SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#940: The matter of woman

Bamboo grove deep place, immortal cloud few. 竹林深处,仙云寥寥。 Wood used to make an ancestral tablet of luxuriant growth of leaves and branches rises straight from the ground, the cover immortal spirits, can enter to say likely toweringly, had together the Daoguang rain. 一株枝繁叶茂的神木拔地而起,茂密仙灵,像是能够参天入云,降下一道道光雨。 This is Sky Witch God Tree. 这就是天巫神树 Sky Witch Goddess sits under the tree, white clothing Xi body, the luster of the skin is dense, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is clear, the body has one to say the immortal rhyme that the quiet nature, coincides with Heavenly Dao. 天巫神女就坐在树下,白衣席身,玉体氤氲,黛眉清晰,身上有着一股说之不出的仙韵,静谧自然,与天道相合。 Feng Feiyun via here, had stopped the footsteps, for a very long time is gazing at her, in the heart has a feeling of being bored. 风飞云途经这里过,停下了脚步,久久的注视着她,心中有着一种腻味的感觉。 Is worth makes him taste fine deeds with this Sky Witch Goddess acquaintance absolutely, ices the hole to meet the beautiful woman, then is such as the dream such as an imaginary night of spring dream, if any man has this kind of experience, will take often to think. 与这一位天巫神女相识绝对是一段值得让他回味一身的美事,冰窟遇佳人,然后便是如梦如幻的一夜春梦,任何男人若是有这样一段经历,都会时常拿出来想一想。 If can obtain female a like Sky Witch Goddess to accompany about, that absolutely is life biggest being all right, it is estimated that is the rulers can give up the throne. 若是能够得到一位像天巫神女这样的女子相伴左右,那绝对是人生最大的没事,估计就算是帝皇都可以为之而放弃皇位。 Her double pupil opens, clouds and mist diverge, reveal the sober refined immortal face, stared at Feng Feiyun one, is very tranquil, was clear responsibility has launched the leaf likely. 她双眸睁开,身上的烟霞散去,露出清醒脱俗的仙颜,盯了风飞云一眼,十分平静,像是清荷展开了叶子。 Your cultivation base promoted.” Feng Feiyun does not know that should say anything to her, after all he and Sky Witch Goddess friendship is not deep, too did not know about her. “你的修为又提升了。”风飞云也不知道该对她说些什么,毕竟他和天巫神女的交情并不深,对她也并不是太了解。 She takes back within the body Sky Witch God Tree, standing up however, the physique leisurely, the long hair is leisurely floating, faintly said: Does not have your boundary promotion to be quick. You come to see the Luofu girl?” 她将天巫神树收回体内,施施然的站起身来,身姿款款,长发飘飘,淡淡的道:“却没有你的境界提升快。你是来看萝浮姑娘的吧?” Feng Feiyun naturally also knows that in a front of woman discussed another woman, absolutely is the unwise matter, said: Your cultivation base already has reached broken 3rd-layer peak, here has a Nirvana pill, you when preparing fourth Nirvana, under can take.” 风飞云自然也知道在一个女人的面前谈另一个女人,绝对是不明智的事,道:“你的修为已经达到了涅破第三重的巅峰,我这里有一枚涅槃丹,你在准备第四次涅槃之时,可以服下。” Both eyes of Sky Witch Goddess are in sharp contrast, likely is the eyes of newborn baby, without any impurity, deep looked at Feng Feiyun one, has not rejected his good intention, Nirvana pill accepting. 天巫神女的双目黑白分明,像是初生的婴儿的眼睛,没有任何杂质,深深的看了风飞云一眼,并没有拒绝他的好意,将涅槃丹给收下。 