SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#949: The dream day occupies the auction market

Can meet Brother Feng here, is really the fortunate meeting, is really the fortunate meeting!” “能够在这里遇到风兄,真是幸会,真是幸会啊!” Feng Feiyun just went out of the Spirit Beast battle soul immortal city, some people were called his name, then walked fast. 风飞云刚刚走出灵兽战魂的仙市,就有人在叫他的名字,然后快速走了过来。 Feng Feiyun looked at present these three neatly and immaculately dressed handsome youngster, self-examined that does not know them, the knitting the brows head of slightly, said: „Who are you? Knows my name?” 风飞云看了看眼前这三位衣冠楚楚的俊朗少年,自问并不认识他们,微微的皱了皱眉头,道:“你们是什么人?怎么知道我的名字?” The Young Master Gu Jiu handsome god is abundant, both eyes pure brightness, leisurely however did has bowed with hands clasped, said: Brother Feng currently has war Wang Jun gong in the character of body, doesn't the entire leaf Hongjing younger generation who know the Brother Feng given name?” 顾九少爷俊朗神丰,双目清明,施施然的作了一揖,道:“风兄现在可是有战王军功在身的人物,整个叶红境的年轻一代谁人不知风兄的大名?” Young Master Gu Shisan also said: We once had met in the glacier collection, but how not to know Spiritual Master at that time has eyes, has regarded same as these Half Monster slaves Brother Feng exists...... The language harms, the language harms, I am not that meaning.” 顾十三少爷也道:“我们曾经在冰河集见过一面,只不过当时咋们有眼不识真人,将风兄当成了与那些半妖奴一样的存在……咳咳,语误,语误,我不是那个意思。” „Do 13, what words that look is you said? Has not given the Brother Feng apology quickly.” Young Master Gu Jiu has scolded one. “13,看你说的都是什么话?还不快给风兄道歉。”顾九少爷呵斥了一声。 Young Master Gu Shisan gives Feng Feiyun hastily deeply good a ritual, spoke one pile of various apologies words. 顾十三少爷连忙去给风飞云深深的行了一礼,说了一堆各种道歉的话。 Feng Feiyun was also thinks, three years ago the glacier collection indeed has run into the young talent of three Middle Ages aristocratic family, is these three people at present, at that time they to Feng Feiyun were not such manner. 风飞云也算是想起来了,三年前才冰河集的确是遇到了三个中古世家的年轻才俊,就是眼前这三人,当时他们对风飞云可不是这样的态度。 Now are became fights king, as before is the Half Monster status, why do these three youngster want to flatter me desirably? 现在自己就算是成为了战王,依旧是半妖的身份,这三个少年为何要刻意的讨好我呢? Unusual must have the monster. 反常必有妖。 Feng Feiyun use fifty technique had calculated secretly, gives to calculate to the status these three people a general idea, in the heart has shown a faint smile, understood the reason probably. 风飞云使用大衍术暗自推算了一番,将这三人给身份都给推算出了一个大概,心中微微一笑,大概是明白了原因。 These three young talents are looking after the household Gu Laojiu and attend to 13 separately, is the Yu Shao master of jade. 这三位年轻才俊分别是顾家的顾老九和顾13,还有就是玉家的玉少爷。 Was the unsurpassed talents of Middle Ages aristocratic family, their natural talent was excellent, has the qualifications to compete the successor of family. 都是中古世家的无上才俊,他们都天资过人,有资格竞争家族的继承人。 Looks after the household the most outstanding talent, naturally is Gu eight and Gu Laojiu, two people already for family successor battle dozens years, but now the situation suddenly became to Gu Laojiu disadvantageous. 顾家最杰出的才俊,自然要数顾老八和顾老九,两人已经为了家族继承人争斗数十年,但是现在情况突然变得对顾老九不利了起来。 