SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#946: Was you have killed Xiao Tianyue really?

Feng Feiyun returns to the red leaves star, hurries to the Half Monster Union big camp directly. 风飞云返回红叶星,径直赶去半妖盟大营。 In the Half Monster Union big camp, Feng Feiyun goes to seek an interview Sir Qing Zhai immediately, is circular after the person, this seven levels of Half Monster received him personally. 半妖盟大营之中,风飞云立即前去求见青祭大人,经人通传,这位七级半妖亲自接见了他。 Sir Qing Zhai is the great person in Half Monster Union big camp, cultivation base extremely, has the extremely high status in entire leaf Hongjing Half Monster Union, by the love of innumerable Half Monster member. 青祭大人乃是半妖盟大营的一位大人物,修为绝顶,在整个叶红境的半妖盟都有极高的地位,受无数半妖修士的爱戴。 „The soldier is reply long, Half Monster Union elite camp Feng Feiyun returns in ten thousand clan battlefield informed and experienced three years.” “回禀兵长,半妖盟精英营风飞云在万族战场历练三年归来。” Feng Feiyun stands in a mansion, is looking at float that azure hot lotus above midair. 风飞云站在一座府邸之中,望着悬浮在半空之上的那一株青色的火莲。 Sir Qing Zhai stands in the hot lotus, the physique is certainly arrogant, in both eyes projects together eye-catching splendid light, stared at Feng Feiyun one, nod of then satisfies said: Good, has achieved Nirvana 4th-layer unexpectedly, cultivates advancement unexpectedly such rapidness, may be called the having god-given wisdom rare talent.” 青祭大人站在火莲之中,身姿绝傲,双目之中射出一道夺目的华光,盯了风飞云一眼,然后满意的点了点头道:“不错,竟然达到了涅槃第四重,修炼进境竟然如此之快,堪称天纵奇才。” Merely three years, Feng Feiyun cultivation base promotes from Nirvana 1st-layer to Nirvana 4th-layer, such cultivation base speed Sir Qing Zhai feel to shock, at least she in the past not like this astonishing cultivation speed. 仅仅三年的时间,风飞云修为涅槃第一重提升到涅槃第四重,这样的修为速度就连青祭大人都感到震撼,至少她当年没有这样的惊人修炼速度。 Feng Feiyun is neither arrogant nor servile, said, three years of experience above ten thousand clan battlefields, my already accumulation suffices enough military exploit, became fights the king.” 风飞云不卑不亢,又道,“在万族战场之上三年历练,我已经积累够足够的军功,成为了战王。” Fights the king!” “战王!” Even if this time is Sir Qing Zhai also shock in very quenchless heart, as if looked monster same looks at Feng Feiyun, this was too inconceivable. 这一次即便是青祭大人也很难压制心中的震惊,仿佛看怪物一样的看着风飞云,这实在太不可思议了。 Feng Feiyun waist on fights Wang Jun law to give to take down, the military exploit made the natural float, fell into the hand of Sir Qing Zhai. 风飞云将腰上的“战王军功令”给取下来,军功令自然的漂浮起来,落入了青祭大人的手。 Really fights the king, haha! The my leaf Hongjing Half Monster Union first even/including two have fought the king, then looked how these old fogies also did say?” Sir Qing Zhai is very excited, falls gently from the empty cloud, arrives at the Feng Feiyun front, the general law has given back to him personally. “果然是战王,哈哈!我叶红境半妖盟一连出了两位战王,这下看那些老家伙又怎么说?”青祭大人无比兴奋,从虚云之上飘落下来,走到风飞云的面前,亲自将军功令还给了他。 Feng Feiyun will fight Wang Jun law receiving, said: Sir Kong Hou became fights king, but also did some people censure inadequately?” 风飞云将战王军功令给收起,道:“难道孔侯大人成为了战王,还有人非议不成?” Also is not boundary other old fogies of these Half Monster Union.” Sir Qing Zhai said with a smile: You do not need control these people, the censure to exist surely, but we can use the strength certificate, we are strong.” “还不是其它境的那些半妖盟的老家伙。”青祭大人笑道:“你不用管那些人,非议是必定存在的,但是我们可以用实力证明,我们就是强。” Since Sir Qing Zhai said that Feng Feiyun naturally will again not say. 既然青祭大人都这么说了,风飞云自然也就不会再多说。 