SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#925: Fairy Maiden Xuanyuan

Moonwater Saintess stands in bank of the side yellow stone, the body is very slender, the body has continuously immortal fog to wind around, the white skirt is unconstrained, the black long hair sways in the wind, the back to the body, is only a back lets the innumerable men on already merely crazy crazy. 水月圣女站在一方黄石之畔,身体十分纤细,身上有一缕缕仙雾缭绕,白裙跌宕,黑色的长发在风中拂动,背对着身体,仅仅只是一个背影就已经让无数男子为之痴狂。 Resembles under the fairy maiden this world. 似仙子下凡尘。 However Feng Feiyun does not have the slightest bit favorable impression to her, changed into Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall changed into a long spear/gun, then 99 meters high gold/metal receiving, said: Mao Laoshi, I did not call you to visit her, how to be given to put?” 但是风飞云对她却没有半分好感,将天髓兵胆化为了化为一根长枪,然后将99米高的金佛给收了起来,道:“茅老实,我不是叫你看着她,怎么被人给放了出来?” Uncle, does not close my matter, is this woman does, is she does, she must lead me to go to anything...... The illusion......” Mao Laoshi get lost/rolled Feng Feiyun behind, by near the Feng Feiyun long gown. “二大爷,不关我的事,是这个女人干的,都是她干的,她还要带我去什么……镜花水月……”茅老实滚到了风飞云的后面,靠在了风飞云长袍边上。 „Can she lead you to go to love affair?” Little Demon is very interested to Mao Laoshi, stretches out two hand fingers, traces on its body. “她要带你去风花雪月?”小邪魔茅老实很有兴趣,伸出两根手指头,在它的身上摸了摸。 Is Moonwater Wonderland!” Moonwater Saintess saying slowly. “是水月天境!”水月圣女徐徐的说道。 Feng Feiyun touches the chin, say/way decisively: You cannot bring it to walk.” 风飞云摸了摸下巴,断然的道:“你不能带它走。” Stands in nearby Xiao Xiaochan thought that Feng Feiyun is too rampant, dares to meet the soldier at Moonwater Saintess front sacrifice unexpectedly, this simply is the big death anniversary, is disrespecting to the saintess. 站在一旁的霄小婵觉得风飞云实在太嚣张,竟然敢在水月圣女的面前祭出战兵,这简直就是大忌,是对圣女的不敬。 Hey! Your this dead does Half Monster know were oneself speaking with whom?” Xiao Xiaochan rubs a little white tooth, thought that Feng Feiyun is courting death simply, if a Moonwater Saintess anger, entire Half Monster Union possibly does not exist. “喂!你这死半妖到底知不知道自己在和谁说话?”霄小婵磨动着一口小白牙,觉得风飞云简直就是在找死,若是水月圣女一怒,整个半妖盟都可能不复存在。 Does not know, does not want to know.” Feng Feiyun said. “不知道,也不想知道。”风飞云道。 I must tell you, she is the Moonwater Wonderland saintess, your Half Monster Union hegemon saw she is also respectful.” Xiao Xiaochan thought that these words, will frighten to kneel Feng Feiyun on the ground, even if not kneel on the ground, does not dare to be rampant absolutely. “那我偏偏就要告诉你,她就是水月天境的圣女,就连你们半妖盟的盟主见到了她也要恭恭敬敬。”霄小婵觉得这句话一出,会将风飞云吓跪在地上,就算不跪在地上,也绝对不敢再嚣张。 She happily is staring at Feng Feiyun, reveals the smiling face of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. 她得意的盯着风飞云,露出幸灾乐祸的笑容。 Feng Feiyun said: Moonwater Saintess? Can Moonwater Saintess do some matters of seizing by force frankly and uprightly?” 风飞云道:“水月圣女又怎么了?难道水月圣女就可以光明正大的做一些强取豪夺的事?” Sacred Fruit, since already has main, then I will again then not demand.” Moonwater Saintess Xuanyuan Yiyi such saying. 圣实果既然已经有主,那么我便不会再强求。”水月圣女轩辕一一如此的说道。 Feng Feiyun sneers saying: „Do you also stay here to do?” 