SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#934: Female monster servants

cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang is very indeed strong, the mortal body strength especially is also huge, making Feng Feiyun secretly be also startled in the heart, what this female seductress/evil spirit affirmation cultivates is the top body refining merit law. 雪泷大人的修为的确很强,肉身的力量也格外庞大,让风飞云也在心头暗暗吃惊,这个女妖精肯定修炼的乃是顶尖炼体功法。 Worthily is the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan! 不愧是白蛛妖族的皇族! Perhaps you did not have that opportunity!” “恐怕你是没有那个机会了!” In the body of Feng Feiyun 18 Phoenix Bones have shone, is bunch of flame, in the body 100.08 million Holy Saint bone ashes is vibrating likely surely, shakes a day of great strength to well up to the arm above, has divided horizontally, divided a bloodstain above the jade back of Sir Xue Shuang, the monster blood was bright red, flowed above the snow white flesh. 风飞云的身体之中18块凤骨亮了起来,像是一团团火焰,身体之中100080000千万圣灵骨灰在震动,一股撼天巨力涌到手臂之上,横劈了过去,在雪泷大人的玉背之上劈出了一道血痕,妖血鲜红,在雪白的肌肤之上流淌。 The red silk that she carries on the back ties also cuts off, the red silk lifts, reveals the big piece the snow white flesh, vibration that chest front two jade peak keeping, the mighty waves are turbulent, the fragrance overflows, is very charming, like momentarily will break the clothes to jump. 她背上的红绸结也被斩断,红绸掀开,露出大片的雪白肌肤,胸前的两座玉峰在不停的抖动,波涛汹涌,香气四溢,十分迷人,就像随时都会破衣跳出来。 Very powerful strength.” “好强的力量。” The wound that Sir Xue Shuang carries on the back heals automatically, finally completely vanishes, does not have including the scar, radiance is as before exquisite, arouses incomparably. 雪泷大人背上的伤口自动愈合,最后完全消失,连疤痕都没有,依旧光华细腻,撩人无比。 Feng Feiyun rumbled once more a palm, above was in charge has innumerable dragon shadow to beat, white delicate arms of Sir Xue Shuang covering. 风飞云再次轰出了一掌,掌印之上有无数龙影在跳动,将雪泷大人的一条玉臂给扣住。 Sir Xue Shuang beautiful luster of the skin turn over, from Feng Feiyun during captures withdraws, slender finger buckle to the left hand of Feng Feiyun. 雪泷大人妖艳的玉体翻转,从风飞云的擒拿之中脱身,纤细的手指扣向风飞云的左手。 They displayed to capture technique, the speed draw near pinnacle. 两人都施展出擒拿之术,速度快到了极致。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” Sir Xue Shuang red silk was been broken by thorough grasping, changed into red broken steps, is the red butterfly falls likely the ground. 雪泷大人身上的红绸被彻底的抓碎,化为了一块块红色的碎步,像是红色的蝴蝶掉落到地上。 She stark naked standing in red pool bank, if the pupil the bright moon, the nape of the neck is slender, the twin peaks are tall and straight, the gully between twin peaks is the wonderful, black sending silk falls in the snow color/look flesh, outlined a moving scenery picture scroll in the monster face, neck and chest. 她就一丝不挂的站在红色的池子畔,眸若皓月,脖颈纤细,双峰挺拔,双峰之间的沟壑更是美妙,黑色的发丝落在雪色的肌肤之间,在妖颜、脖子、胸部之间勾勒出一幅动人的山水画卷。 Her waist is slender, the curve is beautiful, does not have an unnecessary excess flesh, simply perfect to the extreme, making the person want to feel the elasticity on her willow waist with the hand very much. 