SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#933: One year 8 months

Also only then Bronze Ancient Vessel can withstand the Holy Saint huge aura. 也只有青铜古船能够承受圣灵的庞大气息。 Feng Feiyun puts above yellow stone ancient Guan Bronze Ancient Vessel, above Bronze Ancient Vessel has a strength to suppress the Holy Saint aura, falls that impulse. 风飞云黄石古棺放到青铜古船之上,青铜古船之上自有一股力量能够压制住圣灵的气息,降化那一股冲击力。 Above Bronze Ancient Vessel Longma River Diagram the yellow stone ancient coffin package, aura restraining, has then flown into the dantian, navigates in the sea of dantian. 青铜古船之上的“龙马河图”将黄石古棺包裹,气息收敛,然后又飞进了丹田,航行在丹田之海。 Has completed all these, Feng Feiyun then starts to examine the emperor Saint Pe in hand. 做完了这一切,风飞云这才开始查看手中的这一块帝圣佩。 Ray already above emperor Saint Pe fell slowly, together plain beautiful jade, glittering and translucent carving, like the azure full moon, inside none remaining, is embellishing the stars together likely. 帝圣佩之上的光芒已经缓缓的降了下去,一块无华的美玉,晶莹剔透,像一块青色的圆月,里面精光点点,像是点缀着星辰。 Emperor character seal above jade pendant, mature and powerful, the power and influence town person, above is breeding a Holy Saint say/way. 有一个“帝”字印在玉佩之上,苍劲有力,威势镇人,上面孕育着一位圣灵的道。 If not for the strength of this emperor Saint Pe by the seal, is only this emperor character can die to the town the Ascension sage merely. 若不是这一块帝圣佩的力量被封印,仅仅只是这一个“帝”字就能将羽化贤者给镇死。 Senior should be wants to be informed and experienced I, therefore the strength of emperor Saint Pe will give the seal, if made me obtain the strength of emperor Saint Pe directly, will be surely shiftless, excessive dependent this above strength, to practicing instead not helpfuled but harmful.” “前辈应该是想要历练我,所以才将帝圣佩的力量给封印,若是让我直接得到了帝圣佩的力量,必定会不思进取,过分的依赖这上面的力量,对修行反而有害无益。” Feng Feiyun naturally cannot appropriate to oneself emperor Saint Pe, if had found the later generation of emperor tomb senior, the emperor Saint Pe restore. 风飞云自然不会将帝圣佩据为己有,若是找到了帝冢前辈的后人,将会将帝圣佩归还。 This is the commitment that he makes, naturally then must complete. 这是他做出的承诺,自然便要去完成。 The back of emperor Saint Pe is carving many mountains chart article, is a shape of world. 帝圣佩的背面刻着很多山川图文,是一片世界的形态。 This is not the family/home of emperor tomb senior!” “这不会就是帝冢前辈的家吧!” Feng Feiyun gives to remember the shape of that piece of mountains chart article, if in the future will meet such place, then must pay attention much. 风飞云将那一片山川图文的形态给记住,将来若是遇到这样的地方,便要多多留意了。 This cultivation has spent unexpectedly for one year 8 months.” Feng Feiyun emperor Saint Pe receiving, has then calculated the time, discovered that already passed for one year 8 months. “这一次修炼竟然花费了一年8个月。”风飞云将帝圣佩给收了起来,然后推算了时间,发现已经过去了一年8个月。 Regarding other member, what one year 8 months are not, close up one merely time possibly are dozens years, but now in Holy Ghost Tomb, even if are only one day likely have the tremendous changes, let alone are one year 8 months? 对于别的修士而言,一年8个月并不算什么,仅仅只是闭关一次可能就是数十年,但是现在可是在圣灵墓葬之中,哪怕只是一天都可能发生翻天覆地的变化,更何况是一年8个月? Oneself are looked for Little Qingqing, has not actually thought that has come across this chance, moreover delayed was so long. 