SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#923: Associated god soldier?

A dry waterfall hangs on a piece of ancient cliff, only remained a withered and yellow trace, the waterfall flows on already in the ancient times certainly. 一条干涸的瀑布挂在一片古崖上,只剩一条枯黄的痕迹,瀑布早在远古就已经绝流。 In the ancient cliffs, cloud Zhengxia is luxuriant, the ancient times track wound on. 古崖之间,云蒸霞蔚,有一条远古小道蜿蜒而上。 This is one piece float ancient Ya in undying palace, is extremely ruined, does not have the vitality, the trees already of growth above ancient cliff died completely, changed into the powder powder. 这是一片悬浮在不死殿之中的古崖,极其破败,毫无生机,原本生长在古崖之上的树木都已经死尽,化为了齑粉。 Sacred Fruit and Feng Feiyun along the ancient times track the line, climbed upwardly, seeks the Holy Saint place to be pure. 圣实果风飞云沿着远古小道而行,向上攀登,去寻找圣灵座道地。 „Do you determine the Holy Saint place purely in the top of ancient cliff? How I felt that our is walking toward the Holy Ghost Tomb deep place?” Feng Feiyun Spiritual Awareness is very strong, felt that around the body had the weak space to fluctuate. “你确定圣灵座道地就在古崖之顶?我怎么感觉我们这是在往圣灵墓葬的深处走?”风飞云灵觉很强,感觉到了身体周围有微弱的空间在波动。 Here is white Zhusheng ancestor's grave, any possible close is horizon, is possible ‚the horizon is close, horizon close in instant.” Unceasing jump of Sacred Fruit above stone ladder track, guides in front, every time jumps, will mount steps. “这里乃是白蛛圣祖的墓葬,任何一处都可能‘化咫尺为天涯’,也可能‘化天涯为咫尺’,天涯咫尺都在一念之间。”圣实果在石梯小道之上不断的跳跃,在前面带路,每跳一下,就会登上一座阶梯。 Feng Feiyun stopped the footsteps suddenly, saw one above tan stone wall together tortoise shell mark. 风飞云忽的停下了脚步,在一块黄褐色的石壁之上看到了一个“龟壳”印记。 This tortoise shell mark is very new, the ground has the stone powder to fall. 这个龟壳印记还十分新鲜,地上有石粉落下。 Is that turtle stays behind, it seems like it has also mounted this piece of ancient Ya.” Feng Feiyun smiled. “是那一只乌龟留下,看来它也登上了这一片古崖。”风飞云笑了笑。 „!” “啊!” At this time, jumped exudes one to call out in alarm in front Sacred Fruit, Feng Feiyun followed hastily, across the track, stood before a iron lock plank road above half-day cliff wall, above the plank road was setting up together the person's shadow unexpectedly. 这个时候,跳跃在前面的圣实果发出一声惊叫,风飞云连忙跟了上去,穿过小道,站在了半天崖壁之上的一座铁锁栈道前,栈道之上竟然立着一道人影。 Sacred Fruit hides under the heel of Feng Feiyun, the body trembles, said: She had knocked my first a moment ago, but also scolded me.” 圣实果躲在风飞云的脚跟下,身体发抖,道:“她刚才敲了我的头一下,还骂了我。” Stands that together person's shadow above plank road, slender slender, the flesh shining white, the beautiful woman is blue, in the hand is offering a sacrifice to slender Ancient Sword, stood has blocked the way above the iron lock plank road. 站在栈道之上的那一道人影,纤细苗条,肌肤莹白,娥眉青柔,手中祭着一口纤细的古剑,站在铁锁栈道之上拦住了去路。 She sees Feng Feiyun to appear in the opening of plank road, the body has then had a chill in the air. 她看到风飞云出现在栈道的口子上,身上便是生出了一股寒意。 Xiao Tianyue that biological niece. 正是霄天悦的那一位亲侄女。 Feng Feiyun very disgruntled say/way: „Do you have to make a mistake, it is a child, do you knock its to do? You also scolded him, what to do scolded stupidly? Honest, what did she scold you?” 