SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#941: Serious contradiction

This vegetarian meal eats is harmonious, the Sky Witch snake female, Luo Yu'er, Long Luofu, Feng Qingqing, Xue Shuang, Nalan Xuejian and Feng Feiyun, altogether seven people dine, likely is the whole family of harmony happiness. 这一顿斋饭吃得很是融洽,天巫蛇女、罗玉儿龙萝浮风卿卿雪泷纳兰雪笺风飞云,一共七人进餐,像是其乐融融的一家人。 Must level Nalan Xuejian is not a difficult matter, because punctures truly is not she. 要摆平纳兰雪笺并不是一件难事,因为真正刺头并不是她。 Is only a food gets down, made her more law-abiding on already, oneself on honest went back to cultivate «Gold Silkworm Scripture». 仅仅只是一顿饭下来,就已经让她安分了很多,自己就老老实实的回去修炼《金蚕经》。 After having had the vegetarian meal, Feng Feiyun then left the Long Luofu residence, with has Feng Qingqing and Xue Shuang that he leaves. 吃过了斋饭之后,风飞云便离开了龙萝浮的住所,跟着他离开的还有风卿卿雪泷 Elder Brother! You gave Elder Sister Naslin to say what words, making her manner one transform that many?” Feng Qingqing curious asking. “哥!你到底给纳兰姐姐说了什么话,让她的态度一下就转变了那么多?”风卿卿好奇的问道。 Feng Feiyun walks above the bamboo grove track, the corners of the mouth are having several points of happy expression, said: I told her in the Luofu belly simply not to be with the child. You guess that what expression she at that time was?” 风飞云走在竹林小道之上,嘴角带着几分笑意,道:“我告诉她萝浮肚子里根本没有怀孩子。你猜她当时是什么表情?” She definitely does not believe.” Feng Qingqing said. “她肯定不相信。”风卿卿道。 Feng Feiyun shook the head, said: Her self-satisfied said to me, she already guessed correctly.” 风飞云摇了摇头,道:“她得意的对我说,她早就猜到了。” Feng Qingqing and Xue Shuang however, felt that is very inconceivable. 风卿卿雪泷都愣然,感觉到很不可思议。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: In woman's front speech is also a knowledge, sometimes you speak the truth, they can not be happy \; Your string, they instead believe in firmly.” 风飞云笑道:“在女人的面前说话也是一门学问,有些时候你说实话,她们会不高兴\;你说谎话,她们反而深信不疑。” One line of three people enter Controlling Beast House once more, runs into some Buddhists, comes to seek for advice Spirit Beast Buddha of knowledge to cultivate. 一行三人再次走进驭兽斋,遇到一些佛门弟子,还有一些前来求教学问的灵兽佛修。 Elder Brother, do we want to see witch Fozun?” Feng Qingqing said. “哥,我们要不要去见见巫佛尊?”风卿卿道。 Feng Feiyun shook the head, said: Does not use! witch Fozun researches in thorough detail to say wholeheartedly, is infatuated with practice, we do not disturb her to cultivate clear.” 风飞云摇了摇头,道:“不用了!巫佛尊一心精研佛道,醉心修行,我们还是不要去打扰她清修了。” If she does not want to cultivate Buddha, moved the worldly desire?” Feng Qingqing said. “万一她并不想修佛,动了凡心呢?”风卿卿道。 Wu Qinghua is not such female, I knew about her very much.” Feng Feiyun saying decisively. 巫清婳不是那样的女子,我对她很了解。”风飞云断然的说道。 Three people left from Controlling Beast House, fly into the vault of heaven, the going north. 三人从驭兽斋离开,飞入苍穹,前去北方了。 Controlling Beast House walks, goes out of together the simple and beautiful person's shadow, stands above a pagoda, is looking at the departure person's shadow, „! Does not understand the woman obviously, actually thinks of the appearance that understands very much.” 驭兽斋走,走出一道清丽的人影,站在一座佛塔之上,望着离去的人影,“哼!