SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#945: Fights the king

Military exploit section already was encircled sea of people, endures one year ago the corpse of that monster king delivers to the influence that the barracks have. 军功部已经被围得人山人海,堪比一年前那一具妖王的尸首送到兵营所造成的影响。 The member of that investigation military exploit surprisedly was also lived, dumbfounded, quite a while has not recovered, because he formerly did not have the sensation to Xue Shuang Monster Qi, Xue Shuang cultivation base must be higher than a big boundary compared with him. 那一位核查军功的修士也被惊讶住,目瞪口呆,半天没有回过神来,因为他先前也没有感知到雪泷身上的妖气,雪泷修为比他都要高出一个大境界。 „It is not Monster Clan will dispatch the human state high-pitched and fine! How otherwise does Half Monster possibly hold a Nirvana 5th-layer Monster Clan emperor's clan?” “不会是妖族派遣到人类国度的尖细吧!要不然一个半妖怎么可能抓住一位涅槃第五重妖族皇族?” Heard that Monster Clan also has Half Monster, perhaps is to seize the chance to submerge the human state.” “听说妖族也有半妖,说不定是想要趁机潜入人类国度。” It is said Moonwater Saintess takes White Spider Monster Clan Holy Saint Container, making the entire White Spider Monster Clan powerhouses angry, the secret sent some formidable Monster Clan powerhouses to submerge the human state, must recapture Holy Saint Container, perhaps......” “据说水月圣女取走白蛛妖族圣灵器皿,让整个白蛛妖族的强者都为之愤怒,秘密派遣了一些强大的妖族强者潜入了人类国度,要夺回圣灵器皿,说不定……” In the Feng Qingqing eye pupil gives birth to two Evil Qi, said: Anyone of you, if dares to talk nonsense again, believes to tear to pieces your mouths?” 风卿卿眼眸之中生出两道邪气,道:“你们谁若是再敢胡说八道,信不信撕烂你们的嘴?” A short whole face reckless slag male accent said with a smile: Young beautiful woman, you were angry most has the flavor/smell.” 一个身材矮小满脸胡渣的男子调笑道:“小美人,你生起气来最有味道。” In the Feng Qingqing double pupil departs two big fine glow, the condensation is the sword light, cuts to split in the sky. 风卿卿双眸之中飞出两大精芒,凝聚为剑光,当空斩裂开过去。 !” “噗!” Two fine glow penetrated the past from that the chest of short man, dividing to fly him, splashes two blood light. 两道精芒从那一个身材矮小的男子的胸膛穿透了过去,将他给劈飞,溅出两道血光。 „! The cheap people you dare to injure me unexpectedly.” That shouts miserably, at the same time crawled from the ground that wears the short man to keep, must ask the person to capture Feng Qingqing together. “啊!贱人你竟然敢伤我。”那一个身穿身材矮小的男子不停的惨呼,一边从地上爬了起来,就要叫人一起擒拿风卿卿 The Feng Feiyun knitting the brows head of slightly, coldly stared at his one eyes, said: You, if dares to make impertinent remarks again, believed me to dare to kill you?” 风飞云微微的皱了皱眉头,冷冷盯了他一眼,道:“你若是再敢出言不逊,信不信我敢杀了你?” Bang! “嘭! The Feng Feiyun vision blushes, murderous aura is imposing, a huge imposing manner has pressed toward that diminutive men's bang, gives the secondary earthquake to fly him directly again. 风飞云的目光发红,杀气凛然,一股庞大的气势向着那一位矮小的男子轰压了过去,直接将他给再次震飞。 You have Nirvana 4th-layer cultivation base unexpectedly, is this possible? So young can Half Monster actually achieve the Nirvana 4th-layer boundary?” “你居然拥有涅槃第四重修为,这怎么可能?如此年轻的半妖竟然能够达到涅槃第四重的境界?” That diminutive man coughs up blood unceasingly, the whole face is the incredible look, as if saw in this world the most surprised matter. 那一个矮小的男子不断咳血,满脸都是不可置信的神色,仿佛看到了这世上最吃惊的事情。 