SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#922: Seven colors of the spectrum spring

This pool does not know how many years has been dried up, how possibly to have the fish? 这一座池子不知干枯了多少年月,怎么可能有鱼? Feng Feiyun is just about to scold Sacred Fruit to make much ado about nothing, Monster Clan and human talent alarming, when he overtakes, saw a silver small fish under the glittering and translucent carving stone unexpectedly really together. 风飞云正要骂圣实果大惊小怪,将妖族和人类才俊给惊动过来了,但是当他赶过去的时候,竟然真的在一块晶莹剔透的石头下方看到了一条银色的小鱼。 This fish is having two heads, only then one inch, braves the silver ray all over the body, the scale is very close, the tail is extremely also fine. 这一条鱼长着两个脑袋,只有一寸长,通体都冒着银色的光芒,鳞片十分细密,尾巴也极其精致。 This is not the fish, this is a Xiao Bay silver moon/month spring.” Feng Feiyun has launched Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, had completely understood the actual situation of that silver small fish, the heart is very excited. “这不是鱼,这是一小湾银月泉。”风飞云展开了凤凰天眼,看透了那一条银色小鱼的虚实,心头很是激动。 In this pond once affirmed that full is the silver moon/month spring, because the remote time passes by, the silver moon/month spring is withered, finally only remains such a dot. 这一座池塘之中曾经肯定满是银月泉,但是因为久远的时间过去,银月泉干枯,最后只剩这么一小点。 If Feng Feiyun comes again late dozens years, perhaps was a dot does not have. 若是风飞云再来迟几十年,恐怕是一小点都没有了。 That silver small fish seems hears the Feng Feiyun words, the fish tail does obeisance, must sneak in the sand. 那一只银色的小鱼似乎是听到风飞云的话,鱼尾一拜,就要钻进沙粒之中。 Uncle, it is lives unexpectedly.” Sacred Fruit also in facing set toward the sand, quick gave to arch that silver small fish unexpectedly. “二大爷,它居然是活的。”圣实果竟然也往沙子里面钻,很快就把那一条银色的小鱼又给拱了出来。 Feng Feiyun took out a high integrity box case, the silver small fish receiving, the small fish entered in the silver box case, at once then turned into two drops of silver spring water. 风飞云取出了一枚寒玉匣子,将银色的小鱼给收起,小鱼进入了银色的匣子之中,旋即便变成了两滴银色的泉水。 Feng Feiyun the jade box case receiving, said: Silver moon/month spring, is one of the seven colors of the spectrum spring, can be used for accumulated to raise the wondrous medicines the spring water. However when the ancient times, seven colors of the spectrum spring already certainly completely, has not then thought that here had suddenly found two drops.” 风飞云将玉匣子给收了起来,道:“银月泉,乃是七色泉的一种,是可以用来蕴养圣药的泉水。但是在远古之时,七色泉便已经绝尽,没想到这里竟然找到了两滴。” Although only has two drops merely, but actually as before precious incomparable. 虽然仅仅只有两滴,但是却依旧珍贵无比。 Oh! Originally is seven colors of the spectrum spring, Nirvana of seven colors of the spectrum spring to member has the enormous advantage.” Sacred Fruit said. !原来是七色泉,七色泉对修士的涅槃有极大的好处。”圣实果道。 The Feng Feiyun look moves, has not heard saying that the seven colors of the spectrum spring also has the enormous advantage to Nirvana, said hastily: How you know that the seven colors of the spectrum spring does have the enormous help to Nirvana?” 风飞云神色一动,从来没有听到说七色泉还对涅槃有极大的好处,连忙道:“你怎么知道七色泉对涅槃有极大的帮助?” Does not know that who said that I should know probably, but I somewhat was also blurry, is I guesses?” Sacred Fruit is violating blurry. “不知道谁说的,好像我本来就该知道,但是我又有些迷糊了,难道是我猜的?”圣实果在犯迷糊。 On the Feng Feiyun forehead braves the heavy line. 风飞云的额头上冒黑线。 Sacred Fruit said: If actually regards as human body oneself is wondrous medicines, raises oneself by seven colors of the spectrum spring accumulated, when the person experiences life and death Nirvana, definitely will have the huge help, seven colors of the spectrum spring representative is the vitality.” 圣实果道:“其实若是将人体自身看成是一株圣药,以七色泉蕴养自身,在人经历生死涅槃的时候,肯定会有巨大的帮助,七色泉代表的就是生机。” This saying is also who told you?” Feng Feiyun thought that is quite reasonable. “这话又是谁告诉你的?”风飞云觉得颇有道理。 Does not know, the feeling is quite strange.” Sacred Fruit starts to violate blurry. “不知道,感觉好奇怪。”