The look of Sir Qing Zhai becomes serious, said: Nine Firmaments Immortal City was Young City Lord struck to kill by you?” 青祭大人的神色变得严肃,道:“九霄仙城少城主是不是被你击杀?” Came! 来了! Feng Feiyun not any thinking, access road/simply said: Right, is I strikes to kill!” 风飞云没有任何思索,便道:“没错,是我击杀!” „The territory main heir in that 12 territory, is you kills them?” “还有那12个域的域主子嗣,也是你将他们杀死?” Feng Feiyun said: Although was not killed by me, but is related with me.” 风飞云道:“虽然不是被我杀死,但是却与我有关。” Sir Qing Zhai stands there, hesitated for a long time, has laughed to say suddenly: Kills well. Your boy does well, should kill their power and prestige, so as to avoid thinks really my Half Monster Union is the soft persimmon.” 青祭大人站在那里,沉吟了许久,突然大笑道:“杀得好。你小子做得不错,就应该杀一杀他们的威风,免得真以为我半妖盟就全是软柿子。” Feng Feiyun delay slightly checked, he also thinks Half Monster Union will punish him under the Nine Firmaments Immortal City pressure, but has not actually thought that unexpectedly is such result. 风飞云微微的呆滞了一刹,本来他还以为半妖盟迫于九霄仙城的压力会处罚他,但是却没有想到竟是这样的结果。 Feng Feiyun said: „Doesn't Half Monster Union fear the retaliation of Nine Firmaments Immortal City?” 风飞云道:“难道半妖盟就不怕九霄仙城的报复?” A Qing Zhai Sir cold snort/hum sound said: Feared? Why can fear? The younger generation fought, died in battle died in battle, that can only explain that Xiao Tianyue cultivation base was insufficient, did not match on behalf of the Nine Firmaments Immortal City younger generation meets the world talent. Xiao Tianyue died, what loses is the Nine Firmaments Immortal City face, if the Nine Firmaments Immortal City elder catches up to ask you to trouble, then that side the total pledge naturally also will have the powerhouse to catch up to speak the last words with Nine Firmaments Immortal City.” 青祭大人冷哼一声道:“怕?为何要怕?年轻一代争锋,战死就战死了,那只能说明霄天悦修为不够,不配代表九霄仙城的年轻一代迎战天下才俊。霄天悦死了,丢的乃是九霄仙城的脸面,若是九霄仙城的长辈赶来找你麻烦,那么总盟那边自然也会有强者赶过来与九霄仙城叫板。” You must know that our Half Monster Union is the talent first big pledge, so long as the principle stands this side us, we then do not fear anybody.” “你要知道我们半妖盟乃是天才第一大盟,只要理站在我们这一边,我们便不惧任何人。” If naturally our Half Monster Union the powerhouse of older generation cut to kill Xiao Tianyue, then the result completely was different, can perhaps encounter the suppressions of leaf Hongjing all big influences.” “当然若是我们半妖盟的老一辈的强者斩杀了霄天悦,那么结果就完全不同了,说不定会遭遇叶红境所有大势力的打压。” Feng Feiyun nodded, said: I understood, the Half Monster Union younger generation cuts to kill these Immortal City and Saint mansion talent, this is the symbol of strength, these Immortal City and Saint mansion wants to retaliate , can only send the character of younger generation, however these overlords of older generation actually cannot get rid, otherwise our Half Monster Union at risk of life also will give the counter-attack.” 风飞云点了点头,道:“我明白了,半妖盟的年轻一代斩杀那些仙城、圣府的才俊,这乃是实力的象征,那些仙城、圣府就算想要报复,也只能派遣年轻一代的人物,但是老一辈的那些霸主却不能出手,不然我们半妖盟就算是拼死也会给予反击。” Is so.” “正是如此。” Sir Qing Zhai nodded, said: You are more careful, the territory Lord in Nine Firmaments Immortal City and that 12 territory is impossible to give up, although they on do not dare to get rid to cope with you outwardly, but likely will actually get rid in the hidden place. Your these years cultivation base advancement was too quick, stayed in the Half Monster Union big camp to cultivate some time! Is stable cultivation base.” 青祭大人点了点头,道:“不过你还是小心一些,九霄仙城和那12域的域主都不可能善罢甘休,虽然他们明面上不敢出手对付你,但是却很可能会在暗处出手。