风飞云冷笑道:“那你还留在这里干什么?” Feng Feiyun does not believe her, since already recognizes Sacred Fruit, but can also not rob? 风飞云不相信她既然已经圣实果认出,还会不抢夺? In my heart a little has doubts, hopes that your excellency can inform. What are you relate with Buddha Can Zi senior?” Moonwater Saintess said. “我心中有一点疑惑,希望阁下可以告知。你和佛蚕子前辈是什么关系?”水月圣女说道。 Buddha Can Zi creates the «Gold Silkworm Scripture» person, is one 30,000 years ago senior, is this Buddha Can Zi senior also living? 蚕子就是创出《金蚕经》的人,乃是一位30000年前的前辈,难道这位佛蚕子前辈还活着? Xuanyuan Yiyi should discover any clue above gold/metal, therefore guessed that I possibly have any relations with Buddha Can Zi, perhaps...... Because she abstains from that Buddha Can Zi senior, therefore rashly has not gotten rid to rob Sacred Fruit at this moment. 轩辕一一应该是在金佛之上发现了什么端倪,所以才猜测我和佛蚕子可能有什么关系,也许……正是因为她忌讳那一位佛蚕子前辈,所以此刻才没有贸然出手抢夺圣实果 Without the favorable impression to Shui Yueting, therefore the reflection of Feng Feiyun to Xuanyuan Yiyi serves as a petty government official, all think of worst side. 因为对水月婷没有好感,所以风飞云轩辕一一的映像相当差,一切都想到最坏的一面。 Xuanyuan Yiyi is really a state of mind is perhaps excellent, the person who heart is not tainted by this world's affairs, has not planned to get rid to rob Sacred Fruit. 也许轩辕一一真的是一个心境过人、心不染尘的人,并没有打算出手抢夺圣实果 Xiao Xiaochan recalled in the mind carefully, but had not actually heard Buddha Can Zi this person, does not know why Moonwater Saintess will give to raise him? 霄小婵在脑海里面仔细回想,但是却从来没有听说过佛蚕子这个人,不知道水月圣女为何会将他给提出来? Feng Feiyun said: Is skip-generation successor!” 风飞云道:“算是隔代传人吧!” Moonwater Saintess has turned around finally, reveals a Zhang Qingli's elegantly simple immortal face, glances vastly, fine jade nose smooth jade, the snow fat congealing skin, anybody saw that she bursts out fairy maiden in the heart two characters, nobody matched these two characters compared with her. 水月圣女终于转过了身,露出一张清丽淡雅的仙颜,眼波浩渺,琼鼻玉润,雪脂凝肤,任何人见到她都是在心底里迸发出“仙子”两个字,没有人比她更配这两个字了。 Her apricot contains the smoke, whole body is very simple and elegant, without any can the decorative carving, such as a blue lotus is static and vertical, to person a formidable constriction. 她杏目含烟,全身上下都十分素雅,没有任何可以的雕饰,如一株青莲静静而立,给人一种强大的压迫感。 Her eye is an excellent likeness to be able Feng Feiyun to give to completely understand, if the water like the fog, nod of gently, said: You have really practiced that Buddhism scripture. The talent of Epic Level peak, can achieve such natural talent by the body of Half Monster, already was quite good, perhaps breaks the curse of Half Monster hopefully.” 她的眼神似能将风飞云给看透,如水如雾,轻轻的点了点头,道:“你果然修炼了那一种佛门圣典。史诗级别巅峰的天赋,以半妖之身能够达到这样的天资,已经相当不错了,或许有希望打破半妖的诅咒。” „The talent of Epic Level peak, this Half Monster is really impressive.” In Xiao Xiaochan most lip whispered. 史诗级别巅峰的天赋,这半妖真是让人刮目相看。”霄小婵最嘴唇里面嘀咕了一句。 Moonwater Saintess is very faint, as if except for Heavenly Dao and swordsmanship, in this world all matters can have nothing to do with her, Feng Feiyun praising one, then turned around to depart, no longer covets Sacred Fruit unexpectedly. 水月圣女十分淡漠,似乎除了天道和剑道,这世上一切的事都可以与她无关,将风飞云给夸赞了一句,便转身离去,竟然真的不再觊觎圣实果 Waits for.” Feng Feiyun sinking sound said: She cannot walk.” “等一下。”