SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#936: Old woman of cheating

Void, everywhere is turbulent flow, each turbulent flow has to cut the broken mountain the strength. 虚空之中,到处都是乱流,每一道乱流都有斩碎山岳的力量。 Departs from void, arrives at one densely, Feng Feiyun and Xue Shuang fell the ground. 从虚空之中飞出,来到一处密地,风飞云雪泷都落到了地上。 Quack! The young fellows can actually walk the shortcut to go to the Holy Ghost Tomb center, the skill is not small!” Bent the waist the humpbacked old woman to walk, white-haired, the skin was wrinkled, the tooth fell big. “嘎嘎!好小子竟然能够走捷径来到圣灵墓葬的中心,本事不小啊!”一个弯腰驼背的老妪走了出来,满头白发,皮肤皱巴巴,牙齿都掉了一大把。 Was she got rid Feng Feiyun and Xue Shuang rescues a moment ago from the red color/look sea. 刚才就是她出手将风飞云雪泷从红sè海洋之上救走。 Feng Feiyun looked at this old woman, said with a smile: Originally is the senior you, has not thought that your cultivation base so is unexpectedly formidable.” 风飞云看了看这个老妪,笑道:“原来是前辈你,没想到你老人家修为竟然如此强大。” In the heart of Feng Feiyun wants to say actually very much, damn, cultivation base is so strong, but also runs to mooch everywhere. 风飞云的心中其实很想说,他妈的,修为那么强,还跑出来到处招摇撞骗。 Naturally this words exit|to speak! 当然这种话出口! This old woman can rescues him from the Human Race war-god and White Spider Monster Clan a hand of queen, this skill on already flamboyant to exploding degree. 这个老妪能够从人族战神和白蛛妖族的一位女王的手中将他救走,这一份本事就已经牛逼到炸的程度。 The old woman actually does not pay attention to the Feng Feiyun flattery the words, bent his one eyes, then puts out six monster skin bills signed in acknowledgment of debt, shook shaking in front of Feng Feiyun, said: Renders back the money, renders back the money......” 老妪却不理会风飞云奉承的话,弯了他一眼,然后拿出六张妖皮欠条,在风飞云面前晃了晃,道:“还钱,还钱……” „It is not 4.8 million Spirit Stone, waited for Holy Ghost Tomb, were you, surely big a age? Saying of money back ground and soaked black beans, does not dislike is very vulgar.” Feng Feiyun said. “不就是4800000枚灵石,等出了圣灵墓葬,必定还你,都多大一把年纪了?还钱钱钱的挂在嘴边,也不嫌俗得很。”风飞云道。 „It is not 4.8 million Spirit Stone, is 480 million Spirit Stone.” The old woman said. “不是4800000枚灵石,是480000000枚灵石。”老妪道。 You did not fear that the wind flashed the tongue greatly, obviously is 4.8 million Spirit Stone, how to rise 100 times?” Feng Feiyun said. “你老人家也不怕风大闪了舌头,明明是4800000枚灵石,怎么就涨了100倍?”风飞云道。 Does not believe you yourself to look.” “不信你自己看。” The old woman arrives at six monster skin bills signed in acknowledgment of debt to the hand of Feng Feiyun, originally the digit above each chapter of bill signed in acknowledgment of debt is 800,000 Spirit Stone, now turned into 80 million Spirit Stone, moreover indeed is the Feng Feiyun handwriting, above is also the Feng Feiyun aura. 老妪将六张妖皮欠条抵到风飞云的手中,原来每章欠条之上的数字是800000枚灵石,现在变成了80000000枚灵石,而且的确是风飞云的字迹,上面也是风飞云的气息。 Feng Feiyun was understood, oneself this time was by the old lady to the pit, oneself when wrote the bill signed in acknowledgment of debt definitely to be attempted to pervert by her. 风飞云算是明白了,自己这次算是被老太婆给坑了,自己在写欠条的时候肯定被她做了手脚。 The fact told a Feng Feiyun truth: Not is only holds to throw down the old woman to need to be prudent, writes the bill signed in acknowledgment of debt to the old woman is also the matter that cannot do easily. 