SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#928: Free and easy man

At this time prevented her to condense evil sea again, already was late. 这个时候再阻止她凝聚邪海,已经迟了。 Only can help her to condense evil sea. 只能助她凝聚邪海。 Condenses the evil sea to need very huge spiritual energy energy, moreover needs to do many preparatory work, had not heard has the evil way overlord to dare under such situation to condense the evil sea. 凝聚邪海需要十分庞大的灵气能量,而且还需要做诸多的准备工作,从来没有听说过有邪道霸主敢在这样的情况之下凝聚邪海。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun opened the heaven channel, draws out jing magnificent Buddha Qi, several kilometers gold/metal color/look river departs, separates 3000 drops of Buddha Qi jing magnificent, likely is 3000 stars, flies toward her. 风飞云打开了天国通道,引出jing华佛气,数千米长的金sè长河飞出,其中分离出3000滴佛气jing华,像是3000颗星辰,向着她飞去。 3000 drops of Buddha Qi jing magnificent integrated her body instantaneously, the evil sea becomes the stable point, but has not stopped absorbing the spiritual energy, has not achieved the saturated condition as before. 3000滴佛气jing华瞬间就融入了她的身体,邪海变得稳固一分,但是并没有停止吸收灵气,依旧没有达到饱和的状态。 Condenses the evil sea to consume so many jing magnificent Buddha Qi unexpectedly!” “凝聚邪海竟然要耗费如此多jing华佛气!” Under the control of Feng Feiyun, that was several kilometers gold/metal color/look river flew toward Feng Qingqing, gave the package her body, innumerable jing magnificent Buddha Qi in flowed toward her body. 风飞云的掌控之下,那一条长达数千米的金sè长河向着风卿卿飞了过去,将她的身体给包裹,无数的jing华佛气都在往她身体之中流动。 The evil sea like a bottomless pit, is not a little bit absorption jing magnificent Buddha Qi, but is an absorption continuously, each wisp contained over a thousand drops. 邪海就像一座无底洞,并不是一滴滴的吸收jing华佛气,而是一缕缕的吸收,每一缕都包含了上千滴。 Finally that two Evil Qi in her body slowly peaceful, surroundings boundless Evil Qi also in turning toward the body draws, finally complete received in the evil sea. 终于那两股邪气在她的身体之中缓缓的安静了下来,周围磅礴的邪气也在向着身体之中收拢,最后完全的收入了邪海之中。 Feng Feiyun received that the Buddha Qi river of gold/metal color/look, has been short of hundreds of thousands of drops short, the gold/metal color/look river several meters. 风飞云将那一条金sè的佛气长河又收了回来,足足少了数十万滴,金sè长河都短了几米。 This condenses the energy of evil sea consumption, she condensed luckily successfully! 这就是凝聚邪海耗费的能量,幸好她凝聚成功了! Elder Brother! I felt that had died a moment ago probably several, but was given to pull back by you.” Feng Qingqing stands above one white bones long, long hair like waterfall, body evil luminous spot point, a periphery piece of space illuminating. “哥!我感觉刚才好像死过好几回,但是都被你给拉了回来。”风卿卿站在一条白骨长道之上,长发如飞瀑,身上邪光点点,将周围的一片空间给照亮。 Two handle white bones swords on float around her body, keeps rotating, on the sword blade the jack-o'-lantern winds around, Evil Qi is steaming, has the evil soul ups and downs on the sword blade. 两柄白骨剑就悬浮在她的身体周围,不停转动,剑身上鬼火缭绕,邪气腾腾,有邪魂在剑身上沉浮。 Feng Feiyun said: Condenses the evil sea is the matter of a narrow escape, because Evil Qi above two handle white bones swords is too abundant, making her cultivation base rise suddenly, enabling you to connect Nirvana within the extremely short time three times. This is almost the unlikely matter, but actually occurred on your body, to you do not know that is the luck is the calamity.” 