SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#921: Stave world

A Nirvana 4th-layer Monster Clan powerhouse blocks the way to kill, grasps red copper god mace, the body erupts one piece to fight soldier grave territory, breaks the spears and remnants innumerably inserts above the void big grave, changed into an illusory big territory. 一位涅槃第四重妖族强者拦路杀出,手持一件紫铜神锏,身上爆发出一片“战兵坟域”,无数断戈和残兵插在虚空大坟之上,化为了一个虚幻大域。 Sir Xue Shuang must take your life, you are then impossible to run away.” 雪泷大人要取你的性命,你便不可能逃走。” On this Nirvana 4th-layer Monster Clan powerhouse throws over the white long hair, the vision is looking disdainfully, the red copper god mace chops to fall, erupts the difficult situation general strength. 这个涅槃第四重妖族强者头上披着白色长发,目光睥睨,紫铜神锏劈落下去,爆发出惊涛骇浪一般的力量。 Nirvana 4th-layer member already has to break through the qualifications of Ascension boundary, is called the old ancestor in the ancient Clan, the strength is very tyrannical. 涅槃第四重的修士已经拥有突破羽化境的资格,在古族之中被称为老祖,战力都十分强横。 That is not you decides!” “那可不是你说了算!” In the Feng Feiyun mouth condenses burning hot the flame, myriad essence put out from the mouth, changed into a flame sea, above the sea had the sound that the phoenix cried to transmit, forms a phoenix shade. 风飞云的口中凝聚出炙热的火焰,万千精气从嘴里吐出,化为了一片火焰的海洋,海洋之上有凤凰啼鸣的声音传来,形成一道凤凰影。 Phoenix evil fire!” “凤凰孽火!” This is Feng Feiyun achieves the magical powers that Nirvana 3rd-layer has! 这是风飞云达到涅槃第三重产生的神通! Phoenix evil fire two taste ocean fires is more terrifying than it, is the talent magical powers of phoenix, if can cultivation 100 Phoenix Bones, the phoenix evil fire will become really will be hot with three tastes same fierce. “凤凰孽火”比之“二味溟火”更加恐怖,乃是凤凰的天赋神通,若是能够修炼出100块凤骨,凤凰孽火将会变得和三味真火一样的厉害。 Phoenix evil fire, the surrounding area several thousand miles were given the package by the flame, changed into a flame sea, the hot wave folds several hundred meters high, changed into walls with flues for heating gives to embezzle likely these float giant stones and islands. 凤凰孽火一出,方圆数千里都被火焰给包裹,化为了一片火焰的海洋,火浪叠起数百米高,像是化为了一道道火墙将那些悬浮的巨石和岛屿都给吞没。 That cultivation base achieves the Nirvana 4th-layer Monster Clan member fought soldier grave territory to burn in the phoenix evil fire, sent out „” the sound, territory must be burnt through. 那一个修为达到涅槃第四重妖族修士的“战兵坟域”在凤凰孽火之中燃烧了起来,发出一道道“哧哧”的声音,就连“域”都要被烧穿了。 God! What magical powers is this? Actually can transform Phoenix Monster Clan evil fire.” 天呐!这是什么神通?竟然能够幻化成凤凰妖族的的孽火。” That Monster Clan member frightening, to think that the Feng Feiyun use magical powers transformed the phoenix evil fire, turned toward outside the evil fire to run away hastily, if fought soldier grave territory to be given burning through by the evil fire, then his undying must fall a skin. 那一位妖族修士给震慑住,以为风飞云使用神通幻化出了凤凰孽火,连忙向着孽火之外逃遁,若是“战兵坟域”被孽火给烧穿,那么他就算不死也要掉一层皮。 Bang!” “轰!” The lance in Feng Feiyun hand pierced, across fights soldier grave territory, has left behind a bloodstain on the body of that Monster Clan member. 风飞云手中的长矛洞穿了出去,穿过“战兵坟域”,在那一个妖族修士的身上留下了一道血痕。 