This...... Right, what you cultivation is the technique of tree witch, here obtained a Saint root, perhaps only then you can help me awaken the vitality it, grows for the Saint tree once more.” “这个……对了,你修炼的乃是树巫之术,我这里得到了一根圣根,或许只有你能够帮我将它唤醒生机,再次生长为圣树。” The Saint wooden root that after Feng Feiyun withers, leaves behind the Sacred Fruit tree to give to take out, has given her. 风飞云圣实果树枯萎之后留下的圣木根给取出,递给了她。 The Saint root that after this is a Saint tree dies, leaves behind, inside is breeding vitality/angry of Saint tree, if gives is skilled in wooden spirit say/way member breeding, in the future can perhaps grow a Saint to set up. 这是一颗圣树死后留下的圣根,里面孕育着圣树的一道生气,若是交给精通“木灵道”的修士孕育,将来说不定能够长出一颗圣树来。 If in the heaven can be born a Saint tree, then the value was too big, lets the cultivation environment promotion several fold of heaven sufficiently. 若是天国之中能够诞生出一株圣树,那么价值就太大了,足以让天国的修炼环境提升数倍。 The interest of Sky Witch Goddess to Saint wooden root, obviously ratio interest to the Feng Feiyun is much bigger. 天巫神女对圣木根的兴趣,显然比对风飞云的兴趣要大得多。 Her jade refers to slenderly, holds the Saint wooden root in the hand, above the finger overflows a faint trace radiance, melts with the Saint wooden root, in the Saint wooden root erupts rushing vitality at once, making the bush in entire bamboo grove start fast to grow insanely, in these soil slits gave birth to azure spirit grass, sent out brilliant radiance. 她玉指纤纤,将圣木根捧在手中,手指之上溢出一丝丝光华,与圣木根相融,圣木根之中旋即爆发出滂湃至极的生机,让整个竹林之中的灌木都开始快速疯长了起来,那些泥土缝隙之中生出一株株青色的灵草,发出烂漫的光华。 She loosened the hand slowly, that Saint wooden root already has sent out an extremely tiny spore, radiant bright, there are innumerable chaste spiritual energies to flow out from the spore. 她缓缓松开了手,那一根圣木根已经发出了一个极其细小的芽孢,璀璨明亮,有无数的纯洁灵气从芽孢之中流出。 Feng Feiyun also being astonished very however, a Saint tree little said that must breed for dozens years possibly to germinate, but within the short time, actually already has sent at this moment out a spore. 风飞云也十分的讶然,一株圣树少说也要孕育数十年才可能发芽,但是此刻在短短的时间之内,却已经发出了一个芽孢。 This was too inconceivable. 这实在太不可思议了。 The Sky Witch Goddess tranquil immortal face has revealed a happy expression finally, said: „The air/Qi of good rich wooden spirit, absolutely is the root of Saint wood, in the future will could the growth is a Saint tree. Moreover does the root of this Saint wood to my practicing on the enormous profit, Feng Feiyun, you give me accumulated to recuperate?” 天巫神女一直平静的仙颜终于露出一丝喜色,道:“好浓郁的木灵之气,绝对是圣木之根,将来或许能够生长为一株圣树。而且这圣木之根对我的修行就极大的益处,风飞云,你交给我蕴养好吗?” Feng Feiyun looks that her simple and beautiful appearance shows the smiling face, in the heart, not only somewhat is out of sorts. 风飞云看着她清丽的容颜露出笑容,心中不仅有些失神。 What are you looking at?” “你在看什么?” You smile really beautifully.” Said, he almost went to give to hug her a moment ago in the bosom. “你笑起来真美。”道,刚才他差点就去将她给搂在怀里。 Sky Witch Goddess hears this saying, immediately thinks of the matter that in Ice Palace had, at once then does not smile. 天巫神女听到这话,顿时想到了冰宫之中发生的事,旋即便不笑了。 The atmosphere appeared awkward. 气氛显得尴尬了起来。 