SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#939: Escapes from Holy Ghost Tomb

Seizes that turtle, cannot make it run away.” “逮住那只乌龟,不能让它逃走。” Captures alive that turtle!” “将那只乌龟活捉!” ...... …… Various clan powerhouses pursued, makes void prohibition rules, but that turtle actually often can run away from the slit. 各族强者都追了上去,打出一道道虚空禁令,但是那一只乌龟却每每能够从缝隙之中逃走。 Makes way, makes way, kills person not to manage.” Mao black ** wears Jinghong the clever ship, the foot steps on the fruit, clamored loudly. “让开,让开,撞死人不管。”茅乌**戴晶红鬼船,脚踩果子,大声叫嚣。 All member are surrounding and capturing it, but actually cannot pursue the Sacred Fruit speed. 所有修士都在围捕它,但是却都追赶不上圣实果的速度。 And some overlords surmount void, wants to intercept it, when goes out from void, its already flew to another head. 其中有一些霸主跨越虚空,想要拦截它,但是当从虚空之中走出之时,它已经飞向了另一头。 Could not overtake, under the body of that turtle is Sacred Fruit, the speed is too quick, nobody can with give to overtake it, was really a pity!” The old woman looks at direction that Mao Wugui is running away, has sighed deeply. “追不上了,那一只乌龟的身下是一枚圣实果,速度太快,没有人能够和将它给追上,真是可惜了!”老妪望着茅乌龟逃窜的方向,长叹了一声。 Feng Feiyun laughs in one's heart in the heart, this turtle really has also gone against heaven's will, said: Senior, this time was to get rid to snatch the best opportunity of person.” 风飞云在心头暗笑,这只乌龟还真是逆天了,道:“前辈,这个时候是出手抢人的最佳时机。” Although many powerhouses pursue Mao Wugui, but many human powerhouses remained as before, protects that several to obtain the inheritance human heavenly talent, Feng Qingqing also stands. 虽然有很多强者都去追茅乌龟,但是却依旧有不少人类强者留了下来,守护着那几位获得传承的人类天骄,风卿卿也站在其中。 The brow of old woman raises, says with a smile: „Aren't you people of emperor family/home? So long as puts out the Saint command of emperor family/home, who dares not to give your face?” 老妪的眉头一掀,笑道:“你不是帝家的人吗?只要拿出帝家的圣令,谁敢不给你的面子?” Old woman's status to the Feng Feiyun suspected as before. 老妪对风飞云的身份依旧十分怀疑。 Big reason, does not facilitate to inform in people.” Feng Feiyun does intentionally the say/way that is as deep as a well: Senior , if not dare to get rid, I invited others then am.” “这其中有一个大原因,不方便告知于人。”风飞云故作高深莫测的道:“前辈若是不敢出手就算了,我去请别人便是。” Waits. Who said that I don't dare? The old women I get rid now, whom do I to have a look at to be able to block me? Quack!” “等一等。谁说我不敢?老婆子我现在就出手,我到要看看有谁能够拦得住我?嘎嘎!” The old woman stands above the float islands, looks at the human powerhouse several tens of thousands miles away, the arm is extending toward void, void looks like appears a Dao Sect household, changes into a piece of water curtain, the old arm passes through the water curtain, during sank was void. 老妪站在悬浮岛屿之上,望着数万里之外的人类强者,手臂向着虚空之中一伸,虚空就像是浮现出一道门户,化为一片水幕,苍老的手臂穿过水幕,沉入了虚空之中。 Holy Ghost Tomb wanted the avalanche, we also quickly left here, returned to the barracks.” 圣灵墓葬就要崩塌了,我们也赶快离开这里,返回兵营。” Human Race several old men nodded, even if wants to receive the disciple, must wait till the safe place to say again. 人族的几位老者都是点了点头,就算是想要收弟子,也要等到了安全的地方再说。 