SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#924: Again with saintess

Reason that now prevents the Feng Feiyun boundary breakthrough only has two: First, «Gold Silkworm Scripture» comprehension degree. Second, Extreme Disaster that each single layer Nirvana experiences. 现在阻挡风飞云境界突破的原因只有两个:第一,《金蚕经》的领悟程度。第二,每一重涅槃所经历的死劫 Except for these two points, then does not have anything to prevent the promotion of Feng Feiyun boundary. 除了这两点,便没有任何东西可以阻挡风飞云境界的提升。 Feng Feiyun 99 meters high golden image of Buddha offering a sacrifice, opens the heaven channel, enters in the heaven, sits cross-legged above a piece of sea level in heaven, brings in a golden river. 风飞云将99米高的金色佛像给祭出,打开天国通道,走进天国之中,盘坐在天国之中的一片海面之上,引来一条金色的长河。 This river is condenses by the Buddha Qi essence. 这一条长河乃是由佛气精华凝聚而成。 Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged in the Buddha Qi essence, starts to absorb the strength of essence, the 360 life hole diastoles of whole body opens, the strength of crazy absorption essence, quenchings oneself, concise cultivation base. 风飞云盘坐在佛气的精华之中,开始吸收精华之力,全身的360座命穴都舒张开,疯狂的吸收精华之力,淬炼自身,凝练修为 The Xiao Xiaochan surprise, is staring at present that giant gold/metal. 霄小婵十分诧异,盯着眼前的那一尊巨大的金佛。 That Half Monster walked from gold/metal abdomen, the aura completely vanished. 那个半妖就从金佛的腹部走了进去,气息完全消失了。 Is he grasping a mystical place? 难道他掌握着一座秘境? She thought that this Half Monster is getting more and more difficult to be fully correct, the whole body is the riddle, Half Monster that saw these that act servilely with the past to have very big difference. At least she has seen Half Monster, in the territory hegemons including Half Monster Union is very respectful to her, where dares to give to bundle her? 她觉得这个半妖越来越难猜透,浑身都是谜,与以往见到的那些卑躬屈膝的半妖有很大的区别。至少她见过的半妖,包括半妖盟之中的域盟主都对她十分恭敬,哪敢将她给捆起来? Hey! Who is he?” Xiao Xiaochan inquired Sacred Fruit. “喂!他到底是谁?”霄小婵询问圣实果 My uncle!” Sacred Fruit said. “我二大爷!”圣实果道。 Xiao Xiaochan rolls the eyes, naturally does not believe the Sacred Fruit words, the eyeball turning round rotation, finally staring above that 99 meters high gold/metal, said: „Is he some antique Saint Buddhist temple the successor of some eminent monk?” 霄小婵翻白眼,自然是不信圣实果的话,眼珠子滴溜溜的转动,最后凝视在那一座99米高的金佛之上,道:“难道他是某一座太古圣佛庙的某位高僧的传人?” Sacred Fruit thought that the Xiao Xiaochan words are too really many, has gesticulated two above her elegant face the small sword, said: You, if spoke again, I must a sword on your face.”, Also added one, my uncle such told!” 圣实果觉得霄小婵的话实在太多,将小剑在她的俏脸之上比划了两下,道:“你若是再说话,我就要在你脸上化一剑了。”顿了顿,又加了一句,“我二大爷这么吩咐的!” Xiao Xiaochan clenches jaws, but has closed the ruddy lip. 霄小婵咬牙切齿,但还是闭上了红润的嘴唇。 Whish!” “哗!” A white immortal shade drops from the clouds, passes through cloud Yuan to come, the body has Xianxia to surround, aura holy unparalleled, fell decides in the ground. 一道白色的仙影从天而降,穿越云渊而来,身上有仙霞环绕,气息圣洁无双,落定在了地面上。 