SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#931: The founder of fifty technique

«All generations undying Merit» is called compared with the body refining merit law that «Undying Phoenix Physique» also wants formidable to plan, although cannot achieve all generations undying that to exaggerate, but definitely is not that easily can be given to defeat. 《万劫不死功》被称为比《不死凤凰身》还要强大一筹的炼体功法,虽然达不到万劫不死那么夸张,但是肯定不是那么容易就能够被人给击败。 «Undying Phoenix Physique» formidable, Feng Feiyun is clearer than anybody. 不死凤凰身》有多强大,风飞云比任何人都清楚。 On first he only cultivates 206 Phoenix Bones merely, reaches the Ascension 9th-layer peak on already, invincible, invincible, shatter void, the hand strikes the stars. 上一世他仅仅只修炼出206块凤骨,就已经达到羽化第九重的巅峰,战无不胜,攻无不克,破碎虚空,手击星辰。 Can break through all generations undying merit that Undying Phoenix Physique also has on strongly plans is more easier said than done than? 要攻破比不死凤凰身还有强上一筹的万劫不死功谈何容易? Old person already is rotten looks awful, if not for there is a red color/look cold water to wrap the corpse, perhaps already was already rotten does not remain the bone. 老人已经烂得不成样子,若不是有红sè的寒水包裹尸身,恐怕早就已经烂得连骨头都不剩了。 World has ten thousand, passable immortal, but has had the legend about immortal since to ancient repeatedly, nobody truly has actually seen the immortal, why is this?” The old person stands there, the sound is vast, the sound does not send out from his mouth likely, but likely the sound that leaves behind from the remote antiquity. “世间有万道,道道可通仙,但是至古以来屡有关于仙的传说,却无人真正见过仙,这是为什么?”老人站在那里,声音浩渺,声音不像是从他的嘴里发出,而像是从遥远的太古遗留下来的声音。 Feng Feiyun said: „The life of person, only then trivial hundred years, this is the number of days, but the cultivation immortal said, can actually prolong the life, can live for several hundred years, several thousand years, even some extraordinary characters can live for several tens of thousands years, this is in the unceasing break number of days, since broke the number of days to encounter the disaster, therefore the member will reach certain altitude to encounter a day to punish every time, only then true startled certainly colorful person, can break through the shackles of day punishing, became the powerhouse.” 风飞云道:“人的寿命只有区区百载,这是天数,而修炼仙道,却可以延长寿命,可以活数百年,数千年,甚至有的非凡人物能够活数万年,这是在不断的打破天数,既然打破了天数就要遭遇劫难,故此修士每达到一定的高度就会遭遇一次天罚,只有真正惊才绝艳的人,才能冲破天罚的桎梏,成为强者。” „To achieve Heaven's Mandate Realm, must experience tribulations \; To achieve the Nirvana boundary, must experience Extreme Disaster \; Thinks that achieves the Ascension boundary, must experience Heaven Disaster \; Thinks to achieve Holy Saint Realm, must experience Livelihood Disaster \; To become an immortal, must experience Immeasurable Disaster.” “想要达到天命境界,就要经历‘地劫’\;想要达到涅槃境界,就要经历‘死劫’\;想到达到羽化境界,就要经历‘天劫’\;想到达到圣灵境界,就要经历‘生劫’\;想要成仙,就要经历‘无量劫’。” Five great misfortune, tribulation the tribulation to want the human life. The tribulation buries the person, Extreme Disaster buries the soul, Heaven Disaster is buried, Livelihood Disaster buries the heart, Immeasurable Disaster extinguishes said. Can cross Livelihood Disaster becomes Holy Saint, since the ancient times few, let alone can extinguish Immeasurable Disaster? To become an immortal easier said than done?” “五大劫,劫劫要人命。地劫葬人,死劫葬魂,天劫葬身,生劫葬心,无量劫灭道。能够渡过生劫成为圣灵,自古以来都寥寥无几,更何况是能够灭道的无量劫?想要成仙谈何容易?” „Becoming an immortal is only an illusory concept, more person path of cultivation for oneself private yu, to become outstanding, for a tyrant side, dominates first certainly, this also sufficed.” “成仙不过只是一个虚无缥缈的概念,更多的人修道只是为了一己私yu,为了出人头地,为了霸绝一方,称雄一世,这样也就够了。” The body of old man is motionless, resembles in listening attentively to the Feng Feiyun words, for a very long time, sound hoarse say/way: Is so, in this world the most formidable magical powers, are tribulation strength. But tribulations in the strength the strongest magical powers, is ‚the Immeasurable Disaster strength. Once this magical powers cultivation successfully, let alone is broken «All generations undying Merit», even can extinguish said, extinguishes the samsara, cuts the natural justice.” 