Feng Qingqing turns toward in all around void to look, dodging that the eye pupil keeps throws, is seeking for the Feng Feiyun form. 风卿卿则向着四周的虚空之中看,眼眸子不停的闪扑,在寻找风飞云的身影。 At this moment, her presented an old hand, gave to draw during her directly was void. 就在这时,她的身后出现了一只苍老的手,直接将她给拖进了虚空之中。 What person?” “什么人?” Grasps old man first getting rid of White Jade stick, the jade stick in hand strikes toward void, void destroys like the mirror general, splits instantaneously. 一位手持白玉杖的老者第一个出手,手中的玉杖向着虚空之中一击,虚空就像镜子都打碎一般,瞬间裂开。 Another several old men also get rid, cuts toward void above, must cut the arm of old woman. 另外几位老者也都同时出手,向着虚空之上斩去,要斩掉老妪的手臂。 Was discovered that runs away quickly!” “被发现了,快逃!” The old woman Feng Qingqing hauling back the float islands, then opens together the gate of wormhole at once, several people simultaneously escaped, the shuttle wormhole runs away, in an instant then escaped from the rock red high-quality mystical place. 老妪将风卿卿给拖回了悬浮岛屿,旋即便打开一道虫洞之门,数人同时遁了进去,穿梭虫洞逃走,刹那之间便逃出了岩红高级秘境。 When the gate of wormhole opens once more, four people of already escaped into the wooden god to put up in the barracks in war zone. 当虫洞之门再次打开的时候,四人已经遁入了木神架战区的兵营之中。 Bang!” “轰!” Immediately gates of the several wormholes were opened, that human powerhouse pursued in the barracks. 随即又有几道虫洞之门被打开,那一位人类强者追进了兵营之中。 Saw a moment ago an old woman does lead a young woman to enter the barracks?” That human old man's member guard barracks incurring. “刚才看到一个老妪带着一个年轻女子进入兵营没有?”那一位人类老者将一个看守兵营的修士给招了过来。 Member already of this guard barracks was given to daunt by this old man imposing manner , not standing body, rattles on Nono's say/way: Reply...... Reply the senior, does not have......” 这个看守兵营的修士都已经被这个老者身上的气势给吓住,站不直身体,喋喋诺诺的道:“回禀……回禀前辈,没……” Snort! Hateful! Unexpectedly from the hand of old man person seizing.” That human the say/way of old man cold sound. “哼!可恶!竟然从老夫的手中将人给夺走。”那一位人类的老者冷声的道。 In barracks, regardless of your cultivation base is high, cannot use Divine Sense. 在兵营之中,无论你修为多高,都不能使用神识 Does not use Divine Sense, wants to give to discover two people from trillion human member, difficult such as to ascend to heaven simply. 不使用神识,想要从亿万人类修士之中将两个人给找出,简直难如登天。 The human old men launch calculation, but the calculation ability of that old woman is stronger, has cut off the secret, pushes unable to figure out anything. 有一位人类老者展开推算,但是那个老妪的推算本领更强,斩断了天机,推算不出任何东西来。 Seals off this barracks, cannot make anybody come and go out, even if looking, must give to look her.” “封锁这一座兵营,不能让任何人出入,就算是一个个的找,也要将她给找出来。” The Feng Qingqing whereabouts concern the inheritance of white bones Son of Heaven, making these Human Race powerhouses very attach great importance , the potential must discover her. 风卿卿的下落关乎白骨天王的传承,让这几位人族的强者都十分重视,势要将她找出。 You do not have the right such to do, here is ten thousand clan battlefields, only if fights the emperor's family, otherwise nobody possibly seals off barracks.” “你没有权利这么做,这里乃是万族战场,除非是战皇亲至,不然没有人可能封锁一座兵营。” In the barracks, goes out of one to fight the king. 