That Monster Clan member has not encountered the heavy losses, the body quarter the monster mark, is only the arm is scratched one completely merely. 那一个妖族修士并没有遭遇重创,身上刻满了妖纹,仅仅只是手臂被划伤了一丝。 Damn!” “该死!” That Monster Clan member wields the red copper god mace, strikes in the sky, was a red copper color/look mountain ridge has pressed likely. 那一个妖族修士挥动紫铜神锏,当空一击,像是一条紫铜色的山岭压了下去。 Before Feng Feiyun already has arrived at the undying palace, 30 million luminous spot twinkles, the flame circles the body, turned around to puncture a lance fiercely, shelled above the red copper color/look mountain ridge. 风飞云已经走到了不死殿前,身上30000000光点闪烁,火焰绕体,转身猛地刺出了一矛,轰击在紫铜色的山岭之上。 Bang!” “轰!” Shakes void, the hot wave is dreadful. 虚空一震,火浪滔天。 They also retrocede, the huge great strength go through among them. 两人同时后退,有一股庞大的巨力在他们之间穿行。 Feng Feiyun foot already arrived before the threshold of undying palace, was smiling to that Monster Clan powerhouse, said: Does not deliver.” 风飞云的一只脚已经抵在了不死殿的门槛前,对着那一位妖族强者一笑,道:“不送。” The next quarter, Feng Feiyun then strided in the undying palace. 下一刻,风飞云便跨入了不死殿之中。 His cultivation base grew a big truncation!” Sir Xue Shuang self-satisfied flying falls, the body red silk is floating, flesh snow white, the milk-white bosom very curls upwards, on monster Yan Zhi is having several points of happy expression. “他的修为又增长了一大截!”雪泷大人飘飘然的飞落下来,身上红绸飘飘,肌肤雪白,酥胸挺翘,妖颜之上带着几分笑意。 Sir Xue Shuang, he is only Nirvana 3rd-layer cultivation base, is only magical powers formidable that's all. I have confidence to be able him to strike to kill.” That Monster Clan powerhouse who a moment ago and Feng Feiyun fought said. 雪泷大人,他不过只是涅槃第三重修为,只是神通强大罢了。我有把握能够将他击杀。”刚才和风飞云交手的那一位妖族强者说道。 This person is quite sly, grows perceptibly at the speed, I chased down him unable him to kill for half a month, depended on you?” Sir Xue Shuang the beautiful woman is slender, lips and teeth clear, said: Walks, we also enter the undying palace, if inside has the losing treasure that the Saint ancestor leaves behind, in any event cannot be taken by a human.” “此人相当狡猾,更以速度见长,我追杀了他半个月都无法将他杀死,就凭你?”雪泷大人娥眉纤细,唇齿晶莹,又道:“走,我们也进入不死殿,若是里面有圣祖留下的遗宝,无论如何都不能被一个人类取走。” Sir Xue Shuang is the mental absolute high female, saw Feng Feiyun enters the method of undying palace, therefore also understood Black Level, leading another nine Monster Clan member to enter the undying palace. 雪泷大人乃是心智高绝的女子,看到了风飞云进入不死殿的方法,于是也明白了其中的玄极,带着另外九名妖族修士进入了不死殿。 Who a moment ago that human was, the magical powers were so fierce, why before , hasn't heard his name?” “刚才那个人类到底是谁,神通如此厉害,为何以前都没有听说过他的名字?” More than the 20 young talents of human gather, only then two and three injured, a person by Feng Feiyun patting corona. 人类的20多位年轻才俊又聚集在一起,只有两、三人受伤,还有一人被风飞云给拍晕。 He is Half Monster.” Nie Shuangshuang is skilled in the astronomical geography and calculation rehearsal, Bei tooth the clear, red lip is bright, the Feng Feiyun actual situation completely understanding, in the star pupil was having several points of strange color. “他是半妖。”聂双双精通天文地理和推算排演,贝齿晶莹,红唇剔透,将风飞云的虚实给看透了一些,星眸之中带着几分奇异的色彩。 