SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#943: Saint Domain

Did all finish? 一切都结束了吗? Understood territory person, was shocked in the extreme. 很多了解“域”的人,都被震惊得无以复加。 A person simultaneously has both three territories unexpectedly, this these will be self-designated for the young people of God's favored one frightening to cry. 一人竟然同时兼具三座域,这会将那些自命为天之骄子的年轻人给吓哭。 Feng Feiyun sits in clouds Buddhist temple hall, such as the old monk meditates, motionless, 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul shadows are crashing in his body unceasingly. 风飞云坐在云端佛殿之中,如老僧坐禅,一动不动,10000头灵兽战魂的影子在不断冲进他的身体之中。 , A world rule revolves gradually on his body, in surroundings world, is flowing strength of the continuously rule, surrounds around his body. 渐渐的,一股天地规则在他的身上运转起来,周围天地之间,也都在流动着一缕缕规则之力,在他身体周围环绕。 This...... Can this also cultivation the territory?” “这……这难道是还要修炼出域来?” Xue Shuang felt that own heart somewhat receives not to, be able to cultivate two territories, already is race first heavenly talent, like Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan. 雪泷感觉到自己的心脏有些受不得,能够修炼出两座域,都已经是一个种族的第一天骄,就像妃媛公主 But Feng Feiyun goes against heaven's will to cultivate three territories unexpectedly, but now also wants to cultivate the fourth territory unexpectedly. 风飞云居然逆天修出三座域,而现在竟然还想修炼出第四座域。 The body of Feng Feiyun as if changed into a world, many rules are born, grow and destroy in his body, this is a fifty world. 风飞云的身体仿佛化为了一个世界,很多规则都在他的身体之中诞生、成长、毁灭,这是一座大衍世界。 Feng Feiyun integrates own body the number of fifty, constructs a fifty world own body, then cultivated tribulation to extinguish ten thousand magic arts through the fifty world. 风飞云将大衍之数融入自己的身体,将自己的身体构建成一座大衍世界,然后又通过大衍世界修炼出了“劫灭万道法”。 But fifty world already at this moment starts to affect the surrounding space rule, gives the change the surrounding space rule, in concise one Great Amplify Domain. 而此刻的大衍世界已经开始影响周围的空间规则,将周围的空间规则给改变,在凝练一座“大衍域”。 This Great Amplify Domain is based on Feng Feiyun own body the territory that cultivates, by the technique of rehearsal fifty, affects the surrounding void rule, condenses an embryo of territory, is territory of the rule. 这一座大衍域乃是以风飞云自己的身体为基础修炼出来的域,以大衍之术排演,影响周围的虚空规则,凝聚出一座域的胚胎,乃是一座规则之域。 Is impossible, is impossible, only then Holy Saint in legend leaves the situation that has had both four territories, moreover is not each Holy Saint can achieve this point.” “不可能,不可能,只有传说之中的圣灵才出过一身兼具四域的情况,而且并不是每一个圣灵都能够做到这一点。” Feng Feiyun at this moment also in the limit of impact body, after all the situation that has both four territories, he never had also seen before, even if his previous generation, only cultivated two territories merely Phoenix Fire God Domain and Ten Thousand War Beast Domain. 风飞云此刻也在冲击身体的极限,毕竟一身兼具四域的情况,他以前也从未见过,即便是他的前世,也仅仅只修炼出了两座域“凤凰火神域”和“万兽战域”。 Great Amplify Domain is very difficult to condense, because this is an illusory territory, cannot see with the naked eye, can only the platoon to the sensibility of rule spread out through oneself, connects oneself and world. 大衍域十分难凝聚,因为这是一种虚无缥缈的域,不能用肉眼看见,只能通过自身对规则的感悟去排衍,连接自身和天地。 Must cultivation successfully, once cultivates successful Great Amplify Domain, not only I can the birth Livelihood Disaster strength from my body, even can control the tribulation strength between world.” “必须要修炼成功,一旦修炼成功大衍域,我就不仅能够从自己的身体之中诞生劫力,甚至能够控制天地之间的劫力。” Now Feng Feiyun cultivates tribulation extinguishes ten thousand magic arts the birth Livelihood Disaster strength from own body, the tribulation strength in body is limited, if can cultivation Great Amplify Domain, can by own world relation external macrocosm, thus controls the macrocosm the tribulation strength. 