兵营之中,走出一位战王。 That human old man the military exploit token will put out together, said: Old man then fights the sovereign, must seal off this barracks.” 那一位人类老者将一块军功令牌拿出,道:“老夫便是战皇,要封锁这一座兵营。” A moment ago the war king who came out to block these old men, kneel on one knee on the ground, the heart frightened immediately, said: Pays a visit to fight the sovereign Sir.” 刚才出来拦住这几个老者的战王,顿时单膝跪在地上,心头震慑,道:“拜见战皇大人。” Had an accident, alarmed one to fight the sovereign unexpectedly? 到底出了什么事,竟然惊动了一位战皇? In the barracks many member were shocked, fight king Henshao to see, fights the sovereign is mythical characters general existence, today actually came one. 兵营之中很多修士都被震惊,战王很少见到,战皇更是神话人物一般的存在,今天却来了一位。 Feng Feiyun returned in barracks quietly, said: They seal off the barracks, the imprisonment is void, must question.” 风飞云悄悄的退回了一座兵营之中,道:“他们封锁兵营,禁锢虚空,要一个一个的盘查。” Elder Brother! What to do that present should?” Feng Qingqing blinks to focus on the pupil, the body has Evil Qi to dissipate. “哥!那现在该怎么办?”风卿卿眨巴着眼眸子,身上自有一股邪气逸散出来。 Since they are capable of imprisoning void, can use the Divine Sense investigation in the barracks surely, we will quickly be looked.” The corners of the mouth of old woman are having several points of strange happy expression. “既然他们有能力禁锢虚空,也必定能够在兵营之中使用神识探查,我们很快就会被找出来。”老妪的嘴角带着几分古怪的笑意。 The vision of all people stared at the body of Feng Feiyun. 所有人的目光都盯到了风飞云的身上。 The old woman leads them to the barracks , is compelling Feng Feiyun to obey. 老妪将他们带到兵营之中,就是在逼风飞云就范。 She does not believe that Feng Feiyun is the person of emperor family/home, but is not good to force Feng Feiyun, therefore only then uses this to manage the law, explores his real details with others' hand. 她不相信风飞云是帝家的人,但是却又不好逼迫风飞云,于是只有使用这一招办法,借别人的手来试探他的真实底细。 How Feng Feiyun can not know that her is hitting any wicked scheme at heart, feigned has been pondering the moment, said: My actually means that but must ask the senior to wait a bit the moment to outside first, I have a quite important matter, must talk to my younger sister alone.” 风飞云岂会不知道她的心里在打什么鬼主意,佯装着沉思了片刻,道:“我倒是有一个办法,不过还得请前辈先到外面去稍等片刻,我有一件相当重要的事,必须单独跟我妹妹谈。” The brow of old woman concentrates, instinct thinks Feng Feiyun the acting slippery head, but she actually did not worry that Feng Feiyun will run away, after all now the space of entire barracks is imprisoned, uses Formation or wormhole Spirit Stone, is impossible to flee. 老妪的眉头一凝,本能的觉得风飞云又在耍滑头,但是她却并不担心风飞云会逃走,毕竟现在整个兵营的空间都被禁锢住,无论是使用阵法还是虫洞灵石,都不可能遁走。 Good! The old body outside waiting moment, too long Oh!” “好吧!老身就在外面等待片刻,可不要太久!” Will not be long.” “不会太久。” The old woman walked, Feng Feiyun gives to open the heaven channel immediately, Feng Qingqing and Xue Shuang feeding in heaven. 老妪走了出去,风飞云立即将天国通道给打开,将风卿卿雪泷给送进了天国之中。 Then, he displays image of Buddha thousand change the magical powers, suppressed Monster Qi completely, changed own appearance, the corners of the mouth show a faint smile. 