Hears Half Monster these two characters, the Xiao Tianyue complexion becomes sinks. 听到“半妖”这两个字,霄天悦的脸色变得更沉。 What? Can Half Monster be so strong unexpectedly?” “什么?半妖竟然可以这么强?” The young talents feel inconceivable, in their opinion Half Monster is humblly smallest and weakest existence, was also being stepped on the base and low lifeform of pressing with the boundary, never thinks Nirvana 3rd-layer Half Monster to be able the Nirvana 4th-layer Monster Clan powerhouse repelling. 很多年轻才俊都感觉到不可思议,在他们看来半妖就是最低贱最弱小的存在,在同境界也是被踩压的卑微生物,从未想过一个涅槃第三重半妖能够将涅槃第四重妖族强者给击退。 This makes people inconceivable on such as fantasy story simply generally. 这简直就如天方夜谭一般的让人不可思议。 Every several other time, in Half Monster can always leave one and two startled certainly the colorful character, even can with Immortal City City Lord, the Saint mansion mansion main young time fight, but is impossible to break through the Ascension boundary, finally in dire straits in the Nirvana boundary.” “每隔几个时代,半妖之中总是能出一、两个惊才绝艳的人物,甚至可以与仙城城主,圣府的府主年轻时候相争锋,但是却不可能突破羽化境,最终困死在了涅槃境界。” In Half Monster can break through to the Nirvana 4th-layer people are very few, how this has Half Monster achieved Nirvana 3rd-layer? Very possible this unable to break through for a lifetime again!” 半妖之中能够突破到涅槃第四重的人都少之又少,这个半妖就算达到了涅槃第三重又如何?很可能这一辈子都不能再突破了!” Walks! We also enter the half dead palace.” “走!我们也进入半死殿。” More than 20 human member also entered the undying palace. 20多位人类修士也进入了不死殿。 Here once was the place that white Zhusheng the ancestor old age grasped principles, regarding White Spider Monster Clan absolutely was sacred place general existence. 这里曾是白蛛圣祖晚年悟道的地方,对于白蛛妖族来说绝对是圣地一般的存在。 In the air seemed filling the ancient times Holy Saint aura, here each floor has been full of the divine nature, because they by Holy Saint stepping on. 空气中都似乎弥漫着远古圣灵的气息,这里的每一块地板都充满了神性,因为它们被圣灵给踩过。 Feng Feiyun entered the undying palace, felt that entered a completely different space world, here each thing perhaps by Holy Saint touching, this is separated by for trillion years to meet with Holy Saint simply. 风飞云走进了不死殿,感觉进入了一个完全不同的空间世界,这里的每一件东西曾经说不定都被圣灵给触摸过,这简直就是相隔亿万年与圣灵会晤。 This is an extremely strange feeling, from time to time makes the person whole body happy, from time to time makes the person whole body uncomfortable. 这是一种极其奇怪的感觉,时而让人浑身舒畅,时而又让人浑身都不舒服。 Uncle, why doesn't my sensation arrive at existence of my grandfather?” Sacred Fruit follows in Feng Feiyun. “二大爷,为什么我感知不到我爷爷的存在?”圣实果跟在风飞云的身后。 All senses in undying palace were suppressed, the spiritual energy in body was suppressed, is very strange, making in the heart of person have not a steadfast feeling. 不死殿之中的一切感官都被压制,就连身体之中的灵气都被压制住,十分诡异,让人的心中产生一种不踏实的感觉。 Cannot walk toward front again, walks the meridians in my body to be sealed up again, the spiritual energy is unable to operate in the body.” The Feng Feiyun sensation to was not wonderful, the sea of own dantian was imprisoned, the spiritual energy is unable to move. “不能再往前面走,再走我身体之中的经脉都会被封闭,灵气将无法在身体之中运行。”风飞云感知到了不妙,自己的丹田之海被禁锢住,灵气都无法动弹。 