SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#947: Century god city

The red leaves star is the center of entire leaf Red Army, altogether has eight mainland. 红叶星乃是整个叶红军的中心,一共有八块大陆。 Profound wonderful mainland that the Half Monster Union big camp is, is only in eight mainland most barren one. 半妖盟大营所在的玄奇大陆,只是八块大陆之中最贫瘠的一块。 You trade the monster corpse to go to glacier collection that small immortal collection unexpectedly, does loses money the business, goes to the century god city of profound wonderful mainland directly, there immortal shop and immortal city thousands of places, even there are to surmount the entire sixth Yang Dynasty market giant, sees the thing that to add the thing that your this whole life sees there you more than absolutely.” “你贩卖妖尸居然去冰河集那种小仙集,做得只是亏本买卖,直接去玄奇大陆的千秋神城,那里的仙铺和仙市千万座,甚至有跨越整个第六中央王朝的市场巨头,在那里你见到的东西绝对比你这辈子见到的东西加起来还要多。” Feng Feiyun said that must go to the glacier collection to trade the monster corpse, exchanges Spirit Stone, but has actually encountered the intently watch of Liu Suzi. 风飞云说要去冰河集贩卖妖尸,兑换灵石,但是却遭到了琉苏紫的逼视。 She thought that the Feng Feiyun too ground beetle, has not really seen the true immortal city and god city. 她觉得风飞云实在太土鳖,没有见过真正的仙市、神城。 Liu Suzi hesitated to think deeply about the moment, then said: Happen to this young master today has free time, brings your this ground beetle to experience the red leaves star genuine numerous Huashen city.” 琉苏紫沉吟思索了片刻,然后道:“正好本公子今天有空,就带你这个土鳖去见识见识红叶星真正的繁华神城。” How good exhausted Young Master Zi......” “怎么好劳烦紫公子……” Feng Feiyun thought that Liu Suzi is very unusual, before she was looking down upon Feng Feiyun, even if were Feng Feiyun walks near, felt that reduced the status, today actually on own initiative must bring Feng Feiyun to go to the experience red leaves star the god city. 风飞云觉得琉苏紫很反常,以前她都瞧不起风飞云,哪怕是和风飞云走得近了一些,都感觉降低了身份,今天却主动要带风飞云去见识红叶星的神城。 It seems like was my cultivation base obtained her affirmation, simultaneously I killed Xiao Tianyue also to win her favorable impression, therefore gained her attaching great importance. 看来是我的修为得到了她的肯定,同时我杀了霄天悦也博得了她的好感,所以才得到她的重视。 Wordy do that many do? You think that a young master has not led you, casual can Half Monster enter the god city?” Liu Suzi ill-humored white Feng Feiyun. “啰嗦那么多干嘛?你以为没有本公子带你,随便一个半妖能够进入神城?”琉苏紫没好气的白了风飞云一眼。 Such being the case, that asked Young Master Zi to guide! Waited to trade Spirit Stone, definitely asked you to drink to eat the meat.” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “既然如此,那就请紫公子带路吧!等贩卖了灵石,肯定请你喝酒吃肉。”风飞云笑道。 That must look that you can overtake me.” “那就得看你能不能追上我了。” The Liu Suzi movement launched, changed into an elegant purple arc, next quarter already crossed a mountain, speedily beat toward the day beyond. 琉苏紫的身法展开,化为了一道优美的紫色的弧线,下一刻已经越过了一座山岳,向着天外疾速跳动。 She must probe Feng Feiyun cultivation base again. 她还要再试探风飞云修为 Although the red leaves star will suppress the strength and spiritual energy of member to a great extent, but has achieved Liu Suzi and member of Feng Feiyun this rank, can launch the pinnacle movement as before, erupts the good speed. 红叶星虽然会在很大程度上压制修士的力量和灵气,但是达到了琉苏紫风飞云这种级别的修士,依旧能够展开极致身法,爆发出不俗的速度。 Feng Feiyun smiled, has launched then the samsara speedily, the body changed into a series of shadows, pursues toward Liu Suzi. 风飞云笑了笑,然后便展开了轮回疾速,身体化为了一连串的影子,向着琉苏紫追去。 Quick, Feng Feiyun gives to overtake Liu Suzi, keeps pace with her. 