SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#927: White bones sword

Elder Brother, I felt that these cliffs, you do have such feeling?” Feng Qingqing closely follows in Feng Feiyun behind, an eye pupil of pair of black and shining is looking in all directions. “哥,我感觉那些石壁都在动,你有没有这样的感觉?”风卿卿紧紧跟在风飞云身后,一双黑溜溜的眼眸子四处瞄着。 Feng Feiyun takes the lead, is very quiet, naturally also feels above stone wall to have the sound, is the living creature is likely ordinary, in keeping movement, when he stares at the vision in stone wall, stone wall immediately static, probably has the misconception. 风飞云走在前面,十分沉静,自然也感觉到石壁之上有动静,像是活物一般,在不停运动,但是当他将目光盯在石壁上,石壁又顿时静止,就好像是自己产生错觉。 How I felt that is enters a big monster in the belly?” The hand of Feng Qingqing presses firmly between the fingers the Feng Feiyun back clothes, falls the hand to fall the foot, the feeling whole body is not comfortable. “我怎么感觉是走进一只大怪物的肚子里面?”风卿卿的手捏住风飞云的背后衣服,跌手跌脚,感觉浑身都不自在。 You , if afraid, I deliver you to return to the heaven.” Feng Feiyun also felt that more and more does not suit, said like Feng Qingqing, is enters a big monster in very much likely the belly. “你若是害怕,我送你回到天国之中。”风飞云也感觉到越来越不对劲,就像风卿卿所说,很像是走进一只大怪物的肚子里面。 Did not fear! Did not fear!” She then loosens the hand at once, both hands inserts on the small waist, a fearless appearance. “不怕!一点都不怕!”她旋即便松开手,双手插在小蛮腰上,一副无所畏惧的样子。 Bang!” “轰!” The front blood cloud has attacked, is having the huge howling sound. 前方一片血云冲击了过来,带着庞大的呼啸声。 In the blood cloud, there is a remnant corpse broken bone. 血云之中,有残尸碎骨。 Because the impulse is too strong, the god blade that these remnant corpse broken bones likely can attack is common, rumbles shatter both sides stone wall, chaotic Shiheng flies, such as yin cloud Shafeng attacks. 因为冲击力实在太强,这些残尸碎骨都像是能够攻击的神刃一般,将两旁的石壁轰得破碎,乱石横飞,如yin云煞风冲击过来。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun stands erect the yellow stone ancient coffin once more in the ground, resists by the strength of whole body. 风飞云黄石古棺再次竖立在地面上,以全身之力抵挡。 Bang, bang!” “嘭,嘭!” These broken corpse remnant bones hit in the ancient coffin, sends out the metal to strike the stone the sound. 那些碎尸残骨都撞击在古棺之中,发出金属击石的声音。 Feng Qingqing and Sacred Fruit hide in his, otherwise this impulse sufficiently rumbles to fly them. 风卿卿圣实果都躲在他的身后,要不然这一股冲击力就足以将他们轰飞出去。 The bonus is so, Feng Feiyun also retrocedes dozens zhang (3.33 m), stands firm the body. 饶是如此,风飞云也后退数十丈,才稳住身体。 Has the flesh and blood of human, there is a Monster Clan flesh and blood, the casualty is so frigid, what did they encounter?” “有人类的血肉,也有妖族的血肉,死伤如此惨烈,他们到底遭遇了什么?” Feng Feiyun quickens pace, turns toward canyon the deep place line to go, the ground is tattered, many places by astral wind to broken, reveals together the spoken parts color/look trace, like has the giant bone to bury in the rock. 风飞云加快步伐,一路向着峡谷的深处行去,地面破破烂烂,有很多地方都被刚才的罡风给冲碎,露出一道道白sè的痕迹,像是有巨大的骨头埋在岩石之中。 „Won't we walk really in a body of big skeleton?” “我们不会真的走在一具大骨架的身体里面吧?” Finally passes through the relatively narrow channel, enters a stretch of vast hinterland, inside is very as before jet black, cannot see clearly in a big way. 终于走过相对狭窄的通道,进入一片广阔腹地,里面依旧无比漆黑,看不清有多大。 However actually indistinctly can see white color/look the great bone horizontally in this piece of space, likely is the path that white bones spread, but under of path actually profoundly, likely is the endless abyss, as if there is faint red light to be partly visible in the abyss side deep place. 但是却隐约可以看到有一根根白sè的巨骨横在这一片空间之中,像是一条条白骨铺成的道路,而道路的下方却幽深至极,像是无尽的深渊,在深渊的极深处似乎有淡淡的红光若隐若现。 Elder Brother, here has a corpse.” “哥,这里有一具尸体。” Feng Qingqing a bloody corpse moving, on the face did not have to fear intent slightly, instead appears very happy, has provoked two above the eye of that corpse, revealed a snow white tooth to smile, „! His eye is quite bright, should be a treasure.” 风卿卿将一具血淋淋的尸体给搬了过来,脸上没有丝毫惧意,反而显得很开心,在那一具尸体的眼睛之上拨弄了两下,露出一口雪白的牙齿笑了起来,“哇!他的眼睛好亮,应该是一件宝贝。” She took out a handle bronze dagger, the eyeball of that bloody monster corpse digging, is a white color/look bead pinches likely in the hand. 她取出了一柄青铜匕首,将那一具血淋淋的妖尸的一只眼球给挖出来,像是一颗白sè的珠子捏在手中。 That is Monster Bead that he condenses, he condensed Monster Bead in the eyeball.” “那是他凝聚的妖珠,他将妖珠凝聚在了眼球之中。” Above the monster corpse is inserting a white bones long sword. 妖尸之上插着一根白骨长剑。 This handle white bones long sword almost cuts two sections the monster corpse, this also causes most primary cause that this Monster Clan powerhouse body dies. 这一柄白骨长剑几乎将妖尸斩成两截,这也是导致这一位妖族强者身死的最主要原因。 Feng Feiyun gives to pull out the white bones long sword, when the hand grasps the sword hilt, felt that a piercing chill in the air, almost will put in order only the arm to give the frozen hemp. 风飞云将白骨长剑给抽出,手握剑柄之时,感觉到一股刺骨寒意,几乎将整只手臂都给冻麻。 Good evil pointed weapons, absolutely with cultivation unsurpassed evil merit the bone polish of powerhouse. The evil strength seeps to the bone, changes into the evil bone the bone, if the common person moves this handle white bones long sword, will immediately be entered the body by Evil Qi.” “好邪恶的兵刃,绝对是用修炼无上邪功的强者的骨头打磨而成。邪力渗透到骨头之中,将骨头都化为邪骨,寻常人若是触碰这一柄白骨长剑,立即就会被邪气入体。” In the body of Feng Feiyun revolution «Gold Silkworm Scripture», above the arm is wrapping, attempts to give the purification the evil strength in white bones long sword, but white bones long sword that evil strength is too formidable, in already like the sword blade bred the evil soul, was not Feng Feiyun present Buddha strength cultivation base can purify. 风飞云的身体之中运转《金蚕经》,手臂之上包裹着佛芒,尝试将白骨长剑之中的邪力给净化,但白骨长剑那一股邪力实在太强大,就像剑身之中已经孕育出了邪魂,不是风飞云现在的佛力修为可以净化得了。 Evil Qi! I must have a look but actually am it am evil, is I am evil.” White bones long sword of Feng Qingqing to Feng Feiyun hand is very interested, must seize to hold appreciatively. 邪气!我倒要看看是它邪,还是我邪。”风卿卿风飞云手中的白骨长剑很有兴趣,就要去夺过来把玩。 