SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#938: Crystal red clever ship

Ten thousand dawns live the look to move, the both eyes flowing light, said: Person of getting rid is Moonwater Wonderland one of the four protectors, big universe sword emperor.” 万晓生神色一动,双目流光,道:“出手的人是水月天境的四位守护者之一,大乾坤剑帝。” Hears the given name of big universe sword emperor, many human member reveal the color/look of awe. 听到大乾坤剑帝的名号,很多人类修士都露出敬畏之色。 White Spider Monster Clan these monster kings also again and again change color, after all the Moonwater Wonderland deterrent force is not the general great strength. 白蛛妖族的那些妖王也都连连变色,毕竟水月天境的威慑力可不是一般的强大。 Do Human Race why in the recent ten thousand years dare to expand the area toward the four directions? Dares to conquer north and south? Even doesn't fear Antique Saint Monster Clan? 人族为何近万年来敢向着四方扩展疆域?敢南征北伐?甚至连太古圣妖族都不惧? Because of Moonwater Wonderland existence of this place. 就是因为“水月天境”这个地方的存在。 Big universe sword emperor has not arrived, together the sound conveys merely, frightens on already at the scene, said: Young people encounter, will have young people own tactical rules, Moonwater Wonderland will not go to manage, but if will have the old person to write off my Moonwater Wonderland young disciple, even if were Antique Saint Monster Clan has gone bad the custom, we also dare to kill. dragon Huai custom, slaughter dragon \; The phoenix bad custom, cuts the phoenix.” 大乾坤剑帝并没有降临,仅仅只是一道声音传来,就已经震慑当场,又道:“年轻人交锋,就有年轻人自己的战法,水月天境不会去管,但若是有老人想要抹杀我水月天境的年轻弟子,就算是太古圣妖族坏了规矩,我们亦敢杀。龙坏规矩,屠龙\;凤坏规矩,斩凤。” Sound already thorough falling of big universe sword emperor, but actually as before frightening the cold sweat is dripping these Monster Clan powerhouses, many people are shivering. 大乾坤剑帝的声音已经彻底的落下,但是却依旧将那些妖族的强者给吓得冷汗淋漓,很多人都在颤抖。 Feng Feiyun stands above the float islands, the five fingers grip tightly, the tooth bites tightly, at once has sneered, if not for some old woman cloths have gotten down the ban, his laughter will make countless people hear surely. 风飞云站在悬浮岛屿之上,五指紧握,牙齿紧咬,旋即冷笑了起来,若不是有老妪布下了禁制,他的笑声必定会让无数人听到。 „Is boy, what you smiling?” The old woman protects the ear to ask. “小子,你在笑什么?”老妪护着耳朵问道。 I am smiling the Moonwater Wonderland person to cut the phoenix.” Feng Feiyun smiles loudly. “我在笑水月天境的人斩凤。”风飞云笑得更加大声。 What funniness has? Moonwater Fairy Maiden has cut the phoenix ten thousand years ago on already.” The old woman said. “有什么好笑?水月仙子早在万年前就已经斩过凤。”老妪道。 Haha!” Feng Feiyun smiles wildly, after for a very long time, syllabic final, tranquil say/way: Cuts cuts! Sooner or later will cut.” “哈哈!”风飞云笑得更加猖狂,久久之后才收声,平静的道:“斩就斩吧!迟早会斩回来。” „Don't you want to go to oppose with Moonwater Wonderland?” The old woman retroceded slightly two steps, with Feng Feiyun move back distance. “你不会是想去和水月天境作对吧?”老妪微微的后退了两步,和风飞云拉远距离。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Moonwater Wonderland is so fierce, Moonwater Fairy Maiden dares to cut including dragon and phoenix, Moonwater Saintess invincible in the younger generation, where I dare to oppose with them.” 风飞云笑道:“水月天境那么厉害,水月仙子连龙凤都敢斩,水月圣女无敌于年轻一代,我哪敢和她们作对。” That is good, that is good!” The old woman said. “那就好,那就好!”老妪道。 