SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#910: Monster Clan big camp

The You Ziling cold pupil like the electricity, ancient Deng of forehead in keeping glittering, the body Exalted Immortal light overflows, Daoist robe circulation divine light, uses does not have absurd subdue demons lamp the strength, her already has broken through seal under Sir Bai Yi arrange/cloth on her, the cultivation base fast restoration. 游紫菱寒眸如电,眉心的古灯在不停闪烁,身上仙光四溢,道袍流转神光,利用“无妄降妖灯”的力量,她已经冲破了白怡大人在她身上布下的封印,修为快速的恢复。 Sir Bai Yi takes away does not have absurd subdue demons lamp merely is only the lamp embryo, is vice- lamp that the duplication becomes, but does not have absurd subdue demons lamp the true body hides in You Ziling forehead spirit platform/stage. 白怡大人收走的“无妄降妖灯”仅仅只是灯胎,乃是复制而成的副灯,而“无妄降妖灯”的真身藏在游紫菱的眉心灵台 What? Do you want me to take off the Daoist robe?” “什么?你要我脱下道袍?” You Ziling cultivation base restores, bursting with life, the immortal pupil essence passes, the red lip like Yin, will not take in any event off the Daoist robe in the Feng Feiyun front. 游紫菱修为恢复,神采奕奕,仙眸精透,红唇如殷,不论如何都不会在风飞云的面前脱下道袍。 She wants to offer a sacrifice to not to have the true body of absurd subdue demons lamp to kill, the body Exalted Immortal light is eye-catching, the air/Qi to/clashes the sky, resembled to change into a clothes female war-god. 她想要祭出无妄降妖灯的真身杀出去,身上仙光夺目,气冲霄汉,似化为了一尊道衣女战神。 Feng Feiyun shook the head, said: You cannot kill, here is the White Spider Monster Clan big camp, has the Monster Clan worthy people of former times to assume personal command, even if the worthy people of former times in your non- longevity god palace were closed, wants to kill, is the dead end. You want to suicide, do not pull I dies together!” 风飞云摇了摇头,道:“你杀不出去的,这里乃是白蛛妖族的大营,有妖族先贤坐镇,就算你们无寿星宫的先贤被关进来,想要杀出去,也是死路一条。你就算想寻死,也别拉我一起去死啊!” You Ziling was said by Feng Feiyun final that a few words clenches jaws, the pure white white teeth rubs, makes giggle sound, this dead Half Monster is too hateful, what is you wants to suicide, do not pull I dies together!”? 游紫菱风飞云最后的那一句话说得咬牙切齿,洁白的皓齿磨动,发出“咯咯”的声音,这个死半妖实在太可恶,什么叫“你就算想寻死,也别拉我一起去死啊!”? You Ziling naturally is not stupid female, quick then calm, knows not false, wants to kill from the White Spider Monster Clan big camp, her cultivation base again high ten times absolutely cannot achieve. 游紫菱自然不是愚笨的女子,很快便镇定了下来,知道得并不假,想要从白蛛妖族的大营之中杀出去,就算她的修为再高十倍也绝对做不到。 Now also can only coordinate this Half Monster. 现在也只能配合这个半妖了。 Although in the heart already thinks through, but does is very actually difficult truly, must take off the Daoist robe in a Half Monster front, this...... This really makes her somewhat embarrassed, always felt that the whole body is not comfortable. 虽然心中已经想通,但是真正做起来其实很难,要在一个半妖的面前脱下道袍,这……这实在让她有些难为情,总感觉浑身不自在。 Do not rub gently, hurry up!” Feng Feiyun anxious urging. “别磨磨蹭蹭了,快点啊!”风飞云急切的催促。 Outside these Monster Clan already started to be in a tumult, very discontented Feng Feiyun lorded over that human the day the arrogant female, some strength quite formidable Monster Clan already toward prison slowly walked. 