Master, Master, Nalan Xuejian she......” “师父,师父,纳兰雪笺她又……” Luo Yu'er just ran over, saw that Feng Feiyun and Sky Witch Goddess stand there, looked that atmosphere some do not suit, at once stopped the footsteps, the say/way of making excuses: I...... I passed by......” 罗玉儿刚刚跑过来,就看到风飞云天巫神女站在那里,看气氛有些不对劲,旋即停下了脚步,支支吾吾的道:“我……我路过……” She turns around to run on the round trip! 她转身就往回跑! Luo Yu'er!” Feng Feiyun called out. 罗玉儿!”风飞云叫道。 Luo Yu'er stops the footsteps at once, is pulling the hair, gently is biting the glittering and translucent carving lip, does not dare with Feng Feiyun looking straight ahead. 罗玉儿旋即停下脚步,不停的扯着头发,轻轻的咬着晶莹剔透的嘴唇,不敢和风飞云直视。 Feng Feiyun has arrived at her, the arm has clapped on her fragrant shoulder, then arrives at her upfront, stretches out a finger, blowing gently on her fine jade nose, said with a smile: Naslin she how?” 风飞云走到了她的身后,手臂拍了拍她的香肩,然后走到她的正面,伸出一根手指,在她的琼鼻上轻轻的刮了刮,笑道:“纳兰她又怎么了?” Luo Yu'er is afraid to Feng Feiyun very much, has the shadow to Feng Feiyun since childhood, simultaneously to he somewhat strange feelings, the vision stares at the eye of Feng Feiyun, said: Naslin she hit, said that must make Elder Sister Luofu know her fierce, Naslin she...... She may now ominous......” 罗玉儿风飞云很害怕,从小就对风飞云有阴影,同时又对他有些奇怪的情愫,目光盯风飞云的眼睛,道:“纳兰她又打过来了,说是要让萝浮姐姐知道她的厉害,纳兰她……她现在可凶了……” „Did she hit you?” Feng Feiyun said. “她打你了?”风飞云道。 This does not have but actually, but...... She compels me to help her intoxicate, otherwise she shaves clean my hair.” Luo Yu'er was saying timidly, eye blinks, must shed tears to be colored likely. “这倒没,不过……她逼我帮她下毒,不然她就剃光我的头发。”罗玉儿怯生生的说着,眼睛眨巴眨巴,像是都要流出眼泪花花来了。 Intoxicates, who is poisonous?” The Feng Feiyun vision sinks. “下毒,毒谁?”风飞云的目光一沉。 Elder Sister Luofu.” Luo Yu'er also said, that time actually by wine and meat Grandmaster blocking, what she should say is the angry words, do not hit her.” 萝浮姐姐。”罗玉儿又道,“不过那一次却被酒肉大师给拦了下来,她应该说的是气话,你可不要打她。” She must shave your hair, do you also help her speak?” Feng Feiyun smiled. “她都要剃你头发了,你还帮她说话?”风飞云笑了笑。 Luo Yu'er said: Shaves the matter of hair, yes...... Yes...... witch Fozun gives the advice that she offers.” 罗玉儿道:“剃头发的事,是……是……巫佛尊给她出的主意。” Who does that intoxicate is to the advice that she offers?” Feng Feiyun said. “那下毒是谁给她出的主意?”风飞云道。 Luo Yu'er makes excuses, is hanging elegant face, said: I...... I do not know......” 罗玉儿支支吾吾,垂着俏脸,道:“我……我不知道……” You, if did not say, I shave clean your hair now, making you turn into a young nun.” Feng Feiyun said. “你若是不说,我现在就剃光你头发,让你变成一个小尼姑。”风飞云道。 Luo Yu'er said hastily: Is the advice that Elder Sister Luofu younger sister gives her to offer.” 罗玉儿连忙道:“是萝浮姐姐的妹妹给她出的主意。” Long Cangyue!” Feng Feiyun thought aloud that read one. 龙沧月!”风飞云自言自语的念了一句。 Yes! Long Cangyue and Feng Feiyun had already become engaged, is the Feng Feiyun fiancee, moreover before also and Long Luofu competed the Emperor Jin position, two humanities were the sworn enemies. 是了!龙沧月风飞云早就订过婚,算是风飞云的未婚妻,而且以前也和龙萝浮竞争晋帝位,两人本就是死对头。 