你这几年的修为进境太快,就留在半妖盟大营之中修炼一段时间吧!算是稳固修为。” Feng Feiyun said: Then can arrive at the red leaves star in these immortal collections to purchase something?” 风飞云道:“那么可不可以到红叶星的那些仙集之中购买一些东西?” This nature does not have the issue, the red leaves star is the boundary main territory, has the boundary main immortal prestige armed forces to go on patrol, the courage of Nine Firmaments Immortal City is big, does not dare to provoke the boundary main dignity. Moreover you fight the king now, has the military exploit in the person of body, nobody dares to kill you flagrantly.” “这个自然没有问题,红叶星乃是境主的领地,有境主仙威军巡逻,就算九霄仙城的胆子再大,也不敢挑衅境主的威严。而且你现在乃是战王,乃是有军功在身的人,没有人敢明目张胆的杀你。” Sir Qing Zhai thinks, said: Naturally Nine Firmaments Immortal City these elders, although does not dare to move you, as before will actually send the junior to come to kill you, you should better be more careful.” 青祭大人想了想,又道:“当然九霄仙城的那些老辈虽然不敢动你,却依旧会派遣小辈前来杀你,你最好还是小心一些。” This point Feng Feiyun naturally also understands, said goodbye to Sir Qing Zhai, then left this seven levels of Half Monster mansion. 这一点风飞云自然也懂,向青祭大人告辞了一声,然后便离开了这一座七级半妖的府邸。 This time obtained many treasures in Holy Ghost Tomb, should be able to sell the good price. Then purchases Spirit Beast battle soul, Ten Thousand War Beast Domain cultivating formidable, strength, really strongly.” “这次在圣灵墓葬之中得到了不少宝物,应该能够卖出不俗的价格。然后就去购买灵兽战魂,将万兽战域给修炼得更加强大,力量强,才是真的强。” Feng Feiyun planned that goes glacier collection to trade the monster corpse and monster to Half Monster Union big camp recent immortal collection, after earning the money, purchase Spirit Beast battle soul. 风飞云打算前去离半妖盟大营最近的仙集“冰河集”贩卖妖尸和妖器,赚取一大笔钱之后,就购买灵兽战魂 At this time a huge form appeared in the Feng Feiyun front, was Half Monster Union first elite camp the big fellow of that head/number of people beast body Shi Dakai. 这个时候一个巨大的身影出现在风飞云的面前,正是半妖盟第一精英营的那个人头兽身的大块头“石大开”。 Shi Dakai and Feng Feiyun are First Generation Half Monster, the talent different reported, but his master is a Ascension sage, is one of the Half Monster Union key training talents, now already has reached the Nirvana 2nd-layer peak. 石大开风飞云都是初代半妖,天赋异禀,而他的师傅乃是一位羽化贤者,乃是半妖盟重点培养的天才之一,现在已经达到了涅槃第二重的巅峰。 „The Brother Feng younger brother, your this time was good, unexpectedly gave to butcher Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord, how to rise to Half Monster Union the big face, now many brothers vision are the examples, regarded the model of study you.” 风兄弟,你这次牛了,居然将九霄仙城少城主都给宰了,给咋们半妖盟涨了大脸,现在很多兄弟都视力为榜样,将你当成学习的模范。” Feng Feiyun and he exchanged greetings several, then left, has run all the way into many Half Monster Union elites, they worship Feng Feiyun extremely, regards him for Half Monster Union first heavenly talent, admires, above many people even asked him to help to direct to practice the doubts. 风飞云和他寒暄了几句,然后便离开了,一路上又遇到了很多半妖盟的精英,他们都极其崇拜风飞云,一个个都视他为半妖盟的第一天骄,敬佩有加,有不少人甚至请他帮忙指点修行之上的疑惑。 „The Brother Feng younger brother, outside the big camp has a purple clothes young master to mention by name to look for you.” A Half Monster Union day the arrogant female ran over. 风兄弟,大营外面有一个紫衣公子点名要找你。”一个半妖盟的天之骄女跑了过来。 After hearing this saying, Half Monster Union these elites are the complexion one cold, definitely is the Nine Firmaments Immortal City person hears the Brother Feng younger brother to return the news, wants to come to stir up trouble.” 