风飞云很不悦的道:“你到底有没有搞错,它还是一个孩子,你敲它头干嘛?你还骂他了,骂笨了怎么办?老实,她骂你什么了?” She knocks my head, scolded me...... Is the black and shining, what thing?” Sacred Fruit suffering from injustice say/way. “她敲我的头,又骂我……黑溜溜的,是什么东西?”圣实果委屈的道。 Too was really crazed!” Feng Feiyun heaves a deep sigh to say. “实在太丧心病狂了!”风飞云摇头叹息道。 Xiao Xiaochan is angrier, said: Dead Half Monster, whom did you scold to be crazed?” 霄小婵则更气恼,道:“死半妖,你骂谁丧心病狂?” Also has not scolded you, do you do accordingly?” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Also is really the enemies often cross each other's path, your already defended here unexpectedly, Xiao Tianyue? Did already pass?” “又没有骂你,你应声干嘛?”风飞云笑道:“还真是冤家路窄,你竟然已经守在了这里,霄天悦呢?是不是已经过去了?” Since Xiao Xiaochan appears here, then Xiao Tianyue and these talent outstanding likely first one step arrived here, already across the iron lock plank road, went Holy Saint to sit purely. 霄小婵既然出现在这里,那么霄天悦和那些天才俊杰很可能先一步来到了这里,已经穿过铁锁栈道,前去了圣灵坐道地。 It seems like in these talent outstanding definitely also has the wisdom excellent character! 看来那些天才俊杰之中肯定也有智慧过人的人物! I remain to teach you specially.” Xiao Xiaochan full sapphire blue beautiful hair, the nape of the neck is slender, the waist is slender, if lip Yin Tao, but cultivation base is extremely high, the body is pasting eight jade symbols, haunches one group of light covers above the tender body. “我是专门留下来教训你。”霄小婵满头宝蓝秀发,脖颈修长,蛮腰纤细,唇若殷桃,但是修为却极高,身上贴着八道玉符,在娇躯之上撑起一团光罩。 A sword has cut, pulls out together dozens meters sword air/Qi. 一剑斩了过来,拉出一道数十米长的剑气。 The Feng Feiyun heroic bearing thrives, is handsome and free and easy, long gown raising gently, the body also flies, both hands are grasping the lance, uses the lance as the stick, has pressed by ten thousand the strength bang presently, gives the disintegration the sword air/Qi that she cuts. 风飞云英姿勃发,英俊而洒脱,长袍轻轻的扬起,身体也跟着飞起,双手握着长矛,以长矛为棍,以万顷之力轰压了下去,将她斩出的剑气给崩碎。 Teaches me, do you have that skill?” “教训我,你有那个本事吗?” Feng Feiyun raises the lance, the foot is stepping on the iron lock, the stride forwards, a lance has shelled once more. 风飞云提着长矛,脚踩铁锁,大步向前,再次一矛轰击了出去。 Xiao Xiaochan has not thought that Feng Feiyun so is unexpectedly fearful, the strength is much bigger, the mortal body intensity has surpassed the Nirvana 4th-layer member, is this Half Monster? 霄小婵也没有想到风飞云竟然如此可怕,力量大得出奇,肉身的强度超过了涅槃第四重的修士,这还是半妖 Simply is beast of human form! 简直就是人形的蛮兽! Bang!” “嘭!” In her hand threw a hot bead, changed into a six meters high Qilin hot beast, the hot beast roared has been attacking the past toward Feng Feiyun. 她的手中扔出了一枚火珠,化为了一只六米高的麒麟火兽,火兽咆哮着向着风飞云冲击了过去。 A Feng Feiyun lance jabbed into the head of hot beast, gives the disintegration it. 风飞云一矛刺进了火兽的头颅,将它给崩碎。 Meanwhile, in the Feng Feiyun mouth puts out the phoenix evil fire, must fly upside down to the impact Xiao Xiaochan, the slender luster of the skin fell under the iron lock plank road, has crashed into the bottomless trench. 于此同时,风飞云的口中吐出凤凰孽火,将霄小婵给冲击得倒飞了出去,纤细的玉体掉落到了铁锁栈道之下,坠入了无底深渊。 