SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#915: The talent of legendary rank

The remaining more than 300 Monster Clan powerhouses also gathered, in the double pupil emitted white radiance, the sacrifice went to battle with the sword, Monster Qi soars to the heavens. Please use to visit the home station. 剩下的300多位妖族的强者也都聚集了过来,双瞳之中都冒出了白色的光华,祭出战剑,妖气冲天。请使用访问本站。 Haha! The physique is plentiful, attracts varied. Good, good, Gu the brother, before she compares to be possible you, these Half Monster maidservants who uses.” The Murong Jiankang clear and resonant voice said with a smile. “哈哈!体态丰腴,魅惑多姿。不错,不错,顾兄,她比可你以前用的那些半妖女奴强多了。”慕容建康朗声笑道。 This and these Half Monster compared with, you are is courting death unexpectedly simply.” “竟然将本座和那些半妖相比,你们简直就是在找死。” Sir Xue Shuang was enraged thoroughly, this group of human member are too hateful. 雪泷大人彻底被激怒,这一群人类修士太可恶。 Her slender snow white white delicate arms uphold slowly, above the arm has the innumerable Heavenly Dao traces to past, twines above her white delicate arms like monster snakes. 她的一条纤细雪白的玉臂缓缓的抬起,手臂之上有无数天道纹路在流转,就像一道道妖蛇在她玉臂之上缠绕。 Eighth Young Master Gu, Murong Jiankang and Huang Yuesheng three people naturally do not have the generation of brain, the plans are absolutely deeper than Sir Xue Shuang, they are intentionally Sir Xue Shuang enraging. 顾八少爷慕容建康黄岳笙三人自然都不是无脑之辈,心机绝对比雪泷大人还要深,他们是故意将雪泷大人给激怒。 However has a little stemmed from their expectation, cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang has surpassed their estimate. 但是有一点出乎了他们的预料,雪泷大人的修为超过了他们的预估。 Her strength, void gives the imprisonment this piece, the white delicate arms wields, piece of monster cloud Zhan. 她一人之力,将这一片虚空都给禁锢,玉臂一挥,一片妖云斩了过来。 Three Middle Ages aristocratic family the complexion great change of old person's, simultaneously made this has assigned Spirit Artifact, dozens Spirit Artifact simultaneously flew, connected a Spirit Artifact long line. 三大中古世家的老人的脸色巨变,同时打出了本命灵器,数十件灵器同时飞了过去,连接成一条灵器长龙。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” The strength of monster cloud is very formidable, gives the disintegration dozens Spirit Artifact, falls on the ground, changed into scrap iron everywhere. 妖云的力量很是强大,将数十件灵器都给崩碎,掉在地上,化为了满地的废铁。 This assigns Spirit Artifact to be destroyed, the old people of three Middle Ages aristocratic family were also damaged, in the mouth the overflowing blood, the body threw to fly. 本命灵器被毁,三大中古世家的老人同时受创,口中溢血,身体抛飞了出去。 The heavenly talent also complexion big changes of three younger generation, own Spiritual Awareness told them the situation not to be very wonderful. 三位年轻一代的天骄也都脸色大变,自身的灵觉告诉他们情况很不妙。 Soul Defense Robe!” 镇魂袍!” Murong Jiankang a remnant robe hitting, this is a gray tattered gown, seems like ordinary, but is actually the clothes that Buddhism Great Sage wears, because year after year obtains the Great Sage sutras, this frock also had the Buddha-nature, above is remaining the source aura of Great Sage. 慕容建康将一具残袍给打了出去,这是一件灰色的破烂的袍子,看似普普通通,但是却是一位佛门大贤者穿过的衣冠,因为长年累月得到大贤者诵经,这一件僧袍也拥有了佛性,上面残留着大贤者的本源气息。 Afterward this frock had been quenchinged by the powerhouse of Huang repeatedly, quenchinged Soul Defense Robe. 