Surroundings these talent outstanding are also very surprised, must know that cultivation base achieves Nirvana 4th-layer to have the qualifications to break through the Ascension boundary on already, is the absolute powerhouse, may call the old ancestor in the ancient Clan, is usually very rare. 周围那些天才俊杰也十分吃惊,要知道修为达到涅槃第四重已经有资格突破羽化境,乃是绝对的强者,在古族之中可称老祖,平时十分少见。 Let alone Half Monster Nirvana 4th-layer was rarer, this must be focused on protecting existence by Half Monster Union. 更何况还是半妖涅槃第四重就更少见了,这都是要被半妖盟重点保护的存在。 „Is this Half Monster Union secret training unsurpassed heavenly talent? Wish makes him meet the world talent on behalf of Half Monster Union, comes to be Half Monster Union seeks more equal standing?” “这难道乃是半妖盟秘密培养的无上天骄?想要让他来代表半妖盟迎战天下才俊,来为半妖盟争取更多的平等地位?” Cracks a joke? ten thousand Yu strives for hegemony, heavenly talent dominates, the protagonist was always the talent of the major territory main heir and Middle Ages aristocratic family, had not heard Half Monster Union also dares to send talent outstanding to come out to meet head-on the world.” “开什么玩笑?万域争雄,天骄称霸,主角从来都是各大域主子嗣和中古世家的才俊,从来都没有听说过半妖盟也敢派遣天才俊杰出来迎战天下。” „ But before actually also had such matter, but these so-called Half Monster Union heavenly talent actually defeat pitifully, from then on Half Monster Union did not come out disgracefully. “以前倒也有过这样的事,不过那些所谓的半妖盟天骄却都败得凄惨,从那以后半妖盟就再也不出来丢人现眼了。 ...... …… The Feng Feiyun heroic bearing is proud, takes a fast look around all talents on the scene, cold sound said: Who, if must fight, I momentarily accompany. Half Monster how? Half Monster may as before invincibly in the contemporaries.” 风飞云的英姿傲人,扫视在场的所有才俊,冷声道:“谁若是要战,我随时奉陪。半妖又如何?半妖依旧可无敌于同代人。” The outstanding people with outstanding ability of some Middle Ages aristocratic families were given to enrage by the Feng Feiyun words, thought that Half Monster said such words is provoking, was eager to try. 有一些中古世家的杰出英才都被风飞云的话给激怒,觉得一个半妖说出这样的话就是在挑衅,一个个都跃跃欲试。 Stop!” “住手!” The sound in barracks, finally the old man of military exploit section alarming. 兵营之中的动静,终于将军功部的一位老者给惊动出来。 This old man wears meek robe, body divine light is bright, wears the crest, named Chen Yun, is the ancient of military exploit section, has fights king meritorious service to wear on the body, is this barracks most formidable several fights one of the kings. 这一位老者穿着儒袍,身上神光灿烂,头戴羽冠,名叫陈陨,是军功部的一位宿老,有“战王”功勋佩戴在身上,乃是这一座兵营最强大的几位战王之一。 This is the Chen Yun true body arrives, the body fights the air/Qi to be cold, overawes the entire military exploit section, making countless people panic-stricken. 这是陈陨的真身降临,身上战气凛凛,威震整个军功部,让无数人都为之惊骇。 This is genuine the prestige of war king. 这是一位货真价实的战王之威。 Feng Feiyun also retrocedes one step, in heart slightly one cold, felt that the great strength of this military exploit section ancient, cultivation base is absolutely fiercer than Xue Shuang, entire space by his air/Qi field imprisoning. 风飞云也后退一步,心中微微一凛,感觉到这个军功部宿老的强大,修为绝对比雪泷还要厉害,整个空间都被他一人的气场给禁锢住。 Chen Yun made taking up the Feng Feiyun military exploit, looked, then looked at Feng Feiyun, finally stared at the vision again on the body of Xue Shuang, said: Really is the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan blood relationship, are you Feng Feiyun?” 