SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#911: Dying sacrifice

Feng Feiyun is throwing over a white long hair, body Monster Qi is full, but actually as before by this old woman recognizing. 风飞云披着一头白色的长发,身上妖气十足,但是却依旧被这个老妪给认出。 Spirit Stone...... Feng Feiyun naturally cannot put out now, smiled, said: Senior has cracked a joke, asks for money that to hurt feelings?” 灵石……风飞云现在自然是拿不出,笑了笑,道:“前辈开玩笑了,开口就要钱那多伤感情?” Listens to Feng Feiyun not to ask her to render back the money, the complexion of old woman immediately became is not that genial, six bills signed in acknowledgment of debt receiving, has no longer paid attention to him, then stared at distant place that hanging iron wall to look, while a neutral, then slid. 听出风飞云不是找她还钱,老妪的脸色顿时变得不是那么和善了,将六张欠条给收了起来,不再理会他,然后又盯着远处那一座悬空的铁城瞧,趁着一个空挡,便溜了进去。 Formation outside iron wall has not given to prevent her! 铁城之外的阵法也没有将她给阻止! Feng Feiyun gives to put on the hidden silkworm gauze, slid quietly, what in wants to know some much? 风飞云将隐蚕纱罗给穿上,也悄悄的溜了进去,很想知道里面到底有些什么? After entering the iron wall, a strong smell of blood then heads on, huge death air/Qi, like entering a death ghost town, is very the gloomy terrifying. 进入铁城之后,一股浓烈的血腥味便扑面而来,还有一道道庞大的死气,就像进入了一座死亡鬼城,很是阴森恐怖。 The surroundings were given to cover by blood energy, have the gloomily blue monster fire to beat. 周围都被血气给笼罩,有幽蓝的妖火在跳动。 Suddenly in that piece of blood energy, erupts huge angry roaring, fire cloud Gaiya of piece of monster fire, transforming was a big mouth must Feng Feiyun swallowing. 突然那一片血气之中,爆发出一声庞大的怒吼,一片妖火的火云盖压了下来,幻化为一个血盆大口要将风飞云给吞噬。 !” “噗!” Feng Feiyun offers a sacrifice to Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changes into a sword, a blade gave to chop into pieces that big mouth, rushed. 风飞云祭出天髓兵胆,化为一口战刀,一刀将那一个血盆大口给劈碎,闯了过去。 At this time, the deep place of iron wall, there is the air/Qi of huge death to shell, changed into a being startled day giant palm, the giant palm likely was not the palm of person, some want to be the palm of great shape and god lion, the palm completely are the vast thunder and lightning, shook the world to thunder. 这个时候,铁城的深处,又有庞大的死亡之气轰击了过来,化为一只惊天巨掌,巨掌不像是人的手掌,有些想是巨象、神狮的手掌,掌心尽是浩渺雷电,震得天地轰鸣。 Bang!” “嘭!” That old woman does not know where from drilled, the walking stick in hand strikes in the sky, gives broken that huge being in charge. 那个老妪不知从什么地方钻了出来,手中的拐杖当空一击,将那一个巨大的掌印给点碎。 Really is a bad luck child, this place is you can rush?” Old woman is coughing, while said Feng Feiyun one. “真是一个倒霉孩子,这个地方是你能闯的吗?”老妪一边咳嗽着,一边说了风飞云一句。 Must know this time, Feng Feiyun puts on the hidden silkworm gauze, but she actually as before can see Feng Feiyun, this cultivation base is really scary. 要知道这个时候,风飞云可是穿着隐蚕纱罗,但是她却依旧能够将风飞云看见,这一份修为着实吓人。 Exactly said, she does not see Feng Feiyun, but induces the position that Feng Feiyun was, judges is he, only then comprehends the extremely deep boundary the world rule, can achieve this point. 确切的说,她并不是看见风飞云,而是感应到了风飞云所在的位置,判断出就是他,只有将天地规则领悟到极深的境界,才能做到这一点。 