The tour of this Holy Ghost Tomb, died many people , many people obtained the big chance, many member already start the round trip to walk. 这一次圣灵墓葬之行,死了很多人,同时也有很多人得到了大机缘,很多修士都已经开始往回走。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly that float the red sea above void started to vibrate fiercely, erupted the ray of stabbing pain person eyes, making the member who the already decision left stop the footsteps. 突然那一座悬浮在虚空之上的红色海洋开始剧烈的震动了起来,爆发出刺痛人眼睛的光芒,让很多都已经决定离开的修士又停下了脚步。 Also has what extraordinary treasure to be born?” “难道还有什么了不得的宝物要出世?” Holy Saint Container was taken by Moonwater Wonderland, the Saint ancestor inheritance and skeleton were also given to obtain by White Spider Monster Clan, what treasure but can also have?” 圣灵器皿水月天境取走,圣祖传承和尸骨也被白蛛妖族给得到,还能有什么宝物?” Above the Feng Feiyun finger Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring beat, the ray swallows spits, must depart from the finger likely. 风飞云手指之上淼鬼扳指跳动了起来,光芒一吞一吐,像是要从手指之上飞出。 What Feng Feiyun is very clear this fluctuation to represent, can Ancient Vessel be born? 风飞云很清楚这种波动代表着什么,难道又有一只古船要出世了? The chart article that above this Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring beats is „the Banquet of Hundred Demons chart. 这一次淼鬼扳指之上跳动的图文是“百鬼赴宴图”。 In Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring altogether had seven: Longma River Diagram, Eight Trigrams Mysterious Writing, Ancient Four Sheep Cauldron, Netherworld Deity Pagoda, GodKing SkyFlight, Banquet of Hundred Demons and Ablaze with Lights. 淼鬼扳指之中本来一共有七幅古图:龙马河图八卦玄文四羊古鼎幽冥神塔神王飞天百鬼赴宴万家灯火 Bronze Ancient Vessel that in the Feng Feiyun hand grasps, what correspondence is Longma River Diagram. 风飞云手中掌握的青铜古船,对应的是“龙马河图”。 The White Jade boat in Dongfang Jingyue hand, what correspondence is Ablaze with Lights. 东方镜月手中的白玉舟,对应的是“万家灯火”。 But the design of this moment flashing ray is Banquet of Hundred Demons, definitely also will have Ancient Vessel born. 而此刻闪动光芒的图案乃是“百鬼赴宴”,肯定也将会有一只古船出世。 Each Ancient Vessel no small matter, at least is the Holy Saint Container rank, is absolutely more precious than horizon ruler that” Xuanyuan Yiyi carries off. 每一只古船都非同小可,至少都是圣灵器皿的级别,绝对比轩辕一一带走的“天涯尺”还要珍贵。 That Ancient Vessel on conceals in that red sea. 难道那一只古船就藏在那一片红色的海洋之中。 At this moment many powerhouses felt that huge aura, on whether there is knows the great treasure born, cannot be tranquil, simultaneously turned toward the red sea to fly. 此刻很多强者都感受到了那一股庞大的气息,知道将有无上巨宝出世,一个个都不能平静了,同时向着红色的海洋飞去。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Sound of fight prolonged unceasingly, many member were rumbled to kill, blood rain run all over the place, skeleton Large expanse of falling. 战斗的声音经久不绝,有很多修士都被轰杀,血雨满天飞,尸骨成片成片的掉落。 At this time, the overlords of various clans were very difficult to prevent, can only join the fight, must the great treasure that will soon be born gathering. 这个时候,就连各族的霸主都很难阻止,只能加入战斗,要将即将出世的巨宝给收取。 The red sea starts to coagulate, finally thorough turned into the solid state, the shape has looked like a ship, but was huge somewhat excessive, fully several tens of thousands heads. 红色海洋开始凝固,最后彻底的变成了固态,形态像一条船,但是却庞大得有些过分,足有数万里长。 