她腰肢纤细,曲线美丽,没有一丝多余的赘肉,简直完美到了极点,让人很想用手去感受她柳腰上的弹性。 Looked enough?” She does not evade the Feng Feiyun vision, the eyelash trembles, has squinted Feng Feiyun. “看够了没有?”她并不避讳风飞云的目光,睫毛颤颤,斜视了风飞云一眼。 Feng Feiyun both hands hug before the body, smiled: Looked that indeed looked actually enough, but something looked merely was impossible to understand true meaning completely?” 风飞云双手抱在身前,笑了笑:“看倒是的确看够了,但是有些东西仅仅只是看是不可能完全明白其中的真谛?” If other man, noticed that this same beautiful body presents at present, definitely already cannot restrain in the body **, threw reckless. In that case, definitely has not touched the body of Sir Xue Shuang, fell down on already. 若是别的男人,看到这一样一具美体呈现在眼前,肯定都已经克制不住身体之中的**,不顾一切的扑了上去。若是那样的话,肯定还没有触摸到雪泷大人的身体,就已经倒在了地上。 Feng Feiyun is also a normal man, saw the luster of the skin of Sir Xue Shuang, in the heart has also produced primitively **, but he can actually control oneself reason, was insufficient to lose the life because of the temporary greed in vain. 风飞云也是一个正常的男人,看到雪泷大人的玉体,心中也产生了原始的**,但是他却能控制自己的理智,不至于因为一时的贪欲而枉送性命。 Time that the men should throw, must result to throw. Does not throw, gives others to throw? 男人该扑上去的时候,必须得扑上去。不扑上去,难道交给别人扑上去? Time that however should not throw, even if with shackle the lower part tying up, cannot throw absolutely. 但是不该扑上去的时候,就算是用铁链将下半身给绑起来,也绝对不能扑上去。 Sir Xue Shuang naturally saw in the Feng Feiyun eye ** color/look, but had not actually seen Feng Feiyun not sane throws toward her. 雪泷大人自然看到了风飞云眼中的**之色,但是却没有看到风飞云没有理智的向着她扑上去。 He as before steady standing there, rock-solid, the facial expression ponders, looks like in appreciating a beautiful carving general is staring at her, after looking for a long time, she then felt own some were not comfortable. 他依旧稳稳的站在那里,坚如磐石,神情玩味,就像是在欣赏一具美丽的雕刻一般的盯着她,看久了之后,她便感觉自己有些不自在。 Bang!” “轰!” When she does not start comfortably, the Feng Feiyun footsteps moved, the speed of body arrived at the pinnacle quickly, the flash arrives at her front, the finger has selected toward her luster of the skin above, every will strike will seal up her life hole. 就在她开始不自在的时候,风飞云的脚步动了,身体的速度快到极致,一瞬间就到了她的面前,手指向着她玉体之上点了下去,每一击都会封住她的一座命穴。 Bad! 糟了! When Sir Xue Shuang gets rid to counter-attack, life hole already was sealed up 68, the strength drops a big truncation. 雪泷大人出手反击之时,身上的命穴已经被封住68座,力量下降一大截。 Her arm like the water snake, the nail becomes is sharper than the sharp sword, straight thrust Feng Feiyun dantian. 她的手臂就像游蛇,指甲变得比利剑还要锋利,直刺风飞云的丹田。 Whish!” “哗!” The Feng Feiyun speed is faster, gave to cover her slender wrist/skill, buckles above the jade back, the finger clicked rapidly, has sealed up her 34 life holes. 风飞云的速度更快,将她纤细的手腕给扣住,扣到了玉背之上,手指迅速点击,又封住了她34座命穴。 Her strength drops one section once more. 她身上的力量再次下降一截。 Her slender and straight ** kicks backward, the lotus foot is exquisite, five toes are very fine, but that strength is not small. 她的一条修长而笔直的**向后踢出,莲足小巧,五根脚趾都很精致,但是那一股力量却不小。 