SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#932: The tribulation extinguishes ten thousand magic arts

„The number of small spreading out is a microcosm. “小衍之数”是小世界。 „The number of fifty is macrocosm. “大衍之数”是大世界。 This is from the microcosm to the evolving process of macrocosm, is own sublimation process. 这是从小世界向大世界的衍变过程,也是自身的升华过程。 Feng Feiyun oneself is quite high to realizing from experience of Heavenly Dao, does not need the old person to make too many directions to him, oneself on already understands how should do. 风飞云自身对天道的体悟就相当高,并不需要老人对他做太多的指点,自身就已经明白该怎么去做。 Could carry on fourth Nirvana.” “或许可以借此进行第四次涅槃。” Feng Feiyun Nirvana pill swallowing into abdomen, then has released the silver moon/month spring in Bronze Ancient Vessel. 风飞云涅槃丹给吞入腹中,然后又将青铜古船之中的银月泉释放了出来。 Although merely is only a drop of silver moon/month spring water, the energy no small matter that but in breeds, making the three Holy Saint bone ashes in Feng Feiyun body cover a faint silvery brilliance surely, likely was a broad star territory. 虽然仅仅只是一滴银月泉水,但是里面所孕育的能量却非同小可,让风飞云身体之中的三千万圣灵骨灰都蒙上了一层淡淡的银辉,像是一片广阔的星域。 Strength of fifty breeding of the slowly in the body of Feng Feiyun lives, uses the Holy Saint bone ash as the heavenly bodies, takes the dust of flesh and blood physique as the space, turns the body into the world. 大衍之力在风飞云的身体之中缓缓的孕育而生,以圣灵骨灰为日月星辰,以血肉筋骨为宇内尘埃,化身躯为世界。 This is an extremely long process, seems like experiencing epoch-makingly. 这是一个极其漫长的过程,就像是在经历开天辟地。 The body starts slowly becomes must dry lonesome, dies the general dreariness, when does not know, in the body sends out the thunder the sound, electric current shuttles in the flesh and blood, bone and meridians, looked toward the details again, each cell and Holy Saint bone ash are flowing the electric light. 身体开始慢慢的变得枯寂,死一般的沉寂,不知什么时候,身体之中发出电闪雷鸣的声音,一道道电流穿梭在血肉、骨头、经脉之中,再往细微处看,就连每一个细胞、圣灵骨灰都在流动电光。 The electric light in the body does not know how long went through, finally the vitality is born in the deathly stillness, spreads from a cell, then covers the entire body. 电光在身体之中不知穿行了多久,终于有一丝生机在死寂之中诞生,从一个细胞蔓延开,然后覆盖整个躯体。 All is evolving, the vitality from slightly changes abundant, all in within the body are recovering. 所有的一切都在演变,生机从细微变盎然,体内的一切都在复苏。 This process is extremely as before long, does not know that experienced how much time, Feng Feiyun the blood in body started to flow, but the mobile frequency actually had the change, looked like the frequency of world revolution. 这个过程依旧极其漫长,又不知经历了多少时间,风飞云的身体之中的血液才开始流动,而流动的频率却发生了变化,就像是世界运转的频率。 30 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes also increase to 180 million grains. 30000000粒圣灵骨灰也增加到180000000粒。 In the body was born the fifty, became the world, even in own body can be born automatically the spiritual energy, does not need to absorb from the outside. 身体之中诞生出了大衍,自成世界,甚至自己的身体之中就能自动诞生出灵气,不需要从外界摄取。 At this time, continuously quiet old man, slowly extended the rotten arm, gently according to the Feng Feiyun top of the head, spread to a thought the body of Feng Feiyun, was the comprehension principle of tribulation strength magical powers. 这个时候,一直沉寂的老者,缓缓的伸出腐烂的手臂,轻轻的按在了风飞云的头顶,将一股意念传入风飞云的身体之中,是劫力神通的领悟法则。 Bang!” “轰!” The huge knowledge spreads to the Feng Feiyun mind! 庞大的知识传入风飞云的脑海之中! In the Feng Feiyun body 180 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes are shivering, pushing speedily spreads out that knowledge, transforms to the fifty world. 风飞云身体之中180000000粒圣灵骨灰在颤抖,疾速的推衍那一股知识,转化到大衍世界之中。 This is a marvelous boundary, oneself can the sensation to body in all, as if change into the world control, surmounts above all living things, the world myriad things control in the feeling of hand. 这是一种奇妙的境界,自己能够感知到身体之中的一切,仿佛化为了天地主宰,超越在众生之上,天地万物都掌控于手的感觉。 