SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#914: Saint wooden root

The diameter achieves dozens meters thick big tree to wither instantaneously, probably suddenly evaporates from the air, the ground has left behind a big hole, soil collapsing, big hole burying half. 直径达到数十米粗的大树瞬间枯萎,就好像骤然从空气之中蒸发,地上留下了一个大坑,土壤垮塌,将大坑给掩埋了一半。 Emits a section of black iron slab in the big hole, the shape is very strange. 在大坑之中冒出一截黑色的铁块,形状十分古怪。 Likely is a thigh thick tree root, above the tree root full is the black iron Qilin, is having the metal gloss. 像是一根大腿粗的树根,树根之上满是黑色的铁麟,带着金属的光泽。 Feng Feiyun has thrown from the soil this section of black ferric radical, close two meters, but is much heavier, feared that is over ten thousand jin (0.5 kg). 风飞云将这一截黑色的铁根从泥土之中抛了出来,接近两米长,但是重得出奇,怕是超过万斤。 Feng Feiyun felt that in this section of black ferric radical bred the huge vitality, the vitality probably is changing into rivers to flow in the rushing in inside. 风飞云感觉到这一截黑色的铁根之中孕育着庞大的生命力,生命力就好像在里面化为了一条河流在滂湃流淌。 „Was this Sacred Fruit tree withers later remaining a section of Saint wooden root?” “这难道是圣实果树枯萎之后剩下了一截圣木根?” The Sacred Fruit tree is world strange thing, may with not be possible to ask, although already has injected in all essence the fruit, but some vitalities retained as before, changed into a section of rhizome, many years later, can perhaps glow the sprout, grows for the Saint tree once more. 圣实果树乃是天地奇物,可遇不可求,虽然已经将所有的精华都注入了果实之中,但是依旧有部分生命力保留了下来,化为了一截根茎,多年之后,或许又能焕发出新芽,再次生长为圣树。 If this is really Saint wooden root, then this time really gained in a big way! Even if could not obtain white Zhusheng ancestor's losing treasure also already very value. 若这真是的圣木根,那么这次就真的赚大了!哪怕得不到白蛛圣祖的遗宝也已经很值了。 During the white fog was dim has heard the rapid sound of footsteps, had faint Monster Qi to flow in the air. 白雾朦胧之中又传来了急促的脚步声,有淡淡的妖气在空气之中流动。 Pursued, was really haunted by the ghost.” “又追来了,真是阴魂不散。” Feng Feiyun receives the excitement, the Saint wooden root receiving, in the eye has revealed the murderous intention, hidden silkworm gauze putting in body, a purple jade symbol pinching in hand. 风飞云收起激动的心情,将圣木根给收了起来,眼中露出了杀机,将隐蚕纱罗给穿在了身上,将一张紫色的玉符给捏在了手中。 This purple jade symbol was Feng Feiyun spends 1 million Spirit Stone purchases to come, named day clouds divine talisman, was a Nirvana 5th-layer member sacrifice refining up. 这一枚紫色的玉符乃是风飞云花了1000000枚灵石购置而来,名叫“天霄神符”,乃是一位涅槃第五重的修士祭炼而成。 But this is not complete day clouds divine talisman, damaged an corner/horn. 但这并不是完整的天霄神符,破损了一角。 If there is not damaged, price also absolutely more than 1 million Spirit Stone. 若是没有破损,价格也绝对不止1000000枚灵石 Sir Xue Shuang is leading one group of Monster Clan powerhouses, arrives the Sacred Fruit tree had grown position, she looked at that big hole of ground, the jade white finger tucking in long skirt gently, the squatting down tender body, a pinch of soil pinching, in tip of the nose smelling of gently, a two stars pupil toward surrounding looked void, said: Has his aura, just shortly after walked.” 雪泷大人带领着一群妖族强者,来到了圣实果树曾经生长过的位置,她看了看地上的那一个大坑,玉白的手指轻轻的撩起长裙,蹲下娇躯,将一撮土壤给捏起,拿在鼻尖轻轻的闻了闻,一双星眸向着周围的虚空看了看,道:“有他的气息,刚走不久。” At this moment, a purple jade symbol emerges out of thin air void from on, erupts the purple ray, a ruinous aura erupted. 