明明一点都不了解女人,却装着很了解的样子。” The Wu Qinghua heart raises faint to lose, some regrets have hidden a moment ago in the hidden place, perhaps should be driving. 巫清婳的心头升起一股淡淡的失落,有些后悔刚才一直都躲在暗处,或许自己应该主动一些。 Amitabha! Once the heart of bustling place raises, such as the disasters are common, is the suppression, is fierce counter-attack. Mood can cultivation base such be destroyed in a moment?” Her deep has closed the eye, felt oneself were deeper and deeper. “阿弥陀佛!红尘之心一旦升起,就如洪水猛兽一般,越是压制,便越是凶猛的反扑。难道一身心境修为就要这么毁于一旦?”她深深的闭上了眼睛,感觉自己越陷越深了。 Feng Feiyun arrived at the heaven north, here world of ice and snow, the black fog Xi Tianjuan place, the cold wind is intermittent, the cold air is piercing, arrived at a piece of pandemonium likely. 风飞云来到了天国之北,这里冰天雪地,黑雾席天卷地,阴风阵阵,寒气刺骨,像是来到了一片鬼域。 The heaven now is a high-quality rare book, the geography structure is very unstable, especially the edge in mystical place, is chaos one piece, but also in the unceasing growth, is the bad risk place of extremely, if the member arrived here, momentarily during possibly crashes into is void. 天国现在还是一座高级秘籍,地理结构很不稳定,特别是在秘境的边缘,更是混沌一片,还在不断的成长,属于极其凶险之地,修士若是来到这里,随时都可能坠入虚空之中。 Feng Feiyun stands above an iceberg, is looking at the front boundless icefield, the vision sinks coldly, said: Little Qingqing, you go to give me please from the cold ice clever sea Yao Ji to come out.” 风飞云站在一座冰山之上,望着前方的茫茫冰原,目光沉冷,道:“小卿卿,你去将姚吉从寒冰鬼海之中给我请出来。” Elder Brother, can this be too more direct?” Feng Qingqing feels Feng Feiyun cold air, the say/way of probe. “哥,这样会不会太直接了些?”风卿卿感受到风飞云身上的寒气,试探的道。 Feng Feiyun shook the head, said: Without custom not Cheng Fangyuan, if each person's one like her is angry monopolizes the power in a place, supports oneself for the king, such which also having custom? If you do not get rid, makes Xue Shuang go.” 风飞云摇了摇头,道:“没有规矩不成方圆,若是每个人像她这样一生气就去独霸一方,自立为王,那样的话哪还有规矩可言?你若是不出手,就让雪泷去。” I go, I go.” “我去,我去。” Feng Qingqing wants to get rid actually very much, offers a sacrifice to ten handle white bones swords, the body condenses a white bones sword territory, gives the disintegration this world of ice and snow, sank to the clever sea. 风卿卿其实很想出手,祭出了十柄白骨剑,身上凝聚出一座白骨剑域,将这一片冰天雪地给崩碎,沉入了鬼海之中。 Feng Feiyun, you were too hateful, you asked your younger sister to seize me unexpectedly, when really my Yao Ji was good to bully?” 风飞云,你实在太可恶了,你居然叫你妹妹来擒我,真当我姚吉好欺负?” A piece of ghost clouds that flies from sea ice sea, the clever cloud condenses a ghost town, the summit of ghost town stands in an outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman, the sixteen year old girl, like a beautiful young girl. 一片鬼云从海冰海洋之中飞去,鬼云凝聚成一座鬼城,鬼城之巅站在一个绝色丽人,二八年华,像一个美丽少女。 Her body is condensing the light of dying out, offered a sacrifice to a clever bottle, toward hit void, must ten handle white bones swords gathering. 她的身上凝聚着寂灭之光,祭出了一只鬼瓶,向着虚空打去,要将十柄白骨剑给收取。 Feng Feiyun stands in the top of iceberg, smiling of slightly, said: „The person who let alone that coarse, known heard has also thought that our brother and sister two gathered to bully you.” 