SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#920: undying palace

God! The wall of this palace is builds with gold thread Spirit Stone!” 天呐!这一座宫殿的墙壁乃是用金丝灵石堆砌而成!” , A voice of man resounds by far, the foot steps on azure rosy clouds, fell outside the float palace. 远远的,一个男子的声音响起,脚踩一片青色的云霞,落到了悬浮的宫殿之外。 This man about 20 years old is, puts on a white armor, the heroic spirit is threatening, is a Epic Level young talent. 这个男子大约20来岁,穿着一身白色的铠甲,英气逼人,乃是一位史诗级别的年轻才俊。 Mo brother, should better be more careful, I felt that here had the air current to fluctuate a moment ago, perhaps has the powerhouse to hide in the hidden place.” The Young City Lord Xiao Tianyue foot of Nine Firmaments Immortal City steps on void, the footprint like the lotus flower, gradually walked. “莫兄,最好还是小心一些,我感觉到这里刚才有气流波动,说不定有强者隐藏在暗处。”九霄仙城少城主霄天悦脚踩虚空,脚印就如莲花,一步一步的走了过来。 This is one group of young talents, fully more than 20 people, status lowest is side Yuzhu heir. 这是一群年轻才俊,足有20多人,身份最低的都是一方域主的子嗣。 And some Immortal City and top talent of Saint mansion, is the outstanding character who countless people look up to and envy. 其中更是有一些仙城、圣府的顶尖才俊,乃是无数人仰望和羡慕的杰出人物。 Especially Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord Xiao Tianyue, is called southwest 12 boundary topest six person one. 特别是九霄仙城少城主霄天悦,被称为西南12境最顶尖的六位人杰之一。 They are follow the elder to enter this void world, these elder already entered the deep place of void world to seek for Holy Ghost Tomb, but they stayed in the surrounding to be informed and experienced. 他们乃是跟随长辈进入这一片虚空世界,那些长辈都已经进入了虚空世界的深处去寻找圣灵墓葬,而他们则留在了外围历练。 Xiao Tianyue cultivation base is as deep as a well, the body bright link winds around, in the double pupil the flowing unusual brightness, launches an eye pupil treasure technique toward the four directions investigation, finally has not searched the result. 霄天悦修为高深莫测,身上有神环缭绕,双眸之中流动宝光,展开一种眼瞳宝术向着四方探查,最终还是没有寻觅到结果。 Has the aura of human to stay behind, it seems like it was already entered in that palace.” A day arrogant female Spiritual Awareness is very formidable, smells the aura that human has left behind in the air. “有人类的气息留下,看来是已经进入了那一座宫殿之中。”一位天之骄女的灵觉很强大,在空气之中嗅到了人类留下的气息。 The Xiao Tianyue vision is dignified, said: Do not act rashly, in this palace has the extremely dangerous aura.” 霄天悦目光凝重,道:“不要轻举妄动,这一座宫殿之中有极其危险的气息。” Has? How do I feel not?” A man of having hair dishevelled rushed, in the hand is raising a bowl mouth thick golden color iron rod, a stick has shelled toward the palace top. “有吗?我怎么感觉到不?”一个披头散发的男子冲了上去,手中提着一根碗口粗的金色铁棍,一棍子向着宫殿顶部轰击了下去。 He saw top palace tile is polishes with the fine gold liquid gold male stone, this was the priceless refiner most precious object, was very precious. 他看出了宫殿顶部的瓦片乃是用鎏金水牡石打磨而成,这可是价值连城的炼器至宝,十分珍贵。 Bang!” “轰!” An invisible air wave from palace in bursts out, erupts the easily accomplished strength. 一道无形的气浪从宫殿的之中迸发出来,爆发出摧枯拉朽的力量。 The male complexion of that having hair dishevelled changes, takes back the golden iron rod protection body hastily, but that strength is not he can contend, hits on his body, immediately shaking to fly the iron rod in his hand, but his body was collapsed is split up, the blood tosses is void. 