The body of Feng Feiyun floating takeoffs, another hand gives to press firmly between the fingers her compact calf, has raised her leg directly, almost must draw the ankle area to her neck near. 风飞云的身体飘然离地,另一只手将她的紧致的小腿给捏住,将她的这一条腿直接提了起来,几乎都要将脚踝拉到她的脖子边上。 Feng Feiyun fast seals up her dozens life holes, then gave to throw her, caused her body hit above a white bones wall, exuded bang a great sound, then fell the ground. 风飞云又是快速的封住她数十座命穴,然后将她给扔了出去,使她的身体撞击在了一面白骨墙壁之上,发出“嘭”的一声巨声,然后掉落到地上。 The Feng Feiyun body lift-off flies, falls gently to her front, lowers the head to overlook, says with a smile: „Does clothing/taking refuse to accept?” 风飞云身体离地飞去,飘落到她的面前,低头俯视,笑道:“服不服?” No...... Refuses to accept......” Sir Xue Shuang to transfer the monster strength in body, in the dantian the dazzling monster glow is surging together, a chaos piece, strength extremely with amazement. “不……不服……”雪泷大人调动身体之中的妖力,丹田之中一道刺目的妖芒在涌动,混沌一片,力量极其骇然。 She must offer a sacrifice to this life monster, cuts life hole that broken Feng Feiyun seals up. 她要祭出本命妖器,斩破风飞云封住的命穴。 „The words of woman cannot believe that the words of female seductress/evil spirit cannot believe. Reaches an agreement bare-handed fights hand-to-hand, now actually must use the monster strength, really compels me not to show tender affection.” “女人的话信不得,女妖精的话更信不得。说好徒手肉搏,现在却又要使用妖力,真是逼我不怜香惜玉。” The Feng Feiyun first even/including cuts the strength of five Extreme Disaster, cuts Sir Xue Shuang 50 years of vitalities. 风飞云一连斩出五道死劫之力,斩去雪泷大人50年的生命力。 Luster of the skin violent shivering of Sir Xue Shuang, looked like by a handle sledgehammer bombardment on the body, the whole body in the severe pain, Bei Chijin bit, said: Took.” 雪泷大人的玉体猛烈的一颤抖,就像是被一柄大锤轰击在了身上,全身都在剧痛,贝齿紧咬,道:“服了。” Feng Feiyun said: Took really?” 风飞云道:“真的服了?” Took.” “真的服了。” Sir Xue Shuang while saying this saying, in the dantian the monster light spout, radiance runs out together as far as the eye can see, punctures toward Feng Feiyun. 雪泷大人在说出这话的同时,丹田之中妖光喷涌,一道极目光华冲出,向着风飞云刺去。 Feng Feiyun early was prepared, the arm wields, changed into the phoenix vestige of the past, flew to the racket her source Spirit Artifact, has pressed firmly between the fingers her neck, gave to raise her, above the finger condensed two vigorously. 风飞云早有准备,手臂一挥,化为了凤凰爪印,将她的本源灵器给拍飞了出去,一只捏住了她的脖子,将她给提了起来,手指之上凝聚出了两道大力来。 This time took, does not dare, asking the master to forgive a servants life......” Sir Xue Shuang to feel own neck already soon by the crumb. “这次真的服了,不敢了,求主人饶过奴婢一命……”雪泷大人感觉到自己的脖子都已经快要被捏碎。 In her pair of beautiful pupil is dodging the tears, can feel Feng Feiyun to be interested to her, but can also feel Feng Feiyun to kill her not to hesitate absolutely. 她的一双美眸之中闪着泪花,能够感受到风飞云对她有兴趣,但是也能感受到风飞云要杀她也绝对不会犹豫。 What is the man of maintaining one's composure? The one who is most fearful is such man. 坐怀不乱的男人算什么?最可怕的是这样的男人。 After you sit, he is chaotic. After you sit, if harbors evil intentions, he also dares to kill you. 你坐上来之后,他敢乱。你坐上来之后若是居心叵测,他也敢杀你。 