风飞云沉声道:“她不可以走。” Dead Half Monster, do not think that you have the Epic Level peak talent, I have feared you, formerly twice is my general ideas, if fights again, you surely are not my match.” Xiao Xiaochan was also very angry to Feng Feiyun, stopped the footsteps, planned to teach his. “死半妖,别以为你拥有史诗级别巅峰的天赋,我就怕了你,先前的两次都是我大意,若是再战,你必定不是我的对手。”霄小婵也对风飞云十分气恼,停下了脚步,打算教训他一番。 Moonwater Saintess also stopped the footsteps, said: You have what gratitude and grudges, I could melt for you.” 水月圣女也停下了脚步,道:“你们有何恩怨,我或许可以替你们化解。” You think that who you are? Thinks really Moonwater Wonderland is the just incarnation? Sacred representative? This is I and her personal gratitude and grudges, you best little to mind others' business.” Feng Feiyun sees the Moonwater Wonderland person heart is the anger, disdains to any Moonwater Saintess. “你以为你是谁啊?真以为水月天境就是正义的化身?神圣的代表?这是我和她的私人恩怨,你最好少多管闲事。”风飞云看到水月天境的人心头就是火气,对什么水月圣女十分不屑。 That really sorry, I like minding others'business.” The Moonwater Saintess sound is light, but has an irresistible dignity, as if real incarnation to be sacred, said: Person who in this world too deficient minds others' business, therefore the common people will be getting more and more indifferent, the evil talented person dares flagrant killing a person and taking his possessions, the evil person dares the unscrupulous doing misdemeanor, the evildoer authorities, the old person starving to death street, the good person nurses a grievance to go to the underground spring. Before everyone respectively sweeps the snow, such world, don't you feel coldly?” “那实在对不起,我偏偏就喜欢多管闲事。”水月圣女声音平淡,但是却有着一股不可抗拒的威严,似乎真的化身为了神圣,道:“这世上就是太缺乏多管闲事的人,所以世人才会越来越冷漠,邪人才敢明目张胆的杀人越货,恶人才敢肆无忌惮的做坏事,奸人当道,老人饿死街头,好人含冤赴黄泉。每个人都各扫门前雪,这样的世界,你难道不感觉到冷吗?” Are common with the sage, wants to cross the world person, can you achieve? ” 得自己跟圣人一般,想渡天下人,你做得到吗?” I am not a sage, I only want to be a vivid person.” “我不是圣人,我只想做一个有血有肉之人。” Feng Feiyun is Buddha Can Zi skip-generation disciple, therefore she and several, has hoped that courses the main road proper way Feng Feiyun. 风飞云乃是佛蚕子的隔代弟子,所以她和了几句,希望将风飞云引向大道正途。 If your Moonwater Wonderland can make Half Monster obtain the treatment of equality, arrives at my front again this words!” Feng Feiyun said. “若是你们水月天境能够让半妖得到平等的待遇,再到我面前来说这种话吧!”风飞云道。 Moonwater Saintess has hesitated for a long time, said: This is one from antique on the status high and low problem that already has, wants to change own status, by others' help is incorrect, must try hard to be good. Why is Half Monster humble? Merely is only because can't break through the reason of Ascension boundary? Perhaps that servility of their heart of hearts is the most basic reason.” 水月圣女沉吟了许久,道:“这是一个从太古就已经存在的地位尊卑的问题,想要改变自己的地位,靠别人的帮助是不行的,必须自己努力才行。半妖为何低贱?难道仅仅只是因为不能突破羽化境的原因?恐怕他们内心深处的那一股奴性才是最根本的原因。” These words indeed are deep touched Feng Feiyun. 这一席话的确是深深的触动了风飞云 Feng Feiyun said: Good! Depending on these words that you speak today, I am not too temporarily bad to your reflection, today looks in your face, I then let off her one time.” 风飞云道:“好吧!