SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#926: Bloody tracing

Hehe! Teases you to play!” Feng Qingqing smiles the flowering branch to shiver all over, long hair flies upwards everywhere, eye pupil clear, corners of the mouth curved. “呵呵!逗你玩的!”风卿卿笑得花枝乱颤,长发到处飞扬,眼眸晶莹,嘴角弯弯。 The Feng Feiyun look has then relaxed, serious say/way: „After this joke, does not permit.” 风飞云的神色这才缓和了下来,严肃的道:“这种玩笑以后不准开。” Oh!” Feng Qingqing receives the smiling face at once, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkled one group, pulls the hair, the mouth is whispering, „does younger sister like the Elder Brother having the mistake?” !”风卿卿旋即收起了笑容,黛眉皱成一团,不停的扯着头发,嘴里嘀嘀咕咕,“妹妹喜欢哥哥有错吗?” Right!” Sacred Fruit said. “没错!”圣实果说道。 The eye pupil of Feng Qingqing was bright at once, caught Sacred Fruit, the sound clear say/way: Doesn't think including you wrong?” 风卿卿的眼眸子旋即明亮了起来,逮到了圣实果,声音清脆的道:“连你也认为没有错?” Naturally not wrong? Do I like my grandfather, grandson can like the grandfather, why the younger sister cannot like the Elder Brother?” Sacred Fruit said. “当然没有错?我就喜欢我爷爷,孙子可以喜欢爷爷,妹妹为什么不能喜欢哥哥?”圣实果道。 Why is he ominous I? Was he bearing a grudge me one time once to hit him in childhood spits blood?” Feng Qingqing thought oneself had found key point. “那他为什么凶我?难道他在记恨我小时候有一次曾把他打得吐血?”风卿卿觉得自己找到了关键点。 Sacred Fruit has hesitated the moment, prudent say/way: Has the possibility very much. Any man was hit by oneself younger sister spits blood, definitely will record for a lifetime.” 圣实果沉吟了片刻,慎重的道:“很有可能。任何一个男人被自己的妹妹打得吐血,都肯定会记一辈子。” What to do that present should? Wants me to give him to hit to spit blood a time?” Feng Qingqing beautiful pupil flow of tears, as if thought that this means are good. “那现在该怎么办?难道要我交给他打吐血一次?”风卿卿美眸涟涟,似乎觉得这个办法不错。 That does not use but actually, how even if the younger sister is mischievous, the Elder Brother will not be cruel enough dozen of younger sisters.” Sacred Fruit somewhat was also blurry. “那倒也不用,就算妹妹再怎么调皮,哥哥也不会忍心打妹妹。”圣实果也有些迷糊了。 Feng Feiyun does not pay attention to Feng Qingqing and Sacred Fruit rambles on behind, one is mental immature Little Demon, one is natural dull, if they can discuss that a normal result, that is the strange event. 风飞云并不理会风卿卿圣实果在后面瞎扯,一个是心智未成熟的小邪魔,一个是天然呆,他们若是能够讨论出一个正常的结果,那才是怪事。 Feng Feiyun has launched the phoenix wing, was holding Feng Qingqing and Sacred Fruit has flown above the half-day cliff wall, at this time Monster Clan powerhouse already passed from the iron lock plank road, in the air was also remaining faint Monster Qi. 风飞云展开了凤凰羽翼,抱着风卿卿圣实果又飞到了半天崖壁之上,这个时候妖族的强者都已经从铁锁栈道之上通过,空气之中还残留着淡淡的妖气 Quite a while above the cliff wall, is very steep, the iron lock plank road also rusting mark, in rocking that in the wind keeps. 半天崖壁之上,十分陡峭,铁锁栈道也都生满了锈迹,在风中不停的晃动。 Since Xuanyuan Yiyi likes minding others' business, then Monster Clan these powerhouses must certainly have bad luck.” “既然轩辕一一那么喜欢管闲事,那么妖族的那些强者肯定又要倒霉了。” Feng Feiyun showed a faint smile, takes the lead, has passed through the iron lock plank road, saw above a piece of cliff wall Mao Wugui stayed behind tortoise shell trace. 