自己本来是来找小卿卿,却没有想到遇到了这一次机缘,而且耽搁了这么久。 Feng Feiyun achieves Nirvana 4th-layer now, cultivation base has promoted a stride, moreover obtained the tribulation to extinguish ten thousand magic arts the magical powers, now is to run into these broken 4th-layer ancient clan old ancestors, can backhandedly its suppression. 风飞云现在达到了涅槃第四重,修为提升一大步,而且又得到了劫灭万道法的神通,现在就是遇到那些涅破第四重的古族老祖,也能反手将其镇压。 Feng Feiyun gives to take off dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, can use the body strength of 180 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes to resist the red cold water the strength. 风飞云将龙鳞凤皮衣给脱下,也能够利用身体之中的180000000粒圣灵骨灰之力抵挡红色寒水的力量。 This place is too strange, here red cold water can actually let a Holy Saint skeleton trillion years of immortality, perhaps also the skeletons of some powerhouses have preserved, gives to take Sacred Fruit, it has the Holy Saint general knowledge, should be able to understand reason.” “这个地方实在太诡异,这里的红色寒水竟然能够让圣灵尸骨亿万年不朽,说不定还有些强者的尸骨也保存了下来,还是将圣实果给带上,它拥有圣灵一般的知识,应该能够明白其中的原由。” The Feng Feiyun old route returns, just surfaced from the red pool, felt that an unusual aura, the sword air/Qi drops from the clouds together, presses toward his top of the head, sharp. 风飞云原路返回,刚从红色池子中浮出水面,就感觉到一股异样的气息,一道剑气从天而降,向着他头顶压来,锐利至极。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun called Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, struck in the sky, gave the disintegration that sword air/Qi together, the body departs from the red pool, the vision looked disdainfully, looked toward the place above, cold sound said: Your patience is really good, has defended unexpectedly here for one year 8 months.” 风飞云唤出了天髓兵胆,当空一击,将那一道剑气给崩碎,身体从红色的池子之中飞出,目光睥睨,向着上方望去,冷声道:“你的耐心真是好,竟然在这里守了一年8个月。” Sir Xue Shuang stands above a above great bone, the red silk is floating, the flesh pure white like the jade, the long hair such as the black waterfall lets fall, the double pupil full is the color/look of monster flattering, said with a smile: Knows that you do not have are so easy dead below.” 雪泷大人站在上方的一根巨骨之上,红绸飘飘,肌肤洁白如玉,长发如黑色的飞瀑垂落,双眸满是妖媚之色,笑道:“就知道你没那么容易死在下面。” Sacred Fruit not in pond Bian. 圣实果并不在池边。 Feng Feiyun said: „Did Mao Laoshi carry off by you?” 风飞云道:“茅老实被你带走了?” What you said is that strange fruit? It by Moonwater Wonderland Xuanyuan Yiyi carrying off.” Xue Shuang big humanity. “你说的是那一枚奇怪的果子?它被水月天境轩辕一一给带走了。”雪泷大人道。 Feng Feiyun had calculated with the fifty technique, here had really discovered Xuanyuan Yiyi aura, she has come to here. 风飞云用大衍术推算了一番,果然在这里发现了轩辕一一的气息,她来过这里。 It seems like Sir Xue Shuang has not lied, Sacred Fruit really by Xuanyuan Yiyi carrying off. 看来雪泷大人并没有说谎,圣实果真的被轩辕一一给带走了。 The Feng Feiyun heart was called one not to be wonderful secretly, since Xuanyuan Yiyi has come to here, then definitely knows that these human heavenly talent died in me and Little Qingqing hand, by disposition that her love minded others'business, can definitely ask me to do accounts. 风飞云的心头暗叫一声“不妙”,轩辕一一既然来过这里,那么就肯定知道那些人类的天骄都死在了我和小卿卿的手中,以她那爱多管闲事的性格,肯定会来找我算账。 