She at the back of Ancient Sword, is beautiful and simple and elegant, the black hair vertical falls on the waist dangerous, wears a white long skirt, every time treads on the ground one step, the ground has deep green shoots to give birth, the fast growing into grass, among the leaves of grass is flowing grains of luminous spots. 她背着一口古剑,秀丽而清雅,黑发垂直悬落在腰部,穿着一袭白色的长裙,每在地上踏出一步,地上就有一株株碧绿的嫩芽生出,快速的长成小草,草叶间流动着一粒粒光点。 „Did saintess elder sister, you come here?” Xiao Xiaochan looks at present this female's arrival, is very excited, excited. “圣女姐姐,你怎么也来到了这里?”霄小婵看着眼前这个女子的到来,十分兴奋,激动不已。 At present this female has the big background, her father and Third Uncle must be respectful to her, since she appears, that Half Monster died. 眼前这个女子可是有大来头,就连她的父亲和三叔都要对她恭恭敬敬,她既然出现,那个半妖就死定了。 Moonwater Saintess stretches out slender jade to refer , the fingertip departs together the flowing light, Xiao Xiaochan shackle cutting off. 水月圣女伸出一根纤细的玉指,指尖飞出一道流光,将霄小婵身上的铁链给斩断。 The undying palace strength of imprisonment, cannot imprison her spiritual energy unexpectedly completely, waves to select the sword air/Qi. 不死殿之中的禁锢之力,竟然也不能完全禁锢住她的灵气,挥手之间就能点出剑气来。 You are Nine Firmaments Immortal City......” the Moonwater Saintess sound is extremely beautiful, the celestial or angelic appearance leaves the dust, the snow clothes surging waves fairy maiden that if the Zen wing, goes out of the smog likely. “你是九霄仙城的……”水月圣女声音极美,仙姿出尘,雪衣若禅翼,像是从烟雾之中走出的凌波仙子。 „When Xiao Xiaochan, you play chess with nine ancestors discussed that I once to you had presented the tea.” 霄小婵,你跟九祖下棋论道之时,我曾给你们奉过茶。” Xiao Xiaochan is very joyful, finally has gotten out of trouble, and has met Moonwater Saintess, if this said, definitely envying dead by the father and Third Uncle. 霄小婵十分喜悦,终于脱困了,而且还遇到了水月圣女,这要是说出去,肯定会被父亲和三叔给羡慕死。 I am track down the Sacred Fruit aura to come here.” “我乃是追寻圣实果的气息来到这里。” Moonwater Saintess Xia luxuriantly became pale, has revealed the outstandingly beautiful immortal face, put on without the flaw white skirt, the slender jade valuables carried on the person a pale blue immortal belt, the double pupil was bright, compared with it space stars beautiful. 水月圣女身上的霞蔚变得淡了一些,露出了绝色仙颜,穿着无瑕白裙,纤细的玉腰缠着一根月白仙带,双眸明亮,比之天上星辰更加的美丽。 Elegantly simple fragrance dissipate from her organism, fills the air in the air, is an orchid blooms likely. 有一股淡雅的香气从她的肌体之中逸散出来,弥漫在空气中,像是一株兰花绽放。 She has arrived at the Sacred Fruit front slowly, stretches out two jade to refer, gently according to the body of Sacred Fruit, the say/way of gentle voice: Goes to Moonwater Wonderland to be good with me?” 她徐徐的走到了圣实果的面前,伸出两根玉指,轻轻的按在了圣实果的身上,柔声的道:“与我去水月天境可好?” Saintess elder sister, isn't it Sacred Fruit in legend?” Xiao Xiaochan very surprised is staring at present this black and shining strange fruit. “圣女姐姐,它不会就是传说之中的圣实果吧?”霄小婵很是惊讶的盯着眼前这一枚黑溜溜的怪果子。 I called Mao Laoshi! I must wait for my uncle, we must look for my grandfather, does not go to Moonwater Wonderland.” Sacred Fruit guards to Moonwater Saintess very much, in Moonwater Saintess sensation to a very fearful aura, having made it abstain from. “我叫茅老实!