SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#912: Opens the door of grave

Princess, first wave of human member already caught up.” “公主殿下,第一波人类修士已经赶过来了。” In the Monster Clan army, grows the old men of eight arms to stand under the jade god step, to above Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan respectful does obeisance. 妖族大军之中,一个长着八条手臂的老者站在玉石神阶之下,对着上方的妃媛公主恭恭敬敬的一拜。 Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan wears the laurel crown, snow clothes gauze hangs, the beautiful woman generation, the colorful Guanqun fragrance, the under foot is flowing an immortal river certainly, the top of the head piece of heavenly bodies, all sorts of extraordinary Qi Shapes are presenting on her, faintly said: Was so quick, how many powerhouses came?” 妃媛公主头戴桂冠,雪衣纱罗垂地,倾城绝代,艳冠群芳,脚下流淌着一条仙河,头顶着一片日月星辰,种种非凡的气象在她身上呈现,淡淡的道:“这么快,来了多少强者?” This wave of human member comes very sharply, seemed a Middle Ages aristocratic family of human.” On the faces of eight arm ghosts is bringing sneering. “这一波人类修士来得很急,似乎乃是一座人类的中古世家。”八臂老妖的脸上带着冷笑。 The Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan sound is faint, the pupil light is simple and beautiful, said: That gives to drive away them to Shengkeng, as first group of people who offers a sacrifice to exactly!” 妃媛公主声音淡漠,眸光清丽,道:“那就将他们都给驱赶到圣坑之中,做为活祭的第一批人吧!” Funny, receives an order.” Eight arm ghosts have drawn back, is bringing one team of Monster Bead elite armies, goes human member who meets the approaching enemy the first wave to catch up with. “哏哏,领命。”八臂老妖退了下去,然后带着一队妖珠精锐军队,前去迎击第一波赶来的人类修士。 The human member who this first wave catches up with, obtained the Gu Changkong jade book signalling, looking after the household powerhouse who catches up with. 这第一波赶来的人类修士,正是得到了顾长空玉书传信,赶来的顾家强者。 Army of looking after the household continuous steps forward from the gate of wormhole, arrives to the rock red high-quality mystical place, battlefield, the war flag flap flap, the killing intent surges, the ray twinkle of armor, fights the air/Qi near the highest heaven. 顾家的大军正源源不断的从虫洞之门中跨出,降临到岩红高级秘境,战阵一座座,战旗猎猎,杀意翻腾,铠甲的光芒闪烁,战气临九霄。 One person that the looking after the household army leads is worthy people of former times of looking after the household, sits in a whole body full is flame carrying on the back of nine phoenixes, the body by the flame and feather package, cannot see clearly his appearance, however aura especially is powerful, the body ray burns the item, punctures the person eyes unable to open. 顾家大军领头的一人乃是顾家的一位先贤,坐在一头全身满是火焰的九头神鸟的背上,身体被火焰和羽毛包裹,看不清他的模样,但是身上的气息却格外强盛,身上光芒灼目,刺得人眼睛都睁不开。 White Spider Monster Clan wants to open Holy Ghost Tomb, but here is ten thousand clan battlefields, the powerhouse who they can catch up with are not definitely many, looks after the household the tyrannical strength by me, gives to take them sufficiently............ Not to......” 白蛛妖族想要开启圣灵墓葬,但是这里乃是万族战场,它们能够赶来的强者肯定不多,凭借我顾家强横的实力,足以将它们给拿下……诶……不对……” The powerhouse of looking after the household realized place that has not suited, in the rock red high-quality mystical place everywhere is the aura of Monster Clan powerhouse, the entire high-quality mystical place probably changed into the monster territory, completely by the Monster Clan powerhouse guarding. 顾家的强者察觉到了不对劲的地方,岩红高级秘境之中到处都是妖族强者的气息,整个高级秘境都好像化为了妖域,完全被妖族的强者给镇守住。 