SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#917: The grandson of turtle

Does not draw back.” “不退了。” Eighth Young Master Gu stops the footsteps suddenly, thought that in heart is too aggrieved, was chased down by Half Monster, simply too vexed, must use the final tactical rules, Feng Feiyun suppress and kill. 顾八少爷豁然停下脚步,觉得心中太憋屈,被一个半妖追杀,简直太窝囊,要施展最后的战法,将风飞云镇杀 Huang Yuesheng also stopped the footsteps, heart sank to the iron. 黄岳笙也停下了脚步,心沉入铁。 Feng Feiyun pursued from the white fog, the foot steps in the spot, the step is steady, said: How to run away?” 风飞云从白雾之中追了上来,脚踩实地,步伐稳重,道:“怎么不逃了?” Eighth Young Master Gu cold snort/hum, the position of navel, a vast sea of qi runs out, the innumerable purple light present, above the sea of qi of purple color/look is sitting cross-legged a old person, wears the trigram clothes, the crane sends the young face, the forehead has a white color/look moon/month seal. 顾八少爷冷哼一声,肚脐的位置,一片浩瀚气海冲出,无数的紫光呈现出来,紫sè的气海之上盘坐着一个老人,穿着卦衣,鹤发童颜,眉心有一个白sè的月印。 In the Eighth Young Master Gu dantian is sitting cross-legged unexpectedly a person! 顾八少爷的丹田之中竟然盘坐着一个人! Feng Feiyun stopped the footsteps suddenly, in the sensation of that person to the air/Qi of Ascension, there are innumerable regular strengths to shuttle back and forth on him. 风飞云豁然停下了脚步,在那一个人的身上感知到了羽化之气,有无数的规则力量在他身上穿梭。 Stands also shocks in Eighth Young Master Gu Huang Yuesheng, does this what's the matter, in the dantian really have a person? 站在顾八少爷身边的黄岳笙也震惊不已,这到底是怎么回事,丹田之中竟然有一个人? Base and low Half Monster, you can actually compel me to put forth the final card in a hand, was quite great.” Eighth Young Master Gu face color/look becomes incomparably cold Chen, the body full is the murderous intention, above the finger condenses to kill the sword together, does not have the omen pricked the Huang Yuesheng forehead. “一个卑微的半妖,你竟然能够逼我使出最后的底牌,算是相当了不起了。”顾八少爷的脸sè变得无比冷沉,身上满是杀机,手指之上凝聚出一道杀剑,毫无预兆的刺入了黄岳笙的眉心。 You...... You...... Why?” Huang Yuesheng both eyes stare straight, the air/Qi of life in the unceasing outflow, thinks that does not understand why Eighth Young Master Gu will get rid to him. “你……你……为什么?”黄岳笙双目瞪直,身上的生命之气在不断的流失,想不明白顾八少爷为何会对他出手。 !” “噗!” Eighth Young Master Gu will kill the sword to give to extract, the Huang Yuesheng forehead gushed out blood energy immediately, brain bone splitting slowly. 顾八少爷将杀剑给抽出,黄岳笙的眉心顿时涌出了一道血气,脑骨缓缓的裂开。 Eighth Young Master Gu said: Has been unfair to yellow the brother, any people who knows my secret and card in a hand must result in die.” 顾八少爷道:“对不起了黄兄,凡是知道我隐秘和底牌的人都必须得死。” !” “噗!” Eighth Young Master Gu has made up a sword on the body of Huang Yuesheng, cuts off his body around the middle, then cold eyebrow angry look stared at Feng Feiyun one, said: Then was one's turn you.” 顾八少爷又在黄岳笙的身上补了一剑,将他的身体给拦腰斩断,然后又冷眉竖眼的盯了风飞云一眼,道:“接下来轮到你了。” Feng Feiyun somewhat cannot guess correctly that together person's shadow in Eighth Young Master Gu dantian what's the matter, soul host? Does the true body seize the life? Person soul embryo? 