SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#919: Void world

The Sacred Fruit speed is extremely fast, like light Li, does not know how long together to fly, finally departed the fog, arrives at a void world. 圣实果的速度极快,像一道光黎,不知飞行了多久,终于飞出了雾霭,来到一片虚空世界。 Sacred Fruit stopped, crawls from yellow stone ancient Guan below, said: „The source of Holy Saint aura in that void world.” 圣实果停了下来,从黄石古棺的下面爬出,道:“圣灵气息的源头就在那一片虚空世界之中。” Its Spiritual Awareness is exceptionally formidable, can all things of sensation to about Holy Saint. 它的灵觉异常强大,能够感知到关于圣灵的一切东西。 The place that Feng Feiyun stands likely is piece of ancient Ya, the back is the ground that the smog winds around, front is the bottomless trench, looks into the distance during toward void, sees only this piece to be void has the float mainland, islands, giant stone and sand. 风飞云所站立的地方像是一片古崖,背后是烟雾缭绕的地面,前面是无底深渊,向着虚空之中眺望,只见这一片虚空之中有很多悬浮的大陆、岛屿、巨石、沙粒。 Above the mainland and islands as if construct the Divine Palace immortal space, above the giant stone are having some huge skeletons, does not know that saved the world many years, does not know that which clan was. 大陆和岛屿之上似乎建着神宫仙宇,巨石之上有一些庞大的骨骼,也不知存世了多少年,更不知属于哪一族。 Above the remote void mainland has the sword light and spirit glow raises, obviously some already people entered that void world. 遥远的虚空大陆之上有剑光和灵芒升起,显然已经有人进入了那一片虚空世界。 Holy Ghost Tomb is really not the manpower can estimate, light will be this Dao Sect countless people blocking outside.” Mao Wugui toward behind looked. 圣灵墓葬果然不是人力可以揣度,光是这一道门就会将无数人给拦在外面。”茅乌龟向着身后看了看。 This piece of their tread line several months of region, merely is only a Holy Ghost Tomb Dao Sect threshold, but has „the close horizon to be cut off, many member are for a lifetime impossible to fly this section of road. 这一片他们奔行了数个月的地域,仅仅只是圣灵墓葬的一道门槛,但是却有“咫尺化天涯”相阻隔,很多修士一辈子都不可能飞过这一段路。 Feng Feiyun turns head to look, the Holy Ghost Tomb front door in the smog, only has more than ten zhang (3.33 m) far to oneself, but these more than ten zhang (3.33 m) was away from itself actually to fly for three months not to surmount, if did not have Sacred Fruit, perhaps again flew for dozens years also not necessarily to fly. 风飞云回头望去,圣灵墓葬的大门就在烟雾之中,离自己只有十多丈远,但是这十多丈的距离自己却飞行了三个多月都没有跨越,若是没有圣实果,说不定就算再飞几十年也未必飞得过来。 Unbearable! 咫尺天涯! Perhaps also only then the worthy people of former times of Ascension boundary can understand some mysteries to pass this section of road.” -- Said. “或许也只有羽化境的先贤才能够参透其中的一些玄虚通过这一段路。”--道。 The boundary, cannot completely understand the actual situation. 境界不到,就看不透虚实。 Feng Feiyun and Mao grandfather and grandson changed into three Daoist believers light to fly into that void world, fell above a hanging giant stone, then jumped to one hangs on the floating island, flew toward the position of Holy Ghost Tomb center. 风飞云和茅家祖孙俩化为三道流光飞进了那一片虚空世界,落到了一块悬空的巨石之上,然后又跳跃到一座悬浮岛上,向着圣灵墓葬中心的位置飞去。 