事实告诉风飞云一个道理:不仅是扶摔倒老太太需要慎重,给老太太写欠条也是一件不能轻易做的事。 The old woman snatched seizing the six bills signed in acknowledgment of debt in Feng Feiyun hand, then receiving cautiously was good, the sound was hoarse, narrows the eye to say with a smile: „Did young people, how long you know already? Two years. the world where has to owe money two years of both truth not also? Also now the price rises that quickly, if the old woman does not rise, how could it not be can starve to death?” 老妪劈手将风飞云手中的六张欠条给夺了回来,然后小心翼翼的收好,声音沙哑,眯着眼睛笑道:“年轻人,你知道已经过了多长时间?两年了。天下哪有欠钱两年都不还的道理?再说现在物价涨得那么快,老婆子若是不涨涨,岂不要被饿死?” You starved to death are the strange event. 你被饿死才是怪事。 Although 480 million Spirit Stone is a very huge digit, but Feng Feiyun thinks that finds the way to be must. 480000000枚灵石虽然是一个很庞大的数字,但是风飞云自认为想办法还是还得起。 Since already by the pit, that can only recognize, later and this old lady has to do, needs many mind, do not die by the pit. 既然已经被坑了,那就只能认了,以后和这老太婆打交道,必须要多张一个心眼,不要会被坑死。 No, later cannot have to do with her. 不,以后也不能和她打交道了。 Position that Feng Feiyun is at this moment, above float islands, is not far from the sea of that piece of red color/look, is only merely separated by several tens of thousands miles. 风飞云此刻所在的位置,在一座悬浮的岛屿之上,离那一片红sè的海洋并不远,仅仅只相隔数万里。 Above the islands, there is Formation that the old woman arranges, the concealment aura. 岛屿之上,有老妪布置的阵法,隐匿气息。 In bystander opinion, here is unmanned hanging islands that's all. 在外人看来,这里就是一座无人的悬空岛屿罢了 Feng Feiyun somewhat is worried about Little Qingqing, revolution Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, looks toward several tens of thousands miles beyond. 风飞云有些担心小卿卿,运转凤凰天眼,向着数万里之外看去。 Boy, you feel relieved! The destiny of small girl was formidable, obtained the inheritance of white bones Son of Heaven, will be robbed surely by these Human Race old monsters, will not have the danger.” The old woman saw Feng Feiyun is worrying about anything. “小子,你放心吧!那小丫头的气运强大,得到了白骨天王的传承,必定会被那些人族老怪物们争相抢夺,不会有危险。”老妪看出了风飞云在担忧什么。 The Feng Feiyun doubts said: „Do many people accept the inheritance in the sea of that piece of red color/look?” 风飞云疑惑道:“难道有很多人都在那一片红sè的海洋之中接受传承?” The old woman nodded, said: Is the God's favored ones and God's favored ones of various clans, entered red color/look the bottom of sea to seek for the chance.” 老妪点了点头,道:“都是各族的天之骄子和天之骄子,都进入了红sè的海洋之底寻找机缘。” When white Zhusheng the ancestor is antique overawes first Holy Saint, once had defeated Phoenix Monster Clan Holy Saint, the strength is extremely fearful, invincible several tens of thousands years. 白蛛圣祖乃是太古之时威震一世的圣灵,曾击败过凤凰妖族圣灵,战力极其可怕,无敌了数万年。 Defeat powerhouse in his hands is innumerable, after some formidable characters were struck by him kills, then throws into this that piece of red color/look in the sea. 败在他手中的强者数不胜数,其中一些强大的人物被他击杀之后,便扔进这那一片红sè的海洋之中。 The sea of that piece of red color/look is extremely strange, can let live in reading of antique powerhouse to protect to save, like the white bones Son of Heaven and emperor tomb. 那一片红sè的海洋极其诡异,能够让一些活在太古的强者的念力保存下来,就像白骨天王和帝冢。 