SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#942: Three territories

When will approach next morning, Feng Feiyun leaves that pagoda, has breathed fresh air, has put in order the clothes, the whole person appears full of energy. 当第二天清晨来临之时,风飞云才离开那一座佛塔,呼吸了一口新鲜的空气,整了整衣冠,整个人都显得精神抖擞。 Leaves Controlling Beast House, returns to sky overhead Buddha city. 离开驭兽斋,回到天心佛城之中。 A Long Cangyue also person stands in that Buddhist temple hall as before, her cultivation base was imprisoned, last night has stood there. 龙沧月依旧还一个人站在那一座佛殿之中,她的修为被禁锢,昨夜一直站在那里。 Feng Feiyun opened the front door of Buddhist temple hall, arrives at her front, has patted her shoulder gently, her imprisonment vanishes naturally. 风飞云打开了佛殿的大门,走到她的面前,轻轻的拍了拍她的肩膀,她身上的禁锢自然而然消失。 However she actually as before straight standing there, cold pupil stern countenance is staring at Feng Feiyun. 但是她却依旧笔直的站在那里,冷眸厉色的盯着风飞云 Your mother dies, entrusted you to me, I naturally cannot treat unjustly you, what you cultivated was the evil spirit treasure hunt technique, to swallow others' strength to come formidable oneself, the heaven did not suit you to practice, went out with me together!” Feng Feiyun said. “你娘死的时候,将你托付给了我,我自然不会亏待你,你修炼的乃是邪灵寻宝术,以吞噬别人的力量来强大自身,天国不适合你修行,跟我一起出去吧!”风飞云道。 Long Cangyue is staring at Feng Feiyun, then turns around to leave, arrives at the entrance of Buddhist temple hall, said: „After leaving the heaven, I want to practice.” 龙沧月盯着风飞云,然后转身离开,走到佛殿的大门口,道:“离开天国之后,我要自己去修行。” This is your freedom!” Feng Feiyun said. “这本是你的自由!”风飞云道。 After Long Cangyue left Buddhist temple hall, Feng Feiyun then no longer worries for this matter, planned that started to close up cultivates. 龙沧月离开了佛殿之后,风飞云便不再为此事而烦心,打算开始闭关修炼了。 Above the backdrop, a golden Buddha Qi river flies, float in the place above of Buddhist temple hall, lowers myriad Fokuang, making the entire sky overhead Buddha city cover in a piece of golden brilliance. 天幕之上,一条金色的佛气长河飞来,悬浮在佛殿的上方,降下万千佛光,让整个天心佛城都笼罩在一片金色的光辉之中。 This is the Buddha Qi essence, is in world purest strength. 这是佛气精华,乃是世间最精纯的力量。 Feng Qingqing, Xue Shuang and Yao Ji naturally will not miss this to promote the cultivation base golden opportunity, has practiced in the sky overhead Buddha city. 风卿卿雪泷姚吉自然都不会错过这个提升修为的绝佳机会,在天心佛城之中修炼了起来。 Buddha Qi essence in surge toward the body of Feng Feiyun, soaks in the dry soil like a little bit raindrop, lets the cultivation base unceasing growth of Feng Feiyun, the strength also becomes more and more formidable. 一道道佛气精华在往风飞云的身体之中涌动,就像一滴滴雨点浸透到干涸的土壤之中,让风飞云修为不断的增长,力量也变得越来越强大。 Feng Feiyun had achieved broken 4th-layer initial stage boundary, not only need break through the strength with the Buddha Qi essence to the Nirvana 4th-layer peak, must with the aid of these time closes up own territory cultivating. 风飞云本就达到了涅破第四重初期的境界,不仅只是要用佛气精华将力量突破到涅槃第四重巅峰,更要借助这一次闭关将自己的“域”给修炼出来。 Territory is actually the embryo of world, but is member own world, by territory that” the strength condenses. “域”其实就是世界的胚胎,只不过是属于修士自己的世界,以力量凝聚出来的“域”。 Why do some member cultivation Nirvana 4th-layer to break through to the Ascension boundary? 