SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#913: Sacred Fruit

Steps into Holy Ghost Tomb, entered in one likely the world world, an exceedingly high main road grows, does not know vastly how profound. 踏入圣灵墓葬,像是进入了一座内天地世界,一条通天大道衍生出去,不知多么的浩渺深远。 A world vast whiteness, the main road of under foot becomes more and more narrow, becomes more and more ice-cold, does not know where will lead to? 天地一片白茫茫,脚下的大道变得越来越狭窄,变得越来越冰冷,不知将通往何方? That old woman also runs is quicker than the rabbit, already does not know where ran up. 那一个老妪跑得比兔子还快,已经不知跑到什么地方去了。 This place is empty, but Feng Feiyun can actually the obvious feeling a crisis, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall calling, changed into a lance, the under foot is stepping on the samsara speedily, along the jade main road of under foot, flushes away toward the Holy Ghost Tomb deep place. 这个地方空无一物,但是风飞云却能够明显的感觉到一股危机,将天髓兵胆给唤出,化为了一根长矛,脚下踩着轮回疾速,沿着脚下的玉石大道,向着圣灵墓葬的深处冲去。 The Feng Feiyun speed is nothing less than quick, one instant is several hundred miles, but he dashed about wildly for three months above this main road, as before has not actually come to the end. 风飞云的速度不可谓不快,一个刹那就是数百里,但是他在这一条大道之上狂奔了三个月,却依旧没有走到尽头。 Enters the illusion, or intruded some horizon close Formation?” “难道是进入幻境,或者是闯入了某一种天涯咫尺的阵法?” Holy Ghost Tomb cannot guess with the vision of mortal, any unlikely matter, likely happens here. 圣灵墓葬不能用凡人的眼光去揣测,任何不可能发生的事,在这里都可能发生。 Feng Feiyun stopped the footsteps, revolution Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, wants to peep at the surrounding fabrication, all that but sees with Heavenly Eye of Phoenix and he all that uses the naked eye to see is exactly the same, not any illusion, does not have horizon close Formation. 风飞云停下了脚步,运转凤凰天眼,想要窥视周围的虚妄,但是用凤凰天眼看到的一切和他用肉眼看到的一切都一模一样,并没有任何幻境,也没有天涯咫尺的阵法 Worthily is the Holy Saint grave, wants to enter its gate so to be difficult.” “不愧是圣灵的墓葬,想要进入其门都这么难。” The Feng Feiyun intuition told itself, where definitely had problems, otherwise impossible three months unable to enter the gateway of grave by samsara speedily tread line. 风飞云的直觉告诉自己,肯定是什么地方出了问题,不然不可能以轮回疾速奔行了三个月都进入不了墓葬的门户。 At this time, transmitted the broken wind the sound, many powerhouses from behind pursued. 这个时候,身后传来破风的声音,有很多强者从身后追来。 What lead is a female seductress/evil spirit of wear red silk fabric, the white hair flowing light, the stature is graceful, the jade chest very curls upwards, the abundant buttocks are clear, lead several hundred Monster Clan powerhouses, appeared above the exceedingly high main road, has been separated by the infinite remote distance with Feng Feiyun, looked from afar, looked like one flock of black ants whirls above the jade common main road. 领头的乃是一个穿着红色绸子的女妖精,白发流光,身材曼妙,玉胸挺翘,丰臀圆润,带领数百名妖族强者,出现在了通天大道之上,与风飞云相隔了无穷遥远的距离,远远望去,就像是一群黑色的蚂蚁在玉石一般的大道之上急行。 Is the Monster Clan member!” “是妖族的修士!” Feng Feiyun launches Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, is looking at the end of jade main road main road, saw the monster shade beyond remote void. 风飞云展开凤凰天眼,望着玉石大道大道的尽头,看到了遥远的虚空之外的妖影。 Meanwhile, these Monster Clan powerhouses also realized the Feng Feiyun form. 于此同时,那些妖族强者也察觉到了风飞云的身影。 Pursued for three months, finally gives to overtake him.” The speed of Sir Xue Shuang rose dramatically suddenly ten times, pushing to the front has killed, was away from void, selected one finger/refers toward Feng Feiyun, the light beam across the sky has killed together. “追了三个月,终于将他给追上。”