风飞云道:“凝聚邪海本来就是九死一生的事,而且因为两柄白骨剑之上的邪气太盛,让她的修为暴涨,使你在极短的时间之内接连涅槃了三次。这几乎是不可能发生的事,但是却在你的身上发生,对你来说也不知是福是祸。” Sacred Fruit said: I knew, I knew......” 圣实果道:“我知道了,我知道了……” What do you make much ado about nothing?” “你又大惊小怪什么?” Sacred Fruit said: I know that the origins of these two handle white bones swords, the hearsay in the antique time, white Zhusheng the ancestor had an extremely formidable enemy, when young, their natural talent same absolute high, from the Heaven's Mandate boundary, fought to the Nirvana boundary, then fought to the Ascension boundary, no one can defeat anyone.” 圣实果道:“我知道这两柄白骨剑的来历了,传闻在太古时代,白蛛圣祖有一个极其强大的敌人,在年少之时,他们的天资都一样的高绝,从天命境,争锋到涅槃境,然后又争锋到羽化境,谁都不能击败谁。” Can with the character absolute no small matter that the Holy Saint young time fights, may becomes the Holy Saint character. 能够和圣灵年轻时候争锋的人物绝对非同小可,都是有可能成为圣灵的人物。 „The weapon that hearsay white Zhusheng ancestor's that enemy uses is the white bones sword, is refining up by its ten finger polish sacrifices, altogether ten handles, each handle has the extremely terrifying evil strength.” “传闻白蛛圣祖的那一位敌人所使用的兵器就是白骨剑,乃是由它自己的十根手指打磨祭炼而成,一共有十柄,每一柄都有极其恐怖的邪力。” Feng Feiyun looked at float two handle white bones swords around Feng Qingqing body, said: This legend I have also listened little, but actually knows few, simply had not heard white Zhusheng ancestor's enemy polished the bone sword own finger bone.” 风飞云看了看悬浮在风卿卿身体周围的两柄白骨剑,道:“这个传说我也听过一点点,但是知道得却很少,根本没有听说过白蛛圣祖的敌人将自己的手指骨头打磨成了骨剑。” This matter is absolutely true, it is legend general existence of white bones Monster Clan, named white bones Son of Heaven. At that time with white Zhusheng the ancestor same startled certainly colorful, what a pity white Zhusheng the ancestor first one step broke through the Holy Saint boundary compared with him, he finally became stepping-stone in white Zhusheng the ancestor Holy Saint.” “此事千真万确,它乃是白骨妖族的一位神话传说一般的存在,名叫白骨天王。当时和白蛛圣祖一样的惊才绝艳,可惜白蛛圣祖比他先一步突破到了圣灵境,他最终成为了白蛛圣祖圣灵道上的垫脚石。” Feng Feiyun said: „The skeleton of white bones Son of Heaven cannot bury in this piece of ancient cliff!” 风飞云道:“白骨天王的骨骸不会就埋葬在这一片古崖之中吧!” I thought that has the possibility very much, even entire ancient Ya are the body of white bones Son of Heaven, because the years are too glorious, above the bone body was filled with the dust, the dust turned into the dust, the dust deposit the rock, the rock collects the mountain, the mountain changed ancient Ya.” Sacred Fruit said. “我觉得很有可能,甚至整个古崖都是白骨天王的躯体,因为岁月太悠久,骨体之上挤满了灰尘,灰尘变成尘土,尘土堆积成岩石,岩石汇集成山岳,山岳变古崖。”圣实果道。 Elder Brother! I induce to having any thing also summon me.” Feng Qingqing said. “哥!我感应到有什么东西还呼唤我。”风卿卿道。 Some super, even if body dies, own thought will not extinguish. 一些超级至强,就算身死,自身的意念也不会灭。 Has the white bones Son of Heaven also left behind some thoughts? 难道白骨天王还留下了一些意念? Feng Feiyun said: In what direction?” 风飞云道:“在什么方向?” Under!” “下面!” Feng Qingqing jumps to leap, falls gently to giant white bones on, then walks toward under along the white bones. 风卿卿纵身一跃,飘落到一根巨大的白骨上,然后沿着白骨向着下方走去。 Feng Feiyun called phoenix wing body to fly, twisted Sacred Fruit, quick was overtaking Feng Qingqing. 