风飞云也有些猜不到顾八少爷丹田之中的那一道人影到底是怎么回事,灵魂寄主?真身夺命?人魂胎? Although is not fully correct, but Feng Feiyun is actually not the person who will be frightened easily, offered a sacrifice to yellow stone ancient Guan, inspired the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact strength, in the ancient coffin ran out of enormous and powerful blood energy, having one evilly to murder god the air/Qi of corrosion spirit, was a blood color/look god demon threw likely. 虽然猜不透,但是风飞云却也不是会被轻易吓到的人,祭出了黄石古棺,引动十品灵器的力量,古棺之中冲出浩荡血气,带着一股邪灵弑神的腐蚀之气,像是一尊血sè的神魔扑了过去。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” blood energy and auspicious sign collide, is two universe is hitting likely. 血气和紫气相碰撞,像是两片天宇在撞击。 Suddenly that sits cross-legged in auspicious sign the body of old man to erupt the exceptionally tyrannical strength, is stars blasts out in his body likely. 突然那盘坐在紫气之中的老者的身体之中爆发出异常强横的力量,像是一颗星辰在他的身体之中炸开。 An old eye opens suddenly, both eyes like two black holes, in the vision depart two jing glow, penetrated the yellow stone ancient Guan defense, shells above the chest of Feng Feiyun. 一双苍老的眼睛豁然睁开,双目就像两座黑洞,目光之中飞出两道jing芒,击穿了黄石古棺的防御,轰击在风飞云的胸口之上。 !” “噗!” The chest of Feng Feiyun was torn, the bone disintegration several, the blood has spurted, the body was almost beaten, dantian several near shatter. 风飞云的胸口被撕裂开,骨头崩碎了数根,鲜血飞洒,身体几乎被打烂,丹田都几近破碎。 yellow stone ancient Guan.” 黄石古棺。” Feng Feiyun is nipping the tooth tightly, unites the final strength, yellow stone ancient Guanji in the top of the head, must transfer ancient Guan the strength to get rid once more. 风飞云紧咬着牙齿,凝聚最后的力量,将黄石古棺祭在头顶,要调动古棺的力量再次出手。 This sits cross-legged old man in Eighth Young Master Gu dantian cultivation base, although is formidable, but the obvious body definitely had the condition, did not have to the boundary that cannot resist with all one's strength formidable. 这个盘坐在顾八少爷丹田之中的老者的修为虽然强大,但是显然身体肯定发生了状况,还没有强大到不可力敌的境界。 If he really as formidable as the strength of Ascension worthy people of former times, must kill Feng Feiyun only to need one move to suffice merely, but Feng Feiyun kept off his one move a moment ago, has not actually died, explained oneself are not cannot spell. 若是他真的强大到羽化先贤的实力,要杀风飞云仅仅只需要一招就够了,但是刚才风飞云挡下了他的一招,却没有死,说明自己并不是不可以拼一把。 This old man resides temporarily in the Eighth Young Master Gu dantian, if kills cutting of Eighth Young Master Gu, perhaps this old man is also only the dead end. 这个老者寄居在顾八少爷的丹田之中,若是将顾八少爷的斩杀,恐怕这个老者也只是死路一条。 This is the means of only turning defeat into victory Feng Feiyun can think of now. 这是风飞云现在能够想到的唯一的反败为胜的办法。 However he just the yellow stone ancient Guan strength stimulating one, the old man then slowly stretched out a palm, was five fingers god seal has pressed likely, boundless of strength like ri moon/month vault of heaven. 但是他才刚刚将黄石古棺的力量给激发出一丝,那老者便缓缓的伸出一只手掌,像是五指神印压了下来,力量像ri月苍穹一样的磅礴。 !” “噗!” yellow stone ancient Guan hits on the body of Feng Feiyun, in the mouth spits the blood, condensed 50% spiritual energies once more by the disintegration. 