If original Long Cangyue marries Feng Feiyun, definitely is the wife, but has not thought that the halfway kills Long Luofu, unexpectedly first has been with the Feng Feiyun child. 本来龙沧月若是嫁给风飞云,肯定是正妻,但是没有想到半路杀出一个龙萝浮,居然第一个怀了风飞云的孩子。 Long Cangyue since childhood grew up in Ji Family, does not live like Long Luofu in Emperor Imperial City Palace, the collection myriad loves in one. 龙沧月本来就从小在纪家长大,不像龙萝浮那样生活在皇城帝宫,集万千宠爱于一身。 Long Luofu has robbed her princess's position, has robbed her imperial throne, now snatches her man. 龙萝浮抢走了她的公主的位置,又抢走了她的帝位,现在又来抢她的男人。 By her disposition, let alone intoxicates to Long Luofu, the heart that even if cut to pieces Long Luofu has. 以她的性格,别说是给龙萝浮下毒,就算是将龙萝浮千刀万剐的心都有。 This matter indeed very difficult office, making Feng Feiyun also feel some headaches, wants to untie their knots, easier said than done? 这件事的确很难办,让风飞云也感觉有些头疼,想要解开她们两人的结,谈何容易? Obviously is the blood sisters, now becomes mutually is actually hostile. 明明是亲姐妹,现在却变得相互敌视。 Feng Feiyun thought oneself were too indecisive in the sentiment, why perhaps this is also Shui Yueting can kill his reason in the previous generation. 风飞云觉得自己在感情上太优柔寡断了,或许这也是为何水月婷在前世能够杀他的原因。 Even if first under heaven powerhouse also has the weakness, once were known the weakness, is dies. 就算是天下第一强者也是有弱点的,一旦被人知道了弱点,就是死的时候。 Urgent matter, first managing said Naslin this thorn again. 当务之急,还是先将纳兰这个刺头给办了再说。 Feng Feiyun takes out one to defend talisman and a thunder and lightning symbol, has given Luo Yu'er, has clapped on her frail and fragrant shoulder, said: From now on Naslin dares to bully you again, you use the thunder and lightning symbol ha-ha she. Goes to make delicious vegetarian dishes to me, today we eat meal together, the Naslin that side gave me.” 风飞云取出一枚防御符箓和一枚雷电符,交给了罗玉儿,拍了拍她单薄而香肩,道:“今后纳兰再敢欺负你,你就用雷电符吓吓她。去给我做一顿好吃的斋菜,今天我们一起吃饭,纳兰那边交给我了。” Luo Yu'er is also a slim and graceful beautiful woman, is pinching Feng Feiyun to her two talisman, heart plop plop jumping, walks away until Feng Feiyun already, she as before also there. Also does not know that she in thinking to divide Naslin with talisman that in the hand comes, is thinking why Feng Feiyun can give her talisman? 罗玉儿也是一个亭亭玉立的美人儿,捏着风飞云给她的两枚符箓,芳心“扑通扑通”的跳,直到风飞云已经走远,她依旧还愣在那里。也不知她是在想着用手中得来的符箓劈纳兰一下,还是在想着风飞云为何要给她符箓 When Feng Feiyun arrives under the Long Luofu garret, she is standing in the bamboo grove outside garret, grasps a handle spirit sword, cuts off a deep green thin bamboo, takes down straightest, is manufacturing a bamboo flute or the flute. 风飞云走到龙萝浮的阁楼下的时候,她正站在阁楼外的竹林之中,手持一柄灵剑,斩断一根碧绿的细竹,取下其中最直的一段,在制作一根笛子或是箫。 Feng Feiyun was quite curious, walked. 风飞云颇为好奇,走了过去。 She puts on golden magnificence robe, physique remarkably, long hair stream filament, although already has been pregnant for more than two years, but the lower abdomen is very as before smooth, not like a woman of bosom jade, the princess who looks like an aristocrat. 她穿着金色华袍,身姿卓然,长发流丝,虽然已经怀孕了两年多,但是小腹依旧很平坦,并不像一个怀玉的女人,更像一个贵族的千金小姐。 