风飞云站在冰山之顶,微微的笑了笑,道:“别说得那么难听,被不知道的人听到了还以为我们兄妹两合起来欺负你。” After Yao Ji has practiced «Clever Sovereign Precious book», cultivates dying out ghost source, cultivation base has promoted a big truncation, already in four tribulation clever kings was the powerhouse. 姚吉修炼了《鬼皇宝典》之后,修炼出“寂灭鬼魂本源”,修为提升了一大截,在四劫鬼王之中都已经算是强者了。 Dying out source in ghost source, already is the strength of very higher source. “寂灭本源”在鬼魂本源之中,已经算是很高等的本源之力。 Feng Feiyun has wanted to build pure land the heaven, but Yao Ji actually blatantly establishes the pandemonium in the heaven, supports oneself for the king, establishes a separatist regime a side, this disobeys with the original intention of Feng Feiyun, is unfair to the trust that these trillion Spirit Beast Buddha cultivate/repair. 风飞云是一直想要将天国打造成一座净土,但是姚吉却公然在天国之中建立鬼域,自立为王,割据一方,这与风飞云的初衷相违逆,也对不起那些亿万灵兽佛修的信任。 Feng Feiyun these time enters the heaven, must give to carry over the heaven the women who these not have one's heart in right place. 风飞云这一次进入天国,就是要将这些心术不正的女人都给带出天国。 When Feng Qingqing and Yao Ji fight, Feng Feiyun dispatches Xue Shuang to invite Long Cangyue. 风卿卿姚吉交手之时,风飞云派遣雪泷去请龙沧月 Yao Ji cultivation base indeed has very big promotion, fights equally matched, Feng Feiyun with Feng Qingqing personally gets rid to give to take her finally. 姚吉修为的确有很大的提升,和风卿卿战得不相上下,最终还是风飞云亲自出手才将她给拿下。 Feng Feiyun, do you want to punish me really?” The Yao Ji double pupil, in the pupil the wave light is lovingly clear, miserable, one type completely understands world hypocrisy emotion implication in the eye. 风飞云,你真的要处罚我?”姚吉双眸含情,瞳孔之中波光粼粼,楚楚可怜,有一种看透世间虚情假意情感蕴含在眼中。 Do not make it believable injured little girl to result to me.” Feng Feiyun does not eat her set. “别给我装得像个受伤的小女孩似得。”风飞云并不吃她那一套。 The woman who I give instead of taking in any case on own initiative, most was not treated sees. However wants to kill the Long Luofu person to continue my, do I look at you to your fiancee also under cruel methods?” The Yao Ji jade surface peach cheek, the eyeful mist, received the greatest grievance likely. “反正我是主动倒贴上来的女人,最是不受待见。但是想要杀龙萝浮的人不止我一个,我看你能够对你的那一位未婚妻也下狠手?”姚吉玉面桃腮,满眼水雾,像是受了莫大的委屈。 Feng Feiyun gentle touches her head, the finger glide in the mild-mannered sending silk, said: Hasn't acknowledged the mistake? Long Luofu has been with a child, what wrong does she have?” 风飞云温柔的摸了摸她的头,手指滑动在柔顺的发丝间,道:“还不承认错误?龙萝浮只是怀了一个孩子而已,她有什么错?” What wrong do I have? I could not get used to seeing other woman to be with your child, oneself hide North Sea next life the sulks, was cold, was lonely, when you really I was a ghost cannot feel coldly? When you really I am a ghost do not have the heart?” “那我有什么错?我只是看不惯别的女人怀了你的孩子,就自己一个人躲到北海来生闷气,又冷,又寂寞,你真当我是一只鬼就感觉不到冷?你真当我是一只鬼就没有心?” Feng Feiyun standing remarkably there, said: You, if feels really coldly, goes out with me! I have a manor outside, although is not big, but also 1 million miles, sufficiently make you construct a pandemonium, how when the time comes you want to toss about, how to toss about.” 风飞云卓然的站在那里,道:“你若是真的感觉到冷,就跟我出去吧!我在外面有一座封地,虽然不大,但是也有1000000里,足以让你建一座鬼域,到时候你想怎么折腾,就怎么折腾。” Really?” Pair of eyes pupils of Yao Ji become incomparably bright, which also suffering from injustice appearance? “真的?”