SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#937: Inheritance

A handle fights the hammer to work as the hovering flight, fights the glow brilliant, the arrogance ascends, lets present each member to feel trembling of the heart. 一柄战锤当空悬,战芒灼灼,气焰升腾,让在场每一个修士都感觉到发自内心的颤栗。. The Human Race war-god displays strongly, does not make concessions very slightly. 人族战神表现得十分强硬,丝毫都不退让。 That great ant Monster Clan powerhouse cold snort/hum, then retreats, falls to another mainland above, has not gotten rid again. 那一位巨蚁妖族的强者冷哼一声,然后退走,落到另一片大陆之上,没有再出手。 cultivation base achieves their ranks, destroys the strength too to be really astonishing, on the scene Human Race, is White Spider Monster Clan and great ant Monster Clan, oppressor Monster Clan wait/etc., many member catch up, once stands in the topest that several powerhouses fights with all might truly, will affect countless people surely, this is the matter that any side does not want to see. 修为达到他们那种级别,毁灭力实在太惊人,在场无论是人族,还是白蛛妖族、巨蚁妖族、虎狼妖族等等,都有很多修士赶来,一旦站在最顶尖的那几尊强者真正拼杀,必定会波及无数人,这是任何一方都不想看到的事。 Eighth Young Master Gu was rescued, brings back to the looking after the household camp. 顾八少爷被救了下来,带回顾家阵营。 Feng Feiyun sighed, has been a pity, Eighth Young Master Gu has not died unexpectedly.” 风飞云叹息一声,“可惜了,顾八少爷竟然没有死。” Feng Feiyun and Eighth Young Master Gu enmity knot is deeper, already to the undying continuous situation. 风飞云顾八少爷的仇怨越结越深,已经到了不死不休的地步。 Inherited God's favored one return one after another, Eighth Young Master Gu already was the last group of people. 得到传承的天之骄子都陆陆续续的返回,顾八少爷已经算是最后一批人了。 However the powerhouses of various clans have not retreated, what is waiting for? 但是各族的强者都没有退去,在等待着什么? In Holy Ghost Tomb truly the most formidable inheritance is the inheritance of white Zhusheng ancestor, his inheritance has not been born, does not know that who has the so big chance?” 圣灵墓葬之中真正最强大的传承乃是白蛛圣祖的传承,他的传承还没有出世,也不知谁有如此大机缘?” Above the red sea starts the uprise, the wave flies thousand zhang (3.33 m), becomes more and more turbulent rushing. 红色的海洋之上开始起浪,浪飞千丈,变得越来越汹涌滂湃。 Was this white Zhusheng ancestor's inheritance is going born? 这是白蛛圣祖的传承者将要出世了吗? All member were tense, «All generations undying Merit» overawes the entire world antique, the great reputation from has passed to the present, is all cultivation base long-awaited precious books. 所有的修士都紧张了起来,《万劫不死功》威震寰宇,盛名从太古一直传到现在,乃是所有修为都梦寐以求的宝典。 Once obtains the inheritance of white Zhusheng ancestor, is not only only «All generations undying Merit», white Zhusheng ancestor's skeleton. 而且一旦得到白蛛圣祖的传承,就不仅仅只是《万劫不死功》,还有白蛛圣祖的尸骨。 A Holy Saint skeleton compares wondrous medicines to be precious absolutely, that feared that is only value that a hair of Holy Saint has unable to imagine, could become aware Holy Saint to say from inside Zen. 一具圣灵的尸骨绝对比一株圣药还要珍贵,那怕只是圣灵的一根头发都有无法想象的价值,或许可以从里面禅悟到圣灵道。 Bang!” “嘭!” The slender enchanting form departs from bloodshed together, the direct impact clouds, are growing a white long hair, Monster Qi is threatening, slender enchanting, resembles one to depart from the water for the seductive woman certainly. 一道纤细妖娆的身影从血海之中飞出,直冲云霄,长着一头白色的长发,妖气逼人,窈窕妖娆,似一位绝代妖姬从水里飞出。 