SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#929: heavenly talent falls from the sky

Feng Feiyun puts out Ascension talisman, pinches in the hand, air/Qi of Ascension flows above the arm, condenses the heavy white arm guard, that together sword shade that Xiao Tianyue cuts destroying. 风飞云拿出一枚羽化符箓,捏在手中,一股羽化之气在手臂之上流动,凝聚重一幅白色的护臂,将霄天悦斩出的那一道剑影给打碎。 Bang!” “嘭!” Although Feng Feiyun has not fallen, but above the fist the fist vigor actually already bang in the chest of Xiao Tianyue, gives to break a piece of ice crystal, the mark bang of fist entered his flesh and blood hollowly, the chest. 风飞云虽然没有落下去,但是拳头之上拳劲却已经轰在霄天悦的胸口,将一片冰晶给震碎,拳头的印记轰入他的血肉,胸口凹陷了下去。 The body of Xiao Tianyue erupts the sword air/Qi that four plunder, speedily flies above void. 霄天悦的身上爆发出肆掠的剑气,在虚空之上疾速飞动。 Wraps ice crystal above his body to be cut unceasingly broken, the upper part reveals from the ice crystal. 包裹在他身体之上的冰晶不断被斩碎,上半身都从冰晶之中显露出来。 He must get out of trouble! 他要脱困了! Feng Feiyun naturally cannot allow such matter to discover, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall changed into several thousand handle small swords to turn toward on him itself to fly, must cut to break to pieces his body thoroughly. 风飞云自然不会允许这样的事情发现,天髓兵胆化为了数千柄小剑都向着他上本身飞去,要彻底斩碎他的身体。 You court death! I am Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord, can it be that your Half Monster can strike to kill.” “你找死!我乃是九霄仙城少城主,岂是你一个半妖可以击杀。” Xiao Tianyue the place of chest, accessories of handle sword-shaped departed, changes into a handle Divine Sword, the sword air/Qi Ling Yun, the imposing manner is scary, a sword is divided several thousand handle small swords that Feng Feiyun makes reverses. 霄天悦的胸口之处,一柄剑形的配饰飞出了出来,化为一柄神剑,剑气凌云,气势骇人,一剑将风飞云打出的数千柄小剑都被劈得倒转。 This is the handle sword embryo of highest heaven Divine Sword, the might, although is inferior to the real body of highest heaven Divine Sword, but the terrifying is as before peerless, the soldier of town clan may be ancient clan. 这是九霄神剑的一柄剑胚,威力虽然不及九霄神剑的真体,但是依旧恐怖绝伦,可做一座古族的镇族之兵。 The entire space is densely covered the sword air/Qi of highest heaven Divine Sword. 整个空间都密布着九霄神剑的剑气。 He revolves the Divine Sword, must cut the imprisonment of broken ice crystal, gets out of trouble. 他运转神剑,要斩破冰晶的禁锢,脱困出来。 Feng Feiyun naturally cannot make him achieve wishes, calls yellow stone ancient Guan, strength of spout a deathly stillness, the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact prestige can show, shakes the heavenly talent oronasals of below several human to bleed. 风飞云自然不能让他如愿,唤出了黄石古棺,一股死寂之力喷涌,十品灵器的威能展现,震得下方几位人类的天骄口鼻流血。 Is Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, this Half Monster is actually grasping Grade 10 Spirit Artifact.” The lima wood territory territory main heir not too handsome calls out in alarm makes noise, full is the inconceivable look. “是一件十品灵器,这个半妖竟然掌握着一件十品灵器。”赤木域域主的子嗣莫太俊惊呼出声,满是不可思议的神色。 Grade 10 Spirit Artifact in a big territory is the top god soldier, only then the characters of these old ancestor ranks match to have, but Half Monster unexpectedly can also put out Grade 10 Spirit Artifact to come now, how not to make them shock. 