SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#918: Mao Laoshi

Spiritual Energy and rule also in unceasing surges toward his body , each blood of unceasing quenching body, had the inexhaustible strength to spill into the blood. 【】 灵气和规则还在不断的往他的身体之中涌动,不断的淬炼身体的每一滴血液,有无穷无尽的力量涌进了血液之中。【】 An energy of blood implication can in town dead Heaven's Mandate Realm the cultivation base low member. 一滴血液蕴含的能量都能够镇死天命境界之中修为较低的修士。 !” !” Feng Feiyun a bone of above left leg occurred escaped changes, became scarlet-red like the blood, the ray was radiant, was Divine Bone is likely ordinary. 风飞云的左腿之上的一块骨头发生了脱变,变得赤红如血,光芒璀璨,像是神骨一般。 In this bone runs out of the empty shade of phoenix, is flowing air/Qi of faint trace phoenix. 这一块骨头之中冲出凤凰的虚影,流动着一丝丝凤凰之气。 16 th Phoenix Bones. 第16块凤骨 Every time increases together Phoenix Bones, the natural talent is then formidable a point, the strength also becomes formidable. 每增加一块凤骨,天资便强大一分,力量也变得更加的强大。 !” !” Above the right leg, 17 th Phoenix Bones is born. 右腿之上,第17块凤骨诞生。 In the Feng Feiyun dantian, the sea of qi tumbles, the Bronze Ancient Vessel navigation above the sea of qi, above Ancient Vessel had the innumerable Holy Saint bone ashes to fall into the dantian, then turned toward each of body to revolve the past, looked like tiny stars. 风飞云的丹田之中,气海翻滚,青铜古船航行在气海之上,古船之上有无数的圣灵骨灰落入了丹田之中,然后向着身体的每一处运转了过去,就像是一颗颗细小的星辰。 30 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes, changed into 30 million star spaces. 30000000粒圣灵的骨灰,化为了30000000颗星宇。 Some integrated the bone, some integrated the tooth, some integrated the blood, some integrated the five main internal organs (entrails)...... Each of whole body has the Holy Saint bone ash, the innumerable say/way, will then tie up in his body. 有的融入了骨头,有的融入了牙齿,有的融入了血液,有的融入了五脏六腑……全身的每一处都有圣灵的骨灰,将无数的道则捆绑在他的身体之中。 If the eye can see the Holy Saint bone ash, will discover that Feng Feiyun each in body is densely covered the luminous spot, each grain of luminous spot is representing morality and justice, likely is a piece of star territory distribution in his body. 若是有一双眼睛能够看到圣灵的骨灰,就会发现风飞云的身体之中的每一处都密布着光点,每一粒光点都代表着一种道义,像是一片星域排布在他的身体之中。 At this time, the «Gold Silkworm Scripture» third silkworm chart presented in the Feng Feiyun mind, burst out 3.6 million morphological changes, in Feng Feiyun various whole body places, changed into 3.6 million different Gold Silkworm shapes densely covered, each Gold Silkworm movement was different from the posture, each shape was containing Buddha accumulated. 这个时候,《金蚕经》的第三幅蚕图在风飞云的脑海之中呈现了出来,迸发出3600000种形态变化,密布在风飞云的全身各处,化为了3600000幅不同的金蚕的形态,每一种金蚕的动作和姿势都不一样,每一种形态都蕴含着一种佛蕴。 30 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes overlap with 3.6 million Gold Silkworm charts in the same place. 30000000粒圣灵骨灰与3600000幅金蚕图重叠在一起。 