SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#930: Emperor tomb

Feng Qingqing picks up a handle black war sword in the red pool, the trace is extremely numerous, in the sword blade the aura is very intense, such with can feel that in the hand the sword the skin by an intermittent stabbing pain, like had the invisible sword air/Qi in the cutting body. 风卿卿在红色的池子边捡起一柄黑色的战剑,纹路极多,剑身之中气息十分强烈,就这么将剑拿在手中都能够感觉到皮肤被一阵阵刺痛,像是有无形的剑气在切割身体。 What sword is this? Feels the might very formidable appearance.” She stretches out the jade white finger above the sword blade, has rapped two, the fingertip are many at once two blood-stained mouths. “这是什么剑?感觉威力很强大的样子。”她伸出玉白色的手指在剑身之上,敲击了两下,指尖旋即多出两道血口。 This is by invisible sword air/Qi lacerating! 这是被无形的剑气给割破! This is copies the sword embryo that a god soldier sacrifice refining up, inside has a wisp of sword soul, the might pursues Grade 10 Spirit Artifact.” Sacred Fruit towed a big bag to arrive at the Feng Qingqing front, bag inside has thought of two monster corpses. “这是仿造一种神兵祭炼出来的剑胚,里面有一缕剑魂,威力直追十品灵器。”圣实果拖着一根大袋子来到了风卿卿的面前,袋子里面装着两具妖尸。 Grade 10 Spirit Artifact! The good thing, to receive quickly.” 十品灵器!好东西,快收起来。” In her eye pupil full is the inconceivable look, blinked, without delay the sword embryo of highest heaven Divine Sword to taking in has hung on the small waist Spirit Stone, then secretly looked at looking toward Feng Feiyun, saw that Feng Feiyun is battling with Sir Xue Shuang, has not noted her. She has then delivered the one breath. 她的眼眸子中满是不可思议的神色,眨了眨眼睛,二话不说就将九霄神剑的剑胚给收进了挂在小腰上的界灵石之中,然后偷偷的向着风飞云瞄了瞄,看到风飞云正在和雪泷大人激战,并没有注意到她。她这才送了一口气。 Although cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang is very formidable, but formerly was given to wound by Xiao Tianyue on already, was cut the head by Feng Feiyun, although condenses the head, but the vitality consumption is enormous, at this moment is unable to suppress Feng Feiyun. 雪泷大人的修为虽然很强大,但是先前就已经霄天悦给击伤,又被风飞云斩掉了头颅,虽然重新凝聚出头颅,但是元气消耗极大,此刻根本就无法镇压风飞云 Fights to decide again however is disadvantageous to me, retreated first said again.” Heart of Sir Xue Shuang such is thinking. “再战下去定然对我不利,还是先退走再说。”雪泷大人的心头如此的想着。 So long as cultivation base restores, she has ten assurances killing of Feng Feiyun. 只要修为恢复,她有十层的把握将风飞云的杀死。 However when she plans to retreat, that red pool surged crazily, red cold air runs out. 但是就在她打算退走之时,那红色的池子疯狂的涌动了起来,一股红色的寒气冲出。 Sees that red cold air, the complexion of Sir Xue Shuang changes. 看到那一片红色的寒气,雪泷大人的脸色一变。 She formerly was contacted that red cold air, the body is frozen, she does not want to meet again the second time. 她先前就是接触那一股红色的寒气,身体才会被冻结,她可不想再遇到第二次。 Small Half Monster, the elder sister will kill you next time again!” “小半妖,姐姐下次再来杀你!” Her body changed into a white light arrow, the direct impact on, ran out of the package of red cold air. 她的身体化为了一道白色的光箭,直冲而上,冲出了红色寒气的包裹。 Where walks!” Feng Feiyun carries on the back to depart two scarlet-red wings, body also Teng flying gets up, is quicker than her speed. “哪里走!”风飞云的背上飞出两只赤红羽翼,身体也滕飞起来,比她的速度更快。 Hears the Feng Qingqing call for help: Elder Brother! Having the thing must haul in pool me......” 身后传来风卿卿的呼救声:“哥!有东西要将我拉进池子里……” passes!” “噗通!” Transmits sound that falls in the water! 传来落水的声音! Feng Qingqing kicks in the piercing pool of water, chokes the water: Honest...... Honest you draw my, honest...... Your hand?” 风卿卿在刺骨的池水之中扑腾,呛水着:“老实……老实你拉我一把,老实……你的手呢?” Gradually, she by unknown strength drawing pond bottom. 渐渐的,她被未知的力量给拖进了池底。 I...... I do not have the hand......” Sacred Fruit to say. “我……我没手……”圣实果道。 Feng Feiyun looks helplessly Sir Xue Shuang runs away, transfers the body forcefully, flies toward the red pool. 风飞云眼睁睁的看着雪泷大人逃走,强行调转身体,向着红色的池子飞去。 