就凭你今天说的这一席话,我暂时对你的映像还不算太差,今天看在你的面子上,我便放过她一次。” Moonwater Saintess no longer talks too much, words already that should say said, having the Xiao Xiaochan flying to go, was two white immortal butterflies has flown ancient Ya likely. 水月圣女不再多言,该说的话已经说完,带着霄小婵飞天而去,像是两只白色的仙蝶飞上了古崖。 Saintess elder sister, that Half Monster was too rampant, if my sword his tongue shearing, his anything status, dares to bluff and bluster before the saintess elder sister unexpectedly......” “圣女姐姐,那个半妖实在太嚣张了,要是我就一剑将他的舌头给割下来,他什么身份,竟然敢在圣女姐姐面前耀武扬威……” Under, Feng Feiyun stood is hesitating same place for a long time, had then smiled, Shui Yueting! Shui Yueting! Teaches a good successor actually, has not disappointed me.” 下方,风飞云站在原地沉吟了许久,然后笑了笑,“水月婷啊!水月婷!倒是教出一个不错的传人,没有让我失望。” Elder Brother, who is Shui Yueting?” The Feng Qingqing beautiful pupil contains the wave, luster of the skin is slender, the nape of the neck is fair, the slender both legs arrange partly visible in the skirt. “哥,水月婷是谁啊?”风卿卿美眸含波,玉体纤细,脖颈白皙,纤细的双腿在裙摆下若隐若现。 „...... Old friends.” “一个……故人。” At this time she definitely will not want to the back heaven Feng Qingqing, that temporarily took her, if has met the bad risk, returned to the heaven her again, will not spend the too much time. 这个时候将风卿卿给送回天国她肯定也不会愿意,那就暂时将她带上,若是真的遇到了凶险,再将她送回天国,也不会花费太多的时间。 Feng Feiyun took out a Ascension armor. 风飞云取出了一幅羽化铠甲。 This is Grandfather Bi to the Feng Feiyun gift on first meeting, named immortal light cloud armor, although merely is only immortal light cloud armor half, but defensive power already is very astonishing, has given Feng Qingqing, said: Puts on!” 这是毕姥爷风飞云的见面礼,名叫“仙光云甲”,虽然仅仅只是仙光云甲的一半,但是防御力已经十分惊人,递给了风卿卿,道:“穿上吧!” Feng Qingqing these half Ascension armor holding in hand, is very joyful, can the sensation to the huge energy in the armor breeding, put on hastily on the body, the body Exalted Immortal light wound around, like had cloud Shangpi a body. 风卿卿将这半幅羽化铠甲给捧在手中,十分欣喜,能够感知到铠甲之中孕育的庞大的能量,连忙穿在了身上,身上仙光缭绕,像是有一件云裳披身。 What armor is this? Feeling defensive power very fierce appearance, the elder brother, I loved you!” “这是什么铠甲?感觉防御力很厉害的样子,哥,我爱死你了!” Feng Qingqing extends a slender arm, lays out a palm toward the ancient cliff above, immediately has left behind a huge hand imprint above the ancient cliff. 风卿卿伸出一只纤细的手臂,向着古崖之上拍出一掌,顿时在古崖之上留下了一个巨大的手印。 Ascension armor! Is valuable armor that the sage sacrifice of Ascension boundary refining up, if you like, waits for the opportunity, I help you make completely this armor.” Feng Feiyun sees her to show the smiling face, in heart is also very happy. 羽化铠甲!乃是羽化境界的贤者祭炼的宝甲,你若是喜欢,等有机会,我帮你将这一幅铠甲弄齐全。”风飞云看到她露出笑容,心中也很开心。 Feng Feiyun gives to put out a ring, this is the lock soul abstention that seizes from Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan there, belongs to Grade 7 Spirit Artifact. 风飞云又将一枚戒指给拿出,这是从妃媛公主那里夺过来的锁魂戒,属于七品灵器 Grade 7 Spirit Artifact? World-Suppressing Murderous Weapon Grade 4 Spirit Artifact, the elder brother, you too were also good, can obtain including the treasure of this rank.” Feng Qingqing is greedy, beautiful pupil winks very much, but she also knows that Grade 7 Spirit Artifact was grade very high Spirit Artifact, how the Elder Brother again loved her, impossible to give her Grade 7 Spirit Artifact. 