Feng Feiyun must help him perceive through meditation «Gold Silkworm Scripture» with 30 million thoughts that Holy Saint leaves behind, like this he will perceive through meditation the «Gold Silkworm Scripture» speed on quick will not have the several fold, will not need him to close up the cultivation, transformation that thought of Holy Saint perceiving through meditation to him. 风飞云要用圣灵留下的30000000种意念来帮他参悟《金蚕经》,这样他参悟《金蚕经》的速度将会快上无数倍,而且不用他闭关修炼,圣灵的意念就会将参悟的成果转化给他。 Does not suit! How I felt that had the innumerable ancient times thoughts to send out on him, what ancient treasure in his body won't have?” The eye of turtle winks, the look thief, wants to pound a bone to study from the body of Feng Feiyun very very well. “不对劲啊!我怎么感觉到有无数远古的意念在他身上散发出来,他的身体之中不会有什么古宝吧?”乌龟的眼睛眨动,眼神十分贼,很想从风飞云的身体之中砸出一块骨头来好好研究研究。 Grandfather, I also felt, probably was the thought of Holy Saint.” The fruit said. “爷爷,我也感觉到了,好像是圣灵的意念。”果实说道。 What?” The turtle wanted the ground to jump. “啥?”乌龟都要地上跳了起来。 Thought of Holy Saint.” Fruit redundant say/way. 圣灵的意念。”果实重复道。 The turtle could not wait again, before running up to the body of Feng Feiyun, picks up a finger, opens mouth to want from the body of Feng Feiyun to nip the next meat. 乌龟再也等不及了,跑到风飞云的身前,捡起一根手指,张开嘴想要从风飞云的身上咬下一块肉来。 Bang!” “轰!” The turtle just the lower jaw, in the skin of Feng Feiyun erupted a tremendous strength, gave to raise to fly upside down it. 乌龟才刚刚下嘴,风飞云的皮肤之中就爆发出一股巨大的力量,将它给掀得倒飞了出去。 The fruit heaved a deep sigh: Grandfather also is really, even if in heart excited, should not kiss him while this time.” 果实长叹一声:“爷爷也真是的,就算心中激动,也不该趁这个时候去亲吻他。” The fruit understands grandfather's disposition very much, because they recognize each other today, is such scene. 果实很了解爷爷的性格,因为它们今天相认的时候,也是这样的场景。 Today it is running in the bottom, but was actually given the discovery by a turtle, this turtle saw after it , was very excited, after rushing, has bit one on it, but has not actually nipped its iron sheet, instead tooth collapsing one. 今天它正在地底奔跑,但是却被一只乌龟给发现,这只乌龟见到它之后十分兴奋,冲上去之后便是在它身上咬了一口,但是却没有咬动它身上的铁皮,反而将牙齿给崩掉了一颗。 The fruit is very naturally indignant, must with this turtle theory, run after all in the place bottom, whom incurs to annoy who? 果实自然十分气愤,就要和这一次乌龟理论,毕竟自己奔跑在地底,招谁惹谁了? However after passing through a theory, it discovered oneself misunderstood the opposite party, the opposite party do not nip him, but was kissing it! 但是经过了一番理论之后,它才发现自己误会了对方,对方不是要咬他,而是在亲吻它! Afterward, it knows, originally that turtle is own sibling's grandfather. 再后来,它才知道,原来那一只乌龟就是自己的亲爷爷。 Really Dashuichong Longwang Temple. 真是大水冲了龙王庙。 I really am your grandfather! I dare to pledge to the day, if I said have half a word lie, making me suffer may heaven strike me with lightening five times!” At that time the turtle facial expression was indignant, the tears, held it in the bosom, such was saying. “我真的是你爷爷啊!我敢对天发誓,若是我说得有半句假话,让我遭天打五雷轰!”当时乌龟神情激愤,老泪纵横,将它抱在怀里,如此的对它说着。 Originally misunderstands! 原来都是误会一场! The grandfather and grandson recognized each other finally. 祖孙俩终于相认了。 Grandfather! You how?” The fruit runs, turtle holding. “爷爷!你怎么了?”果实跑过去,将乌龟给扶了起来。 „, Does not have anything, but the waist was dodged.” The turtle said. “咳咳,没什么,只是腰被闪了一下。”乌龟道。 Oh! But don't you have the waist?” The fruit said. !可是你没腰啊?”果实道。 !” !” The turtle knocked in its head has struck, said: „It is not obedient, the waist can take to give others to look casually?” 乌龟在它头上敲了一击,道:“不听话,腰是可以随便拿出来给别人看的吗?” Oh!” !” At this time, Feng Feiyun already sat from the ground, the skin was exquisite is common like the baby, each pore in the turnover multi-colored sunlight, clothes tattered full was the bloodstain, but in the body was containing using the endless strength. 这个时候,风飞云已经从地上坐了起来,皮肤细腻得就像婴儿一般,每一个毛孔都在吞吐霞光,身上的衣服破破烂烂满是血迹,但是身体之中却蕴含着用之不尽的力量。 This is the Nirvana 3rd-layer boundary.” Smiling of Feng Feiyun self-ridicules, stretches out a palm, wields in the air, the aura of strengths then burst out, changed into dragon shadow the shape, this breakthrough, but also is really lucky.” “这就是涅槃第三重的境界。”风飞云自嘲的笑了笑,伸出一只手掌,在空气之中一挥动,一道道力量的气息便迸发出来,化为了龙影的形状,“这一次突破,还真是侥幸。” Lucky?” The Mao Wugui stick a small wooden club, the head is wearing the leaf hat, has arrived at the Feng Feiyun front in supporting by the arm of fruit, self-important say/way: If not for the old man rescues your life, you feared that now was already goes to the hell to register.” “侥幸?”茅乌龟杖着一根小木棍,头上戴着树叶帽,在果实的搀扶之中走到了风飞云的面前,老气横秋的道:“若不是老夫救你一命,你现在怕是已经去地狱报到了。” The Feng Feiyun mood is not bad, smiled, said: „Can I also thank you?” 风飞云的心情并不差,笑了笑,道:“那我岂不是还要谢谢你?” Thanked does not need, you made your kid recognize me to be the dry/does grandfather on the line.” Mao Wugui also said: I give you to introduce that my grandson, it called Mao Laoshi. Mao Laoshi, called the uncle quickly.” “谢就不必了,你让你的那娃认我做干爷爷就行了。”茅乌龟又道:“我给你介绍我的孙子,它叫茅老实茅老实,快叫二大爷。” Mao Laoshi? 茅老实 Uncle, good!” Mao Laoshi sound immature say/way. “二大爷,好!”茅老实声音稚嫩的道。 The Feng Feiyun vision stared on the body of Mao Wugui side that black metal fruit, gave to recognize it, was that Sacred Fruit. 风飞云的目光盯在了茅乌龟身边那一枚黑色的金属果实的身上,将它给认出,正是那一枚“圣实果”。 The head of Feng Feiyun was somewhat disorderly, said: Stops, who was your uncle?” 风飞云的脑袋有些凌乱了,道:“停,谁是你二大爷了?” Mao Laoshi has been silent immediately. 茅老实顿时沉默不语了起来。 Mao Wugui said: Roars anything to roar, the roar has gone bad the child. Your kid recognizes me to be the dry/does grandfather, my grandson naturally must call your uncle, you...... You to child low voice.” 茅乌龟道:“吼什么吼,吼坏了孩子。你的娃儿认我做干爷爷,我的孙子自然要叫你二大爷,你这人……你这人对孩子得小声一点。” Feng Feiyun manages anything to do grandfather without enough time and uncle, pupil ruthlessly shrinks stared in Mao Laoshi the body, this was really Sacred Fruit, the legend, once under the clothing/taking can obtain the Holy Saint general knowledge, was the unsurpassed Saint treasure. 风飞云来不及管什么“干爷爷”和“二大爷”,瞳孔狠狠的一缩盯在了“茅老实”的身上,这真的乃是圣实果,传说一旦服下就能得到圣灵一般的知识,乃是无上圣宝。 Sacred Fruit apparently did not have to divide Feng Feiyun of blade to give on it to recognize, or it just fell to the ground at that time, the spirit wisdom has not opened, did not remember Feng Feiyun. 