十品灵器在一座大域之中都算是顶尖的神兵,只有那些老祖级别的人物才配拥有,但是现在一个半妖竟然也能拿出十品灵器来,怎么不让他们震惊。 Although Xiao Tianyue cultivation base is formidable, moreover highest heaven Divine Sword the might of sword embryo also not compared with yellow stone ancient Guan weak many, but he formerly was injured on already, in addition the melted ice crystal has consumed the massive spiritual energies, at this moment was compelled under by Feng Feiyun. 霄天悦修为虽然强大,而且九霄神剑的剑胚的威力也并不比黄石古棺弱多少,但是他先前就已经受伤,加上融化冰晶耗费了大量的灵气,此刻被风飞云逼到了下方。 Everybody collaborates suppress and kill this Half Monster, otherwise all people will die here.” In the Xiao Tianyue mouth spits blood, by a yellow stone ancient Guan aura to the bang above the chest, the chest was almost rumbled to put on. “大家联手镇杀这个半妖,不然所有人都会死在这里。”霄天悦口中吐血,被黄石古棺的一道气息给轰在胸口之上,胸口差一点就被轰穿。 Xiao Tianyue has the extremely high status in these human heavenly talent, many people attach in Nine Firmaments Immortal City, obeys his transfer order. 霄天悦在那些人类天骄之中有极高的地位,很多人都依附于九霄仙城,听从他的调令。 These already reveal the young powerhouse of head, launched the magical powers to launch the attack to Feng Feiyun. 那些已经露出头颅的年轻强者,都展开神通对风飞云发起了攻击。 Elder Brother, I helps you.” “哥,我来帮你。” Feng Qingqing after obtaining white bones sword, has wanted a war, which at this time also waited anxiously? 风卿卿在得到白骨剑之后,就一直想要一战,这个时候哪还等得急? Her body surrounding four groups of Evil Qi are operating, the body is surrounding four evil light, is offering a sacrifice to four handle white bones swords, cuts to the human member who Feng Feiyun launches the attack toward these. 她的身体周围四团邪气在运行,身上环绕着四道邪光,祭着四柄白骨剑,向着那些对风飞云发起攻击的人类修士斩去。 !” “噗!” The white bones sword destroys the hardest defenses, Evil Qi is imposing, a handle pricked in a territory main heir's throat. 白骨剑无坚不摧,邪气凛然,其中一柄刺入了一位域主子嗣的喉咙之中。 Evil Qi invades that territory main heir's body, makes the skin of opposite party instantaneously jet black, the flesh and blood changed into the wealth, only remains white bones to seal in the ice crystal. 邪气侵入那一位域主子嗣的身体,瞬间让对方的皮肤变得漆黑,血肉化为了脓水,只剩一具白骨封在冰晶之中。 Evil Qi of white bones sword became compares was stronger before. 白骨剑的邪气变得比以前更强了。 Is that handle evil bone sword, she can actually use!” “是那一柄邪恶的骨剑,她竟然能够使用!” heavenly talent or the Monster Clan of human powerhouse was shocked at this moment. 无论是人类的天骄还是妖族的强者此刻都被震惊住。 They abstained from that handle white bones sword very, formerly the white bones sword cut to kill several member, the sword, once pricks in the flesh and blood, then must die without doubt, has cast the shadow in the heart of everyone. 他们对那一柄白骨剑十分忌讳,先前白骨剑斩杀了数位修士,剑一旦刺入血肉之中,便必死无疑,在每个人的心中都留下了阴影。 The confrontation of Feng Feiyun and Xiao Tianyue also arrived at the region like a raging fire, the body of Xiao Tianyue is almost beaten, covered with blood, bone disintegration innumerable roots. 风飞云霄天悦的交锋也到了如火如荼的境地,霄天悦的身体都几乎被打烂,血肉模糊,骨头崩碎了无数根。 Bang!” “轰!” I came out!” He broke through the seal of ice crystal finally, the body has shot up to the sky just like the flowing light together, both hands grasped the sword, has divided. “我出来了!”他终于冲破了冰晶的封印,身体宛如一道流光冲天而起,双手握剑,直劈了下去。 