听到这话之后,半妖盟的那些精英都是脸色一寒,“肯定是九霄仙城的人听闻风兄弟归来消息,想要前来挑事。” Everybody exited to spell with him, wanted the Brother Feng younger brother, first stepped from my body.” “大家一起出去和他拼了,想要动风兄弟,先从我身体之上踩过去。” Right, everybody he spelled.” “没错,大家更他拼了。” Feng Feiyun calculated slightly then knows the one who is, said with a smile: Everybody is patient, my already knows probably what was. Should not come to provoke, perhaps asked me to drink to eat the meat.” 风飞云略微一推算便知道来的乃是何人,笑道:“大家稍安勿躁,我大概已经知道来的是谁了。应该不是前来挑衅,说不定还是来请我喝酒吃肉。” The body of Feng Feiyun moves, person's shadow already from vanishes same place, next quarter then already stood outside the Half Monster Union big camp. 风飞云的身体一动,人影已经从原地消失,下一刻便已经站在了半妖盟的大营外。 Outside the big camp, a purple clothes young master stands remarkably, elegant bearing, handsome, the black hair bunch has made a young master hair bun in the head, in the slender jade white hand is pinching a handle folding fan, the long gown is floating, is a purple butterfly stands there likely. 大营外,一个紫衣公子卓然而立,风度翩翩,唇红齿白,青丝束在头上做了一个公子髻,纤细玉白的手中捏着一柄折扇,长袍飘飘,像是一只紫色的蝶站在那里。 Originally is Young Master Zi of peerless grace and talent arrives Half Monster Union, really makes wind somebody feel extremely flattered.” Feng Feiyun to Liu Suzi deep bowing in salute, on the face is hanging the smiling face of pondering. “原来是风华绝代的紫公子驾临半妖盟,真是让风某人受宠若惊。”风飞云对着琉苏紫深深的作揖,脸上挂着玩味的笑容。 Liu Suzi said with a smile: Brother Feng already moves the world now, who entire leaf Hongjing does not know that the Brother Feng given name, has the military exploit like Brother Feng in the war king of body, can come out to see my this idler, should be I feels extremely flattered is.” 琉苏紫笑道:“风兄现在已经名动天下,整个叶红境有谁不知道风兄的大名,像风兄这样有军功在身的战王,能够出来见我这种闲人,应该是我受宠若惊才是。” Again how moves the world, as before is not only Half Monster, regarding Young Master Zi such great person, what thing Half Monster is?” Feng Feiyun said. “就算再怎么名动天下,不依旧只是一个半妖,对于紫公子这样的大人物而言,半妖算什么东西?”风飞云道。 Liu Suzi no longer and Feng Feiyun wrangled, complexion one austere, said: „Is Xiao Tianyue you kills really?” 琉苏紫不再和风飞云扯皮,脸色一肃,道:“霄天悦真的是你所杀?” Feng Feiyun knows that she is for this matter comes, to say with a smile: I help you except for such an archenemy, are you ask me to drink to eat the meat?” 风飞云就知道她乃是为此事而来,笑道:“我帮你除了这么一尊大敌,你难道是来请我喝酒吃肉?” Depends on you also to massacre Xiao Tianyue?” “就凭你也能杀掉霄天悦?” Liu Suzi while saying these words, the body erupted purple fog, the body changed into a series of purple person's shadows, a palm has shelled the past toward Feng Feiyun. 琉苏紫在说出这句话的同时,身上爆发出一片紫雾,身体化为了一连串紫色的人影,一掌向着风飞云轰击了过去。 Feng Feiyun is sideways to stand, above the skin has radiance of flame presents, lays out a palm. 风飞云侧身而立,皮肤之上有一道道火焰的光华呈现出来,也是拍出一掌。 Bang!” “嘭!” In charge the sound of clash! 掌印相击的声音! They fight like lightning more than ten times, then fast separation. 两人闪电般的交手十多次,然后又快速的分开。 Liu Suzi stood same place, the body was spotless, was as before valiant, in the bright eyes flowing strange radiance, said with a smile: Three years do not see, when hold in high esteem!” 琉苏紫又站回了原地,身上一尘不染,依旧英姿飒爽,明眸之中流动奇异的光华,笑道:“三年不见,当刮目相看!” Feng Feiyun also stands in same place, footsteps have not moved, said with a smile: Young Master Zi cultivation base also very much stems from the wind somebody's expectation.” 