老者的身体一动不动,似在倾听风飞云的话,久久之后,声音沙哑的道:“正是如此,这世上最强大的神通,就是‘劫力’。而劫力之中最强的神通,就是‘无量劫力’。这种神通一旦修炼成功,别说是破《万劫不死功》,甚至能够灭道,灭轮回,斩天理。” Feng Feiyun understands meaning that the old man refers, evolves the world by oneself, controls tribulation strength. 风飞云懂老者所指的意思,就是以自身衍化天地,掌控“劫”的力量。 Such idea, the worthy people of former times and ancients have thought that even many people have tried hard in this aspect for a lifetime, wants rushes out one to control tribulation merit law, but failed finally, most people body dying say/way disappears. 这样的构思,先贤和古人都想到过,甚至有不少人在这方面努力了一辈子,想要闯出一座能够掌控“劫”的功法,但是最后都失败了,绝大多数人都身死道消。 To control the strength of tribulation to be easier said than done? 想要掌控劫的力量谈何容易? This old man defeats after white Zhusheng ancestor's hand, in heart unwilling, after dying, holds to read intensely, after the thinking of innumerable years, rushed out such a merit law unexpectedly? 难道这个老者败在白蛛圣祖的手中之后,心中不甘,死后执念强烈,经过无数年月的思索,竟是闯出了这么一种功法? Although the old men die, but has the wisdom that cannot be estimated as before, as if can feel in the heart of Feng Feiyun to think, said: I rush out is not the merit law, is the magical powers! Even if cultivates the failure, is insufficient Celestial Five Wanings, if you fear in the cultivation on the way its difficultly, abandoning can.” 老者虽死,但是依旧有不可揣度的智慧,似乎能够感受到风飞云的心中所想,道:“我闯出的不是功法,是神通!就算修炼失败,也不至于天人五衰,若是你在修炼途中畏其艰难,弃之便可。” Merit law and magical powers have the essential difference. “功法”和“神通”有本质上的区别。 This like heart law and move difference. 这就像“心法”和“招数”的区别。 In charge at home, is in charge in the office. 一个主内,一个主外。 «Undying Phoenix Physique» and «Gold Silkworm Scripture» is the merit law. 不死凤凰身》和《金蚕经》都属于功法。 But phoenix crack day, phoenix wing, phoenix evil fire, Buddhist doctrine is boundless, Buddhist doctrine thousand shapes, Gold Silkworm Buddha egg, dragon sovereign blade Secret Art...... These are the magical powers. 而“凤凰裂天”,“凤凰羽翼”,“凤凰孽火”,“佛法无边”,“佛法千像”,“金蚕佛卵”,“龙皇刀诀”……这些都属于神通。 This is the difference of merit law and magical powers. 这就是功法和神通的区别。 Some top merit law can be born the magical powers, like cultivating «Undying Phoenix Physique» can be bornphoenix crack dayand phoenix wing and other magical powers, cultivates «Gold Silkworm Scripture» is also born Buddhist doctrine to be boundless and Buddhist doctrine thousand shapes and other magical powers. 有的顶尖的功法可以诞生出神通,就像修炼《不死凤凰身》可以诞生出”凤凰裂天”和“凤凰羽翼”等神通,修炼《金蚕经》也都诞生出“佛法无边”和“佛法千像”等神通。 Practices some foundations the magical powers, can be born the spiritual energy in the body. Like Divine Jin Dynasty military compound inside knife skill and Fist Arts, cultivated for a long time, can plant the spirit root and immortal to direct, to cast Divine Foundation in the body. 修炼一些基础的神通,也能够在身体之中诞生出灵气。就像神晋王朝的军营里面的刀法和拳法,修炼久了,就可以在身体里面种下灵根、仙引,铸就神基 If this old man creates has been able to control tribulation the magical powers, can cultivation actually, after all cultivates the failure, will not have the too tremendous influence to oneself, delays some time practicing at most. 若是这个老者真的创出了一门可以掌控“劫”的神通,倒是可以修炼,毕竟就算修炼失败,也不会对自身造成太大的影响,顶多只是耽误一段时间的修行。 „Have you cultivated the fifty technique?” In the voice of old man is bringing several points of disappointed, already was soon rotten clean head selecting gently, said: It seems like this is the divine intervention, this is the divine intervention, during is dark is doomed on already, half human, fifty technique......” “你修炼过大衍术?”老者的声音之中带着几分怅然,已经快要烂干净的头轻轻的点了点,道:“看来这就是天意,这就是天意,冥冥之中就已经注定,半个人类,大衍术……” Feng Feiyun said: „Does senior also know the fifty technique?” 