We are more careful, any people who can rush to here have a Great God character, their finger can destroy void, cannot be realized by them.” Mao Wugui starts to be afraid, it felt that several tyrannical aura, shook the surrounding these islands and mainland are shivering. “我们还是小心一些,凡是能够闯到此处的人都是拥有大神通的人物,他们的一根手指都能够打碎一片虚空,万万不能被他们察觉到。”茅乌龟开始心虚起来,它感觉到了几股强横至极的气息,震荡得周围那些岛屿和大陆都在颤抖。 Feng Feiyun naturally understands the own present several jin (0.5 kg) several two, not going and these Ascension worthy people of former times not awfully will contend, said: Careful is on.” 风飞云自然明白自己现在有几斤几两,不会不要命的去和那些羽化先贤相争,道:“小心为上。” These day Feng Feiyun and Mao Wugui and Mao Laoshi linger in the surrounding of void world, hide in the skeletons of some giant stones, or is in palace error of some float islands. 这几日风飞云茅乌龟茅老实都在虚空世界的外围徘徊,藏身在一些巨石的骨架之中,或者是一些悬浮岛屿的宫阙之中。 Mother! This group of bastards, the treasures in these palace error were taken away.” “妈的!这群王八蛋,这些宫阙之中的宝物都被收走了。” Mao Wugui hits the front door that a palace gives, inside Formation already was destroyed completely, some accumulated raised many years of treasure to be taken away, completely empty. 茅乌龟将一座宫殿给的大门撞开,里面的阵法已经被破坏殆尽,一些蕴养了多年的宝物都被收走,空空如也。 Feng Feiyun, said with a smile: „ white Zhusheng ancestor already died the endless years, even if has left behind the treasure in these palaces, perhaps these treasure already are rotten completely, the thing that can preserve definitely is the rare wonderful treasure, very few, was taken by these Ascension worthy people of former times is too normal. 风飞云也跟着走了进来,笑道:“白蛛圣祖都已经死了无尽岁月,就算真的在这些宫殿之中留下了宝物,恐怕这些宝物都已经烂尽,能够保存下来的东西肯定都是稀世奇宝,少之又少,被那些羽化先贤取走实在太正常不过。 Mao Laoshi also get lost/rolled, said: I can feel that some palaces had not been opened, perhaps some inside wonderful treasures have not taken.” 茅老实也滚了进来,道:“我能感觉到有些宫殿没有被打开,里面或许还有一些奇宝没有取走。” Haha! The clever grandson, did not lead the grandfather to look quickly.” “哈哈!乖孙子,还不快带爷爷去找。” Void world also endless vast, some innumerable float islands and giant stones, even also has a piece by piece shatter mainland, here simply like an independent vast world. 虚空世界也无尽浩瀚,有无数悬浮的岛屿和巨石,甚至还有一片片破碎的大陆,这里简直就像一个独立的浩渺世界。 First even/including flew for three days in the void world, finally found a piece of nobody has come to the region. 一连在虚空世界之中飞行了三天,终于找到一片没人来过的地域。 Here float two huge giant stones, each giant stone several hundred miles are long, is all over the body swarthy, the quality of material is hard. 这里悬浮着两块庞大的巨石,每一块巨石都有数百里长,通体黝黑,质地坚硬。 In two giant stones central locations float a tower-shaped palace, this palace does not know that refining up with any material quality sacrifice, without the protection of any Formation, can actually save the world to be eternal, although already is tattered, but lets the person very surprise as before. 在两块巨石的中央位置悬浮着一座塔形的宫殿,这一座宫殿也不知是用什么材质祭炼而成,没有任何阵法的守护,竟然都能够存世万古,虽然已经破破烂烂,但是依旧让人十分诧异。 Reason that the Divine Palace immortal palaces above these islands can preserve , because they were being protected by Formation, but this palace does not have Formation to protect, but does not extinguish according to old stock world hundred million ten thousand years, making people feel astonished. 