If in the outside, his thought that can communicate the earth vein, making the bedrock river run out of the ground, controls tribulations trend. 若是在外界,他的一个念头,就能够沟通大地脉络,使地底岩河冲出地面,控制“地劫”的走向。 This is in the first strength that in his body is born, tribulations strength. 这是在他身体之中诞生的第一股力量,“地劫”的力量。 The 2 ply strength starts to burst out in his body, in the life and death, like one can outline the opposite party birth and death the life and death to be thin alternately. 第二股力量开始在他的身体之中迸发出来,交替在生死之间,就像一本可以勾画对方生老病死的生死薄。 This is Extreme Disaster strength. 这是“死劫”的力量。 A thought can make the opposite party lose the vitality, dies of invisible. 一个念头可以让对方丧失生机,死于无形。 This is very fearful magical powers, can cut the vitality of opposite party. 这是一种十分可怕的神通,能够斩对方的生命力。 But this strength Feng Feiyun grasps is very simple, can only cut others' vitality, is actually not able to control the vitality truly, cannot transform the vitality of opposite party as has. 只不过这一种力量风飞云掌握得还十分浅显,只能斩别人的生命力,却无法真正的控制生命力,也不能将对方的生命力转化为己有。 As for the strength of higher single layer Heaven Disaster the strength, Feng Feiyun has not actually traced the threshold, in the body has not been born this tribulation strength. 至于更高一重的力量“天劫”之力,风飞云却还没有摸到门槛,身体之中也还没有诞生这种劫力。 Because at the same time, is his cultivation base is insufficient \; 一方面,是因为他的修为还不够\; On the other hand, is the fifty world that because he cultivates is not very mature. 另一方面,是因为他修炼出来的大衍世界还不够成熟。 Also can only come here temporarily. 也只能暂时到这里了。 What kind of? Was born tribulation strength?” The old person somewhat is also tense, after all he has not practiced this magical powers, merely through body in holds to read was calculating, can't succeed clearly. “怎么样?诞生出劫力了吗?”老人也有些紧张,毕竟他也没有修炼过这种神通,仅仅只是通过身体之中的执念在推算,并不清楚能不能成功。 Feng Feiyun deeply puts out the one breath, nodded, said: Tribulations strength already to be perfect, Extreme Disaster strength already birth.” 风飞云深深吐出一口气,点了点头,道:“地劫力已经完美,死劫已经诞生。” That is good, that is good...... The following road, can only you yourself go...... If the magical powers have the flaw , can only you yourself make up for......” old humanity. “那就好,那就好……接下来的路,只能你自己去走了……若是神通有缺陷,也只能你自己去弥补……”老人道。 The Feng Feiyun look moves, said: Senior...... You......” 风飞云神色一动,道:“前辈……你……” I already damn thoroughly, because in the heart has to hold to read, can therefore die and immortal, holds the soul not to be loose, since already this god circular, then this held to read together should also disperse, should disperse......” old person's voice became very weak, became gratified, as if momentarily must dissipate from the world. “我早就该死透的,只是因为心中有执念,所以能够死而不朽,执魂不散,既然已经将这一种神通传了出去,那么这一道执念也该散了,该散了……”老人的声音变得很虚弱,也变得欣慰,仿佛随时都要从天地之间消散。 Feng Feiyun said: Senior gives a name to this magical powers!” 风飞云道:“前辈给这一种神通取一个名字吧!” That is calls the tribulation to extinguish ten thousand magic arts!” Old humanity. “那就是叫劫灭万道法!”老人道。 The old person defeated under white Zhusheng ancestor's «All generations undying Merit», died, but was not stiff, perceived through meditation hundred million ten thousand years, was creates to break the «All generations undying Merit» magic arts finally, therefore was called tribulation to extinguish ten thousand magic arts. 老人败在了白蛛圣祖的《万劫不死功》之下,死而不僵,参悟亿万载,终是创出了可以破《万劫不死功》的道法,于是才叫做“劫灭万道法”。 „A tribulation extinguishes ten thousand, that called the tribulation to extinguish ten thousand magic arts.” Feng Feiyun respectful deeply is doing obeisance to the old person. “一劫灭万道,那就叫劫灭万道法了。”风飞云恭恭敬敬的对着老人深深一拜。 Feng Feiyun has practiced fifty technique first, then also obtained tribulation to extinguish ten thousand magic arts, it can be said that had the complicated affinity with this old person, endured a own kind teacher. 风飞云先是修炼了“大衍术”,然后又得到了“劫灭万道法”,和这位老人可以说是有千丝万缕的缘法,堪比自己的一位恩师。 Feng Feiyun this is respect to the old person, is to the old person good disciple ritual. 