我要等我二大爷,我们要去找我爷爷,不去水月天境。”圣实果水月圣女很防备,在水月圣女的身上感知到了一股十分可怕的气息,让它十分忌讳。 It always felt, if Moonwater Saintess must subdue it, it cannot escape, this is a quite fearful female! 它总感觉,若是水月圣女要收服它,它就根本逃不掉,这是一个相当可怕的女子! Moonwater Saintess has not forced it, took back the jade to refer, then stared at the vision above that golden great Buddha, the beautiful eye pupil can see that the abdomen of golden great Buddha had a dense channel, was connecting another world. 水月圣女并没有逼迫它,收回了玉指,然后将目光盯在那一座金色的巨佛之上,美丽的眼眸能够看到金色的巨佛的腹部有一条氤氲的通道,连接着另一个世界。 Saintess elder sister, it is deceives your, its uncle is mean and shameless Half Monster.” Xiao Xiaochan knocked in the head of Sacred Fruit has struck, Sacred Fruit knocking rottenly, actually by own hand staving. “圣女姐姐,它是骗你的,它的二大爷是一只卑鄙无耻的半妖。”霄小婵又在圣实果的头上敲了一击,没有将圣实果给敲烂,却被自己的手给敲破了。 Little Chen, may not, because the Half Monster status is looking down upon them humblly, they are also the vivid lives, with us is equal existence. In their bodies is flowing the blood of human, is one of the human.” The Moonwater Saintess sound is simple and elegant, just like good friend, making people feel very tranquilly. 小婵,不可因为半妖的身份低贱就瞧不起他们,他们也是有血有肉的生命,是与我们是平等的存在。他们的身体之中流淌着人类的血液,也就是人类的一员。”水月圣女声音清雅,宛若高山流水,让人感觉到十分宁静。 Oh!” Xiao Xiaochan whispered in the mouth in a low voice, he was very mean and shameless!” !”霄小婵在嘴里低声嘀咕,“他本来就很卑鄙无耻嘛!” Thinks that was hugged by him in the bosom appearance, Xiao Xiaochan is not comfortable on the whole body, is always thinking if at this time the big bathing pools were good, surely gives to wash cleanly that dead Half Monster aura. 一想到被他抱在怀里的样子,霄小婵就浑身不自在,总是在想这个时候要是有一个大浴池就好了,一定将那个死半妖身上的气息都给洗干净。 Moonwater Saintess has arrived at side of golden great Buddha, closes a pair of vast star pupil, the sensation gold/metal above aura, say/way slowly: Good pure Buddhism holy air/Qi, is somewhat similar to antique Saint Buddhist temple the aura of senior.” 水月圣女走到了金色的巨佛的旁边,闭上一双浩渺的星眸,感知金佛上面的气息,徐徐的道:“好纯正的佛门圣洁之气,与太古圣佛庙的一位前辈的气息有些相似。” Xiao Xiaochan is surprised unable to speak, this Half Monster really also really has the relations with some eminent monk of antique Saint Buddhism, this was also too inconceivable, „after seeing the Third Uncle, certainly is going this matter to tell him.” 霄小婵惊讶得说不出话来,这个半妖竟然还真的跟太古圣佛门的某一位高僧有关系,这也太不可思议了,“见到三叔之后,一定将要这件事告诉他。” Any antique Saint Buddhist temple, is not Nine Firmaments Immortal City can stir up. 任何一座太古圣佛庙,都不是九霄仙城惹得起。 In heaven, above a sea area. 天国之中,一片海域之上。 Feng Feiyun 18 th Phoenix Bones to the concise success, after having absorbed the massive Buddha Qi essence, cultivation base once more promotes a big truncation, has reached the Nirvana 3rd-layer peak. 风飞云正将第18块凤骨给凝练成功,吸收了大量佛气精华之后,修为再次提升一大截,达到了涅槃第三重的巅峰。 Spirit God Temple Divine Palace Master is the Nirvana 3rd-layer peak boundary, if however Spirit God Temple Divine Palace Master has met present Feng Feiyun, Feng Feiyun does not use dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, can three fists hit him is frightened out of one's wits. 