雪泷大人的速度突然飙升了十倍,一马当先的杀了上来,隔着一片虚空,向着风飞云点出了一指,一道光柱横空袭杀了过来。 cultivation base of this female seductress/evil spirit was very formidable, this radiance that selected contained the infinite terrifying strength together, rocking that entire was void keeping. 这个女妖精的修为十分强大,点出的这一道光华蕴含了无穷恐怖的力量,整个虚空在不停的晃动。 Is away from one piece void to erupt the so formidable strength, has the strength of rule presents above the light beam, is complicated like the electricity glow on the light beam. 隔着一片虚空都能爆发出如此强大的力量,有规则的力量在光柱之上呈现,就像电芒交缠在光柱上。 Phoenix crack day!” “凤凰裂天!” The body of Feng Feiyun erupts endless flame, above the palm gives birth to the scarlet-red hot feather, changes into a giant phoenix claw, erupts 56 times of striking power, gives tearing that light beam together. 风飞云的身上爆发出无尽火焰,手掌之上生出赤红的火羽,化为一只巨大的凤凰爪,爆发出56倍的攻击力,将那一道光柱给撕裂。 Very powerful!” The body of Feng Feiyun explodes draws back, above arm drops the next drop of blood. “好强!”风飞云的身体爆退,手臂之上滴落下一滴鲜血。 cultivation base of this female seductress/evil spirit surpasses Nirvana 3rd-layer absolutely. 这个女妖精的修为绝对超过涅槃第三重 Her speed wonderful quick incomparable, even if Feng Feiyun launched the samsara speedily absolutely not to have her to be quick, was overtaken by her is only sooner or later matter. 她的速度奇快无比,就算风飞云展开了轮回疾速也绝对没有她快,被她追上只是迟早的事。 Feng Feiyun looked at the both sides of jade main road, was all given to cover by the fog, cannot see clearly anything ten zhang (3.33 m) away, but Feng Feiyun can actually feel in these fog to be full of the bad risk, once strides, fortune and misfortune difficult material. 风飞云看了看玉石大道的两旁,全被雾霭给笼罩,根本看不清十丈之外的任何东西,但是风飞云却可以感受到那些雾霭之中充满了凶险,一旦跨入,祸福难料。 Bang!” “轰!” Also the terrifying aura from behind flies together. 又一道恐怖的气息从身后飞来。 This is together the light beam, the diameter had one meter thickness fully, the shape looks like a sword wave, a pull-off several hundred meters tail, cut to the Feng Feiyun vest. 这是一道光柱,直径足有一米粗,形状像极了一道剑波,拖出数百米长的尾巴,斩向风飞云的背心。 Feng Feiyun clenched teeth, the body toward left one revolution, jumped out the White Jade main road, has crashed in the boundless fog. 风飞云咬了咬牙,身体向着左侧一转,跳出了白玉大道,冲进了茫茫的雾霭之中。 Bang!” “轰!” The sword wave bombardment above the White Jade main road, erupts the huge prestige energy, periphery several hundred miles fog will give to shake, but quick fog close like gauze clothes. 剑波轰击在白玉大道之上,爆发出巨大的威能,将周围数百里的雾霭都给震荡开,但是很快雾霭又像一层纱衣一样的合上。 When are not many, Sir Xue Shuang falls the position that Feng Feiyun has stood, is looking at a left boundless fog, in a pair of beautiful eye pupil full is dignified radiance, in indecisive, does not know that should pursue? 不多时,雪泷大人落到了风飞云所站的位置,望着道左的茫茫雾霭,一双秀丽的眼眸之中满是凝重的光华,在犹豫不决,不知是不是该追上去? Sir Xue Shuang, is that a human or Monster Clan?” The following several hundred Monster Clan powerhouses pursued, kneel on one knee falls on Sir Xue Shuang, on the face is bringing the black skin cover. 雪泷大人,那到底是一个人类还是妖族?”后面的数百位妖族强者追了上来,单膝跪倒在雪泷大人的身后,脸上都带着黑色的皮罩。 Sir Xue Shuang the red silk binds the body, the fragrant shoulder half dew, the sex appeal is enchanting, sneers saying: Should be a human, but actually does not know that transformed the popularity in body to change into Monster Qi with any method.” 