风飞云道:“前辈也知道大衍术?” Fifty technique is in which technique on «General's office Treasure hunt Record» Eight Technique Volume, very great jing will be deep, includes the world ten thousand laws, Feng Feiyun has practiced the present also fifty technique to cultivate Lesser Stage, achieved slightly spread out the technique the pinnacle. “大衍术”乃是《幕府寻宝录》八术卷上的其中一术,十分博大jing深,囊括了天地万法,风飞云修炼到现在也才将“大衍术”修炼到小乘,达到了小衍术的极致。 Several th small spreading out 40, it uses 37. 小衍之数40,其用37。 Feng Feiyun then already comprehended now that 37, as for the number of small spreading out other three actually can not its, because this three have not recorded on Eight Technique Volume, even does not have the clue to try to find out, was the digit develops to 37 likely broke, behind did not have the digit, did not have the magic arts. 风飞云现在便已经领悟了那37,至于小衍之数的另外“三”却不得其门,因为这“三”在八术卷上没有记载,甚至都没有线索可以摸索,像是数字发展到37就断了,后面就没有数字,也没有道法。 Fifty technique is I creates, is listed as one of the antique eight techniques!” The old person is prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements, these words said that actually really Feng Feiyun having a scare. “大衍术便是我所创,被列为太古八术之一!”那老人语不惊人死不休,这一句话说出,倒是真的将风飞云给吓了一跳。 The antique eight techniques, listen to the name quite to be extraordinary merely. 太古八术,仅仅只是听名字都相当了不得。 Moreover great jing deep fifty technique is he creates unexpectedly, this is too simply extraordinary, makes Feng Feiyun awe sufficiently. 而且博大jing深的大衍术竟然是他创出,这简直就太了不得,足以让风飞云为之敬畏。 Isn't this one in antique Human Race Holy Saint? 这不会是一尊死在太古的人族圣灵吧? The cultivation base formidable person is innumerable since the ancient times, but can create the character of top merit law and magical powers, is few. 修为强大的人自古以来数不胜数,但是能够创出顶尖功法和神通的人物,却寥寥无几。 To create the merit, to create the technique, must have the huge knowledge accumulation, but also needs to go beyond the realizing from experience ability of average man, but also needs the turning point, is the inspiration. 想要创功、创术,就必须要有庞大的知识积累,还需要超越常人的体悟能力,还需要契机,也就是灵感。 This old man can actually rush out fifty technique, absolutely is a titan, at least the Feng Feiyun previous generation does not have the ability to create a top merit law and magical powers. 这老者竟然能够闯出“大衍术”,绝对是一位大智者,至少风飞云前世就没有能力创出一门顶尖的功法和神通。 Control that this lets tribulation strength magical powers were many several points of confidence. 这让的掌控“劫力”的神通多了几分信心。 The old men do not attend to shock in Feng Feiyun heart , to continue saying: Ri sits in Milky Way looks , a fine horse surfaces, carries on the back at the back of a Genki, on the turtle back has myriad spots, likely is a world. It raises head the breath world vitality, shouted attracts, the unceasing movement and change of spot on turtle back on, looked like the world myriad things is evolving. Therefore some sits in meditation in 3000, rushed out the fifty technique.” 老者不顾风飞云心中的震撼,继续道:“一ri坐在天河看道化,一只龙马浮出水面,背上背着一只玄龟,龟背上有万千斑点,像是一座世界。它仰头呼吸天地元气,一呼一吸,龟背上的斑点就不断的移动和变化,就像是天地万物在衍变。于是某静坐3000年,闯出了大衍术。” Is this origin of fifty technique? 这就是大衍术的来历? Feng Feiyun blushes with shame , the person of high skill is a person of high skill, if he in the riverside noticed that a fine horse surfaces at the back of a turtle, where will calm the mind to watch to create the merit law, definitely installs to compel the turtle to tow that from carrying on the back of fine horse is one beats mercilessly, after seeing your mother, dares to install to compel! 风飞云十分汗颜,高人就是高人,若是他在河边看到一只龙马背着一只乌龟浮出水面,哪会去静心观看创功法,肯定将那一只装逼乌龟从龙马的背上拖下来就是一顿毒打,看你妈以后还敢不敢装逼! Your already cultivates slightly to spread out 37, already was very good.” The old men said. “你已经修炼到小衍37,已经很不错了。”老者道。 Feng Feiyun said: May I ask the senior, slightly during spreads out that not three during record, how should perceive through meditation?” 