黄石古棺撞击在风飞云的身上,口中吐鲜血,凝聚了一半的灵气再次被崩碎。 Body and yellow stone ancient coffin by that formidable strength shelling bottom. 身体和黄石古棺都被那一股强大的力量给轰击到了地底。 On the face of Eighth Young Master Gu completely is color/look of sneering, raises is killing the sword, has cut toward a place bottom sword. 顾八少爷的脸上尽是冷笑之sè,提着杀剑,向着地底一剑斩了下去。 Whish!” “哗!” At this moment, a radiance of bottom black color/look broke through, is carrying on the back the body of Feng Feiyun, breaks ground the line, the speed is fast like light, vanishes without the trace instantaneously. 就在这时,地底一道黑sè的光华冲过,驮着风飞云的身体,破土而行,速度快得就像光一样,瞬间就消失无踪。 What thing?” “什么东西?” Eighth Young Master Gu wants to pursue, but body violent trembles, puts out extravasated blood, the body has myriad likely in the thorn, is hard the move slightest bit. 顾八少爷想要追击上去,但是身体猛烈的一颤,吐出一口淤血来,身上像是有万千针在刺,难以动弹半分。 He was also seriously injured, if not for closes right up against a willpower to insist, perhaps died on already in the hand of Feng Feiyun. 他也受了重伤,若不是靠着一股意志力在坚持,恐怕都就已经死在了风飞云的手中。 Did not need to pursue, you could not overtake.” That sits cross-legged in the old man opens the mouth of sea of dantian slowly, such saying. “不用追了,你追不上。”那一个盘坐在丹田之海的老者徐徐的开口,如此的说道。 Eighth Young Master Gu sits cross-legged on the ground, body miraculous glow is luxuriant, training injury, while said: Nirvana 4th-layer member by you, as soon as strikes to cut to kill, he Nirvana 2nd-layer cultivation base, suffered you two to strike, perhaps already state of mind entirely to extinguish.” 顾八少爷盘坐在地上,身上灵光蔼蔼,一边修养伤势,一边道:“就连涅槃第四重的修士都会被你一击斩杀,他才涅槃第二重修为,挨了你两击,恐怕都已经神魂俱灭。” You must underestimate him! That ancient coffin there's a long story behind this that in his hand grasps, perhaps the back has a terrifying ominous person.” The old man lip has not moved, but sound actually resounds in the air. “你要小看他!他手中掌握的那一口古棺大有来历,背后说不定有一个恐怖的凶人。”老者嘴唇未动,但是声音却在空气之中响起。 Eighth Young Master Gu said: Half Monster that's all, cannot make a name.”, Also said: He, since already knows your existence, then absolutely cannot put him to return to leaf Hongjing. Regardless of he is to live now dies, must forever keep the wooden god to put up the war zone him.” 顾八少爷道:“一个半妖罢了,成不了气候。”顿了顿,又道:“不过他既然已经知道你的存在,那么就绝对不能放他返回叶红境。无论他现在是生是死,都要将他永远的留在木神架战区。” This makes the important matter necessary mentality, must stamp out the source of trouble to the enemy.” “这才是做大事必备的心态,对敌人必须斩草除根。” The auspicious sign starts to contract, is wrapping that old man, then took in the Eighth Young Master Gu dantian. 紫气开始收缩,包裹着那个老者,然后便又收进了顾八少爷的丹田之中。 This time Extreme Disaster is Feng Feiyun intentionally for it. 这一次的死劫乃是风飞云故意为之。 When detecting the cultivation base extremely terrifying of that old man, the Feng Feiyun heart has made two decision-makings, first, offers a sacrifice to Bronze Ancient Vessel to run away \; Second, spells. 在发觉那老者的修为极其恐怖之时,风飞云的心头就做出了两个决策,第一,祭出青铜古船逃走\;第二,拼一把。 