Situation is not wonderful, retreats quickly!” That worthy people of former times of looking after the household make noise, in the sound full is anxious. “情况不妙,快退走!”顾家的那一位先贤出声,声音之中满是急切。 The situation is not very wonderful, with feeding in the information of family completely is two appearances, where Monster Clan has the strength void appearance? 情况十分不妙,和传回家族的情报完全是两个样子,妖族哪有力量空虚的样子? The strength simply is much more tyrannical. 力量简直强横得过头。 At this time, Gu Changkong in Monster Clan army was also mad shouts 'motherfucker', saw Monster Clan powerhouse who caught up with continuously unceasingly, the heart full was the anger, was searching high and low the Feng Feiyun whereabouts, these time was been simply miserable by the pit. 这个时候,妖族大军之中的顾长空也气得骂娘,看到源源不断不断赶来的妖族强者,心头满是怒火,在四处寻找风飞云的下落,这一次简直被坑惨了。 Army quantity of looking after the household is too huge, is very difficult to dispatch, is not a short time can retreat. 顾家的大军数量实在太庞大,很难调遣,不是一时半会就可以退走。 Haha! Can you also get away?” “哈哈!你们还走得了吗?” The Monster Clan army appears, fights up threateningly, murderous aura is more abundant, the member who will look after the household gives surrounding, immediately launched the attack. 妖族大军出现,战光逼人,杀气更盛,将顾家的修士给包围,在第一时间发起了攻击。 The worthy people of former times of that eight arm ghosts to looking after the household gets rid, a fist has shelled, the nine phoenixes under looking after the household worthy people of former times body rumbling will be split up, blood rain splash, god Ascension for the powder powder. 那一位八臂老妖对顾家的先贤出手,一拳轰击了下去,将顾家先贤身下的九头神鸟给轰得四分五裂,血雨飞溅,神羽化为了齑粉。 The war only continued the quarter merely is less , the member of looking after the household was given to capture by the Monster Clan army, has thrown into Shengkeng, became the sacrificial offering of live sacrifice. 大战仅仅只持续了一刻钟不到,顾家的修士就被妖族大军给擒拿,丢进了圣坑之中,成为了活祭的祭品。 During worthy people of former times of looking after the household were given to wound by eight arm ghosts finally, run away to be void, wants to retreat, but has actually encountered Monster Clan besieging of more than ten old people, finally under is captured, was locked by the town deity locks, has thrown into Shengkeng. 顾家的先贤最终被八臂老妖给击伤,逃遁到了虚空之中,想要退走,但是却又遭到了妖族之中的十多位老人的围攻,最终被擒下,被镇天神锁被锁住,丢进了圣坑。 First offered a sacrifice to them exactly.” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan stands above the White Jade god step, the long hair drags, flesh snow white, like a day female near void. “先将他们活祭了。”妃媛公主站在白玉神阶之上,长发摇曳,肌肤雪白,像极了一位天女临虚空。 The sacrificial offering starts, trillion Monster Clan reading strength, gathered the past toward Shengkeng , the air/Qi of communication world, a ghost cloud condensed, lowers thunder Fa, shells in Shengkeng. 祭祀开始,亿万妖族的念力,向着圣坑之中汇聚了过去,沟通天地之气,一片煞云凝聚了过来,降下一道道雷罚,轰击到圣坑之中。 1.2 billion member armies of looking after the household start to be burnt to refine, the body of each member in braving the flame, the flesh and blood and soul is burning, sends out rending calling out, including powerhouses want to crawl from Shengkeng, but was actually hit, fell into Shengkeng once more. 顾家的1200000000修士大军开始被焚炼,每一个修士的身上都在冒火焰,血肉和灵魂都在燃烧,发出撕心裂肺的嚎叫,其中有的强者想要从圣坑之中爬出,但是却被打了回去,再次落入了圣坑。 This is a huge live person sacrificial offering. 这是一场庞大的活人祭祀。 Around Shengkeng several hundred miles are burning, what burns is the body of person, channels to rock red high-quality mystical place center of the earth deep place appear and disappear from time to time. 