The strength in his body in the unceasing restoration, becomes more and more powerful. 他身体之中的力量在不断的恢复,变得越来越强盛。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun was also fearless at this time, gives to wear dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, is raising yellow stone ancient Guan once more, like raising a yellow brick, is shelling in the Xiao Tianyue top of the head. 风飞云这个时候也无所畏惧,将龙鳞凤皮衣给穿上,再次提着黄石古棺,就像提着一块黄色的板砖,轰击在霄天悦的头顶。 Bang!” “轰!” cultivation base in pitiful Xiao Tianyue body fully has not restored, was broken the head by Feng Feiyun, the body has crashed in that dark-red pool. 可怜的霄天悦身体之中的修为还没有完全恢复,就被风飞云打破了脑袋,身体坠落到了那一个暗红色的池子之中。 Although the head of Xiao Tianyue was destroyed, however his cultivation base is extremely high, the vitality is extremely also formidable, is impossible to be so easy dead. 霄天悦的脑袋虽然被砸破,但是他的修为极高,生命力也极其强大,不可能那么容易死。 Feng Feiyun turned yellow stone ancient Guan also to pursue, when to near red pool, Feng Feiyun brandished the coffin board bang once more on the body of Xiao Tianyue, gave the thorough bang to press in the pool him. 风飞云轮着黄石古棺也追了下去,在离近红色的池子的时候,风飞云再次抡起棺材板轰在了霄天悦的身上,将他给彻底的轰压到了池子之中。 passes!” “噗通!” In the red pool splashes the innumerable water splash, is red looks like the blood. 红色的池子之中溅起无数水花,红得像血液。 „!” “嗷嗷!” An extremely evil strength spread from the red pool, changed into a red radiance, the direct impact on, must throw to fly shaking of Feng Feiyun directly, body fierce hit above bone wall. 一股极其邪恶的力量从红色的池子之中传出,化为了一道红色的光华,直冲而上,直接将风飞云的震得抛飞了出去,身体猛烈的撞击在了骨壁之上。 Xiao Tianyue wails in the red pool, body gnawing to nip by the unknown thing completely, only remains a white skeleton finally. 霄天悦在红色的池子之中哀嚎,身上的皮肉被未知的东西给啃咬殆尽,最后只剩一具白森森的骨架。 He has not died as before thoroughly, skeleton is glittering and translucent carving, is the jade carves likely, wants to crawl from the pond. 他依旧没有死透,骨架晶莹剔透,像是玉石雕琢而成,想要从池中爬出。 Bang!” “嘭!” In the red pool erupts pinnacle Evil Qi, gave to break his skeleton, changed into one group of white bonedust, finally completely vanished in the red pool of water. 红色的池子之中爆发出一股极致的邪气,将他的骨架给震碎,化为了一团白色的骨粉,最后完全消失在了红色的池水之中。 This type red is strange red, is redder than the bloody water. 这种红是一种诡异的红,比血水还要红。 Feng Feiyun also suffered the heavy losses, he was also given a moment ago to hit by that red radiance, if not for there is dragon Linfeng a leather clothing to resist, at this moment perhaps also same only remains pile of bone ashes with Xiao Tianyue. 风飞云也遭受了重创,刚才他也被那一股红色的光华给击中,若不是有龙鳞凤皮衣抵挡,此刻恐怕也和霄天悦一样只剩一堆骨灰。 Talent outstanding of that several human by Feng Qingqing cutting completely, not having a living witness, the flesh and blood to be given the corrosion by Evil Qi, finally changed into white emaciated in pond Bian. 那十几个人类的天才俊杰都被风卿卿给斩尽,没有一个活口,血肉被邪气给腐蚀,最终化为了一具具白骨立在池边。 These are one generation of heavenly talent, including the territory main heir, has natural talent peerless Great Wiseman, has the beautiful peerless day the arrogant female, but actually turned into the white bones now, with average person not difference. 这些都是一代天骄,其中有域主的子嗣,有天资绝伦的大智师,有美艳绝伦的天之骄女,但是现在却都变成了白骨,与普通人并没有两样。 