后来这一件僧袍又被黄家的强者淬炼过多次,淬炼成一件镇魂袍 An ordinary remnant robe, actually the unceasing ballooning, finally becomes Qingyun general huge, the strength is containing strong Buddha Qi, Sir Xue Shuang receiving in remnant robe. 一件普普通通的残袍,却不断的鼓胀,最后变得更青云一般的庞大,力量蕴含着浓烈的佛气,将雪泷大人给收进来残袍之中。 Haha! Finally gives to subdue this tyrannical female seductress/evil spirit, this time should be able to trade many military exploits, is really the wealth color/look double receives.” Murong Jiankang is very confident to Soul Defense Robe. “哈哈!终于将这强横至极的女妖精给收服,这一次应该能够换得很多军功,真是财色双收。”慕容建康镇魂袍十分有信心。 First receives Soul Defense Robe!” In the heart of Eighth Young Master Gu has the concealed worry. “先将镇魂袍收起来吧!”顾八少爷的心中有隐忧。 In the Murong Jiankang mouth read the Buddha articles, gathered Soul Defense Robe with the Buddhism mnemonics, but Soul Defense Robe vibrated at this time unexpectedly fiercely, had the inflation, supported looks like a mountain. 慕容建康的口中念出一个个佛文,以佛门口诀收取镇魂袍,但是这个时候镇魂袍竟然剧烈的震动了起来,发生了膨胀,撑得像一座大山。 God! What's the matter? Couldn't Soul Defense Robe suppress her monster soul?” In the Murong Jiankang mouth puts out an essence and blood, spurted above Soul Defense Robe, the blood burnt immediately, changed into the flaming fire. 天呐!怎么回事?难道镇魂袍都镇压不了她的妖魂?”慕容建康的口中吐出一口精血,喷到了镇魂袍之上,血液顿时燃烧起来,化为了熊熊大火。 He must by the air/Qi of oneself essence and blood, suppress the monster soul of Sir Xue Shuang. 他要以自己的精血之气,来镇压雪泷大人的妖魂。 The sword light cuts together from Soul Defense Robe, the sword air/Qi rushes to the highest heaven, the vibration vault of heaven, Soul Defense Robe ripping an opening. 一道剑光从镇魂袍之中斩出,剑气冲上九霄,震动苍穹,将镇魂袍给撕出了一道裂口。 Sir Xue Shuang departs from that opening together, in the hand is holding handle monster glittering Ancient Sword, the body red silk is floating, likely is a petal red flower petal, a sword punctured from the mouth of Murong Jiankang, sword edge passes through from his back of the head, the sword air/Qi erupts from Ancient Sword, the head of Murong Jiankang exploding dried blood powder. 雪泷大人从那一道裂口之中飞出,手中持着一柄妖光闪烁的古剑,身上红绸飘飘,像是一瓣红色的花瓣,一剑从慕容建康的嘴里刺了过去,剑锋从他的后脑勺之中穿过,剑气从古剑之上爆发出来,将慕容建康的头颅给炸成血粉。 Thinks the gown that Great Sage wears can suppress this, you rather also looked down on me.” Sir Xue Shuang was beautiful and beautiful face becomes incomparably dense, in the double pupil sends out the white monster glow, above the pure white flesh presents spider marks, interweaves the strange design. “以为一件大贤者穿过的袍子就能镇压得了本座,你们未免也太小瞧我了。”雪泷大人原本妖艳而美丽的脸变得无比森然,双眸之中散发出白色的妖芒,洁白的肌肤之上呈现出一道道蛛纹,交织出诡异的图案来。 Is the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan, eight young master and Young Master Yue Sheng, you run away quickly, the old servant blocks this crowd of evil spirits.” “是白蛛妖族的皇族,八少爷、岳笙少爷,你们快逃,老奴来拦住这一群妖物。” Eighth Young Master Gu and Huang Yuesheng are mental outstanding, breaks through Soul Defense Robe that flash in Sir Xue Shuang, their already has launched speedily the magical powers, is confused to fly during toward the white fog. 顾八少爷黄岳笙都是心智出类拔萃者,在雪泷大人冲破镇魂袍的那一瞬间,他们就已经展开了疾速神通,向着白雾迷茫之中飞去。 