SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#916: Moonwater Saintess, Xuanyuan Yiyi

The female stands dangerous in the sky, at the back of Ancient Sword, the luster of the skin and world melts, waist thin like willow branch, each line has been full of the beautiful rhyme, is one carves likely in the void beautiful woman picture roll. 那女子悬立当空,背着古剑,玉体与天地相融,腰细如柳枝,身上的每一根线条都充满了美韵,像是一幅刻在虚空的佳人图卷。 How to have such sword Secret Art?” Sir Xue Shuang hikes up from the ground, red silk drags, stands firm in the ground, on the face is having the surprised uncertain look. “怎么会有如此剑诀?”雪泷大人从地上飘起,红绸拖地,站定在地面上,脸上带着惊疑不定的神色。 This region probably static, the air no longer flowed, stops around the body of that female. 这一片地域都好像静止了下来,空气都不再流动,停顿在了那个女子的身体周围。 The female received slender jade to refer , the hidden point in the sleeves, the movement was very graceful, stands straightly, said: „The world of sword is the real world, therefore a sword can break ten thousand laws \; The world of heart is the world of nihility, therefore a sword punctures like the cool breeze. The world of world and heart of sword melts, is one overlapping of the real world and nihility world. Can comprehend the sword heart world, is naturally omnipotent.” 那女子收起了纤纤玉指,藏锋在衣袖之中,动作十分优雅,站得笔直,道:“剑的世界是真实的世界,所以一剑能够破万法\;心的世界是虚无的世界,所以一剑刺出如清风。剑的世界和心的世界相融,也是真实世界和虚无世界的一种重叠。能够领悟到剑心世界,自然也就无所不能。” Wish lets the real world and nihility world melts, easier said than done? 想要让真实世界和虚无世界相融,谈何容易? Sir Xue Shuang seems to be clearly becomes aware, deep stared at that female one eyes, said: Small age, state of mind is cultivation base so profound, who may I ask you are?” 雪泷大人似有明悟,深深的盯了那个女子一眼,道:“小小年纪,心境修为如此高深,敢问你是何人?” Moonwater Wonderland, Xuanyuan Yiyi.” The voice of female is clear, lips and teeth clear, the black hair class waterfall, the snow neck is tall and slender, the body has one not to eat the air/Qi of world smoke and fire. 水月天境,轩辕一一。”那女子的声音清灵,唇齿晶莹,青丝流瀑,雪颈细长,身上有一股不食人间烟火之气。 ( Xuanyuan behind is not the dash, but is her name 11. Surname, Xuanyuan. 11.) (“轩辕”后面不是破折号,而是她的名字“11”。姓,轩辕。名,11。) Moonwater Saintess, Xuanyuan Yiyi. 水月圣女,轩辕一一 Xuanyuan Yiyi, this name I remembered. We walk.” 轩辕一一,这个名字我记住了。我们走。” Sir Xue Shuang has one crowd to appear the white spider of primary form retreats, quick vanishes in the white fog. 雪泷大人带着一群现出原形的白色蜘蛛退走,很快就消失在白雾之中。 The body of Eighth Young Master Gu and Huang Yuesheng full is the bloodstain, the injury is extremely heavy, but on that holy noble aura by Moonwater Saintess was given to subdue as before, kneel on one knee place, respectful does obeisance, said: Many thanks the saintess gets rid to rescue, Gu eight are deeply grateful.” 顾八少爷黄岳笙的身上满是血痕,伤势极重,但是依旧被水月圣女身上的那一股圣洁高贵的气息给折服,单膝跪地,恭敬的一拜,道:“多谢圣女出手相救,顾老八感激不尽。” Many thanks the saintess gets rid to rescue, Huang Yuesheng is deeply grateful.” “多谢圣女出手相救,黄岳笙感激不尽。” Void vast, the immortal shade to pass. 虚空浩渺,仙影以逝。 Eighth Young Master Gu and Huang Yuesheng stand up, look at each other in blank dismay, already cannot see the Moonwater Saintess trail. 顾八少爷黄岳笙站起身来,面面相觑,已经看不到水月圣女的踪迹。 