圣实果又开始犯迷糊。 The Feng Feiyun forehead starts to brave heavy line, finally does not have attempt easily, but silver moon/month spring receiving. 风飞云的额头又开始冒黑线,最终没有轻易的尝试,而是将银月泉给收了起来。 Here has the silver moon/month spring, perhaps is also remaining in other pond other Shengquan, we look quickly.” “这里有银月泉,说不定在别的池塘之中也还残留着别的圣泉,我们快去找找。” Feng Feiyun sensation to the aura of some people slowly flows toward here, jumps from the pond, is thinking another pond speeds along. 风飞云感知到有人的气息缓缓的向着这边流动过来,从池塘之中跃起,然后想着另一座池塘飞驰过去。 He here.” “他在这边。” The form that Feng Feiyun speeds along, the arrogant female was given the discovery by a day. 风飞云飞驰的身影,被一个天之骄女给发现。 This day arrogant female physique is graceful, the valuable blue long hair, the white skirt folds, first one step pursued, above the slender white delicate arms will moisten a jade symbol, above the jade symbol is flowing the jade light to cover the graceful luster of the skin to block from, will be the immortal shade grazes from the wind likely together, will leave behind a beautiful shadow. 这个天之骄女身姿曼妙,宝蓝色的长发,白裙叠叠,先一步的追了上去,纤细的玉臂之上沾着一张玉符,玉符之上流动着玉色光罩将曼妙的玉体遮住,像是一道仙影从风中飞掠而过,留下一道美丽的影子。 She pursued bank of the withered pond, pursuing lost Feng Feiyun. 她追到了一座干枯的池塘之畔,将风飞云给追丢。 Well! Which?” “咦!哪去了?” Her beautiful pupil clear, cheek white and tender, sends the flowing light blue, stands in the bank of withered pond, looks all around in all directions, but simply has not actually seen the Feng Feiyun form. 她美眸晶莹,脸蛋白嫩,蓝发流光,站在干枯的池塘之畔,四处环顾,但是却根本没有看到风飞云的身影。 Looks for me?” “找我啊?” The Feng Feiyun sound resounds in her. 风飞云的声音在她的身后响起。 She turns around hastily, the gently beautiful slender palm has struck, but has actually struck spatial. 她连忙转身,柔美纤细的手掌击了出去,但是却击了一个空。 Suddenly, her breath is flowing all at once, when her vigilance, back already transmitted vigorously, has given to advance in the withered pool her directly. 突然,她的身后一股气息在流动,在她警觉之时,背后已经传来了一股大力,直接将她给推到了干枯的池子之中。 You......” this day the arrogant female whole face is the silt, the long hair is disorderly, the fine jade nose sends to hurt, above the white skirt full is the dirt. “你……”这个天之骄女满脸都是泥沙,长发凌乱,琼鼻发疼,白裙之上满是泥污。 Feng Feiyun compared with it standing in pond Bian, portable lance, cold sound say/way: Pursues me to do? Do you also want to kill me?” 风飞云比之的站在池边,手提长矛,冷声的道:“追我干嘛?你也想杀我?” Who made you offend Young City Lord?” “谁让你得罪了少城主?” This day arrogant female has stood up suddenly, the body bracing cold moves, silt has then scattered in all directions, became the peerless grace and talent. 这个天之骄女豁然站起了起来,身上气劲一动,身上的泥沙便四散了出去,又变得风华绝代了起来。 Young City Lord, Xiao Tianyue? Haha! You do not want to know how I did offend him?” Feng Feiyun is not killing her anxiously. 少城主,霄天悦?哈哈!难道你不想知道我是怎么得罪了他?”风飞云不急着杀她。 Does not know! Also does not want to know, person who Young City Lord must kill in any case, is the person who I must kill, let alone you are base and low Half Monster, kills you with killing a slave anything has not distinguished.” This day the arrogant female beautiful pupil lives coldly, the long hair drags, curve is extremely serene and beautiful. “不知道!也不想知道,反正少城主要杀的人,就是我要杀的人,更何况你还是一个卑微的半妖,杀你跟杀一个奴隶没什么区别。”这个天之骄女美眸生寒,长发摇曳,身上的曲线极其幽美。 Feng Feiyun to these thinks that noble woman already got used to seeing, is not angry, says with a smile: Because I on the date of his big marriage, have robbed his concubine.” 风飞云对这些自以为高贵的女人已经看惯了,并不生气,笑道:“因为我在他大婚之日,抢走了他的小妾。” Originally that person is you.” This day the arrogant female is very surprised, red lip slightly. “原来那个人是你。”这个天之骄女很是惊讶,红唇微张。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „Are you very happy? He little married a concubine, perhaps you can make up for that vacancy.” 风飞云笑道:“你是不是很开心啊?