陈陨风飞云的军功令给拿起,看了看,然后又看了看风飞云,最后再将目光盯在了雪泷的身上,道:“果然是白蛛妖族的皇族血统,你就是风飞云?” Listens to his tone as if to listen to the Feng Feiyun name, this lets him is very the surprise. 听他的语气似乎听过风飞云的名字,这让他很是诧异。 „Does senior, know my name?” Feng Feiyun said. “前辈,知道我的名字?”风飞云道。 Chen Yun said: Old man is sixth Yang Dynasty Huan Tianjing the person of Chen, has heard about your some facts.” 陈陨道:“老夫乃是第六中央王朝桓天境的陈家的人,听说过关于你的一些事迹。” What fact young can Half Monster have to be worth Chen Yun such character attention? 一个年轻的半妖能有什么事迹值得陈陨这样的人物关注? The Feng Feiyun heart has an ominous premonition. 风飞云的心头生出一股不祥的预感。 Chen Yun has not opened the mouth, in these member some people have remembered anything, startled say/way: Hears for three years ago Holy Ghost Tomb opens, Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord dies , in hand of Half Monster called Feng Feiyun, simultaneously died in his hands also had 12 territory main heir, more than 20 Immortal City outstanding.” 陈陨还没有开口,那些修士之中就有人想起了什么,惊道:“听说三年前圣灵墓葬开启,九霄仙城少城主就是死在一个叫风飞云半妖的手中,同时死在他手中的还有12位域主子嗣,20多位仙城俊杰。” This matter was uncovered, immediately makes the member who many people come from the southwest 12 boundaries be surprised. 这件事被揭了出来,顿时让很多人来自西南12境的修士都为之一惊。 One year ago, this news feeds in Nine Firmaments Immortal City time has created the huge stir, many people had heard this matter, had created at that time almost Nine Firmaments Immortal City and Half Monster Union comprehensive war. 一年前,这个消息传回九霄仙城的时候引起了巨大的震动,很多人都听说过这一件事,当时差一点造成了九霄仙城半妖盟的全面大战。 Starts everybody to hear Feng Feiyun this name time, instinct not and kills the Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord person to link him, many people do not believe after all Half Monster can kill Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord. 最开始大家听到风飞云这个名字的时候,本能的没有将他和杀死九霄仙城少城主的人联系在一起,毕竟很多人都不相信一个半妖能够杀死九霄仙城少城主 This moment Chen Yun fights the king such raises, immediately lets many people one year ago matter that has thinking. 此刻陈陨战王这么的一提,顿时让很多人将一年前发生的事给想了起来。 This Half Monster kills Xiao Tianyue that person?” “这个半妖就是杀死霄天悦的那个人?” Nine Firmaments Immortal City is Young City Lord dies really in his hands?” 九霄仙城少城主难道真的是死在他的手中?” If he can kill Xiao Tianyue, then captures the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan not necessarily not to be impossible.” “若是他能够杀死霄天悦,那么擒拿白蛛妖族的皇族也未必就不可能。” ...... …… The people much discussion, look at this moment was in abundance different, some are an awe, some are taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, some are having the look of question as before. 众人纷纷议论,此刻的眼神纷纷不同了,有的是一种敬畏,有的是一种幸灾乐祸,有的依旧带着疑问的神色。 The Feng Feiyun heart is also one cold, Xuanyuan Yiyi really gave to publicize this matter.” 风飞云的心头也是一寒,“轩辕一一果然还是将此事给宣扬了出去。” Although Chen Yun has proposed this matter, but had not been asking, after all this does not close his matter. 陈陨虽然提了一下此事,但是却并没有在多问,毕竟这并不关他的事。 This female seductress/evil spirit is Nirvana 5th-layer peak cultivation base, can exchange 400 integrals, but is situated between her is the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan, then can exchange 900 integrals. The young people, congratulate you become Half Monster Union second fight the king.” “这个女妖精乃是涅槃第五重巅峰的修为,可以兑换400点积分,但是介于她乃是白蛛妖族的皇族,便可以兑换900点积分。