My grandfather what to do?” Sacred Fruit said. “那我爷爷怎么办?”圣实果道。 Your grandfather luck has good luck ever after unable dead greatly, the millennium turtles, ten thousand years of tortoise, refer to is your grandfather like this exists......” “你爷爷福大命大死不了,千年乌龟,万年王八,指的就是你爷爷这样的存在……” The Feng Feiyun heart moves suddenly, since undying palace spiritual energy imprisoning, is unable to display the magical powers, can only use the mortal body the strength. 风飞云的心头突然一动,既然不死殿之中将灵气给禁锢住,那么也就无法施展出神通,只能使用肉身的力量。 I have Ten Thousand Beasts Battle Body and Undying Phoenix Physique, the spiritual energy am imprisoned, how could it not be favorable for me?” “我拥有万兽战体不死凤凰身,灵气被禁锢住,对我岂不更加有利?” Walks! We go to look for your grandfather.” Feng Feiyun raises Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, on the face is having the strange smiling face, first one step walked. “走!我们进去找你爷爷。”风飞云提着天髓兵胆,脸上带着诡异的笑容,先一步的走了进去。 Follows, Sir Xue Shuang and Monster Clan nine powerhouses pursue the position that Feng Feiyun had stood a moment ago, simultaneously stopped the footsteps. 紧随其后,雪泷大人和妖族的九位强者追到了风飞云刚才所站的位置,同时停下了脚步。 Walks again forward, Monster Qi in Monster Bead will be suppressed.” A Monster Clan powerhouse slightly knitting the brows head. “再向前走,妖珠之中的妖气将会被压制。”一位妖族强者微微的皱了皱眉头。 Sir Xue Shuang smiled, said: That was better! Our Monster Clan majors in the mortal body, but human majors in the dantian, the aura in within the body is suppressed to be favorable for us.” 雪泷大人笑了笑,道:“那就更好了!我们妖族主修肉身,而人类主修丹田,体内的气息被压制住对我们更加有利。” Other nine Monster Clan powerhouses have also smiled. 另外的九位妖族强者也都笑了起来。 The human member also felt that was not wonderful, but the bodies of these young talents have enhancement mortal body strength talisman, does not dread, rushed. 那些跟着进来的人类修士也感觉到了不妙,但是这些年轻才俊的身上都有增强肉身力量的符箓,并不畏惧,也闯了进去。 Uncle, can we kill people really?” Mao Laoshi saying quietly. “二大爷,我们真的非杀人不可?”茅老实悄声的说道。 On the face of Feng Feiyun is having the color/look of cold sinking, the lance of finger tracing finger gently, said: I do not kill them, they must kill me, I do not want dead, then can only be they...... Death.” 风飞云的脸上带着冷沉之色,手指轻轻的摸了摸手指的长矛,道:“我不杀他们,他们就要杀我,我不想死,那么就只能是他们……死。” Bang!” “轰!” Above the body of Feng Feiyun erupts one to quarry a mountain to divide the strength of place, a lance pierced, will walk is pursuing a body of front Monster Clan powerhouse piercing. 风飞云的身体之上爆发出一股开山劈地之力,一矛洞穿了出去,将走在追前方的一位妖族强者的身体给洞穿。 The Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall sharp degree is unequalled, the Feng Feiyun strength can bare-handed hold up a mountain, this strikes to puncture, that Monster Clan powerhouse armor is unable to block. 天髓兵胆的锋利程度无与伦比,风飞云的力气更是能够徒手举起一座山岳,这一击刺出,就连那妖族强者身上的铠甲都无法挡住。 The blood has splattered place. 鲜血喷溅了一地。 However that Monster Clan powerhouse has not died, the vitality is extremely formidable, loudly exclaimed: He here.” 但是那一个妖族强者并没有死,生命力极其强大,大吼道:“他在这边。” Loquacity!” “多话!” Feng Feiyun leaps, has divided a palm in his head, gave the interruption the back of this Monster Clan powerhouse, the body falls down softly, changed into the primary form, turned into a white spider. 