姚吉的一双眼眸变得无比明亮,哪还有一丝委屈的样子? Feng Feiyun nodded, greatly Si Bu earth the official stamp shook shaking in her front, is proposing the official stamp, shoulders after behind, departure swaggering. 风飞云点了点头,将“大司部土”的官印在她的面前晃了晃,然后一手提着官印,一手背负在身后,大摇大摆的离去。 Although Yao Ji some young girl common appearances and statures , the woman but who for a long time occupies the top digit after all, to the infatuated degree of right above the cultivation, obtained the commitment of Feng Feiyun, in the natural heart incomparably chuckles to oneself, turned toward Feng Feiyun to pursue hastily, pulling of timid young girl or child who inspires tenderness his arm. 姚吉虽然有些少女一般的容貌和身材,但是毕竟是久居高位的女人,对权利的痴迷程度更在修炼之上,得到了风飞云的承诺,自然心中无比窃喜,连忙向着风飞云追了上去,小鸟依人的挽住了他的手臂。 Also handles one! 又搞定一个! Also raised Feng Qingqing of white bones sword to leave behind on the contrary, forgot in North Sea, was staring at departure doubling Feng Feiyun and Yao Ji, she suddenly thought oneself somewhat seemed to be unnecessary. 反倒是还提着白骨剑的风卿卿落单了,被遗忘在了北海,盯着离去的成双成对的风飞云姚吉,她突然觉得自己似乎有些多余。 I was unnecessary, how can like this? 我多余了,怎么会这样呢? Feng Feiyun brought Yao Ji to return to sky overhead Buddha city, but Xue Shuang early already was bringing Long Cangyue , etc. in the Buddha city. 风飞云带着姚吉返回了“天心佛城”,而雪泷已经带着龙沧月等在了佛城之中。 Long Cangyue was Xue Shuang already has fought obviously, but by her cultivation base, naturally possibly was not the Xue Shuang match. 龙沧月显然是和雪泷已经战过了一场,但是以她的修为,自然不可能是雪泷的对手。 At this moment, Long Cangyue wears a black vigor clothes, motionless standing in Buddhist temple hall. 此刻,龙沧月就穿着一身黑色的劲衣,一动不动的站在佛殿之中。 Master, my already her imprisoning.” Xue Shuang kneels on the ground is doing obeisance to Feng Feiyun. “主人,我已经将她给禁锢住了。”雪泷跪在地上对着风飞云一拜。 Gets up! Later does not need to kneel down.” Feng Feiyun looked at one toward Long Cangyue, has taken then back the vision, said: Today was too tired, everybody gets down the rest!” “起来吧!以后不用下跪。”风飞云向着龙沧月看了一眼,然后便收回了目光,道:“今天太累了,大家都下去休息吧!” All people have drawn back, Feng Feiyun last leaves Buddhist temple hall, looked at her to stand the back motionlessly in Buddhist temple hall, then went out of Buddhist temple hall, the gate of Buddhist temple hall closing. 所有人都退了下去,风飞云最后一个离开佛殿,看了看她一动不动的站在佛殿之中的背影,然后才走出了佛殿,将佛殿的门给关上。 In Buddhist temple hall, Long Cangyue could not bear finally, said: Feng Feiyun, you are protecting Long Luofu from beginning to end, to help her mounts the imperial throne, you can persecute to death my mother. Now do you want to break an engagement, making her be your fiancee?” 佛殿之中,龙沧月终于忍不住了,道:“风飞云,从始至终你都护着龙萝浮,为了助她登上帝位,你可以逼死我娘。现在你是不是又想悔婚,让她做你的未婚妻?” Feng Feiyun stands outside Buddhist temple hall, has not made noise. 风飞云站在佛殿之外,没有出声。 In these females the thorniest contradiction, is Long Cangyue and issue between Long Luofu this pair of blood sisters, Feng Feiyun at present has not thought the good best measure. 这些女子之中最棘手的矛盾,就要数龙沧月龙萝浮这一对亲姐妹之间的问题,风飞云目前也没有想好最好的处理办法。 Finally Feng Feiyun or a few words had not said, perhaps then static departure, should make her first calm down a bit. 