很快,风飞云就将琉苏紫给追上,与她并驾齐驱。 Young Master Zi this is anything speedily, the feeling is not very ordinary!” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. 紫公子这是什么疾速,感觉很不一般啊!”风飞云笑道。 Liu Suzi such as a purple swallow, the body breast flowing light, almost is very together quick is difficult to see clearly her body. 琉苏紫如一只紫燕,身体乳一道流光,快得几乎很难看清她的身体。 Can overtake her speed to Feng Feiyun, Liu Suzi feels quite surprised, but on the face has not displayed the slightest bit startled color/look, sneers saying: Family is amazingly quick, colored glaze urgent telegram. Your this dead Half Monster cultivation what is speedily? Actually can overtake the colored glaze urgent telegram.” 风飞云能够追上她的速度,琉苏紫感觉到相当吃惊,但是脸上并没有表现出半分惊色,冷笑道:“家族神速,琉璃飞电。你这个死半妖修炼的又是什么疾速?竟然能够追上琉璃飞电。” You, if overtakes me, I told you.” “你若是追上我,我就告诉你。” Feng Feiyun cracks into a smile slightly, the speed of under foot was fast immediately one time, head hair was pulled straightly. 风飞云微微咧嘴一笑,脚下的速度立即快了一倍,头上的头发都被扯得笔直。 Liu Suzi reveals a white teeth, gathers the folding fan in hand, the body passes electricity glow, the speed also crazily increased one section, changed into the purple electricity to pursue together. 琉苏紫露出一口皓齿,将手中的折扇一合,身上流转出一道道电芒,速度也狂增了一截,化为一道紫电追了上去。 After a double-hour, Feng Feiyun one step arrives in west side outside the profound wonderful mainland century god city first, stands looks in the distant place, the city wall in distant place reaches to the sky, reclined on such as a big dragon simply, has cut off the road of member, to person a plain and dignified feeling. 一个时辰之后,风飞云先一步到达玄奇大陆西边的千秋神城外,站在远处望去,远处的城墙高耸入云,简直就如一条大龙横卧,斩断了修士的路,给人一种古朴而庄严的感觉。 This is one has the god cities of tens of millions year of history.” “这是一座有数千万年历史的神城。” Feng Feiyun launches Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, is looking at the god city of distant place, saw that above Qi Shapes of god city converges, immortal sea blue lotus, White Dragon passed through date, nine days of king...... Various Qi Shapes collections, changed into sea of the Qi Shapes. 风飞云展开凤凰天眼,望着远处的神城,看到神城的上方气象云集,“仙海青莲”,“白龙贯日”,“九天君王”……各种气象汇集,化为了一座气象之海。 Here cultivates sacred place in sacred place absolutely. 这里绝对乃是修炼圣地之中的圣地。 The god city accumulation of red leaves star is the true big influence and great person, can have a person in mansion definitely to have the huge background in the god city, is not the average person can provoke. 红叶星的神城聚集的都是真正的大势力、大人物,能够在神城之中拥有一座府邸的人都绝对有天大的来头,不是一般人可以招惹。 The homes of these Middle Ages aristocratic families also mostly in these god cities, inherit from the antiquity now. 那些中古世家的祖宅也大多都在这些神城之中,从上古传承到现在。 It can be said that you annoy in the god city to a person casually, possibly his back has the super terrifying background. 可以说你在神城之中随便惹到一个人,可能他的背后都有超级恐怖的背景。 Wind Half Monster, what you cultivation is what speedily, why the speed can surmount the colored glaze urgent telegram?” Liu Suzi also rushed to outside the god city at this time, the speed weak Feng Feiyun planned incessantly. “风半妖,你到底修炼的是什么疾速,为何速度能够超越琉璃飞电?”琉苏紫这个时候也赶到神城外,速度弱了风飞云不止一筹。 Feng Feiyun smiled, said: You have not overtaken me, why do I want to tell you?” 风飞云笑了笑,道:“你没有追上我,我为什么要告诉你?” Speedily sold to me your, the price is casual you to open.” Liu Suzi is not a person of not being able to lose, she cares about that type that Feng Feiyun grasps speedily. “将你的那种疾速卖给我,价钱随便你开。”