风飞云现在修炼的“劫灭万道法”都是从自己的身体之中诞生劫力,身体之中的劫力毕竟有限,而若是能够修炼出大衍域,就能以自身世界联系外在的大世界,从而控制大世界的劫力。 Macrocosm tribulation strength is inexhaustible! 大世界的劫力是无穷尽的! This is an unprecedented self- breakthrough, it is estimated that passes to Feng Feiyun tribulation extinguishes ten thousand magic arts the emperor tomb, has not thought, Feng Feiyun must arrange to spread out Great Amplify Domain to communicate the world, transfers the macrocosm the tribulation strength. 这是一种前所未有的自我突破,估计就连传给风飞云“劫灭万道法”的帝冢,都没有想到,风飞云要排衍出“大衍域”来沟通天地,调动大世界的劫力。 Bang!” “嘭!” Strength of disintegration rule! 规则之力崩碎! Was defeated! 失败了! Comes again, Feng Feiyun does not give up, condenses the strength of rule. 再来,风飞云并不放弃,重新凝聚规则之力。 Failure time and time again, finally in Feng Feiyun carries on the 58 th condensation, condenses successfully Great Amplify Domain. 一次又一次的失败,终于在风飞云进行第58次凝聚之时,将大衍域凝聚成功。 The strength of revolution world rule around the body of Feng Feiyun, grows continually, for a very long time does not extinguish. 天地规则之力运转在风飞云的身体周围,生生不息,久久不灭。 The Feng Feiyun clear and resonant voice long smiles, sits in Buddhist temple hall in sky overhead Buddha city, point of finger beside toward void: Tribulations!” 风飞云朗声长笑,坐在天心佛城的佛殿之中,手指向着虚空之外一点:“地劫!” Under above the sky overhead Buddha city mainland, a magma river gushes out from the place bottom, the direct impact expansive sky, has flown from the space like a Fire Dragon. 天心佛城下方的大陆之上,一条岩浆长河从地底涌出,直冲长空,就像一条火龙从天上飞过。 Then many grounds break, ran out of magma perpetual flows, flies in the backdrop, the temperature burning hot, gives to reflect red the sky. 接着很多地面都破碎开,冲出了一条条岩浆长河,飞在天幕,温度炙热,将天空都给映红。 The Feng Feiyun excessive use tribulation strength, has not controlled these magma perpetual flows to sink to the bottom. 风飞云并没有过分的使用劫力,控制那些岩浆长河又沉入了地底。 Original Feng Feiyun also wants to try Extreme Disaster the strength, however actually had not found the appropriate candidate in the heaven, can only exit to say again. 本来风飞云还想要尝试“死劫”的力量,但是在天国之中却没有找到合适的人选,只能出去再说了。 Un?” “嗯?” Feng Feiyun felt that in own body is still evolving, the strength of territory is remaining, what's all this about? 风飞云感觉自己的身体之中还在演变,还有域的力量残余,这是怎么回事? Has both four territory, already is a limit, be only some antique formidable Holy Saint young times can achieve. 一身兼具四座“域”,已经是一种极限,只有太古的一些强大的圣灵的年轻时候能够做到。 Feng Feiyun continues to sense oneself, discovered that the strengths of these territories contain in the body. 风飞云继续感悟自身,发现那些域的力量都蕴含在身体之中。 This discovery makes him feel quite shocking. 这一个发现让他感觉到相当震惊。 Must know that territory presents beside the body. 要知道“域”都是呈现在身体之外。 Even if Great Amplify Domain also presents beside the body, but the body of Feng Feiyun connects. 即便是“大衍域”也都是呈现在身体之外,只是和风飞云的身体相连接。 However...... Will the strength of territory appear in the body? 但是……域的力量怎么会出现在身体之中? Feng Feiyun discovered that the strength of that territory attaches above 180 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes, they are when Feng Feiyun cultivates Great Amplify Domain, flows in his body, then condenses above the Holy Saint bone ash. 风飞云发现那一股域的力量都依附在180000000粒圣灵骨灰之上,它们是在风飞云修炼大衍域的时候,流进他的身体之中,然后凝聚在圣灵骨灰之上。 180 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes like starry skies, in Bronze Ancient Vessel movement regarding dantian. 180000000粒圣灵骨灰就像一片星空,围绕着丹田之中的青铜古船运动。 Feng Feiyun starts reassignment this territory the strength of slowly, the rays of 180 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes are more powerful. 风飞云开始缓缓的调动这一股域的力量,180000000粒圣灵骨灰的光芒更加强盛。 Looks from the distant place, resembles the body of Feng Feiyun is condenses by trillion luminous spots, the body lends a Holy Saint aura unexpectedly. 