Old people of one crowd of Middle Ages aristocratic families have attacked the past toward the Monster Clan powerhouse, but actually such as likes a moth to the flame, quick was cut completely. 一群中古世家的老人向着妖族强者攻击了过去,但是却如飞蛾扑火,很快就被斩尽。 Ran away two human, pursues!” “逃了两个人类,追!” The Monster Clan powerhouse turned toward Eighth Young Master Gu and Huang Yuesheng all pursued. 妖族强者尽数向着顾八少爷黄岳笙追了上去。 This mountain valley already was fought to the bang results in the avalanche, the surface destruction is serious, the ground full is the corpse, has the corpse of Monster Clan member, there is a corpse of human member. 这一座山谷已经被大战给轰得崩塌,地表破坏严重,地上满是死尸,有妖族修士的尸体,也有人类修士的尸体。 Void in gave birth to the ripples, ripples changes into a gateway together, Feng Feiyun walked from the gateway, stood in the battlefield, the Murong Jiankang corpse turning over, has then heaved a deep sigh, „was really a pity, unexpectedly let look after the household eight to give to run away old.” 虚空之中生出一道涟漪,涟漪化为了一个门户,风飞云从门户之中走了出来,站在战场之中,将慕容建康的尸体给翻转了过来,然后摇头叹息了一声,“真是可惜,居然让顾家老八给逃走了。” Feng Feiyun more than 200 monster corpses of ground receiving, the aura of these monster corpses are very formidable, can exchange many military exploits absolutely. 风飞云将地上的200多具妖尸给收了起来,这些妖尸的气息都很强大,绝对能够兑换不少军功。 Feng Feiyun received 35 wormhole Spirit Stone from the bodies of these corpses, in wormhole Spirit Stone many things, Spirit Pill, efficacious medicine and Spirit Artifact...... Some talisman and tokens, especially above the Murong Jiankang corpse, Feng Feiyun received many good things, even if the ring and jade pendant that he brings is the Spirit Artifact sacrifice refining up. 风飞云又从这些死尸的身上收出了35枚虫洞灵石,虫洞灵石里面都有不少东西,灵丹、灵药、灵器……还有一些符箓和令牌,特别是在慕容建康的尸体之上,风飞云收到了不少好东西,即便是他所带的戒指、环佩都是灵器祭炼而成。 Has saying that the outstanding juniors of Middle Ages aristocratic family, is really the whole body is the treasures. 不得不说中古世家的杰出子弟,真是全身都是宝。 Slaughtering that you accomplish were too many.” A voice of female in Feng Feiyun resounds. “你造就的杀戮实在太多了。”一个女子的声音在风飞云的身后响起。 The Feng Feiyun complexion changes, cannot attend to sound beautiful of this female, if sounds of nature, immediately Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall calling, toward behind burr. 风飞云的脸色一变,顾不得这个女子的声音美若天籁,立即将天髓兵胆给唤出,向着身后飞刺了出去。 Feng Feiyun Spiritual Awareness is nothing less than high, but this female can actually appear in his silently, opposite party cultivation base is quite fearful, he only has who strikes the first blow has the advantage, may not be struck to kill by the opposite party. 风飞云灵觉不可谓不高,但是这个女子竟然能够无声无息的出现在他的身后,对方的修为相当可怕,他只有先下手为强,才有可能不被对方击杀。 A white immortal shade flashes through in void, the rapidness of speed, cannot see clearly her shadow including Feng Feiyun Heavenly Eye of Phoenix. 一道白色的仙影在虚空之中闪过,速度之快,连风飞云凤凰天眼都看不清她的影子。 She stood in Feng Feiyun, said: Your murderous aura was too heavy.” 她又站在了风飞云的身后,道:“你身上的杀气太重了。” Feng Feiyun became calm, the vision was sharp, said: These people are not I kill, is killed by Monster Clan.” 风飞云变得心平气和了起来,目光锋利,道:“这些人不是我所杀,乃是被妖族所杀。” The female stands in the fog, body Xianxia rich/forgive body, unusual refined, for a very long time, said: Really is Monster Clan gets rid.” 