Moreover Moonwater Wonderland is exceptional, for world sound Zhang Zhengyi, had discovered these human heavenly talent die under the white bones sword, definitely will set the label of evil person to Feng Qingqing. 而且水月天境自命不凡,为天下声张正义,发现了那些人类天骄都死在白骨剑之下,肯定会给风卿卿定下邪人的标签。 Can she come out to eliminate the demon to defend traditional moral principles? 她会不会出来除魔卫道? Even if she does not get rid, if this matter biography, will annoy the big influence to encircle surely kills Feng Feiyun. 就算她不出手,若是将此事传了出去,也必定会惹来很多大势力围杀风飞云 Jumps in the red pool time flushed has been busy, has not given the elimination all clues, then has drawn on many troubles to oneself. 跳进红色池子的时候还是太冲忙了,没有将所有的线索都给清除,这下给自己招来了诸多的麻烦。 Your cultivation base has promoted unexpectedly, will your cultivation speed so be how fast?” Sir Xue Shuang the surprise, induced to the Feng Feiyun boundary very has promoted one section, moreover already broke through Nirvana 4th-layer. “你的修为竟然又提升了,你的修炼速度怎么会这么快?”雪泷大人十分诧异,感应到风飞云的境界又提升了一截,而且已经突破了涅槃第四重 I do not break through the boundary, waits for you to kill me to be inadequate?” Feng Feiyun smiled. “我不突破境界,难道还等着你来杀我不成?”风飞云笑了笑。 You break through the boundary possibly are not my match.” “就算你突破境界也不可能是我的对手。” Ancient Sword in Xue Shuang big person hand is Grade 9 Spirit Artifact, thin such as fish intestines, sword edge snow white, the sword air/Qi is very sharp. 雪泷大人手中的古剑乃是一件九品灵器,细如鱼肠,剑锋雪白,剑气无比锋利。 A sword punctures, resembled white Hongguan the date. 一剑刺出,似白虹贯日。 Now she is in peak condition, not initially injury time the frailty of that the strength is very intrepid, was broken the innumerable cliffs in this piece of space, reveals white bones, is really a huge skeleton. 现在她处于巅峰状态,并不是当初受重伤时候的那么脆弱,战力无比强悍,将这一片空间之中的无数石壁都被震碎,露出一根根白骨,真的是一具庞大的骨架。 In the two years, not only Feng Feiyun cultivation base is progressing, her cultivation base also strives. 这两年来不仅风飞云修为在进步,她的修为也有精进。 Feng Feiyun stands in pond Bian, stands remarkably, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall is not firm broken, chops together the blade river, the sword air/Qi of Sir Xue Shuang cutting broken. 风飞云站在池边,卓然而立,天髓兵胆无坚不破,劈出一道刀河,将雪泷大人的剑气给斩碎。 You also taste me just to build fierce of magical powers.” In the body of Feng Feiyun the tribulation strength surged, passed to above the arm. “你也尝尝我刚修成了一种神通的厉害。”风飞云的身体之中劫力涌动,传到了手臂之上。 The arm wields, an invisible Extreme Disaster principle flew. 手臂一挥,一道无形的死劫法则飞了出去。 Sir Xue Shuang felt that air/Qi of death headed on to her, looked like the god of death palm, is unable to move aside. 雪泷大人感觉到一股死亡之气向她扑面而来,就像是死神的手掌,根本无法躲闪。 Cannot see, unable to feel, but actually really exists. 看不见,摸不着,但是却又真实存在。 That death principle has infiltrated her body together, immediately cut she ten years of vitalities. 那一道死亡法则打入了她的身体,顿时斩去了她十年的生命力。 cultivation base achieves her such boundary, already can calculate own life length clearly, she felt oneself life very much clearly short ten years. 修为达到她那样的境界,已经能够清楚的计算出自己的生命长度,她很清楚的感受到自己的生命短了十年。 God! 天呐 What magical powers this is, can actually cut the vitality of person? 这是什么神通,竟然能够斩人的生命力? Is this Heavenly Dao strength? 