Moonwater Saintess is really does not have the shade not to have the trace, I and others are unable to follow supinely.” Huang Yuesheng said. 水月圣女真是来无影去无踪,我等无法仰望其项背。”黄岳笙道。 „The clan of family old must be respectful to her, can with be the characters of worthy people of former times rank she are treated equally, we can have such occurring together with the saintess, already is the greatly rise of life.” “就连家族的族老都要对她恭恭敬敬,能够与她平起平坐的都是先贤级别的人物,我们能够和圣女有这样的交集,已经是人生之大兴。” Feng Feiyun stands in the white fog, complexion is cold Chen, in the eye killing intent flashes very much, „the person who I must kill, can it be that can your Shui Yueting successor rescue?” 风飞云站在白雾之中,脸色很是冷沉,眼中杀意闪动,“我要杀的人,岂是你水月婷的传人能够救得了?” Original Feng Feiyun directs the mountain valley Sir Xue Shuang, wants to kill Eighth Young Master Gu with her hand, has not actually thought that the halfway kills Moonwater Saintess, has gone bad the Feng Feiyun bureau. 本来风飞云雪泷大人引去山谷,就是想借她的手杀顾八少爷,却没有想到半路杀出一个水月圣女,坏了风飞云的局。 Who?” “谁?” Eighth Young Master Gu Spiritual Awareness is clear and bright, the aura of sensation in some people to not far away white fog, called ancient soldier/weapon hastily, has guarded. 顾八少爷灵觉明锐,感知到不远处的白雾之中有人的气息,连忙唤出了一件古兵,防范了起来。 I!” “我!” Feng Feiyun going out of slowly from white fog, until arriving in the Eighth Young Master Gu ten zhang (3.33 m), the body completely has appeared, straight standing there. 风飞云从白雾之中徐徐的走出,直到走到了顾八少爷的十丈之内,身体才完全显现了出来,笔直的站在那里。 Eighth Young Master Gu has delivered the one breath, said with a smile: Originally is your this Half Monster, has not thought that your life is so big, even/including Aying they could not kill you.” 顾八少爷送了一口气,笑道:“原来是你这个半妖,没想到你的命这么大,连阿鹰他们都杀不了你。” They could not kill me, naturally already died.” -- Said. “他们杀不了我,自然是都已经死了。”--道。 The Eighth Young Master Gu complexion became dignified, if in the normal time, he will not fear Feng Feiyun absolutely, but was chased down by the Monster Clan powerhouse a moment ago, he and Huang Yuesheng received the extremely heavy injury, ten cultivation base linked one is very difficult to display. 顾八少爷的脸色变得凝重了起来,若是在正常时候,他绝对不会怕风飞云,但是刚才被妖族的强者追杀,他和黄岳笙都受了极重的伤势,十层的修为连一层都很难发挥出来。 If this Half Monster has to kill Gu Aying and the others really the strengths, then also possibly really threatens their safety. 若是这个半妖真的拥有杀死顾阿鹰等人的实力,那么还真可能威胁到他们的生命安全。 Naturally Eighth Young Master Gu absolutely is not a person of being afraid of getting into trouble, after coldly smiles, above the body gives birth to the endless spirit glow, has haunched one piece in the surroundings of body territory, this is belongs to his territory, named skyscraping ocean territory. 当然顾八少爷绝对不是一个怕事的人,冷冷一笑之后,身体之上生出无尽的灵芒,在身体的周围撑起了一片“域”,这是属于他的“域”,名叫“摩天溟域”。 In the territory was given to fill by two taste ocean fires, having the faint gloomily blue color/look, the flame to transform various strange shapes, resembles the beast, resembles saying that resembles the mountains and rivers, resembles the meteorite...... 域中被二味溟火给充满,带着淡淡的幽蓝之色,火焰幻化成各种奇异的形状,似兽,似云,似山河,似陨石…… Feng Feiyun wears dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, the body fights intent to be steaming, killing intent is billowing, the step is calm, a claw has torn the past toward Eighth Young Master Gu. 