The first choice, only then five assurances can run away. Although the Bronze Ancient Vessel speed is quick, but cultivation base of that old man is also very strong, separates to strike to fall spatially the Feng Feiyun bang, Feng Feiyun cannot guarantee that mysterious strength in Bronze Ancient Vessel once more will also gush out. 第一个选择,只有五层的把握能够逃走。青铜古船的速度虽然很快,但是那老者的修为也很强,隔空一击就能将风飞云轰落下来,风飞云可不敢保证青铜古船之中的那一股神秘力量还会再次涌出。 Therefore, only has five opportunities. 所以,只有五层的机会。 The second choice, opportunity uncertain, qualifications that but actually one wrestles. Wrestled to win, can strike to kill Eighth Young Master Gu, turns defeat into victory. Wrestled to lose, can compel the life and death hopeless situation, stimulated the body potential, can perhaps complete third Nirvana. 第二个选择,机会更加的渺茫,但是却有一搏的资格。搏赢了,可以将顾八少爷击杀,反败为胜。搏输了,可以将自己逼到生死绝境,激发出身体潜能,说不定能够完成第三次涅槃 Feng Feiyun sank to endless darkness once more, the vitality in body almost certainly completely, only then the soul in mind does not extinguish. 风飞云再次沉入了无尽的黑暗之中,身体之中的生命力几乎绝尽,只有脑海之中的灵魂不灭。 A fruit of black color/look is carrying on the back Feng Feiyun in place bottom tread line speedily, does not know that tread line how long, ran out of the ground, bang Feng Feiyun losing on the ground. 一枚黑sè的果实驮着风飞云在地底疾速的奔行,也不知奔行了多久,才冲出了地面,“嘭”的一声将风飞云给丢在了地上。 Grandson, is really great, this person bringing.” “孙子,真是好样的,这样就把人给带回来了。” A snow white turtle jumped down from stone, the both feet walks, does not know where from picked a small wooden club, made the walking stick with the small wooden club, the head wears the hat that a leaf made, limping, a live image old person. 一只雪白的乌龟从石头上跳了下来,双脚走路,也不知从什么地方捡来了一根小木棍,用小木棍做拐杖,头上戴着一片树叶做的帽子,蹒跚着,活像一个老人。 The fruit of that black color/look is the black iron builds likely, the surface full is a projecting edge, the body is flowing radiance of metal, rolled on the ground, get lost/rolls the under foot of turtle, unceasing rubbing gently. 那一枚黑sè的果实像是黑铁打造而成,表面满是铁刺,身上流动着金属的光华,在地上滚动,滚到了乌龟的脚下,不断的磨蹭。 Is a little grandson rubs gently on grandfather's knee likely. 像是一个小孙子在爷爷的膝盖上磨蹭。 The snow white turtle has patted the racket on the body of fruit, has comforted its mood, then looked at ground Feng Feiyun, body already is beaten, the flesh and blood became ice-cold, the body full was the bloodstain. 雪白的乌龟在果实的身上拍了拍,安抚了一下它的情绪,然后看了看地上的风飞云,身体都已经被打烂,血肉都变得冰冷,身上满是血迹。 The snow white turtle heaved a deep sigh: This disaster died finally.” 雪白的乌龟长叹一声:“这个祸害终于死了。” Grandfather, who is he?” That the fruit of black color/look makes the immature sound. “爷爷,他是谁啊?”那一个黑sè的果实发出稚嫩的声音。 The snow white turtle has put in order the leaf hat, resembles in recalling, face color/look very with deep veneration, after for a very long time, say/way slowly: „A cheap person.” 雪白的乌龟整了整树叶帽子,似在追忆过去,脸sè十分肃然,久久之后,才徐徐的道:“一个贱人。” Oh!” The fruit of black color/look also said: Why does the grandfather want me to save him?” !”