Even if you again are before death sight, after dying, is only white bones, crosses several thousand years of bone already to be rotten again completely, who will still remember you? 就算你生前再怎么风光,死后也都只是白骨一具具,再过几千年就连骨头都已经烂尽,谁还会记得你? Like Xiao Tianyue, married more than 100 wives and concubine, each one is the beautiful women, half are the Epic Level day the arrogant female, Xian Sha other people, but they who can expect, talent peerless can Xiao Tianyue die a tragic death today here? 就像霄天悦,娶了100多位妻子和小妾,个个都是美人,其中还有半数都是史诗级别的天之骄女,羡煞旁人,但是她们谁又能料到,天才绝伦的霄天悦今日会惨死在这里? The path of cultivation road is remote, kills tribulation single layer to be heavy, the competition is brutal, can laugh last also on such several people. 修道路遥远,杀劫一重重,竞争残酷,能够笑到最后的也就那么几个人。 Do not imagine for 10,000 years later can become an immortal the Saint. 不要想象10000年后自己能不能成仙成圣。 10,000 years are too long, make good use of one's time can. 10000年太久,只争朝夕便可。 Your murderous aura was too heavy!” Feng Feiyun cough two gently, reminded one. “你的杀气太重了!”风飞云轻轻的咳嗽两声,提醒了一句。 Has? I work depending on the feeling, if who dares to get rid to me or gets rid to my brother, I then kill anyone.” Feng Qingqing said. “有吗?我只是凭感觉做事,谁若是敢对我出手或者对我哥出手,我便杀谁。”风卿卿说道。 Above four handle white bones swords still in the drop blood, the blood also in seeps toward the sword, Evil Qi, infiltrate the person. 四柄白骨剑之上还在滴血,血液同时也在往剑里面渗透,邪气一道道,十分渗人。 Feng Feiyun arrives at the front of Sir Xue Shuang, looks at her fine peerless face, looked at already to melt to the red ice crystal of chest position, handle sword of Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall automatic condensation in hand. 风飞云走到雪泷大人的面前,看着她的那一张精致绝伦的脸,又看了看已经融化到胸口位置的红色冰晶,天髓兵胆在手中自动的凝聚成一柄战刀。 Her chest is very plentiful, ice crystal has soaked her red silk, making the red silk paste above the exquisite white and tender chest, revealed that the attractive outline, as if can also see that outline central that fuchsin. 她的胸部十分丰满,冰晶湿透了她的红绸,让红绸贴在了细腻白嫩的胸脯之上,显露出诱人的轮廓,似乎还能看到那轮廓中央的那一点樱红。 Really is the geomancy transfers in turn, several days ago you are my prey, now the status reverses completely.” Sir Xue Shuang coquettish look like silk, red lip clear, is having a rascal's sigh. “真是风水轮流转,几天前你还是我的猎物,现在我们的身份完全的逆转了。”雪泷大人媚眼如丝,红唇晶莹,带着一种无赖的叹息。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „The outstanding person like you killed is really was a pity.” 风飞云笑道:“像你这样的尤物杀了真是太可惜。” You should better not to kill me, otherwise you will lose the joys of many imagination.” Sir Xue Shuang dimple over the face, the chest front two groups of beautiful meat keeps shivering, sends out one ** breast. Wave. “你最好不要杀我,不然你会失去很多想象不到的快乐。”雪泷大人笑靥满面,胸前的两团美肉不停颤动,发出一**乳.浪。 Feng Feiyun smiled, at once the vision becomes more and more cold, the lance in hand moves, the head of Sir Xue Shuang flew directly, has fallen into the red pond, was twisted to break to pieces the powder. 风飞云笑了笑,旋即目光变得越来越冷,手中的长矛一动,雪泷大人的头颅直接飞了出去,掉进了红色的池中,被绞碎成了粉末。 Bang!” “嘭!” Suddenly the corpse of Sir Xue Shuang is shocked fiercely, changed into a white spider ice-breaking, angry incomparable say/way: Hateful human, you think that you did cut my head to kill me?” 