七品灵器镇世杀兵也才四品灵器而已,哥,你实在太牛了,连这种级别的宝物都能够得到。”风卿卿很是眼馋,美眸眨眨,但是她也知道七品灵器乃是品级很高的灵器了,哥哥就算再怎么疼爱她,也不可能将七品灵器交给她。 This lock soul abstained gives to you, oneself offered a sacrifice to refine, should be able to assemble using.” “这一枚锁魂戒就送给你了,自己祭炼一番,应该还是可以凑合着用。” Feng Feiyun has taken up the white hands of Feng Qingqing, plans to lock the soul to abstain wears to her on the finger, but hesitant the half of the day has not thought that which finger wears on appropriate? 风飞云拿起了风卿卿的玉手,打算将锁魂戒给她戴在手指上,但是犹豫了半天也没有想好戴在哪一只手指上合适? The significance of ring is unusual, even if among the biological brother and sister cannot wear randomly, let alone two people, although is the Feng Family person, but blood relationship already is quite thin, this is easier to have the unnecessary trouble. 戒子的意义非同一般,就算是亲兄妹之间都不能乱戴,更何况两人虽同是风家人,但是血缘关系已经相当稀薄,这样就更加容易产生不必要的麻烦。 If they in Divine Jin Dynasty Feng Family, were still seen such intimate movement, will be misunderstood by many people surely, after all in these inherit in several thousand years of respected family, the phenomenon of consanguineous juniors union are many. 若是他们还在神晋王朝风家,被人看到这么亲密的动作,必定会被很多人误会,毕竟在那些传承数千年的大家族之中,同族子弟结合的现象并不少。 Feng Qingqing abstained for seizing the lock soul in Feng Feiyun hand directly, closely pinched in the palm, on the face the bashful say/way: Elder Brother, you are good to me.” 风卿卿直接将风飞云手中的锁魂戒给夺了过去,紧紧捏在手心,脸上羞答答的道:“哥,你对我真好。” Who called you once can kill my time actually not to kill me! I want to know why very much you hadn't killed me at that time?” Feng Feiyun came the interest suddenly. “谁叫你曾经能够杀我的时候却没有杀我,诶!我很想知道你当时为什么没有杀我?”风飞云突然来了兴趣。 Feng Feiyun was expelled Feng Family at that time, has encountered Southern Grand Palace chasing down of all big influences. 风飞云当时被逐出风家,遭遇了南太府的所有大势力的追杀。 Feng Family also sent out many juniors to get rid, Feng Qingqing also, was cultivation base highest one person, was youngest one, at that time she was also only a Evil Qi imposing small girl. 风家也派出了不少子弟出手,风卿卿也在其中,乃是修为最高的一人,也是年纪最小的一个,当时她还只是一个邪气凛然的小丫头。 Feng Qingqing tight is staring at Feng Feiyun, will lock the soul to abstain for taking down the personal position, said: „Did elder brother, you ask this doing? You will not regret that gives me Grade 7 Spirit Artifact, wants to find an excuse casually, will lock the soul to abstain must go back?” 风卿卿紧紧的盯着风飞云,将锁魂戒给放倒了贴身的位置,道:“哥,你问这个干嘛?你不会是后悔将七品灵器给我,想随便找个理由,将锁魂戒又要回去吧?” Feng Feiyun rolls the eyes, Grade 7 Spirit Artifact that's all, am I so mean-spirited?” 风飞云翻白眼,“一件七品灵器罢了,我有那么小气吗?” Elder Brother, I like you.” Feng Qingqing loving stares at Feng Feiyun, Bei tooth is biting the lip gently. “哥哥,我喜欢你。”风卿卿含情脉脉的盯着风飞云,贝齿轻轻的咬着嘴唇。 „......” “……” Feng Feiyun somewhat cannot bear her to emit such a few words suddenly! 风飞云有些受不了她突然冒出这么一句话来! ...... …… Also is on Monday, asked the fresh flower and bank note. 又是星期一,求鲜花、票子。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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