然后,他又施展“佛像千变”的神通,将身上的妖气完全压制了下去,又改变了自己的容貌,嘴角微微一笑。 The old woman waited for outside for a long time, has not heard inside sound, an old eye opens suddenly, said: Was bad! Good little smart-aleck!” 老妪在外面等待了许久,也没有听见里面的声响,一双苍老的眼睛豁然睁开,道:“糟了!好一个小滑头!” Bang!” “嘭!” The old woman general's family gives to shove open, which in the tent also has the person's shadow? 老妪将门给推开,营帐里面哪还有人影? At this time outside has broadcast a sound: That old woman on this tent in!” 这个时候外面传来了一个声音:“那个老妪就这这一座营帐之中!” „,......” “唰,唰……” Several formidable aura fly, gives surrounding this tent, grasps old man cold snort/hum one of the White Jade stick, aura vibration highest heaven, „is really she, gets rid to suppress her together.” 数道强大的气息飞来,将这一座营帐给包围,其中一个手持白玉杖的老者冷哼一声,身上的气息震动九霄,“果然是她,一起出手将她镇压。” The old woman face in tent was black, knows oneself these time were given the pit by Feng Feiyun. 营帐之中的老妪脸都黑了,知道自己这一次是被风飞云给坑了。 Feng Feiyun this moment already went out of the barracks, turns head war clouds that looks in the barracks to raise, corner of the eye slightly narrows the eyes, reveals to smile. 风飞云此刻已经走出了兵营,回头望着兵营之中升起的战云,眼角微微的一眯,露出会心一笑。 Feng Feiyun sharply is not returning to sixth Yang Dynasty, but sought for an intermediate mystical place to hide, decided that and other crest of wave passed left ten thousand clan battlefields again. 风飞云并不急着返回第六中央王朝,而是寻找了一座中级秘境藏身,决定等风头过了再离开万族战场。 This intermediate mystical place is also the wooden god puts up the small battlefield of war zone, is a hundreds of thousands of miles long void mainland, only then extremely few Monster Clan hide in this mystical place, the degree of hazard is not high. 这一座中级秘境也是木神架战区的一座小型战场,是一座数十万里长的虚空大陆,只有极少的妖族隐藏在这一座秘境之中,危险程度并不高。 Feng Feiyun opens hiding place in the place bottom of this intermediate mystical place, continually has arranged then dozens heavy Formation, plans to close up some time here, attacks the Nirvana 4th-layer peak, had better be able cultivation own territory. 风飞云在这一座中级秘境的地底开辟出一处藏身之地,然后一连布置了数十重阵法,打算在这里闭关一段时间,冲击涅槃第四重的巅峰,最好能够修炼出属于自己的“域”。 Naturally before closing up, he must go to heaven first. 当然在闭关之前,他得先去天国一趟。 When Feng Feiyun returns to the heaven once more, has not tidied up that several thorn heads immediately, but was bringing Feng Qingqing and Xue Shuang moving in swaggering to a Buddha city. 风飞云再次返回天国,并没有立即就去收拾那几个刺头,而是带着风卿卿雪泷大摇大摆的入住到了一座佛城之中。 This Buddha city is the place that Buddha Can Zi senior once explained religious doctrine, constructs in heaven the middle of mainland, float above cloud heaven, the Buddha palace, Yunta, idol and great clock, the continuous dozens miles, change into a city. 这一座佛城乃是佛蚕子前辈曾经讲道的地方,建在天国的一座大陆的中部,悬浮在云天之上,佛宫、云塔、神像、巨钟,连绵数十里,化为一座城。 This Buddha city named sky overhead. 这一座佛城名叫“天心”。 After Buddha Can Zi senior leaves the heaven, this Buddha city on already by the seal, was experienced 30,000 years, here again by Feng Feiyun opening an corner/horn. 蚕子前辈离开天国之后,这一座佛城就已经被封印,经历了30000年,这里才再次被风飞云给打开了一角。 