风飞云穿着龙鳞凤皮衣,身上战意腾腾,杀意滚滚,步伐沉稳,一爪向着顾八少爷撕裂了过去。 Phoenix crack day.” “凤凰裂天。” The vestige of the past of phoenix erupts 56 times of striking power. 凤凰的爪印爆发出56倍的攻击力。 Ocean fire Heaven!” “溟火九重天!” Both hands of Eighth Young Master Gu refer to the day, entire skyscraping ocean territory revolved, the ocean cremation for the Kuju-san mountain range, the suppression highest heaven, shells. 顾八少爷的双手指天,整个“摩天溟域”都旋转了起来,溟火化为了九重山峦,镇压九霄,轰击出去。 The phoenix sounds, the flame flutters, the periphery big fog city shaking will disperse. 凤凰鸣叫,火焰翻飞,将周围的大雾都给震得散开。 „The strength of ten thousand beast.” “万兽之力。” In the body of Feng Feiyun erupts ten thousand beast prestige energies, in the blood has ten thousand beast complete/even howl, 3.6 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes in revolution rapidly, a fist have also shelled, collapse Tiansui place. 风飞云的身体之中爆发出万兽威能,血液之中有万兽齐吼,3600000粒圣灵骨灰也在急速的运转,一拳轰击了出去,崩天碎地。 Scarlet Kun empty shade.” “赤鲲虚影。” Eighth Young Master Gu has made unsurpassed magical powers, is one of the looking after the household town clan magical powers, a huge scarlet Kun empty shade presents in his back, does not know that is many mile. 顾八少爷打出了一道无上神通,乃是顾家的镇族神通之一,一只庞大的赤鲲虚影在他的背后呈现出来,不知长达多少里。 Red god Kun is growing fish and pair of wings, shouted cloud Tuwu, the scale was red, the eye like the hot sun, the body was huge, the aura pressed the day. 赤色的神鲲长着鱼身和双翼,呼云吐雾,鳞片赤红,眼睛如烈日,身体庞大,气息压天。 Ten thousand beast and scarlet Kun clashes, like evolving a Great Desolate chart. 万兽和赤鲲相击,就像衍化成了一幅洪荒图。 Ten thousand beasts are fierce, the roar is unceasing. 万兽狰狞,吼声不绝。 The scarlet Kun is the supernatural power is boundless, the bracing cold is enormous and powerful, if falls into a sea area, can give to throw off the sea. 赤鲲更是神力无边,气劲浩荡,若是落入一片海域之中,能够将大海都给掀翻。 The Eighth Young Master Gu heart is startled secretly, this Half Monster too, can actually block the town clan magical powers that looks after the household, really goes against heaven's will, so the strength sufficiently can be called in the younger generation shockingly. 顾八少爷的心头暗暗吃惊,这个半妖实在太了得,竟然能够挡住顾家的镇族神通,实在太逆天,如此战力在年轻一代足以称得上惊艳。 This is Half Monster! 这可是一个半妖啊! Is so, in the heart of Eighth Young Master Gu the murderous intention is deep, he always believes a truth, since must kill people must stamp out the source of trouble, leaves behind the future trouble is the big death anniversary. 越是如此,顾八少爷的心中杀机便越是深沉,他从来都坚信一个道理,既然要杀人就要斩草除根,留下后患乃是大忌。 Even if this moment already were seriously injured, but chooses to as before Feng Feiyun suppress and kill, but after does not retreat therapy, kills Feng Feiyun again. 即便他此刻已经受了重伤,但是依旧选择要将风飞云镇杀,而不是退走疗伤之后再来杀风飞云 Also did he possibly draw back in a Half Monster front? 再说他又怎么可能在一个半妖的面前退? Ascension talisman!” 羽化符箓!” Eighth Young Master Gu offered a sacrifice to a stone symbol of palm of the hand size. 顾八少爷祭出了一张巴掌大小的石符。 This talisman quarter above an ancient stone, above the ancient stone is having the aura of years, likely is a historical ancient book, has recorded the ancient times history events. 