Naturally although red color/look sea gods and ghosts, but the past time too was remote, many powerhouse god shape entirely to extinguish, anything has not stayed behind, only then extremely few life insurance saved the inheritance. 当然红sè的海洋虽然神异,但是毕竟过去的时间实在太久远,很多强者都神形俱灭,什么都没有留下,只有极少的人保存下来了传承。 The member who can be inherited, has the big destiny person. 能够得到传承的修士,都是有大气运的人。 Feng Feiyun obtained emperor tomb the inheritance, cultivates «Tribulation To extinguish Ten thousand Magic arts», is absolutely more formidable than anybody's inheritance. Even if some people obtained the inheritance of white Zhusheng ancestor, not necessarily obtained to inherit compared with Feng Feiyun. 风飞云得到了“帝冢”的传承,修炼《劫灭万道法》,绝对比任何人的传承都要强大。即便是有人得到了白蛛圣祖的传承,也未必就比风飞云得到了传承好。 Why the Feng Feiyun not clear these great people had not discovered that he obtained the inheritance of emperor tomb, this point has made Feng Feiyun feel rejoiced very much. 风飞云也不清楚那些大人物为何没有发现他得到了帝冢的传承,这一点让风飞云感觉到很庆幸。 At this time around the sea of red color/look had caused a stir once more, there is talent outstanding to be inherited from the sea. 这个时候红sè的海洋周围再次轰动了起来,又有天才俊杰从海洋之中得到传承。 This is an oppressor Monster Clan youngster, obtained the inheritance of antique Great Sage, other Human Race and Monster Clan powerhouse gets rid to strike to kill, does not want to keep the means of livelihood of that oppressor Monster Clan youngster, but was actually given to block by oppressor Monster Clan big cultivation base, that youngster carrying off. 这是一位虎狼妖族的少年,得到了太古一位大贤者的传承,人族和别的妖族的强者都出手击杀,不想留那虎狼妖族少年的活路,但是却被虎狼妖族的一位大修为者给挡住,将那一位少年给带走。 Feng Feiyun looks to arrive Feng Qingqing in Human Race camp, she stands in that war-god, many Human Race old men encircle in her side, seems promising anything to her. 风飞云看到了站在人族阵营之中的风卿卿,她就站在那一位战神的身后,有很多人族的老者都围在她的身边,似乎在向她许诺着什么。 Feng Feiyun some heart concealed worries, are the safety worries of Little Qingqing. 风飞云的心头有些隐忧,为小卿卿的安危担心。 If these Human Race powerhouses, wanting the inheritance that captures her to obtain such to manage? 万一那些人族的强者,想要夺取她得到的传承这么办? „Was boy, you worried for little miss?” The old woman narrows the eye to say with a smile. “小子,你在为小姑娘担心?”老妪眯着眼睛笑道。 Feng Feiyun nodded, said: „The will of the people are greedy, who said? Now they are currying favor with she, but left here, perhaps some people will get rid to capture her inheritance.” 风飞云点了点头,道:“人心贪婪,谁说得准?现在他们都在拉拢讨好她,但是离开了这里,说不定就会有人出手夺取她的传承。” What are you relate with her?” The old woman said. “你跟她是什么关系?”老妪道。 My younger sister!” Feng Feiyun said. “我妹妹!”风飞云道。 „Can you take responsibility for her?” The old woman said. “那你能为她做主吗?”老妪道。 Feng Feiyun does not know this old undying is hitting any wicked scheme, therefore said: Should be Lord.” 风飞云不知道这个老不死的又在打什么鬼主意,于是道:“应该还是做得了主。” If the old lady gives to save her, you can make her request me to be the Master?” The old woman said. “那若是老太婆将她给救过来,你可以让她拜我为师吗?”老妪道。 The Feng Feiyun eye narrows the eyes, somewhat hesitates, after all he also knows to this old woman few, looks at her usually the conduct attitude, absolutely possibly is not a correct path people, making Little Qingqing request her to be the Master, in the heart of Feng Feiyun did not feel relieved as before. 