风飞云唤出了凤凰羽翼身体飞起,拧着圣实果,很快就追上了风卿卿 This seems a bottomless abyss, has met all the way two corpses, is the corpses of Monster Clan powerhouse, the body is also inserting the white bones sword, was received by Feng Qingqing. 这似乎乃是一个无底的深渊,一路上又遇到了两具死尸,都是妖族强者的尸体,身上也插着白骨剑,被风卿卿收了过去。 Her already obtained four handle white bones swords! 已经得到了四柄白骨剑! In the bottom of abyss, finally saw the member of Monster Clan and human, they by the unknown strength imprisonment, the body cannot move. 在深渊的底部,终于见到了妖族和人类的修士,他们都被未知的力量禁锢,身体不能动弹。 Xiao Tianyue and Sir Xue Shuang were also imprisoned the body, besides the head, other body places frozen was lived by the ice crystal of red color/look. 就连霄天悦雪泷大人也都被禁锢身体,除了头颅以外,身上其它的地方都被红sè的冰晶冻住。 In Monster Clan besides Sir Xue Shuang, two powerhouses, changed into the primary form, turned into two white color/look Okumo. 妖族之中除了雪泷大人,还有两位强者,化为了原形,变成了两只白sè的大蜘蛛。 Human besides Xiao Tianyue, 12 people fortunately survives. 人类这边除了霄天悦,还有12人幸存。 Although they were imprisoned, but the sense actually still exists, heard the above sound of footsteps, is looks up. 他们虽然被禁锢住,但是感官却还存在,听到了上方的脚步声,皆是抬起头看去。 What they see is Feng Feiyun, is face color/look changes. 他们看到来的是风飞云,都是脸sè一变。 Feng Feiyun felt that under is very unusual, especially that is sending the big pool of red color/look radiance, on such as a giant heart, sends out with the heart same frequency flutter simply, like has the lifeform to hide in the pool. 风飞云感觉到下面很异常,特别是那一个发着红sè光华的大池子,简直就如一个巨大的心脏,发出跟心脏一样的频率波动,像是有生物藏在池子中。 The human member and Monster Clan member was imprisoned in pond Bian. 人类修士和妖族修士就被禁锢在池边。 Obviously was they intrudes rashly, has encountered pool the attack of something, this moment gearing finger became extremely difficult. 显然是他们贸然闯入,遭遇了池子中的某种东西的攻击,此刻连动一下手指都变得极其艰难。 Hehe! This is not famous Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord, is really skillful!” Feng Feiyun stands above white bones, calls Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, all around the vision glance, has not seen Xuanyuan Yiyi and Xiao Xiaochan form. “呵呵!这不是大名鼎鼎的九霄仙城少城主,真是巧啊!”风飞云站在上方的一根白骨之上,唤出天髓兵胆,目光扫视四周,并没有看到轩辕一一霄小婵的身影。 It seems like they have not entered here. 看来她们并没有进入这里。 Originally is your this Half Monster! Also is really the enemies often cross each other's path.” Although Xiao Tianyue was imprisoned the body, but is not flustered, where standing remarkably, said with a smile: Stands in my opposite that three White Spider Monster Clan, is the Monster Clan powerhouses, especially that female is the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan, they cannot move now, if you can cut to kill them, can exchange the massive military exploits.” “原来是你这个半妖!还真是冤家路窄。”霄天悦虽然被禁锢了身体,但是却并不慌张,卓然的立在哪里,笑道:“站在我对面的那三只白蛛妖族,都是妖族的强者,特别是那个女子乃是白蛛妖族的皇族,他们现在动弹不得,你若是能够将他们斩杀,能够兑换出大量的军功。” Sir Xue Shuang charming beautiful appearance slightly changes, the condensation monster strength, speeds up melting the ice crystal secretly the speed. 雪泷大人妩媚的玉颜微微的一变,暗自凝聚妖力,加快融化冰晶的速度。 Feng Feiyun naturally saw that they are transporting the merit melting ice crystal, wants to break through the imprisonment, Xiao Tianyue and cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang is highest, already has revealed a head. 