那女子就站在雾霭之中,身上仙霞饶体,超凡脱俗,久久之后,才道:“果然是妖族出手。” Her sound is extremely beautiful, likely is the immortal spring water drop, stops makes people be hard to dismiss from mind in the ear. 她的声音极美,像是仙泉滴水,停在耳中让人难以忘怀。 The Feng Feiyun sinking sound, said: „Who are you?” 风飞云沉声,道:“你到底是什么人?” Nobody replied. 身后没有人回答。 After long time, Feng Feiyun has turned around, that female does not know when already departs, does not have shade, does not have trace! 半晌之后,风飞云转过身,那个女子不知是什么时候已经离去,来无影,去无踪! Good fearful cultivation base!” “好可怕的修为!” Feng Feiyun pursues in the direction that Eighth Young Master Gu and Huang Yuesheng run away, is remaining all the way the Monster Clan aura, some smell of blood. 风飞云向着顾八少爷黄岳笙逃走的方向追去,一路上都残留着妖族的气息,还有一些血腥味。 When are not many, the front has transmitted tyrannical Monster Qi, does not need to guess that definitely is Sir Xue Shuang and that more than 300 Monster Clan powerhouses, their already overtakes Eighth Young Master Gu and Huang Yuesheng, but they had not actually gotten rid at this time. 不多时,前方传来了强横的妖气,不用猜肯定是雪泷大人和那300多位妖族强者,他们已经顾八少爷黄岳笙追上,但是这个时候他们却没有出手。 Because the whole body wound around Xianxia's female to block them! 因为有一个浑身都缭绕着仙霞的女子拦住了他们! On you slaughters is too deep, the fast retreat, may forgive your life.” This female snow-white skin, the physique is perfect, is above mundane thoughts simple and beautiful, like the world of mortals female, in the sound does not have the slightest bit to be arrogant, was speaking lightest words likely. “你们身上杀戮太深,速速退去,可饶你们性命。”这个女子冰肌玉骨,体态完美,清丽绝尘,不像凡间女子,声音之中没有半分倨傲,像是在说一句最平淡的话。 Her at the back of Ancient Sword, but actually does not carry on the body, but is float is carrying on the back, makes Ancient Sword float like the invisible air/Qi territory there, like part of her body. 她的背着一口古剑,但是却不是背在身上,而是悬浮在背上,像是有一股无形的气域让古剑悬浮在那里,就像她身体的一部分。 Sir Xue Shuang sneers, said: „Do you crack a joke? Like this you many big ages, unexpectedly dare to say the words that boasts shamelessly in the front of this place, was too rather frivolous a point.” 雪泷大人冷笑一声,道:“你开什么玩笑?你才多大的年纪,竟然敢在本座的面前说出这样大言不惭的话,未免太轻狂了一点。” A hand signal of Sir Xue Shuang makes, two wear fights the Monster Clan member of armor to depart, is the Nirvana 4th-layer member, cultivated to be itself territory. 雪泷大人的一道手势打出,身后两个身穿战铠的妖族修士飞出,都是涅槃第四重的修士,修炼出了属于自己“域”。 Two monster territories present, one full is the snow and ice, one full is the bleached bone. 两种妖域呈现出来,一座满是冰雪,一座满是枯骨。 That female heaved a deep sigh, Ancient Sword that carried on the back left the sheath, sent out immortal spirit vast radiance, an immortal imaginary world presented above the sword blade, like had the innumerable immortal swords to float in this world. 那一个女子长叹一声,背上的古剑离鞘,散发出仙灵浩渺的光华,一片仙幻世界在剑身之上呈现,像是有无数的仙剑漂浮在这一个世界之中。 Whish!” “哗!” In an instant, Ancient Sword returns to the sheath. 刹那之间,古剑回鞘。 That beautiful complexion of Sir Xue Shuang becomes some blanches, a wisp white beautiful hair falls on the ground. 雪泷大人的那一张绝美的脸色变得有些发白,一缕白色的秀发掉落在地上。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” Around her Monster Bead of that more than 300 Monster Clan powerhouses also explodes, originally incarnation for human form Monster Clan powerhouse, because cultivation base was abandoned, completely appears the primary form, turned into more than 300 white spiders. 