风飞云微微一笑,走在前面,穿过了铁锁栈道,在一片崖壁之上又看到了茅乌龟留下的“龟壳”痕迹。 „The ground has the bloodstain, some people of blood, there is a monster blood, saw the God's favored one and Monster Clan who powerhouse these human has encountered!” “地上有血痕,有人血,也有妖血,看到那些人类的天之骄子和妖族的强者又遭遇过了!” The palm of Feng Feiyun according to above the blood of ground, starts to calculate, then calculated quickly result, corners of the mouth evil smiles, looked like this Monster Clan encounters the ambush, lost is not small.” 风飞云的手掌按在地上的血液之上,开始推算,很快便推算出了结果,嘴角邪邪的一笑,“看来这一次妖族遭遇了伏击,损失不小。” The blood in Feng Feiyun base calculated that the whereabouts of Monster Clan member, is not far from this place, when at this time didn't get rid to treat? 风飞云根据地上的血液推算出了妖族修士的去向,离此地并不远,这个时候不出手更待何时? Kills the Monster Clan member not only can obtain the military exploit, but also can cease the future trouble, Sir Xue Shuang has chased down Feng Feiyun for half a month, Feng Feiyun made into the severe wound by her repeatedly, was this she tastes the chased down taste. 妖族的修士不仅可以得到军功,而且也可以杜绝后患,雪泷大人追杀了风飞云半个月,风飞云多次被她打成重伤,也是该她尝尝被追杀的滋味了。 Gets sick while you, wants you to assign. 趁你病,要你命。 Feng Feiyun pursues in direction that the Monster Clan powerhouse runs away. 风飞云向着妖族强者逃遁的方向追去。 Pursued in a piece of blood red canyon quickly, had a corpse of human in the canyon opening, hung on the canyon cliff wall, the body full was the spider's silk. The body by the spider's silk Untidy-looking whole body is the blood-stained mouth, the heart does not know that by any thing digging, the position of chest has revealed a giant blood hole, bleeding that keeping. 很快追到了一片血红色的峡谷之中,在峡谷的口子上有一具人类的尸体,就挂在峡谷崖壁上,身上满是蛛丝。身体被蛛丝勒得全身都是血口,心脏不知被什么东西给挖了出来,胸口的位置露出一个巨大的血窟窿,在不停的流血。 This human member is a territory main heir, follows in the Xiao Tianyue side, Feng Feiyun to his some reflections. 这个人类修士乃是一个域主的子嗣,跟在霄天悦的身边,风飞云对他有些映像。 You outside I!” “你们在外面等我!” Feng Feiyun felt the strong smell of blood in the canyon, not only there is the human and Monster Clan aura, the aura of other unknown living thing. 风飞云在峡谷之中感觉到了浓烈的血腥味,不仅有人类和妖族的气息,还有别的未知生物的气息。 In the canyon is extremely dim, more walks toward , is open, suddenly in the jet black space, the blood light flashes through in the Feng Feiyun front together. 峡谷之中极其昏暗,越往里走,便越是开阔,突然在漆黑的空间之中,一道血光在风飞云的面前闪过。 The lance in Feng Feiyun hand punctured at once, that together blood light piercing. 风飞云手中的长矛旋即刺了过去,将那一道血光给刺穿。 ! 噗! Sends out the lance to enter the sound of body. 发出长矛入体的声音。 Your human member is really too mean, dies!” “你们人类修士真是太卑鄙,去死吧!” By that Monster Clan powerhouse who the Feng Feiyun lance pierces from exploding body, explodes the innumerable fragments, a huge impulse bombardment to Feng Feiyun. 风飞云的长矛洞穿的那一个妖族强者自爆了身体,炸成无数碎片,一股庞大的冲击力轰击向风飞云 Feng Feiyun calls yellow stone ancient Guan, stood erect before the body, blocked that impulse, yellow stone ancient Guan is pushed seven and eight meters far on the ground horizontally, sends out sound that the grating stone rubbed. 风飞云唤出黄石古棺,竖立在了身前,挡住了那一股冲击力,黄石古棺在地上被横推了七、八米远,发出刺耳的石头磨动的声音。 