Her monster light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), air/Qi being near highest heaven, to person an arrogant and beautiful feeling. 她身上妖光万丈,气临九霄,给人一种高傲而妖艳的感觉。 Is White Spider Monster Clan Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, she obtained the inheritance of Saint ancestor.” “是白蛛妖族妃媛公主,她得到了圣祖的传承。” White Spider Monster Clan prepares for many years for the inheritance of white Zhusheng ancestor, first of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan the natural talent in White Spider Monster Clan, was already elected for white Zhusheng ancestor's successor, she obtains the inheritance of white Zhusheng ancestor not to be strange.” 白蛛妖族为了白蛛圣祖的传承准备多年,妃媛公主白蛛妖族之中天资第一,早就被选为了白蛛圣祖的继承人,她得到白蛛圣祖的传承并不奇怪。” At this time Human Race and oppressor Monster Clan and great ant Monster Clan powerhouse, started to be ready to make trouble, planned that must give suppress and kill Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan reckless. 这个时候无论是人族、虎狼妖族、巨蚁妖族的强者,都开始蠢蠢欲动了起来,打算要不顾一切将妃媛公主镇杀 Does not have the means white Zhusheng ancestor's reputation too to be really big, Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan obtained his inheritance, god knows in the future can become the second white Zhusheng ancestor? 没办法白蛛圣祖的名头实在太大,妃媛公主得到了他的传承,天知道将来会不会成为第二个白蛛圣祖? Nobody is willing to notice that in the future White Spider Monster Clan will be born Holy Saint! 没有人愿意看到将来白蛛妖族诞生出一尊圣灵 At this time, in White Spider Monster Clan went out of two monster kings, is existence of White Spider Monster Clan that queen same rank, assumed the four directions, must be the Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan berm. 这个时候,白蛛妖族之中又走出了两位妖王,都是和白蛛妖族那一位女王同级别的存在,坐镇四方,要为妃媛公主护道。 White Spider Monster Clan prepares after all fully, many powerhouses rush, are more than Human Race and great ant Monster Clan and oppressor Monster Clan powerhouse, is existences of monster king rank. 白蛛妖族毕竟准备充分,有很多强者赶到,比人族、巨蚁妖族、虎狼妖族的强者更多,都是妖王级别的存在。 Feng Feiyun stares is standing Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan above bloodshed, after Princess Monster Clan of this peerless grace and talent obtains the inheritance of white Zhusheng ancestor, cultivation base already has promoted one section once more, has achieved Nirvana 5th-layer. 风飞云盯着站在血海之上的妃媛公主,这个绝世风华的妖族公主得到白蛛圣祖的传承之后,修为已经再次提升了一截,达到了涅槃第五重 „It is not right, she also in what?” Some Feng Feiyun doubts. “不对,她还在等什么?”风飞云有些疑惑。 At this moment, in red sea together person's shadow to flying. 就在这时,红色海洋之中又一道人影冲飞而起。 This is also a female, her Saint light is luxuriant, simple and beautiful unparalleled, likely is a fairy maiden near this world. 这也是一个女子,她的身上圣光蔼蔼,清丽无双,像是一位仙子临凡尘。 She at the back of Ancient Sword, beautiful woman certainly generation, beautiful appearance not under Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan. 她背着一口古剑,倾城绝代,美貌不在妃媛公主之下。 God! That is Moonwater Saintess, Fairy Maiden Xuanyuan.” 天呐!那是水月圣女,轩辕仙子。” In Human Race many member, is calling out in alarm including the older generation member, they do not know when Xuanyuan Yiyi does enter the red sea? 人族之中很多修士,包括那么老一辈的修士都在惊呼,他们不知道轩辕一一是什么时候进入红色海洋? Feng Feiyun in seeing Xuanyuan Yiyi that moment, understands on already, the Xuanyuan Yiyi affirmation is enters the seabed from that red basin, what walks with is the same road, but have not met with her. 