The undying palace is the place of banned fly, even if cannot display the magical powers by Xiao Xiaochan cultivation base, goes against heaven's will to flying. 不死殿乃是禁飞之地,就算是以霄小婵修为也不能施展神通,逆天的冲飞而起。 Has crashed into the deep cliff, even if undying must fall a skin. 坠入了深崖,就算不死也要掉一层皮。 Uncle, these Monster Clan powerhouses also turned toward above the ancient cliff to catch up.” Sacred Fruit said. “二大爷,那些妖族的强者也向着古崖之上赶来了。”圣实果道。 Feng Feiyun looked at one toward that winding track of ancient cliff above, really sees these Monster Clan member already to start to ascend the cliff, quick will arrive at the iron lock plank road. 风飞云向着古崖的那一条蜿蜒小道之上看了一眼,果然看见那些妖族的修士已经开始登崖,很快就会来到铁锁栈道。 First has the human member, latter has the Monster Clan powerhouse, at this time already was in a dilemma. 前有人类修士,后有妖族强者,这个时候已经进退两难。 Jumps!” “跳下去!” The Feng Feiyun vision sinks to congeal, a foot Sacred Fruit trampling the half-day cliff wall, then also jumped, crashed among the cloud layers. 风飞云的目光沉凝,一脚将圣实果给踹下了半天崖壁,然后自己也跳了下去,坠落到了云层之间。 Under under the cloud layer, carrying on the back of Xiao Xiaochan steadily a pair of light wing, the slender slender body upward flight, after she Feng Feiyun shoots down the plank road, then immediately flight talisman that used a Ascension worthy people of former times sacrifice to refine. 云层之下,霄小婵的背上长着一对光翼,纤细苗条的身躯向上飞行,她被风飞云击落下栈道之后,便立即用出了一张羽化先贤祭炼的飞行符箓 Damn Half Monster, the courage was too big, if not for in Holy Ghost Tomb, this young lady must dismember a body you, makes me see you again...... Any sound......” “该死的半妖,胆子实在太大了,若不是在圣灵墓葬之中,本小姐非要将你大卸八块,再让我见到你……什么声音……” Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun falls from the day, pounded directly in the Xiao Xiaochan top of the head, pounded dizzy her dizzily. 风飞云从天落下,直接砸在了霄小婵的头顶,将她砸得头昏目眩。 „Haven't you died?” Carrying on the back of Feng Feiyun has also haunched a pair of wing, above the wing the flame combustion, the feather scarlet-red such as the blood drop. “你还没死啊?”风飞云的背上也撑起了一对羽翼,羽翼之上火焰燃烧,羽毛赤红如血滴。 You must die!” “你才要死!” Xiao Xiaochan has rubbed the forehead, a palm has shelled the past toward Feng Feiyun. 霄小婵揉了揉额头,一掌向着风飞云轰击了过去。 The Feng Feiyun speed is extremely fast, easily gave to avoid this palm, shifts her, that flight jade symbol that she carried on the back taking off. 风飞云的速度极快,轻易的将她这一掌给避开,横移到了她的身后,将她背上的那一枚飞行玉符给摘下。 Does not want......!” “不要……啊!” The light wing that Xiao Xiaochan carries on the back vanishes, the tender body turns toward under of cloud deep pool to crash directly. 霄小婵背上的光翼消失,娇躯直接向着云渊的下方坠落。 Feng Feiyun looked at the jade symbol in hand, received, a heart thinking slightly, suddenly also had the new idea, the body dive, quick whereabouts Xiao Xiaochan grasping. 风飞云看了看手中的玉符,收了起来,心头略微的一思索,突然又有了新的想法,身体俯冲而下,很快就将下落的霄小婵给抱住。 The tender body enters the bosom, is very soft. 娇躯入怀,十分柔软。 She is common like eight foot fish, the slender white delicate arms give to grasp him, the slender both legs his grip, the whole person hung on Feng Feiyun, said: Damn Half Monster, this young lady, if were broken a hair, your entire Half Monster Union is bad luck.” 