这一张符箓刻在一块古石之上,古石之上带着岁月的气息,像是一本历史古书,记载了远古的史事。 Ascension talisman pinches in the hand, arm of Eighth Young Master Gu just like petrifying generally, the arm becomes looks like a landform of region, above the arm is distributing the great river, river, mountain, great lake and Daling likely, this is a stirring wonderful resembles. 羽化符箓捏在手中,顾八少爷的手臂就宛如石化了一般,手臂变得像一片地域的地貌,手臂之上像是分布着大江、大河、大山、大湖、大岭,这是一股震撼人心的奇像。 Arm landform. 手臂化地貌。 Feng Feiyun also offered a sacrifice to Ascension talisman, this was he spends to buy at a high price to come, was very exquisite, carved like the uncut jade together, wrapped his arm, erupted the graceful white light. 风飞云也祭出了一枚羽化符箓,这是他花费重金购买而来,十分小巧,像一块璞玉雕琢而成,包裹他的手臂,爆发出盈盈白光。 They almost also get rid, the air/Qi of two different Ascension present in the air, is complicated, twists and collides, is giving to compel to draw back in Huang Yuesheng of nearby recuperation injury. 两人几乎同时出手,两股不同的羽化之气在空气之中呈现,交缠、扭曲、碰撞,将正在一旁调养伤势的黄岳笙都给迫退了出去。 !” !” Ascension talisman in Feng Feiyun palm sends out a crack sound, are many together the crack. 风飞云手掌之中的羽化符箓发出一声裂响,多出一道裂纹来。 Eighth Young Master Gu long smiles, said: Base and low Half Monster, the Ascension talisman grade in your hand is too low, buys cheap from the immortal shop? Haha! Depending on this type of inexpensive goods, compared with Ascension talisman that can also refine with the worthy people of former times sacrifice of our Middle Ages aristocratic family.” 顾八少爷长笑,道:“卑微的半妖,你手中的羽化符箓品级太低,是从仙铺之中廉价购买来的吧?哈哈!就凭这种廉价货,也能和我们中古世家的先贤祭炼的羽化符箓相比。” Eighth Young Master Gu rumbles once more a fist, the fist shade like the mountain, shook Ascension talisman in Feng Feiyun hand once more to crack a fissure. 顾八少爷再次轰出一拳,拳影如山,震得风飞云手中的羽化符箓再次裂出了一道裂痕。 At this time stood in nearby Huang Yuesheng has also met the approaching enemy, from behind got rid to Feng Feiyun, they must fight a battle to force a quick decision, the Feng Feiyun suppression. 这个时候站在一旁的黄岳笙也迎击了过来,从身后对风飞云出手,他们要速战速决,将风飞云镇压。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” These two were the outstanding people with outstanding ability of Middle Ages aristocratic family, had to cut ancient Zulao ancestor's strength, even if were seriously injured, the strength was very as before tyrannical. 这两人都是中古世家的杰出英才,拥有可斩古族老祖的实力,即便是受了重伤,战力依旧十分强横。 In the Feng Feiyun vision is bringing the bloody air/Qi, a yellow stone coffin appears suddenly in his hands, has thrown toward two God's favored ones. 风飞云的目光之中带着血腥之气,一口黄石棺材豁然出现在他的手中,向着两位天之骄子抛了过去。 The coffin lid of ancient coffin opens, turn over downward, in the coffin blood energy is steaming, the chains shuttles back and forth, a rushing fearful aura erupted from the coffin, like has the cloudy spirit at inside wail. 古棺的棺盖打开,翻转向下,棺材之中血气腾腾,锁链穿梭,一股滂湃慑人的气息从棺材之中爆发了出来,像是有阴灵在里面哭嚎。 Feng Feiyun rumbles into Buddha Qi of whole body in the ancient coffin, inspires a Grade 10 Spirit Artifact prestige energy, has suppressed. 风飞云将全身的佛气都轰入古棺之中,引动十品灵器的一丝威能,镇压了下去。 !” !” Eighth Young Master Gu pinches Ascension talisman, in the sky lays out a palm, shells on the yellow stone ancient Guan wall, blood energy of tumbling seeps immediately from the coffin wall, wells up toward his arm. 顾八少爷手捏羽化符箓,当空的拍出一掌,轰击在黄石古棺的壁上,一股翻滚的血气顿时从棺壁之上渗透出来,向着他的手臂之中涌去。 !” !” Ascension stone Fulie in his hand a fissure. 他手中的羽化石符裂出了一点裂痕。 This...... Is it possible that is this Grade 10 Spirit Artifact?” The Eighth Young Master Gu mind vibrates. “这……这莫非是十品灵器?”顾八少爷的心神震动。 If not for Grade 10 Spirit Artifact possibly by a prestige energy, Ascension talisman shattering? 若不是十品灵器又怎么可能以一丝威能,将羽化符箓给震裂开? Feng Feiyun did not say, has shelled once more, the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact prestige can erupt formidable, Eighth Young Master Gu and Huang Yuesheng territory gave to shatter. 风飞云不言,再次轰击了下去,十品灵器的威能爆发得更加的强大,将顾八少爷黄岳笙的“域”都给震裂开。 They simultaneously threw to fly, injury intensified, above the skin opening, probably momentarily will disrupt. 两人同时抛飞了出去,身上的伤势加剧,皮肤之上裂口一道道,就好像随时都会碎裂开。 Really is Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, this Half Monster really has gone against heaven's will, can actually have Grade 10 Spirit Artifact.” “真的是十品灵器,这个半妖真是逆天了,竟然能够拥有十品灵器。” We draw back, after waiting for injury healing, again tidies up him. The murder, seizes Grade 10 Spirit Artifact.” “我们退,等伤势痊愈之后,再来收拾他。杀人,夺十品灵器。” Feng Feiyun pursues to fly, is holding yellow stone ancient Guan, is raising Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, pursued two people, cold sound said: You think that you can also escape?” 风飞云追飞过来,一手托着黄石古棺,一手提着天髓兵胆,追到了两人的身后,冷声道:“你们以为你们还逃得掉?” Trivial Half Monster that's all! If we did not receive heavy losses, a finger can suppress you.” Huang Yuesheng disdains to Half Monster very much, in sleeves departed sky net of spirit gold/metal refinement, toward behind tossed. “区区一个半妖罢了!若我们不是受了重创,一根手指就能将你镇压。”黄岳笙半妖很不屑,衣袖之中飞出了一张灵金炼制的天网,向着身后抛撒了出去。 Eighth Young Master Gu has also made Spirit Treasure, the shape like the shuttle, sharp incomparable, penetrated the past from the sky net, the straight thrust Feng Feiyun forehead. 顾八少爷也打出了一件灵宝,形状如梭,锐利无比,从天网之中穿透过去,直刺风飞云的眉心。 These two were the God's favored ones of Middle Ages aristocratic family, the body treasure were innumerable, even if were only accessories is the Spirit Artifact sacrifice refining up. 这两人都是中古世家的天之骄子,身上宝物无数,哪怕只是一件配饰都是灵器祭炼而成。 Bang!” “嘭!” A Feng Feiyun blade spindle-shaped Spirit Treasure dividing to fly, Spirit Treasure flies upside down, pricked the back of Huang Yuesheng, explodes a blood hole in his back, the dripping with blood, fell completely the ground. 风飞云一刀将梭形的灵宝给劈飞了出去,灵宝倒飞回去,刺入了黄岳笙的背部,在他的背部炸出一个血窟窿,鲜血淋漓,落满了地面。 Huang Yuesheng hears one to remain silent. 黄岳笙传来一声闷声。 Feng Feiyun wields a blade again, sky net of spirit gold/metal refinement breaking out. 风飞云再挥一刀,将灵金炼制的天网给劈开。 In his hand is grasping not firm not broken god soldier.” “他手中掌握着无坚不破的神兵。” The Eighth Young Master Gu complexion sinks ruthlessly, the heart incomparable aggrievedness, has not thought by Half Monster forcing this distressed region, too damn. 顾八少爷的脸色狠沉,心头无比的憋屈,从来没有想过自己会被一个半妖给逼迫到这种狼狈的境地,真实太该死了。
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