那些岛屿之上的神宫仙殿之所以能够保存下来,是因为它们被阵法保护着,而这一座宫殿没有阵法保护,但是依旧存世亿万载不灭,让人感到惊异。 This palace is actually incomplete, including many place already damage, even has also collapsed an corner/horn, many jade column and iron wall wall block falls, scattered in disorder float above void. 这一座宫殿其实并不完好,其中有很多地方都已经破损,甚至还垮塌了一角,有很多玉柱和铁壁墙块落下,散乱的悬浮在虚空之上。 Mao Wugui together colored glaze color/look tile picking, with has gnawed gnawing in the mouth, only then mung bean that big eye immediately one bright, received without delay, has forced in the tortoise shell. 茅乌龟将一块琉璃色的瓦片给捡起来,拿在嘴里啃了啃,只有绿豆那么大的眼睛顿时一亮,二话不说就收了起来,塞进了龟壳里面。 Feng Feiyun flew , a tile picking up. 风飞云飞了过去,也将一块瓦片给捡起。 This is together very spacious tile, fully one foot, about 8000 cattys in weight, above full is the trace of decency. 这是一块十分宽大的瓦片,足有一尺长,重达8000多斤,上面满是风化的痕迹。 The endless remote time made this tile probably make decent, has left the uneven trace, but as before spiritual intelligence was full, was flowing faint golden color radiance. 无尽久远的时间让这一块瓦片都要风化了,留下了很多凹凸不平的痕迹,但是却依旧灵性十足,流动着淡淡的金色光华。 The common tile, saves the world several hundred years, several thousand years also changed into the dust, but this tile preserves the present not to have from the ancient times rottenly completely, fully explained its uncommonness. 一般的瓦片,存世数百年,数千年也就化为了尘土,但是这一块瓦片从远古保存到现在都没有烂尽,足以说明它的不凡。 This tile with the fine gold liquid gold male stone polish, I depends, no wonder this turtle does not utter a word fills toward the tortoise shell.” “这瓦片是用鎏金水牡石打磨而成,我靠,难怪这乌龟一声不吭的就往龟壳里面塞。” Fine gold liquid gold male stone is the sacrifice refining up the Grade 10 above Spirit Artifact necessary material, is very scarce, price is much more expensive, but does not have the city as before valuably. “鎏金水牡石”乃是祭炼十品以上的灵器的必备材料,十分稀少,价格贵得离谱,但是依旧有价无市。 One jin (0.5 kg) fine gold liquid gold male stone price, over 10,000 Spirit Stone. 一斤鎏金水牡石的价格,超过10000枚灵石 The tile in Feng Feiyun hand on about 8000 cattys in weight, this may on value 80 million Spirit Stone. 风飞云手中的这一块瓦片就重达8000多斤,这可就值80000000枚灵石 In Feng Feiyun slightly absent-minded one instant, more than 20 tiles that Mao Wugui already did not utter a word forcing in the tortoise shell. 风飞云略微失神的一个刹那,茅乌龟已经一声不吭的将20多块瓦片给塞进了龟壳里面。 Feng Feiyun naturally refuses to admit being inferior, finally snatched 16 fine gold liquid gold male tiles. 风飞云自然不甘示弱,最终抢到了16块鎏金水牡瓦片。 Then Feng Feiyun section of diameter one meter thick scarlet red pillar snatching, is three meters, over 3000000 cattys in weight. 然后风飞云将一截直径一米粗的赤红色的柱子给抢到,长达三米,重量超过3000000斤。 This pillar as before was also given the corrosion by the time, becomes very anomalous, everywhere will be corrosion from now on traces, will give to wipe a superficial scarlet red dust, inside has revealed flame generally shining goal radiance immediately, will puncture the person eyes to send to hurt. 这一根柱子也依旧被时间给腐蚀,变得很不规则,到处都是腐蚀过后的痕迹,将表面的一层赤红色的灰尘给擦去,里面顿时露出了火焰一般耀目的光华,刺得人眼睛发疼。 