圣坑周围数百里都在燃烧,燃的乃是人的身体,有一条通往岩红高级秘境地心深处的通道时隐时现。 The live sacrifice starts, the Holy Ghost Tomb front door presented a shadow, reaches as high as thousand zhang (3.33 m), broad boundless. 活祭开始,圣灵墓葬的大门出现了一道影子,高达千丈,宽阔无垠。 Monster Clan is too simply crazed, offers a sacrifice to the stranger exactly, by scourge!” 妖族简直太丧心病狂,活祭生人,会遭天谴的!” Void beside, an enormous and powerful sound conveys. 虚空之外,一个浩荡的声音传来。 A stream of the watermark backdrop presents , the armies of Middle Ages aristocratic family surmounted come void, the chariot began, the war flag was near spatially, fought the beast huge like the mountain. 一道水纹天幕呈现出来,又有一座中古世家的大军跨越虚空而来,战车开头,战旗临空,战兽庞大如山岳。 In the front of army, several hundred grasp Flood Beast of great axe to clear the way, levels off hilltops to cut the mountain, advances toward the Monster Clan army. 在大军的前方,有数百名手持巨斧的洪兽开道,劈山斩岳,向着妖族大军推进。 Looks after the household this loss to be serious!” A Immortal City army kills, Immortal City City Lord kisses/close, wears gold/metal robe, vision brilliant, the imposing manner is very fearful. “顾家这次损失惨重咯!”一座仙城的大军杀至,仙城城主亲至,身穿金袍,目光灼灼,气势很慑人。 Also the mansion Lord of Saint mansion comes, sits in purple light palace error, the power and influence shakes the highest heaven, the clear and resonant voice says with a smile: Gu wants to have sole possession of Holy Ghost Tomb, has such fate also to get what one deserves.” 又有一座圣府的府主前来,坐在一座紫光宫阙之中,威势震九霄,朗声笑道:“顾老儿想要独吞圣灵墓葬,有这样的下场也是活该。” Gathers in the wooden god puts up major barracks the member of human to catch up, the gate of wormhole was opened unceasingly, is not only these Immortal Sect big shots, many powder cultivate/repair and comes above ten thousand clan battlefields the informed and experienced member, rushes to Holy Ghost Tomb to come, to try one's luck. 聚集在木神架各大兵营之中的人类的修士纷纷赶来,虫洞之门不断被打开,不仅是这些仙门大佬,还有很多散修和前来万族战场之上历练的修士,都是奔着圣灵墓葬而来,想要碰运气。 Begins!” “动手!” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan ordered, the White Spider Monster Clan powerhouse then got rid, the army of Monster Clan army and human collided, a war cries piece, the earth shivered, the sky was chaotic, had the human member and Monster Clan member unceasingly is thrown into Shengkeng the live sacrifice. 妃媛公主下令,白蛛妖族的强者便纷纷出手,妖族大军和人类的军队碰撞了起来,杀声一片,大地颤动,天空混乱,不断有人类修士和妖族修士被丢进圣坑之中活祭。 These worthy people of former times overlords in human also know that must open the gate of holy sepulchre to need to offer a sacrifice to exactly, therefore then also throws toward Shengkeng in the Monster Clan member. 人类之中的那些先贤霸主也知道要开启圣墓之门需要活祭,所以便也是将妖族修士向着圣坑之中丢。 Does not know that many member by the live sacrifice, the flesh and blood and soul changed into the dust, that Holy Ghost Tomb front door more and more congealing reality, bursts out continuously immortal spirit Saint light, radiance shoots through the vault of heaven. 不知有多少修士被活祭,血肉和灵魂都化为了尘埃,那一座圣灵墓葬的大门越来越凝实,迸发出一缕缕仙灵圣光,光华射穿苍穹。 Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged in the monster corpse, the ear can clear hears the rock the earth war cries, the strength of rule is flowing, several strengths shell in the iron wall, gives the bang to be broken many monster corpses. 风飞云盘坐在妖尸之中,耳边能够清晰的听到震天动地的杀声,还有规则的力量在流动,有几次力量轰击到铁城之中,将很多妖尸都给轰碎。 This war is absolutely soul-stirring, is the true human army and collision of Monster Clan army, the blood stream thousand li (500 km), the corpse on the ground trillion. 