外面的那些妖族已经开始骚动了起来,很不满风飞云独霸那个人类的天之骄女,有些实力比较强大的妖族已经向着牢狱这边缓缓的走来。 You Ziling deep inspiration, started to loosen a buckle finally gently, the jade has referred to such as blue, during the light solution Daoist robe, the movement was very graceful, is graceful is also bringing several points of lovable charming, during was charming to give people one type the holiness of dust. 游紫菱深深的吸了一口气,最后还是开始轻轻的解下了道扣,玉指如兰,轻解道袍,动作十分优雅,优雅之中又带着几分可爱的娇羞,娇羞之中又给人一种出尘的圣洁。 Feng Feiyun squats an corner/horn in prison, stared at her to look at two, on the face has shown several points of smiling face, the heart secretly thought, this day longevity god female also really some meanings, unexpectedly really the start escaped itself on the Daoist robe, if has changed another Saint mansion saintess, even if died in battle, perhaps will not take off the clothes in a Half Monster front.” 风飞云蹲在牢狱之中的一角,盯着她看了两眼,脸上露出几分笑容,心头暗道,“这个天寿星女还真有些意思,居然真的开始脱自己身上道袍,若是换了另一座圣府的圣女,就算是战死,恐怕都不会在一个半妖的面前脱衣。” Has saying that looked an attractive female takes off the clothes, absolutely is a pleasant matter. 不得不说,看一个漂亮女子脱衣服,绝对是一件赏心悦目的事。 !” “噗拉!” You Ziling will say that the clothes gives to take off, above the pure organism only puts on lunar white Luo Shan, outlined she graceful peerless luster of the skin said the wonder , the dustlessness did not have the flaw, simple and beautiful refined, holy beautiful, making world any man see that must palpitate with excitement. 游紫菱将道衣给脱下,玉洁冰清的肌体之上只穿着一层月白色的罗衫,将她曼妙绝伦的玉体勾勒得说之不出的美妙,无尘无瑕,清丽雅致,圣洁美丽,让天下任何一个男子看到都要怦然心动。 Feng Feiyun deep looked at her one eyes, said with a smile: Compared with putting on time beautiful of Daoist robe.” 风飞云深深的看了她一眼,笑道:“比穿道袍的时候美。” The You Ziling delicate eyebrows circle stares, the eyeball turning round rotation, is getting more and more bad to this Half Monster reflection, this simply is one and other disciple prodigal sons. 游紫菱秀眉圆瞪,眼珠子滴溜溜的转动,对这个半妖的映像越来越差,这简直就是一个等徒浪子。 Feng Feiyun gives to pick up the Daoist robe of ground, gives to take off ground that female seductress/evil spirit monster skin Ruanjia, wore the Daoist robe on the body of female seductress/evil spirit. 风飞云将地上的道袍给捡起,又将地上那一个女妖精身上的妖皮软甲给脱下,将道袍穿在了女妖精的身上。 Female seductress/evil spirit at this moment lies down on the ground, is much longer with You Ziling, the American fund beautiful woman, is very beautiful, lying down like sleeping beauty in the Feng Feiyun front. 此刻的女妖精就躺在地上,和游紫菱长得一模一样,美资倾城,十分秀丽,就像一个睡美人一样的躺在了风飞云的面前。 Stands some You Ziling also exclamation near corner in the method of Feng Feiyun, can actually turn into her appearance a female seductress/evil spirit, moreover absolutely does not have the flaw, even if the worthy people of former times estimate of non- longevity god palace cannot achieve this point. 站在墙角边上的游紫菱也有些惊叹于风飞云的手段,竟然能够将一个女妖精变成她的模样,而且完全没有破绽,就算是无寿星宫的先贤估计也做不到这一点。 However her heart somewhat has been at once bored, this Half Monster method is so strange, if he has any evil interest, can turn into her appearance other female...... Thinks that here she starts to do a lot of talking, five pinch tightly, looks unfamiliar the anger smartly. 