SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#935: Holy Ghost Tomb center

When Feng Feiyun found Feng Qingqing, she float in an under water white bones head. 风飞云找到风卿卿之时,她正悬浮在水底的一颗白骨头颅的中。 This white bones head has more than 300 meters high fully, Evil Qi, the bone hard such as the god iron, above the bone flesh and blood does not have all over the body, two eye sockets are very profound, send out the gloomy evil strength, likely is two black holes, can swallow world cloudy all evil, the air/Qi of contamination. 这一颗白骨头颅足有300多米高,通体邪气,骨头坚硬如神铁,骨头之上一丝血肉都没有,两只眼眶十分幽深,散发出阴森邪力,像是两个黑洞,能够吞噬世间一切阴邪、污秽之气。 Its mouth has more than 200 meters width fully, tooth already falls completely. 它的嘴巴足有200多米宽,牙齿已经掉落殆尽。 This moment Feng Qingqing on float in white bones head huge mouth, the body sends out white radiance, ten handle white bones swords move around her. 此刻风卿卿就悬浮在白骨头颅庞大的嘴巴里面,身上散发出一道道白色光华,有十柄白骨剑围绕她旋转。 Above the sword body of white bones sword has the beast soul to reappear, makes threatening gestures fiercely, scary. 白骨剑的剑体之上有兽魂浮现,张牙舞爪、狰狞骇人。 „Is this head of white bones Son of Heaven?” Feng Feiyun stands beyond dozens miles, can feel huge Evil Qi above that giant white bones head. “这难道就是白骨天王的头颅?”风飞云站在数十里之外,都能够在那一颗巨大的白骨头颅之上感觉到庞大的邪气 The white bones Son of Heaven should not achieve the Holy Saint boundary, but wants to leave the Holy Saint boundary not to be far, has the character who the qualifications attack the Holy Saint boundary. 白骨天王生前应该是没有达到圣灵境,但是想来离圣灵境也不会太远,乃是有资格冲击圣灵境的人物。 Because of the magic of here red cold water, its bone has therefore preserved, experienced three quantity tribulation supernatural powers not to have rotten passing. 因为这里的红色寒水的神奇力量,所以它的骨头保存了下来,经历了三个量劫法力也没有烂透。 Master, this is inheriting the inheritance of white bones Son of Heaven, will she turn into the second white bones Son of Heaven?” Xue Shuang felt that is very inconceivable. “主人,她这是在继承白骨天王的传承,难道她将变成第二个白骨天王?”雪泷感觉到很不可思议。 This was very difficult to say!” “这很难说!” At this moment, Feng Feiyun felt that under water Evil Qi becomes inflates. 就在这时,风飞云感觉到水底的邪气变得更加膨胀。 Bang!” “轰!” The distant place, float opens the double pupil in hole head Feng Qingqing of mouth suddenly, the pupil is red, the monster is different, bone twinkle radiance, is revealing a pink bone shade from the snow white flesh. 远处,悬浮在窟窿头的嘴里的风卿卿豁然睁开双眸,瞳孔赤红,妖异无比,身上的一根根骨头都在闪烁光华,从雪白的肌肤之中露出一个粉红色的骨影。 Likely is a pink skeleton, melts in her body! 像是一具粉红骷髅,融在她的身体之中! Whish!” “哗!” Her pair of white delicate arms gather ten, body Evil Qi is imposing, condenses a huge vortex under water, when ten handle white bones swords became conspired with turn toward Feng Feiyun to fly continually. 她的一双玉臂合十,身上邪气凛然,在水底凝聚出一个庞大的漩涡,十柄白骨剑连成一串同时向着风飞云飞了过去。 Evil Qi and sword air/Qi pesters in the same place, the sword intent incomparable rushing. 邪气和剑气扭缠在一起,剑意无比滂湃。 Feng Feiyun both eyes concentrate, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall obviously melted automatically, changed into a sword, first even/including chops ten blades. 风飞云双目一凝,天髓兵胆自动显化了出来,化为了一口战刀,一连劈出十刀。 