In the body of Feng Qingqing, with living to have the air/Qi of demon, but Evil Qi in this handle white bones long sword, too crazy hold, Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi somewhat cannot suppress, Feng Feiyun confessed that will not make her move easily. 风卿卿的身体之中,与身居来就有邪魔之气,但这一柄白骨长剑之中的邪气,实在太狂盛,就连金蚕佛气都有些压制不住,风飞云自认不会让她轻易触碰。 Elder Brother, you plays to me?” Feng Qingqing is very interested to that white bones long sword, in the eye pupil Evil Qi is cold, above the slender white delicate arms the winding around evil mark, robs to the Feng Feiyun hand. “哥,你给我玩一下,就一下?”风卿卿对那白骨长剑很有兴趣,眼眸子之中邪气凛凛,纤细的玉臂之上缭绕邪纹,到风飞云手中去抢夺。 The white bones long sword in Feng Feiyun hand as if also felt her Evil Qi, in violent shivering, the evil soul in sword blade, inflated unexpectedly, changed into a devil the great shade. 风飞云手中的白骨长剑似乎也感受到了她身上的邪气,竟然在猛烈的颤抖,剑身之中的邪魂,膨胀出来,化为一头恶魔的巨影。 In the body of Feng Feiyun gushes out enormous and powerful Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi, changes into gold/metal color/look the great cocoon to imprison that devil great shade. 风飞云的身体之中涌出浩荡的金蚕佛气,化为一个金sè的巨茧禁锢那恶魔巨影。 But at this moment, Feng Qingqing white hands actually already presses firmly between the fingers the sword blade of white bones long sword, Evil Qi in white bones long sword, at once emerges her arm. 而就在这时,风卿卿的玉手却已经捏住白骨长剑的剑身,白骨长剑之中的邪气,旋即涌入她手臂。 The white delicate arms of pure white non- flaw, at once become with the bone same paleness. 原本洁白无瑕的玉臂,旋即变得跟骨头一样的苍白。 The white bones long sword as if the arm of Feng Qingqing fuses together, Evil Qi wins, cuts the broken Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi knitting the shackles, crashes in the hand of Feng Qingqing. 白骨长剑仿佛和风卿卿的手臂融为一体,邪气更胜,斩破金蚕佛气编织的牢笼,冲进风卿卿的手中。 Oh!” !” The Feng Qingqing whole body was given package by Evil Qi, the long skirt dances in the air, the black hair drags, the double pupil turns into gloomily blue color/look, likely is two groups of jack-o '- lanterns float in the eye socket, a sword has divided, at once cuts together the enormous and powerful Evil Qi sword wave. 风卿卿全身都被邪气给包裹,长裙飞舞,青丝摇曳,双眸变成幽蓝sè,像是两团鬼火悬浮在眼眶之中,一剑劈了出去,旋即斩出一道浩荡的邪气剑波。 Has the skeleton skull, to break the bone and person the skin, blood stream and five internal organs, presents in sword wave, to person a feeling of hell nether world. 有骷髅头、断骨、人皮、血流、五脏,在剑波之中呈现出来,给人一种地狱幽冥的感觉。 Feng Feiyun calls yellow stone ancient Guan, covers the coffin opening, piece of blood energy runs out from the coffin, forms a piece of blood saying that this together sword wave that she cuts blocking. 风飞云唤出黄石古棺,将棺盖给打开,一片血气从棺材之中冲出,形成一片血云,将她斩出的这一道剑波给挡住。 „Hasn't Little Qingqing, put aside sword?” 小卿卿,还不将剑丢开?” The say/way of Feng Feiyun sinking sound, felt that Feng Qingqing condition at this moment does not suit very much, was likely invaded by Evil Qi. 风飞云沉声的道,感觉风卿卿此刻的状态很不对劲,很可能被邪气入侵。 The Feng Qingqing horizontal sword stands, on face is having the happy expression, said: Why can put aside? This sword prestige supports in a big way, or our gesticulation gesture?” 风卿卿横剑而立,脸上带着笑意,道:“为什么要丢开?