Has not flown the nearby in pool, Feng Feiyun moves that group of red cold air, to cloudy to cold wells up to his body from the skin, as if must give to freeze his blood. 还没有飞到池子的边上,风飞云就触碰到那一团红色的寒气,有一股至阴至寒从皮肤向他身体之中涌去,似乎要将他的血液都给冻结住。 The skin of Feng Feiyun whole body in the sound, ties an ice crystal. 风飞云全身的皮肤都在噼里啦的响动,结上一层冰晶。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” In the body of Feng Feiyun 18 Phoenix Bones burn, changes into 18 groups of flaming flame, these red cold air compelling outside the body. 风飞云的身体之中18块凤骨都燃烧起来,化为18团熊熊火焰,将那些红色的寒气给逼出体外。 Little Qingqing, you where?” 小卿卿,你在哪里?” Feng Feiyun walks in the red cold air, toward pool near close, that cold air is then more abundant, the ray is also red, is red makes people unable to open the eye. 风飞云走在红色的寒气之中,越是向着池子边上接近,那一股寒气便越盛,光芒也就越是红,红得让人无法睁开眼睛。 She fell into the pool!” “她掉进池子里了!” The nearby in pool has a red big ice hockey, inside spread such a sound. 池子的边上有一个红色的大冰球,里面传出了这么一个声音。 The Feng Feiyun hear that sound is Sacred Fruit sends out, it was also frozen, the body has frozen thick, after long time, is trembling the say/way: I...... I do not have the hand......” 风飞云听出了那个声音乃是圣实果发出,它也被冻结,身上结了厚厚一层冰,半晌之后,哆嗦着道:“我……我没手……” Does not have itself hand here to treat!” “没手就自己在这里待着!” Feng Feiyun deep inspiration , the whole body emits the flame, dragon scale phoenix leather clothing as if must be activated, can hear in the dragon scale to have dragon Howl, in the phoenix skin some Feng recites. 风飞云深深的吸了一口气,全身都冒出火焰来,身上的龙鳞凤皮衣仿佛都要被激活,能够听到龙鳞之中有龙啸,凤皮之中有凤吟。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun has jumped in the red pool. 风飞云跳进了红色的池子之中。 The body falls into piercing red liquid, whole person almost in flash frozen stiff, Divine Sense in brain in almost must be frozen to coagulate at this moment, the blood as if must turn into the ice piece. 身体落入刺骨的红色的液体之中,整个人都几乎在一瞬间被冻僵,大脑之中的神识在此刻都几乎要被冻凝固住,血液仿佛都要变成冰块。 In the body, 30 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes started to revolve, sent out a faint trace holy threatening strength, making the body that must be frozen restore the vigor. 身体之中,30000000粒圣灵骨灰开始运转了起来,发出一丝丝圣洁逼人的力量,使原本要被冻结的身体又恢复了活力。 This is the Holy Saint aura, even if only the bone ash that the spiritual energy vanishes, has the inconceivable strength as before. 这是圣灵的气息,哪怕只是灵气消失殆尽的骨灰,依旧有着不可思议的力量。 Feng Feiyun a Nirvana pill including in the mouth, provides against contingencies. 风飞云将一枚涅槃丹给含在嘴里,以防万一。 This red pool is very strange, no one is able to expect that in has any bad risk, if really and encountered Extreme Disaster, at the worst on again Nirvana one time. 这一个红色的池子十分诡异,谁都无法预料里面到底有什么凶险,万一真的又遭遇了死劫,大不了就再涅槃一次。 Fourth Nirvana is not that easily can complete, the bad risk degree surmounts the first three times sum totals, even if Feng Feiyun swallows Nirvana pill, increased several points of Nirvana success ratio that's all merely, wanting Nirvana to succeed difficultly as before incomparable. 第四次涅槃并不是那么容易就能完成,凶险程度超越前三次的总和,就算风飞云吞服涅槃丹,也仅仅只是增加了几分涅槃的成功率罢了,想要涅槃成功依旧艰难无比。 Seven colors of the spectrum spring can increase the Nirvana success ratio.” “七色泉能够增加涅槃的成功率。” He has thought words that Sacred Fruit spoke, therefore then the silver moon/month spring water taking out one drop, one step swallowed in the body first, gave the package the silver moon/month spring water with Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi, has delivered to the dantian, fell above Bronze Ancient Vessel. 他想到了圣实果说的话,于是便将银月泉水给取出一滴,先一步吞服到了身体之中,用金蚕佛气将银月泉水给包裹,送到了丹田之中,落到了青铜古船之上。 If this time has not experienced Nirvana, Feng Feiyun can also take out from the body the silver moon/month spring water, is insufficient to be wasted. 