the extremely terrifying powerhouse. This is a multimillionaire, the lowest estimate is 30 billion Spirit Stone.” In the auction market the most senior warning treasure Master was alarmed, has studied the hot luan bone, then such saying. “这一根火鸾骨重达3000000斤,而火鸾活着的时候修为达到了羽化第七重的境界,已经是极其恐怖的强者。这是一笔巨富,最低估价为30000000000枚灵石。”拍卖场中最资深的一名鉴宝师被惊动了出来,将火鸾骨研究了一番,然后如此的说道。 This time Liu Suzi is moved, she looked that the Feng Feiyun look seems like looking at a big local tyrant, this was also too terrifying. 这一次就连琉苏紫都为之动容,她看风飞云的眼神就像是在看一位大土豪,这也太恐怖了。 That warning treasure Master has hesitated the moment, respectful say/way: Does not know that this young master anxious isn't anxious is using Spirit Stone?” 那一位鉴宝师沉吟了片刻,恭恭敬敬的道:“不知这位公子急不急着使用灵石?” Feng Feiyun does not know that he why asking so, thinks, said: I sell these treasures naturally anxiously to use Spirit Stone, mainly to purchase massive Nirvana 4th-layer Spirit Beast battle soul.” 风飞云不知道他为何这般的问,想了想,道:“我卖这些宝物当然是急着用灵石,主要是为了购买大量的涅槃第四重灵兽战魂。” That warning treasure Master knitting the brows head, said: Does not know the young master to be able the time delay three days of this hot luan bone auction.” 那一位鉴宝师皱了皱眉头,道:“不知道公子可不可以将这一根火鸾骨拍卖的时间延迟三天。” Why is this?” Feng Feiyun said. “这是为何?”风飞云道。 Because different treasures, only then the different crowds know that its value, like this hot luan bone regarding these refine the pill of immortality Grandmaster simply is the unsurpassed wonderful treasure, if we can propagandize this matter through these three days, will give surely to attract many refine the pill of immortality Grandmaster, moreover they surely will also prepare sufficient enough Spirit Stone, the price when the time comes auctions absolutely is much higher than the present.” “因为不同的宝物只有不同的人群才知道它的价值,像这一根火鸾骨对于那些炼丹宗师而言简直就是无上奇宝,若是我们能够通过这三天的时间将此事宣传出去,必定会将很多炼丹宗师都给吸引过来,而且他们也必定会准备足够充足的灵石,到时候拍卖出的价格绝对比现在要高得多。” Originally is this reason.” “原来是这个原因。” Feng Feiyun naturally hopes that the hot luan bone can auction a higher price, but the auction market also wants to extract many deducting a percentage, both's benefit is consistent. 风飞云自然希望火鸾骨能够拍卖出更高的价格,而拍卖场也想抽取更多的提成,两者的利益是一致的。 This point Feng Feiyun naturally does not have the opinion, in any case is only on three days. 这一点风飞云自然没有意见,反正只是等上三天而已。 In order to lay out a higher price, that 16 fine gold liquid gold male stones were also divided into three batch to auction, today has auctioned merely only six. 为了拍出更高的价格,那16块鎏金水牡石也被分为了三批来拍卖,今天仅仅只拍卖了其中的六块。 But while fine gold liquid gold male stone auction, Feng Feiyun then immediately passed on a message the Half Monster Union big camp. 而在鎏金水牡石拍卖的同时,风飞云便立即传讯回了半妖盟大营。 He occupies the auction market not to feel relieved to the dream day absolutely, passed on a message the Half Monster Union big camp, was hopes that Half Monster Union can send the powerhouse to protect itself. 他对梦天居拍卖场也并不是绝对放心,传讯回半妖盟大营,也是希望半妖盟能够派遣强者过来保护自己。 The strength is weak, has to be careful. 实力不够强,就不得不小心谨慎。 ............ ………… What won't some readers possibly understand human and Antique Saint Monster Clan are relate? Gives an example, we analogy Vietnam Human Race, analogies „the US Antique Saint Monster Clan, perhaps some organized crime eldest children in Vietnam dare to assassinate US President, moreover does not pay attention to any American, but does Vietnam dare to lift strength and the US the country makes war? Even if made war, the result does meet is what kind of? 有些读者可能会弄不懂人类和太古圣妖族到底是什么关系?举个例子,我们就把人族比喻成“越南”,将太古圣妖族比喻成“美国”,或许越南的一些黑社会老大敢刺杀美国总统,而且不将任何一个美国人放在眼里,但是越南敢举一国之力和美国开战吗?就算开战了,结局会是怎么样的? Moonwater Wonderland is very strong, this is very indeed strong, but did not represent the entire human to surmount Antique Saint Monster Clan. 水月天境很强,这的确很强,但是并不代表整个人类就超越了太古圣妖族
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