就在这时,一张紫色的玉符凭空出现在虚空自上,爆发出紫色的光芒,一股毁灭性的气息爆发了出来。 Be careful!” “小心!” These Monster Clan powerhouse fast flying draw back, the speed that but actually as before quickly day clouds divine talisman explodes, more than ten Monster Clan powerhouses died by the town at the scene, changed into more than ten blood corpses, falls on the ground, above the corpse is still braving the azure smoke. 那些妖族强者都快速的飞退,但是却依旧快不过天霄神符爆裂的速度,有十多个妖族的强者被当场镇死,化为了十多具血尸,落在地上,尸体之上还在冒青烟。 Dozens Monster Clan powerhouses were shaken the wound, the body armor was torn, leaves behind wounds. 还有数十位妖族强者被震伤,身上铠甲被撕裂开,留下一道道伤口。 After several times fighting, Sir Xue Shuang also knows that human member is grasping a treasure of concealment personal appearance, but the personal appearance can go into hiding, the aura can go into hiding, but actually cannot go into hiding the fluctuation of surrounding air. 经过几次的交手,雪泷大人也知道那一个人类修士掌握着一种隐匿身形的宝物,但是身形可以隐匿,气息可以隐匿,但是却隐匿不了周围空气的波动。 Sir Xue Shuang projected day of clouds divine talisman that flash in Feng Feiyun on the sensation to his position, was in charge toward Feng Feiyun together has shelled the past. 雪泷大人在风飞云投出天霄神符的那一刹那就感知到了他的位置,一道掌印向着风飞云轰击了过去。 Feng Feiyun also knows that cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang is very strong, after making day of clouds divine talisman, then immediately launches the phoenix wing, the direct impact expansive sky goes, vanishes during the white fog is confused. 风飞云也知道雪泷大人的修为很强,在打出天霄神符之后,便立即展开凤凰羽翼,直冲长空而去,消失在白雾迷茫之中。 Reason that does not call Bronze Ancient Vessel , because the Bronze Ancient Vessel aura is too intense, but Sir Xue Shuang can separate gets rid spatially, the Bronze Ancient Vessel goal was too big, the hit possibility is bigger. 之所以不唤出青铜古船,是因为青铜古船的气息太强烈,而雪泷大人又能隔空出手,青铜古船的目标就太大了,被击中的可能性更大。 Bang!” “轰!” Sir Xue Shuang gets rid once more, hand was in charge to press toward the Feng Feiyun lid together. 雪泷大人再次出手,一道手掌印向着风飞云盖压了下去。 Whish!” “哗哗哗!” In the Feng Feiyun sleeves departs ten to defend talisman, behind is haunching ten defenses to tie, gives to block being in charge of Sir Xue Shuang, speed is faster, thorough departs the Divine Sense recognition region of Sir Xue Shuang. 风飞云的衣袖之中飞出十道防御符箓,在身后撑起十道防御结界,将雪泷大人的掌印给挡住,身上的速度更快,彻底的飞出雪泷大人的神识识别区域。 Hateful, was fled by him.” In the beautiful pupil of Sir Xue Shuang completely is the cold star, murderous aura condense the double pupil. “可恶,又被他遁走了。”雪泷大人的美眸之中尽是寒星,一道道杀气凝聚双瞳。 Continues to pursue!” “继续追!” Sir Xue Shuang waves, gives to gather these Monster Clan powerhouses, remains the weak aura in the air under along Feng Feiyun, continued to pursue. 雪泷大人一挥手,将那些妖族强者又给聚集过来,沿着风飞云在空气之中残留下的微弱的气息,继续追了上去。 Carrying on the back of Feng Feiyun a pair of scarlet red wing, was burning steadily the flame, in the mouth is coughing several drops of blood, cultivation base of this Sir Xue Shuang was too high, ten defended talisman unable the strength that she made to separate completely, was wounded as before.” 