风飞云飞跃起来,在他头上劈了一掌,将这一位妖族强者的脊梁都给打断,身体软倒在了地上,化为原形,变成一只白蜘蛛。 A Nirvana 4th-layer Monster Clan powerhouse such fell from the sky, lethal he is not clear, are Monster Clan, the mortal body is why formidable, can actually 't support a palm of human member? 一位涅槃第四重妖族强者就这么陨落了,致死他都不明白,为何自己乃是妖族,肉身强大,却撑不住一个人类修士的一掌? A mortal body of human member is more formidable than Monster Clan. 一个人类修士的肉身难道比妖族还要强大。 When Sir Xue Shuang and eight Monster Clan powerhouses catch up, the ground then only remains a place monster blood. 雪泷大人和八位妖族强者赶过来之时,地上便只剩一地妖血。 Hateful! White Ihara such quickly was struck to kill unexpectedly, is the mortal body strength of this human so unexpectedly strong?” “可恶!白井原竟然这么快就被击杀,这个人类的肉身力量竟有那么强?” If Saint ancestor's «All generations undying Merit» has not been lost, who by the mortal body intensity can compared with our White Spider Monster Clan?” “若是圣祖的《万劫不死功》没有失传,论肉身强度谁能和我们白蛛妖族相比?” Sir Xue Shuang and Feng Feiyun have fought many times, including several times hit covered with blood Feng Feiyun, including her thinks that Feng Feiyun must die without doubt, but he lived, thus it can be seen his vitality was extremely definitely formidable, the mortal body absolutely will not be weak. 雪泷大人和风飞云交手了很多次,其中有几次都将风飞云打得血肉模糊,连她都认为风飞云必死无疑,但是他还是活过来了,由此可见他的生命力肯定极其强大,肉身也绝对不会弱。 Interesting, this human was really more and more interesting.” The smiling face of Sir Xue Shuang is very beautiful is also very cold. “有意思,这个人类真是越来越有意思了。”雪泷大人的笑容很美也很冷。 The space in undying palace is very broad, and is only a palace so is not only simple, the light is reading room several hundred, rockery that some withered ponds, split, dry waterfall, even also has float tattered ancient Ya. 不死殿之中的空间十分广阔,并不仅仅只是一个殿宇那么简单,光是书屋都有数百座,还有一些干枯的池塘,裂开的假山,干涸的瀑布,甚至还有一座座悬浮的破烂古崖。 This likely is a shatter microcosm. 这像是一个破碎的小世界。 Feng Feiyun hid in a withered pond, in this pond full was the glittering and translucent carving stone, like a slabstone forest. 风飞云躲到了一个干枯的池塘之中,这池塘里面满是晶莹剔透的石头,像一片石林。 In the pond once affirmed that is Shengquan, can the life and death person and live white bones, because actually the time is extremely remote and withered. 池中曾经肯定全是圣泉,可以生死人、活白骨,但是却因为时间太过久远而干枯。 This Nirvana 4th-layer monster corpse should be able to exchange 30 military exploits.” “这一具涅槃第四重的妖尸应该能够兑换30点军功。” Can achieve the Nirvana 4th-layer member is not that easily can be killed, reason that Feng Feiyun can achieve, that is because in the undying palace has the strength of imprisonment, making his mortal body strength obtain the demonstration. 能够达到涅槃第四重的修士都不是那么容易能够被杀死,风飞云之所以能够做到,那是因为不死殿之中有禁锢之力,让他的肉身力量得到了展示。 Uncle, you quick, in this pool has a fish.” “二大爷,你快来看,这池子里有一条鱼。” Sacred Fruit has as if discovered any novel thing, loud call Feng Feiyun. 圣实果似乎发现了什么新奇的东西,大声的呼叫风飞云 ...... …… Restores to renew! 恢复更新! renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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