The man of maintaining one's composure, is only the timid man. 坐怀不乱的男人,都只是胆小的男人。 Asked the master to forgive...... A servants life......” in the mouth of Sir Xue Shuang already in the overflowing blood, flows out from the corners of the mouth, the blood bead is hanging on the snow white neck, keeps downward dropping. “求主人饶过……奴婢一命……”雪泷大人的口中已经在溢血,从嘴角边上流出,血珠挂着雪白的脖子上,不停往下滴。 White of red and organism of blood, has formed the sharp contrast. 鲜血的红和肌体的白,形成了鲜明的对比。 Feng Feiyun faintly said: Who is servants?” 风飞云淡淡的道:“谁是奴婢?” I...... I am! I am the master am lowliest...... Despicable...... Twitching that humble servants......” body already of Sir Xue Shuang keeping, Feng Feiyun seizes , is not only her neck, has her life. “我……我是!我是主人最卑贱……下贱……低贱的奴婢……”雪泷大人的身体已经在不停的抽搐,风飞云掐住的不仅是她的脖子,更有她的命脉。 Bang!” “嘭!” The finger of Feng Feiyun loosens, threw Sir Xue Shuang on the ground, said: Since you want to be the servants, I give you an opportunity, can complete this servants, looked that you displayed to be good.” 风飞云的手指松开,将雪泷大人丢在了地上,道:“既然你想要做奴婢,那我就给你一次机会,能不能做好这个奴婢,就看你表现好不好了。” Sir Xue Shuang lies down on the ground, the respite, the jade chest fluctuates, organism crisp beautiful, crawls to the under foot of Feng Feiyun hastily, said: Many thanks the graciousness of master not killing, Xue Shuang...... The servants will certainly not disappoint the master.” 雪泷大人躺在地上,不停的喘息,玉胸起伏,肌体酥美,连忙爬到风飞云的脚下,道:“多谢主人不杀之恩,雪泷……奴婢一定不会让主人失望。” Feng Feiyun said: Such being the case, that gives me a wisp of soul!” 风飞云道:“既然如此,那就给我一缕灵魂吧!” The body of Sir Xue Shuang trembles, the child of double pupil has flashed through a flurry, if offers a wisp of soul , didn't the opportunity of continually to standing up from failure have? 雪泷大人的身体一颤,双眸之子闪过了一丝慌乱,若是真的献出一缕灵魂,岂不是连翻身的机会都没有了? Feng Feiyun sees her in hesitant, sneers saying: „Before depends on you , when chases down me ruthless spicy, I did not mind that makes you be frightened out of one's wits, but looks at your also somewhat beauty, planned that receives you to be the servants, you must know that this opportunity is not everybody has.” 风飞云看到她在犹豫,冷笑道:“就凭你以前追杀我时的狠辣,我并不介意让你魂飞魄散,但是看你也有几分姿色,才打算收你做奴婢,你要知道这个机会可不是人人都有。” Although Monster Clan person with monster strength concise, but actually also can only be concise a human body, therefore the attractive female seductress/evil spirit are not many. 妖族的人身虽然是用妖力凝练而成,但是却也只能凝练出一种人类身体,所以说漂亮的女妖精也并不多。 Let alone in the body of Sir Xue Shuang also has the bloodlines of white spider emperor's clan, receives this kind of female seductress/evil spirit is the servants, even if can achieve in the sixth Yang Dynasty estimate few individuals. 更何况雪泷大人的身体之中还有白蛛皇族的血脉,收这样一只女妖精为奴婢,就算是在第六中央王朝估计都没有几个人能够做到。 Servants are willing to offer a wisp of soul.” “奴婢愿意献出一缕灵魂。” The people have to lower the head under the eaves, Sir Xue Shuang branches out a wisp of soul, has given Feng Feiyun. 