雪泷大人红绸裹身,香肩半露,性感妖娆,冷笑道:“应该是一个人类,不过却不知用什么方法转化了身体之中的人气化为了妖气。” This main road as if cannot come to the end, but in main road both sides fog has filled with the dangerous aura, does not know how we do change to choose now?” “这一条大道似乎根本走不到尽头,但是大道两旁的雾霭之中又充满了危险的气息,不知我们现在改如何抉择?” Sir Xue Shuang pondered the moment saying: This main road should be the method under Saint ancestor arrange/cloth, is used to prevent the bystander to disturb his sleeping well, is not I and others can guess, is impossible to come to the end of main road by our cultivation base, the worthy people of former times who only then achieves the Ascension boundary possibly arrive at the Saint ancestor real grave before this main road. Holy Ghost Tomb misses with us, we chase down that intruder!” 雪泷大人沉思了片刻道:“这一条大道应该是圣祖布下的手段,用来阻挡外人打扰他的安寝,不是我等可以猜测,以我们的修为根本不可能走到大道的尽头,只有达到羽化境的先贤才可能通过这一条大道到达圣祖真墓之前。圣灵墓葬与我们无缘,我们还是去追杀那个闯入者吧!” Said that this saying, Sir Xue Shuang one step has flown into the white fog first, according to aura that Feng Feiyun leaves behind, pursued, that several hundred Monster Clan powerhouse follows. 说完这话,雪泷大人先一步的飞入了白色的雾霭之中,根据风飞云留下的气息,追了上去,那数百名妖族的强者紧随其后。 Feng Feiyun does not know oneself are where at this moment, the surroundings are the mist, beyond ten zhang (3.33 m) cannot see clearly anything, Divine Sense was imprisoned. 风飞云也不知自己此刻身在何处,周围都是雾气,十丈之外看不清任何东西,就连神识都被禁锢住。 Also did not know tread line in the fog many days, he rushed in a vast mountain ridge, at present presented a thick incomparable hornbeam, dozens meters thickness, were a wall rises steeply directly fully likely in the front. 也不知在雾霭之中奔行了多少天,他闯进了一座浩渺的山岭,眼前出现了一棵粗大无比的铁树,直接足有数十米粗,像是一面墙壁立在面前。 Above the bark has been covered with scaling, is flowing the monster light. 树皮之上长满了铁鳞,流动着妖光。 The Monster Clan powerhouse chases down is very anxious, encountered with him several times, each time he barely escaped, almost wrote off, had Bronze Ancient Vessel and dragon Linfeng leather clothing luckily and other methods, he can run away here, otherwise he splashed on the already blood several days ago five steps. 身后的妖族强者追杀的很急,与他遭遇了数次,每一次他都险死还生,差一点就被抹杀,幸好有青铜古船、龙鳞凤皮衣等手段,他才能逃到此处,要不然他早在数天之前就已经血溅五步。 The clothes breakage of Feng Feiyun, the whole body is the bloody scab, sits cross-legged under the tree, in the hand is pinching two orchid Spirit Stone, restoration cultivation base rapidly. 风飞云的衣服破损,全身都是血痂,盘坐在树下,手中捏着两块幽兰灵石,急速的恢复修为 The top of the head broadcasts the sound that howls, like has sword edge to drop from the clouds. 头顶传来呼啸的声音,像是有剑锋从天而降。 Feng Feiyun the nerve stretched for these days tightly, jumps from the ground very much suddenly, has shifted. 风飞云这几天神经都绷得很紧,豁然从地上跳起,横移了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” It is not sword edge! 不是剑锋 A fruit falls from the tree, several thousand jin (0.5 kg), all over the body are fully jet black, is very embarrassed, above the peel has been covered with the projecting edge, like a hedgehog. 一棵果实从树上掉落下来,足有数千斤重,通体漆黑,十分难堪,果皮之上长满了铁刺,就像一只刺猬。 The sound when howling sound, was this fruit fell makes. 刚才的呼啸声,就是这个果实掉落之时发出的声音。 Have a false alarm! 虚惊一场! Feng Feiyun has arrived at the front of that fruit, punctures above with Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, sends out the metal friction the sound, the flame bursts out, then turned toward above the top of the tree to look, but actually can only see a section of huge tree trunk, could not see the top of the tree. 风飞云走到了那一枚果实的面前,拿天髓兵胆在上面刺了刺,发出金属摩擦的声音,有一道火光迸发出来,然后又向着树顶之上看了看,但是却只能看见一截庞大的树干,根本看不到树顶。 The top of the tree was covered by the white fog completely, does not know that is high. 