The liquid sea, at this moment actually already coagulated a moment ago, the sword did not divide rottenly, the Spirit Artifact bang was not broken, looks like with the ship of red crystal stone condensation, was red somewhat excessive, was redder than the blood. 刚才都还是液态的海洋,此刻却已经凝固,战刀劈不烂,灵器轰不碎,就像是用红色的晶石凝聚的宝船,红得有些过分,比鲜血还要红。 Many member were given to be shocked by the present change, above aura by crystal red ship frightening. 很多修士都被眼前的变化给惊呆,也被晶红宝船之上的气息给震慑住。 No wonder the skeletons of these antique powerhouses can preserve now, originally this red sea oneself is a god ship, is the strength of god ship makes the skeletons of these powerhouses preserve the present. What ship is this?” “难怪那些太古强者的尸骨能够保存到现在,原来这一片红色的海洋自身就是一条神船,是神船的力量让那些强者的尸骨保存到了现在。这又是一艘什么样的船?” Feng Feiyun Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring above finger vibrates fiercely, that „the Banquet of Hundred Demons chart the above hundred ghosts probably must live generally, exudes clever weeping sounds. 风飞云的手指之上的淼鬼扳指震动得更加厉害,那一幅“百鬼赴宴图”之上的百鬼都好像要活过来了一般,发出一声声鬼哭声。 The old woman also realized that Feng Feiyun finger the change above of chart article, an old eye narrowed the seam, said with a smile: Boy, your this pulls refers to looking very exhilaratingly, or you mortgage to give me it, I temporarily did not compel you to render back the money. Quack!” 老妪也察觉到风飞云手指之上的图文的变化,一双苍老的眼睛眯成了缝,笑道:“小子,你这扳指看着挺让人喜欢,要不你将它抵押给我,我就暂时不逼你还钱了。嘎嘎!” Has a dream! You do not know owes money is Sir, receiving money is the grandsons?” “做梦!你难道不知道欠钱的才是大爷,收钱的都是孙子?” Feng Feiyun naturally impossible to give her Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring, at this time he could not suppress „the Banquet of Hundred Demons chart finally. 风飞云自然不可能将淼鬼扳指给她,这个时候他终于镇压不住“百鬼赴宴图”。 „The Banquet of Hundred Demons chart departed from Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring, changed into clever cloud chart fog, flew, seal above crystal red ship. 百鬼赴宴图”从淼鬼扳指之上飞出,化为了一片鬼云图雾,飞了出去,印在了晶红宝船之上。 Bang!” “轰!” The crystal red ship had the tremendous changes at once, above the glittering and translucent carving hull erupts piece of terrifying peerless blood energy. 晶红宝船旋即发生了翻天覆地的变化,晶莹剔透的船体之上爆发出一片恐怖绝伦的血气 On the ship, the skeleton runs amuck, ghost flutters, sits the ghost town to stand in great numbers, the corpse river flows, the ship turned into the clever ship at once. 船上,尸骨横行,鬼魂飘飞,还有坐坐鬼城林立,尸河流淌,宝船旋即变成了鬼船。 Around crystal red clever ship several tens of thousands miles, are the blood cloud in the surges, the member who any by blood cloud staining, changes into the blood fog instantaneously. 晶红鬼船周围数万里,都是血云在翻腾,凡是被血云给沾上的修士,瞬间就化为血雾。 This is very terrifying picture, making many member directly petrify, the body is motionless. 这是十分恐怖的画面,让很多修士都直接石化,身体一动不动。 Boy, what background is the clever ship?” The old woman voice is hoarse, is very excited. “小子,那鬼船是什么来头?”老妪声音沙哑,十分激动。 How do I know?” Feng Feiyun faintly said. “我怎么知道?”风飞云淡淡的道 „Can you not know? That ‚the Banquet of Hundred Demons chart pulls from your hand obviously refers to departs, can you not know?” The old woman does not believe that Feng Feiyun words, planned that must begin to snatch Feng Feiyun Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring. “你会不知道?