SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#948: 400 Spirit Beast battle soul

Eighth Young Master Gu ancient war chariot already vanishes in outskirt. 顾八少爷古车已经消失在街尾。 On the face of Liu Suzi shows several points of happy expression to come, said: Person! After having the skill, naturally must look at entirely different oneself, others now are six big heavenly talent of southwest 12 boundary, do I why go to fight with him?” 琉苏紫的脸上露出几分笑意来,道:“人嘛!有了本事之后,自然就要将自己看得截然不同一些,人家现在乃是西南12境的六大天骄,我何必去跟他斗?” She for all that was saying, since she copes with the Xiao Tianyue matter to see, she absolutely is the person who a slightest bit owes must not eat, any provoked her the person, surely did not have the good fruit to eat. 她虽然如此的说着,但是从她对付霄天悦的事就可以看出,她绝对是一个半分亏都吃不得的人,凡是招惹了她的人,都必定没有好果子吃。 At this time, an old sound was making a sound in the ear of Feng Feiyun, said: Young fellow! Many thanks you get rid to support by the arm the old man, is really young and promising!” 这个时候,一个苍老的声音在风飞云的耳边响着,道:“小伙子啊!多谢你出手搀扶老头子,真是年轻有为啊!” This old man whole face is wrinkle, head hair must fall out or off entirely, the mouth tooth has not remained several, speaks, but also is leaking out. 这个老者满脸都是皱纹,头上的头发都要掉光,嘴里牙齿也没有剩几颗,说起话来,还在漏风。 His vision appears is very pollution, the senile appearance, a pair of withered hand also keeps is shivering, was praising Feng Feiyun. 他的目光显得很是浑浊,老态龙钟的样子,一双干瘪的手也不停的颤抖着,一个劲的夸着风飞云 This old man a moment ago hitting to fly by Eighth Young Master Gu ancient war chariot, Feng Feiyun got rid he not to fall luckily on the ground. 这个老者刚才被顾八少爷古车给撞飞,幸好风飞云出手他才没有摔在地上。 Although here is the god city, accumulation is also a boundary topest member, naturally the formidable member also has the later years time, to the later years, the blood energy deterioration in body, the strength unceasing outflow, cultivation base also will be getting more and more weak, therefore is not each old man is formidable on cultivation base. 这里虽然乃是神城,聚集的也都是一个境最顶尖的修士,当然再强大的修士也有到暮年的时候,一到暮年,身体之中的血气衰败,力量不断的流失,修为也就会越来越弱,所以并不是每一个老者就都修为强大。 The people always have the old time, always has lacking the ability to do what one would like time. 人总有老的时候,总有力不从心的时候。 Feng Feiyun can see the life of this old seniors completely, already to the Celestial Five Wanings region, how long it is estimated that crossed not to die in a sitting posture, if not for so hitting to fly by trivial ancient war chariot. 风飞云能够看出这一位老前辈的寿元将尽,已经到了天人五衰的境地,估计过不得多久就会坐化,若不是如此也不会被区区一辆古车给撞飞。 Although Feng Feiyun does not like being the softy very much, but quite cared to life not many old people, after all everyone has the old time. 风飞云虽然并不是很喜欢做烂好人,但是对寿元不多的老人还是颇为的关心,毕竟每个人都有老的时候。 Senior, where lives, wants the younger generation to deliver you to go home?” Feng Feiyun said. “前辈,家住何方,要不要晚辈送你回家?”风飞云道。 The old men have smiled saying with a smile: Family/Home was too far, did not trouble your young people. If you have the matter to go busily! The old fogies I am the life am not many, visit an old friend, it is estimated that must drill the earth pit.” 