树顶被白雾完全笼罩,不知有多么高。 This is any fruit, peel is long with profound iron same hard, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall is very difficult to leave behind the mark above.” “这是什么果实,果皮长得跟玄铁一样的硬,就连天髓兵胆都很难在上面留下印记。” Feng Feiyun changed into a thick back sword Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, the strength of rising spiritedly whole body, divided a blade toward that fruit, a flame burst out from the position of knife and fruit intersection. 风飞云天髓兵胆化为了一口厚背战刀,奋起全身的力量,向着那一枚果实劈出了一刀,一片火光从刀身和果实相交的位置迸发出来。 Bang!” “嘭!” The fruit had not been broken out, instead by tremendous strength shaking bottom. 果实没有被劈开,反而被巨大的力量给震到了地底。 After the fruit arrives at the bottom real, is ordinary like steadily a leg, unexpectedly in place bottom running speedily. 果实落到地底之后,就像长着一条腿一般,竟然在地底疾速的奔跑。 Was clever! Isn't this Sacred Fruit in legend?” Feng Feiyun is quite excited, sneaked in the bottom, pursues toward that fruit. “通灵了!这不是传说之中的圣实果吧?”风飞云相当激动,一头钻进了地底,向着那一枚果实追去。 Feng Feiyun in that on Copper Furnance obtains in 8000 Saint Pu fruit of year, is quite uncommon on already, only misses in 2000 to become ten thousand years of spirit fruit, the sages of Ascension boundary must drool. 风飞云铜炉上得到的那一枚8000年年份的圣蒲果,就已经相当不凡,只差2000年就能成为万年灵果,就连羽化境的贤者都要垂涎。 However Sacred Fruit in Saint Pu Guohe legend compared and misses several ranks, hearsay Sacred Fruit has needed to breed for 100,000 years, in the fruit was breeding the knowledge of ten time, once took Sacred Fruit, can obtain the Holy Saint general knowledge and knowledge. 但是圣蒲果和传说之中的圣实果相比又差了数个等级,传闻一枚圣实果需要孕育100000年,果实之中孕育着十个时代的知识,一旦服用一枚圣实果,能够得到圣灵一般的学问和知识。 Even if were a fool has eaten Sacred Fruit, can turn into the super intelligent sage immediately, had the ability of all night astronomical geography. 就算是一个傻子吃了圣实果,都能立马变成超级聪明的圣人,拥有通宵天文地理的能力。 Even if together the Sacred Fruit peel is used to cook down the soup, possibly gives the child to build the base to be clever, after the birth, can surmount the wisdom and natural talent of common child. 哪怕只是一块圣实果的果皮用来熬成汤,都可能给小孩子筑基通灵,出生之后,能够拥有超越一般孩童的智慧和天资。 This type of day material treasure and just miss, making Feng Feiyun hate bitterly, wants to recover Sacred Fruit, but after Sacred Fruit is buried, the speed is fast like together light, quick disappears, does not know where ran up to? 这种天材地宝和自己失之交臂,让风飞云十分痛心疾首,想要将圣实果追回,但是圣实果入土之后,速度快得就像一道光,很快就不见了,不知跑到了何方? Feng Feiyun has not pursued finally it, returned to that moment to be covered with under the old tree of iron Qilin once more. 风飞云最终没有将它追到,再次返回了那一刻长满了铁麟的古树下。 Like Sacred Fruit this type of world wonderful treasure, one generation of maturity, will be born the spirit wisdom, even if the Feng Feiyun varying blade chops the bottom it, if Feng Feiyun wants to give to gather it, its sensation to the danger, will escape as before, even launches the attack to Feng Feiyun. 圣实果这种天地奇宝,一代成熟,就会诞生出灵智,就算风飞云不一刀将它劈到地底,若是风飞云想要将它给收取,它感知到了危险,依旧会逃跑,甚至对风飞云发起攻击。 Only if worthy people of former times comes, possible to subdue it. 除非是一位先贤前来,才可能将它收服。 „A Sacred Fruit tree can only bear a fruit, it seems like Sacred Fruit did not have the hope. If can give to move out this fruit tree, transplants to the heaven , can definitely become an unsurpassed spirit root, speeds up the heaven to the transformation of universe.” “一颗圣实果树只能结一枚果实,看来圣实果是没有希望了。