Until that impulse completely vanishes, Feng Feiyun has receiving yellow stone ancient Guan. 直到那一股冲击力完全消失,风飞云才有将黄石古棺给收起。 Bang!” “嘭!” The left eye of Feng Feiyun emits scarlet-red flame, Heavenly Eye of Phoenix launches, can see ten meters far picture reluctantly, the ground full is the blood clot and monster armor fragment, strong blood energy fills the air in the air, is blood clouds likely a piece by piece. 风飞云的左眼冒出赤红的火焰,凤凰天眼展开,勉强能够看到十米远的景象,地上满是血块和妖甲碎片,浓烈的血气在空气之中弥漫,像是一片片血云。 This canyon is really strange, Divine Sense is unable to launch, no wonder Monster Clan these member will run away to here come. 这一座峡谷实在诡异,就连神识都无法展开,难怪妖族的那些修士会逃到这里来。 Feng Feiyun had discovered on the ground tortoise shell mark, it seems like Mao Wugui also has arrived here, the speed that this old turtle crawls is not the general rapidness! 风飞云又在地上发现了一个“龟壳”印记,看来茅乌龟也来到过这里,这只老龟爬的速度更不是一般的快! Feng Feiyun raised the head, looks toward the front, the canyon very profound darkness, like does not have the end as before, in that unknown dark has filled the air/Qi of withering, the strange sound conveys from inside, like has the cloudy spirit to call back from the dead. 风飞云抬起头,向着前方看去,峡谷依旧十分幽深黑暗,像是没有尽头,那未知的暗黑之中充满了肃杀之气,奇异的声音从里面传来,像是有阴灵在招魂。 Feng Feiyun the monster armor fragment of ground receiving, in must continue to pursue hesitant, at this time, transmitted on the extremely lithe footsteps, but also was having the faint fragrance, was a female walked toward him likely. 风飞云将地上的妖甲碎片给收起,正在犹豫要不要继续追上去,这个时候,身后传来极其轻盈的脚步上,还带着淡淡的香味,像是一个女子向他走了过来。 Whish!” “哗!” The lance in Feng Feiyun hand speedily punctured, before pricking her throat, anchors hastily, said fierce: Called you outside I, came to do?” 风飞云手中的长矛疾速刺了出去,在刺入她的喉咙之前,连忙停住,厉声道:“叫你们在外面等我,进来干嘛?” After hearing the Feng Feiyun sound, Feng Qingqing relaxed, sees near the throat the sharp lance front, retroceded hastily one step, exudes the bell common laughter, said: „The head of Mao Laoshi belt.” 听到风飞云的声音之后,风卿卿才松了一口气,看见喉咙边上锋利的矛锋,连忙后退了一步,发出银铃一般的笑声,道:“茅老实带的头。” Obviously is lead that you take, why depends on my body?” Sacred Fruit very innocent say/way. “明明是你带的头,为什么赖在我的身上?”圣实果很无辜的道。 You shut up, here is not the amusing place, restrains aura, follows in me behind.” Feng Feiyun spoke, Feng Qingqing and Sacred Fruit shut up at once. “你们闭嘴,这里不是好玩的地方,收敛身上的气息,跟在我身后。”风飞云一发话,风卿卿圣实果旋即闭嘴。 Feng Feiyun looked at Feng Qingqing, the nose smelled smelling slightly, can smell on her the faint delicate fragrance, this was one fragrance that overflowed from her beautiful white skin, was very difficult to restrain, therefore took out a jade symbol, has given her, told: Pastes on the body, isolates fragrance.” 风飞云又看了看风卿卿,鼻子微微的嗅了嗅,能够闻到她身上淡淡的幽香,这是一股从她雪肤之中溢出的香味,很难收敛,于是取出了一枚玉符,交给了她,吩咐道:“贴在身上,隔绝身上的香味。” Feng Feiyun moves the footsteps slowly , to continue to walk forward, in a while, an corner/horn in mountain valley had discovered disorderly footprint, above stone wall full is the trace that the fight will leave from now on, the ground everywhere the blood, the blood is also also bringing the slight fever, explained shortly after they just now leave. 