Bang! Bang! Bang......” “嘭!嘭!嘭……” Feng Feiyun speedily displayed the pinnacle the samsara, the movement transformed unceasingly, sword and bone sword unceasing clash. 风飞云将轮回疾速施展到了极致,身法不断变换,战刀和骨剑不断相击。 Ten handle white bones swords likely are ten white evil dragons, launches the attack to Feng Feiyun unceasingly, made entire under water give to tumble. 十柄白骨剑像是十条白色的邪龙,不断向风飞云发起攻击,让整个水底都给翻滚了起来。 Thousand god Buddha! Gives me to break!” “千手神佛!给我破!” The body of Feng Feiyun runs out of infinite Fokuang, myriad Buddha shades present above his body, in the body as if stretched out over a thousand Buddha hand imprints, resembled to change into a Buddha territory. 风飞云的身上冲出无穷佛光,万千佛影在他的身体之上呈现出来,身体之中仿佛伸出了上千只佛手印,似化为了一片佛域。 Bang! 轰! Evil Qi was given the purification by Buddha Qi, ten handle white bones swords were shaken to fly. 邪气佛气给净化,十柄白骨剑被震飞了出去。 Feng Qingqing ties the sword Secret Art, gives to take back ten handle white bones swords, surrounds her to fly once more, changed into a white bones sword territory around her body. 风卿卿手结剑诀,将十柄白骨剑给收回,再次环绕着她飞行,在她的身体周围化为了一座白骨剑域。 Elder Brother! You bully the person, does the Buddha family merit law that you cultivation how restrain my «Wound Day To offer a sacrifice to Bone Swordsmanship»?” Feng Qingqing launches the movement, flies in the red cold water, self-satisfied falling to the Feng Feiyun front. “哥!你欺负人,你修炼的佛门功法怎么就偏偏克制我的《伤天祭骨剑道》?”风卿卿展开身法,在红色的寒水之中飞行,飘飘然的落到了风飞云的面前。 «Wound Day Offers a sacrifice to Bone Swordsmanship», did you obtain the inheritance of white bones Son of Heaven?” Feng Feiyun receives Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi, aura belongs to the nature. “《伤天祭骨剑道》,你得到了白骨天王的传承?”风飞云收起金蚕佛气,身上的气息又归于自然。 Yes! He said that I am inborn demon, is cultivates the wound day to offer a sacrifice to the optiman of bone swordsmanship, was only a pity that is not white bones Monster Clan, making him feel somewhat disappointedly.” Feng Qingqing blinks to focus on the pupil, Breene! Breene! At once also said: Elder Brother, you said after me, can cultivation a big bone?” “是啊!他说我乃是天生的邪魔,乃是修炼伤天祭骨剑道的最佳人选,只可惜不是白骨妖族,让他感到有些失望。”风卿卿眨巴着眼眸子,布林!布林!旋即又道:“哥,你说我以后会不会修炼成一根大骨头?” Should not, what «Wound Day Offers a sacrifice to Bone Swordsmanship» cultivates is the swordsmanship and bone said that if lets the white bones Monster Clan cultivation naturally is best, you cultivated have not obstructed greatly, will build up harder and congealing reality the bone at most, built the immortal bone body.” Feng Feiyun said. “应该不会,《伤天祭骨剑道》修的是剑道和骨道,若是让白骨妖族修炼自然是最佳,你修炼了也没有大碍,顶多会将骨头炼得更加坚硬和凝实,修成不朽骨身。”风飞云道。 „! Can that leg coarsen?” Feng Qingqing was somewhat anxious. “啊!那腿会不会变粗啊?”风卿卿有些紧张了起来。 Sweat! 汗! This...... Should unable!” Feng Feiyun said. “这个……应该不会吧!”风飞云道。 That is good, that was good......” Feng Qingqing to be joyful immediately, for fear that will cultivate «Wound Day To offer a sacrifice to Bone Swordsmanship» will cultivate the big bone. “那就好,那就好……”风卿卿顿时喜悦了起来,生怕修炼《伤天祭骨剑道》将自己修炼成了大骨头。 