SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#944: Exchange military exploit

These time almost treated in the heaven for one year, cultivation base has reached the Nirvana 4th-layer peak. 这一次在天国之中差不多待了一年,修为达到涅槃第四重的巅峰。 Feng Feiyun five territories Phoenix Fire God Domain, Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, Ten Thousand War Beast Domain, Great Amplify Domain, Saint Domain cultivates perfectly. 风飞云将五座域“凤凰火神域”,“金蚕佛域”,“万兽战域”,“大衍域”,“圣域”修炼得更加完善。 Feng Qingqing, Yao Ji, Long Cangyue and the others cultivation base have the considerable progress. 风卿卿姚吉龙沧月等人的修为也有长足的进步。 Also arrived to three years of time that Half Monster Union Sir Qing Zhai pledged to Feng Feiyun, should be left the heaven the time. 风飞云半妖盟青祭大人承诺的三年之期也到了,该是离开天国的时候。 Some Feng Feiyun also a lot must be done, naturally the first matter naturally goes to the barracks exchange military exploit. 风飞云还有很多事情要做,当然第一件事自然是去兵营兑换军功。 Military exploit high member is also higher in the sixth zhongyāng Dynasty status, moreover to oneself is also a protection, at least nobody dares with no reason at all kills one to the human active war king, this will encounter all people's punitive expeditions. 军功高的修士在第六zhongyāng王朝的地位也就越高,而且对自身也是一种保护,至少没有人敢无缘无故的去杀一位对人类有功的战王,这样会遭到所有人的讨伐。 Some military exploits in the body, are naturally many for one point to safeguard. 有军功在身,自然也就多一分保障。 Feng Feiyun brought Feng Qingqing, Xue Shuang, Yao Ji and Long Cangyue to leave the heaven, arrived in the barracks again. 风飞云带着风卿卿雪泷姚吉龙沧月离开了天国,再次来到兵营之中。 Closed already past one year to Holy Ghost Tomb, but the wooden god put up some war zone many human member to gather as before, came with admiration, seeks for the post-war rare treasure, the member of various clans had. 圣灵墓葬关闭已经过去一年,但是木神架战区依旧有很多人类修士聚集,都是慕名而来,寻找战后异宝,各族的修士都有。 Moonwater Saintess obtained Holy Saint Container in Holy Ghost Tomb horizon ruler, this has caused the greatest stir in major zhongyāng Dynasty, almost became for the recent year the most stirring matter, so long as there are some place convenience people of human member to discuss Moonwater Saintess surely, horizon ruler was said wonderfully. 水月圣女圣灵墓葬之中得到了圣灵器皿“天涯尺”,这在各大zhongyāng王朝引起了莫大的轰动,几乎成为了最近一年来最震撼人心的事,只要有人类修士的地方便必定有人议论水月圣女,“天涯尺”更是被说得神乎其神。 Naturally these obtain the talent outstanding also reputation remoteness that the antique powerhouse inherits, overawes the world, cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds, becomes the eminent of younger generation, fights the four directions, is unrivaled. 当然那些得到太古强者传承的天才俊杰也都名声远扬,一个个威震天下,修为突飞猛进,成为年轻一代的翘楚,大战四方,无人可敌。 Most precious object in white Zhusheng the ancestor grave was taken on already one year ago, but as before the member of some clans catch up to try one's luck now, hopes that can find some treasures of losing.” “白蛛圣祖墓葬中的至宝在一年前就已经被取走,但是现在依旧有各族的修士赶过来碰运气,希望能够找到一些遗落的宝物。” Outside the barracks, several member were discussing. 兵营外,几个修士正在谈论着。 Yeah! Only hated initially me to learn of the news too late, when rushed the wooden god put up the battlefield, Holy Ghost Tomb already is ransacked.” “哎!只恨当初我得知消息得太晚,当赶到木神架战场之时,圣灵墓葬已经被洗劫一空。” This does not have the means that initially White Spider Monster Clan prepared fully, has blocked many regions, destroyed ancient array platform of many place, although the grave opened for two years, but the news spreads over not broadly, Human Race only then sixth zhongyāng Dynasty some places have learned of the news, heard that only has a war-god to dare to pass to manage the general situation.” “这也没办法,当初白蛛妖族准备充分,封锁了很多地域,破坏了很多地方的古阵台,虽然墓葬开启了两年,但是消息传遍得并不广,人族这边只有第六zhongyāng王朝的部分地方得知了消息,听说只有一位战神敢过去主持大局。” Now discussed that these are useful? In any case the genuine good thing receiving to blow by sixth zhongyāng Dynasty these Middle Ages aristocratic family, Immortal City and Saint mansion, now we also can only try one's luck, can perhaps dig out loses the treasure.” “现在谈那些还有什么用?