风飞云自然看出他们都在运功融化冰晶,想要冲破禁锢,霄天悦雪泷大人的修为最高,已经露出了一个头颅。 !” !” At this time the head ice efflorescence of another human female bloomed, reveals jing to send the beautiful appearance. 这个时候又一个人类女子的头上的冰晶花开,露出一张jing致美丽的容颜。 That Grade 7 Great Wiseman, Nie Shuangshuang. 正是那一位七品大智师,聂双双。 Except for Xiao Tianyue and Sir Xue Shuang, cultivation base strongest is she. 除了霄天悦雪泷大人,修为最强的就是她。 Feng Feiyun looks but not see, says with a smile: I naturally want to contribute to the military exploit, but I know that Young City Lord takes to heart to the matter that I rob your concubine, once you break through the ice crystal imprisonment, definitely will get rid suppress and kill I, I must first except the future trouble?” 风飞云视而不见,笑道:“我自然想立军功,不过我知道少城主对我抢走你小妾的事耿耿于怀,一旦你冲破冰晶禁锢,肯定会出手镇杀我,我要不要先除去后患呢?” Xiao Tianyue face color/look is invariable, says with a smile: Meng Lingyan is not loyal, does not have the love to me, this woman does not want. Your excellency helps me carry off her, is breaks through for me, I will only thank your excellency, how also to take to heart?” 霄天悦的脸sè不变,笑道:“梦凌燕不贞,对我也没有爱意,这种女人不要也罢。阁下帮我将她带走,乃是为我解围,我只会感激阁下,又怎么会耿耿于怀?” Is so free and easy?” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “这么洒脱?”风飞云笑道。 Man should be freer and easier......” Xiao Tianyue to say. “男人本就应该洒脱一些……”霄天悦道。 Bang!” “嘭!” Above the palm of Feng Feiyun condenses one to be in charge, has clapped a palm of the hand on the face of Xiao Tianyue, exudes the clear sound, left behind a red close to to be in charge above the right face. 风飞云的手掌之上凝聚出一个掌印,在霄天悦的脸上拍了一巴掌,发出清脆的响声,在右脸之上留下了一个通红的巴掌印。 Nie Shuangshuang was slapped the palm of the hand on Xiao Tianyue face to give to fear by Feng Feiyun suddenly, must know Xiao Tianyue, but Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord, is southwest 12 boundary one of the six heavenly talent, so long as such character does not fall from the sky, in the future can become the eternal overlord absolutely. 聂双双被风飞云突然掴在霄天悦脸上的这一巴掌给惊住,要知道霄天悦可是九霄仙城少城主,更是西南12境的六位天骄之一,这样的人物只要不陨落,将来绝对能够成为万古霸主。 However now has actually been slapped the palm of the hand on face, moreover slaps his is Half Monster. 但是现在却被人在脸上掴了巴掌,而且掴他的乃是一个半妖 Feng Feiyun has rubbed the rubbing the hands wrist, said: Now can also be free and easy?” 风飞云揉了揉手腕,道:“现在还能洒脱吗?” The mouth of Xiao Tianyue puts out a bloody foam, in the eye flashes through yin haze, said with a smile: This palm of the hand this should be......” 霄天悦的嘴里吐出一口血沫子,眼中闪过一丝yin霾,笑道:“这一巴掌本是应该的……” Feng Feiyun was a palm of the hand has flung, gave to hit to be swollen the Xiao Tianyue profile, the mouth could not close, bleeding fluid that corners of the mouth keeping. 风飞云又是一巴掌甩了过去,将霄天悦的半边脸都给打得肿了起来,嘴巴都合不上,嘴角在不停的流血液。 Young City Lord also is really free and easy, making the person admire.” Feng Feiyun has rubbed the rubbing the hands wrist. 少城主还真是洒脱,让人佩服。”风飞云揉了揉手腕。 Xiao Tianyue such person, Feng Feiyun sees are really many, superficial one set, the innermost feelings are another set, seems like free and easy, but his heart definitely decided as Feng Feiyun must kill the person. Once he gets out of trouble from frozen, first killing is Feng Feiyun. 