他少娶了一个小妾,你说不定就可以弥补那一个空缺。” „Was shameless degenerate, what you talking nonsense? Young City Lord is my biological Third Uncle.” This day the arrogant female is very angry, in the beautiful pupil getting angry light, the lung must explode with rage. “无耻败类,你在胡说些什么?少城主是我亲三叔。”这个天之骄女十分愤怒,美眸之中冒火光,肺都要气炸了。 Oh! Like this! Sorry, sorry...... Was mistaken.” Feng Feiyun apologized hastily, had the gentry demeanor very much. !这样啊!对不起,对不起……看走眼了。”风飞云连忙道歉,很有绅士风度。 Your this Half Monster was too hateful, the heart is wanting any dirty thing!” “你这个半妖实在太可恶了,心头都在想些什么肮脏的东西!” This day the arrogant female clenched jaws, offers a sacrifice to a slender long sword, a sword has divided toward Feng Feiyun, at present this Half Monster despising. 这个天之骄女咬牙切齿,祭出了一件纤细的长剑,一剑向着风飞云劈了过来,将眼前这个半妖给恨透了。 This day arrogant female cultivation base is extremely high, struck that Nirvana 4th-layer Monster Clan powerhouse who kills also to want on a strong point compared with Feng Feiyun a moment ago, even if the spiritual energy in her body were imprisoned, cut a Jianhe as before, unexpectedly and Feng Feiyun spelled evenly matched. 这个天之骄女的修为极高,比刚才风飞云击杀的那一位涅槃第四重妖族强者还要强上一分,即便她身体之中的灵气被禁锢住,依旧斩出了一道剑河,竟然和风飞云拼得势均力敌。 Above her white delicate arms is moistening a jade symbol, that is Ascension talisman, can increase the several fold mortal body the strength, each sword that she chops has the epoch-making might, around the ground of sword air/Qi cuts shocking huge fissures pond. 她的玉臂之上沾着一枚玉符,那是一枚羽化符箓,能够增加数倍肉身的力量,她劈出的每一剑都有开天辟地的威力,剑气将池塘周围的地面都切割出一道道触目惊心的巨大的裂痕。 I little kill the woman, do not compel me.” Feng Feiyun complexion happy expression disappearance gradually, became has enforced, in the pupil was having an intermittent chill in the air. “我很少杀女人,你别逼我。”风飞云脸色的笑意渐渐的消失,变得严肃了起来,瞳孔之中带着一阵阵寒意。 I also never kill Half Monster, do not compel me.” “我也从不杀半妖,你别逼我。” This day the arrogant female heart is very surprised, Half Monster that before saw small and weakly, was also wants the base and low lifeform compared with the slave, but this Half Monster is extremely at present formidable, can actually fight well-matched with her. 这个天之骄女的心头很吃惊,以前见到的半妖都弱小至极,乃是比奴隶还要卑微的生物,但是眼前这一只半妖却极其强大,竟然能够和她战得旗鼓相当。 If she does not have the Ascension talisman in addition to hold, will not likely beat. 若是她没有羽化符箓的加持,很可能会不敌。 At this time, during was void transmits number to point out frankly the wind the sound, was the Monster Clan powerhouse hears the news to catch up, altogether five monster shades rushed, strength was very tyrannical, was five kills likely beast. 这个时候,虚空之中传来了数道破风的声音,是妖族的强者闻讯赶来,一共有五道妖影赶到,身上的力量十分强横,像是五只蛮兽杀来。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun does not want to get down with the Xiao Tianyue biological niece dogfight, the sound that in the body erupts ten thousand beast complete/even howl, a lance shaking to fly her, fell in the withered pond once more, fell scattered about. 风飞云不想和霄天悦的亲侄女缠斗下去,身体之中爆发出万兽齐吼的声音,一矛将她给震飞了出去,再次落到了干枯的池塘之中,摔得七零八落。 Damn Half Monster, was too hateful!” “该死的半妖,实在太可恶了!” Since this day arrogant female crawls from the pond, stamped the feet, the feeling knows that the Monster Clan powerhouse's arrival, speedily divine talisman will paste together in slenderly slender ** above, changed into a persuasive beautiful shade to run away. 这一个天之骄女从池塘之上爬起,跺了跺脚,感知道妖族强者的到来,将一道疾速神符贴在了纤细修长的**之上,化为了一道婉转的美影逃走。 Feng Feiyun arrived in another withered pond, Sacred Fruit early already , etc. here, held three small fish in the pond quarry stone forest. 风飞云来到了另一座干枯的池塘之中,圣实果已经等在了这里,在池塘底部的乱石林中抓住了三条小鱼。 Uncle, how did the small fish turn into the red?” Sacred Fruit said. “二大爷,小鱼怎么变成了红色?”圣实果道。 Feng Feiyun with another jade box case three small fish installing, saying: This is the scarlet flame spring, is one of the seven colors of the spectrum springs.”, Also said: Honest, can the seven colors of the spectrum spring help member Nirvana really?” 