黑sè的果实又道:“那爷爷为何要我去救他?” Saves others a life victory to make seven-story pagoda, we must have a heart of pitying.” Snow white turtle tone one positive, said: „Do I usually teach you? Do not take friendly small, but, do not take wickedly small but for it.” “救人一命胜造七级浮屠,我们要有一颗怜悯的心。”雪白的乌龟语气一正,道:“我平时是怎么教你的?勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。” Black color/look fruit somewhat suffering from injustice say/way: But...... But the grandfather, we are not today recognize each other?” 黑sè的果实有些委屈的道:“可是……可是爷爷,我们不是今天才相认的吗?” The snow white turtle stiffened immediately, at once is the say/way of hating bitterly: You were suspecting that your father isn't I one's own? The child, the child, you make grandfather very sad!” 雪白的乌龟顿时僵住了,旋即又是痛心疾首的道:“你这是在怀疑你爹不是我亲生的?孩子,孩子,你让爷爷很伤心啊!” No, no, will I suspect the grandfather? I am not that meaning.” The fruit of black color/look answered hastily. “没有,没有,我怎么会怀疑爷爷呢?我不是那个意思。”黑sè的果实连忙解释道。 The snow white turtle eye tearful, looked at ground Feng Feiyun, looked around yellow stone ancient Guan, said: It seems like he also expects his today's predestined time of death to arrive, prepared to oneself including the coffin. Did the grandson, you see? This move of you must study! The opportunity forever is leaves person who is prepared, if he does not prepare the coffin to himself, today must certainly throw the corpse wilderness. Come! How master grandson gave to bury him.” 雪白的乌龟眼泪汪汪,看了看地上的风飞云,又看了看旁边的黄石古棺,道:“看来他也料到他今天大限已到,连棺材都给自己准备好了。孙子,你看到了没有?这一招你得学啊!机会永远都是留给有准备的人,他若是不给自己准备棺材,今天肯定要抛尸荒野了。来吧!咋们爷孙俩将他给埋了。” Bang!” “轰!” Sudden flame have burnt above the body of Feng Feiyun, no, exactly said that is flame emits from his body. 突然一片火焰在风飞云的身体之上燃烧了起来,不,确切的说是一片火焰从他的身体里面冒出。 This likely is not the fire of destruction, is more like the fire of life. 这不像是毁灭之火,更像是生命之火。 The turtle and fruit held one group, distant avoiding. 乌龟和果实抱成了一团,远远的躲开。 Grandfather, sudden rising.” The fruit said. “爷爷,诈尸了。”果实说道。 Nonsense, has not experienced, that in Nirvana, the life of this cheap person is really obviously big.” The turtle rattles on saying. “胡说,没见识,那明明是在涅槃,这贱人的命真大。”乌龟喋喋喏喏的说道。 Oh!” !” The scar above Feng Feiyun body heals in the according to naked eye obvious speed, the body had 15 Phoenix Bones to burn, in each Phoenix Bones ran out of an empty shade of phoenix. 风飞云身体之上的伤痕在以肉眼可见的速度愈合,身上有15块凤骨燃烧了起来,每一块凤骨之中都冲出一只凤凰的虚影。 15 phoenix empty shades float above the body of Feng Feiyun, likely is 15 groups of dazzling flame. 15只凤凰虚影悬浮在风飞云的身体之上,像是15团耀眼的火焰。 Innumerable life and death rules turned toward here to collect, flowed in like rills in the sea, unceasing integrated each inch muscle, shinbone, hair and blood Feng Feiyun, strength became the congealing reality, the blood in body probably changes into the flame mighty current more and more. 无数的生死规则都向着这边汇集了过来,就像一条条小溪流进了大海之中,不断的融入风飞云的每一寸肌肉、胫骨、头发、血液,身上的力量变得越来越凝实,身体之中的血液就好像化为火焰洪流。 The skin of Feng Feiyun becomes clear thorough, each inch skin is flowing the gold/metal color/look Fokuang and scarlet-red flame. 风飞云的皮肤变得晶莹透彻,每一寸的皮肤都在流动金sè的佛光和赤红的火焰。
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