霄天悦这样人,风飞云见得实在太多,表面一套,内心又是另一套,看似洒脱,但是他心头肯定将风飞云定为了必杀之人。一旦他从冰封之中脱困,第一个杀的就是风飞云 Even if Feng Feiyun has not flung his two palms of the hand, he will not let off Feng Feiyun absolutely. 就算风飞云没有甩他两巴掌,他也绝对不会放过风飞云 When the Xiao Tianyue design seizes seizes Liu Suzi, Feng Feiyun to him had such appraisal. 霄天悦设计擒捉琉苏紫的时候,风飞云就对他有了这样的评价。 This is one has not reached the person who goal resorts to all means. 这是一个未达目的不择手段的人。 !” !” !” !” ...... …… How many people also has to appear one after another from frozen, saw that the head of Xiao Tianyue swells like one pig, astonishedly, whose such big courage, unexpectedly does dare to make into this appearance Young City Lord? 接连又有几人从冰封之中露出头来,看到霄天悦的脑袋肿得像一个猪头一样,都惊异至极,谁这么大的胆子,竟然敢将少城主打成这个样子? When their vision look upwardly, sees Feng Feiyun time, immediately felt relaxed. 当他们的目光向上看,看到风飞云的时候,顿时又释然了。 This Half Monster dares to snatch including the Xiao Tianyue concubines, what but also there is not to dare to do? 这个半妖霄天悦的小妾都敢抢,还有什么不敢做? Feng Feiyun changed into a handle small sword Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, body murderous aura ascends, since already and Xiao Tianyue become enemies, then absolutely cannot put him to maintain a livelihood again. 风飞云天髓兵胆化为了一柄小剑,身上杀气升腾,既然已经霄天悦结仇,那么也就绝对不能再放他活命。 You, if puts my xing life, you want any thing, I can give you.” Xiao Tianyue sees Feng Feiyun is person of the ruthless burning, will not care about him is Young City Lord of highest heaven day city, if at this time has not admitted defeat, only had the dead end. “你若是放我一条xing命,你要什么东西,我都可以给你。”霄天悦看出风飞云是一个狠辣之人,并不会在乎他是不是九霄天城的少城主,这个时候若是还不服软,就只有死路一条了。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: I want your wife, do you also give?” 风飞云笑道:“我要你的老婆,你也给?” You, if can have a liking, any you can carry off.” Xiao Tianyue said. “你若是看得上,任何一位你都可以带走。”霄天悦道。 Yeah! What a pity I do not have the interest to the widow.” “哎!可惜我对寡妇没有兴趣。” The small sword in Feng Feiyun hand, departs to the hand, straight thrust Xiao Tianyue forehead. 风飞云手中的小剑,离手飞出,直刺霄天悦的眉心。 At this moment in both eyes of Xiao Tianyue departs two yin Yang Jianqi, two revolving, sword gasification for turbine wheel, that handle small sword blocking. 就在这时霄天悦的双目之中飞出两道yin阳剑气,两件旋转,剑气化为了涡轮,将那一柄小剑给挡住。 Trivial Half Monster also wants to kill me, when really my Xiao Tianyue feared you.” “区区一个半妖也想杀我,真当我霄天悦怕你了。” Xiao Tianyue no longer conceals murderous aura, above the top of the head condenses piece of blood red color/look the sword saying that changes into together the virtual light sword shade, has divided toward Feng Feiyun. 霄天悦不再掩饰身上的杀气,头顶之上凝聚出一片血红sè的剑云,化为一道虚光剑影,向着风飞云劈了过去。 Worthily is the southwest 12 boundary most formidable six young talents, even if were imprisoned in the ice crystal, can erupt the incomparable war prestige as before, the sword air/Qi very rushing, likely is together the river. 不愧是西南12境最强大的六位年轻才俊,即便是被禁锢在冰晶之中,依旧能够爆发出无匹战威,剑气十分滂湃,像是一道长河。 ...... …… Asked the distinguished guest ticket! already continues three weeks of immortal hero distinguished guest tickets first, strove for fourth week continuing. 求贵宾票啊!已经蝉联三周的仙侠贵宾票第一,求第四周蝉联。
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