Because Gu eight obtained the inheritance of blood qilin half Saint in Holy Ghost Tomb, has established the status of successor in the family gradually, but support Gu Laojiu person also more and more changes to supports Gu eight, if this way, Gu Laojiu let alone is unable to become the successor of looking after the household, is Gu eight can keep his life is an unknown. 因为顾老八在圣灵墓葬之中得到了血麒半圣的传承,在家族之中渐渐的确立了继承人的地位,而支持顾老九的人也越来越多的改为支持顾老八,若是再这样下去,顾老九别说是无法成为顾家的继承人,就是顾老八会不会留他的性命都是一个未知数。 This is also the most imminent matter that present Gu Laojiu faces. 这也是现在顾老九面临的最迫在眉睫的事。 Almost is very difficult to discover one to be able in leaf Hongjing with the young talent who Gu eight contend with, but when Gu Laojiu is badly battered, actually occupied in the dream day saw Feng Feiyun. 在叶红境几乎很难找出一个能够和顾老八抗衡的年轻才俊,而就在顾老九焦头烂额的时候,却在梦天居看到了风飞云 Hearsay Half Monster can give to strike to kill Xiao Tianyue, has the extraordinary strength absolutely, can perhaps eight contend with Gu. 传闻这个半妖能够将霄天悦都给击杀,绝对拥有非凡的实力,说不定能够和顾老八抗衡。 Gu Laojiu saw the hope at this time finally. 顾老九这个时候终于看到了希望。 Gu Laojiu said with a smile: Saw Brother Feng a moment ago as if is the wealth worry, does not know that what busy can help to obtain below?” 顾老九笑道:“刚才见风兄似乎在为钱财忧心,不知在下能够帮得到什么忙?” If can put the bite on, Feng Feiyun naturally does not mind to put the bite on, the Spirit Stone quantity that but he needs is too huge, it is estimated that said this quantity, the talents of these Middle Ages aristocratic families could not help. 若是能够敲竹杠,风飞云自然不介意敲竹杠,但是他需要的灵石数量实在太庞大,估计就算将这个数量说出来,这些中古世家的才俊也都帮不上什么忙。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Pours does not need help, the matter of wealth my selfenergy solution, but must go to the auction market to auction several matters.” 风飞云笑道:“倒也不需要各位帮忙,钱财的事我自能解决,只是还要去拍卖场拍卖几件物事。” Must go to the auction market to need some people recommend is good, below , although cannot afford any thing in the auction market, however the basic status has. If Brother Feng does not shut out, is willing to make this to recommend the person below.” Say/Way that Gu Laojiu volunteers services. “要去拍卖场必须要有人引荐才行,在下虽然在拍卖场中买不起什么东西,但是基本的地位还是有。若是风兄不嫌弃,在下愿意做这个引荐人。”顾老九毛遂自荐的道。 Haha! That is naturally good.” Feng Feiyun has not rejected their good intentions. “哈哈!那自然是再好不过了。”风飞云并没有拒绝他们的好意。 As the saying goes, real man three gangs. Feng Feiyun faces now is coming to Nine Firmaments Immortal City and 12 territories the challenge of talent, Gu Laojiu wants to cope with Gu with the aid of his strength eight, does Feng Feiyun want to win over a group of people to help itself keep off the Nine Firmaments Immortal City pressure? 有道是,一个好汉三个帮。风飞云现在面临着来至九霄仙城和12域的才俊的挑战,顾老九想要借助他的力量来对付顾老八,风飞云又何尝不想拉拢一批人来帮自己挡九霄仙城的压力? Also Feng Feiyun did not cope with Gu eight, Gu eight also surely can kill him, since there is a helper to use, why also didn't use? 再说就算风飞云不去对付顾老八,顾老八也必定会来杀他,既然有帮手可以利用,又为何不用? The auction market of dream day occupying constructs above a huge hanging palace, the imposing manner is palatial, grand grand, like a nine Tianxian Gong. 梦天居的拍卖场就建在一座庞大的悬空殿宇之上,气势巍峨,宏伟壮丽,像一座九天仙宫。 Only steps to immortal palace has 3300 steps, is throws by the jade, hangs dragon Wenfeng to carve, performs to reveal the riches and honor and magnificence. 