Senior, where is this?” Feng Feiyun gave to take off the hidden silkworm gauze, has revealed the true body. “前辈,这到底是什么地方?”风飞云将隐蚕纱罗给脱下,露出了真身。 At this time, outside of iron wall heard the sound of broken wind, the powerhouse in Monster Clan realized that this inside sound has caught up, quick has flown into the iron wall. 这个时候,铁城的外面传来破风之声,妖族中的强者察觉到了这里面的动静赶了过来,很快就飞进了铁城之中。 What lead is a pretty female of wear snow clothes, the white hair clear, the luster of the skin beautiful and graceful, show is limpid, the head is bringing the White Jade class crystal crown, the body has noble air/Qi. 领头的乃是一个穿着雪衣的貌美女子,白发晶莹,玉体婀娜,秀目清澈,头上带着白玉流晶冠,身上有着一股高贵之气。 Her with four beautiful sexy seductively attractive girls, charming attractive, organism snow white, the milk-white bosom is plentiful, the slender waist has been full of pliable but hard to break and elasticity. 她的身后跟着四个妖艳性感的妖女,一个个都妩媚诱人,肌体雪白,酥胸丰腴,细腰充满了柔韧和弹性。 One group of old men follow in the final side, the imposing manner overwhelming powers, beast changed into the human form like Great Desolate, within the body blood energy rushing, as if the rivers flow in their bodies. 还有一群老者跟在最后方,一个个气势威猛,就像洪荒蛮兽化为了人形,体内血气滂湃,仿佛有一条条大河在他们的身体之中流动。 Died already dead, unexpectedly was not law-abiding.” “死都已经死了,居然还不安分。” Throws over the old man of black big robe to arrive at the center of iron wall, the foot stamps on the ground, immediately made in the entire iron wall walk peacefully, monster fires sank, the cry was also peaceful, the entire iron wall became spiritless. 一个披着黑色大袍的老者走到铁城的中央,脚在地上一跺,顿时让整个铁城之中走安静了下来,一道道妖火沉了下去,叫声也都安静,整个铁城都变得死气沉沉。 blood energy diverges, reveals huge monster corpses, some monster corpses want big more than ten times compared with the mountain, the bones of some monster corpses have tens of millions jin (0.5 kg), these monster blood are flowing, each drop of monster blood is containing the huge strength, a drop of monster blood can the town die a Nirvana boundary member. 血气散去,露出一具具庞大的妖尸,有的妖尸比山岳都要大十多倍,有的妖尸的一块骨头都有数千万斤重,那些妖血在流淌,每一滴妖血都蕴含着庞大的力量,一滴妖血能够镇死一位涅槃境界的修士。 Princess, I thought that this inside has the strangeness, perhaps some people rushed, alarm these not to extinguish the monster soul.” “公主殿下,我觉得这里面有古怪,说不定是有人闯了进来,惊扰了这些不灭妖魂。” Is growing the Monster Clan old man complexions of eight arms ice-cold, the aura is enormous and powerful, an air vent entire iron wall makes the sound that thunders, will be hard such as the monster bone of god iron to give to press the sound. 一个长着八条手臂的妖族老者脸色冰冷,气息浩荡,一出气整个铁城都发出轰鸣的声音,将很多坚硬如神铁的妖骨都给压得噼噼的响动。 He revolves deva-eye magical powers, takes a fast look around the entire iron wall, for a very long time, received the vision, on the face has revealed the doubt the look, muttered: I guessed mistakenly.” 他运转出一种天眼神通,扫视整个铁城,久久之后才收起了目光,脸上露出狐疑的神色,喃喃自语道:“难道我猜错了。” Here guard is strict, should be nobody can rush.” Female seductress/evil spirit such saying of wear red silk fabric, the red lip sex appeal, the nape of the neck is slender, each sends flowing divine light. “这里守卫严密,应该是没有人能够闯进来。”