The woman nature hopes oneself become formidable, but if wants them to use the beautiful appearance to receive in exchange for the strength, most women will not want. 女人自然希望自己变得强大,但若是要她们用美貌来换取力量,绝大多数的女人都不会愿意。 Actually «Wound Day Offers a sacrifice to Bone Swordsmanship» and wonder of some «Undying Phoenix Physique» also many equally good results from different methods, is cultivates Bone Refining to say. 其实《伤天祭骨剑道》和《不死凤凰身》也有很多异曲同工之妙,都是修炼骨道。 However «Wound Day Offers a sacrifice to Bone Swordsmanship» transforms the bone say/way as the swordsmanship, but «Undying Phoenix Physique» cultivates own bone, the concise own strength, pursues the Antique God Phoenix general strength. 不过《伤天祭骨剑道》是将骨道转化为剑道,而《不死凤凰身》是修炼自身的骨,凝练自身的力,追求太古神凤一般的力量。 The former sword walks the slant, latter vigorous atmosphere. 前者剑走偏锋,后者浑厚大气。 The white bones Son of Heaven is also only a wisp of remnant soul, after will inherit has given Feng Qingqing, on already thorough vanishing into thin air. 白骨天王也只是一缕残魂,在将传承交给了风卿卿之后,就已经彻底的烟消云散。 cultivation base of white bones Son of Heaven has not practiced the Holy Saint boundary, but actually as before the shocking peerless, young time can fight with white Zhusheng the ancestor, the inheritance no small matter that this grade of character leaves behind, Feng Qingqing obtains his inheritance, future future no small matter. 白骨天王的修为并没有修炼到圣灵的境界,但是却依旧惊艳绝世,年轻时候能够和白蛛圣祖争锋,这等人物留下的传承非同小可,风卿卿得到他的传承,将来的前途非同小可。 Although Feng Feiyun «Gold Silkworm Scripture» can have certain restraint to her, but is actually not absolute, if she must really at risk of life with a Feng Feiyun war, may break through Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi. 风飞云的《金蚕经》虽然能够对她有一定的克制,但是却也不是绝对,她若是真的拼死要和风飞云一战,也有可能冲破金蚕佛气 Above the white bones head is remaining as before also the aura of white bones Son of Heaven, is the unsurpassed treasure, is more precious than it Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, by Feng Qingqing receiving. 白骨头颅之上依旧还残留着白骨天王的气息,乃是无上珍宝,比之十品灵器都要珍贵,被风卿卿给收了起来。 Xue Shuang body already frozen stiff, was given by the red ice crystal frozen, a Feng Feiyun palm according to above her shoulder, her ice crystal destroying. 雪泷的身体已经被冻僵,被红色的冰晶给冰封,风飞云一掌按在了她的肩膀之上,将她身上的冰晶给打碎。 Many thanks the graciousness of master life-saving.” Xue Shuang to Feng Feiyun kotowing gently. “多谢主人救命之恩。”雪泷风飞云轻轻的叩首。 Feng Feiyun, Feng Qingqing and do Xue Shuang swim away toward water surface, want to take a look at the pool of water another to lead to where? 风飞云风卿卿雪泷向着水面游去,想要看看池水的另一头到底通往何处? When they surface, immediately by the present picture being shocked. 当他们浮出水面之时,顿时被眼前的景象给惊呆。 This is red sea, float above void, the coastline is several tens of thousands miles. 这是一片红色的海洋,悬浮在虚空之上,海岸线长达数万里。 Looks into the distance toward the distant place, is limitless void, float mainland and islands. 向着远处眺望,是无边无际的虚空,悬浮着一座座大陆和岛屿。 At this moment has the innumerable member to gather in this piece of space, some stand in the surrounding, some stand under of red sea. 此刻有无数的修士聚集在这一片空间之中,有的站在外围,有的站在红色海洋的下方。 Several tens of thousands miles red sea, on float in their place above. 