那个披头散发的男子脸色一变,连忙收回金色的铁棍守护身体,但是那一股力量不是他可以抗衡,撞击在他的身上,顿时将他手中的铁棍给震飞了出去,而他的身体更是被崩得四分五裂,鲜血抛洒在虚空。 A natural talent colorful talent body dies certainly at the scene. 一位天资绝艳的才俊当场身死。 Has the strangeness, has the strangeness, everybody draws back quickly.” Grew the day of valuable blue color long hair the arrogant female to call one to defend talisman, gave to block the complementary waves of that impulse, gave all young talents pushed out horizontally. “有古怪,有古怪,大家快退。”一个长着宝蓝色长发的天之骄女唤出了一张防御符箓,将那一股冲击力的余波给挡住,将所有的年轻才俊都给横推了出去。 All talent outstanding do not dare to act rashly, although the treasure is good, but the life is more important. 所有的天才俊杰都不敢轻举妄动,宝物虽好,但是性命更重要。 A very gentle female makes noise suddenly, said: I knew, this palace likely is the place that in the legend white Zhusheng the ancestor old age grasps principles, named undying palace.” 一个十分文静的女子突然出声,道:“我知道了,这一种宫殿很可能就是传说之中白蛛圣祖晚年悟道的地方,名叫‘不死殿’。” This very gentle female has the long hair, the eye pupil is in sharp contrast, eyelash curved, is a learned and accomplished talented woman, named Nie Shuangshuang, is the sea mister passes on the disciple, has achieved the Grade 7 Great Wiseman rank. 这个十分文静的女子留着长长的头发,眼眸黑白分明,睫毛弯弯,乃是一位博学多才的才女,名叫聂双双,乃是沧海先生的亲传弟子,达到了七品大智师的级别。 She was well-read, perceives through meditation the antiquity to be difficult, thoroughly understands the astronomical geography, was skilled in five lines of Eight Trigrams (gossip), before entering Holy Ghost Tomb glanced through the ancient ancient book, analyzed the thing about white Zhusheng ancestor. 她博览群书,参悟上古疑难,通晓天文地理,精通五行八卦,在进入圣灵墓葬之前就翻阅了很多古老的典籍,分析出了很多关于白蛛圣祖的东西。 This palace is the place that white Zhusheng the ancestor old age grasps principles! 这一座宫殿就是白蛛圣祖晚年悟道的地方! Many worthy people of former times pass through from here, merely the sensation arrives at the palace to be very unusual, does not dare to intrude, actually does not know that here unexpectedly is the undying palace. 就连很多先贤从这里经过,都仅仅感知到宫殿很异常,不敢闯入,却不知道这里竟然就是不死殿。 Some person close palaces of quietly, the character on careful identification palace front door top inscribed horizontal tablet, identified for a long time to identify above to write undying very much two characters, confirmed words that Nie spoke in pairs. 有人悄悄的接近宫殿,仔细的辨认宫殿大门顶部的匾额上的字,辨认了很久才辨认出上面写着“不死”两个字,证实了聂双双所说的话。 God! If this is really the place that white Zhusheng the ancestor old age grasps principles, can leave behind the «All generations undying Merit» incomplete book?” A territory host's son is very excited, the body is shivering. 天呐!若是这真的是白蛛圣祖晚年悟道的地方,会不会留下了《万劫不死功》的残本?”一位域主之子很是激动,身体都在颤抖。 Other Xiao Tianyue and these talent outstanding also facial expression differences, if can obtain «All generations undying Merit», even if only the incomplete book, then is quite extraordinary. 霄天悦和别的那些天才俊杰也都神情异样,若是能够得到《万劫不死功》,哪怕只是残本,那么都相当了不得。 Haha! One crowd of human dare to covet my Monster Clan Holy Saint magical powers unexpectedly, really does not want to live.” “哈哈!