为什么有的修士修炼到涅槃第四重才能够突破到羽化境? This is because the member can cultivation territory in Nirvana 4th-layer, territory breaks through to the Ascension boundary foundation. 这就是因为修士在涅槃第四重才能够修炼出“域”,“域”是突破到羽化境界的基础。 Therefore , even if achieves Nirvana 4th-layer, if cannot cultivation own territory, is the useless qualifications attacks the Ascension boundary. 所以说,即便是达到涅槃第四重,若是不能修炼出属于自己的域,也是没用资格去冲击羽化境。 Regarding the member, territory that” cultivates must divide the strong and weak rank, belongs to very formidable territory like jade xuan sword territory that” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan cultivates, but after she obtains the inheritance of white Zhusheng ancestor, cultivates „the undying territory is the territory of top rank. 对于修士而言,修炼出来的“域”也要分强弱等级,就像妃媛公主修炼出来的“琅嬛剑域”就属于十分强大的域,而她得到白蛛圣祖的传承之后,修炼出来的“不死域”更是顶尖级别的域。 She has achieved Nirvana 5th-layer, but she has both two territories, the strength may be called invincible in Nirvana 5th-layer, even can surmount the boundary to cut the person. 她达到了涅槃第五重,但是她一人兼具两域,战力在涅槃第五重堪称无敌,甚至可以跨越境界斩人。 This is territory function. 这就是“域”的作用。 Practices the formidable territory, can by own territory, suppress the opposite party territory, by the low boundary member who thus preys on the high boundary. 修炼出强大的域,就能以自身的域,压制对方的域,从而以低境界搏杀高境界的修士。 But regarding the common member, wants to cultivate own territory, must spend for several hundred years, or several thousand years, even is unable to cultivate the territory for a lifetime. 而对于一般的修士而言,想要修炼出属于自己的域,要花费数百年,或者数千年,甚至一辈子都无法修炼出域来。 Even if these talent outstanding, wants to cultivate own territory, takes dozens years. 即便是那些天才俊杰,想要修炼出属于自己的域,需要数十年的时间。 However regarding actually does not need that for a long time, because he to the rule and principle already of territory quite understood, does not need to go to perceive through meditation step by step. 但是对于却不需要那么久,因为他对域的规则和原理已经相当了解,不需要去一步步参悟。 Bang!” “轰!” The body of Feng Feiyun emits the endless flame, gave to change into the world of flame the body surrounding world. 风飞云的身上冒出无尽火焰,将身体周围的世界都给化为了火焰的世界。 This is the phoenix evil fire. 这是凤凰孽火。 Evolution that these flame keeping, becomes looks like scarlet red feathers, finally changed into clear thorough phoenix feathers. 那些火焰在不停的演变,变得像一根根赤红色的羽毛,最后化为了一根根晶莹透彻的凤凰羽。 The phoenix feather has the transformation again, in the inter-combination, changes into one to burn the phoenix of flame. 凤凰羽再次发生蜕变,在相互组合,化为一只燃烧着火焰的凤凰。 The phoenix cried, the sound was incisive, shakes the vault of heaven to shiver. 凤凰啼鸣,声音尖锐,震得苍穹颤抖。 Quick, the second phoenix condensation forming, the third phoenix condensation forming...... 很快,第二只凤凰凝聚成形,第三只凤凰凝聚成形…… Finally condensed four phoenixes, the protection four directions, was throwing over the flame feather, divine steed was unusual, was four God Phoenix lives likely! 最后凝聚出了四只凤凰,守护四方,披着火焰羽毛,神骏异常,像是四只神凤活过来了! Phoenix Fire God Domain!” 凤凰火神域!” In the Feng Feiyun mouth puts out these four characters, four phoenixes changed into four flame mountains, the flaming combustion, surrounding void has the empty shades of innumerable phoenix to dance in the air, gives the package the entire sky overhead Buddha city, ten thousand miles void changed into the hot territory. 