这是天道的力量吗? Ten years of vitality from her naturally is also not anything, at least by far could not have threatened her life, the significance that but behind this represents completely is different. 十年生命力从她来说自然还不算什么,至少还远远威胁不了她的生命,但是这背后所代表的意义却完全不同。 Who knows that after he this magical powers cultivation the pinnacle, said who dies, who will die? 谁知道他将这一种神通修炼到极致之后,是不是说谁死,谁就会死? You...... What magical powers are you?” Sir Xue Shuang was shocked. “你……你这是什么神通?”雪泷大人被震惊住。 You had not discovered that this is the Extreme Disaster strength?” “你难道没有发现这是死劫的力量吗?” Feng Feiyun cut strength of the Extreme Disaster once more, compared with that together formidable, already presented together the gray shadow. 风飞云再次斩出了一道死劫之力,比刚才的那一道更加的强大,已经呈现出一道灰色的影子。 This time Sir Xue Shuang does not dare to keep off, the body transferred, changed into a beautiful shadow, shuttled back and forth above the white bones, evaded the strength of this Extreme Disaster, in the hand has had the sword Secret Art together, governing Ancient Sword, erupted the Grade 9 Spirit Artifact prestige energy, the sword like the long line, the hole has killed. 这一次雪泷大人不敢去挡,身体挪移,化为了一道美丽的影子,穿梭在白骨之上,躲过了这一道死劫之力,手中结出剑诀,御起古剑,爆发出九品灵器的威能,剑如长龙,洞杀了下去。 The body of Feng Feiyun explodes draws back, has not gone to spell with Sir Xue Shuang hardly, cultivation base of this female seductress/evil spirit is extremely high, the strength is not the general great strength, spells with her hardly is only suffers a loss. 风飞云的身体爆退,没有去和雪泷大人硬拼,这个女妖精的修为极高,战力不是一般的强大,和她硬拼不过只是自己吃亏。 Feng Feiyun speedily evaded this sword air/Qi using the samsara, in the hand first even/including has cut the strength of three Extreme Disaster together, Sir Xue Shuang has evaded two, but as before by together the strength of Extreme Disaster in hitting body, has been short of ten years of vitalities. 风飞云利用轮回疾速躲过了这一道剑气,手中一连斩出三道死劫之力,雪泷大人躲过了两道,但是依旧被一道死劫之力给打中了身体,又少了十年的生命力。 Her snow tooth bites tightly, is very helpless, although her cultivation base is higher than Feng Feiyun, but how to give to suppress the monster strength in the undying palace, even if here , can only use extremely few parts merely the monster strength, cannot display fully. 她的雪齿紧咬,十分无奈,她的修为虽然比风飞云高很多,但是奈何在不死殿之中将妖力都给压制住,即便是在这里,也仅仅只能使用出极少部分的妖力,根本不能发挥出全力来。 Is the man with my bare-handed war, do not use your mean magical powers.” Sir Xue Shuang is the monster cultivates, mortal body is formidable, cultivation base is higher than a big truncation compared with Feng Feiyun, if the bare-handed war, she thinks that she can give the suppression Feng Feiyun surely. “是男人就与我徒手一战,别使用你的那一种卑鄙的神通。”雪泷大人乃是妖修,肉身强大,修为又比风飞云高出一大截,若是徒手一战,她认为自己必定能将风飞云给镇压。 Mean magical powers? Has not compared this franker and uprighter magical powers again, is agrees with simply Heavenly Dao.” Feng Feiyun chops the strength of three Extreme Disaster, changed into three quiet shades. “卑鄙的神通?再也没有比这更光明正大的神通了,简直就是契合天道。”风飞云又是劈出了三道死劫之力,化为三道幽影。 And falls to the ground together once more body of Sir Xue Shuang, was cut ten years of vitality. 其中一道再次落地雪泷大人的身上,又被斩去了十年生命力。 