风飞云的背上长着一对赤红色的羽翼,燃烧着火焰,口中咳出了几滴鲜血,“这个雪泷大人的修为实在太高,十张防御符箓也不能将她打出的力量完全隔断,依旧被击伤。” Displays phoenix wing speed to be speedily quicker than it samsara, but the phoenix wing merely is only the unidirectional flight, but the samsara speedily is an unpredictable movement. 施展“凤凰羽翼”速度比之轮回疾速更快,但是凤凰羽翼仅仅只是单向的飞行,而轮回疾速则是一种变化莫测的身法。 The phoenix wing suits the far way to fly, but the samsara speedily suits near body combat. 凤凰羽翼适合远途飞行,而轮回疾速则适合近身作战。 If can break through Nirvana 3rd-layer to be good, the speed of phoenix wing will promote very big one section, even if cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang is profound, is not necessarily able to give to overtake me.” “若是能够突破涅槃第三重就好了,凤凰羽翼的速度将会提升很大一截,就算雪泷大人的修为高深,也未必能够将我给追上。” Feng Feiyun was pursued very tightly, urgent hope cultivation base breaks through. 风飞云被追得很紧,迫切的希望修为突破。 However he also knew recently quick of oneself boundary breakthrough, if now carries on the third Nirvana risk to be enormous, cannot such do rashly. 但是他也知道最近自己的境界突破的很快,现在若是进行第三次涅槃风险极大,不能贸然这么做。 This stretch of world is very strange, boundless boundless, when Feng Feiyun fled seventh day, finally has run into other Monster Clan member, human member, but Feng Feiyun distant retreating, not going and these people rashly contact. 这一片天地很是奇异,无边无垠,当风飞云出逃了第七天的时候,终于遇到了别的妖族修士,还有人类修士,但是风飞云都远远的退走,没有贸然的去和这些人接触。 It seems like some already many member entered Holy Ghost Tomb, is not only the Monster Clan member, some formidable human cultivating.” “看来已经有很多修士进入了圣灵墓葬,不仅是妖族修士,还有一些强大的人类修者。” Also, Feng Feiyun had discovered in a piece of high mountain ridge on the 2nd the trail of human, calculated in these trails a familiar aura, along the trail with coming up, in a mountain valley discovered saw the Eighth Young Master Gu form, has more than ten old people of looking after the household in his side, cultivation base is quite uncommon. 又过了两日,风飞云在一片崇山峻岭之中发现了人类的足迹,在这些足迹之中推算出了一股熟悉的气息,沿着足迹跟上去,在一座山谷之中发现看了顾八少爷的身影,在他身边还有十多位顾家的老人,修为都相当不凡。 Besides Eighth Young Master Gu, the outstanding people with outstanding ability of another two Middle Ages aristocratic families, separately were admired Rong Murong Jiankang, Huang Huang Yuesheng, the sides of these two outstanding people with outstanding ability were also leading more than ten family old people. 除了顾八少爷之外,还有另外两个中古世家的杰出英才,分别是慕容家的“慕容建康”,黄家的“黄岳笙”,这两位杰出英才的身边也带着十多个家族老人。 These three people are the apex of leaf Hongjing younger generation are pretty, was the successor of Middle Ages aristocratic family, the old ancestor who cultivation base can let these ancient clan is scared. 这三人都是叶红境年轻一代的顶尖俊秀,乃是中古世家的传人,修为可以让那些古族的老祖胆寒。 They also intruded Holy Ghost Tomb, wants to slice, at this moment hides in the mountain valley rests, the mountain valley mouth is arranging concealment Formation, obviously in defending the Monster Clan unknown bad risk in member and Holy Ghost Tomb. 他们也闯入了圣灵墓葬,想要分一杯羹,此刻就躲在山谷之中休息,山谷口布置着隐匿阵法,显然是在防御妖族的修士和圣灵墓葬之中的未知凶险。 These time looked after the household by Feng Feiyun cloudy , the loss was serious, the worthy people of former times fell from the sky, the family armies by the Shengkeng live sacrifice, was annihilated. 这一次顾家被风飞云给阴了一把,损失惨重,就连先贤都陨落了一位,家族大军更是被圣坑活祭,全军覆没。 