琉苏紫并不是一个输不起的人,她更在乎风飞云掌握的那一种疾速。 After all the speed are not many in leaf Hongjing can surmount colored glaze urgent telegram. 毕竟在叶红境能够超越“琉璃飞电”的速度并不多。 Does not sell!” Feng Feiyun is very the simple say/way. “不卖!”风飞云很是干脆的道。 Liu Suzi knows the Feng Feiyun disposition, does not have to buy again, leading him to walk toward the god city. 琉苏紫知道风飞云的性格,也就没有再强买,带着他向着神城走去。 Did not have the qualifications to enter the god city by the Feng Feiyun Half Monster status, but there is Liu Suzi to guide, finally was also naturally different. 本来以风飞云半妖的身份是没有资格进入神城,但是有琉苏紫带路,结果自然也就不同了。 She the token of boundary main mansion shining, will guard the gate of god city two old men frightening directly kneels on the ground. 她将境主府的令牌给亮出来,直接将看守神城之门的两个老者给吓得跪在地上。 God city lively indeed is very astonishing, collected boundary topest that group of characters, momentarily can see that some strong people pass through from the side, the aura is huge absorbs the person heart and soul. 神城的繁华的确很是惊人,汇集了一个境最顶尖的那一批人物,随时都能见到一些强人从身边走过,气息庞大得摄人心魄。 But these can control the hearse and Spirit Beast member in the god city, is the background is not smaller, was almost the Middle Ages aristocratic family and Immortal City and Saint mansion person, the people must yield the way to them. 而那些能够在神城之中驾驭灵车、灵兽的修士,则更是来头不小,几乎都是中古世家和仙城、圣府的人,众人都要给他们让道。 The street is ancient, spreads is building up the god stone, even if will step on for several million years not to break. 街道古老,铺着炼神石,即便踩踏几百万年也不会破碎。 Both sides these construct ancient are dissipating the ray of divine nature confounded nuisance, looks like the construction above heavenly palace crashes to this world. 两旁的那些古老建筑则都逸散着神性宝气的光芒,就像是天宫之上的建筑坠落到凡尘之中。 Old tree that near the street plants, likely is immortal tree general Zalong is sturdy, the leaf blocks the sky, has the flood dragon plate on the tree. 就连街道边上栽种的古树,都像是仙树一般扎龙粗壮,树叶遮天蔽日,有蛟龙盘在树上。 Passed by one also to want lively palace error compared with the imperial palace, this palace error paved the way for by the crystal stone, the pillar was ten thousand years of spirit woodcarving becomes, above palace error had some float spirit roads, the female who some was above mundane thoughts beautifully passed through from the spirit road, some hands held the pipa, some white hands pinched the flute, walked in entering the palace error step by step. 路过一座比皇宫还要繁华的宫阙,这一座宫阙由晶石铺路,柱子是万年灵木雕成,宫阙之上有一些悬浮的灵路,有一些美艳绝尘的女子从灵路之上走过,有的手抱琵琶,有的玉手捏笛,一步步走进宫阙之中。 These females cultivation base are good, some people have achieved Nirvana 4th-layer, the flesh such as the congealing snow, is elegant, unconventional idea bone. 这些女子都修为不俗,其中更是有人达到了涅槃第四重,肌肤如凝雪,气质高雅,仙心道骨。 Liu Suzi looks at Feng Feiyun to stop the footsteps, said: Here is among flowers the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, is the place of men seeking pleasure, is some self-designated talented talent show skills places.” 琉苏紫风飞云停下脚步,道:“这里是一座花间洞天,乃是男人们寻欢作乐之地,也是一些自命才华横溢的才俊一展身手的地方。” Feng Feiyun said: Among flowers does the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals really have the Nirvana 4th-layer female?” 风飞云道:“一个花间洞天竟然有涅槃第四重的女子?” Snort! What does this have? In the legend among some flowers female cultivation base in dwelling place of Buddhist immortals may kill the successor of Middle Ages aristocratic family, even can with some sages of Ascension boundary side by side.” Liu Suzi smiled, said: You , if interested, how otherwise tonight also to be an air return guest, can perhaps among the outstanding successor in dwelling place of Buddhist immortals by some flowers be given the favor.” “哼!