人在屋檐下不得不低头,雪泷大人分出一缕灵魂,交给了风飞云 Feng Feiyun this wisp of soul imprisoning in the Ascension stage, gives the control her, like her every action and every movement will be known by Feng Feiyun, if she has the illegal heart, a Feng Feiyun thought can kill her. 风飞云将这一缕灵魂给囚禁到了羽化台之中,将她给掌控,这样她的一举一动都会被风飞云知晓,若是她有不轨之心,风飞云一个念头就可以杀她。 Feng Feiyun was worried about Feng Qingqing at this time, naturally cannot act unreasonably with Xue Shuang, but must deliver to the heaven her, Feng Feiyun actually as before did not feel relieved. 风飞云这个时候担心风卿卿,自然不会和雪泷乱来,但是要将她送到天国之中,风飞云却依旧不放心。 Must know now in the heaven already is the complete mess, sends in the heaven her again, definitely will cause very big turbulence, Feng Feiyun imprisons that several female seductress/evil spirit in heaven, finding then swallowed by Long Cangyue on already. 要知道现在天国之中都已经是一团糟,再将她送入天国,肯定又会引起很大的动荡,风飞云囚禁在天国之中的那十几个女妖精,不就已经龙沧月给找到然后吞噬了。 Feng Feiyun gives to untie Xue Shuang seal, slightly somewhat the surprise, said: Has not thought that your cultivation base already has reached the Nirvana 5th-layer peak unexpectedly, only missed one to break through 6th-layer.” 风飞云雪泷身上的封印给解开,略有几分诧异,道:“没想到你的修为竟然已经达到了涅槃第五重的巅峰,只差一丝就能突破第六重了。” Nirvana 5th-layer and Nirvana 4th-layer, although only differs the single layer, but the strength disparity is enormous, let alone she is the Nirvana 5th-layer peak, if outside, does not have strength of that imprisonment to the spiritual energy and monster strength, Feng Feiyun and she fights also is really the defeat wins few. 涅槃第五重涅槃第四重虽然只相差一重,但是力量差距却极大,更何况她还是涅槃第五重的巅峰,若是在外面,没有那一股对灵气和妖力的禁锢之力,风飞云和她交手还真的是败多胜少。 Xue Shuang gives to put on red silk, will not have the flaw luster of the skin to give to block from, the graceful physique becomes dim, simply is the sexy outstanding person. 雪泷又将一层红绸给穿上,将无瑕玉体给遮住,曼妙身姿变得朦朦胧胧,简直就是性感的尤物。 This female seductress/evil spirit can sell the sky-high price in sixth Yang Dynasty. 这种女妖精在第六中央王朝能够卖出天价。 Feng Feiyun has pressed firmly between the fingers her palm, spreads to her body the strength of Holy Saint bone ash, then has jumped in the red pool of water once more, goes to seek for Feng Qingqing once more. 风飞云捏住了她的一只手掌,将圣灵骨灰的力量传入她的身体,然后再次跳进了红色的池水之中,再次前去寻找风卿卿 Moreover Feng Feiyun also very much looks like knows that pool another of bottom does lead to where? 而且风飞云也很像知道池子的底部的另一头到底通往何处? The pond water ice is cold, even if cannot resist by Xue Shuang cultivation base, totally depends on the Feng Feiyun strength support, she had not been frozen the ice piece. 池水冰寒,即便是以雪泷修为也不能抵挡,完全靠风飞云的力量支撑,她才没有被冻结成冰块。 Sinks the bottom to pool, becomes incomparably open, likely is bottom in one red sea, from time to time can also see some remnants of destroyed building, even also some corrodes the thing that must rot. 沉到池子的底部,就变得无比开阔,像是一片红色的海洋的底部,时而还能看到一些断壁残垣,甚至还有一些腐蚀得都要烂掉的物件。 , Feng Feiyun felt the Feng Qingqing aura gradually, calculated with the technique of fifty, sensation to her in a special condition. 渐渐的,风飞云感受到了风卿卿的气息,用大衍之术推算,感知到她处在一种特殊的状态之中。
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