老者笑了笑道:“家太远了,就不麻烦你们年轻人了。你们若是有事就去忙吧!老家伙我是寿元不多了,去拜访一位老友,估计就要钻土坑了。” The old man step limps, departure gradually. 老者步伐蹒跚,渐渐的离去。 But Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi arrived at the dream day to occupy. 风飞云琉苏紫则来到了梦天居。 ancient war chariot that above outside main road, seven lion beasts draw was given to bring in inside, that is the Eighth Young Master Gu mount. 外面的大道之上,一辆七头狮兽拉的古车才被人给牵进了里面,那是顾八少爷的坐骑。 Really was the enemies often cross each other's path, Eighth Young Master Gu also arrives at the dream day to occupy unexpectedly.” Feng Feiyun smiled. “真是冤家路窄,顾八少爷竟然也来到了梦天居。”风飞云笑了笑。 Liu Suzi had not boasted but actually, the dream day occupies absolutely is an entire century god city biggest store, the occupying land area is very broad, constructs is extremely also magnificent, palaces and old castles stand in great numbers, but also the having mystical powers tree and medicine field are distributed in inside, having Spirit Beast can transport by pack animal any of guest going store. 琉苏紫倒也没有吹嘘,梦天居绝对是整个千秋神城最大的一处卖场,占地十分广阔,修建得也极其华丽,一座座殿宇和古堡林立,还有灵树和药田分布在里面,有灵兽可以驮运客人前去卖场的任何一处。 This looks like an immortal spirit world. 这就像是一座仙灵世界。 The dream day occupies altogether is divided into two, one in ground, is mainly the low status goods business transaction place, is chooses the valuable field, to bet stone area, the Spirit Beast area and battle soul area...... Here carries on the dream day to occupy most volumes of trade. 梦天居一共分为两层,地面上的一层,主要是低等物品的买卖交易地方,还有就是选宝场、赌石区、灵兽区、战魂区……这里进行着梦天居绝大多数的交易额。 Above sky also float some palace Que Shenyu, on that was the top transaction and dream day occupying auction market. 天空之上还悬浮着一些宫阙神宇,那上面便都是顶尖的交易和梦天居的拍卖场了。 Can to float walk a person in that piece of palace Que Heshen space above sky, decides however is the entire leaf Hongjing most honored most and popular person. 能够到悬浮在天空之上的那一片宫阙和神宇之中走一圈的人,都定然乃是整个叶红境最有头有脸的人。 Liu Suzi brought Feng Feiyun to arrive at a stretch of very broad location, here jade spread out on the floor, the immortal tree stood in great numbers, has smartly, so that with guard often from side process. 琉苏紫带着风飞云来到了一片十分广阔的场地,这里玉石铺地,仙树林立,有俏俾和侍卫不时从身边经过。 „During here is the dream day occupies gathers the monster corpse and place of monster specially, the price absolutely reasonable.” “这里就是梦天居之中专门收取妖尸和妖器的地方,价格都绝对合理。” Here head is a slightly fat middle-aged person, named Lu Yuan, he sees the arrival of Liu Suzi, the thing that then immediately puts down in the hand been busy, welcomed, slightly bows in salute toward her, then looked at Feng Feiyun one, said with a smile: Today young lady arrives at century Immortal City, has not thought that Young Master Zi also came unexpectedly.” 这里的负责人是一个微胖的中年人,名叫陆原,他看到琉苏紫的到来,便立即放下手中正在忙的事物,迎了过来,微微的向着她作揖,然后又看了风飞云一眼,笑道:“今天大小姐才来到千秋仙城,没想到紫公子竟然也过来了。” Liu Suzi beautiful woman slightly raises, the folding fan blowing fine jade nose slightly, said: Eldest sister arrived at century Immortal City unexpectedly, my news does not know unexpectedly. You may know, she does come because of what matter?” 