一个穿着红色绸子的女妖精如此的说道,红唇性感,脖颈修长,每一根发丝都流动神光 This iron wall is she guards, thought that nobody can rush. 这一座铁城就是她镇守,觉得没有人能够闯进来。 That Princess Monster Clan body was given to cover by the monster glow, the sound is simple and beautiful, the pupil light is clear, said: Since Aunts Xue Shuang said that should be nobody can rush, everybody goes back to defend its duty respectively! Tomorrow is most essential a day, cannot have the least bit mistake.” 那一位妖族公主的身体被妖芒给笼罩,声音清丽动人,眸光清晰明亮,道:“既然雪泷姑姑都这么说了,应该是没有人能够闯进来,大家都回去各守其职吧!明天将是最关键的一天,不能出半点差错。” The Monster Clan powerhouses depart, the front door of iron wall is closed slowly. 妖族的强者都离去,铁城的大门缓缓关闭。 For a very long time, Feng Feiyun crawled from a body of monster corpse, the body full is the bloody monster blood, looked has been piling up with the huge monster corpse of entire iron wall, said: Here is White Spider Monster Clan piles up other Monster Clan corpse unexpectedly the place, after attacking a moment ago my should be these Monster Clan overlords died does not extinguish the soul to read.” 久久之后,风飞云从一具妖尸的身体之中爬了出来,身上满是血腥的妖血,望着堆满了整个铁城的庞大妖尸,道:“这里竟然是白蛛妖族堆积别的妖族尸体的地方,刚才攻击我的应该都是那些妖族霸主死后的不灭魂念。” Does the old woman steal into this inside to do? 老妪溜进这里面干嘛? Can steal the monster corpse exchange military exploit? 难道是要盗取妖尸兑换军功? Feng Feiyun somewhat was also excited, the aura of monster corpse here piles up is very formidable, weakest is Nirvana 1st-layer, when are many can take away tens of thousands, can save directly suffices to fight the military exploit of king. 风飞云也有些激动了起来,这里堆积的妖尸的气息都很强大,最弱的都是涅槃第一重,多时能够收走几万具,直接就能积攒够战王的军功。 Boy do you want to do?” That old woman does not know where from walked, the whole face is the wrinkle, the hair is chaotic, the face somewhat becomes dark, refers to again with the environment of surroundings, simply like one just the old ghost who crawled from the grave. “小子你要干嘛?”那个老妪又不知从什么地方走了出来,满脸都是皱纹,头发乱糟糟,脸有些发黑,再与周围的环境参照起来,简直就像一个刚从坟墓之中爬出的老鬼。 Feng Feiyun stands before a huge Monster Clan skeleton, sighed: These Monster Clan seniors before death are the earthshaking heroes, making them throw the corpse here, really does not have the heart, I planned that brings back to the human state their skeletons, buries their scenery greatly.” 风飞云站在一具庞大的妖族骸骨前,感叹道:“这些妖族前辈生前都是惊天动地的豪杰,让他们抛尸在此,真是于心不忍,我打算将他们的骸骨带回人类国度,将他们风光大葬。” Best not to move this inside monster corpse, although they died, but in them the skeletons of some powerhouses are breeding the huge strength as before, even if only a drop of blood pounds on your body, can your body piercing. And is some big monsters battle soul does not extinguish, together the soul read to be able to burn merely the day to boil the sea, the racket falls the stars.” Old woman expression say/way with deep veneration. “你最好别动这里面的妖尸,他们虽然死去,但是他们之中有一些强者的尸骨依旧孕育着庞大的力量,哪怕只是一滴鲜血砸在你的身上,都能将你的身体给洞穿。其中更是有些大妖的战魂不灭,仅仅只是一道魂念冲出来都能够焚天煮海,拍落星辰。”老妪言词肃然的道。 