一群人类竟然敢觊觎我妖族圣灵神通,真是不想活了。” A piece of enormous and powerful monster Yunfei, in the monster cloud departed ten person's shadows, had the male to have the female, was throwing over the white long hair , was very young, but cultivation base actually all good. 一片浩荡的妖云飞了过来,妖云之中飞出十道人影,有男有女,都披着白色长发,也都很是年轻,但是修为却都个个不俗。 They are the White Spider Monster Clan young talents. 他们乃是白蛛妖族的年轻才俊。 Sir Xue Shuang impressively also, is one of the ten people, the red silk drags, the organism is plentiful, the slender snow monster exposes in the air swings with the wind, very charming attractive. 雪泷大人赫然也在其中,乃是十人之一,红绸拖地,肌体丰腴,纤细的雪妖暴露在空气之中随风而摇,十分妩媚诱人。 She is the Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan little paternal aunt, is a White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan people, the natural talent extremely, lived several thousand years of old monster compared to these, her already is very young. 她乃是妃媛公主的小姑姑,为白蛛妖族的皇族中人,天资绝顶,相对于那些活了数千年的老怪物,她已经算是十分年轻。 Feng Feiyun hides after the giant stone of distant place, the body is throwing over the hidden silkworm gauze, is glad to look at the good play, some best people able to rush in „the undying palace that to be good. 风飞云躲在远处的一块巨石之后,身上披着隐蚕纱罗,乐得看好戏,最好是有人能够闯进“不死殿”那就再好不过了。 First has killed these ten evildoer/monstrous talent, then seeks to enter the method of undying palace.” Xiao Tianyue has made such decision. “先杀了这十个妖孽,再寻找进入不死殿的方法。”霄天悦做出了这样的决定。 More than 20 people of human one side are the top talent of younger generation, cultivation base are extremely formidable, simultaneously kills, must cutting to kill White Spider Monster Clan ten heavenly talent. 人类一方的20多人都是年轻一代的顶尖才俊,修为极其强大,同时杀出,要将白蛛妖族的十位天骄给斩杀。 Acts recklessly!” White delicate arms of Sir Xue Shuang wield, makes laminar flow light, has cut like a white god blade, human heavenly talent dividing to fly. “不知死活!”雪泷大人的一条玉臂挥出,打出一片流光,像一道白色的神刃斩了出去,将其中一位人类天骄给劈飞。 Her finger lengthened, changes into a sharp blade to puncture, must that human heavenly talent assassinating. 她的手指变长,化为了一道利刃刺出,要将那一位人类天骄给刺死。 Whish!” “哗!” Xiao Tianyue offered a sacrifice to a handle Divine Sword, stood beside void, divided a sword toward Sir Xue Shuang, the sword air/Qi was sharp, has divided just like the thunder together. 霄天悦祭出了一柄神剑,站在虚空之外,向着雪泷大人劈出了一剑,剑气锋利,宛若一道雷霆劈了下来。 Sir Xue Shuang compelling to draw back by the sword air/Qi, in the coquettish look gives birth to the eyes, smiles gracefully, in the sandalwood mouth puts out a white spider's silk, the aurora departs likely together. 雪泷大人被剑气给迫退,媚眼之中生出秋波,盈盈一笑,檀口之中吐出一道白色的蛛丝,像是一道极光飞出。 Xiao Tianyue is the southwest 12 boundary topest talents, the Divine Sword in hand is activated worthily, the sword air/Qi runs out, covers the surrounding area several tens of thousands miles, changed into a sword territory, cuts off spider's silk cuns (2.5 cm) that Sir Xue Shuang puts out. 霄天悦不愧是西南12境最顶尖的才俊,手中的神剑被激活,剑气冲出,覆盖方圆数万里,化为了一座剑域,将雪泷大人吐出的蛛丝寸寸斩断。 „The heavenly talent talents of human younger generation also are really many.” Sir Xue Shuang beautiful pupil flow of tears, increases to the Xiao Tianyue interest, war intent was stimulated thoroughly, Monster Qi from buying a pore runs out, changed into a huge monster territory. “人类年轻一代的天骄才俊还真是不少。”