突然雪泷大人的尸身剧烈的震动,破冰而出,化为了一只白色的蜘蛛,愤怒无比的道:“可恶的人类,你以为你斩掉了我的头颅就能杀我?” A giant spider arm has cut toward Feng Feiyun, likely is a handle white god blade, sharp incomparable. 一只巨大的蛛臂向着风飞云斩了过去,像是一柄白色的神刃,锋利无比。 What a bad memory I have, the Monster Clan life source not in the skull, the number of people are only you uses the monster strength to congeal, but body part.” Feng Feiyun speedily retrocedes, does not spell with Sir Xue Shuang hardly. “瞧我这记性,妖族的生命本源并不在脑颅之中,人头只是你们用妖力凝化而出的身体一部分。”风飞云疾速后退,并不和雪泷大人硬拼。 The skull is not the Monster Clan fatal spot, even if has cut off their heads, they are also not necessarily able dead. 脑颅并不是妖族致命的部位,就算斩断了他们的头颅,他们也未必会死。 The Monster Clan most important thing is Monster Bead and monster soul. 妖族最重要的东西乃是妖珠和妖魂。 Naturally if can give to cleave in two Monster Clan, the Monster Clan vitality is formidable, thinks that undying is also very difficult. 当然若是能够将妖族给劈成两半,就算妖族的生命力强大,想不死也很难。 Was a pity that you understood lately.” Sir Xue Shuang condenses the human form once more, changed into a beautiful female, if the already beautiful the angel, with were formerly exactly the same, was the head grew from the neck likely. “可惜你明白得太迟了。”雪泷大人再次凝聚出人形,又化为了一个妖艳至极的女子,已经美若天仙,和先前一模一样,像是头颅又从脖子之中长了出来。 Feng Feiyun offers a sacrifice to yellow stone ancient Guan, being in charge that Sir Xue Shuang hits keeping off. 风飞云祭出黄石古棺,将雪泷大人打过来的掌印给挡了回去。 Cuts your head, although cannot kill you, but can actually consume your massive monster soul, the body weakly will be very long, cuts several times, do you also meet undying?” Feng Feiyun smiled, in the mouth has put out the phoenix evil fire, changed into a sea of fire to wrap this piece of space completely. “斩你一次头颅,虽然不能将你杀死,但是却能消耗你大量的妖魂,身体会虚弱很久,多斩几次,你还会不死?”风飞云笑了笑,口中吐出了凤凰孽火,化为了一片火海将这一片空间完全包裹。 That two were frozen White Spider Monster Clan in ice crystal in the unceasing pitiful yell, their monster bodies have half to reveal from the ice crystal, but has actually encountered the phoenix evil fire scorching, that taste can be imagined. 那两只被冻结在冰晶之中的白蛛妖族在不断的惨叫,它们的妖体有一半从冰晶之中露出,但是却又遭遇了凤凰孽火的焦烧,那种滋味可想而知。 Simply is ice hot twofold day! 简直就是冰火两重天! !” “噗!” !” “噗!” Their bodies were given to pierce by two handle white bones swords, gradually then does not call out pitifully, changed into two monster corpses. 它们的身体被两柄白骨剑给洞穿,渐渐的便不惨叫了,化为两具妖尸。 Really was too noisy!” Feng Qingqing two handle white bones swords receiving, said: Mao Laoshi, goes to receive to me these two monster corpses, has traded the military exploit, the elder sister apportions your two points.” “真是太吵了!”风卿卿将两柄白骨剑给收了起来,道:“茅老实,去将这两具妖尸给我收起来,换了军功,姐姐分给你两点。” Elder sister? This rank is not right!” Sacred Fruit said. “姐姐?这辈分不对吧!”圣实果道。 Disputes!” “呛呛!” Feng Qingqing has knocked two on its body with the white bones sword sword, immediately stirs up a Sacred Fruit ghost to call, then obedient going receives the monster corpse. 风卿卿拿白骨剑剑在它的身上敲了两下,顿时惹得圣实果一阵鬼叫,然后乖乖的前去收妖尸。 ...... …… After inviting everybody reads the chapter, gently throws a fresh flower, did not throw wastes. Ha! 请大家看完章节之后,轻轻的投个鲜花,不投就浪费了。哈哈哈!
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