The Eighth Young Master Gu complexion is very naturally attractive, sits cross-legged above side jade spirit platform/stage, restores the spiritual energy, obviously experienced a war a moment ago, had a bloody road, then hid here. 顾八少爷的脸色自然很不很好看,盘坐在一方玉石灵台之上,恢复灵气,显然刚才经历了一场大战,杀出了一条血路,然后躲到了这里。 Feng Feiyun sits in the mountain valley opening, has pondered the moment, suddenly inscribed the heart, the corners of the mouth has revealed a strange curve. 风飞云坐在山谷的口子上,沉思了片刻,突然记上心头,嘴角露出了一丝诡异的弧度。 Gu eight, are you must kill my, do not blame my again pit your one time.” “顾老八,是你要杀我的,别怪我再坑你一次。” Feng Feiyun puts on the hidden silkworm gauze once more, the body vanishes beside the mountain valley. 风飞云将隐蚕纱罗再次穿上,身体消失在山谷之外。 After half double-hour, Sir Xue Shuang led several hundred Monster Clan powerhouses to pursue beside the mountain valley, mountain valley opening surrounding. 半个时辰之后,雪泷大人带着数百名妖族强者追到了山谷之外,将山谷口子给包围了起来。 „The aura of that human interrupts here, it seems like hid in the mountain valley.” “那个人类的气息在这里中断,看来是躲进了山谷之中。” The Xue Shuang big person binds the red silk, organism snow white, the white hair drags in the fog, in the double pupil is bringing two groups of cold stars: In mountain valley opening the arrangement has concealment Formation, but is actually not that human arranges, is another native of Poland hides in inside. That human brings here us intentionally, is it possible that does he want to eliminate us with the aid of the strength of this group of people?” 雪泷大人身裹红绸,肌体雪白,白发在雾霭之中摇曳,双眸之中带着两团寒星:“山谷的口子上布置有隐匿阵法,但却不是那个人类所布置,是另一波人藏身在里面。那一个人类是故意将我们引来这里,他莫非是想借助这一群人的力量消灭我们?” Funny, his these small tricks naturally are to hide the truth from Sir Xue Shuang.” “哏哏,他这些小伎俩自然是瞒不过雪泷大人。” „The human member in this mountain valley, although cultivation base is not low, but actually absolutely is not our matches, does Sir Xue Shuang, want to give to eat uncooked them?” “这山谷之中的人类修士虽然修为不低,但是却绝对不是我们的对手,雪泷大人,要不要将他们都给生吃掉?” Sir Xue Shuang is handsome, smiles, said: That human is very sly, since he wants to make us cope with this group of human member, I was inferior that he hopes, the aura that continues to seek for him to leave behind.” 雪泷大人唇红齿白,嫣然一笑,道:“那个人类很狡猾,他既然想要引我们来对付这群人类修士,那我偏不如他所愿,继续寻找他遗留的气息。” The Monster Clan member is also very astute, on working as of Feng Feiyun, however the Monster Clan member does not get rid, does not get rid on behalf of Eighth Young Master Gu and the others. 妖族的修士也很精明,并不上风飞云的当,但是妖族的修士不出手,并不代表顾八少爷等人不出手。 After Sir Xue Shuang arrives in the mountain valley opening, on Eighth Young Master Gu, Murong Jiankang in and Huang Yuesheng already mountain valley alarming. 雪泷大人到达山谷口子上之后,就已经将山谷之中的顾八少爷慕容建康黄岳笙给惊动。 Must know Eighth Young Master Gu, although extremely intelligent and mental excellent, but the weakness, that is has the special hobby to the Half Monster female. 要知道顾八少爷虽然聪明绝顶、心智过人,但是却有一个弱点,那便是对半妖女子有特殊的爱好。 So likes to the Half Monster females, let alone is the Monster Clan monster flatters the beautiful woman. 半妖女子都如此喜欢,更何况是妖族的妖媚丽人。 White hair is floating, the organism is delicate, handsome, if seductive woman.” In both eyes of Eighth Young Master Gu erupts two electricity glow, stared at that wear red silk in mountain valley opening, the sexy enchanting female seductress/evil spirit, on the face is revealing to wipe the smiling face. “白发飘飘,肌体细嫩,翩翩若妖姬。”