雪泷大人美眸涟涟,对霄天悦兴趣大增,身上的战意被彻底激发出来,妖气从买一个毛孔之中冲出,也化为了一座庞大的妖域。 Monster Clan ten young powerhouse cultivation base are very tyrannical, another nine people have the good strength, each strided in the Nirvana 4th-layer boundary, cultivated own territory. 妖族的十位年轻强者修为都十分强横,另外九人也都有不俗的战力,每一个都跨入了涅槃第四重的境界,修炼出了属于自己的域。 In these heavenly talent of human also several people very formidable, the territory Lord child of like lima wood territory is too not handsome, Grade 7 Great Wiseman Nie Shuangshuang, that grows the young girl of blue long hair is also being the powerhouse, the strength endures the old ancestor of Clan. 人类的那些天骄之中也有几人十分强大,像赤木域的域主之子莫太俊,七品大智师聂双双,还有那个长着蓝色长发的少女也都是强者,战力堪比古族的老祖。 When the talent of this transvestite is battling, Feng Feiyun was calculating how to enter „the undying palace. 在这人妖的天才都在激战之时,风飞云则在推算着如何进入“不死殿”。 Why hasn't Mao Wugui encountered in the undying palace the attack of that mysterious strength? 茅乌龟到底为何没有遭到不死殿中那一股神秘力量的攻击? Is because it completely has restrained strength?” “难道是因为它将身上的力量都完全收敛了起来?” Feng Feiyun has thought a moment ago by that human heavenly talent that the undying palace town died, he was because has attacked the undying palace, will therefore be killed by shock. 风飞云想到了刚才被不死殿镇死的那一个人类天骄,他就是因为攻击了不死殿,所以才会被震死。 When Feng Feiyun first time wants to stride in the undying palace, in the undying palace also merely is only one wants the strength that he draws, wants to repel this strength to him the time, the undying palace also launched the attack to him. 而且在风飞云第一次想要跨入不死殿之时,不死殿之中也仅仅只是一股想要将他拉进去的力量,到他想要排斥这股力量的时候,不死殿也才对他发起了攻击。 In other words, you have created the striking power to the undying palace strongly, the undying palace will have the striking power that doubles to you. If you do not have hostility not to have the attack to the undying palace, then the undying palace will not attack you.” “也就是说,你对不死殿造成了攻击力有多强,不死殿就会对你产生加倍的攻击力。若是你对不死殿没有敌意也没有产生攻击,那么不死殿也就不会攻击你。” Feng Feiyun thought oneself should guess right some paths, can go to try. 风飞云觉得自己应该是猜对了一些路子,可以前去一试。 Bang!” “轰!” A human talent was struck to fly, the body hits above that giant stone that in Feng Feiyun has hidden, gives to crack-up the giant stone, the buttocks were hitting the body of Sacred Fruit. 一个人类才俊被击飞,身体撞在了风飞云藏身的那一块巨石之上,将巨石给撞碎,屁股撞着了圣实果的身上。 Yeah! What thing is hitting me?” Sacred Fruit called out pitifully, ran from the hidden silkworm gauze. “哎!什么东西在撞我?”圣实果惨叫了起来,从隐蚕纱罗之中跑了出去。 But that hits in Sacred Fruit human talent calls out pitifully fiercely, the buttocks become covered with blood, was given the puncture wound by Sacred Fruit projecting edge, chrysanthemum opens. 而那一个撞在圣实果身上的人类才俊惨叫得更厉害,屁股都变得血肉模糊,被圣实果身上的铁刺给刺伤,菊花朵朵开。 Any thing...... The pain died I!” “什么东西……痛死我了!” This human talent covers buttocks to yell, above the buttocks full is the blood, at once does not call, because he noticed that a giant fruit was also calling out pitifully, this fruit like the big durian that steel cast. 