那一幅‘百鬼赴宴图’明明是从你手上扳指中飞出,你会不知道?”老妪不相信风飞云的话,打算要动手抢风飞云淼鬼扳指 , Emperor Saint Pe will take out, in the front of old woman one bright, said: Senior may know this token.” ,将帝圣佩被取出,在老妪的面前一亮,道:“前辈可认识这一块令牌。” On the emperor Saint Pe aura lived by seal, the old woman definitely does not recognize this is half Holy Saint Container. 帝圣佩上面的气息被封印住,老妪肯定认不出这是半件圣灵器皿 Although the aura of jade pendant by seal, but above Holy Saint writes down emperor character is actually the genuine, so long as the old woman should not be too friendless and unlearned, the Holy Saint character should be able to judge. 玉佩的气息虽然被封印,但是上面圣灵写下的“帝”字却是货真价实,只要老妪不要太孤陋寡闻,圣灵的字应该还是能够判断出。 Feng Feiyun puts out this jade pendant, is holding the mentality of attempt, perhaps old woman because above Holy Saint will carve characters, but will feel the taboo, does not dare to move him easily. 风飞云拿出这一块玉佩,也只是抱着尝试的心态,或许老妪会因为上面的圣灵刻字,而感到忌讳,不敢轻易的动他。 „The Saint command of emperor family/home!! Has to make a mistake, is your boy unexpectedly the emperor family member? Frightens my old lady not? It is not right, is not right, this is completely illogical, the emperor family/home is impossible Half Monster.” The old woman indeed frightening retrocedes by this jade pendant, but then saw the clue at once, thought that this is the impossible matter. “帝家的圣令!靠!有没有搞错,你小子竟然是帝家人?吓我老太婆是不?不对,不对,这完全不合逻辑,帝家不可能出一只半妖。”老妪的确是被这一枚玉佩给吓得后退,但是旋即便又看出了端倪,觉得这是不可能的事。 The Feng Feiyun heart shakes crazily, listens to the tone of this old woman, should be knows that the origin of this jade pendant, or she knows to the origin of token this jade pendant is similar, moreover as if the emperor family/home still exists as before. 风飞云的心头狂震,听这个老妪的口气,应该是知道这一块玉佩的来历,或者说她知道与这一块玉佩相仿的令牌的来历,而且似乎帝家依旧还存在。 At this moment very much where does Feng Feiyun want to inquire her emperor family/home? However this issue actually absolutely cannot ask, once asked that the old woman will cause suspicion. 风飞云此刻很想询问她帝家在哪里?但是这个问题却又绝对不能问,一旦问了,老妪会更加生疑。 Feng Feiyun maintains composure emperor Saint Pe receiving, throwing out the chest chest cavity, cold sound said: Is believed by you, if not believe that although grazes a horse to rob. Offends my emperor family/home disciple, the absolute monarch may also kill.” 风飞云不露声色的将帝圣佩给收了起来,挺了挺胸膛,冷声道:“信不信由你,若是不信,尽管放马过来抢夺。得罪我帝家弟子,天王老子亦可杀。” The old woman pinches the finger there, keeps calculating, the eye pupil glitters, finally the knitting the brows head, as if has not calculated the result. 老妪在那里掐动手指,不停推算,眼眸闪烁,最后皱了皱眉头,似乎没有推算出结果来。 At once, she is an appearance of obtaining enlightenment person of high skill, gentle kind saying with a smile: Young people, person of old woman can it be that being insatiably greedy. Robs? Is this matter that our old people do? The mother-in-law I am not such person!” 旋即,她便是一幅得道高人的模样,慈祥和蔼的笑道:“年轻人,老婆子岂是那种贪得无厌的人。抢夺?这是我们老人家做的事吗?婆婆我不是那样的人儿!” 800,000 Spirit Stone can turn into 80 million Spirit Stone, you are not such person, who is? 800000枚灵石都能变成80000000枚灵石,你不是那样的人儿,谁是? Feng Feiyun believes words that slightly she spoke. 风飞云丝毫都相信她说的话。 