风飞云这是对老人的尊重,也是在向老人行弟子礼。 Emperor tomb, this old person's name, is a place, after leaving Holy Ghost Tomb, Feng Feiyun must find out by secret inquiry clearly. 帝冢,这无论是老人的名字,还是一个地方,离开了圣灵墓葬之后,风飞云都要去探知清楚。 Old person voice dry lonesome, said: What years the present was?” 老人声音枯寂,道:“现在是什么年月了?” Feng Feiyun knows that the old person affirms in the heart also some the things of not being able to put down. 风飞云知道老人肯定心中还有一些放不下的东西。 Feng Feiyun said: From antiquity to present already three quantity tribulation supernatural powers.” 风飞云道:“从太古到现在已经过了三个量劫法力。” ( Note: Measures the tribulation supernatural power, is the unit of Taoism computing time. A quantity tribulation supernatural power = 6.48 billion years.) (备注:量劫法力,为道家计算时间的单位。一个量劫法力=6480000000年。) already was so long! Damn, damn! Also does not know that in the family/home is now what kind of?” The old person resembles was thinking aloud , is inquiring Feng Feiyun likely. 已经这么久了!该死了,该死了!也不知家里现在怎么样?”老人似在自言自语,又像是在询问风飞云 This old person definitely is the person of antique time, from antiquity to the present, already three quantity tribulation supernatural powers, even if there is family/home, perhaps already vanishes in a puff of smoke. 这个老人肯定是太古时代的人,从太古到现在,都已经过了三个量劫法力,就算真的有家,恐怕都已经灰飞烟灭。 However Feng Feiyun knows, sixth Yang Dynasty has several person ancestor dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, the hearsay is born from human the time the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals that has, from antique has inherited now. 但是风飞云知道,第六中央王朝就有几个“人祖洞天”,传闻乃是从人类诞生的时候就存在的洞天,从太古一直传承到现在。 Perhaps old person's later generation also inherited. 说不定老人的后人也传承了下来。 Feng Feiyun has resulted in the inheritance of old person, wants to help the old person do something, said: Family/Home that does not know the senior where?” 风飞云得了老人的传承,想要帮老人做一些事,道:“不知前辈的家在什么地方?” Family/Home where? Family/Home where? The time was too long, I have also forgotten, I only know that my name is the emperor, famous tomb. Should be the emperor family member, if you have the time, helping me look for the family/home, sends back me...... People eventually go back home......” “家在什么地方?家在什么地方?时间太久了,我也忘了,我只知道我姓帝,名冢。应该属于帝家人,你若是有时间,帮我找找家,就将我送回去……落叶归根……” On old person's waist is hanging together the uncut jade, has the palm of the hand to be so big, does not know that is any material quality jade, experienced three quantity tribulation supernatural powers not decayed, can endure the corrosion of time compared with it Holy Saint skeleton. 老人的腰上挂着一块璞玉,有巴掌那么大,也不知是什么材质的玉,经历了三个量劫法力也没有腐朽,比之圣灵的尸骨都更耐得住时间的腐蚀。 This is on the old person only does not have the thing of corrosion. 这也是老人身上唯一没有腐蚀的东西。 The uncut jade flew from old person's waist, falls to the hand of Feng Feiyun. 璞玉从老人的腰上飞了出来,落到风飞云的手中。 This uncut jade is heavy, has filled the air/Qi of Holy Saint, almost presses Feng Feiyun unable to take up it. 这一块璞玉沉甸甸的,充满了圣灵之气,压得风飞云几乎将它拿不起。 This is the jade pendant that I carry along, named emperor Saint Pe already changed into the Saint Spirit Material nature, wants to offer a sacrifice to refine Holy Saint Container it, leaves the later generation, but the sacrifice refine half, I died. Yeah!” “这是我随身携带的玉佩,名叫‘帝圣佩’已经化为了圣灵材质,本想将它祭炼成一件圣灵器皿,留给后人,但是才祭炼了一半,我就死了。哎!” „An emperor Saint Pe already Saint, should be able to lead you to find my home. If my later generation, emperor Saint Pe will still give them! Naturally you can also keep to use, strive to offer a sacrifice to refine true Holy Saint Container it in the future, like this I also felt at ease. When your cultivation base achieves the Ascension boundary, can untie the seal above emperor Saint Pe, used its strength.” “帝圣佩已经通圣,应该能够带你找到我的家。若是我的后人还在,就将帝圣佩交给他们吧!当然你也可以留着自己使用,争取将来将它祭炼成一件真正的圣灵器皿,这样我也就心安了。