风飞云眼睛一眯,有些犹豫,毕竟他对这个老妪也知道得太少,看她平时的行事作风,也绝对不可能是正道中人,让小卿卿拜她为师,风飞云的心中依旧不放心。 What mind are you?” Feng Feiyun said. “你又是什么居心?”风飞云道。 The old woman has coughed two, trembling say/way: Old woman also got old, perhaps crosses for two years to sneak in the earth pit, wants to receive a young disciple to inherit magic arts.” 老妪咳嗽了两声,颤巍巍的道:“老婆子也上了年纪,说不定过两年就要钻进土坑,想要收一个小弟子传承一身的道法。” The magic arts of your cheating! 你那一身坑人的道法吧! Feng Feiyun does not think that this old lady must drill the earth pit, looked at her a moment ago that bursting with energy appearance, was simply strong looks like the coordinated process. 风飞云可不认为这老太婆真的要钻土坑了,看她刚才那生龙活虎的模样,简直壮得像一条龙。 Rescued to say her again!”. “等将她救出来再说吧!”了一句。 The old woman is narrowing an eye, said: Now is not good. Saw that on that waist is hanging the war-god Iron Writ man? That is a sixth zhongyāng Dynasty place nobility master, has him to stand there, anybody gives up any idea of the little miss carrying off.” 老妪眯着一双眼睛,道:“现在还不行。看到那一个腰上挂着战神铁令的男子没有?那是第六zhongyāng王朝的一位地爵爷,有他站在那里,任何人都休想将小姑娘给带走。” Feng Feiyun can also feel that war-god the huge aura, nodded, said: „Who the senior are you?” 风飞云也能够感受那个战神的庞大气息,点了点头,道:“那前辈你又是什么人?” Can from a a queen hand of war-god and White Spider Monster Clan the person rescuing, this old woman definitely also there's a long story behind this. 能够从一位战神和白蛛妖族的一位女王手中将人给救走,这个老妪肯定也大有来历。 The old woman lacks the tooth to smile, said: Old woman that's all that has not been surnamed! Well! You looked that some people obtain inheritance to return.” 老妪缺着牙齿一笑,道:“一个没名没姓的老婆子罢了!咦!你看又有人获得传承归来。” Really in red color/look sea one after another has talent outstanding of various clans to go out, some obtained the inheritance of antique powerhouse, appears high-spirited, but some have not been inherited, appears somewhat urges disheartened. 果然红sè的海洋之中陆陆续续的有各族的天才俊杰走出,有的得到了太古强者的传承,显得意气风发,而有的则没有得到传承,显得有些催头丧气。 These talent outstanding were all given to pick by the elders of various clans, inherited talent outstanding reaches more than ten unexpectedly. 这些天才俊杰皆被各族的长辈给接走,得到传承的天才俊杰竟然多达十多位。 And Human Race has occupied four, by key protection. 其中人族占了四位,都被重点的保护起来。 At this time, in the bloodshed together person's shadow soared, the body bracing cold was tyrannical, the giant beast shadow of blood red color/look presented in his back. 这个时候,血海之中又一道人影腾飞而起,身上气劲强横,有一尊血红sè的巨兽影子呈现在他的背后。 Is Human Race heavenly talent, obtained the inheritance of blood qilin half Saint.” “又是一位人族天骄,得到了血麒半圣的传承。” Blood qilin half Saint is also the formidable ominous person, already during all inheritance is extremely formidable, is next to the inheritance of white bones Son of Heaven.” “血麒半圣的也是强大的凶人,在所有传承之中已经算是极其强大的了,仅次于白骨天王的传承。” Old ancestors of Middle Ages aristocratic family came, long said with a smile: That is eight sons who I look after the household.” 一个中古世家的老祖现身,长笑道:“那是我顾家的八儿。” That obtains the youngster of blood qilin half Saint inheritance, is Eighth Young Master Gu. 那一个得到血麒半圣传承的少年,正是顾八少爷 Obtained the inheritance, wrote off is.” “得到了传承,抹杀了便是。” That huge great ant gets rid once more, first even/including makes dozens vestiges of the past, each looks like dense cloud layers. 