Pillar that hot luan bone carves!” Feng Feiyun is very surprised. “火鸾骨雕琢成的柱子!”风飞云很惊讶。 Fire Bird Monster Clan is one of the Antique Saint Monster Clan, has extremely the most expensive bloodlines, but the bone of hot luan was actually carved the pillar, is really the great writer. 火鸾妖族乃是太古圣妖族之一,拥有极其最贵的血脉,但是火鸾的骨头却被雕琢成了柱子,真是大手笔。 The use of hot luan bone is enormous, can be used to refine the top compounded drug, even if micro extremely hot luan bone can sell the high price, is valuable medicine that the refine the pill of immortality Grandmaster crave to need. 火鸾骨的用处极大,可以用来炼制顶尖丹药,哪怕只是极其微量的火鸾骨都能够卖出高价来,乃是炼丹宗师们热衷需要的宝药。 3 million jin (0.5 kg) hot luan bones, if by these refine the pill of immortality Grandmaster were seen perhaps wants to be excited goes crazy.” Feng Feiyun this section of pillar receiving, the heart is excited exceptionally, the treasure in Holy Ghost Tomb were too many. “3000000斤的火鸾骨,若是被那些炼丹宗师们看到恐怕是要激动得发疯。”风飞云将这一截柱子给收起,心头兴奋异常,圣灵墓葬之中的宝物实在太多了。 Not only there is the fine gold liquid gold male tile and hot luan bone pillar, with the wall that entire entire gold thread Spirit Stone builds, each wall is flowing golden radiance, for priceless treasure. 不仅有鎏金水牡瓦片、火鸾骨柱子,还有用整块整块的金丝灵石堆砌成的墙壁,每一块墙壁都流动着金色的光华,为无价之宝。 Feng Feiyun and Mao Wugui gather the speed to be extremely quick, quick a tile, pillar and wall that corner/horn collapses the palace, gives to gather cleanly. 风飞云茅乌龟收取速度极快,很快就将宫殿垮塌下来的一角的瓦片、柱子、墙壁,都给收取干净。 This merely is only the corner of palace. 这仅仅只是宫殿的一角。 This palace is very strange, Feng Feiyun and Mao Laoshi, you are waiting outside, I search to explore the way advanced.” Mao Wugui is very serious, performance brave of , stretched out a claw blocking Feng Feiyun, then by the body violated the danger has jumped in the front door of palace. “这一座宫殿很古怪,风飞云茅老实,你们在外面等着,我先进去探探路。”茅乌龟十分严肃,表现的很勇敢,伸出一只爪子将风飞云给拦了下来,然后以身犯险的跳进了宫殿的大门之中。 How this turtle in hitting any wicked scheme Feng Feiyun can not know, if Feng Feiyun is kept waiting really here, then any treasure in palace did not have. 这只乌龟在打什么鬼主意风飞云岂会不知,若是风飞云真的在这里傻等,那么宫殿之中的什么宝贝都没有了。 Uncle, my grandfather provides leadership heroically, intrudes in the palace to explore the way excellently, can encounter the danger?” Sacred Fruit some say/way of worry. “二大爷,我爷爷身先士卒、英勇过人闯入宫殿之中探路,会不会遇到危险啊?”圣实果有些担心的道。 Should......” “应该……” Feng Feiyun already wanted one step to stride in the palace, but feels in the palace to transmit an extremely dangerous aura suddenly, like the invisible hand claw, must catch toward the palace in him. 风飞云本来都已经想要一步跨入宫殿之中,但是突然感觉到宫殿之中传来一股极其危险的气息,就像有一只无形的手爪,要将他往宫殿里面抓进去。 „Not right...... Draws back!” “不对……退!” Feng Feiyun carries on the back to haunch a pair of scarlet-red phoenix wing, in the hand condenses a handle white sword, cuts toward void , the fierce scary blade air/Qi has welled up together crazily, likely is a flame river. 风飞云的背上撑起一对赤红的凤凰羽翼,手中凝聚出一柄白色的战刀,向着虚空之中一斩,一道凶猛骇人的刀气狂涌了出去,像是一条火焰长河。 Feng Feiyun now is Nirvana 3rd-layer cultivation base, the strength no small matter. 