从远处望去,就好像风飞云的身体乃是由亿万光点凝聚而成,身上竟然散发出一丝圣灵的气息。 Although merely is only a Holy Saint aura, but already is very astonishing, making the life in entire heaven shiver. 虽然仅仅只是一丝圣灵的气息,但是却已经十分惊人,让整个天国之中的生灵都为之颤抖。 „Is he left in the legend concise Saint Domain?” Xue Shuang said. “难道他乃是凝练出了传说之中的‘圣域’?”雪泷道。 Feng Qingqing said: What is Saint Domain?” 风卿卿道:“什么是圣域?” I do not know, merely is only the guess. I once had seen the record about Saint Domain in White Spider Monster Clan an ancient ancient book in emperor's clan temple, but also is only the words, before that already traces the Nine Provinces avalanche, belonged compared with antique also wants the remote past.” “我也不知道,仅仅只是猜测。我曾在白蛛妖族的皇族圣殿之中的一本古老的典籍上看到过关于圣域的记载,不过也都只是只言片语,那都已经追溯到九州崩塌之前,属于比太古还要久远的年代。” Hearsay Saint Domain is condenses the thoughts of trillion Holy Saint to form, does not exist in the society, only exists in the legend paradise of illusory the cloud.” “传闻圣域乃是凝聚亿万圣灵的意念而形成,不存在于人世间,只存在于传说之中虚无缥缈的云之仙界。” Naturally all these are only the legends, because never has the person to see the paradise of cloud truly, nobody has seen Saint Domain, these are only legend that's all, is more impractical than it these legends, mostly is the predecessor fabricates.” “当然这一切都只是传说,因为从来没有人真正的见到过云之仙界,也没有人见过圣域,这些都只是传说罢了,比之那些神话传说还要不切实际,大多都是前人杜撰。” Feng Feiyun yes what's the matter, only cannot at this moment try to find out step by step, goes to concise one to exist in the body territory. 风飞云此刻也不明白到底是怎么回事,只能一步步摸索,去凝练一座存在于身体之中的“域”。 As for is in the legend Saint Domain, he is not clear, in his subconscious, regards an illusory legend Saint Domain actually, does not believe existence of paradise of Saint Domain and cloud. 至于是不是传说之中的“圣域”,连他自己也不清楚,在他的潜意识中,其实也是将圣域当成一种虚无缥缈的神话传说,并不怎么相信圣域和云之仙界的存在。 Concise territory in own body, compared with beside the body the concise territory difficult, degree of hazard is also higher. 在自己的身体之中凝练域,远比在身体之外凝练域更加的艰难,危险程度也更高。 Bang!” “嘭!” The chest of Feng Feiyun blasts open, runs out of one group of blood fog. 风飞云的胸口炸裂开,冲出一团血雾。 Bang!” “嘭!” The thigh also blasts open together blood fog! 腿部也炸裂出一道血雾! Bang!” “嘭!” In the body of Feng Feiyun a bone blasted open, changed into the powder. 风飞云的身体之中一根骨头炸裂,化为了粉末。 ...... …… ............ ………… The territory of concise this within the body is more difficult than the Feng Feiyun imagination, even if somewhat cannot shoulder by his present mortal body, the body blasted out unceasingly, if not for he has practiced «Gold Silkworm Scripture», in the body Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi grows continually, in body that the unceasing restore blasts out, perhaps his present already turned into one pile of mud. 凝练这一座体内的域比风飞云想象中还要艰难,就算以他现在的肉身都有些扛不住,身体不断被炸开,若不是他修炼了《金蚕经》,身体之中金蚕佛气生生不息,在不断的修复炸开的身体,说不定他现在已经变成了一堆烂泥。 At this time many people somewhat were worried, feared that Feng Feiyun extremely in rigid, cultivated fifth territory to fall from the sky forcefully. 这个时候很多人都有些担心了起来,怕风飞云太过于执着,强行修炼第五座“域”而陨落。 After all the Nirvana boundary was too dangerous, has heavenly talent of Holy Saint natural talent, falls from the sky in this boundary. 毕竟涅槃境太危险了,很多有圣灵天资的天骄,都陨落在这个境界。 However actually nobody can prevent, because in the body of Feng Feiyun is flowing air/Qi of Holy Saint, anybody this time dares to approach him to be killed by shock. 但是却没有人能够去阻止,因为风飞云的身体之中流动着一丝圣灵之气,任何人这个时候敢接近他都要被震死。 Only can depend on him. 只能靠他自己。 The body of Feng Feiyun blasted out unceasingly, was repaired unceasingly, the entire body was almost remoulded. 风飞云的身体不断被炸开,又不断被修复,整个身体几乎都被重塑了一遍。 