反正真正的好东西都被第六zhongyāng王朝的那些中古世家、仙城、圣府给收刮一空,现在我们也只能碰运气,说不定能够挖出一些遗宝。” Mentioned laughably this time was looks after the household, unexpectedly obtained the false information, lost 1 billion family armies, heard that also had the sage to fall from the sky.” “说来这次最可笑的莫过于顾家,居然得到了虚假消息,损失1000000000家族大军,听说还有贤者陨落。” „A junior who looks after the household obtained the inheritance of blood qilin half Saint, has made up for the loss, in the future in the family will perhaps be born.” “不过顾家的一位小辈却得到了血麒半圣的传承,算是弥补了损失,将来家族之中说不定会诞生出一尊至强。” ...... …… Feng Feiyun arrived at the barracks naturally also to cause a stir, but actually not because of him, because followed in his behind four certainly for the beautiful woman, all was the beautiful woman of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, making many people exclaim in surprise. 风飞云来到兵营自然也引起了一阵轰动,但是却不是因为他,而是因为跟在他身后的四位绝代丽人,无一不是倾国倾城的美人,让很多人惊叹。 Really is lucky in love great, Xian Sha other people.” “真是艳福不浅,羡煞旁人。” „Wasn't this outstanding talents of Middle Ages aristocratic family will arrive at the wooden god to put up the war zone to be informed and experienced?” “这不会是一位中古世家的杰出才俊来到木神架战区历练吧?” If the outstanding talents of Middle Ages aristocratic family had the family army berm surely, where had to lead four beautiful women to enter ten thousand clan battlefields truth?” “若是中古世家的杰出才俊必定有家族军队护道,哪有带着四个美人进入万族战场的道理?” Feng Feiyun does not pay attention to these people, the going military exploit section directly, naturally also the people of some good color/look, to arrive at the military exploit section. 风飞云并不理会这些人,径直的前去军功部,当然也有一些好sè之徒,跟着来到军功部。 Military exploit section the member of that investigation military exploit somewhat is also in a daze, when has seen this how beautiful woman, looks at the person to be dazzled simply, but he after all is the experienced person, quick on the anchorage the mind, said: Who can exchange the military exploit?” 军功部的那一位核查军功的修士也有些发呆,何时见过这多么美人,简直看得人眼花缭乱,但是他毕竟乃是见多识广的人,很快就定住了心神,道:“何人要兑换军功?” Feng Feiyun own that military exploit token losing, has put in front of the member of that investigation military exploit, then takes out Spirit Stone, pours the massive low level small monsters from inside the corpses, reaches 100,000, piled a hill in the square. 风飞云将自己的那一枚军功令牌给丢了出来,放到了那一位核查军功的修士面前,然后取出一枚界灵石,从里面倒出大量的低级小妖的尸体,多达100000具,在广场之中堆成了一座小山。 So huge monster corpse quantity, gives to be startled the member of that investigation military exploit, had affirmed suspicion in oneself heart, this affirmation was an outstanding talent of Middle Ages aristocratic family, will otherwise put out so many monster corpses? Otherwise will have four most beautiful women to follow? 如此庞大的妖尸数量,将那一位核查军功的修士也给怔住,更加肯定了自己心中的猜想,这肯定乃是一位中古世家的杰出才俊,要不然怎么会拿出如此多妖尸?要不然怎会会有四位绝代佳人跟随? However after making him take up the Feng Feiyun military exploit token, is startled unable to speak. 但是让他拿起风飞云的军功令牌之后,更是怔得说不出话来。 His eyeball must stare from the eye socket, said: You...... Are you Half Monster?” 他眼球都要从眼眶之中瞪出来了,道:“你……你是半妖?” Feng Feiyun nodded, said: Human hero, Half Monster, Feng Feiyun, isn't above writes very clearly?” 风飞云点了点头,道:“人类功臣,半妖,风飞云,上面不是写得很清楚吗?” These hear Half Monster the member of two characters, neat stared at the vision on the body of Feng Feiyun. 那些听到“半妖”两个字的修士,也都齐刷刷的将目光盯在了风飞云的身上。 „! Half Monster is slave same existence , can actually lead four certainly color/look beautiful women? Does this have the natural justice?” “靠!半妖乃是奴隶一样的存在,竟然能够带着四个绝sè佳人?这还有没有天理?” Half Monster can kill these many monsters, cracks a joke?” “一个半妖能够杀这么多妖,开玩笑吧?” ...... …… ............ ………… Almost all member are incredible god color/look, naturally also the people of some greedy beautiful color/look revealed yin to suppress color/look, they think that Half Monster should be the slave in the mine tunnel strength, did not match to have four beautiful women to accompany. 