风飞云在看到轩辕一一的那一刻,就已经明白,轩辕一一肯定乃是从那一口红色的水池之中进入海底,与自己走的乃是同一条路,只是自己没有和她遇上。 At this time the matter had caused the stir of explosion surname, some people noticed that in the hand of Xuanyuan Yiyi was pinching a ruler. 这个时候又有一件事引起了爆炸姓的轰动,有人看到轩辕一一的手中捏着一根尺。 This is a White Jade ruler, however itself of ruler is not smooth, above the ruler has the mountain, has the rivers, has the person, has the beast, has the fog, has the sea. 这是一根白玉尺,但是尺子的本身却并不平整,尺子之上有山岳,有河流,有人,有兽,有云雾,有大海。 Which this is a ruler, simply is a world, contains the myriad things, nothing which is not accommodates. 这哪是一根尺,简直就是一座天地,包含万物,无所不容。 Yes...... Is Holy Saint Container, the horizon ruler.” “是……是圣灵器皿,天涯尺。” Cultivated several thousand years of Ascension sages to be excited shivers. 一些修炼了数千年的羽化贤者都激动得颤抖。 In Human Race, was called ten thousand dawns lives the worthy people of former times walked, said: „The hearsay white Zhusheng ancestor said by the «All generations undying Merit» card, achievement Holy Saint body, but in the old age, old friend already in world dies certainly, only strives for becoming an immortal wholeheartedly, although cannot become an immortal finally, but actually created «Horizon Say/Way».” 人族之中,一位被称为“万晓生”的先贤走了出来,说道:“传闻白蛛圣祖以《万劫不死功》证道,成就圣灵身,而在晚年的时候,世间的故人都已经死绝,一心只求成仙,虽然最终未能成仙,但是却创出了《天涯道》。” Compares in overbearing of «All generations undying Merit», «Horizon Say/Way» is more elegant, is fastidious becomes a lay priest by the heart, gathers Taoism the Golden Mean.” “相比于《万劫不死功》的霸道,《天涯道》却更加飘逸,讲究以心入道,更合道家的中庸之道。” white Zhusheng the ancestor did not have the ability sacrifice to refine Holy Saint Container, perceived through meditation to leave «Horizon Say/Way», therefore at the old age sacrifice refine, but left the horizon ruler. Also has reposed white Zhusheng the ancestor in the old age to the immortal road improbable feeling, seems like only differs close becoming an immortal saying that the great distance horizon, is actually not able to arrive.” “白蛛圣祖本来是没有能力祭炼出圣灵器皿,正是参悟出了《天涯道》,所以才在晚年祭炼而出了天涯尺。也寄托了白蛛圣祖在晚年的时候对仙路不可期的感慨,看似只相差咫尺的成仙道,却又相隔天涯,根本无法到达。” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan and Moonwater Saintess result in Saint ancestor 50% inheritance respectively. Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan obtains «All generations undying Merit» and Saint ancestor's Holy Saint skeleton, Moonwater Saintess obtained «Horizon Say/Way» and horizon ruler. This is their fates decided.” 妃媛公主水月圣女各得圣祖一半的传承。妃媛公主得到《万劫不死功》和圣祖的圣灵骸骨,水月圣女则得到了《天涯道》和天涯尺。这都是她们的命数所决定。” This is an unknown secret, White Spider Monster Clan these King have not heard this matter, but said from a mouth of human sage at this moment. 这是一段不为人知的隐秘,就连白蛛妖族的那些王者都没有听说过此事,但是此刻却从一个人类贤者的口中说出。 How could my White Spider Monster Clan is Holy Saint Container lost in the Human Race hand?” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan offered a sacrifice to Ancient Sword, condensed a jade xuan sword territory, the entire red sea was given the package by the sword territory, Ancient Sword inserts in the sea level, like a sword mountain. “我白蛛妖族圣灵器皿岂能旁落人族手中?”