年轻人,恭喜你成为半妖盟的第二位战王。” The Feng Feiyun military exploit token turned automatically has fought Wang Jun law, the military exploit 10776.6 point military exploits. 风飞云的军功令牌自动变成了战王军功令,军功10776.6点军功。 On the military exploit, his present already can treat as an equal with Chen Yun. 就军功而言,他现在已经可以和陈陨平起平坐。 Like this became fights the king? 就这样成为了战王? Many people have shown the inconceivable look, must know that in the younger generation can become the character who fights the king is few, only then six big heavenly talent of southwest 12 boundary are has fought king the degree, the outstanding talents of other these Middle Ages aristocratic families also only had several thousand military exploits in the body. 很多人都露出了不可思议的神色,要知道在年轻一代能够成为战王的人物屈指可数,只有西南12境的六大天骄才达到了“战王”的程度,别的那些中古世家的杰出天才也都只有数千军功在身。 In these Middle Ages aristocratic family, Immortal City and Saint mansion, was looked that this generation of young people who became fights the king first, who was this generation of successors. 在那些中古世家、仙城、圣府,就是看这一代的年轻人谁先成为战王,谁就是这一代的继承人。 Young Half Monster became fights the king! 一个年轻的半妖成为了战王! These monster corpses got the military exploit mark, this is to prevent some people brings the second exchange military exploit the monster corpse. 那些妖尸都被打上了军功印记,这是为了防止有人将妖尸拿来第二次兑换军功。 In the body of Xue Shuang also got the military exploit mark, engraved above her bone, is unable to obliterate, this was to prevent her escapes from the human state, naturally was also prevents Feng Feiyun to bring to carry on the second military exploit her to exchange. 雪泷的身体里面也被打上了军功印记,刻印在了她的骨头之上,无法磨灭,这是为了防止她逃出人类国度,当然也是防止风飞云将她拿来进行第二次军功兑换。 Now these hundreds of thousands of monster corpse and Xue Shuang already is the Feng Feiyun spoils of war, can bring back to the human state to trade at will. 现在这数十万具妖尸和雪泷已经风飞云的战利品,可以随意的带回人类国度之中贩卖。 Do not look that he is now favorite, when he returns to sixth Yang Dynasty, has his suffering to eat.” Some people are jealous of the Feng Feiyun military exploit. “别看他现在得意,等他回到第六中央王朝,有他的苦头吃。”有人眼红风飞云的军功。 Nine Firmaments Immortal City is absolutely impossible to let off him, the territory of that 12 big territory main is impossible to give up, as soon as he will return to leaf Hongjing surely to inspire a big shake.” 九霄仙城绝对不可能放过他,那12大域的域主也不可能善罢甘休,他一返回叶红境就必定会引动一场大震荡。” This can Half Monster Union shoulder the punitive expeditions of Nine Firmaments Immortal City and 12 big territories?” “这一次半妖盟能不能扛下九霄仙城和12大域的讨伐?” I guess that he not necessarily dares to return to leaf Hongjing, there waited for that his is not that the Half Monster slave's worship and welcome, but is the endless killing tribulation.” “我猜他未必敢返回叶红境,那里等待他的不是那么半妖奴隶的崇拜和欢迎,而是无尽的杀劫。” ...... …… Feng Feiyun does not pay attention to the words of these people, bringing Feng Qingqing, Xue Shuang, Yao Ji and Long Cangyue to go ancient array platform, plans to return to leaf Hongjing in light of this. 风飞云并不理会这些人的话,带着风卿卿雪泷姚吉龙沧月前去古阵台,打算就此返回叶红境。 Feng Feiyun acknowledged oneself have killed Xiao Tianyue, that is also fighting of younger generation, the Nine Firmaments Immortal City older generation , to ask him to trouble, Half Monster Union naturally also will have the character of older generation to act. 