这有什么?传说之中有的花间洞天之中的女子修为可杀中古世家的继承人,甚至能够和一些羽化境的贤者比肩。”琉苏紫笑了笑,道:“你若是感兴趣,要不然咋们今晚也去做一回风流客,说不定能够被一些花间洞天的杰出传人给青睐。” Feng Feiyun shakes the head to smile, said: This matter waited to say in the evening again! I want to buy some monster corpses now, traded some Spirit Stone to say.” 风飞云摇头笑了笑,道:“这事还是等晚上再说吧!我现在就想去买一些妖尸,换一些灵石在说。” Said is also, in god city , if no money, even if you will be the talents of Middle Ages aristocratic family are flattered.” Liu Suzi said: In century god city the biggest immortal shop is dream day occupies, this is one surmounts the entire sixth Yang Dynasty big gathering place, inside has the auction market, to choose the valuable field, to bet stone area, naturally in this also only receives the super client, if no 100 million Spirit Stone volumes of trade, the gate that even/including Mengtian occupies cannot enter.” “说的也是,在神城之中若是没钱,就算你是中古世家的才俊也不会被人奉承。”琉苏紫道:“千秋神城之中最大的仙铺乃是‘梦天居’,这可是一座跨越整个第六中央王朝的大场子,里面有拍卖场、选宝场、赌石区,当然这里面也只接收大客户,若是没有100000000枚灵石的交易额,连梦天居的门都进不了。” Feng Feiyun thinks, said with a smile: Looks at like this, do you as if occupy to the dream day are very familiar? Is it possible that is inadequate that your family opens?” 风飞云想了想,笑道:“看这样子,你似乎对梦天居很熟悉?莫非是你家开的不成?” Right!” Liu Suzi has not thought the slightest bit to be awkward, swung the folding fan, then brought Feng Feiyun to go to the dream day to occupy. “没错!”琉苏紫没有觉得半分尴尬,摇了摇折扇,然后便带着风飞云去了梦天居。 She did not suspect that Feng Feiyun cannot put out 100 million Spirit Stone volumes of trade, merely is only Feng Feiyun in that some spoils of war that ten thousand clan battlefields can come up, definitely more than 100 million Spirit Stone values. 她并不怀疑风飞云拿不出100000000枚灵石的交易额,仅仅只是风飞云在万族战场之上得来的那一些战利品,就肯定不止100000000枚灵石的价值。 Heard that you held a female seductress/evil spirit of White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan above ten thousand clan battlefields, if you lead her to the dream day occupying auction market, should be able to auction a sky-high price. Now the overlords of these evil ways, obtained the Human Race beautiful woman too to be really easy, was quite actually interested in the female seductress/evil spirit. In the high levels of these Middle Ages aristocratic families, many people take the female monster slave comes as showing off the capital. You also do not have interest to the woman in any case, has the consideration to bring that only female seductress/evil spirit the auction, I can make one to help you decide a good base price.” “听说你在万族战场之上抓住了一个白蛛妖族皇族的女妖精,你若是将她带到梦天居的拍卖场,应该能够拍卖出一个天价来。现在那些邪道的霸主,得到人族美人实在太容易了,对女妖精却是相当感兴趣。在那些中古世家的高层,也很多人都拿女妖奴来作为炫耀的资本。反正你对女人又没有兴趣,有没有考虑将那只女妖精拿过来拍卖,我可以叫人帮你定一个不错的底价。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Who said that I am not interested in the woman, I am only interested in the pretty woman that's all, naturally also includes the attractive female seductress/evil spirit.” 风飞云笑道:“谁说我对女人不感兴趣,我只对漂亮的女人感兴趣罢了,当然也包括漂亮的女妖精。” Makes way, makes way, this is the Eighth Young Master Gu emperor, do you want to court death?” “让开,让开,这乃是顾八少爷的车驾,你们想找死吗?” Not far away, grows seven lion beasts of heads to draw miraculous glow bright ancient war chariot, to/clashes from the ancient street horizontally, hitting to fly several person's shadows, the hair pale old man who was hit also that flies to walk to limp and three and four -year-old children. 