妃媛公主祭出了一口古剑,凝聚出了一座琅嬛剑域,整个红色的海洋都被剑域给包裹,古剑就插在海面上,像一座剑山。 She stands above sword mountain, peerless grace and talent, the sleeves wield, sword rain then turns toward Xuanyuan Yiyi to fly. 她立在剑山之上,风华绝代,衣袖一挥,一片剑雨便向着轩辕一一飞去。 Xuanyuan Yiyi stands remarkably, on static standing on red water surface, the peerless beautiful woman, a sword intends to her body born, the sword rain that Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan makes vanishes before her body automatically, changes into invisible. 轩辕一一卓然而立,就静静的站在红色的水面上,绝世倾城,一股剑意在她的身上诞生,妃媛公主打出的剑雨在她的身前自动消失,化为无形。 Now says white Zhusheng ancestor's affinity, does not want with White Spider Monster Clan for the enemy.” Xuanyuan Yiyi faint said. “今曰得白蛛圣祖的缘法,不想和白蛛妖族为敌。”轩辕一一淡淡的说道。 That may be beyond control you. undying territory!” “那可由不得你。不死域!” The body of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan ran out of the second largest territory, imposing manner becomes ice-cold, the jade xuan sword territory and undying territory melted, overlap in one. 妃媛公主的身上冲出了第二座大域,身上的气势变得更加的冰冷,琅嬛剑域和不死域相融,重叠在了一起。 At this time, many people have sent out calling out in alarm, „a person can actually cultivation two different territories, this was also too inconceivable.” 这个时候,很多人都发出了惊呼,“一人竟然能够修炼两种不同的域,这也太不可思议了。” One type is Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan cultivates, one type is to obtain the inheritance later birth of white Zhusheng ancestor, two territories, the future achievement is unable to estimate.” “一种是妃媛公主自己修出,一种是得到白蛛圣祖的传承之后诞生,一身两域,将来的成就无法估量。” But stands is as before tranquil and indifferent in Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan opposite Xuanyuan Yiyi, stretches out together the slender finger, in a point toward void, sword intent has broken through the Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan two big territories together, changed into an sword-shaped shadow, the sword has referred sharp to before the neck of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, then stopped. 而站在妃媛公主对面的轩辕一一依旧平静而淡然,伸出一道纤细的手指,向着虚空之中一点,一道剑意冲破了妃媛公主的两座大域,化为了一道剑形的影子,剑尖就指在妃媛公主的脖子之前,然后停了下来。 All static. 所有的一切都静止了。 At this time many people were startled the chin, cultivation base of Moonwater Saintess above swordsmanship was also too fearful, pointed at a point merely in void, sword intent has broken through the Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan two big territories, before puncturing her neck. 这个时候很多人都惊掉了下巴,水月圣女在剑道之上的修为也太可怕了,仅仅只是手指在虚空之中一点,剑意就冲破了妃媛公主的两座大域,刺到了她的脖子前。 This is not the Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan strength is weak, but was Xuanyuan Yiyi is too strong. 这并不是妃媛公主的战力弱,而是轩辕一一太强了。 She so is young, sword intent boundary already surpassed these to cultivate several thousand years of Ascension sages. 她还那么年轻,剑意境界已经超过了那些修炼数千年的羽化贤者。 Only then some old men in human member have not been startled, the theory that because they once and Xuanyuan Yiyi treated as an equal said. 只有人类修士之中的一些老者没有吃惊,因为他们都曾经和轩辕一一平起平坐的论道。 Worthily is the Moonwater Fairy Maiden successor, the representative Moonwater Wonderland walk world saintess.” “不愧是水月仙子的传人,代表水月天境行走天下的圣女。” These Human Race days arrogant female and God's favored ones are excited inexplicable, feels the Xuanyuan Yiyi that without a peer imposing manner, as if the vault of heaven collapsed, she can also crush calmly. 