但是旋即她心头又有些腻味了起来,这个半妖的手段如此诡异,万一他有什么邪恶趣味,会不会又将别的女子变成她的模样……想到此处她就又开始磨牙,五根捏紧,俏脸生怒。 „Were your ancestors the mouse are fine?” Feng Feiyun has turned the head to stare at her one eyes, then looked at outside the prison, said: „The ground has monster skin Ruanjia, oneself find the way to run away!” “你上辈子是耗子精不成?”风飞云转过头盯了她一眼,然后看了看牢狱之外,道:“地上有妖皮软甲,自己想办法逃出去吧!” Crash-bang! 哗啦! Said that this saying, Feng Feiyun then ripping crushes female seductress/evil spirit Daoist robe, reveals the shining white **, the smooth lower abdomen, the sexy navel, the plentiful milk-white bosom, was then raising her hair pull-off in the prison, has thrown directly, bang fell on the ground, gives to have a scare white Zhuyao who that several encircled quietly, hastily retreat. 说完这话,风飞云便将女妖精身上的道袍给撕得粉碎,露出莹白的**,平坦的小腹,性感的肚脐,丰满的酥胸,然后提着她的头发拖出了牢狱之中,直接扔了出去,“嘭”的一声落在地上,将那几个悄悄围上来的白蛛妖都给吓了一跳,连忙后退。 Feng Feiyun is entangling the waistband, mouth while was speaking the meat words, said: This day longevity god female body is too bad, the father had not held two dead, really feels disappointed.” Gained ground, looked at these white Zhuyao, has referred to underground Female Corpse in rags, saying with a smile of rippling: Temperature, you , if interested, although takes away to use!” 风飞云一边缠着腰带,嘴里一边说着荤话,道:“这个天寿星女身体实在太差,老子还没有捅两下就死了,实在扫兴。”抬起头,看了看那些白蛛妖,指了指地下衣衫褴褛的女尸,荡漾的笑道:“还有温度,你们若是有兴趣,尽管拿去用吧!” Hides You Ziling in prison just now putting on monster skin Ruanjia on the body, the meat words that hears, let her grinding tooth immediately. 藏身在牢狱之中的游紫菱才刚将妖皮软甲给穿在身上,听到的荤话,顿时又让她一阵磨牙齿。 Feng Feiyun carries on the shoulder to fight the sword, the mouth snort/hum the folk song, swaggering goes out of the White Spider Monster Clan war prison. 风飞云扛着战剑,嘴里哼着小调,大摇大摆的走出白蛛妖族的战狱。 A middle-aged person pursued from behind, distant shouting: Monster the Sir, the monster the Sir, will wait for me!” 一个中年人从后面追了出来,远远的喊道:“妖将大人,妖将大人,等等我!” Feng Feiyun is wanted to go to seek for the Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan tent, actually hears behind some people to yell, immediately stopped the footsteps, looked at this to pursue the middle-aged person, the say/way of doubts: Monster Sir? Were you calling me?” 风飞云本来是想要前去寻找妃媛公主的营帐,却听到身后有人叫喊,顿时停下了脚步,看了看这个追上来中年人,疑惑的道:“妖将大人?你在叫我?” Is is not calling the Sir you.” The middle-aged people gave Feng Feiyun respectfully good a ritual. “可不就是在叫大人你。”中年人恭恭敬敬的给风飞云行了一礼。 The rebel of this middle-aged person that human, probably called Gu Changkong, how another surnamed Gu? 这个中年人正是那个人类的叛徒,好像叫“顾长空”,怎么又一个姓顾的? Feng Feiyun surnamed Gu somewhat disliked to person recently, therefore is called the Gu Changkong middle-aged person not to have the good complexion to this, a hand inserts on the back, the say/way of spirited military might: Your his mother who! Asked father to do?” 风飞云最近对姓顾的人有些不待见,于是对这个叫做顾长空的中年人也没有好脸色,一只手插在腰杆上,神气威武的道:“你他妈谁啊!