当你修为达到羽化境,就能解开帝圣佩之上的封印了,使用它的力量了。” Feng Feiyun said: Senior are too many to thing already of younger generation, the younger generation does not dare to bribe emperor Saint Pe again. The younger generation certainly delivers to the skeleton and emperor Saint Pe of senior the latter person hand of senior.” 风飞云道:“前辈给晚辈的东西已经太多,晚辈不敢再染指帝圣佩。晚辈一定将前辈的尸骨和帝圣佩送到前辈的后人手中。” „The world affinity all turns over to the nature, does not need to demand, does not need to demand......” “世界缘法皆归自然,无须强求,无须强求……” Old person's finger at Feng Feiyun point, yellow stone ancient Guanbian flew, the coffin covers in his front opens automatically, he then has lain then down. 老人的手指在风飞云的身上一点,黄石古棺便飞了出来,棺盖在他的面前自动打开,然后他便躺了进去。 Bang! ` “轰!‘ When the coffin covers closes automatically, air/Qi of boundless Holy Saint from the coffin has attacked, shook Feng Feiyun directly flies dozens miles far, the yellow stone coffin almost could not withstand that strength to open shatter. 当棺盖自动合上的时候,一股磅礴的圣灵之气从棺材之中冲击了出来,直接将风飞云震飞了数十里远,黄石棺材都差点承受不住那一股力量破碎开。 Feng Feiyun understands why finally the old person can use yellow stone ancient Guan to restrain itself. 风飞云终于明白老人为何会自己用黄石古棺收敛自己。 Formerly when with the words, the old person also wisp was holding to read, can control strength not to leak, but had confessed a moment ago after final matter, his wisp held to read also vanishes in a puff of smoke, Holy Saint aura erupted thoroughly. 先前在和话之时,老人还有一缕执念,能够控制身上的力量不外泄,但是刚才交代了最后的事之后,他的那一缕执念也灰飞烟灭,身上的圣灵气息彻底的爆发了出来。 In Feng Feiyun heart scary, is really Holy Saint. 风飞云心中骇人,真的是一尊圣灵 Even if only a Holy Saint skeleton has so prestige energy perhaps, if not for there is yellow stone ancient Guan to restrain his skeleton, perhaps Feng Feiyun already was shaken one group of blood fog at this moment. 哪怕只是圣灵的一具尸骨都有如此恐怕的威能,若不是有黄石古棺收敛他的尸骨,恐怕风飞云此刻都已经被震成一团血雾。 Feng Feiyun does not dare easily approaches that yellow stone ancient Guan, inside is lying down now a Holy Saint corpse, the energy of breeding is not his Nirvana 4th-layer member can resist. 风飞云不敢轻易的接近那一口黄石古棺,里面现在躺着一具圣灵尸,孕育的能量不是他一个涅槃第四重的修士可以抵挡。 Could try with emperor Saint Pe.” “或许可以用帝圣佩试试。” Feng Feiyun looked at emperor Saint Pe of finger, this is half Holy Saint Container, has to evolve is the Holy Saint Container thing, and has treated the endless years with the old person, although emperor the strength of Saint Pe is occupied by the seal now, but should be able to approach the old person. 风飞云看了看手指的帝圣佩,这可是半件圣灵器皿,有衍化为圣灵器皿的东西,而且和老人待了无尽的年月,虽然现在帝圣佩的力量被封印住,但是应该还是可以接近老人。 In emperor Saint Pe as if there is fluctuation of life, the sensation to Feng Feiyun idea at this moment, in the jade pendant erupts the graceful white light, the Feng Feiyun body package. 帝圣佩里面似乎有生命的波动,感知到风飞云此刻的想法,玉佩之中爆发出盈盈的白光,将风飞云的身体包裹。 Feng Feiyun guessed right, under emperor Saint Pe the package of ray, he has arrived at the yellow stone ancient Guan front slowly. 风飞云猜测的没错,在帝圣佩的光芒的包裹之下,他缓缓的走到了黄石古棺的面前。 Spirit Stone cannot withstand the Holy Saint strength, where the yellow stone ancient coffin then places? 灵石根本承受不住圣灵的力量,那么将黄石古棺放在哪里呢? ...... …… Popularizes unit of time of Taoism: One Yuan is divided into 12 meetings, each can be 10,800 years old, one Yuan can be 129,600 years. 普及一下道家的时间单位:一元分为12会,每会是10800岁,一个元会是129600年。 50,000 Yuan is a beginning of the universe will measure the tribulation supernatural power. 50000个元会为一个混元量劫法力。 A quantity tribulation supernatural power = 50,000 Yuan meeting x 129,600 years = 6.48 billion years. 一个量劫法力=50000个元会x129600年=6480000000年。 A beginning of the universe not measures the tribulation = 480 million quantity tribulations = 6.48 billion years x 480 million = 25.06 billion years 一个混元无量量劫=480000000量劫=6480000000年x480000000=25060000000年 ...... …… Finally asked the bank note! Stinking ninth category now is hungry belly symbol! 最后求票子啊!老九现在是饿着肚皮码字啊!
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