圣实果显然是没有将在它身上劈了一刀的风飞云给认出,或者说它当时刚刚落地,灵智还没有打开,并不记得风飞云 Is this really Sacred Fruit? 这真的是圣实果 Feels silly and foolish? 怎么感觉笨笨的? The eye of Mao Wugui this goods is very sinister, is impossible not to recognize Sacred Fruit, but it to the Sacred Fruit end opening, instead has not actually recognized it has been the grandson, these definitely have the strangeness. 茅乌龟这货的眼睛很毒辣,不可能认不出圣实果,但是它却没有对圣实果下口,反而将它认做了孙子,这其中肯定有古怪。 Feng Feiyun suppresses in the heart wants baring Sacred Fruit the impulsion forcefully, said with a smile: Your this Turtle is really interesting, recognizes the dry/does grandson unexpectedly everywhere randomly.” 风飞云强行压制住心中想要将圣实果给剥开的冲动,笑道:“你这乌龟也真是有意思,竟然到处乱认干孙子。” „! What does the grandson? Honest is my biological grandson, kisses/close! Kisses/Close!” Mao Wugui breathless say/way. “靠!什么干孙子?老实是我的亲孙子,亲的!亲的!”茅乌龟气急败坏的道。 Feng Feiyun believes that it is the strange event, if a turtle can give birth to a Sacred Fruit grandson, then on real rarely seen (weirdo). 风飞云相信它才是怪事,一只乌龟要是能够生出一枚圣实果的孙子,那就真的奇葩了。 However Feng Feiyun also has to admire the Mao Wugui skill, unexpectedly can coax Sacred Fruit a bastard child, this skill is truly flamboyant. 不过风飞云也不得不佩服茅乌龟的本事,居然能够将圣实果都忽悠成一只龟孙子,这本事确实牛逼。 However...... This is really Sacred Fruit? Has eaten, can have the Holy Saint same wisdom really? 不过……这真是的圣实果吗?吃了,真的能够拥有圣灵一样的智慧? Feng Feiyun always thought that has eaten after this fruit, changes stupid. 风飞云总觉得将这一颗果实吃了之后会变笨。 „Do you have the means to lead us to go to Holy Ghost Tomb?” Feng Feiyun is astonished however, is staring at Sacred Fruit. “你有办法带我们去圣灵墓葬?”风飞云讶然,盯着圣实果 Yes, uncle!” Above the Sacred Fruit peel the flowing miraculous glow, forms an illusory face shape, likely is a face of ignorant child. “是的,二大爷!”圣实果的果皮之上流动灵光,形成一张虚幻的脸形,像是一个懵懵懂懂的小孩子的脸。 Feng Feiyun yellow stone ancient Guan stretching in carrying on the back of Sacred Fruit, then and Mao Wugui sat above the yellow stone ancient coffin. 风飞云黄石古棺给绷在了圣实果的背上,然后和茅乌龟坐到了黄石古棺之上。 Whish!” “哗!” The Sacred Fruit speed like together light, will draw near pinnacle, changed into an illusory image, flies toward the Holy Ghost Tomb deep place. 圣实果的速度就像一道光,快到了极致,化为了一道幻影,向着圣灵墓葬的深处飞去。 Feng Feiyun sits above the yellow stone ancient coffin rehearses, then received the void above rehearsal luminous spot, said: Here indeed has the Holy Saint aura, but is broad somewhat is excessive, flew for three months not to arrive at the end point at my speed.” 风飞云坐在黄石古棺之上排演,然后又收起了虚空之上的排演光点,道:“这里的确有圣灵的气息,不过广阔得却有些过分,以我的速度飞行了三个月都没有到达终点。” Mao Wugui wears the leaf hat as before, the body white light winds around, likely is a turtle deity, said: Should be Holy Saint Container in legend, the horizon ruler!” 茅乌龟依旧戴着树叶帽子,身上白光缭绕,像是一只龟神仙,道:“应该是传说之中的圣灵器皿,天涯尺!” Holy Saint Container that white Zhusheng ancestor sacrifice refining up, horizon ruler? If that Holy Saint Container really in this grave, then definitely will cause very big mighty waves.” On the face of Feng Feiyun is hard to conceal the excited color/look. “白蛛圣祖祭炼的圣灵器皿,天涯尺?