Bang!” “轰!” Finally Feng Feiyun left a territory in the body concise, the territory that is collected by the thoughts of 180 million Holy Saint, looks like interweaves the innumerable nets in the body. 终于风飞云在身体之中凝练出了一座域,一座由180000000道圣灵的意念汇集成的域,就像是在身体之中交织出无数的网。 Succeeded. 成功了。 Naturally the Feng Feiyun present body naturally cannot compare the body of Holy Saint, even including the body of Holy Saint 1 cannot compare surely, but this actually already is a Saint embryo, has the qualifications to aspire to seize Holy Saint. 当然风飞云现在的身体自然比不上圣灵的身体,甚至连圣灵的身体的千万1都比不上,但是这却已经算是一具圣胚,算是有资格问鼎圣灵 Has a bigger opportunity to achieve the Holy Saint boundary compared with other member. 比别的修士有更大的机会达到圣灵境。 This like Yang Holy Embryo general, although cannot to achieve the Holy Saint boundary, but can actually increase attacks the Holy Saint Realm opportunity, moreover can promote own natural talent. 这就像“阳神圣胎”一般,虽然不能让人达到圣灵的境界,但是却可以增加冲击圣灵境界的机会,而且还能提升自身的天资。 Feng Feiyun cultivates this possibly is Saint Domain after the territory, own physique and talent promoted ten times to continue. 风飞云修炼出这一座可能是“圣域”的域之后,自身的体质和天赋提升了十倍不止。 However he as before belongs to the Epic Level peak talent now, has not become the talent of legendary rank. 但是他现在依旧属于史诗级别巅峰的天赋,并没有成为传奇级别的天才。 The talent of Epic Level peak, span also is quite actually big, many talents can when crossing tribulations brings in 14 magma, is labeled as the Epic Level peak talent, but wants into the legendary rank the talent, that difficult degree cannot imagine. 史诗级别巅峰的天才,其实跨度也相当大,很多才俊都能在渡地劫时引来14条岩浆,被封为史诗级别巅峰的天才,但是想要成为传奇级别的天才,那艰难程度根本不可想象。 Only if thinks Xuanyuan Yiyi such, inborn is the talent of legendary rank, will otherwise want by the day after tomorrow effort, will become the talent of legendary rank, since the ancient times, few individuals can achieve. 除非是想轩辕一一那样,天生就是传奇级别的天才,不然想要靠后天的努力,成为传奇级别的天才,自古以来,都没有几个人能够做到。 Feng Feiyun is the body of Half Monster, the talent is the worst that type, if not for has practiced «Undying Phoenix Physique» increases the physique, he possibly now is still oneself wicked young master in Divine Jin Dynasty Spirit State City, perhaps also already because of indulging in sensual pleasure turned into the sick person excessively, all day lies on the bed drinks the medicine to live. 风飞云本来就是半妖之体,天赋属于最差的那一种,若不是修炼了《不死凤凰身》增加体质,他可能现在都还在神晋王朝灵州城做自己的恶少爷,说不定也已经因为纵欲过度而变成了病号,整天都躺在床上喝药过日子。 Can achieve the present natural talent, already is he unceasingly result diligently. 能够达到现在的天资,都已经是他不断努力的结果。 Some people have said that the powerhouse is equal to 1% talents and 99% sweat, but that 1% talent is more important than 99% sweat. 有人说过,强者等于1的天赋和99的汗水,但是那1的天赋比99的汗水更加重要。 When the major Immortal Sect seniors educate the disciple, before only said half a word, but, half a word abbreviating. 只不过各大仙门的前辈教育弟子之时,都只说了前半句,而将后半句给省略了。 Since is the territory that gathers by the Holy Saint thought that that reluctantly called you Saint Domain!” “既然乃是由圣灵意念汇集成的域,那就勉强叫你‘圣域’吧!” Now left the legendary rank talent already to be very close, in boundary Epic Genius, almost already nobody was my match.” “现在离传奇级别的天才已经很接近了,在同境界的史诗级别的天才之中,几乎已经无人是我对手。” Feng Feiyun the air/Qi of that Holy Saint receiving, this is he now the biggest card in a hand, if uses well, air/Qi of Holy Saint may cut some quite weak Ascension sage, naturally also merely can only put forth one move, when unless it is absolutely essential is absolutely unuseful, once were discovered he cultivated Saint Domain, will draw on writing off of countless person surely. 风飞云将身上的那一丝圣灵之气给收了起来,这是他现在最大的底牌,若是用得好,一丝圣灵之气可斩一些比较弱的羽化贤者,当然也仅仅只能使出一招,不到万不得已之时绝对不能使用,一旦被人发现他修出了圣域,必定会招来无数人的抹杀。
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