若是这一次没有经历涅槃,风飞云还能将银月泉水从身体之中取出,不至于被浪费掉。 This is Shengquan! Even if only one drop, as before precious incomparable, if lost, will let the Feng Feiyun very anxiety. 这可是圣泉啊!哪怕只是一滴,依旧珍贵无比,若是损失了,会让风飞云十分肉疼。 Prepared completely safe, Feng Feiyun has turned toward in the red pool of water to sink, in the body 30 million luminous spots in the movement of keeping, resisted the cold air in pond. 做好了万全的准备,风飞云才向着红色的池水之中沉去,身体之中30000000光点在不停的运动,抵挡池中的寒气。 How another tortoise shell?” “怎么又一只龟壳?” Feng Feiyun sank the bottom of pool of water, saw a scratch of tortoise shell on a stone. 风飞云沉到了池水之底,在一块石头上看到了一个龟壳的刻痕。 Have Mao Wugui that goods arrived here unexpectedly? 茅乌龟那货竟然来到过这里? The turtle that really having good luck ever, this character in the cold air by red pond was given the imprisonment including Xiao Tianyue and Sir Xue Shuang, it actually as before jumps for joy, really did not have the natural justice. 真是一只命大的乌龟,连霄天悦雪泷大人这种人物都被红池之中的寒气给禁锢,它却依旧活蹦乱跳,真是没天理了。 The bottom in red pond is very broad, likely is not a bottom in pool, is more like bottom in one red sea. 红池的底部十分宽阔,不像是一片池子的底部,更像是一片红色的海洋的底部。 Can this red pool the channel to another region, the bottom from pool go to another place? 难道这一个红色的池子是通往另一处地域的通道,从池子的底部可以前往另一个地方? To where? 会通往什么地方呢? Hou!” “嚯!” In Feng Feiyun ponders, the bottom in pool saw one walk the old person , in this old person and Feng Feiyun are separated by only have several far, can clear saw that his white hair flutters in the red water. 就在风飞云沉思之时,在池子的底部看到了一个正在行走的老人,这个老人与风飞云相隔仅有数里远,能够清晰的看到他的白发在红色的水中飘扬。 pond will bottom have a person? 池底怎么会有一个人? Feng Feiyun slowly swims away toward that old person, when to that old person also 100 meters far, then immediately stopped the footsteps. 风飞云缓缓的向着那个老人游去,但是在离那个老人还有100米远的时候,便立即停下了脚步。 Which this is an old person? This is one soaks simply in bloody water inside corpse. 这哪是一个老人?这简直就是一具泡在血水里面的尸体。 His body already was already tattered, spirit robe already is also damaged, the flesh and blood is much more rotten, reveals bone that becomes dark. 他的身体早就已经破破烂烂,身上的灵袍也都已经破碎不堪,血肉烂得千疮百孔,露出发黑的骨头。 However he actually as before walks under water, by one thought control that from preserves antique, the step is calm, from time to time looks up the road, sends out the sigh \; From time to time lowers the head to walk, is silent. 但是他却依旧在水底行走,被一股从太古保存下来的意念支配,步伐沉稳,时而抬头看路,发出叹息\;时而低头行走,沉默不语。 Too strange! 太诡异了! Rottenly becomes such corpse unexpectedly is still walking, what thing seems tracking down? 一具都烂成这样的尸体竟然还在行走,似乎在追寻着什么东西? This is a powerhouse of human, living time cultivation base is extremely terrifying.” “这是一位人类的强者,活着的时候修为极其恐怖。” Feng Feiyun does not dare to approach this dead does not know old person who many years, this old person's aura is extremely scary, formidable, is more formidable than his previous generation, even if has not strided in the Holy Saint boundary, perhaps also differs is not far. 风飞云不敢接近这个死了不知多少年的老人,这个老人身上的气息极其吓人,让人敬畏,比他前世都要强大,就算没有跨入圣灵境,恐怕也相差不远了。 Also because of his cultivation base absolute high, therefore the corpse preserved the endless years not to have decayed passing. 也正是因为他的修为高绝,所以尸体保存了无尽岁月都没有腐朽透。 Formidable will the so character die? 如此强大的人物怎么会死? Moreover does the corpse also appear bottom of this red pool? 而且尸体还出现在这一个红色的池子底部? Who is he? 他到底是谁? This absolutely is the character who can go down in history, if Feng Feiyun has glanced through the old book of human, can definitely find his name, when the antiquity, makes countless people worship surely. 这绝对是一位能够载入史册的人物,若是风飞云翻阅过人类的古籍,就肯定能够找到他的名字,在太古之时,必定让无数人朝拜。 This character already died, cannot belittle, a soul that even if retains read, had to cut a day of broken place the strength. 