若是那一件圣灵器皿真的在这一座墓葬之中,那么肯定会引起很大的波澜。”风飞云的脸上难以掩饰兴奋之色。 Holy Saint Container may with not be possible to ask, each has the exceedingly high penetrating place prestige energy, even if Holy Saint in legend is also not necessarily able the sacrifice to refine Holy Saint Container. 圣灵器皿可遇不可求,每一件都有通天彻地的威能,就算是传说之中的圣灵也未必能够祭炼出圣灵器皿 Because the sacrifice refining up Holy Saint Container not only to need the Holy Saint rank cultivation base, but also needs the Saint level material. 因为祭炼圣灵器皿不仅需要圣灵级别的修为,还需要圣级材料。 The so-called Saint level material, is this material must pass the Saint to be good. For example: Together obstinate iron, this obstinate iron, if can the birth spirit wisdom, then cultivation the Holy Saint boundary, then can also be called Saint Spirit Material expects. 所谓的圣级材料,就是这一件材料要通圣才行。比如:一块顽铁,这块顽铁若是能够诞生灵智,然后修炼到圣灵的境界,那么也就能够被称为圣灵材料了。 Naturally the obstinate iron is together impossible to cultivate the Saint Spirit Material material, only then has the Saint root material, possibly cultivates the Holy Saint boundary. On that section that for example Feng Feiyun obtains Saint wooden root, even if there is Saint root material, in the future may take root to germinate to grow into the Saint solid tree, possibly cultivates the Saint Spirit Material material. 当然一块顽铁也是不可能修炼成圣灵材料,只有拥有圣根的材料,才可能修炼到圣灵的境界。就比如风飞云得到的那一截“圣木根”,就算是拥有圣根的材料,将来或许会生根发芽长成圣实树,也可能修炼成圣灵材料。 Can cultivation the Holy Saint rank material, oneself has the exceedingly high magical powers, possibly was held the sacrifice to refine Holy Saint Container by other Holy Saint? 能够修炼到圣灵级别的材料,自身就拥有通天的神通,又怎么可能被别的圣灵抓住祭炼成圣灵器皿 Therefore Holy Saint Container in this world is very scarce, is almost hard to see. 所以说这个世上的圣灵器皿十分稀少,几乎难以见到。 Bronze Ancient Vessel that Feng Feiyun obtains is very possible is Holy Saint Container, but Feng Feiyun has not grasped Bronze Ancient Vessel, even is unable to enter Bronze Ancient Vessel inside, can only utilize its function merely, is flight. 风飞云得到的青铜古船很可能乃是圣灵器皿,但是风飞云根本就没有掌握青铜古船,甚至都无法进入青铜古船的里面,仅仅只能运用它的一个功能,就是“飞行”。 Therefore Holy Saint Container regarding is also the infinite mysterious thing. 所以说圣灵器皿对于也是无穷神秘的东西。 Why my previous generation has not seen Holy Saint Container, haven't the Phoenix Monster Clan worthy people of former times left behind one?” Some Feng Feiyun headaches, have rubbed the temples, felt that oneself that phoenix head of the clan really does is defeated, has not contacted anything about Holy Saint unexpectedly. “为何我前世从来没有见过圣灵器皿,难道凤凰妖族的先贤就没有留下一件?”风飞云有些头疼,揉了揉太阳穴,感觉到自己那一个凤凰族长做得实在失败,竟然没有接触到关于圣灵的任何东西。 In the hearsay, white Zhusheng the ancestor refining up Holy Saint Container on the sacrifice, named horizon ruler, can be used to measure the ends of the earth. 传闻之中,白蛛圣祖就祭炼出过一件圣灵器皿,名叫“天涯尺”,可以用来丈量天涯海角。
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