顾八少爷的双目之中爆发出两道电芒,盯着山谷口子上的那个穿着红绸,性感妖娆的女妖精,脸上露出了一抹笑容来。 Eight young masters, this seductress cultivation base is extremely high, perhaps is not good to cope.” An old person in a low voice whisper. “八少爷,这个妖女修为极高,恐怕不好对付。”一个老人低声耳语。 Murong Jiankang said with a smile, might as well, I have brought Soul Defense Robe from the family, suppressed her sufficiently.” 慕容建康笑道,“无妨,我从家族之中带来了镇魂袍,足以将她镇压。” Which also waits for what?” Huang Yuesheng took out divine talisman from the sleeves, talisman probably one foot, is Shenyu records likely, the surface has the innumerable electricity marks to shuttle back and forth, inside is breeding the huge prestige energy. “哪还等什么?”黄岳笙从衣袖之中取出了一枚神符,符箓大概有一尺长,像是神玉刻录而成,表面有无数电纹在穿梭,里面孕育着庞大的威能。 Sir Xue Shuang and Monster Clan several hundred powerhouses are planning to go to pursue Feng Feiyun, but has actually encountered the attack, divine talisman drops from the clouds, innumerable traces in talisman ultimate good winding, thunder ten thousand, unceasing departs the thunder and lightning to the tread. 雪泷大人和妖族的数百位强者正打算前去追击风飞云,但是却遭到了攻击,一张神符从天而降,无数纹路在符箓至善缠绕,雷霆万道,不断的向着地面上飞出雷电。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Each thunder and lightning likely is together the purple dragon, is bringing air/Qi of Ascension, the electric light, can chop a Monster Clan powerhouse together. 每一道雷电都像是一道紫龙,带着一股羽化之气,一道电光,能够劈死一位妖族强者。 Merely three time of breath, more than 200 Monster Clan powerhouses fell from the sky, changed into the burned black corpse, the body thunder and lightning interwove, even dissipated the large flame. 仅仅三个呼吸的时间,就有200多位妖族强者陨落,化为了焦黑的死尸,身上雷电交织,甚至逸散出火舌。 Formation in mountain valley opening opens, the member of three Middle Ages aristocratic family going out that talked and laughed merrily from inside. 山谷口子上的阵法打开,三个中古世家的修士从里面谈笑风生的走出。 yellow brother worthily is Huang heavenly talent of Epic Level peak, actually has attack talisman that a Ascension worthy people of former times sacrifice refining up, really admires.” Eighth Young Master Gu said with a smile. “黄兄不愧是黄家的史诗级别巅峰的天骄,竟然拥有一枚羽化先贤祭炼的攻击符箓,真是佩服。”顾八少爷笑道。 Murong Jiankang is also the nod smiled, said: Many military exploits! The tour of this Holy Ghost Tomb, even if cannot obtain Holy Saint to lose the treasure, gained in a big way.” 慕容建康也是点头笑了笑,道:“好多的军功啊!这一次圣灵墓葬之行,就算得不到圣灵遗宝,也赚大了。” Huang Yuesheng said: These time looks after the household does not know that many armies by Monster Clan to live sacrifice, this is only helps Gu the brother take back little interest that's all.” 黄岳笙道:“这一次顾家不知多少大军被妖族给活祭,这不过只是帮顾兄收回一点点利息罢了。” Sir Xue Shuang is very at this moment indignant, goes out from the electric light and mist and dust, grain of dust does not moisten, above the beautiful white skin is flowing the white monster light, cold sound said: Hateful, this has not gotten rid to kill your already is to your benevolence, you also dare to get rid to this place unexpectedly.” 雪泷大人此刻十分气愤,从电光和烟尘之中走出,身上一粒尘埃也不沾,玉肤之上流动着白色的妖光,冷声道:“可恶,本座没有出手杀你们已经是对你们的仁慈,你们居然还敢对本座出手。”
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