数万里的红色海洋,就悬浮在他们的上方。 Not is only only Human Race and White Spider Monster Clan, other Monster Clan, like oppressor Monster Clan and great ant Monster Clan...... Wait/Etc., these Monster Clan are the same with White Spider Monster Clan, occupies in dead cloud boundary Monster Clan, hears white Zhusheng ancestor's grave born, sent the powerhouse to catch up. 不仅只是人族白蛛妖族,还有别的妖族,像虎狼妖族、巨蚁妖族……等等,这些妖族都是和白蛛妖族一样,是盘踞在死云界的妖族,听闻白蛛圣祖的墓葬出世,都纷纷派遣强者赶了过来。 Everywhere is the huge aura, great shades present in void. 到处都是庞大的气息,一道道巨影在虚空之中呈现。 Above an float mainland, is lying a huge ant, merely is only an ant foot more than 80 meters thickness, its body moves, a body several thousand miles mainland under is rocking. 在一片悬浮的大陆之上,趴着一只庞大的蚂蚁,仅仅只是一根蚂蚁脚都有80多米粗,它的身体一动,身下的数千里的大陆都在晃动。 Above another islands, was given to cover by Monster Qi, can see that indistinctly a seductress sits in the palace on islands, the white hair of seductress flutters, each hair looks like white rivers, flutters in endless remote void. 另一座岛屿之上,被妖气给笼罩,隐约能够看到一个妖女坐在岛屿上的宫殿之中,妖女的白发飘荡出来,每一根头发都像一条白色的河流,飘出无尽遥远的虚空之中。 Her hair silk moves, then such as day blade, two halves of mainland a several tens of thousands miles away shearing. 她其中一根头发丝一动,便如天刀,将数万里之外的一座大陆给割成两半。 This is the action of her having no interest, when the hair flutters, strength that hair have. 这是她无心之举,只是头发飘动之时,头发自己产生的力量。 In Human Race also some formidable overlords catch up, an overlord seems only then 30 years old, the height eight chi (0.33 m), the whole body puts on black armor, dignified threatening, like a war-god near world. 人族之中也有一些强大的霸主赶来,其中一位霸主看上去只有30来岁,身高八尺,全身都穿着黑甲,威严逼人,像一尊战神临世。 What is most astounding is on his waist war-god military exploit command. 最让人惊骇的是他腰上的那一枚“战神”军功令。 In Human Race, obtains 10,000 military exploits, may seal fights king. 人族之中,得到10000点军功,可封“战王”。 1 million military exploits, may seal fight sovereign. 1000000点军功,可封“战皇”。 100 million military exploits, may seal war-god. 100000000点军功,才可封“战神”。 The war-god has the super high status in Human Race, at present this human overlord is a war-god, cultivation base is high is unable to estimate, the aura rushing is scary, the side is lying a black lion, likely is general that the steel casts. 战神在人族有着超级高的地位,眼前这一位人类霸主就是一尊战神,修为高得无法揣度,气息滂湃而吓人,身边卧着一头黑狮,像是钢铁铸成的一般。 All powerhouses sit in meditation motionless, what seems is waiting for? 所有的强者都静坐不动,似乎是在等待着什么? Wasn't will arrive at the Holy Ghost Tomb deep place?” “不会是来到圣灵墓葬的深处了吧?” Feng Feiyun just appeared from the red sea, the aura of surroundings these terrors then all fell his body, many people were calling out in alarm. 风飞云刚从红色的海洋之上露头,周围那些恐怖的气息便全部都落到了他的身上,很多人都在惊呼。 Some people have been inherited!” “有人得到传承出来了!” heavenly talent of which clan is?” “是哪一族的天骄?” „It is not right, his body does not have the aura of inheritance, is Half Monster.” “不对,他身上没有传承的气息,是一个半妖。” These huge aura put aside from the body of Feng Feiyun at once, fall the body of Feng Qingqing. 那些庞大的气息旋即又从风飞云的身上移开,落到了风卿卿的身上。 These time has caused stir finally. 这一次终于引起了轰动。 