叫老子干嘛?” Gu Changkong as if also has asked for advice this monster the temperament of Sir, greets with a smile to say as before: „ Monster the Sir is the subordinate of Sir Bai Yi, the position high weight, has the pivotal status in the Monster Clan army, the villain sees the monster the Sir to admire on already full of admiration, pursues the prostrating oneself monster especially the Sir. 顾长空似乎也领教过这位妖将大人的脾气,依旧笑脸相迎道:“妖将大人乃是白怡大人的手下,位高权重,在妖族大军之中有举足轻重的地位,小人一见妖将大人就已经佩服得五体投地,特地追上来膜拜妖将大人。 Although Feng Feiyun in heart a chill, but has saying that this is called the Gu Changkong middle-aged person's cultivation base in the time of flattering to be absolutely profound, this simply is a talented person! 风飞云虽然心中一阵恶寒,但是不得不说这个叫做顾长空的中年人在拍马屁的功夫上修为绝对精深,这简直就是人才啊! Feng Feiyun has coughed two, said: You but actually also said are the truth. Did you ask father to do?” 风飞云干咳了两声,道:“你说得倒也是实话。你到底叫老子干嘛?” Heard that this times our Monster Clan army is goes to open Holy Ghost Tomb...... The villains heard, heard.” Gu Changkong bends the waist to bow to be all smile. “听说这次我们妖族大军是前去开启一座圣灵墓葬……小人都是听说,都是听说。”顾长空弯腰躬身满脸堆笑。 Originally is inquires the news! 原来是来打探消息! The Feng Feiyun heart laughs in one's heart, the complexion became with deep veneration, said: Looked that you are also person who understands what has to done, told you matters of some secrets!” 风飞云的心头暗笑,脸色变得肃然了起来,道:“看你也算是识时务的人,就告诉你一些隐秘之事吧!” On the Gu Changkong face revealed the color/look of great happiness, the ear ties straight. 顾长空脸上露出大喜之色,耳朵都束直了。 Feng Feiyun mystical say/way: How must open white Zhusheng ancestor's grave, in the grave has Holy Saint Container and that «All generations undying Merit» and Holy Saint inheritance white Zhusheng the ancestor leaves behind...... These words I only said to you alone, you may not say.” 风飞云神神秘秘的道:“咋们是要去开启白蛛圣祖的墓葬,墓葬之中有白蛛圣祖留下的圣灵器皿、《万劫不死功》、圣灵传承……这些话我都只给你一个人说,你可千万别说出去。” The Gu Changkong heart shakes crazily, any same thing that leaves is the unsurpassed halidom, was drooled by countless people, the guarantee said hastily: This matter I keep one's mouth shut absolutely.” 顾长空的心头狂震,出的任何一样东西都是无上圣物,被无数人垂涎,连忙保证道:“这种事我绝对守口如瓶。” Because the time is tight, how in White Spider Monster Clan not to have the powerhouse to assume personal command, if some people passed to that side of human the news, the trouble was big. The casual Middle Ages aristocratic family, how may give to eat, therefore you must keep secret! The news could not disclose, how otherwise must be finished.” “因为时间仓促,咋们白蛛妖族之中没有强者坐镇,若是有人将消息传到了人类的那一边,麻烦就大了。随便一个中古世家,都可能将咋们给吃掉,所以你要保密啊!消息走漏不得,不然咋们都要完蛋。” Ends this saying, then has smiled two, departed carelessly. 完这话,便笑了两声,大大咧咧的离去了。 Gu Changkong stares at back that Feng Feiyun is departing, the smiling face on face gradually became must gloomy, has grazed hastily, hid nearby unmanned camp back side of the mountain, wrote with vigor, has written a jade book fast, then a palm has destroyed void, jade book throwing. 顾长空盯着风飞云离去的背影,脸上的笑容渐渐的变得阴沉了下来,连忙飞掠了出去,躲到了一旁无人的营地后山,奋笔疾书,快速的写下了一封玉书,然后一掌打碎了虚空,将玉书给投了进去。 