风飞云用另一个玉匣子将三条小鱼给装了起来,道:“这是赤焰泉,也是七色泉之一。”顿了顿,又道:“老实,七色泉真的能够帮助修士涅槃?” Sacred Fruit has blinked the eye, stares at Feng Feiyun saying: You are not Nirvana just now, do you want to break through the boundary?” 圣实果眨巴了一下眼睛,盯着风飞云道:“你不是才刚涅槃,难道你又想突破境界?” Does not have the means that the enemy is very formidable, is not the common any cat flatter dog, only then the boundary is higher, has the capital of living. If can break through to Nirvana 4th-layer, I have confidence to be able them to cut completely.” “没办法,敌人很强大,不是一般的阿猫阿狗,只有境界越高,才有更多活下来的资本。若是能够突破到涅槃第四重,我有把握能够将他们斩尽。” Feng Feiyun the arrogant female fought with that day a moment ago, although has confidence her strikes to kill, but actually must pay the injured price, in the present undying palace in crisis-ridden situation, once were injured is very difficult to maintain a livelihood. 风飞云刚才和那一个天之骄女交手,虽然有把握将她击杀,但是却要付出受伤的代价,在现在不死殿中危机四伏的情况下,一旦受伤就很难活命了。 Can come here member, is not the average person, cultivation base lowest is big territory territory host's sons, for future territory main successor. 能够来到这里的修士,都不是一般人,修为最低的都是一座大域的域主之子,为将来的域主接班人。 But a Monster Clan side is formidable, cultivation base weakest is the Nirvana 4th-layer member. 妖族的一方更是强大,修为最弱的都是涅槃第四重的修士。 In such environment, wants to maintain a livelihood, must seek a more formidable strength, even if take risks extremely, must go all out to try. 在这样的环境下,想要活命,就要寻求更加强大的力量,哪怕极其冒险,也要拼命一试。 But shortly after you just now break through, belongs to Nirvana 3rd-layer initial stage, the boundary is very unstable, carries on fourth Nirvana rashly, the mortality rate reaches as high as 997/1000.” Sacred Fruit said. “可是你才刚突破不久,属于涅槃第三重初期,境界很不稳定,贸然进行第四次涅槃,死亡率高达997。”圣实果道。 Calculates really precisely.” Feng Feiyun stared at its one. “计算得真精确。”风飞云盯了它一眼。 I spoke thoughtlessly to speak irresponsibly!” Sacred Fruit starts to violate blurry, thought oneself knew many. “我随口乱说的!”圣实果又开始犯迷糊,觉得自己知道得太多了。 Fourth Nirvana is easier said than done, must not have the several fold compared with front three Nirvana difficultly, must otherwise, not so many member by in dire straits in this boundary. 第四次涅槃谈何容易,比前面三次涅槃都要艰难无数倍,要不然的话,也不会有那么多的修士被困死在这一个境界。 Regarding human and Monster Clan member, once breaks through Nirvana 4th-layer, was equal to attaining the half admission ticket of Ascension boundary, the significance was great. 对于人类和妖族修士而言,一旦突破涅槃第四重,就等于是拿到了羽化境的半张门票,意义重大。 Naturally these half admission ticket is extremely also difficult to take, many people died before the Nirvana 4th-layer threshold. 当然这半张门票也极其难拿,很多人都死在了涅槃第四重的门槛前。 I have not said now on breakthrough Nirvana 4th-layer.” “我没有说现在就突破涅槃第四重。” Feng Feiyun naturally understands that Nirvana solemnity, that does not crack a joke, will not be good state of mind entirely to extinguish, even if will be Holy Saint is reincarnated in the Nirvana boundary must not dare to advance recklessly cautiously. 风飞云自然明白涅槃的严肃性,那可不是开玩笑,一个不好就会神魂俱灭,就算是圣灵转世在涅槃境界都必须要小心翼翼不敢冒进。 Your what meaning?” Sacred Fruit sees at present this uncle. “那你什么意思?”圣实果看着眼前这位二大爷。 Leads me to go to the undying palace the most dangerous place, I have the method to attack the Nirvana 3rd-layer peak boundary.” The Feng Feiyun look is serious. “带我去不死殿中最危险的地方,我有方法可以冲击到涅槃第三重的巅峰境。”风飞云神色严肃。 In the undying palace the most dangerous place is Holy Saint sits purely, perhaps my grandfather also went to there.” 不死殿中最危险的地方莫过于圣灵坐道地,说不定我爷爷也去了那里。” Sacred Fruit Spiritual Awareness is very formidable, can the sensation to any aura intensity of undying palace, bringing Feng Feiyun to sit the pure line to go toward Holy Saint. 圣实果灵觉十分强大,能感知到不死殿的任何一处的气息强度,带着风飞云向着圣灵坐道地行去。
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