风飞云就算承认自己杀了霄天悦,那也属于年轻一代的争锋,九霄仙城的老一辈若是想要来找他麻烦,半妖盟自然也会有老一辈的人物出面。 Half Monster Union is found in the entire human state, is the first under heaven big pledge, not necessarily cannot with a Nine Firmaments Immortal City war. 半妖盟遍布整个人类国度,乃是天下第一大盟,未必不能和九霄仙城一战。 Also Nine Firmaments Immortal City again strong, is it possible that also dares to kill one to fight the king flagrantly? 再说九霄仙城就算再强势,莫非还敢明目张胆的杀一位战王? At this time Feng Feiyun naturally cannot flinch, if he flinched at this time, will only make Half Monster Union these old people give to take lightly him. 这个时候风飞云自然不会退缩,若是他这个时候退缩了,只会让半妖盟的那些老人将他给看轻。 When Feng Feiyun and other people one step strides in ancient array platform, ancient array platform nearby soil top/withstood, a white shadow and black shadow have jumped in ancient array platform at quick the extremely speed. 就在风飞云等五人一步跨入古阵台的时候,古阵台旁边的泥土被顶开,一道白色的影子和黑色的影子都以极快的速度跳进了古阵台之中。 The ancient array platform ray cold air, nobody knew in a stage already to be many a fruit and a turtle. 古阵台的光芒凉气,没有人知道阵台之中已经多了一枚果子和一只乌龟。 Mother! The father waited for your entire one year in the ancient array platform, where did your his mother go to this year?” Mao Wugui is bringing the red clever ship hat, lies on the right shoulder of Feng Feiyun. “妈的!老子在古阵台的边上等了你整整一年,你他妈这一年都去哪里了?”茅乌龟带着红色的鬼船帽子,趴在风飞云的右肩膀上。 Mao Wugui wants to leave ten thousand clan battlefields, can only through ancient array platform, but many Human Race member are looking for it now, it naturally does not dare alone to enter ancient array platform, can only wait for Feng Feiyun to appear, then brings it to leave here. 茅乌龟想要离开万族战场,只能通过古阵台,但是现在很多人族修士都在找它,它自然不敢独自进入古阵台,只能等风飞云出现,然后带着它离开这里。 Sacred Fruit becomes, only then the spade is so big, falls on the Feng Feiyun left shoulder, said: If not for there is a grandfather's red cap hideaway aura, we were likely given to seize.” 圣实果变得只有黑桃那么大,落在风飞云左肩上,道:“若不是有爷爷的红帽子隐藏气息,我们很可能都被人给逮住了。” Red cap!” “红帽子!” The Feng Feiyun look moved, looked at Mao black ** that ghost above top was mad the steaming crystal red clever ship, the look moves, says with a smile: old Mao, brings to give me to have a look your head hat, I help you inspect.” 风飞云神色一动,看了看茅乌**顶之上的那一条鬼气腾腾的晶红鬼船,神色一动,笑道:“老茅,把你头上的帽子拿来给我看看,我帮你检查检查。” Did not look, this is father puts together the treasure that the short remaining life must come, do not want its idea.” Mao Wugui gives to hold down head crystal red clever ship with two white small claw hastily, for fear that by Feng Feiyun running off with. “不看,这可是老子拼了老命得来的宝物,你别想打它的主意。”茅乌龟连忙用两只白色的小爪子将头上的晶红鬼船给按住,生怕被风飞云给拿跑了。 Has a lot of time for that in any case, Feng Feiyun is no longer obstinate with it. 反正来日方长,风飞云不再和它执拗。 Immediately must arrive at the red leaves star, ancient array platform rocked slightly, white radiance raises outside. 立即就要到达红叶星,古阵台微微的晃动了一下,有一道白色的光华在外面升起。 Feng Feiyun said: Immediately must the going forth to battle stage, Mao Wugui and Mao Laoshi, you two hide first.” 风飞云道:“马上要出阵台了,茅乌龟茅老实,你们两个先躲起来。” ...... …… Today because something have delayed, was really sorry. 今天因为有些事耽搁了,实在抱歉。
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