琉苏紫的娥眉微微的一掀,折扇微微的刮了刮琼鼻,道:“大姐竟然来到了千秋仙城,我居然一点消息都不知道。你可知道,她是因为何事而来?” This...... Small does not dare to open the mouth randomly.” Lu Yuan bows hastily, said: Also asked Young Master Zi do not feel embarrassed our these to be the servant.” “这个……小的不敢乱开口。”陆原连忙躬身,道:“还请紫公子不要为难我们这些做下人的。” I understand that your difficulty, that was needless to say.” Liu Suzi also said: This is my friend, just became fights above ten thousand clan battlefields the king, this time is the belt spoils of war trades, you may probably give him a just price.” “我明白你的难处,那就不用说了。”琉苏紫又道:“这是我的一个朋友,刚刚在万族战场之上成为了战王,这次是带战利品过来贩卖,你可要给他一个公道的价格。” Certain, certain, the instruction of Young Master Zi, the old servant gives this young master most just price surely, young master here invites.” “一定,一定,紫公子的吩咐,老仆必定给这位公子最公道的价格,公子这边请。” Lu Yuan Feng Feiyun welcome to immortal city, but Liu Suzi with, her as if has not had other matter to manage. 陆原风飞云请到了仙市之中,而琉苏紫却没有跟过来,她似乎有别的事要办。 Feng Feiyun can also guess correctly actually approximately, an princess of boundary main mansion like her, naturally also many competitors, for example that arrived at the century Immortal City boundary main mansion young lady. 风飞云其实也能大致的猜到一些,像她这样一个境主府的郡主,自然也有很多竞争对手,比如那一位来到了千秋仙城的境主府的大小姐。 Her departure is definitely related with the young lady of this boundary main mansion. 她的离去肯定和这个境主府的大小姐有关。 The family was big, the competition is also big, can budding the people in myriad disciples be absolutely the outstanding characters, the mutual competition is extremely also frigid and bad risk, Feng Feiyun does not think that the ginseng gathers. 家族大了,竞争也就大,能够在万千弟子之中崭露头角的人都是绝对优秀的人物,相互竞争也都极其惨烈和凶险,风飞云不想参合进去。 All monster corpses that Feng Feiyun must come took, altogether hundreds of thousands, achieves the Heaven's Mandate 8th-layer monster corpse, altogether 180,000. 风飞云将得来的所有妖尸都拿了出来,一共有数十万具,其中达到天命第八重的妖尸,一共180000具。 The Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer monster corpse, altogether 420,000 have. 天命第九重的妖尸,一共420000位具。 Nirvana 1st-layer monster corpse, altogether 7000. 涅槃第一重的妖尸,一共7000具。 Nirvana 2nd-layer monster corpse, altogether 1200. 涅槃第二重的妖尸,一共1200具。 Broken 3rd-layer monster corpse, altogether 150. 涅破第三重的妖尸,一共150具。 Several hundred broken 4th-layer monster corpses and three Nirvana 5th-layer monster corpse. 还有数百具涅破第四重的妖尸和三具涅槃第五重的妖尸。 So huge monster corpse quantity, experienced Lu Yuan will give to have a scare, the heart secretly thought, worthily is the Young Master Zi friend, moreover is one fights the king, can put out these many monster corpses is very normal, is very normal. 如此庞大的妖尸数量,也将见多识广的陆原给吓了一跳,心头暗道,不愧是紫公子的朋友,而且还是一尊战王,能够拿出这么多的妖尸也很正常,也很正常。 Gave to trade all monster corpses, ultimately Feng Feiyun obtained 184 million Spirit Stone. 将所有的妖尸都给贩卖了出去,最终风飞云得到了184000000枚灵石 This already is a huge wealth, these ancient clan old ancestors also decide however have not seen Spirit Stone such. 