这种人物就算已经死了,也不能小觑,哪怕只是保留下来的一道魂念,都有斩天碎地的力量。 Such long years, even if the skeleton of Holy Saint also this rotten completely. Because of the reason of here red pool of water, the skeleton of his skeleton and white bones Son of Heaven has preserved?” “这么久的岁月,就算是圣灵的骸骨也都该腐烂殆尽。难道是因为这里的红色池水的原因,他的尸骸和白骨天王的骨架才保存了下来?” When the Feng Feiyun heart so is thinking, that originally walks in the old man hundred meters away, suddenly appeared before his body, a jet black and empty eye was staring at Feng Feiyun. 就在风飞云的心头如此想着的时候,那一个原本行走在百米之外的老者,突然出现在了他的身前,一双漆黑而空洞的眼睛正盯着风飞云 Eyeball already in his eye socket is rotten completely, anything does not have. 他眼眶之中的眼球都已经烂尽,什么都没有。 However such was staring by him, enabling the Feng Feiyun whole body to move, as if the soul must leave the hole generally, 但是被他这么的盯着,让风飞云全身都不能动弹,仿佛灵魂都要出窍了一般、 Too quick! 太快了! The Feng Feiyun eye has not winked, but actually as before does not know how he presents himself in front. 风飞云眼睛都没有眨一下,但是却依旧不知道他是如何出现自己面前。 Half...... Half human!” His mouth is also jet black one piece, tongue already rots, the tooth does not know where, the sound is very gloomy, hoarse incomparable. “半个……半个人类!”他嘴里也是漆黑一片,舌头已经烂掉,牙齿也不知掉到了什么地方,声音很是阴森,沙哑无比。 His also preserves unexpectedly really in a soul reads, this was too simply inconceivable. 他的竟然真的还保存在一丝魂念,这简直太不可思议了。 Feng Feiyun nips the tooth, resists that terrifying peerless aura that his body uploads, that breath almost must explode to the pressure the body of Feng Feiyun all at once. 风飞云咬了咬牙齿,抵挡他身上传过来的那一股恐怖绝伦的气息,那一股气息几乎要将风飞云的身体给压爆。 Senior...... Is who?” Feng Feiyun asked difficultly. “前辈……是谁?”风飞云艰难问道。 Emperor tomb, emperor tomb, emperor tomb......” old person thus and such and such unceasing discussed. “帝冢,帝冢,帝冢……”老人如此这般的不断念道。 Is his name? A place? 这到底是他的名字?还是一个地方? The antique time ten thousand clans are prosperous, will have some strong people born frequently, counts to win the number, except for Sacred Fruit that know-it-all, is present sixth Yang Dynasty first Wiseman is perhaps impossible to thoroughly understand the names of all powerhouses. 太古的时候万族鼎盛,经常会有一些强人出世,数不数胜数,除了圣实果那个百事通,恐怕就算是现在第六中央王朝的第一智师都不可能通晓所有强者的名字。 Feng Feiyun asked: „Is this name of senior?” 风飞云问道:“这是前辈的名字吗?” The old person has not replied the Feng Feiyun words, after for a very long time silence, said: Came well, came well, although is only half human, may result in me to inherit.” 老人没有回答风飞云的话,久久的沉默之后,又道:“来了就好,来了就好,虽然只是半个人类,亦可得我传承。” Inheritance? What inherits?” Feng Feiyun said. “传承?什么传承?”风飞云道。 „An old man from perceives through meditation the present strength antique, finally was perceived through meditation by me. This is one type can be used to restrain the «All generations undying Merit» strength, what a pity, what a pity, I perceived through meditation already to be late, my already died thoroughly, the quick final soul will read continually will vanish into thin air. If perceived through meditation in the past years, defeated that person is not I, that person of defeat was not I......” old man long sigh one of the, filled, not only held to read. “一种老夫从太古参悟到现在的力量,终于被我参悟出来了。这是一种可以用来克制《万劫不死功》的力量,可惜,可惜,我就算参悟出来却已经迟了,我已经死透了,很快连最后的魂念都会烟消云散。若是在当年参悟出来,败得那个人就不是我了,败的那个人就不是我了……”老者长长的叹息一声,充满不仅的执念。 Because does not concede, even if died still has been perceiving through meditation to restrain the «All generations undying Merit» strength, from antique has perceived through meditation now. 因为不服输,即便是死了都还在参悟克制《万劫不死功》的力量,从太古一直参悟到现在。 In heart holds to read does not extinguish, his soul read has not extinguished. 心中的执念不灭,他的魂念才没有灭。 ...... …… Asked the distinguished guest ticket! 求贵宾票啊!
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