最终风飞云还是一句话没有说,然后静静的离开,或许应该让她先静一静。 Really lets the issue that the person has a headache about! 真是让人头疼的问题! In the heaven also has the daytime and dark night, when the night falls, Feng Feiyun arrived at Controlling Beast House again. 天国之中也有白昼和黑夜,当夜幕降临的时候,风飞云再一次来到了驭兽斋 He has not alarmed anybody, then arrives at Wu Qinghua sat in the pagoda, above the pagoda is shining the miraculous buddha lamp, the Buddha oil that inside burns is the best Lingchih medicine, has the enormous profit to the cultivation of member. 他没有惊动任何人,便来到了巫清婳坐在的佛塔之中,佛塔之上亮着灵光佛灯,里面燃烧的佛油乃是最上好的灵脂药,对修士的修炼有极大的益处。 Feng Feiyun has arrived at golden Buddha idol under directly, sits above a rush cushion, pondered was very long, said: „Did you say Buddha to be able really four elements are merely illusions?” 风飞云径直的走到了一尊金色的佛陀神像的下方,坐在一个蒲团之上,沉思了很久,才道:“你说佛真的能够四大皆空?” Buddha can really four elements are merely illusions......” “佛真的能够四大皆空……” Four elements are merely illusions......” “四大皆空……” In the pagoda replies unceasingly! 佛塔之中回音不绝! Wu Qinghua stands in the place above of pagoda, wears the white Buddha clothes, hangs to tie around the middle with the hairlace to the long hair of ground, looked at one toward dozens zhang (3.33 m) , the Feng Feiyun form only had a copper coin to be so big. 巫清婳站在佛塔的上方,穿着白色的佛衣,垂到地上的长发用发带给拦腰系上,向着数十丈下方看了一眼,风飞云的身影只有一个铜币那么大。 The say/way of her gentle voice: Estimate cannot!” 她柔声的道:“估计也不能吧!” You said that we should enjoy the bustling place in reality, pursue illusory immortal or did say?” Feng Feiyun also said. “那你说我们是应该享受现实之中的红尘,还是追求虚无缥缈的仙道或者说佛道?”风飞云又道。 The Wu Qinghua black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkled the wrinkle gently, this issue is she recently has also been inquiring that own issue, must enjoy the bustling place, is the pursue illusory say/way? 巫清婳黛眉轻轻的皱了皱,这个问题也是她最近一段时间一直在询问自己的问题,到底是要享受红尘,还是追求虚无缥缈的道? It seems like you are unable to make decision, that makes me tell you!” Feng Feiyun does not know when already has mounted the pagoda, along the resplendent in gold and jade green corridor, walked toward her, the body has an overwhelming imposing manner, grasps to the tiger her tender body directly, said: You are doomed unable to achieve Buddhahood, your state of mind in unceasing backing up, you will crash into the bustling place.” “看来你是无法做出决定,那就让我来告诉你吧!”风飞云不知何时已经登上了佛塔,沿着金碧辉煌的长廊,向着她走了过来,身上有着一种压倒性的气势,直接将她的娇躯给虎抱住,道:“你注定成不了佛,你的心境在不断的倒退,你会坠入红尘之中。” No...... Not......” Wu Qinghua merely is nipping the glittering and translucent carving red lip, gently thrashes the chest of Feng Feiyun. “不……不会……”巫清婳仅仅的咬着晶莹剔透的红唇,轻轻的捶打风飞云的胸膛。 When Feng Feiyun kisses on her lip, the strength that she then continually thrashes did not have, tender body thorough soft to the bosom of Feng Feiyun, pair of slender white delicate arms have held in the arms the neck of Feng Feiyun. 但是当风飞云吻在她嘴唇上的时候,她便连捶打的力气都没有了,娇躯彻底的软到在了风飞云的怀中,一双纤细的玉臂搂住了风飞云的脖子。 ...... …… Tomorrow and day after tomorrow will have important matter, can only the daily three chapters, sorry! 明天和后天都有很重要的事,只能每天三章,抱歉!
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