这一场大战绝对惊心动魄,乃是真正的人类大军和妖族大军的碰撞,血流千里,伏尸亿万。 The war is very chaotic, some people were thrown into Shengkeng unceasingly by the live sacrifice. 大战十分混乱,不断有人被丢进圣坑之中被活祭。 Also does not know that the fight was conducted several day, the holy sepulchre formed finally completely, like together led to the Confucianism of Deva, the rosy cloud air/Qi was luxuriant, boundless fearful, in the gateway had road of the direct access to the highest authorities, endless profound, did not know to where. 也不知战斗进行到了第几天,圣墓之们终于完全形成,就像一道通往天界的圣门,霞气蔼蔼,磅礴慑人,门户之中有一条通天之路,无尽深远,不知通往何地。 This war White Spider Monster Clan occupied the absolute place above finally, after all the preparation of White Spider Monster Clan is full, many Monster Clan powerhouses have caught up, has represented a race. 这一场大战最终还是白蛛妖族占据了绝对的上方,毕竟白蛛妖族的准备充分,很多妖族的强者都赶了过来,代表了一个种族。 But Human Race is more formidable than White Spider Monster Clan, what however comes is only in Human Race are extremely few part of influence that's all, at all impossible and Monster Clan contends. 人族虽然比白蛛妖族强大,但是前来的只是人族之中极少一部分势力罢了,根本不可能和一个妖族相抗衡。 Dying sacrifice!” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan stands above White Jade god step as before, the snow clothes is not tainted by this world's affairs, delicate holy, puts out white Monster Bead, above Monster Bead blood mark. “死祭!”妃媛公主依旧站在白玉神阶之上,雪衣不染尘,清秀圣洁,吐出一枚白色的妖珠,妖珠之上血纹一道道。 Monster Bead pinches in her palm, the ray is bright, like stars. 妖珠就捏在她的手心,光芒明亮,就像一颗星辰。 The monster corpse in entire iron wall pours into Shengkeng. 整个铁城之中的妖尸都倒进圣坑之中。 Must start the dying sacrifice, condenses wanders the Saint soul in world. 要开始死祭,凝聚游荡在天地之中的圣魂。 In the corpse pile, sudden one then lived in the old woman of feigning death, the old and decayed body runs wonderfully quick incomparable, entered the Holy Ghost Tomb front door instantaneously, the stick the walking stick, the speed is not slow. 死尸堆里,原本在装死的老妪突然一下便活了过来,苍老而腐朽的身体跑得奇快无比,瞬间就钻进了圣灵墓葬的大门,杖着拐杖,速度不慢。 Some people mix in corpse sacrificial offering, rushed in Holy Ghost Tomb.” “有人混在死尸祭品之中,闯进了圣灵墓葬。” Many Monster Clan powerhouses, the human powerhouse in distant place, saw that old woman crawls from the corpse pile, ran in the grave front door. 很多妖族的强者,还有远处的人类强者,都看到了那一个老妪从死尸堆里爬出,跑进了墓葬大门之中。 Is the old woman who that trades news.” “就是那个贩卖消息的老婆子。” Buys the old woman news human member to give to recognize her, clenches jaws, this old lady was too sly, infiltrated in the corpse sacrificial offering unexpectedly, wants to act swiftly to get there first. 很多买过老妪消息的人类修士都将她给认出,一个个都咬牙切齿,这老太婆实在太狡猾了,竟然混进了死尸祭品之中,想要捷足先登。 Reason that many people think this old woman buy the news to come out, wants directing the powerhouse of human, then she can enter Holy Ghost Tomb while the turbulent flow. 很多人都觉得这个老婆子之所以买消息出来,就是想要将人类的强者给引过来,然后她就可以趁乱流进圣灵墓葬 Well! You looked that a monster corpse head did not have, still in crawls toward Holy Ghost Tomb in unexpectedly, this...... This was too simply inconceivable.” Also some people saw a beheading monster corpse has climbed Holy Ghost Tomb. “咦!你们看有一具妖尸脑袋都没有了,竟然还在往圣灵墓葬之中爬,这……这简直太不可思议了。”又有人看到了一具断头妖尸爬进了圣灵墓葬 The Monster Clan worthy people of former times who is skilled in the deva-eye technique law, looked at one toward that corpse, cold sound said: „In within the body of monster corpse has living creature, rushed in Holy Ghost Tomb.” 