这剑威力挺大的,要不我们比划比划?” Her intelligence appears very sober, moreover can control the white bones long sword in hand, this makes Feng Feiyun feel is very strange, can Evil Qi in her body, actually strong Evil Qi in white bones sword? 她的神智显得很清醒,而且也能够控制手中的白骨长剑,这让风飞云感觉很奇怪,难道她身体之中的邪气,竟然能够强过白骨剑中的邪气 „Won't she be insane?” Sacred Fruit also by her Evil Qi imposing appearance having a scare. “她不会疯了吧?”圣实果也被她刚才的邪气凛然的样子给吓了一跳。 Disputes!” “呛呛!” Feng Qingqing has knocked two on its body with the white bones sword, said: You were insane!” 风卿卿用白骨剑在它的身上敲了两下,道:“你才疯了!” „!! I was entered the body by Evil Qi.” Sacred Fruit everywhere sways back and forth on the ground, but get lost/rolled after for quite a while, discovered oneself had not been invaded by Evil Qi, at once then senseless peaceful. “啊!啊!我被邪气入体了。”圣实果在地上满地打滚,但是滚了半天之后才发现自己并没有被邪气入侵,旋即便又无趣的安静了下来。 Feng Feiyun gives to press firmly between the fingers the Feng Qingqing wrist/skill, wants to nose her physical condition at this moment, but wisp of Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi just crashed in her wrist/skill, by together crazy Evil Qi twisting broken. 风飞云风卿卿的手腕给捏住,想要查探她此刻的身体状况,但是一缕金蚕佛气才刚刚冲进她的手腕,就被一道疯狂的邪气给绞碎。 Elder Brother, you do not think that I was insane?” Feng Qingqing slightly is flat the mouth, looked at the white bones sword, miserable say/way: You , if not like this sword, I threw then am.” “哥,你不会也认为我疯了吧?”风卿卿微微的扁着嘴,看了看白骨剑,楚楚可怜的道:“你若是不喜欢这剑,我扔了便是。” Feng Feiyun gives to let loose her wrist/skill, shook the head, said: Does not use! I guessed your body air/Qi of innate demon, above Evil Qi with this handle white bones sword melted, since melted can also control.” 风飞云将她的手腕给放开,摇了摇头,道:“不用!我猜测你身体之中的先天邪魔之气,与这一柄白骨剑之上的邪气相融,既然相融也就能够驾驭。” Oh! Also didn't need to throw?” Feng Qingqing is very excited, almost arrives at the face of Feng Feiyun to kiss. “噢耶!也就是不用扔了?”风卿卿很兴奋,差一点就到风飞云的脸上去亲一下。 Feng Feiyun nodded, temporarily this! To you, perhaps is a chance, may make you move toward the demon the abyss, in your, how walks depending on you yourself decided.” 风飞云点了点头,“暂时就这样吧!对你来说,或许是一场机缘,或许会让你走向邪魔的深渊,道在你脚下,如何走凭你自己决定。” Feng Qingqing the might of that sword, already endured to compare the member full sword of Nirvana 1st-layer a moment ago, making Feng Feiyun feel the concealed worry. 刚才风卿卿的那一剑的威力,已经堪比涅槃第一重的修士全力的一剑,让风飞云感觉到隐忧。 In this handle white bones sword has boundless Evil Qi to emerge my body, my present whole body is powerful, elder brother, or do we fight?” Feng Qingqing is gesticulating the white bones sword in hand, body Evil Qi few, the double pupil somewhat blushed. “这一柄白骨剑之中有磅礴的邪气涌入我的身体,我现在全身都充满力量,哥,要不我们来战上一场?”风卿卿比划着手中的白骨剑,身上邪气寥寥,双眸又有些发红了。 Feng Feiyun shook the head, said: Here is very strange, the careful point is wonderful. This handle white bones sword is not these human member, is not the Monster Clan powerhouse, whose then it is? How also to insert in a body of monster corpse?” 风飞云摇了摇头,道:“这里很诡异,小心一点为妙。这一柄白骨剑不属于那些人类修士,也不属于妖族强者,那么它到底是谁的?