风飞云道:“敢问前辈,小衍之中那不在记载之中的三,该如何去参悟?” Did not have three. Heavenly Dao lacks, therefore the member in can cultivation in the gap. If Heavenly Dao has filled, did not have the gap, world can also break the Heavenly Dao fate on nobody, nobody can cultivation. All in world are not perfect, will always have the damage, has the damage, the people can unceasingly progress. If there is filled , can only back up.” “本就不存在三。天道有缺,所以修士在可以在缺口之中修炼。若是天道满了,就没有了缺口,世间也就没有人能够打破天道的命数,也就没有人能够修炼。世间的一切都不是完美,总是会有缺损,正是有缺损,人们才能不断的进步。若是满了,也就只能倒退了。” In 40 can obtain 37, how many people can world have? already close was very perfect.” “40之中能够得到37,世间能有几人?已经很接近完美了。” Feng Feiyun has become aware, said: I, if also wants perfect?” 风飞云似有所悟,道:“那我若是还想更加的完美呢?” I after creating the technique of small spreading out, then thought that this technique already is very close perfectly, but after my cultivation base becomes stronger, I discover it also to be able perfect.” “我在创出小衍之术后,便觉得此术已经十分接近完美,但是等我修为变得更强之后,我又发现它还可以更加的完美。” Feng Feiyun said: Therefore then had the technique of fifty?” 风飞云道:“于是便有了大衍之术?” The old person nodded, said: Therefore I added ten in the number of small spreading out, plans to suffice 50, but I then obtained 12, achieves 49. Several th fifty 50, it uses 49, this is more perfect, was nearer to the world.” 老人点了点头,道:“于是我在小衍之数上加了十,筹够50,而我便得到了12,达到49。大衍之数50,其用49,这样就更加完美,离天地更近了。” The old person „the number of Heavenly Dao analogy has become an infinity digit, but Heavenly Dao merely only damage one. 老人将“天道之数”比喻成了一个无穷大的数字,而天道仅仅只缺损了“一”。 The Heavenly Dao imperfect degree is: Infinity 1 天道不完美的程度为:“无穷大”1 But imperfect degree already of fifty technique the old person creates achieves: 1/50. 而老人创出的大衍术的不完美程度已经达到:1。 Although also differs with Heavenly Dao quite remotely, but already was very good, the average person can obtain 1% in the world, already can be called a titan. 虽然与天道还相差相当遥远,但是却已经十分不错了,普通人能够在天地之间得到1,都已经能够被称为大智者了。 The say/way of cultivation, is Heavenly Dao, impossible perfect, can only unceasing approaches perfectly. 无论是修炼之道,还是天道,都不可能完美,只能不断的去逼近完美。 The technique of small spreading out has achieved 37/40, but the technique of fifty has achieved 49/50, although both only differ very small digit merely, however disparity at all is not the digit can weigh. 小衍之术达到了37,而大衍之术则达到了49,虽然两者仅仅只相差很小的数字,但是其中的差距根本不是数字可以衡量。 Since your already will spread slightly out 37 to perceive through meditation, then should also evolve to the fifty technique time. The fifty technique is I will soon pass on your magical powers the foundation, perceived through meditation the basis of fifty technique, can control the tribulation strength. Takes the fifty as the world, evolves to belong to own tribulation strength to come.” The old person said. “既然你已经将小衍37都参悟了,那么也是该演变到大衍术的时候。大衍术乃是我即将传你的神通的基础,参悟到了大衍术的根本,才能够控制劫力。以大衍为天地,衍化出属于自身的劫力来。”老人说道。 Where does that evolve? Fifty world where?” Feng Feiyun asked. “那衍化到什么地方?大衍天地又在什么地方?”风飞云问道。 Tribulations the strength, is born in the fifty world. 劫力,在大衍天地之中诞生。 Slightly spreads out 37 in your soul knowledge, the soul knowledge also can only withstand these many, wants the carrying/sustaining fifty technique, must evolve to the body . The fifty world is your body.” “小衍37在你的灵魂知识之中,灵魂知识也只能承受住这么多,想要承载大衍术,就要衍化到身体之中。大衍天地就是你的身体。” Old person's words such as severe warning, making the Feng Feiyun whole body tremble, such as is enlightened, all trains of thought become suddenly see the light, immediately sits cross-legged in the red color/look cold water, starts to carry on slightly spreads out to evolution of fifty. 老人的话如当头棒喝,让风飞云浑身都是一颤,如醍醐灌顶,所有的思绪都变得豁然开朗,立即盘坐在红sè的寒水之中,开始进行小衍到大衍的衍化。 The old person no longer said a word, stood there, motionless, spiritless, as if turned into a rotten corpse. 老人则不再言语,就站在那里,一动不动,死气沉沉,仿佛又变成了一具烂尸。 ...... …… First fills a pit, then digs a pit! 先填一个坑,再挖一个坑!
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