不远处,一只长着七个头颅的狮兽拉着一辆灵光灿烂的古车,从古街之上横冲而过,将数道人影给撞飞,其中被撞飞的还有一位走路蹒跚的头发苍白的老者和三、四岁大的小孩。 Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi almost simultaneously flew. 风飞云琉苏紫几乎同时飞了出去。 Feng Feiyun catches above the midair that old man, then has placed the ground him gently. 风飞云将那一个老者在半空之上接住,然后将他轻轻的放在了地上。 Liu Suzi also gives to grasp that child, then fell the ground. 琉苏紫也将那一个小孩给抱住,然后落到了地上。 Feng Feiyun slightly looked at one to her, said: Has not thought that you also very do have the sympathy?” 风飞云微微的向她看了一眼,道:“没想到你还挺有同情心?” Liu Suzi is also disinclined to speak with Feng Feiyun, after that child puts down, then as before turned into that outstanding beautiful young master, is swinging the folding fan, reorganizes own clothes. 琉苏紫也懒得跟风飞云说话,将那个小孩放下之后,便依旧变成了那一个卓尔不群的美公子,摇着折扇,整理自己的衣冠。 At this time, that miraculous glow bright ancient war chariot stopped, Eighth Young Master Gu the car(riage) curtain pulling open an corner/horn, looked at Liu Suzi, has smiled saying with a smile: Originally is Young Master Zi, is really fortunate meeting!” 这个时候,那一辆灵光灿烂的古车停了下来,顾八少爷将车帘给拉开了一角,看了看琉苏紫,笑了笑道:“原来是紫公子,真是幸会啊!” These time actually different, Eighth Young Master Gu does not have the respect of slightest bit to Liu Suzi, instead feeling of occupying a commanding position. 这一次却不同,顾八少爷琉苏紫没有半分的敬意,反而有一种居高临下的感觉。 Attends to eight masters now is southwest 12 boundary one of the six big heavenly talent, sees my idler, has any good fortunate meeting, should be I sees to attend to eight masters, should say that the fortunate meeting is.” Liu Suzi faint smiles. “顾八爷现在乃是西南12境的六大天骄之一,见到我一个闲人,有什么好幸会,应该是我见到顾八爷,该说幸会才是。”琉苏紫淡淡的一笑。 But actually also said well. Haha!” “说得倒也不错。哈哈!” Eighth Young Master Gu smiled, then gives to put down curtain screen, ancient war chariot once more good, disappearance speedily in the end of ancient street. 顾八少爷笑了笑,然后便将帘子给放下,古车再次行了出去,疾速的消失在古街的尽头。 Feng Feiyun looks at the direction that ancient war chariot is departing, arrives at Liu Suzi side, said with a smile: This resembles some not to suit! I remember before him, probably very fears you, now became such flamboyant? Haha! Interesting, interesting.” 风飞云望着那古车离去的方向,走到琉苏紫的旁边,笑道:“这好像有些不对劲啊!我记得他以前好像挺怕你,现在怎么变得这么牛逼了?哈哈!有意思,有意思。” The Liu Suzi complexion is very unattractive, sneers: Others obtained the character of blood qilin half Saint inheritance, in the future becomes a side will be likely supreme. Moreover his cultivation base grows extremely quickly, already young talent distant throwing in behind, after Xiao Tianyue will die, he is sealed, for southwest 12 boundary one of the six big heavenly talent.” 琉苏紫的脸色很不好看,冷笑:“别人可是得到了血麒半圣传承的人物,将来很可能会成为一方至尊。而且他的修为增长得极快,已经将很多年轻才俊远远的抛在身后,霄天悦死后,他就被封为了西南12境的六大天骄之一。” Originally is this, no wonder he becomes such strong.” “原来是这样,难怪他变得这么强势。” This world all spoke according to the strength, although Liu Suzi was the boundary main mansion princess, but Eighth Young Master Gu does not fear her now, because a boundary main mansion incessantly Liu Suzi princess, but looked after the household only has Eighth Young Master Gu. 这个世界一切都是按实力说话,琉苏紫虽然乃是境主府的郡主,但是顾八少爷现在也并不惧她,因为境主府不止琉苏紫一个郡主,但是顾家却只有一个顾八少爷
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