又怎么会插在一具妖尸的身上?” Also a little, after entering here, undying palace the strength of imprisonment weakened, already cannot ban to seal the dantian of member completely. What strength is also, can make undying palace the strength of imprisonment become less crowded?” “还有一点,进入这里之后,不死殿的禁锢之力变弱了,已经不能将修士的丹田完全禁封。又是什么力量,能够让不死殿的禁锢之力都为之松动?” Sacred Fruit said suddenly: Passed on the spoken lines spider Saint ancestor the strength to be incomparable in the past, once suppressed many powerhouses, some striking to kill by it, but some were given the seal by it. You said that the owner of this handle white bones sword can be pointed weapons of suppressor?” 圣实果突然道:“传说白蛛圣祖当年战力无匹,曾镇压过很多强者,有的被它给击杀,而有的被它给封印。你们说这一柄白骨剑的主人会不会就是其中一位镇压者的兵刃?” The Feng Feiyun heart moves, said: Has this possibility. You were not born for several days, knows the matter about white Zhusheng ancestor?” 风飞云心头一动,道:“有这种可能。你不是才出生几天,怎么知道关于白蛛圣祖的事?” I am not clear, is quite strange! The uncle, you said why this is?” Sacred Fruit said. “我也不清楚,好奇怪啊!二大爷,你说这是为什么?”圣实果道。 Feng Feiyun rolls the eyes at once, thought own side does not have a normal person, the fruit does not have a normal fruit. 风飞云旋即翻白眼,觉得自己身边就没有一个正常人,就连果子都没有一个正常的果子。 Elder Brother! Here corpse!” “哥!这里又有一具尸体!” After Feng Qingqing obtained the white bones sword, on walking of pushing to the front in formerly, her does not know where at this time from causes a corpse. 风卿卿得到了白骨剑之后,就一马当先的走在先前,这个时候她又不知从什么地方弄出一具尸体来。 This is a corpse of human member, the half of body by the unknown lifeform eating the food, only remains the waist above body, is also inserting a handle white bones sword in the position of heart. 这是一具人类修士的尸体,身体的一半都被未知生物给啃食,只剩腰部以上的身躯,在心脏的位置也插着一柄白骨剑。 Well!” “咦!” The corpse of Feng Qingqing to that human member does not have the least bit interest, the second handle white bones sword pulling out, has pinched in another hand, Evil Qi that another four plunder emerged her body. 风卿卿对那人类修士的尸体没有半点兴趣,将第二柄白骨剑给拔了出来,捏在另一只手中,又一股肆掠的邪气涌入了她的身体。 Swirling flow of two Evil Qi in her body, changed into a huge vortex, swallows the surrounding spiritual energy. 两股邪气在她的身体之中旋转流动,化为了一座庞大的漩涡,吞噬周围的灵气。 This changes too to be really quick, stems from the expectation of Feng Feiyun, wanted to prevent her already without enough time. 这一变化来得实在太快,出乎风飞云的预料,想要阻止她已经来不及了。 Two Evil Qi twisted to break to pieces her dantian, must condense an evil sea.” Feng Feiyun face color/look sinks, heart worried very much. “两股邪气绞碎了她的丹田,要凝聚出一座邪海。”风飞云脸sè一沉,心头很是担忧。 Evil sea and dantian is the member stores up the spiritual energy the place. “邪海”和“丹田”都是修士储存灵气的地方。 Even if most evil way member, is impossible to cultivate the evil sea, the evil way overlord who only then cultivates the topest evil merit is possible, broken dantian, congealing evil sea. 就算是绝大多数的邪道修士,都不可能修炼出邪海,只有修炼最顶尖邪功的邪道霸主才可能,破丹田,凝邪海。 Feng Qingqing at this moment unexpectedly in condensation evil sea. 风卿卿此刻竟然就在凝聚“邪海”。
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