One crowd does not have Monster Clan of brain, thinks that has sealed up my cultivation base, my is cultivation base so can it be that easy to be sealed?” “一群没有脑子的妖族,以为封住了我的修为,我的修为岂是那么容易被封?” Gu Changkong sweeps the appearance of that shrinking, becomes especially mean, say/way of muttering: Holy Saint Container, «All generations undying Merit», «Holy Saint Inheritance», haha! This time I contribute to the great merit, if I looked after the household to capture this Holy Ghost Tomb, is surely more magnificent than the present.” 顾长空一扫那种畏畏缩缩的样子,变得格外阴狠,喃喃自语的道:“圣灵器皿,《万劫不死功》,《圣灵传承》,哈哈!这次我算是立大功了,若是我顾家夺得了这一座圣灵墓葬,必定比现在更加辉煌。” Gu Changkong there anticipated that looks after the household to send powerhouse to compete for white Zhuyao ancestor's Saint to bury. 顾长空在那里期待顾家派遣强者过来争夺白蛛妖祖的圣葬。 Feng Feiyun already touched at this time toward the center of Monster Clan big camp. 风飞云这个时候已经向着妖族大营的中心摸去。 The Monster Clan big camp covers several thousand miles, camp, fight the beast to find at everywhere, in the high mountain ridges is the Monster Clan sergeants, momentarily is going on patrol. 妖族大营覆盖数千里,营地一座座,战兽随处可见,崇山峻岭之间都是妖族的军士,随时都在巡逻。 At this time, Feng Feiyun saw a familiar person's shadow in the dim light of night, is an old woman, in the hand is pinching the walking stick, likely is a clever shadow shuttle in the high mountain ridge, stealthy, was very suspicious. 这个时候,风飞云在夜色之中看到了一道熟悉的人影,是一个老婆子,手里捏着拐杖,像是一个鬼影子穿梭在崇山峻岭之中,鬼鬼祟祟,十分可疑。 Old woman who that sold to the Feng Feiyun news. 正是那一个卖给风飞云消息的老妪。 She has stolen unexpectedly also into the Monster Clan big camp.” “她居然也溜进了妖族大营。” The background of this old woman is not definitely small, knows many secrets the matters, moreover looked that she can steal into the Monster Clan big camp, the skill absolutely will not be small. 这个老婆子的来头肯定不小,知道很多隐秘的事,而且看她能够溜进妖族的大营,本事就绝对不会小。 Feng Feiyun followed, wants to look that she actually does want to do? 风飞云跟了上去,想要看她到底想干什么? She has passed through tents, goes out in the high mountain ridges, goes to the center of Monster Clan big camp, finally has arrived at outside of giant hanging iron wall, in iron wall Monster Qi like rainbow, spiritless, has guard with large army. 她穿过了一座座营帐,走出崇山峻岭之间,直向妖族大营的中心而去,最后走到了一座巨大的悬空的铁城的外面,铁城之中妖气如虹,死气沉沉,有重兵把守。 She has walked randomly several outside of iron wall, seems is finding the way to sneak to slip. 她在铁城的外面游走了几圈,似乎是在想办法溜进去。 Where is this?” Feng Feiyun is staring at that hanging iron wall, felt that in spiritless, has the revolting smell of blood to dissipate. “这又是什么地方?”风飞云盯着那一座悬空的铁城,感觉到里面死气沉沉,有让人作呕的血腥味逸散出来。 At this moment, that old woman disappears suddenly. 就在这时,那一个老妪突然不见了。 Feng Feiyun searched high and low her trail, shoulder is actually patted, heard the old cough sound. 风飞云四处寻找她的踪迹,肩膀却被人拍了一下,身后传来苍老的咳嗽声。 Boy, you goes over hill and dale with my old woman, stealthy, is it possible that wants to ask me to render back the money?” The old woman walked from the Feng Feiyun back, is narrowing a wrinkled eye, the bosom bill signed in acknowledgment of debt touching, stretched out a withered hand. “小子,你跟着我一个老婆子翻山越岭,鬼鬼祟祟,莫非是想找我还钱?”老妪从风飞云的背后走了出来,眯着一双皱巴巴的眼睛,将怀里的欠条给摸了出来,伸出一只干瘪的手。
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