Makes the flute?” Feng Feiyun from the bamboo grove mist, walked slowly. “做箫?”风飞云从竹林云烟之中,缓缓走了过去。 She grasps the knife, as in making own thing, has not paid attention to Feng Feiyun, slender finger fast carves above the green bamboo, gives to triumph over continuously bamboo dregs, suddenly the eye pupil becomes very sharp, two fingers are pinching the knife, projects toward the backdrop above. 她手持小刀,依旧在做自己的东西,没有理会风飞云,纤细的手指飞快的在翠竹之上刻动,将一缕缕竹渣给挑落,突然眼眸变得十分锋利,两指捏着小刀,向着天幕之上射出。 Bang!” “嘭!” The knife was given to destroy by Buddha seal together, changed into the material power. 小刀被一道佛印给打碎,化为了金属粉末。 Long Luofu, what you cherish is what embryo? Cherished for two years both not to live, I thought that you intentionally deceived people, Feng Feiyun that tender azure has not seen the woman of pregnancy, was deceived by you, but you actually could not deceive me, looked that I do not come to give to see through an affair you today.” 龙萝浮,你怀的是什么胎?怀了两年都没有生下来,我看你就是故意骗人的,风飞云那嫩头青没见过怀孕的女人,被你骗过去,但是你却骗不了我,看我今天不来将你给拆穿。” The Nalan Xuejian foot steps on the blue lotus, the top of the head Buddha link, the physique is slender, body flowing white Fokuang, drops from the clouds, aimed at Long Luofu to select the past. 纳兰雪笺脚踩青莲,头顶佛环,身姿纤细,身上流动白色的佛光,从天而降,一指向着龙萝浮点了过去。 Long Luofu standing proudly there, ties the chest to support old tall, in the double pupil is having the color/look of mock, static standing there, has the empress elegant demeanor as before, peaceful landslide in before, but the color/look is invariable, to a Nalan Xuejian direction on her body. 龙萝浮就傲然的站在那里,束胸挺得老高,双眸之中带着讥诮之色,静静的站在那里,依旧有女帝风采,泰山崩于前而色不变,任凭纳兰雪笺一指点在她的身上。 Nalan Xuejian this finger/refers has not selected finally on her, stopped before her body three cuns (2.5 cm) place, volume, this young lady also important matter needs to process today, put your horse, tomorrow will teach you again.” 纳兰雪笺这一指最终没有点在她身上,停在了她身前的三寸处,“额,今天本小姐还有一件要事需要处理,就放你一马,明天再来教训你。” Said that this saying, she turns around hastily, swallows the tongue, the body to flying, wants to flee. 说完这话,她连忙转身,吞了吞舌头,身体冲飞而起,想要遁走。 Feng Feiyun shoulders both hands, valiant, feature is of outstanding ability, in both eyes flood the faint red light, is departing two scarlet-red radiance, cuts to the backdrop, has compelled from the place above Naslin. 风飞云背负双手,英姿飒爽,眉目俊逸,双目之中泛着淡淡的红光,飞出两道赤红的光华,斩向天幕,将纳兰从上方逼了回来。 Xuejian, since came, remains to eat meal! My already called Yu'er to make vegetarian meal.” Feng Feiyun received the monster light in pupil, faint has smiled. 雪笺,既然来了,就留下来吃个饭吧!我已经玉儿去做斋饭了。”风飞云收起了瞳中的妖光,淡淡的一笑。 The hair of Nalan Xuejian was scorched one wisp by red radiance, has rubbed the tooth angrily, said: Eats eats!” 纳兰雪笺的头发被红色的光华烧焦了一缕,气鼓鼓的,磨了磨牙齿,道:“吃就吃!” Long Luofu took out a handle knife , to continue to carve the flute in hand, the facial expression is extremely comfortable. 龙萝浮又取出了一柄小刀,继续刻手中的箫,神情极度闲适。
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