光是通往仙宫的阶梯就有3300阶,都是由玉石扑成,吊着龙纹凤刻,尽显富贵和华丽。 This auction market is considered as absolutely is one of the entire leaf Hongjing topest auction markets, any can come here racket to go shopping or want the treasure to check to the person who the dream day occupies the auction, absolutely is a boundary most honored most and popular character, sometimes even some Great Sage will appear at the auction. 这一座拍卖场绝对算得上是整个叶红境最顶尖的拍卖场之一,凡是能够来到这里拍买东西或者是想要将宝物寄存给梦天居代为拍卖的人,都绝对是一个境最有头有脸的人物,有时候甚至有一些大贤者会出现在拍卖会上。 Auction? You must know that can deliver to the dream day occupies on the auction stage is not the common treasure.” The young deacon in auction market light looked at Feng Feiyun one, sees him is Half Monster, therefore did not think that Feng Feiyun can put out any extraordinary treasure. “代为拍卖?你要知道能够呈送到梦天居拍卖台上的都不是一般的宝物。”拍卖场的一位小执事轻飘飘的看了风飞云一眼,一眼就看出他乃是一个半妖,所以并不觉得风飞云能够拿出什么了不得的宝物来。 What even if helps Feng Feiyun recommend was Gu Laojiu and outstanding talent of Yu Shao this Middle Ages aristocratic family, has not let this young deacon too many attaching great importance, after all he has seen the great person were too many, the Ascension sage every day can see, naturally will not give several Middle Ages aristocratic family the face of young people. 就算帮风飞云引荐的乃是顾老九玉少这种中古世家的杰出才俊,也没有让这位小执事太多的重视,毕竟他见过的大人物太多了,就连羽化贤者每天都能见到一些,自然也就不会太给几个中古世家的年轻人的面子。 At this moment, Liu Suzi of purple clothes elegant bearing also arrived at the auction market, on the face has hung the smiling face, in the hand is swinging the folding fan, said with a smile: Brother Feng does not inform one with me, arrived at the auction market unexpectedly, it seems like your this time definitely obtained the good thing in Holy Ghost Tomb!” 就在这时,一袭紫衣风度翩翩的琉苏紫也来到了拍卖场,脸上挂着笑容,手中摇着折扇,笑道:“风兄也不跟我通知一声,竟然就来到了拍卖场,看来你这次肯定是在圣灵墓葬之中得到了好东西!” Hears Holy Ghost Tomb these characters, the heart of that young deacon jumps immediately. 听到圣灵墓葬这几个字,那个小执事的心头顿时一跳。 Recently because of birth of Holy Ghost Tomb, in the sixth Yang Dynasty auction market also presented many earthshaking treasures, was sold the sky-high price. 最近一段时间因为圣灵墓葬的出世,第六中央王朝的拍卖场中也出现了不少惊天动地的宝物,都被卖出了天价。 After that young deacon sees Liu Suzi, at once moved forward to meet somebody, deep is doing obeisance to Liu Suzi, then grovels to the Feng Feiyun flattery has smiled, said: Originally the young master is the Young Master Zi friend, small has eyes does not know Spiritual Master , is really damn, damn.” 而当那个小执事看到琉苏紫之后,旋即迎了上去,深深的对着琉苏紫一拜,然后又点头哈腰的对着风飞云奉承的笑了起来,道:“原来公子乃是紫公子的朋友,小的真的有眼不识真人,真是该死,该死。” Feng Feiyun naturally cannot haggle over with this snobbish person, says with a smile: „The treasure in Holy Ghost Tomb by these great people taking, our type of small sun-dried shelled shrimp can also drink a point to remain the soup dirty water.” 风飞云自然不会跟这种势利的人计较,笑道:“圣灵墓葬之中的宝物都被那些大人物给取走了,我们这种小虾米也就能够喝一点剩汤剩水。” Under that young deacon's leadership, the group arrived at the backstage of auction market, at this time also had other preparations to place the member of auction market generation of rackets the treasure, here various treasures took, the unusual brightness has been full of the entire space. 