她就像一只八脚鱼一般,纤细的玉臂将他给抱住,修长的双腿将他的夹住,整个人都挂在了风飞云身上,道:“该死的半妖,本小姐若是被摔伤了一根头发,你们整个半妖盟都要倒霉。” Silly girl, does my which giving up make you break?” Feng Feiyun patted her vest gently, the corners of the mouth has cancelled the check, said: I must threaten your Third Uncle with you.” “傻姑娘,我哪舍得让你摔伤?”风飞云轻轻的拍了拍她的背心,嘴角勾了勾,道:“我还要用你来威胁你三叔。” „Did you think you eating this young lady?” Xiao Xiaochan reveals two rows of snow white teeth, in the bright eye pupil shows the bright smiling face, a finger toward Feng Feiyun dantian position in the past. “你以为你将本小姐给吃定了?”霄小婵露出两排雪白的牙齿,明亮的眼眸子之中露出皎洁的笑容,一根手指向着风飞云丹田的位置点了过去。 The finger is sharp, likely is a handle jade sword. 手指锋利,像是一柄玉剑。 Bang!” “嘭!” However her finger actually selected in one iron rod above, has not pricked the dantian. 但是她的手指却点在了一根“铁棍子”之上,并没有刺入丹田。 Really is mean and shameless, unexpectedly carries the concealed or hidden weapon along!” “真是卑鄙无耻,居然随身携带暗器!” Xiao Xiaochan one grasps toward that concealed or hidden weapon of place of Feng Feiyun dantian, must the concealed or hidden weapon pulling, however her hand more downward moves, actually more feels does not suit, this thick concealed or hidden weapon seems to be long in this Half Monster general of body, she tried several times unable to draw out, the heart doubts said, was the associated god soldier?” 霄小婵一把向着风飞云丹田之处的那一根暗器抓去,要将暗器给扯出来,但是她的手越是往下移,却越是感觉不对劲,这一根粗大的暗器似乎长在这个半妖的身上的一般,她试了几次都无法拔出,心头疑惑道,“难道是伴生神兵?” Feng Feiyun actually criticizes in the heart at this moment, the Nine Firmaments Immortal City day arrogant Nuzhen was too bold. 风飞云此刻却在心头暗骂,九霄仙城的天之骄女真是太豪放了。 You are an idiot, doesn't understand really?” “你到底是白痴,还是真的不懂?” Falls to the ground under ancient cliff, Feng Feiyun has pulled from the pants crotch the slender white hands of Xiao Xiaochan, the complexion is very disgruntled, is staring at her who coldly, today was really too bad luck, unexpectedly by the Xiao Tianyue niece sexually harassing. 落到古崖下的地面上,风飞云霄小婵的纤纤玉手从裤裆里面扯了出来,脸色很不悦,冷冷的盯着她,今天真是太倒霉了,居然被霄天悦的侄女给调戏了。 Really comes out to mix must always, oneself snatched the Xiao Tianyue concubine, the Xiao Tianyue niece has sexually harassed itself, this was the retribution, this was the retribution! 果然出来混总是要还的,自己抢了霄天悦的小妾,霄天悦的侄女调戏了自己,这就是报应,这就是报应啊! Xiao Xiaochan beautiful appearance cold Chen, in eye pupil is bringing the cold glow, stared at Feng Feiyun dantian below position vigilantly, calls Ancient Sword, the guard said: I, no matter you have hidden any Divine Weapon, was the luck was good a moment ago, but you base and low Half Monster dares to hug me unexpectedly, this already has committed the capital crime. If not kill you, will harm to my clear reputation.” 霄小婵玉颜冷沉,眼眸之中带着寒芒,警惕的盯了盯风飞云丹田下方的位置,唤出一口古剑,防范道:“我不管你到底藏了什么神兵利器,刚才算是运气好,但是你一个卑微的半妖竟然敢抱我,这就已经是犯了死罪。若是不杀了你,将对我清誉有损。” Feng Feiyun felt that somewhat is discouraged, what obviously by profiting is oneself, but felt suffering from injustice her? 风飞云感觉到有些气馁,明明被占便宜的是自己,但是怎么感觉委屈的还是她了? Xiao Xiaochan has also practiced one type speedily, movement strange Kuai, a sword thorn to the Feng Feiyun forehead. 