这个人类才俊捂着屁股大叫,屁股之上满是鲜血,旋即却不叫了,因为他看到一枚巨大的果子也在惨叫,这枚果子就像一枚钢铁铸成的大榴莲。 At this time Feng Feiyun naturally could not hide, gave to take off the hidden silkworm gauze, a palm patted in the back of the head of that human talent, has fainted to the racket him, called out: Mao Laoshi, with me comes, to ask your grandfather to go.” 这个时候风飞云自然是躲不下去了,将隐蚕纱罗给脱下,一掌拍在了那个人类才俊的后脑,将他给拍晕了过去,叫道:“茅老实,跟我来,找你爷爷去。” Feng Feiyun does not dare to wear dragon Linfeng the leather clothing at this time, after all on the scene is the human and Monster Clan outstanding talent, has the day of Grade 7 Great Wiseman rank the arrogant female, perhaps some people can distinguish the aura of dragon and phoenix. 风飞云这个时候不敢穿上龙鳞凤皮衣,毕竟在场都是人类和妖族的杰出才俊,其中更是有七品大智师级别的天之骄女,说不定其中有人能够识别出龙、凤的气息。 Any thing that and dragon and phoenix touch on slightly, is the unsurpassed great treasures, once this news passes on, not only will be the powerhouse of human will not let off Feng Feiyun, will be dragon clan and phoenix clan definitely is alarmed, when the time comes he really will ascend the sky roadless, will enter does not have the gate. 凡是和龙、凤沾边的东西,都是无上巨宝,一旦这个消息传出去,不仅是人类的强者不会放过风飞云,就是龙族和凤族都肯定会被惊动,到时候他就真的上天无路,入地无门。 Feng Feiyun Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall transforming is a lance, raises in the hand, speedily turns toward the undying palace to fly, Sacred Fruit follows close on his. 风飞云天髓兵胆给幻化为一杆长矛,提在手中,疾速向着不死殿飞去,圣实果紧跟在他的身后。 Is you!” “是你!” First the person who Feng Feiyun recognizes is not Sir Xue Shuang, but is Xiao Tianyue. 第一个将风飞云认出的人不是雪泷大人,而是霄天悦 At the Xiao Tianyue big marriage on the same day, Feng Feiyun is in front of world all talents, gives to rob his concubine, this simply is the great shame. 霄天悦的大婚当日,风飞云当着天下所有才俊的面,将他的小妾给抢走,这简直就是奇耻大辱。 At that time Feng Feiyun punctured a spear/gun in the gate of wormhole to him, the aura of that spear/gun he has not forgotten now. 当时风飞云在虫洞之门中向他刺出了一枪,那一枪的气息他现在也没有忘。 Although afterward the two young masters of battlefield nobility mansion personally acted, makes him not continue to investigate, but that matter makes him take to heart as before, was impossible to be friendly. 虽然后来战地爵府的二公子亲自出面,才让他没有继续追究下去,但是那一件事却依旧让他耿耿于怀,不可能善了。 At this moment saw Feng Feiyun, simply is the enemies often cross each other's path. 此刻见到了风飞云,简直就是冤家路窄。 Hehe! Also is really the enemies often cross each other's path!” Sir Xue Shuang also recognizing of Feng Feiyun, in the sandalwood mouth puts out a spider's silk, is a white immortal rope goes toward the Feng Feiyun bunch likely. “呵呵!还真是冤家路窄!”雪泷大人也将风飞云的认出,檀口之中吐出一根蛛丝,像是一根白色的仙绳向着风飞云捆去。 His life is my!” “他的命是我的!” A Xiao Tianyue sword gives to cut off the spider's silk, then turned toward Feng Feiyun to cut a sword. 霄天悦一剑将蛛丝给斩断,然后向着风飞云斩出了一剑。 „! My life is my.” “切!我的命是我自己的。” In the body of Feng Feiyun erupted 30 million grains of rays, the lance in hand has divided horizontally, gives the disintegration the sword air/Qi that Xiao Tianyue cut, continued to fly toward the undying palace. 风飞云的身体之中爆发出30000000粒光芒,手中的长矛横劈了出去,将霄天悦斩出的剑气给崩碎,继续向着不死殿飞去。
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