若是能够将这一枚果树给搬走,移栽到天国之中,肯定能够成为一株无上灵根,加快天国向小千世界的蜕变。” Feng Feiyun starts to begin, plans digging this Sacred Fruit tree. 风飞云开始动手,打算将这一株圣实果树给挖出来。 However when the Feng Feiyun plan begins to throw the tree root, above the top of the tree has broadcast a strange sound. 但是就在风飞云打算动手抛树根的时候,树顶之上传来了一个奇怪的声音。 Bang!” “轰!” The big tree withers at the naked eye obvious speed, a diameter dozens meters thick tree trunk also in the unceasing reduction, finally the entire big tree vanishes in the ground, has probably not been born. 大树以肉眼可见的速度枯萎,直径数十米粗的树干也在不断的缩小,最后整个大树都消失在地面上,就好像从来都没有诞生过。 Feng Feiyun some however, at once then understood, sighed: Halidom like Sacred Fruit tree impossible to exist forever with the world, since Sacred Fruit already falls to the ground maturely, the essence then already outflow of fruit tree completely, completely integrated in the fruit. The fruit leaves, the Saint tree is dry. One year old ups and downs, one year old a fruit. Well! What is that?” 风飞云有些愣然,旋即便又明白了过来,叹息道:“像圣实果树这样的圣物不可能与世长存,既然圣实果已经成熟落地,果树的精华便已经流失殆尽,全部都融入了果实之中。果实出,圣树枯。一岁一枯荣,一岁一果实。咦!那是什么?” Feng Feiyun in the position that Sacred Fruit solid took root, has discovered the same thing. 风飞云圣实果实原来扎根的位置,发现了一样东西。 ...... …… Some readers said that „a Middle Ages aristocratic family had 1.2 billion armies to blow excessively.”, That stinking ninth category gives everybody to calculate, is only Divine Jin Dynasty has several billions armies merely, but Divine Jin Dynasty was inferior that ancient clan, ancient clan was inferior to the Middle Ages aristocratic family, did a Middle Ages aristocratic family have 1.2 billion armies is very normal? 有读者说“一个中古世家就有1200000000大军吹过头了。”,那老九就给大家计算一下,仅仅只是一个神晋王朝就有数十亿军队,但是神晋王朝不如一个古族,古族又不如中古世家,一个中古世家拥有1200000000大军是不是很正常? Good! We calculated next Middle Ages aristocratic family juniors again. 好吧!我们再计算一下一个中古世家的子弟人数。 A Middle Ages aristocratic family inheritance was over 1 million years, even thousands of years, we hit only inherited for 1 million years, each generation of direct line juniors only had two children, the Immortal Cultivation life was long, 100 years inherited one generation. Also altogether inherited one throughout the ages. First generation: A person. Second generation: Two people. Third generation: Four people...... Pushes by this, after 50 generations, the family members are...... These many: 1,125,899,906,842,620 approximately are 10,000 trillion. After 100 generations, is: Something went wrong. This...... I do not know that described with any digit. We planned to have 99% dead of the family competition, 99% died in battle again, 99% were the cerebral palsy, had thousands of thousands hundred million direct line family members as before. Moreover this also merely inherited 100 generations, how many are one throughout the ages? 一个中古世家传承都是1000000年以上,甚至千万年,我们就打只传承了1000000年,每一代的直系子弟只生两个子女,修仙者寿命悠长,就100年传承一代。也就是一共传承了一万代。第一代:一个人。第二代:两个人。第三代:四个人……以此来推,50代之后,家族成员就是……这么多:1,125,899,906,842,620大约就是10000000000000000。100代之后就是:[Not Found]。这个……咳咳,我就不知道用什么数字来形容了。我们就打算这其中有99死于了家族竞争,再有99战死了,还有99都是脑瘫,依旧还有几万万亿的直系家族成员。而且这还仅仅只是传承了100代,一万代又是多少? Must know that the human the reproduction ability is quite formidable, the Middle Ages aristocratic family was also very huge, this was also the race the reason of extend territory, because the reproduction ability was too quick...... 要知道人类的繁殖能力相当强大,中古世家也无比庞大,这也是种族扩张领土的原因,因为繁殖能力太快了……
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