风飞云缓缓移动脚步,继续向前走,没过多久,就在山谷之中的一角发现了很多杂乱的脚印,石壁之上满是战斗过后留下的痕迹,地上又是满地血液,血液还带着微热,说明他们才刚离开不久。 Elder Brother, what person are we pursuing?” Feng Qingqing cannot provide lodging finally own mouth, asking quietly. “哥,我们在追什么人?”风卿卿终于还是管不住自己的嘴,悄声的问道。 Feng Feiyun did not say a word, the lance in hand changed into the white small swords of several thousand handle palm of the hand sizes suddenly, simultaneously turned toward above a slabstone wall to fly. 风飞云一言不发,手中的长矛突然化为了数千柄巴掌大小的白色小剑,同时向着一片石壁之上飞去。 Bang bang bang!” “砰砰砰!” The stone wall was crushed, the form that appears two human member, a man and a woman, is heavenly talent of younger generation. 石壁被击碎,显现出两个人类修士的身影,一男一女,都是年轻一代的天骄 Above their palms pinches in talisman, arranged concealment Formation, the body has sympathized above stone wall, hid to bend down to kill that here by the Monster Clan powerhouse who Feng Feiyun killed, but has not actually thought that they hid secret, are given unexpectedly as before discovered ahead of time. 他们两人的手掌之上捏在符箓,布置了隐匿阵法,身体贴在石壁之上,藏身在这里是为了伏杀那一位被风飞云杀死的妖族强者,但是却没有想到他们隐藏得那么隐秘,竟然依旧被人给提前发现。 Bang!” “轰!” The talents of these two younger generation, cultivation base is extremely formidable, gives to block the Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall striking power, immediately flies to fall from stone wall, simultaneously displays to kill to incur to Feng Feiyun. 这两个年轻一代的才俊,修为都极其强大,将天髓兵胆的攻击力给挡住,立即从石壁之上飞落下来,同时对风飞云施展杀招。 That male age seems like, only then 20 over, complexion cold Chen, the vision like the lightning, in the hand wields nine scarlet electricity whips, has shelled from the place above. 那一个男子年纪看似只有20出头,脸色冷沉,目光如闪电,手中挥出一根九节赤电鞭,从上方轰击了下来。 Feng Feiyun gives to condense a three zhang (3.33 m) war lance that several thousand handle small swords, likely was a white long line, above nine scarlet electricity whips, passed to above the arm of that man from the scarlet electricity whip vigorously, shook his fingers/tiger mouth to split, the long whip let go to fall to the ground. 风飞云将那数千柄小剑又给凝聚成一根三丈长的战矛,像是一条白色的长龙,点在了九节赤电鞭之上,一股大力从赤电鞭传到了那男子的手臂之上,震得他虎口裂开,长鞭脱手落地。 Feng Feiyun Heavenly Eye of Phoenix also merely can only see the picture within ten meters, does not know that is who is getting rid to oneself, but actually could not allow him to think at this time, the lance in hand punctured again, was given to block by float ancient shield at the same time, erupts the grating clangour. 风飞云凤凰天眼也仅仅只能看到十米之内的景象,并不知道是谁在对自己出手,但是这个时候却容不得他多想,手中的长矛再刺了过去,被一面悬浮的古盾给挡住,爆发出刺耳的铿锵声。 This is a female of wear black armor, grasps ancient shield, above another arm braves the Ascension ray, a palm chops toward the chest of Feng Feiyun. 这是一个穿着黑色铠甲的女子,手持古盾,另一只手臂之上冒着羽化光芒,一掌向着风飞云的胸口劈来。 Bang!” “轰!” The arm of Feng Feiyun turned into phoenix claw, gave to shake to fly her to draw back. 风飞云的手臂变成了凤凰爪,将她给震得飞退了出去。 „It is not Monster Clan, is that Half Monster that Young City Lord must kill.” Sound that in the darkness spreads a female. “不是妖族,是少城主要杀的那一个半妖。”黑暗之中传出一个女子的声音来。 This day arrogant female a moment ago and Feng Feiyun to striking a palm, saw clearly the Feng Feiyun appearance. 