霄小婵也修炼过一种疾速,身法奇快,一剑刺向风飞云的眉心。 Feng Feiyun does not want with her dogfight, in the mouth to put out the phoenix evil fire, changed into a flame sea, her talisman burning shatter. 风飞云不想和她缠斗,口中吐出凤凰孽火,化为了一片火焰的海洋,将她身上的符箓给烧得一张张破碎。 Bang!” “轰!” The Feng Feiyun foot steps on the samsara speedily, speed like the lightning, approaches her body quickly, two fingers of buckles to her slender neck. 风飞云脚踩轮回疾速,速度快如闪电,逼近她的身体,两指扣向她纤细的脖子。 She opened the sandalwood mouth, in lip has put out a white small sword, the straight thrust Feng Feiyun surface gate. 她张开了檀口,嘴唇之中吐出一枚白色的小剑,直刺风飞云的面门。 From is too near, is unable to move aside. 距离实在太近,根本无法躲闪。 The small sword is very the gods and ghosts, sharp incomparable, punctured Feng Feiyun on already instantaneously at present. 小剑很是神异,锋利无比,瞬间就已经刺到了风飞云的眼前。 Bang!” “轰!” The small sword hit above the Feng Feiyun left eye ball, had not punctured immediately actually, hit a big piece of spark merely. 小剑撞击在了风飞云的左眼球之上,顿时却并没有刺进去,仅仅只是撞击出了一大片火花。 The left eye of Feng Feiyun is phoenix eye bone concise, can it be that can the common sword air/Qi pierce? 风飞云的左眼乃是凤凰眼骨凝练而成,岂是一般的剑气能够洞穿? Xiao Xiaochan surprised delay instant, but such instant, Feng Feiyun actually gives to cover her neck, the lightning then sealed up her whole body 360 to make the life hole, then gave to bundle her with the iron lock. 霄小婵惊讶的呆滞了一个刹那,但是就这么一个刹那,风飞云却将她的脖子给扣住,闪电便的封住了她全身360做命穴,然后用铁锁将她给捆了起来。 Damn Half Monster, you let loose me!” “该死的半妖,你放开我!” She is very flustered, has not encountered such hopeless situation, by Half Monster sealing up cultivation base, stretches in an unmanned canyon. 她很是慌张,从来没有遭遇过这样的绝境,被一个半妖给封住修为,绷在一个无人的深谷之中。 She can cultivation the Nirvana 4th-layer boundary, what are more is because her talent is high, the affection of Immortal City elder fills the top to her, actually real is not old, mental does not have other Nirvana 4th-layer member that firmly. 她能够修炼到涅槃第四重的境界,更多的是因为她的天赋高,还有仙城长辈的喜爱给她灌顶,其实真实年纪并不大,心智也并没有别的涅槃第四重的修士那么的坚定。 From a birth, had elder for her berm, helping her solve the difficulty, but these time did not have, can she not be flustered? 从一出生,就有长辈在为她护道,帮她解决困难,但是这一次却没有,她又怎能不慌张? Feng Feiyun that handle small sword of ground picking, kept the aura in sword to give to cancel Xiao Xiaochan, shook shaking in the Xiao Xiaochan front, said: You, if called again, I have sheared your tongue.” 风飞云将地上的那一柄小剑给捡了起来,将霄小婵留在剑中的气息给抹去,在霄小婵的面前晃了晃,道:“你若是再叫,我就割了你的舌头。” Xiao Xiaochan by Feng Feiyun frightening the complexion blanch, hastily has closed the mouth. 霄小婵风飞云给吓得脸色发白,连忙闭上了嘴巴。 Feng Feiyun threw the small sword to Sacred Fruit, said: Visits her, if she dares to quarrel again, delimits a blade on her face. I prepare here to attack the Nirvana 3rd-layer peak.” 风飞云将小剑丢给了圣实果,道:“看着她,她若是再敢吵,就在她的脸上划一刀。我准备就在这里冲击涅槃第三重的巅峰。” ...... …… 12 : 00 pm that time may not stabilize, will postpone in the afternoon, asking everybody to understand. 中午12点的那一更时间可能不会稳定,会推迟到下午,请大家理解一下。
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