那些人族的天之骄女和天之骄子都激动莫名,感受到轩辕一一那不可匹敌的气势,仿佛天穹塌了下来,她也可以从容击碎。 After Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan passed through the short static, the tender body backed up suddenly, falls above sword mountain, white Monster Bead put out from her mouth, above Monster Bead had a faint trace bloodstain, was containing the rushing fearful strength. 妃媛公主经过了短暂的静止之后,娇躯豁然倒退,落到了剑山之上,一枚白色的妖珠从她的口中吐出,妖珠之上有一丝丝血印,蕴含着滂湃慑人的力量。 She is not pinching Monster Bead likely, is more like is pinching stars. 她不像是捏着一枚妖珠,更像是捏着一颗星辰。 Dignified look that Xuanyuan Yiyi shows finally. 轩辕一一终于露出的凝重的神色。 Bang!” “轰!” In Monster Bead departs together the Saint soul, changes into a huge white god spider, occupies above the sea level, has attacked toward Xuanyuan Yiyi. 妖珠之中飞出一道圣魂,化为一只庞大的白色神蛛,盘踞在海面之上,向着轩辕一一攻伐了过去。 This is White Spider Monster Clan through dying to offer a sacrifice to the collection Saint soul, even if only one wisp, the prestige can be very extraordinary, making many people start to back up. 这是白蛛妖族通过死祭收集圣魂,哪怕只是一缕,威能都十分了不得,让很多人都开始倒退。 Which this is two young days the arrogant female fight, simply like the confrontation of two elders overlords. 这哪是两位年轻的天之骄女的战斗,简直就像两位老辈霸主的交锋。 Xuanyuan Yiyi pinches the horizon ruler, first getting rid in the true sense, strikes toward void above, hitting to fly several tens of thousands miles far that together Saint soul. 轩辕一一手捏天涯尺,第一次真正意义上的出手,向着虚空之上一击,将那一道圣魂给打飞到数万里远。 She has taken back the horizon ruler, faintly said: Now said that defeats you are because my cultivation base is higher than you, gives you three years, if three years later you can defeat me, I present to return White Spider Monster Clan horizon ruler both hands surely.” 她收回了天涯尺,淡淡的道:“今曰击败你是因为我的修为比你高,给你三年时间,若是三年之后你能够将我击败,我必定将天涯尺双手奉还白蛛妖族。” Xuanyuan Yiyi said after this saying, then must retreat. 轩辕一一说完这话之后,便要退走。 In White Spider Monster Clan has the tyrant mainly to intercept her, but she one step steps on to void, the body then surmounts the horizon, to the ends of the earth, retreated calmly. 白蛛妖族之中有霸主要拦截她,但是她一步踩向虚空之中,身体便跨越天涯,到了天尽头,从容退走。 Cannot walk!” “不能走!” A White Spider Monster Clan monster king wants to be away from cuts her void, but during was void to have another strength to well up, struck merely, gave to cut off the head of that monster king, the blood dyed the expansive sky. 白蛛妖族的一位妖王想要隔着虚空斩她,但是虚空之中却有另一股力量涌了过来,仅仅只是一击,就将那一位妖王的头颅给斩断,血染长空。 Gives to write off including my Moonwater Wonderland disciples, it seems like White Spider Monster Clan wants to remove in ten thousand clans.” During a sound in this piece is void resounds, is very enormous and powerful, does not know that transmits from many trillion miles, but actually already very frightens the will of the people. “连我水月天境的弟子都给抹杀,看来白蛛妖族是想在万族之中除名了。”一个声音在这片虚空之中响起,十分浩荡,也不知是从多少亿万里之外传来,但是却已经十分震慑人心。 ............ ………… The going against heaven's will merit law of recently coming out were a much less, possibly everybody recorded is having the confusion, behind will describe emphatically. 最近出来的逆天功法有点多,可能大家记着有着混乱,后面会着重描写。
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