这个天之骄女刚才和风飞云对击了一掌,看清了风飞云的模样。 This Half Monster so is unexpectedly fierce, use day clouds divine talisman suppress and kill he.” “这个半妖竟然如此厉害,使用天霄神符镇杀他。” That man gives to take out a jade symbol, must hit in the Feng Feiyun direction. 那一个男子将一枚玉符给取出,就要向着风飞云的方向打去。 But Feng Feiyun actually already through their dialogues, heard their position, a lance is similar to the lightning common thorn, gives to pierce the arm of that man, the bone of arm succeeds in giving up two sections, in the mouth sends out a pitiful yell. 风飞云已经通过他们的对话,听到了他们的方位,一根长矛如同闪电一般的刺来,将那一个男子的手臂给洞穿,手臂的骨头都断成两截,口中发出一声惨叫。 Day clouds divine talisman in his hand fell on the ground. 他手中的天霄神符掉在了地上。 Feng Feiyun bent the waist picking ground day clouds divine talisman, coldly is staring at present this God's favored one, said: Xiao Tianyue where?” 风飞云弯下腰将地上的天霄神符给捡起来,冷冷的盯着眼前这个天之骄子,道:“霄天悦在哪里?” That day arrogant female heard the Feng Feiyun sound, from one side kills, ancient shield in hand likely is a mountain, has shelled toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head. 那一个天之骄女听到了风飞云的声音,从侧面杀出,手中的古盾像是一座山岳,向着风飞云的头顶轰击了下去。 !” “噗!” A lance that the Feng Feiyun backhand is to rumble, gave to nail tight her directly above stone wall, the lance pierced her throat, gave to shake blood-stained mouth her head and body, probably must be split up generally. 风飞云反手就是轰出的一矛,直接将她给钉死在了石壁之上,长矛洞穿了她的喉咙,将她的头颅和身体都给震得血口一道道,就好像要四分五裂了一般。 That man was given to daunt by Feng Feiyun murderous aura, has borne the pain above arm, rattles on Nono's say/way: Few...... Young City Lord chased down White Spider Monster Clan that emperor's clan to go......” 那一个男子被风飞云身上的杀气给吓住,忍住了手臂之上的痛楚,喋喋诺诺的道:“少……少城主去追杀白蛛妖族的那一位皇族去了……” Oh! Thanks to consider.” !谢谢相告。” A Feng Feiyun palm strikes in his top of the head, his head then such as watermelon general splitting, the blood scatters. 风飞云一掌拍击在他的头顶,他的头颅便如西瓜一般的裂开,鲜血四溅。 At this time may unable to allow Feng Feiyun to have the slightest bit benevolent heart, otherwise, he possibly just turned around, an opposite party palm bombardment in his carrying on the back. 这个时候可容不得风飞云有半分仁慈之心,不然的话,他可能刚一转身,对方就会一掌轰击在他的背上。 Feng Qingqing already already started the battlefield cleanup, receiving to blow these two human member treasures, has been collector of massive talisman in her belt-bag, many Spirit Artifact and compounded drugs, that nine scarlet electricity whips and that side ancient shield of ground were also given hid above the small waist in Spirit Stone by her, the live image was one small money-mad. 风卿卿早就已经开始打扫战场,将这两个人类修士身上的宝物给收刮一空,收罗了大量的符箓在她的腰包里面,还有很多灵器、丹药,地上的那一根九节赤电鞭和那一面古盾也都被她给藏在了小腰之上的界灵石之中,活像是一个小财迷。 But Feng Feiyun only took away day of clouds divine talisman and these two human talents installs the monster corpse in Spirit Stone. 风飞云则只拿走了天霄神符和这两个人类才俊装在界灵石之中的妖尸。 Feng Feiyun has nosed, the monster corpses in two people Spirit Stone at least can exchange more than 200 points of military exploits, was quite considerable. 风飞云查探了一下,两人的界灵石之中的妖尸至少可以兑换200多点军功,算是相当可观了。
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