This iron wall is very huge, has piled up the innumerable monster corpses, even if piles up thinnest place 30 meters thick, in some is indeed more tyrannical much the aura to pass on, was only they have sent out severe howl merely, shook the person eardrum to send to hurt, before being very difficult to imagine their bodies , as formidable as what kind of region? 这一座铁城很是庞大,堆积了无数妖尸,即便是堆积最薄的地方都有30米厚,这里面的确有很多强横得吓人的气息传出来,仅仅只是它们发出了一声厉吼,都震得人耳膜发疼,很难想象他们身前强大到何等境地? Feng Feiyun said: „Does the senior enter here is for what?” 风飞云道:“那前辈进入这里是为了什么?” The old woman long sighed: Old woman I am look at reverently the losing faces of these Monster Clan seniors...... Doesn't believe? I said that is gives fellow Monster Clan worthy people of former times to burn incense, do you believe?” 老妪长叹道:“老婆子我是来瞻仰这些妖族前辈的遗颜……不信?那我说是来给各位妖族先贤上香,你信不信?” Was saying she also really fishes out a bluish gray incense burner, has burnt a joss stick in front of monster corpse unexpectedly, has not scattered some paper money on the difference. 说着她还真的摸出一个青灰色的香炉来,竟然真的就在一只妖尸的前面上了一炷香,就差没有撒出一些纸钱。 Good! Good! Told you truth, these monster corpses were the sacrificial offerings that White Spider Monster Clan sent, tomorrow the White Spider Monster Clan army will condense white Zhusheng ancestor's Saint soul with these sacrificial offerings.” The old woman said. “好吧!好吧!告诉你实话,这些妖尸都是白蛛妖族送来的祭品,明天白蛛妖族的大军将会用这些祭品凝聚白蛛圣祖的圣魂。”老妪说道。 Feng Feiyun said: I understood, you infiltrated in these sacrificial offerings, only wants a step intrusion white Zhusheng ancestor's grave, to receive to blow inside treasure first, you did not fear that offered a sacrifice to exactly?” 风飞云道:“我懂了,你老人家混进了这些祭品之中,只想先一步的闯入白蛛圣祖的墓葬,收刮里面的宝物,难道你老人家就不怕被活祭了?” The old woman said: „To open Holy Ghost Tomb, the score offers a sacrifice to and dying sacrifice two steps exactly. Offers a sacrifice to exactly before, to open channel to holy sepulchre. Dies to offer a sacrifice to, to awaken white Zhusheng ancestor's Saint soul.” 老妪道:“想要打开圣灵墓葬,得分活祭和死祭两个步履。活祭在前,是为了打开通往圣墓的通道。死祭在后,是为了唤醒白蛛圣祖的圣魂。” Is it possible that white Zhusheng doesn't ancestor's Saint soul extinguish unexpectedly really?” Feng Feiyun shook the head at once, said: Is impossible, the Holy Saint soul is impossible to save the world to be so long.” “莫非白蛛圣祖的圣魂竟然真的不灭?”风飞云旋即又摇了摇头,道:“不可能,就算圣灵的魂也不可能存世这么久。” This is not the idle talk. white Zhusheng ancestor's Saint soul definitely already vanishes into thin air, reason that White Spider Monster Clan dying sacrifice, but wants the Saint soul that condenses the part to travel, even if can only condense one wisp to send silk that many Saint souls, is the quite formidable strengths.” The old woman said. “这不是废话。白蛛圣祖的圣魂肯定都已经烟消云散,白蛛妖族之所以死祭,只不过是想要凝聚部分游历的圣魂,哪怕只能凝聚出一缕发丝那么多的圣魂,都是相当强大的力量。”老妪说道。 Feng Feiyun nodded, said: Right, a wisp of Saint soul can cut Ascension Great Sage.” 风飞云点了点头,道:“没错,一缕圣魂能够斩羽化大贤者。” Feng Feiyun understands that this old woman wants to make anything, she wants after offers a sacrifice to exactly, before dying offers a sacrifice, first step rushing Holy Ghost Tomb, in good thing to give to receive to blow. 