风飞云现在乃是涅槃第三重修为,战力非同小可。 The blade air/Qi divided into the front door of palace, but was actually similar to likes a stone dropped into the sea, has not aroused including spray. 刀气劈入了宫殿的大门,但是却如同石沉大海,连一个浪花都没有激起。 Bang!” “轰!” The huge fluctuation has welled up from the front door of palace together but actually, to has flown upside down Feng Feiyun and Sacred Fruit. 一道庞大的波动从宫殿的大门之中倒涌了出来,将风飞云圣实果给冲得倒飞了出去。 The Feng Feiyun horizontal blade is a shield, kept off the knife before the body, the body flew upside down dozens miles to live in the body. 风飞云横刀为盾,将刀身挡在了身前,身体倒飞数十里远才顿住身体。 What's the matter? Did abandon in the palace of endless years really to have such formidable strength attack?” On the face of Feng Feiyun has had the dignified color/look, pinches the finger of sword to be given the impact by that strength, the skin splits, the blood flow. “怎么回事?一座废弃了无尽岁月的宫殿之中竟然会有这么强大的力量攻击?”风飞云的脸上生出了凝重之色,捏着战刀的手指被那一股力量给冲击,皮肤裂开,有一道道血液流淌出来。 „Won't uncle, the uncle, my grandfather have an accident?” Sacred Fruit said. “二大爷,二大爷,我爷爷不会出事了吧?”圣实果道。 The Feng Feiyun vision is staring at that collapsing palace, the front door is very profound, cannot see inside has any thing, muttered: This shatter palace definitely has the issue, these worthy people of former times pass through from here, but has not actually moved it. These worthy people of former times definitely had the unusual thing the sensation to this palace, does not want to move, therefore they have not begun.” 风飞云的目光盯着那一座垮塌的宫殿,大门十分幽深,看不到里面有什么东西,喃喃自语道:“这一座破碎的宫殿肯定有问题,那些先贤都从这里走过,但是却都没有动它。那些先贤肯定是感知到了这一座宫殿之中有非同寻常的东西,不想触碰,所以他们才没有动手。” Now what to do should we? My grandfather provides leadership, my grandfather brave fearless, my grandfather is worried that we encounter the danger therefore first to explore the way, we cannot throw down it, no matter!” Sacred Fruit cares about the Mao Wugui safety. “那我们现在该怎么办?我爷爷身先士卒,我爷爷勇敢无惧,我爷爷是担心我们遇到危险所以才先去探路,我们不能丢下它不管啊!”圣实果十分关心茅乌龟的安危。 That float among the palaces in two giant stones both became tranquil, eternal static being situated there. 那一座悬浮在两座巨石之间的宫殿都变得平静了下来,永恒静止的坐落在那里。 I try again.” “我再试试。” Feng Feiyun planned that rushes from palace collapsing the place of that corner/horn, but has encountered the unknown attack as before, he offered a sacrifice to Bronze Ancient Vessel to run away luckily, otherwise already by in dire straits in inside. 风飞云打算从宫殿垮塌的那一角的地方闯进去,但是依旧遭到了未知的攻击,幸好他祭出了青铜古船才逃了出来,不然已经被困死在里面了。 Why hadn't my grandfather been attacked?” Sacred Fruit is very the curious say/way. “我爷爷为何没有遭到攻击?”圣实果很是好奇的道。 Feng Feiyun has hesitated the moment, as before has not actually thought through reason, but at this time, some people realized that here sound, flew in this direction. 风飞云沉吟了片刻,却依旧没有想通其中的原因,而就在这个时候,有人察觉到了这边的动静,向着这个方向飞了过来。 Feng Feiyun offered a sacrifice to hideaway gauze hastily, covered the body, drew Sacred Fruit to hide behind of giant stone. 风飞云连忙祭出了隐藏纱罗,将身体罩住,拉着圣实果躲到了其中一块巨石的后面。
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