风飞云口中吐出这四个字来,四只凤凰化为了四座火焰大山,熊熊燃烧,周围的虚空有无数凤凰的虚影飞舞,将整个天心佛城都给包裹,万里虚空都化为了火域。 In sky overhead Buddha city cultivates give this strength impact on probably wake in Feng Qingqing, Yao Ji and Xue Shuang that was attacked by the strength of that hot territory irresistibly, withdrew from the sky overhead Buddha city. 在天心佛城之中修炼的风卿卿姚吉雪泷都给这一股力量冲击得醒了过来,纷纷被那一股火域之力冲击得无法抵抗,退出了天心佛城。 God! The masters cultivated Phoenix Fire God Domain, this was in the world one of the topest territories, only had Phoenix Monster Clan possibly to cultivate this territory.” Xue Shuang is surprised. 天呐!主人修炼出了凤凰火神域,这可是天地之间最顶尖的域之一,只有凤凰妖族才可能修炼出这种域来。”雪泷惊讶莫名。 „Is this territory very formidable?” Feng Qingqing said. “这一种域很强大吗?”风卿卿道。 Phoenix is called the phoenix of fire, Phoenix Fire God Domain is representing in a flame immortal topest achievement, fire god, burns the day to boil the sea.” Xue Shuang said. “凤凰被称为火之神鸟,‘凤凰火神域’就代表着在火焰仙道最顶尖的成就,火神一出,焚天煮海。”雪泷道。 After Feng Feiyun cultivates Phoenix Fire God Domain, has not stopped cultivating , to continue to perceive through meditation ‚the strength of territory, the body surrounding flame starts to take back within the body, golden gradually runs out of the body. 风飞云修炼出凤凰火神域之后,并没有停止修炼,继续参悟‘域之力’,身体周围的火焰开始收回体内,渐渐的一道道金色的佛芒冲出身体。 The body of Feng Feiyun as if changed into a golden Buddha, the body emits ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Fokuang, under the body are automatically many seven ten Grade 2 Buddha stages, the back of the head emits a huge Buddha link, during is void has trillion singings in praise of the Buddha to resound, the empty shades of 3000 god Buddha appear around his body. 风飞云的身体仿佛化为了一尊金色的佛陀,身上冒出万丈佛光,身下自动多出一座七十二品佛台,后脑冒出一个巨大的佛环,虚空之中有亿万梵音响起,3000神佛的虚影在他的身体周围出现。 At this time, Buddha of entire heaven cultivated, these Controlling Beast House disciples, cultivated Spirit Beast of Buddha to hear that Buddha sound, knelt to bend down in the place, direction worship toward sky overhead Buddha city. 这个时候,整个天国的佛修,无论是那些驭兽斋的弟子,还是修佛的灵兽都听到那一股佛音,一个个都跪伏在地,向着天心佛城的方向朝拜。 Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain.” 金蚕佛域。” In the heaven the cultivation base most formidable that three old ancestors also kneel to bend down in the place, the vision is reverent, in the mouth recited Buddha, unceasing bowing politely. 天国之中修为最强大的那三位老祖也都跪伏在地,目光虔诚,口中朗诵佛号,不断的叩拜。 Bang!” “嘭!” Empty shade disintegrations of 3000 god Buddha, change into golden fragments, the fragment reach 108,000 pieces much, then obviously changes into 108,000 golden Buddha silkworms, the shape of each Buddha silkworm respectively is different, some look up the day, some look down, some plate bodies grasp principles, some wind to crawl...... Various shapes present, finally changed into Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain. 3000神佛的虚影崩碎,化为一道道金色的碎片,碎片多达108000片,然后显化为108000只金色的佛蚕,每一只佛蚕的形态都各不一样,有的抬头望天,有的低头看地,有的盘身悟道,有的蜿蜒爬行……各种形态呈现,最终化为了一座金蚕佛域 This Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain is extremely as before formidable, Buddha-nature that inside breeds, to person an incomparably holy aura. 这一座“金蚕佛域”依旧极其强大,里面孕育的佛性,给人一种无比圣洁的气息。 