风飞云明白这个老妪想要做什么,她想要在活祭之后,死祭之前,先一步的闯进圣灵墓葬,将里面的好东西都给收刮一空。 The old woman pours in the monster corpse pile, sticks out one's tongue, the looking away bead, has fitted out a corpse. 老妪倒在妖尸堆里,吐舌头,翻眼珠,装成了一具死尸。 Feng Feiyun cultivation base she is not high, therefore then sneaked in a corpse of monster corpse, hid aura thoroughly, hides in inside. 风飞云修为没有她高,于是便钻进了一头妖尸的尸体之中,将身上的气息彻底隐藏,躲在了里面。 That night is not tranquil, in the Monster Clan big camp had the turmoil, originally is fights human that in the territory detains to let out, after having a fierce combat, 90% human by suppress and kill, are thrown into this iron wall, only then extremely minority human powerhouses run away. 这一夜并不平静,妖族大营之中发生了动乱,原来是战域之中关押的人类被放了出去,发生了一场激战之后,90的人类都被镇杀,丢进了这一座铁城之中,只有极其少数的人类强者逃走。 Really is strange, fought the human member in territory to be sealed up cultivation base, can run away unexpectedly.” A White Spider Monster Clan member the corpses of human powerhouses throwing, mouth such discussing. “真是奇怪,战域之中的人类修士都被封住了修为,竟然还能逃走。”一个白蛛妖族的修士将一具具人类强者的尸体给扔进来,嘴里如此的念道。 „The news that it seems like that the Saint ancestor grave opens will be revealed that tomorrow estimated that will have many human member to catch up.” Another White Spider Monster Clan member said. “看来圣祖墓葬开启的消息将会被泄露出去,明天估计有很多人类修士会赶来。”另一个白蛛妖族的修士说道。 The front door of iron wall is closed once more. 铁城的大门再次关闭。 Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged in the corpse of monster corpse, can the sensation arrive at outside all, in the heart muses saying that definitely is the star female in that non- longevity god palace gets rid to give to rescue these human member, her corpse had not been delivered to here, it seems like ran away.” 风飞云盘坐在妖尸的尸体之中,能够感知到外面的一切,心中暗想道,“肯定是那个无寿星宫的星女出手将那些人类修士都给解救,她的尸体没有被送到这里来,看来是逃走了。” That night, Feng Feiyun is perceiving through meditation the «Gold Silkworm Scripture» third silkworm chart, time rapid passing. 这一夜,风飞云都在参悟《金蚕经》的第三幅蚕图,时间飞速的流逝。 Next day, then arrived quickly. 第二天,很快便到来了。 The entire White Spider Monster Clan army goes forward once more, 800 Flood Beast drag to this fully is the monster corpse iron walls, by the inexhaustible Monster Clan army wrapping in inside, vanguard slowly, stopped finally in a center of rock red high-quality mystical place biggest mainland. 整个白蛛妖族的大军再次前进,有800头洪兽拖到这一座满是妖尸的铁城,被无穷无尽的妖族大军给包裹在里面,缓缓的前行,最终停在了岩红高级秘境最大的一块大陆的中央。 white Zhu the huge quantity of monster armed forces, then disperses, in a radius of 30000 mile s has composed the battlefield. 白蛛的妖军的数量庞大,然后又分散开,在方圆30000里之内组成了战阵。 At this moment, entire rock red high-quality mystical place was given the package by Monster Qi, has the White Spider Monster Clan member continuously across comes void, the quantity of powerhouse are getting more and more. 这一刻,整个岩红高级秘境都被妖气给包裹,有白蛛妖族的修士源源不断的横跨虚空而来,强者的数量越来越多。
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