That Human Race war-god long smiles one, the sound like the mighty bell, said: Was my Human Race day the arrogant female captures the inheritance of white bones Son of Heaven born.” 那一位人族的战神长笑一声,声音如洪钟,道:“是我人族的天之骄女夺得白骨天王的传承出世了。” „Is the white bones Son of Heaven my Monster Clan legendary character, how the inheritance can be lost Human Race?” “白骨天王乃是我妖族的传奇人物,传承怎么可以旁落人族?” The claw of that giant ant moves, shakes void, the huge vestige of the past has shelled together, likely is the hand imprint of heaven, carries the dreadful potential, wants suppress and kill Feng Qingqing. 那一只巨大的蚂蚁的爪子一动,震得虚空一荡,一道庞大的爪印轰击了下去,像是苍天的手印,携带滔天之势,要镇杀风卿卿 You dare!” “尔敢!” That Human Race the body of war-god gushes out the endless war air/Qi, condenses a huge fist shade in void, carries several million fist intent, changed into one to receive greatly, that huge vestige of the past breaking. 那一位人族的战神的身上涌出无尽战气,在虚空之中凝聚出一个庞大的拳影,携带数百万种拳意,化为了一只巨收,将那一个庞大的爪印给破开。 Side Human Race war-god that black lion sends out a long roar, is an antique god beast emerges likely, the body moves, the void unceasing vibration, the next quarter, already has then flown above the blood red sea, gives to hold Feng Qingqing with a claw, then brings to the side of that Human Race war-god, has protected. 人族战神身边的那一头黑狮发出一声长吼,像是一头太古神兽出笼,身体一动,虚空不断的震动,下一刻,便已经飞到了血红色的海洋之上,用一只爪子将风卿卿给抓住,然后带到那个人族战神的身边,保护了起来。 Does not have that treatment as for Feng Feiyun and Xue Shuang, the black lion has not taken away them. 至于风飞云雪泷却没有那个待遇,黑狮并没有将他们也带走。 Saw that the black lion gives to carry off Feng Qingqing, falls into the Human Race camp, that great ant cold snort/hum, then no longer gets rid. 见到黑狮将风卿卿给带走,落入人族阵营之中,那一只巨蚁冷哼一声,便不再出手。 My brother...... My brother...... Still......” Feng Qingqing in the water called out. “我哥……我哥……还在水里……”风卿卿叫道。 Human Race fights the shintoism: That is Half Monster your elder brother?” 人族战神道:“那个半妖是你哥?” Right! Uncle, you also lead him!” Although Feng Qingqing does not understand the surroundings what's the matter, but thought in as before that red sea is very definitely dangerous. Perhaps the Elder Brother treats there is in danger, suppress and kill, her heart will be very been anxious. “对啊!大叔,你也将他带过来吧!”风卿卿虽然不明白周围到底是怎么回事,但是依旧觉得那一片红色的海洋之中肯定很危险。哥哥待在那里说不定有生命危险,会被人这镇杀,她的心头很焦急。 Whish! “哗! At this moment, above the red sea, the mighty waves are turbulent, the void gate opens together, in void gate vast boundless, dense air/Qi rushing, an old arm stretches out from inside, gave to hold during Feng Feiyun and Xue Shuang, hauls was void. 就在这时,红色的海洋之上,波涛汹涌,一道虚空之门打开,虚空之门中浩渺无边,氤氲之气滂湃,一只苍老的手臂从里面伸出,将风飞云雪泷给抓住,拉进了虚空之中。 Bold!” “大胆!” The Human Race war-god and that white hair 3000 zhang (3.33 m) seductress also get rid, erupt the vibration space the strength, shells to the void gate position, void gives the disintegration that piece, what a pity finally not gives to leave behind Feng Feiyun and Xue Shuang, by an unknown powerhouse carrying off. 人族战神和那个白发3000丈妖女同时出手,爆发出震动空间的力量,轰击向虚空之门的位置,将那一片虚空都给崩碎,可惜最终没有将风飞云雪泷给留下,被一位未知的强者给带走。
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