The seal of sky overhead Buddha city is very formidable, even if also merely opens corner/horn that's all by Feng Feiyun present cultivation base, metro that appears 1/10. 天心佛城的封印十分强大,即便是以风飞云现在的修为也仅仅只是打开一角罢了,显现出来的城域连1都不到。 These cultivate/repair Spirit Beast of Buddha to hear Feng Feiyun to return, moreover opened the corner of sky overhead Buddha city, catches up to worship. 那些修佛的灵兽听闻风飞云归来,而且还打开了天心佛城的一角,都纷纷赶来朝拜。 Naturally some people are to also catch up to complain, for example wins the fish old ancestor and prison old ancestor, they thought that some people make fishy the heaven, requested that Feng Feiyun renovates that several destruction heaven auspicious people. 当然也有人是赶来诉苦,比如赢鱼老祖和狴犴老祖,它们都觉得有人将天国弄得乌烟瘴气,请求风飞云整治那几个破坏天国祥和的人。 Feng Feiyun to them ensure certainly governs these disasters, they then joyfully depart. 风飞云向它们保证一定治理这几个祸患,它们这才欣然离去。 Feng Qingqing is very excited, beautiful woman, said: „Does elder brother, you plan to tidy up them? Whom first tidies up? Wants me to help?” 风卿卿很是兴奋,明眸皓齿,道:“哥,你打算怎么收拾她们?先收拾谁?要不要我帮忙?” Feng Feiyun has hesitated the moment, said with a smile: Who said that can tidy up them? We go to Controlling Beast House first, how had a look at Luofu now.” 风飞云沉吟了片刻,笑道:“谁说要收拾她们了?我们先去驭兽斋,看看萝浮现在怎么样了。” Soon, Feng Feiyun then already arrived at outside Controlling Beast House, has the pretty girl student to enter Buddha room report, the quick that girl student then comes out to ask him to go. 不多久,风飞云便已经来到了驭兽斋外,自有貌美的女弟子进入佛斋禀报,很快那一位女弟子便出来请他进去。 Feng Feiyun follows in that girl student, said with a smile: Chi Yao, heard that witch Fozun with concentration was repairing Buddha recently, the state of mind becomes more and more profound, is really enviable!” 风飞云跟在那一位女弟子的身后,笑道:“池瑶,听说巫佛尊最近都在潜心修佛,心境变得越来越高深,真是让人羡慕啊!” Chi Yao wears the white Buddha robe, the black hair long bunch, the waist is slender, the physique is gently beautiful, cultivation base already has achieved Heaven's Mandate 7th-layer, said: Teacher, in the Buddha room, did not travel to speak the Zen in Nine Provinces for these years.” 池瑶穿着白色佛袍,青丝长束,腰肢纤细,体态柔美,修为已经达到了天命第七重,道:“师尊,并不在佛斋之中,这几年都在九州奔走讲禅。” Oh! Originally is my news is wrong, I also think that she is closing up practices! Originally not in Controlling Beast House.” Feng Feiyun smiled, said: Who were you gave a moment ago report?” !原来是我消息错误,我还以为她在闭关修行呢!原来一直不在驭兽斋。”风飞云笑了笑,又道:“那你刚才是去给谁禀报呢?” The Chi Yao footsteps, the jade has referred to pulling the lower hem corner gently, said: This...... In the Buddha room also has other elder.” 池瑶的脚步顿了顿,玉指轻轻的扯了扯衣角,道:“这个……佛斋之中还有别的长辈。” Quick, Chi Yao brings the place that Feng Feiyun Long Luofu lives in now, here is the back side of the mountain in Buddha room, plants a piece of green bamboo, in the air is fluttering the bamboo to be fragrant, a Baishi track winds in the bamboo grove, extends along a small stream to the bamboo grove deep place. 很快,池瑶就将风飞云带到了龙萝浮现在住的地方,这里乃是佛斋的后山,栽种着一片翠竹,空气之中飘着竹香,一条白石小道蜿蜒在竹林之中,沿着一条小溪延伸向竹林深处。
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