Cultivated two territories unexpectedly, moreover that formidable.” Xue Shuang was shocked again. “竟然修炼出了两座域,而且都那么的强大。”雪泷再次被震惊住。 She knows many about Feng Feiyun, the shock in heart are then getting more and more. 她对风飞云了解得越多,心中的震惊便越来越多。 Buddha Qi restrains in the body of Feng Feiyun once more, but he has not stopped cultivating as before. 佛气再次收敛到风飞云的身体之中,但是他依旧没有停止修炼。 When are not many, in the body of Feng Feiyun runs out of 10,000 unusual animals battle soul, these unusual animals battle soul fierce terrors, the aura wild nature, four plunder scary. 不多时,风飞云的身体之中冲出10000头异兽战魂,这些异兽战魂都狰狞恐怖,气息野性,肆掠吓人。 Ten thousand beast battle soul launch, looked like has launched a rank grass wild world. 万兽战魂展开,就像是展开了一座莽荒世界。 This strength and Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain has formed the sharp contrast, is bloody and overbearing, is ten thousand beast Venerable/revering is born likely. 这一股力量和刚才的“金蚕佛域”形成了鲜明的对比,血腥而又霸道,像是一尊万兽尊者出世。 These unusual animals battle soul under breeding of Buddha Qi essence, become more and more formidable, was some had practiced six and 700 years of unusual animals battle soul, after obtaining enough many strength in addition held, has achieved the rank of millennium Spirit Beast soul. 这些异兽战魂佛气精华的孕育下,变得越来越强大,原本都是一些修炼了六、700年的异兽战魂,在得到了足够多的力量加持之后,纷纷达到了千年灵兽魂的级别。 A little bit golden Buddha Qi essence flies into the bodies of these Spirit Beast battle soul, these Spirit Beast battle soul also in unceasing strengthen. 一滴滴金色的佛气精华飞进那些灵兽战魂的身体之中,那些灵兽战魂还在不断的变强。 „!” “嗷!” Does not know how long time passes by, first Spirit Beast battle soul has been in 2000 the cultivation base rank, the second head...... The third head...... The fourth head...... In 2000 the Spirit Beast rank. 不知多久时间过去,第一头灵兽战魂达到了2000年修为级别,紧接着第二头……第三头……第四头……纷纷达到2000年灵兽级别。 Spirit Beast has achieved 2000 rank, quite in Nirvana 1st-layer to 3rd-layer the strength of member. 灵兽达到了2000年的级别,就相当于涅槃第一重第三重的修士的战力。 Time that the spending rate of Buddha Qi essence becomes more and more quickly, almost every blinking, 10,000 drops by Spirit Beast battle soul consuming. 佛气精华的消耗速度变得越来越快,几乎每一个眨眼的时间,就有10000滴被灵兽战魂给消耗掉。 At this time, 42 Spirit Beast battle soul break through to 3000 the Spirit Beast rank. 这个时候,又有42头灵兽战魂突破到3000年灵兽的级别。 In 3000 the Spirit Beast rank, mostly has the Nirvana 4th-layer strength, even some have Nirvana 5th-layer and strength of Nirvana 6th-layer member. 3000年灵兽的级别,大多都拥有涅槃第四重的力量,甚至有的拥有涅槃第五重涅槃第六重修士的战力。 Naturally because of the Feng Feiyun cultivation base reason, this 42 first in 3000 rank the strength of Spirit Beast battle soul is the Nirvana 4th-layer boundaries. 当然因为风飞云修为的原因,这42头3000年级别的灵兽战魂的战力都是涅槃第四重的境界。 Besides these 42 Spirit Beast battle soul, other Spirit Beast battle soul stopped in 2000 above cultivation base of rank, is unable to promote again. 除了这42头灵兽战魂以外,别的灵兽战魂都停在了2000年级别的修为之上,无法再提升。 Repairs regarding the beast, 3000 will be a ridge, be only will have Spirit Beast of antique Saint beast bloodlines to be able easily will live in 3000, general Spirit Beast will be very difficult to live above in 3000. 对于兽修来说,3000年是一道坎,只有拥有太古圣兽血脉的灵兽才能够更加轻易的活到3000年,一般的灵兽都很难活3000年以上。 