风飞云也站在原地,脚步没有移动一下,笑道:“紫公子修为也很出乎风某人的预料。” I somewhat believe that now Xiao Tianyue possibly really died in your hands. However should not be happy too soon, territory Lord already of Nine Firmaments Immortal City and 12 territories know that you returned to the Half Monster Union big camp, already to send the powerhouses of younger generation to come to cut you, by your cultivation base not necessarily was their matches.” Liu Suzi said. “我现在有些相信霄天悦可能真的死在你的手中了。不过你别高兴得太早,九霄仙城和12域的域主都已经知道你回到了半妖盟大营,已经派遣年轻一代的强者前来斩你,以你的修为未必就是他们的对手。”琉苏紫道。 Their are cultivation base stronger than Xiao Tianyue?” Feng Feiyun some say/way of thinking otherwise. “难道他们的修为霄天悦还要强?”风飞云有些不以为然的道。 You think really your present cultivation base is more formidable than Xiao Tianyue?” Liu Suzi said: I, although has not fought with Xiao Tianyue, does not know his cultivation base strongly, but he, since can be called six big heavenly talent of southwest 12 boundary, definitely was not your present cultivation base can result in the homicide. I do not know that you strike to kill him with any means that but you must understand that Nine Firmaments Immortal City this sending out cultivation base of heavenly talent is not weaker than Xiao Tianyue many, you have the powerhouse who several assurances can defeat Xiao Tianyue that rank directly, only then you yourself know fairly well.” “你真的以为你现在的修为霄天悦强大?”琉苏紫道:“我虽然没有和霄天悦交过手,不知道他的修为到底有多强,但是他既然能够被称为西南12境的六大天骄,就肯定不是你现在的修为能够将他杀得了。我不知道你是用什么办法将他击杀,但是你要明白九霄仙城这一次派出的天骄修为并不比霄天悦弱多少,你有几层的把握能够正面击败霄天悦那种级别的强者只有你自己心中有数。” Liu Suzi worthily is an extremely intelligent female, watches anything extremely accurate. 琉苏紫不愧是一个聪明绝顶的女子,将任何事情都看得极其精准。 She said right, reason that Feng Feiyun can kill Xiao Tianyue altogether to have three reasons, its one: At that time in the undying palace, spiritual energy was imprisoned, can only depend on the mortal body the strength. 她说得没错,风飞云之所以能够杀死霄天悦一共有三个原因,其一:当时在不死殿之中,灵气被禁锢,只能靠肉身的力量。 Second, Xiao Tianyue already was seriously injured at that time. 其二,霄天悦当时已经受了重伤。 Third, Xiao Tianyue was given by the red cold water at that time frozen. 其三,霄天悦当时被红色的寒水给冰封。 It can be said that Feng Feiyun can strike to kill Xiao Tianyue at that time completely is because the luck is good, moreover various types in fine weather and favorable geographical position stand in this side. 可以说,风飞云当时能够击杀霄天悦完全是因为运气好,而且各种天时地利都站在他的这一边。 Naturally present Feng Feiyun already has reached the Nirvana 4th-layer peak, moreover cultivated five territories, even if really facing Xiao Tianyue on heyday also fearless. 当然现在的风飞云已经达到了涅槃第四重的巅峰,而且修炼出了五座域,就算真的面对上全盛时期的霄天悦也无惧。 A moment ago he and Liu Suzi fought, has used merely three strength that's all. 刚才他和琉苏紫交手,也仅仅只是使用了三层力量罢了 ... Today is too tired, moreover writes is not having the inspiration, writes about here! 今天实在太累,而且写着也没有灵感,就写到这里吧! Moreover the day after tomorrow( is also Monday), was the year-end bonus activity of website, the stinking ninth category laborious one year, the finger must rub through, hopes that everybody when the time comes helped to cast the distinguished guest ticket! At that time threw the words of distinguished guest, probably was double. 另外后天(也就是星期一),将是网站的年终奖活动,老九辛辛苦苦了一年,手指都要磨破了,希望大家到时候帮忙投点贵宾票吧!那个时候投贵宾的话,好像是双倍。 Stinking ninth category recently poor dingdong sound, because a matter possibly also poor money, hopes that everybody throws the point to return to money! 老九最近穷的叮当响,而且因为一件事可能还差一点钱,希望大家投点返钱吧! This time knelt to ask really! 这次是真的跪求了!
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