已经算是一笔庞大的财富,就连那些古族的老祖也都定然没有见过这么的灵石 Feng Feiyun fights the soldier to give upside-down monster that these collected, piles a mountain, the unusual brightness was graceful, ray brilliant, fully hundreds of thousands, but was monster of some low grade, monster of high grade was very scarce . Moreover the part of cut off remnants broke. 风飞云又将那些收集来的妖器战兵给倒了出去,也是堆成了一座大山,宝光盈盈,光芒灼灼,足有数十万件,但都是一些低品级的妖器,高品级的妖器十分稀少,而且还有一部分是被斩断的残兵断器。 These monster prices above these monster corpses, altogether have sold unexpectedly still 230 million Spirit Stone. 这些妖器价格居然还在那些妖尸之上,一共卖了230000000枚灵石 Spirit Stone that Feng Feiyun has now has achieved 414 million, was a side wealthy person, the ancient clan heads of household compared with major territories was rich. 风飞云现在拥有的灵石达到了414000000枚,算是一方财主了,比各大域的古族家主都要富有。 Because Feng Feiyun is the Liu Suzi friend, the member working efficiency of dream day occupying is extremely high, quick has delivered to 414 million Spirit Stone the hand of Feng Feiyun. 因为风飞云乃是琉苏紫的朋友,梦天居的修士办事效率极高,很快就将414000000枚灵石送到了风飞云的手中。 414 wormhole Spirit Stone. 414枚虫洞灵石 Wormhole Spirit Stone = 1 million Spirit Stone. 一枚虫洞灵石=1000000枚灵石 414 wormhole Spirit Stone happen to are 414 million Spirit Stone shares. 414枚虫洞灵石正好是414000000枚灵石的份额。 In the dream day occupies this rank in the store, if trades, monetary unit that uses, already is not Trueglory Spirit Stone, but is wormhole Spirit Stone. 在梦天居这种级别的卖场之中,若是交易的话,所使用的货币单位,都已经不是真耀灵石,而是“虫洞灵石”。 It can be said that compared these accumulation deep Middle Ages aristocratic families, Feng Feiyun these 414 wormhole Spirit Stone, can not anything. 可以说相比于那些积累深厚的中古世家而言,风飞云这414枚虫洞灵石,根本就算不得什么。 However purchased Spirit Beast battle soul to be with these Spirit Stone enough, Feng Feiyun such was thinking. 不过用这些灵石来购买灵兽战魂应该是足够了,风飞云如此的认为着。 Originally Young Master Feng wants to purchase Spirit Beast battle soul, my this sends for delivering the young master to purchase the Spirit Beast battle soul place.” Lu Yuan called a maidservant, making this maidservant bring Feng Feiyun to purchase Spirit Beast battle soul. “原来风公子想要购买灵兽战魂,我这就派人送公子去购买灵兽战魂的地方。”陆原叫过来了一位侍女,让这位侍女带风飞云去购买灵兽战魂 cultivation base of this maidservant has achieved Nirvana 3rd-layer, sober refined, the appearance is good, named Luo Lan. 这一位侍女的修为都达到了涅槃第三重,清醒脱俗,容貌算是上佳,名叫“罗蓝”。 The dream day occupies the store occupies Earth Level its huge, Feng Feiyun has passed through spirit woods, crossed two mountains, has passed through three Spirit Spring rivers, finally arrived at trading and purchase of place Spirit Beast battle soul. 梦天居卖场的占地极其庞大,风飞云穿过了一片灵树林,翻过了两座山岳,穿过了三条灵泉河流,最后才来到了灵兽战魂的贩卖和购买地。 This is also a piece of broad space, many palaces are situated here , many formidable member pass and out, even there is Ascension boundary a aura of sage to pass from some palaces. 这也是一片广阔的空间,有很多殿宇坐落在这里,也有不少强大的修士进进出出,甚至有羽化境的贤者的气息从一些宫殿之中传出来。 Which unusual animals battle soul does young master want to purchase?” That is called the maidservant inquiry of Luo Lan to say. “公子要购买哪一种异兽战魂?”那一个叫做罗蓝的侍女询问道。 Feng Feiyun said: Has Spirit Beast battle soul of antique Saint beast bloodlines, best will be in 3000 the rank of year, in 2000 Spirit Beast battle soul of year rank also in consideration range.” 