30 years of vitality was seized, even if also has revealed by cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang for several points weakly condition, although is also insufficient to be seriously battered, but already is letting her strength drop. 30年生命力被夺,即便是以雪泷大人的修为也都露出了几分虚弱之态,虽然还不至于遭受重创,但是却已经在让她的战力下降。 Feng Feiyun receives the hand suddenly, said: Good! Since you want with my bare-handed war, I make you defeat must be sincerely convinced.” 风飞云突然收手,道:“好吧!既然你想要和我徒手一战,那我就让你败得心服口服。” Sir Xue Shuang wants to suppress Feng Feiyun by mortal body strength, she knows that Feng Feiyun also does want to suppress her with the mortal body strength? 雪泷大人想要以肉身的力量来镇压风飞云,她又怎么会知道风飞云也想用肉身的力量来镇压她? If outside of undying palace, in spiritual energy not suppressed situation, Feng Feiyun also really not necessarily is the match of Sir Xue Shuang, but only by the strength of mortal body, Feng Feiyun has over seven assurances to be able her to give to defeat. 若是在不死殿的外面,灵气没有被压制的情况下,风飞云还真不一定是雪泷大人的对手,但是只论肉身之力,风飞云有七层以上的把握能够将她给击败。 Feng Feiyun now is also Nirvana 4th-layer cultivation base, moreover in the body has 180 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes, has built Ten Thousand Beasts Battle Body, even if meets to cultivate the «All generations undying Merit» same boundary member, the mortal body strength is also not necessarily able to fall on under. 风飞云现在也是涅槃第四重修为,而且身体之中有180000000粒圣灵骨灰,又修成了万兽战体,就算是遇到修炼《万劫不死功》的同境界修士,肉身力量也未必会落在下方。 cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang is higher than a Feng Feiyun big truncation, but wants to give the suppression through the mortal body Feng Feiyun, that without doubt in dream of a fool. 雪泷大人的修为高于风飞云一大截,但是想要通过肉身将风飞云给镇压,那无疑是在痴人说梦。 Sir Xue Shuang heard Feng Feiyun to agree unexpectedly and her bare-handed war, heart one happy, this Half Monster was really is easily swindled too, does not know the Monster Clan mortal body was most formidable?” 雪泷大人听到风飞云竟然同意了和她徒手一战,心头一喜,“这个半妖真是太好骗了,难道不知道妖族的肉身才是最强大的吗?” Do not regret.” The tender body of Sir Xue Shuang is exquisite, sends concave-convex, the flesh is snow white, seems like a light body is supple, actually the strength is very tyrannical. “那你可别后悔了。”雪泷大人的娇躯玲珑,凹凸有致,肌肤雪白细腻,看似身轻体柔,其实力量十分强横。 Her lotus root common white delicate arms wield, is a strength of quarrying a mountain crack place cuts. 她莲藕一般的玉臂一挥,便是一股开山裂地的力量斩出。 The Feng Feiyun body shifts one step, had evaded she that strikes. 风飞云身体横移一步,避过了她的那一击。 Bang!” “轰!” Her arm knife point, cut into the stone wall of hard as profound iron likely, gave to break the big slabstone wall, changed into the crushed stone. 她的手臂像刀锋,斩入了坚硬似玄铁的石壁,将大片石壁给震碎,化为了碎石。 Hehe! Small Half Monster, you admit defeat now also with enough time, otherwise the elder sister later seize you, must eat your heart dirty job to you looks.” Xue Shuang Sir smiling face full Ye, beautiful, if the fairy maiden, the monster like the succuba, the body burning incense wind overflows, each fragrant wind has to cut off the strength of rivers and streams. “呵呵!小半妖,你现在认输还来得及,要不然姐姐待会将你擒住,要将你的心脏活吃给你看。”雪泷大人笑容满靥,美若仙子,妖如魔女,身上香风四溢,每一道香风却都有斩断江河的力量。
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