几乎所有修士都是不可置信的神sè,当然也有一些贪婪美sè之徒则露出了yin狠之sè,他们认为半妖就应该在矿坑力量做奴隶,根本不配拥有四位美人相伴。 Although many people because of the Feng Feiyun Half Monster status, revealed color/look of despising or are regretted to four beautiful women, but actually nobody came out to provoke, after all here was barracks. 虽然很多人都因为风飞云半妖的身份,露出了鄙夷之sè或者是对四位美人惋惜,但是却都没有人出来挑衅,毕竟这里乃是兵营。 The after member pass point of that investigation military exploit calculates, the military exploit numbers of these 100,000 monster corpse exchanges calculating, said: Altogether is 672.543 point military exploits.” 那一位核查军功的修士经过点算之后,将这100000具妖尸兑换的军功数给计算出来,道:“一共是672.543点军功。” More than 600 points of military exploits, already was the quite huge digit, must know that the talents of these Middle Ages aristocratic families led the family army to enter ten thousand clan battlefields, one year was also not necessarily able to make these many military exploits. 600多点军功,已经是相当庞大的数字了,要知道那些中古世家的才俊带领家族军队进入万族战场,一年也未必能够挣这么多军功。 Feng Feiyun has complied merely with one, then gives to put out second Spirit Stone, has poured 200,000 small monsters corpses from inside. 风飞云仅仅只是应了一声,然后便将第二枚界灵石给拿出,又从里面倒出了200000具小妖的尸体。 What? These many monster corpses?” “什么?还有这么多妖尸?” The people were feared again, rubbed the eyes, felt that seems like having a dream. 众人再次被惊住,揉了揉眼睛,感觉就像是在做梦。 Even if were talent xing of Middle Ages aristocratic family puts out these many monster corpses, will cause the stir, let alone was Half Monster? 就算是一个中古世家的才俊一次xing拿出这么多的妖尸,都会引起轰动,更何况是一个半妖 However, because Holy Ghost Tomb is born in recent years, various clans gather at the wooden god put up the war zone, making the Monster Clan casualty serious, every day has the massive monster corpse back back barracks, therefore has not created the too big vibration but actually. 不过,因为最近几年圣灵墓葬出世,各族聚集在木神架战区,使妖族死伤惨重,每天都有大量的妖尸背送回兵营,所以倒也没有造成太大的震动。 Altogether is a military exploit, in addition formerly 672.543 point military exploits, in addition you, 266.543 point military exploits that accumulates, altogether is a military exploit, congratulates you become Human Race big hero, can obtain the big hero military order.” The member of that investigation military exploit said. “一共是点军功,加上先前的672.543点军功,加上你以前积累的266.543点军功,一共是点军功,恭喜你成为人族的‘大功臣’,可以得到大功臣军令。”那一位核查军功的修士道。 After hero and big hero and fights king has contributed to the military exploit, name that obtains, can obtain the treatments of different rank in the human state. 无论是“功臣”、“大功臣”、“战王”都是立了军功之后,得到的称谓,在人类国度之中能够得到不同等级的待遇。 Do not be anxious!” “别急!” Feng Feiyun smiled and put out two Spirit Stone, pours two mountain monster corpses from inside separately, 130,000 corpses of small monsters, another reaches 300,000 much. 风飞云笑了笑又拿出了两枚界灵石,分别从里面倒出两大山妖尸,一座有130000具小妖的尸体,另一座多达300000具。 Monster corpse that in these four Spirit Stone installs, is the small monster corpses, is Feng Feiyun before entering Holy Ghost Tomb, follows to pick behind the White Spider Monster Clan army. 这四枚界灵石之中所装的妖尸,都是小妖的尸体,乃是风飞云在进入圣灵墓葬之前,跟在白蛛妖族的大军后面捡来。 Although the military exploit of small monster exchange are not many, but wins in the huge quantity. 虽然小妖兑换的军功不多,但是胜在数量庞大。 In addition the monster corpses in these two Spirit Stone, Feng Feiyun already accumulated a military exploit. 加上这两座界灵石之中的妖尸,风飞云已经积累了点军功。 „Can you also exchange the military exploit?” The member of that investigation military exploit also remembers that some soft, the heart also raised the complex taste. “你还要兑换军功吗?”那一位核查军功的修士也记得有些笔软,心头也升起了复杂的滋味。 Naturally!” “当然!” Feng Feiyun took out Spirit Stone, this monster corpse quantity of putting out was few, only has more than 300. 风飞云又取出了一枚界灵石,这一次拿出的妖尸数量就很少了,只有300多具。 However the aura of more than 300 monster corpses are very huge, even if died, has the part monster soul to remain as in the corpse, the aura is fearful. 不过这300多具妖尸的气息都十分庞大,就算是死了,依旧还有部分的妖魂残留在尸体里面,气息很多慑人。 