那一只庞大的巨蚁再次出手,一连打出数十道爪印,每一道都像一片黑压压的云层。 White Spider Monster Clan that queen also has gotten meanwhile rid, a radiance of spoken parts color/look puts out from her sandalwood mouth, the meteor has delimited the backdrop likely together. 于此同时白蛛妖族的那一位女王也出手了,一道白sè的光华从她的檀口之中吐出,像是一道流星划过天幕。 At this time, in Human Race also many powerhouses got rid, protect Eighth Young Master Gu. 这个时候,人族之中也有很多强者出手,守护顾八少爷 The Human Race war-god spars with White Spider Monster Clan that queen, that spoken parts color/look radiance keeping off. 人族战神独自一人与白蛛妖族的那一位女王斗法,将那一道白sè光华给挡下。 ! ! ......” “噗!噗!噗……” In Human Race has many old men to be damaged, the mouth spits the blood. 人族之中有很多老者受创,口吐鲜血。 The strength of that great ant was tyrannical, has broken through the defense of Human Race sage, including aura together to hit on the body of Eighth Young Master Gu. 那一只巨蚁的力量强横,攻破了诸位人族贤者的防御,其中有一道气息打在了顾八少爷的身上。 Although together weak aura, as before makes the chest of Eighth Young Master Gu blast out merely, covered with blood, the bone almost disperses the frame, in the mouth spits blood, was almost killed by shock. 虽然仅仅只是一道微弱的气息,依旧让顾八少爷的胸口炸开,血肉模糊,骨头都差点散架,口中哇哇吐血,差一点被震死。 The inheritance that however he obtains is extremely also formidable, the mortal body becomes quite terrifying, the quick chest starts to heal, radiance flashes, the imposing manner is fearful, likely is blood Qilin resurrecting. 但是他得到的传承也极其强大,肉身变得相当恐怖,很快胸口就开始愈合,身上的光华闪动,气势慑人,像是一头血麒麟复活。 That great ant gets rid once more, in the mouth puts out a piece of monster saying that the potential must give suppress and kill Eighth Young Master Gu. 那一只巨蚁再次出手,口中吐出一片妖云,势要将顾八少爷镇杀 That huge Monster Qi, the incomparable terrifying, shakes the vault of heaven to shiver, the monster cloud has not fallen, shaking lay Eighth Young Master Gu on already on the ground, flesh and blood wanted rottenly completely. 那一股庞大的妖气,无比恐怖,震得苍穹颤抖,妖云还没有落下,就已经顾八少爷给震得趴在了地上,身上的血肉都要烂尽。 Howling!” “嚎!” That Human Race war-god assumes an awe-inspiring pose once more, the arm wielded, makes a handle to fight the hammer, monster cloud destroying. 那一位人族战神再次发威,手臂一挥,打出了一柄战锤,将妖云给打碎。 Bang!” “轰!” Fights the strength of hammer to cover the entire space, the ray flashes, gives the disintegration that mainland under great ant body. 战锤的力量覆盖整个空间,光芒一闪,就将巨蚁身下的那一片大陆给崩碎。 Whose today , to make war comprehensively, my Human Race fearless, what meaning kills talent outstanding to have? Must kill, extermination of the clan! Who comes to fight with me? Who comes to kill with me?” The Human Race war-god sound is overbearing, shakes entire Holy Ghost Tomb to rock, as if a disintegration stretch of world. “谁今天若是想要全面开战,我人族无惧,杀一个天才俊杰有什么意思?要杀,就灭族!谁来跟我战?谁来跟我杀?”人族战神声音霸道,震得整个圣灵墓葬都在晃动,仿佛崩碎一片天地。 On him that war-god military exploit made also to keep ringing, symbolizes he was cutting to kill trillion Monster Clan, murderous aura was rising dramatically unceasingly. 他身上那一枚战神军功令也在响个不停,象征着他曾经斩杀过的亿万妖族,身上的杀气在不断飙升。 ...... …… Asked the bank note! Does not have the bank note unable to write high cháo! 求票子啊!没票子写不出高cháo啊!
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