That 42 Spirit Beast battle soul, has Spirit Beast battle soul of antique Saint beast bloodlines, although antique Saint bloodlines already in their body are very thin, but this is their bloodlines, this is they surmounts other Spirit Beast reason. 那42头灵兽战魂,就是拥有太古圣兽血脉的灵兽战魂,虽然它们的身体之中的太古圣血脉已经很稀薄,但是这就是它们的血脉,这就是它们超越别的灵兽的原因。 It seems like should eliminate a number of Spirit Beast battle soul! Returns to sixth Yang Dynasty to purchase one batch to have Spirit Beast battle soul of antique Saint beast bloodlines, must make many Spirit Beast battle soul be 3000 the rank.” Heart such thought of Feng Feiyun. “看来该淘汰一批灵兽战魂了!返回第六中央王朝就去购买一批拥有太古圣兽血脉的灵兽战魂,务必要让更多的灵兽战魂达到3000年的级别。”风飞云的心头如此的想到。 Three territories that on the other hand, Feng Feiyun cultivates now, on according to Ten Thousand War Beast Domain weakest, can only make 42 first in 3000 the Spirit Beast strength, is 42 Nirvana 4th-layer the strength of member. 相对来说,风飞云现在修炼出来的三座域,就以“万兽战域”最弱,只能打出42头3000年灵兽的力量,也就是42位涅槃第四重的修士的力量。 It seems like very fierce, but cannot be regarded actually anything! 看似很厉害,但是其实根本算不得什么! For example, a Nirvana 4th-layer member offers a sacrifice to handle Grade 7 Spirit Artifact, can send out 56 times of striking power, at all is not Ten Thousand War Beast Domain can block. What if the Nirvana 4th-layer member offers a sacrifice to is Grade 9 Spirit Artifact, the striking power was more fearful. 比如,一位涅槃第四重的修士祭出一柄七品灵器,就能够发出56倍的攻击力,根本不是万兽战域能够挡得住。若是涅槃第四重的修士祭出的乃是九品灵器,攻击力就更加的可怕了。 Makes a strength of fist a Nirvana 4th-layer member, might be considered as1, the merit law and magical powers that then cultivates, Spirit Artifact and talisman of use, 1will carry on the amplification to this „. This why Feng Feiyun makes the strengths of 42 Nirvana 4th-layer member, cannot block others Spirit Artifact reason.” “将一位涅槃第四重的修士打出一拳的力量,堪称是“1”,那么修炼的功法、神通,使用的灵器符箓,都会对这个“1”进行增幅。这就是为何风飞云打出42位涅槃第四重修士的力量,挡不住别人一件灵器的原因。” Therefore , Feng Feiyun must change Spirit Beast battle soul in body, making many Spirit Beast battle soul be in 3000 the rank. 所以说,风飞云必须要改换身体之中的灵兽战魂,让更多的灵兽战魂达到3000年级别。 If 100 Spirit Beast battle soul are in 3000 the rank, is the strengths of 100 Nirvana 4th-layer member. 若是有100头灵兽战魂达到3000年级别,就是100位涅槃第四重修士的力量。 If 200 Spirit Beast battle soul are in 3000 the rank, is the strengths of 200 Nirvana 4th-layer member. 若是200头灵兽战魂达到3000年级别,就是200位涅槃第四重修士的力量。 ...... …… If 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul are in 3000 the rank, is the strengths of 10,000 Nirvana 4th-layer member. 若是10000头灵兽战魂达到3000年级别,就是10000位涅槃第四重修士的力量。 Once achieves this boundary, is absolutely invincible in Nirvana 4th-layer, even can strike to kill Nirvana 5th-layer talent outstanding. 一旦达到这个境界,在涅槃第四重绝对无敌,甚至能够击杀涅槃第五重的天才俊杰。 Naturally this merely is only Ten Thousand War Beast Domain the strength, Feng Feiyun also has Phoenix Fire God Domain, Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain. 当然这仅仅只是“万兽战域”的力量,风飞云还有“凤凰火神域”,“金蚕佛域”。 ...... …… Everybody thought that Feng Feiyun can also cultivation other territory? 大家觉得风飞云还会不会修炼出别的域来? renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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