一位精通天眼术法的妖族先贤,向着那一具死尸看了一眼,冷声道:“妖尸的体内有活物,也闯进了圣灵墓葬。” On throws over the sexy female monster pupil light of red silk fabric to be cold, the stature is plentiful, jade peak is exquisite, the abundant buttocks curl upwards, offered a sacrifice to an unsurpassed war sword, partly knelt on the ground, said: Subordinate is guilty, asking the princess to allow the subordinate to redeem oneself through good works, enters Holy Ghost Tomb, strikes to kill them.” 一个身上披着红色绸子的性感女妖眸光冷冽,身材丰腴,玉峰细腻,丰臀翘挺,祭出了一口无上战剑,半跪在地上,道:“属下有罪,请公主殿下允许属下戴罪立功,进入圣灵墓葬,将他们击杀。” She called Xue Shuang, this iron wall was she guards, now in the monster corpse is hiding the living creature, first one step intruded Holy Ghost Tomb, naturally was her responsibility. 她叫雪泷,这一座铁城就是她看守,现在妖尸之中隐藏着活物,先一步闯入了圣灵墓葬,自然都是她的责任。 Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan stands in void, the hand pinches white Monster Bead, the continuously Saint soul flows toward Monster Bead, making her organism holy radiant, is the immortal jade carves likely, faintly said: Goes!” 妃媛公主站在虚空,手捏白色的妖珠,有一缕缕圣魂向着妖珠之中流动过来,让她的肌体变得更加的圣洁璀璨,像是仙玉雕琢而成,淡淡的道:“去吧!” Sir Xue Shuang is leading several hundred Monster Clan powerhouses, passed through died to offer a sacrifice to Shengkeng, entered in Holy Ghost Tomb. 雪泷大人带着数百名妖族的强者,穿过了死祭圣坑,杀入了圣灵墓葬之中。 Feng Feiyun intruded in the Holy Ghost Tomb front door, steps the spirit road that a jade threw, the body departs from the monster corpse, flies toward the Holy Ghost Tomb deep place. 风飞云闯入了圣灵墓葬的大门之中,踏上了一条玉石扑成的灵路,身体从妖尸之中飞出,向着圣灵墓葬的深处飞去。 The Feng Feiyun previous generation has not contacted anything about Holy Saint, before this point Feng Feiyun, has not suspected, surely Holy Saint is most profound existence, anything about Holy Saint may not estimate, but he starts to suspect now. 风飞云的前世从来都没有接触到关于圣灵的任何东西,这一点风飞云以前从来都没有怀疑过,必定圣灵乃是玄之又玄的存在,关于圣灵的任何东西都不可揣度,但是现在他开始怀疑了。 But own previous generation the Ascension 9th-layer powerhouse, is the mainland first powerhouse, continually any point thing about the Holy Saint to have contacted how possibly? 自己前世可是羽化第九重的强者,更是大陆第一强者,怎么可能连任何一点关于圣灵的东西都没有接触过? Since to ancient, birth Holy Saint and being not infrequent, the prosperous time have had Holy Saint born, even some prosperous times will have several Holy Saint to be also born. 至古以来,诞生的圣灵并不在少数,很多鼎盛的时代都有圣灵出世,甚至有一些盛世会有数尊圣灵同时出世。 Phoenix Monster Clan is four big topest Monster Clan, inherits one of the most ancient tribal groups, has many in Holy Saint that above the history is born, haven't the phoenix seniors of these Holy Saint ranks left behind any thing about Holy Saint? 凤凰妖族可是四大最顶尖的妖族,乃是传承最古老的族群之一,在历史之上诞生的圣灵也有不少,难道这些圣灵级别的凤凰前辈就没有留下任何关于圣灵的东西? Holy Saint talisman, Holy Saint Container, Holy Saint blood, Holy Saint clothes, Holy Saint morality and justice...... 圣灵符箓,圣灵器皿,圣灵血液,圣灵衣冠,圣灵道义…… Feng Feiyun thinks the fishy more and more, oneself previous generation has not contacted any thing about Holy Saint, but had heard existence of Holy Saint, the Holy Saint aura has not seen one wisp, this is not really normal. 风飞云越来越觉得蹊跷,自己前世没有接触到任何关于圣灵的东西,只是听说过圣灵的存在,就连圣灵的气息都没有见过一缕,这实在太不正常。 Feng Feiyun more wants more to think that own previous generation some were too pale, somewhat makes him not feel. 风飞云越想越觉得自己的前世有些太苍白了,有些让他觉得不真实。 Doesn't the previous generation want to pass by to dig the Holy Saint grave? 难道自己前世都没有想过去挖圣灵的墓?
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