This more than 300 monster corpse cultivation base mostly are Nirvana 4th-layer. 这300多具妖尸大多的修为都是涅槃第四重 A Nirvana 3rd-layer monster corpse, exchanges 1 military exploit. 一具涅槃第三重的妖尸,兑换1点军功。 A Nirvana 4th-layer monster corpse, exchanges 30.50 military exploits. 一具涅槃第四重的妖尸,兑换30.50点军功不等。 The member of that investigation military exploit is quickly clear to the calculation the military exploit, the finger somewhat has trembled, said: Altogether is a military exploit. Really has been a pity, only misses 23.4 point military exploits, possibly becomes fights the king.” 那一位核查军功的修士很快就将军功给核算清楚,手指都有些发抖了,道:“一共是点军功。真是可惜了,只差23.4点军功,就可能成为一尊战王。” These encircle in nearby member also relaxed, this Half Monster has not become fights the king luckily, otherwise went against heaven's will. 那些围在旁边的修士也都松了一口气,幸好这个半妖没有成为一尊战王,要不然就太逆天了。 If he becomes fights the king, these covet Feng Qingqing, Xue Shuang, Yao Ji and Long Cangyue beautiful appearance member to have scruples several points, at least does not dare to begin to snatch the person on outwardly them. 而且若是他成为一尊战王,那些觊觎风卿卿雪泷姚吉龙沧月美貌的修士就不得不顾忌几分,至少在明面上他们不敢动手抢人。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Does not need to be a pity, my also Monster Clan captive, should be able to exchange enough military exploit.” 风飞云笑道:“不用可惜,我还有一位妖族俘虏,应该能够兑换足够的军功。” Xue Shuang puts on red color/look the silk fabric, the xing feeling is beautiful, the flesh snow white such as the pear is colored, leisurely walks, curved under slender jade waist, leisurely however salutes in the Feng Feiyun front, said: Master.” 雪泷穿着红sè的绸子,xing感妖艳,肌肤雪白如梨花,款款的行走出来,弯下纤细的玉腰,施施然的在风飞云的面前行礼,道:“主人。” Feng Feiyun said: This is Nirvana 5th-layer white Zhu monster jing, moreover is the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan, how many military exploits do you look to exchange?” 风飞云道:“这是一位涅槃第五重的白蛛妖jing,而且乃是白蛛妖族的皇族,你看能够兑换多少军功?” These words resound, immediately shocks to present all people unable to speak. 这句话响起,顿时震惊得在场所有人都说不出话来。 If said that formerly the corpses of these small monsters are this Half Monster luck are good to pick at present, then this Nirvana 5th-layer white Zhu monster jing what's the matter? 若是说先前那些小妖的尸体都是眼前这个半妖运气好捡来的,那么这一位涅槃第五重的白蛛妖jing又是怎么回事? Must know that Nirvana 5th-layer Monster Clan, will not submit to absolutely in front of small and weak Half Monster, will not call Half Monster for the master. 要知道一位涅槃第五重妖族,绝对不会臣服在一个弱小的半妖面前,更不会叫一个半妖为主人。 Let alone White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan! 更何况还是白蛛妖族的皇族! Is this really great person in a Half Monster? 难道这真的乃是一位半妖之中的大人物? Is it possible that in Half Monster left unsurpassed heavenly talent? 莫非半妖之中出了一位无上天骄 Many people cannot be quiet, the noisy sound is getting more and more loud, almost must explode boils, quick spreads to the entire barracks, many member turned toward the military exploit section to catch up. 很多人都不能平静,嘈杂的声音越来越大,几乎都要炸开锅,很快就蔓延到整个兵营,不少修士都向着军功部赶了过来。 Heard that Half Monster has captured Nirvana 5th-layer Monster Clan beautiful female monster jing, moreover is the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan.” “听说一个半妖俘虏了一位涅槃第五重妖族绝美的女妖jing,而且乃是白蛛妖族的皇族。” „Is this possible? Half Monster is slave general existence, how possibly to seize the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan?” “这怎么可能?半妖乃是奴隶一般的存在,怎么可能擒住白蛛妖族的皇族?” The innumerable member turn toward military exploit section accumulation, thinks very inconceivable. 无数修士都向着军功部聚集,觉得很不可思议。 And including is putting up the juniors of war zone informed and experienced Middle Ages aristocratic family in the wooden god, Immortal City and heavenly talent of Saint mansion, naturally some ancient clan old ancestors, these people have not believed Half Monster can have so in a big way can depend. 其中包括一些正在木神架战区历练的中古世家的子弟,还有仙城、圣府的天骄,当然也有一些古族的老祖,这些人都不相信一个半妖能够有如此大的能赖。
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