神灵宫神宫主就是涅槃第三重的巅峰的境界,但是神灵宫神宫主若是遇到了现在的风飞云,风飞云就算不使用龙鳞凤皮衣,也能三拳将他打得魂飞魄散。 The Feng Feiyun present mortal body becomes formidable, in the body has the bone ash tremors of three surely Holy Saint, every strikes can touch with the Nirvana 4th-layer member hardly. 风飞云现在的肉身变得更加的强大,身体之中有三千万圣灵的骨灰颤动,每一击都可以和涅槃第四重的修士硬碰。 Now runs into these ancient clan old ancestors, Feng Feiyun has also dared to dispute with him directly. 现在就算是遇到了那些古族的老祖,风飞云也敢和他正面较量。 Feng Feiyun deep inspiration, myriad essence gather toward his body, aims at the void beside point to go, refers to the light departing 8 million miles, will be 8000000 miles away a mountain peak piercing. 风飞云深深的吸了一口气,有万千精气往他的身体之中汇聚,一指向着虚空之外点去,指光飞出8000000里,将8000000里之外的一座山峰给洞穿。 „!! The Elder Brother is quite fierce, the Elder Brother is quite fierce.” Little Demon sits in faint carries on the back, flew from the sea level. “哇!哇!哥哥好厉害,哥哥好厉害。”小邪魔坐在淡淡的背上,从海平面外飞了过来。 Feng Qingqing was not once that Little Demon, already is 20 -year-old beautiful women, the chest is full, the both legs were slender, the flesh white snow, many females is more beautiful than it Feng Feiyun has seen, perhaps pressed, only then Nangong Hongyan and Dongfang Jingyue can press her head. 风卿卿并不是曾经的那个小邪魔,已经是20来岁的美人,胸脯饱满,双腿修长,肌肤似白雪,比之风飞云见过的很多女子都要美丽,或许压只有南宫红颜东方镜月才能压她一头。 Feng Feiyun receives the strength that dissipated, smiled: I must the heaven, they ask good for me to Luofu and Cangyue immediately immediately.” 风飞云收去了身上逸散的劲气,笑了笑:“我要立刻立刻天国,代我向萝浮沧月他们问一声好。” „It is not good, is not good, is not good, the heaven now is chaotic the complete mess, I must exit to cultivate with the Elder Brother, does not want to stay here, looked that one group of women fight to pass, did not have the meaning.” Feng Qingqing leisurely however smiled, has flown side Feng Feiyun, closely has held in the arms his arm, will paste on the Feng Feiyun shoulder, stubbornly was pasting, did not let go. “不好,不好,一点都不好,天国现在乱得一团糟,我要和哥哥出去修炼,不想呆在这里,看一群女人斗过来都过去,太没意思了。”风卿卿施施然的一笑,飞到了风飞云身边,紧紧的搂住了他的胳膊,将头贴在了风飞云肩膀上,死死的贴着,就是不松手。 Outside situation is very dangerous, Feng Feiyun does not want to treat too for a long time in the heaven, broke through the boundary then to leave immediately, therefore has not gone to look at now the situation in heaven. 外面的情况很危险,风飞云并不想在天国之中待得太久,突破了境界便要立即离开,所以才没有去看现在天国之中的情况。 Listened to a Feng Qingqing such saying, as if was very not really wonderful. 风卿卿这么一说,似乎真的很不妙。 What's the matter? Is Long Cangyue is stirring up trouble, is Yao Ji?” Feng Feiyun said. “到底是怎么回事?是龙沧月在挑事,还是姚吉?”风飞云道。 Continues! Naslin, Yu'er, witch Fozun, I always felt that they blame, probably is hostile to Elder Sister Luofu very much.” Feng Qingqing blinks to focus on the pupil, eyelash tremors. “不止啊!还有纳兰、玉儿、巫佛尊,我总感觉她们都怪怪的,好像很敌视萝浮姐姐。”风卿卿眨巴着眼眸子,睫毛一根根的颤动。 