在那一个小执事的带领下,一行人来到了拍卖场的后台,这个时候也有其他准备将宝物放在拍卖场代拍的修士,在这里各种宝物都被拿了出来,宝光充满了整个空间。 Naturally looks like this auction market heavy, naturally also has the powerhouse to assume personal command, is responsible for here security. 当然像这种拍卖场的重地,自然也有强者坐镇,负责这里的安全。 Just arrived at the backstage of auction market, met has worn brocade clothes magnificence robe Eighth Young Master Gu, what treasure he as if also patted in the generation, some young talents and days the arrogant female encircled in his side, what to be chatting? 刚来到拍卖场的后台,就遇到了身穿锦衣华袍的顾八少爷,他似乎也是在代拍什么宝物,有很多年轻才俊和天之骄女围在他的身边,在说笑着一些什么? And is longer much the female also with Liu Suzi and Eighth Young Master Gu stands, this female wears the red clothes, the body does not have the slightest bit age to dare, the flesh is very fair, above the arm is bringing many red spirit crystal jade bracelets, is very beautiful, the arrogant females gave to be inferior other these days. 其中一个与琉苏紫长得差不多的女子也和顾八少爷站在一起,这个女子身穿红衣,身上没有半分年龄敢,肌肤十分白皙,手臂之上带着很多红色的灵晶玉镯,十分美艳,将别的那些天之骄女都给比了下去。 Although Eighth Young Master Gu flatters his God's favored one and day to other these arrogant females somewhat disdains, but actually quite abstained from this female, does not have too many impolite actions. 顾八少爷虽然对别的那些来巴结他的天之骄子和天之骄女都有些不屑,但是对这一个女子却颇为忌讳,没有太多的无礼举动。 Haha! Today was really skillful, has not thought that nine younger brothers and Young Master Zi also arrived at the auction market, does not know that what unsurpassed god treasures you can auction?” Vision swiveleye of Eighth Young Master Gu slightly, stared around Feng Feiyun one, in the eye flashes through several points of murderous aura. “哈哈!今天真是巧了,没想到九弟和紫公子也来到了拍卖场,不知你们要拍卖些什么无上神宝?”顾八少爷的目光微微的斜视,盯了一旁的风飞云一眼,眼中闪过几分杀气 In Holy Ghost Tomb, Feng Feiyun almost wanted his life, moreover Feng Feiyun now is also the person who only knows his secret, therefore he must give to remove Feng Feiyun, but now is not good to get rid that's all in the auction market! 圣灵墓葬之中,风飞云差一点要了他的性命,而且风飞云现在也是唯一一个知道他秘密的人,所以他必须要将风飞云给除掉,只是现在在拍卖场中不好出手罢了 That stands in the beautiful female of Eighth Young Master Gu nearby wear red brocade is also covers the mouth to show a faint smile: Indeed is very skillful, Younger Sister Qi usually is not most repugnant Half Monster, how today to arrive at the auction market with Half Monster?” 那一个站在顾八少爷旁边的穿着红色锦缎的美丽女子也是掩嘴微微一笑:“的确是很巧,七妹平时不是最讨厌半妖,今天怎么和一个半妖来到了拍卖场?” Younger Sister Qi that Liu Suhong called, the person who refers to naturally was Liu Suzi. 琉苏红叫的七妹,所指的人自然是“琉苏紫”。 Liu Suhong is boundary main mansion young lady, is the Liu Suzi eldest sister. 琉苏红乃是境主府的大小姐,也是琉苏紫的大姐。 But Liu Suzi ranks seventh in boundary main mansion, because she usually likes being dressed as a man, therefore all people called her Young Master Zi. 琉苏紫则在境主府排名第七,只是因为她平时喜欢女扮男装,所以所有人都叫她“紫公子”。 Liu Suzi said with a smile: I repugnantly do not only have Half Monster that the strength, wallows in degeneration, is willing to become friends with regarding competent Half Monster actually.” 