At this time, the blood fog above crystal red clever ship started to contract, the hull also gradually started changes is small. 这个时候,晶红鬼船之上的血雾开始收缩,船体也逐渐开始变小。 „The strength of halidom starts to weaken, in contracts toward the hull, then surely will be a bloody battle, will hide the overlords in hidden place possibly gets rid.” “圣物的力量开始变弱,在往船体里面收缩,接下来必定将是一场血战,很多隐藏在暗处的霸主都可能出手。” This absolutely is unsurpassed Saint treasure, absolutely is, vaguely some records when antiquity.” In Human Race that is called ten thousand dawn fresh sage such saying. “这绝对是无上圣宝,绝对是,在太古之时依稀有一些记载。”人族之中那一位叫做万晓生的贤者如此的说道。 Is confirmed ten thousand dawn fresh, all member were stimulated, perhaps this will be one will endure to compare the Holy Saint Container treasure. 得到万晓生的证实,所有的修士都亢奋了起来,这说不定将是一件堪比圣灵器皿的宝物。 Crystal red clever ship already becomes, only then the house is so big, moreover in unceasing changes is small. 晶红鬼船已经变得只有房屋那么大,而且还在不断的变小。 At this time finally some people had discovered the place that did not suit, an old person called out in alarm said: Above clever ship has a turtle, how long is it crawls to the ship comes up?” 这个时候终于有人发现了不对劲的地方,一个老人惊呼道:“鬼船之上有一只乌龟,它是多久爬到船上去的?” „The crystal red clever ship surrounding space was blocked, is impossible to have any living thing to crawl to the ship on, only has a possibility, this turtle continuously on ship.” “晶红鬼船周围的空间都被封锁,不可能有任何生物可以爬到船上,只有一种可能,这只乌龟一直在船上。” ...... …… Many people saw that white turtle, the leg is long, the neck child long/grows, likely is a white duck, two legs walk, in the hand is supporting a small wooden club, likely is a turtle old person. 很多人都看到了那一只白色的乌龟,腿长,脖子长,像是一只白色的鸭子,两只腿走路,手中撑着一根小木棍,像是一个龟老人。 Turtle old person is also rolling a strange fruit, what were they as if discussing in the secret? 龟老人的身后还滚动着一枚奇怪的果子,它们似乎在秘密商谈着什么? Continuously the turtle and a fruit discussed above the crystal red clever ship. 一直乌龟和一枚果子在晶红鬼船之上商谈。 Finally the crystal red clever ship becomes, only then the palm of the hand is so big, exquisite fine, the unusual brightness is graceful. 终于晶红鬼船变得只有巴掌那么大,小巧精致,宝光盈盈。 Kills! Captures the ship.” “杀!夺取宝船。” A powerhouse of monster king rank flies to get rid spatially, must the crystal red clever ship gathering. 一位妖王级别的强者飞空出手,要将晶红鬼船给收取。 But at this moment, the people see a stranger matter: That turtle crystal red clever ship will regard the hat to buckle in the head, then high-spirited standing on the body of fruit. 但就在这时,人们看到更加诡异的事:那一只乌龟将“晶红鬼船”当成帽子扣在头上,然后意气风发的站在了果子的身上。 „!” “唰!” The fruit flew, must look like quickly light, in an instant flies beyond the universe together, the hand imprint of monster king is unable to prevent. 果子飞了出去,快得像一道光,刹那之间就飞到天宇之外,就连妖王的手印都无法阻挡。 The turtle brings the red clever ship hat, in the hand to pinch the small wooden club, is controlling a strange fruit, departed beyond the line of sight of people, is much quicker, the air/Qi behind big piece of various clan powerhouses spit blood. 乌龟带着红色的鬼船帽子,手里捏着小木棍,驾驭着一枚怪果子,飞出了人们的视线之外,快得不可思议,气得后面一大片各族强者吐血。 ...... …… Asked the distinguished guest ticket! Bank note, bank note, attractive bank note! 求贵宾票!票子,票子,漂亮的票子!
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