How can like this? Naslin she do not calm the mind to cultivate «Gold Silkworm Scripture», did the ginseng gather? Wu Qinghua, I have given her the person, what temper does she lose?” Feng Feiyun as if can feel the confusion in present heaven, thought that this matter is not the general thorniness, I did not ask Sky Witch Goddess to help to look after Luofu, linked her unable to suppress that several thorn heads?” “怎么会这样?纳兰她不是要静心修炼《金蚕经》,怎么也参合进来了?还有巫清婳,我可是将人交给了她,她发什么神经?”风飞云似乎能够感受到现在天国之中的混乱,觉得这件事不是一般的棘手,“我不是请天巫神女帮忙照看萝浮,难道连她也压制不住那几个刺头?” Feng Qingqing said: Can be able to suppress, after Elder Sister Naslin and Elder Sister Yao Ji break through the boundary, could not suppress. Elder Sister Naslin himself is the inborn Buddha body, in the body has six innate associated Relic, after cultivating you have passed to her «Gold Silkworm Scripture», cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds, six Relic in body building up, transforms for own Relic, present cultivation base already is not weaker than Sky Witch Goddess, she has a fit of temper, who can suppress?” 风卿卿道:“本来是可以压制得住,但是在纳兰姐姐和姚吉姐姐突破境界之后,就压制不住了。纳兰姐姐本身就是天生佛体,身体之中有六颗先天伴生舍利,在修炼了你传给她的《金蚕经》之后,修为突飞猛进,将身体之中的六颗舍利给炼化,转化为了自身的舍利子,现在的修为已经不比天巫神女弱,她一发脾气,谁压制得住?” „After Elder Sister Yao Ji has practiced «Clever Sovereign Precious book», left the ghost source concise, listening to her to say what was concise was dying out source, cultivation base was extremely also formidable, after Sky Witch Goddess got into a deadlock, she then goes to the heaven north, changed into the pandemonium a piece of icefield.” 姚吉姐姐修炼了《鬼皇宝典》之后,凝练出了鬼魂本源,听她说凝练的乃是‘寂灭本源’,修为也极其强大,和天巫神女闹僵之后,她便去天国之北,将一片冰原化为了鬼域。” You hide in that several female seductress/evil spirit of black-boned chicken island, was given the discovery by Elder Sister Cangyue, was used the evil spirit treasure hunt technique swallowing by her directly, the black-boned chicken island sank to the seabed.” “你藏在乌鸡岛的那十几个女妖精,也被沧月姐姐给发现,直接被她用邪灵寻宝术给吞噬了,就连乌鸡岛都沉入了海底。” Feng Feiyun has pondered the moment, said: Illuminated your such saying, as if was very chaotic. Now no matter first they, how they want to toss about how toss about, when I left Holy Ghost Tomb, then tidies up. Now makes them jump da!” 风飞云沉思了片刻,道:“照你这么一说,似乎真的挺混乱。现在先不管她们,她们想怎么折腾就怎么折腾,等我出了圣灵墓葬,再一个个去收拾。现在让她们蹦跶吧!” Elder Brother!” Feng Qingqing had to paste miserable, swung the arm of Feng Feiyun, said: I have now considered their shape, if goes back definitely to eliminate a potential informant by them, you lead me to exit, I ensure does not add to the chaos to you absolutely.” “哥!”风卿卿有楚楚可怜的贴了过来,摇了摇风飞云的手臂,道:“我现在告了她们的状,若是回去肯定会被她们灭口,你带我出去,我保证绝对不给你添乱。” Outside is very dangerous, best not to exit.” “外面很危险,你最好别出去。” Feng Feiyun did not plan finally brings Feng Qingqing to exit, the Holy Ghost Tomb danger is hard to expect, even if he now is cautious. 风飞云最终不打算带风卿卿出去,圣灵墓葬的危险难以预料,就算是他现在都是如履薄冰。 However in the heaven channel opening that flash, Little Demon actually first one step flew. 但是在天国通道打开的那一刹那,小邪魔却先一步的飞了出去。
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