她周围的那300多位妖族强者的妖珠同时爆裂,原本化身为人形的妖族强者,因为修为被废,全部现出原形,变成了300多只白色的蜘蛛。 Merely one sword, more than 300 Monster Clan Monster Bead of powerhouse then breaks, must achieve this point, compared with killing more than 300 Monster Clan powerhouses also has difficult. 仅仅一剑,300多位妖族的强者的妖珠便都破碎,要做到这一点,比杀300多位妖族的强者还有难。 A wisp of Sir Xue Shuang white beautiful hair was also cut, falls gently in the place, the red silk flutters, the luster of the skin is enchanting, deep looked at that female one eyes, said: Sword heart world! Is such boundary, how possibly a you so young female can achieve?” 雪泷大人的一缕白色的秀发也被斩掉,飘落在地,红绸轻扬,玉体妖娆,深深的看了那一个女子一眼,道:“剑心世界!这样的境界,怎么可能是你一个如此年轻的女子可以达到?” That female faintly said: Sword has the world of sword, the world that the heart has a mind. The world of world and heart of sword, if has overlapped, has achieved this boundary.” 那一个女子淡淡的道:“剑有剑的世界,心有心的世界。剑的世界和心的世界若是相重叠了,也就达到了这个境界。” I do not believe that do I want to take a look at you but actually strongly?” cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang is extremely high, can cut the clothes of broken Great Sage, is the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan, the boundary is as deep as a well, gets rid fully, the body changed into the red illusory image, likely is red rain. “我不信,我倒要看看你到底有多强?”雪泷大人的修为极高,能够斩破大贤者的衣冠,乃是白蛛妖族的皇族,境界高深莫测,全力出手,身体化为了红色的幻影,像是一片红色的雨。 That female stands above white fog, the body fog winds around, the physique is graceful, unusual refined, motionless standing there, punctured her front until war sword already of Sir Xue Shuang, she point slowly a finger/refers. 那一个女子站在白雾之上,身上雾霭缭绕,身姿曼妙,超凡脱俗,一动不动的站在那里,直到雪泷大人的战剑已经刺到了她的面前,她才缓缓的点出了一指。 This is a perfect finger, is the immortal jade carves likely, slender and delicate beautiful, exquisite graceful. 这是一根完美无瑕的手指,像是仙玉雕琢而成,纤柔美丽,细腻优雅。 Above the finger is actually breeding overwhelming sword intent, above the fingertip presents myriad world, pushes toward the front gently, at once then being able to overthrow to fly Sir Xue Shuang, likely by breeze blowing down general. 手指之上却孕育着浩然剑意,指尖之上呈现出万千世界,向着前方轻轻一推,旋即便将雪泷大人给推得倒飞了出去,像是被一阵微风给吹倒一般。 Sir Xue Shuang looked like petal bright red flower petal general falling on the ground, the fine gauze has stroked, has not sent out the slightest bit to be flung sound but actually, the body was light looks like gauze. 雪泷大人像一瓣鲜红的花瓣一般的落在了地上,轻纱拂地,没有发出半分被甩倒的声音,身体轻得像一层纱。 Her finger may also like the sword, but this is actually not sword of the handle murder . Moreover the strength that the sword like wind, can moving mountains gives to shove open, blows off in the wind. 她的一根手指亦可如剑,但是这却不是一柄杀人之剑,而且像风一样的剑,能够将排山倒海的力量都给推开,吹散在风中。 Like Sir Xue Shuang at this moment, blowing was fallen down by sword air/Qi. 就像此刻的雪泷大人,被剑气“吹”倒在地上。 Feng Feiyun stands in the distant place, is staring at that at the back of the Ancient Sword female, has held breath cold air, „the talent of legendary rank!” 风飞云站在远处,盯着那一个背着古剑的女子,倒吸了一口寒气,“传奇级别的天才!”
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