风飞云道:“拥有太古圣兽血脉的灵兽战魂,最好是3000年年份的级别,2000年年份级别的灵兽战魂也在考虑范围之内。” Has in 3000 of antique Saint beast bloodlines Spirit Beast battle soul of year, divides three ranks, the Nirvana 4th-layer boundary, the Nirvana 5th-layer boundary, the Nirvana 6th-layer boundary, does not know that which type the young master does want to purchase?” “拥有太古圣兽血脉的3000年年份的灵兽战魂,也分三个级别,涅槃第四重境,涅槃第五重境,涅槃第六重境,不知公子要购买哪一种?” Spirit Beast battle soul of Nirvana 4th-layer rank.” 涅槃第四重级别的灵兽战魂。” Feng Feiyun now is the Nirvana 4th-layer boundary, cultivates the Ten Thousand War Beast Domain words, actually chooses the Nirvana 4th-layer rank Spirit Beast battle soul is best, this can precise most same boundary Spirit Beast battle soul in the body. 风飞云现在乃是涅槃第四重的境界,修炼万兽战域的话,其实选择涅槃第四重级别的灵兽战魂才是最佳,这样就可以在身体之中凝炼最多的同境界灵兽战魂 Spirit Beast battle soul of this rank, the value is wormhole Spirit Stone.” Luo Lan said. “一头这种级别的灵兽战魂,价值是一枚虫洞灵石。”罗蓝道。 Feng Feiyun has swallowed saliva crazily, said: Is so expensive?” 风飞云狂咽了一口唾沫,道:“这么贵?” Feng Feiyun also has 414 wormhole Spirit Stone that's all now , can only purchase 414 Nirvana 4th-layer Spirit Beast battle soul. 风飞云现在也才拥有414枚虫洞灵石罢了,也就只能购买414头涅槃第四重灵兽战魂 Luo Lan said with a smile: Our dream day occupies the choice is potential biggest Spirit Beast battle soul, in the future will increase along with young master’s cultivation base, Spirit Beast battle soul will have very big promotion space. If in young master’s fund has difficulty, can purchase the Nirvana 3rd-layer rank Spirit Beast battle soul.” 罗蓝笑道:“我们梦天居挑选的都是潜力最大的灵兽战魂,将来随着公子的修为增加,灵兽战魂也有很大的提升空间。若是公子的资金上有困难,可以购买涅槃第三重级别的灵兽战魂。” Does not use! On Spirit Beast battle soul of purchase Nirvana 4th-layer rank, gives me to come 400 heads.” Feng Feiyun bit the monster tooth to say. “不用!就购买涅槃第四重级别的灵兽战魂,给我来400头。”风飞云咬了妖牙道。 If cultivates in these 400 Spirit Beast battle soul the body, 42 Nirvana 4th-layer Spirit Beast battle soul strengths that in addition Feng Feiyun already has, then Feng Feiyun can have the strength of 442 Spirit Beast battle soul, is only the body strength, Feng Feiyun makes a fist, endures ratio 442 Nirvana 4th-layer the strength of member. 若是将这400头灵兽战魂修炼到身体之中,再加上风飞云已经拥有的42头涅槃第四重灵兽战魂的力量,那么风飞云就能够拥有442头灵兽战魂之力,光是身体力量而言,风飞云打出一拳,就堪比442位涅槃第四重的修士的力量。 The strength of this rank, in the confrontation of boundary during, uses the pure mortal body strength to fight with the fists to explode opposite party Spirit Artifact sufficiently. 这种级别的力量,足以在同境界的交锋之中,使用纯肉身力量一拳打爆对方的灵器 After having purchased 400 Nirvana 4th-layer Spirit Beast battle soul, Feng Feiyun then only remains 14 wormhole Spirit Stone. 购买了400头涅槃第四重灵兽战魂之后,风飞云便又只剩14枚虫洞灵石 Also needs to make to select Spirit Stone to be good, my goal is fights with the fists compared with the boundary member high 10,000 times of strengths, must in all Spirit Beast battle soul the body change into Spirit Beast battle soul of antique Saint beast bloodlines.” “还需要去弄点灵石才行,我的目标乃是一拳打出比同境界修士高10000倍的力量,必须将身体之中所有灵兽战魂都换成太古圣兽血脉的灵兽战魂。”
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