琉苏紫笑道:“我只讨厌没有实力、自甘堕落的半妖,对于有实力的半妖其实还是愿意结交。” Oh! Originally is this, that said that this Half Monster is actually somewhat cultivation base?” Liu Suhong looked at Feng Feiyun two with a smile, in a two stars pupil is having the color/look of several points of despising, said with a smile: Half Monster is Half Monster, do not have too many hopes to this person, I urged Younger Sister Qi with this humble living thing do not walk too nearly, otherwise pass to the family these old people's ears, feared that will be you will be very disappointed to Younger Sister Qi.” !原来是这样,那这么说这个半妖其实还是有几分修为?”琉苏红笑着看了看风飞云两眼,一双星眸之中带着几分鄙夷之色,笑道:“半妖就是半妖,千万别对这种人抱太多的希望,我劝七妹还是不要和这种低贱的生物走得太近,要不然传到家族那些老人们的耳中,怕是会对七妹你很失望。” This Sister Lao you did not worry, Little Sister innate discretion.” Liu Suzi also said with a smile. “这就不劳大姐你操心了,小妹自有分寸。”琉苏紫也是笑道。 At this time Eighth Young Master Gu opened the mouth to say with a smile: Brother Feng indeed is the hero in Half Monster, heard that you this time obtained many treasures in Holy Ghost Tomb, must bring the auction, does not know that can make me and others see sees the world?” 这个时候顾八少爷开口笑道:“风兄的确乃是半妖之中的英杰,听说你这次在圣灵墓葬之中得到了不少宝物,要拿来拍卖,不知能不能让我等见一见世面?” At this time Eighth Young Master Gu and in Liu Suhong behind these talents some people have sneered, said: What great treasure can Half Monster obtain?” 这个时候顾八少爷琉苏红身后的那些才俊之中有人冷笑了起来,道:“一个半妖能够得到什么了不起的宝物?” Eight young master auctions an antique crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality that carries over from Holy Ghost Tomb, was reflected the valuable Master Ding base price initially is 1 billion Spirit Stone, as for can auction any price...... Hehe, that was unknown.” “八少爷这次拍卖的可是从圣灵墓葬之中带出的一尊太古丹鼎,初步被鉴宝师定的底价为1000000000枚灵石,至于能够拍卖到什么价格……嘿嘿,那就不得而知了。” 1 billion Spirit Stone, regarding outstanding talents of Middle Ages aristocratic family were a huge digit, only then these of Middle Ages aristocratic family had extremely high status person possibly to put out the so huge wealth in the family, heard this digit to as for other person by the scared out of one's wits. 1000000000枚灵石,对于一个中古世家的杰出才俊都是一个庞大的数字,只有中古世家的那些在家族中有极高地位的人才可能拿出如此庞大的财富,至于别的人听到这个数字都要被吓破胆。 Gu Laojiu of Feng Feiyun this side and attended to 13 slightly changing color, if makes Gu eight auction 1 billion Spirit Stone, how many will of the people this can boss around? 风飞云这一方的顾老九和顾13都微微变色,若是让顾老八拍卖出1000000000枚灵石,这得笼络多少人心啊? Moreover the young people win are the one breath, this moment all people were given to blow by 1 billion Spirit Stone, if Liu Suzi and gives a thought to nine master sides also to be daunted, was equal to losing the imposing manner, was quite disadvantageous in competition of family successor. 而且年轻人争得都是一口气,此刻所有人都被1000000000枚灵石给镇住,若是琉苏紫和顾九爷这一方也被吓住,那么就等于是输了气势,在家族继承人的争夺之中相当不利。 The contest of young people, makes in these elders to family to look actually, works is the powerful, more can suppress the competitor, more can have family favoring and support of elders. 年轻人的较量,其实都是做给家族之中的那些老辈们看,做事越是强势,越是能够压制得住竞争对手,也就越是能够得到家族之中的老辈们的看好和支持。 ...... …… Tonight also has two, but the time slightly is possibly late. 今晚还有两更,不过时间可能稍迟。 After before dawn, asked the distinguished guest ticket! The stinking ninth category is going all out, hopes that everybody can also give some support. 凌晨后求贵宾票啊!老九在拼命,希望大家也能多给一些支持。
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